GftAIH AND PRODUCE MARKET James Patten's Message Helps Out Corn Situation. ARGENTINE CANCELS ORDERS Snnth Amerlcnn Republic Not Pre pared to Mnkc Shipment a Early na nnrftnlncd For Asks to Be Iteleaaed, OMAHA. May 6, 1914. Although "Jim" Patten was In New York yesterday, a message from him carried great weight and helped not only t-j advance the price of corn at Chicago, but to hold it at the higher levels reached. Advices from him to his house Bartlett, Frailer company told of the dcelre on the part of the southern hemi sphere to cancel or postpone shipments ofcorn. He says he tears thero will not be free arrivals of Argentine corn In the Lulled States until late In June, or pos sibly In July, and that unless the west ern farmers sell freely after corn plant ing has been finished, there Is not likely to be much of a break In this cereal; that Argentine shippers paid as high aa lc per bushel to extend the time of ship ment five days on one lot of corn; that 4 cents was paid to extend the time of shipment from the first half ot May to the last half of May. Philadelphia reported the charter of a full cargo of Argentine corn to come to Chicago. May wheat showed more, strength than any In the list and closed steady and unchanged, while the deferred months were HtiV lower. A feature of the wheat market was the heavy selling of July by the Armour Grain company, followed by other commission houses In tho trade. This wheat was absorbed largely by speculators and cash hand lers, as It is generally believed the de liveries of winter wheat in July will bo of enormous proportions. Oats held up In strength yesterday be cause ot the advance In corn, coupled with the lighter offerings In the pit and tho better cash demand, 1310,000 bushels selling here for shipment Provisions were fractionally better yes terday on the continued light hog, move ment, couples with the strength In corn. One of the large packers was a moderate buyer of July lard, which was a con splclous feature in the early dealings. Cash wheat was unchanged. Cash corn was UfiUc higher. Cash oats were ',ic higher. Clearances of wheat and flour were 503, C00 bu.; corn, none; oats, 22,000 bu. At Liverpool wheat closed HJ4d higher and corn Hd higher. Primary wheat receipts were 409,000 bu. and shipments 731,000 bu., against re ceipts of 703.000 bu. and shipments of 1 429,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 341,000 bu. and shipments 33,009 bu., against receipts of 52S.O0O bu. and shipments of 358,000 bu. last year. Primary oata receipts were 4S9.009 bu. and shipments 901,000 bu., against re ceipts of 687,000 bu. and shipments of 601, OuO bu. last yeac CARLOT RECEIPTS. . Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 123 35 98 Minneapolis 100 Uuluth 26 Omaha 7 26 9 Kansas City .' 18 26 3 fit. Louis 35 37 39 AVInnlpcg 139 These sales were reported; Oats No. 3 white: 2 cars, 37?ie. No. 4 white; 3 cars, 374c. Corn No. 3 white: 1 car, 68;c. No. 2 yellow: 1 car, 70V4c; 2 cars. 70',ic No. 3 yellow: 2 cars, 70c. No. 4 yellow: 3 cars, 69c. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 69c. No. 3 mixed: 4 cars, 6SHc; 1 car, esic No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 68c; 1 car, 67c. No grade: 1 car, 6SV4c Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard, S68Sc; No. 3 hard, S5V4S7c; No. 4 hard, 81686c; No. 3 spring, 84f87ic: No. 4 spring, 81H(gSHc; No. 2 durum, MWtP SSc; No. 3 durum. 83VV387lic. Corn: No. 2 white. 6S;69c; No. 3 white, 68468ic; No. 4 white, 676Sc: No. 2 yellow, 7070V4c; No. 3 yellow, 6?i70c: No. 4 yellow, bSfl) 6c; No. 2. 6SyS69c: No. 3,.68C8Hc; No. 4.' 67Q6SC Oats: No 2 white,, 3S088HC.; standard, 37if3Sc: No. 3 white, 374374c; No. 4 white, 37i(g37Hc. Barley: Malting. 62HOc; No. 1 feed. 4&353c. Ry: No. 2. '675Sc;Ncv 3, M'tjfflMc CJL'.ICAGO OHAI.V AND PROVISIONS Features of (he Trndlnjr nud Closing Prices on llonrd of Trade. CHICAGO, May 6. Chances of de creased acreage in the lied river valley, both on the Minnesota and the Dakota fifties, had much to do today-with bring ing about strength In wheat. The out come wa3 a steady close at a shade to' U?c net advance. Corn finished 1-lBc eft to UJTHc up, oats with a gain of He to KltViC and provision dearer by 7V420c Wheat speculators gave most attention today to developments In the spring1 crop belt. Advices ranging from Fargo, N. D.A to Grafton, N. D., one of the best pro ducing sections In the world, Indicated that owing to prolonged cold, wet weather, seeding had only been completed about 35 per cent as a rule, and that after May 10 other grain Instead' of wheat would be planted. Flattering prospects for winter wheat made prices undergo a dip at one time, but during most ot the day the market averaged higher. Leaders In the corn crowd were In clined to be bullish on account of con tinued delay to Argentine shipments. At (first, however, reports of better weather in Argentina made quotations Bag. Of ferings ot oats were not large, either fu tures or cash. .The market Is still fairly well protected against competition by Canada, as higher prices are. prevailing there. Provisions ascended with hogs and grain. There also was a reported Im provement In tho southern, demand for cash meats. Closing quotations were as follows: Artlelel Open. I High. I Iow. Close.Tes,y. iWheat May. 93H 93 93i 93H 93i July. 85V4 85f, 854 85H 8oi Corn May. 66 66i 66 66H 66U July. 65!i 66, 65T4 6614 66W Oats July. 37U 37H 37Vi 37 37?, Sept. 35H 35Ti 35 354 35 Perk July. 19 90 20 05 19 87Ji 20 05 19 85 Sept..., 20 10 19 95 ,-20 10 19 95 Lard July. 10 12H 10 17W 10 H lb 174 10 10 Sept. 10 30 10 35 10 30 10 35 10 27k Ribs July. 11 12H 11 20 11 12V 11 20 11 10 Sept. 11 2TVi 11 334 11 274 11 32V4 11 22frj Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, 96fi06Vic; No. 3 red, 94ttc; No. 2 hard. 94HS944c; No. 3 hard. 93V4934C, No. 2 northern. 96H097ttc; No. 3 northern. 944 SjOoVsc; No. 2 spring. 96V4S97c; No. 3 spring, 94V493Hc. Corn: No. 2, 6Se; No, 2 white, 6Wic; No. 2 yellow, tVi39c: No. 3 white, 6Sic; No. 3 yellow, 68g854c. Oats: No. 3 white. 38i33Vic; standard, 39H40Vic. Rye: No. 2, 63c. Barley, 48 64c. Seeds: Timothy, $2.7594.30; clover. J8.CO12.50. Provisions: Pork, 919.73; lard. 110.05: ribs. J10.624S11.124. BCTTER-Unsettled; creameries, isa 254c. EGGS Lower; receipts, 33.747 cases; at mark, caseB Included, 174Qi81ic; ordinary firsts, 174018c; firsts, ISHQ'ISHc. CHEESE-Lower; daisies, UlHi.; twins. 14U0144c; Americas, 15V415Uc;, long horns, 14U014HC POULTRY Alive, higher; fowls. 16c. FOTATOES-Irregular; receipts, 40 tars; red, 53ff65c white, 65Q72C. St. Lonla General Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo i May 6. CATTLE Receipts S00 head; Market, steady; steers, S7.50g9.25; cows and heifers, H8&9.50; calves. J5.0Ufi9.00. HOGS-Recelpts 2.800 htad; market, strong to 5c higher; top, 18.60; bulk, JS.30 8.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 1,200 htad; market,- slow; lambs, 17.6008.35. ' Kansas' Cty General Market. BUTTER-Creamery, 23c; firsts, 21c; seconds. 18c; packing, 154c. EGGS Firsts. 18c; seconds, 15c. POULTRY Hens. 14c; springs, 15c. , Oils and noaln- NEW YORK. May 6. COTTONSEED OIL--Easy. ROSIN-Qulet TURPENTINE Steady; machine bar rels, 44c. Evaporated Apple and Dried FraWa NEW YORK May 6. EVAPORATED APPLES Steady. DRIED FRITTS-Prunes. quiet, aprl cots, steady pea'hes. Inactive. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, May 6. WJIEAT-Spot. firm, No. 2 red western winter, "a 4d, No. 1 Manitoba, 7s Hd: No. 2, "a 44d; futures, strong; May, 7s 2d; July, 7s 34d: October, 7s ,d. CORN Spot. firm. American mixed, 6s 84d; Iji Plata futures', steady; July, 4s 9't.d; September, 4s 8d. Corn unit Wheat llrslon italletln. Corn and wheat region bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture, weather bureau, at Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at S a. m.. 75tn meridian time. Wednesday, May 6;. OMAHA DISTRICT. -Temp. Rain- Stations. High Low. fall. Sky. Ashland, Neb.. 73 M .Oil Clear Auburn. Neb... 67 35 .CM Clear B'ken Bow, Nb GJ 32 .00 Cloudy Columbus, Neb. ttt S3 .00 Clear Culbertson. Nb. 67 85 .00 Pt. cloudy Falrbury. Neb.. 6S 35 .fO Clear Fairmont, Neb. S 32 .00 Pt. cloudy Gd, Island. Nb. (M 40 .00 Pt. cloudy Hartlngt'n. Nb 64 as .00 Clear Hastings, Neb.. S7 JS .00 Pt. cloudy Holdrege, Nebi 66 37 .00 Pt. cloudy Lincoln. Neb... 67 40 .00 Clear No. Platte. Nb 62 36 .00 Cloudy Oakdale, Neb.. 63 35 .00 Pt. cloudy umana, rseo.... w .vu wear Tckamah, Neb. C7 39 .00 Clear ' Valentine, Nb. 58 34 .00 Clear Alta. Ia 63 36 M Clear Carroll. Ia 05 38 .00 Clear Clarlnda, Ia.... 67 36 .no Clear Sibley, Ia 61 37 .00 Clear Sioux City. Ia. 62 44 .00 Clear Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. nv. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain' District. Stations. High. Low. fall. Columbus. O IS 74 62 .30 Louisville. Ky... 22 7S 6S .40 India'polls. Ind.. 13 78 56 .30 Chicago. Ill 24 74 4S .30 St. Louis. Mo.... IS S4 62 .10 Des Moines, la 24 74 40 .00 Minneapolis .... 62 51 36 . 20 Kan! City. Mo.. 32 70 44 .00 Omaha, Neb 17 66 38 .00 Tho weather Is cooler throughout the corn and wheat region. Freezing temper atures occurred at two stations in Ne braska, and frost or freezing weather oc curred In Montana and western North Da kota. Rains occurred in all except the Omaha, Des Moines and Kansas City dis tricts, l. a. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, May 6. COFFEE The market opened quiet at unchanged prices to an advance of 4 points on some scat tered covering and a little support from one, of the moro prominent brokers. This advance was In the face of rather easier European cables, however, and the mar ket later eased slightly. The close was steady, net 1 point higher to 2 point b lower. Sales, 18.000 bags: May, 8.44c; July, 8.60; August, 8.69c; September, 8.78c; Oc tober, S.fc6c; December, 9.01c; January, !t.07c; March, 9.20c; April, 9.26c. Spot, quiet; Rio, No. 7, SHc; Santos, No. I, 114c. Mild dull; Cordova, 124lSc, nom inal. ( Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, May . COTTON Spot, steady: good middling. 7.87d; middling, 7.31d; low middling. 6.87d; sales, 18,0uO bales. Closing cotton prices showed rallies ot several points. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. May 6. DRY GOODS Cotton goods markets were dull today. Yarns showed a little more firmness. Worsted yarns were slow with bid prices lower. Laces and embroideries were weak. Metal Market. ST. LOUIS, May 6. METALS Lead, higher, J3.S5. Spelter, higher. $5.00. London Stock Market. LONDON. May 6. American securities opened Irregular today. Trading was quiet and featureless during the first hour. At noon prices ranged from Vt above to V below parity. Ilanlc ClenrlnEa. OMAHA. May 6. Bank clearings for Omaha today were 13,076,633.18 and for the corresponding day last year jz,9fV,VT8.3ti. STOCKS AND BONDS. Review of Operations on Stock Ex- clianKe Dnrlnir the Dar. , Number of sales ana leading quotations on stocks were as follows: Salts. Illih. Law. Clots. Amalgamated Coppr .. 10.700 72T4 72H 71 Vi American Acrlcultural ll American Bra. Sucar.... &M Amtrlcan Can 1,700 3Ttt XTi S American Can pM to'i American (.'. F , 3Ht American Cotton Oil 19 Am. Ice eecuiitlei 1.(00 11 H 30(4 S0H American Llnieed ' American Locomotlte ... 200 11H 314 30 American S. It 1,900 MS 2 American 8. A R. Did 100(4 Amer. Sugar Refining 101 H American T. A T 600 U1H 1IIK 1J1H American Tobicco 200 231 iS 220 Anaconda Mining Co.... 2,100 11 12 ; 12S Atchlicn M H n M Atcblton ptd 100 Atlantic Coaat Line 4M 121S 121U 111 Baltimore A Ohio SOO 91 0i 91 Dethlehem Steel 1,000 41Vi 0i 40; Brooklyn Rapid Tr ?on 3 . VJM ni Canadian Pacific .20O 113 192S1 191H Central Leather 1,900 lift W'i Cheaapeake A Ohio 2,410 (4 SCS H7 Chicago O. W , ltti Chicago. M. 4 St. P.... .M0 M 981; Chicago A N. W U2'.i Colorado Fuel & Iron... 300 4 2714 27 Conaolldated Oat 132 Corn Product 00 9t, 9S 1H Delaware A Hudton HS'a Denver A Rio Grande UK Denter A R. O. ptd 19 Distillers' Securltlea 141 Krie 2.7M 2SS 2S 2H4 F.rle l.t ptd 200 4ltt 41H 41', Erie 2d pld ! General Electric 400 147 14; 144 Great Northern pld 1,100 121W 112, 122V Great Northern Ore 'II. 31 fi Illinois central luu Interborough Met. ...... 1,100 11 14. UK Interborough Met pfd... 1,700 C3H 1V (2 International Hanreater. . 400 106V4 105 10r. Inter-Marine ptd S International Paper 9 International Pump i Kama City Southern... 200 2514 K 24 ' Iaclede Oa 9 Lehigh Valler IS9W l7i u IoulsTllle & NaihTllle 1H M.. St. P. A e. Stel M. 400 1M'4 122V4 123' Mliaourl, K. A T. ....... 400 1V4 1H Mlsaourt Pacific 14,600 w zoh National BlKult 121 National Iad it K. R. H. of M. 2d Pld 10 New Vork central 1.400 9114 921i 2T4 N.-V.. O. A W , I5H Norfolk A Weelern 10H North American 75H Northern Pacific 1.100 U0S 109S 10H Paclf c Malt 4 Pennsylvania 400 111 1101 110S People' Gaa , Jzo p.. C. C. & St. L , M Pittsburgh Coal 20 Prewed Steel Cr 42H Pullman Palace Car 15114 Reading .., I4.SW 14H 14S 1M . Republic iron & meri .-; Reoubllc 1. 8. pfd U Rock Island Co . 400 14 1"4 la Rock island uo. pta.... iin t s; St. I. A S. F- 2d pfd 1'4 Seaboard Air Line 14 Seaboard A. I pfd 54 gloM-8henield 8. 1 J. 8outhern Piclfle 1.200 l4 1H 91 i Southern Rillwar 24(1 80. Railway rfd 19 Tennessee copper 344 Teia & Pacific " 14 Union Pacific 1,100 ibj4 jm'b Union Pacific pfd tl United Ktatea iteaity wt l-nlted States Rubber.... 2.00 lH (I Si. United Elites Steel 2,900 S9, 51 'i (9. V. S. Steel pra , io Utah Copper 2,200 M4 MT. Va.-Carollna Chemical 24 Wabash 1 Wabash pfd sou j". j Wotsrn Miryliad li Western Union 200 lTi 14 14 Westlnghouse Electric .. jo? ih iH H4 Wheeling A Utke Erie 4 Chlno Copper 4.200 40 39; 404 N, Pi. " A II.- H Ray Con. Copper 1.900 n 20!, 20'i Total tale for the day. ltO.tQO shares. I.ocnl Secnrltlea. Quotations furnished by Burns. Brtnker & Co.. 449 Omaha National bank building; Bid. Asked. Deere A Co. pfd 92;, 914 Denver. Colo., (a. 1921 107 101 EI Pao. Tel.. Water (s. 1952 101 104.71 Fairmont Creamery nfd. 7 per cent . 99 100 Fairmont Creamery per cent guar.. 99 100 Hooper. Neb., City Hall is. 1911.... 99 100 Internationa.! Ed, Pub. Co. ptd 114 King Co. Waah.. Rod (, 1914 101 101.2S Kansas City Ter. Ry. 4a. 1940 91 44 K. C. C C. A Rt. J. la. 1941 914 44 Louisiana Is, 1925 '. 1M 101.43 Lincoln Co.. Neb.. Bridge Is, 1921.,.. 101 107 N. T. C. A H. R, ret. 44. 2011.... 91 9S; City of New Tork 44s. 114 10H 101.11 Omaha E. U A P. 5. 19M 1 4 City of Omaha Sewer 44s. 1934 101 1014 City of Omaha 44. 14I I'tU 101 Omaha A C. B, St. Ry. is. 1121 91 97 Omaha A C. B. R. A B M Portland. Or. LAP Is. 1911 99 994 Pacific G. A E. f.s, 1911 914 100 Riverside Co., Cal , 5a. 1910 1014 10191 8 n Diego Water Ss 1910 114 1 Sim A Co. i, 1944 , 974 Swift A Co. 7 per rent . 10 106. Stoui CHy Stock Yard la, . V, 4 914 Seattle School la. 1972 192 lot 1 nlon Stock Tarda. Omaha . . lno THE BEE: OMAHA L1YEJT0CK MARKET Cattle Trade is Slow to Ten Cents Lower, HOGS MAKE FIVE-CENT ADVANCE Sheep and Iambi Uo Not Move Ilrlikly and the Market Shows a Drop of na Mnch na Ten Centa on Some Grades, SOUTH OMAHA, May 6. 19H. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Offoclal Monday 3.308 .75J S.435 Official Tuesday 4.198 S.240 8.812 Estimate Wednesday.. 1,400 M00 S.000 Three days this,M :3,&92 23.247 Samo days last week.. 12,317 2,iS0 IS.SOti Same days 2 wks. Aro.14.S33 27.344 .4I2 Same days 3 wks. ago.U.SnO 22.903 2o,f0 Same days 4 wks. ago. 8,571 K.927 21,795 Same days last year. . 11,924 2S.921 17.2SS The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and slic.' at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to aaie. as compared with last year: 1914. 1913. Inc. Dec. Cattle 304.470 3I6..W 12.115 Hogs 972.433 1.014.319 I1.RS6 fneep 902,349 779.S60 122.499 .... The following table shows the range ot prices for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: Date. 11914. ll913.il912.llDll.U910.U909.U90g. April is; April 19 8 SO'.it I 8 46 vm 8 33 8 40V. 8 344 8 791 7 70 6 9 141 I 5 52 8 78 7 6S 6HI t S2I April 20 7 64' 8 74 I 01) 7 45 S 481 7 42l K 83! 8 901 6 9J 6 91 6 991 & 51 6 43 Anrll 21 6 88 S 95 April 22 April 23 5 90 9 01 6 36 9 051 7 01 7 05 6 31 April 24 April 25 8 521 7 41 6 73 5 40 5 38 8 59 7 53j 5 71 9 12 April 261 8 W I oU 5 S3 9 22 6 92 April 271 S 37i 8 2!V4 I 7 "STi 5 S.M 9 01 6 961 6 28 April Z8i 8 31 5 81 6 74 9 03 9 12 7 OS 6 28 Ann 23 S 17 S 19 8 2Ci 7 65 7 01 5 34 April 30 8 16T4 8 17V4 S 19U 7 60 5 61 9 14 6 98 6 93 5 45 May 1.. May 2.. May 3.. May 4.. May R.. May .. 8 31 7 51 0 41 a 2S 8 30 1 63 5 74 5 63 6 62l 9 01 8 94 5 31 7 4S 7 62 I 7 44 7 01 7 04 8 24H 8 27'.4 8 31i 9 00 8 25! 8 21 6 61 9 19 7 00 5 38 5 37 6 66 9 27 6 91 'Sunday. Itecelpts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday! RECEIPTS-CARS. C. M. A; St. P. Ry 11 Wabash Ry... 3 Missouri Pacific Ry 13 Union Pacific Ry 34 C. & N.-W., east 3 C. & N.-W.. west ' 44 C, SL P.. M. ot O. Ry.... 37 C, B. & Q.. east 6 C, B. & Q., west 25 C., R. I. P.. etLst 1 C. U. I. & P.. west 3 Illinois Central Ry 1 Chicago Ot. Western Ry.. 3 Total receipts 183 2 4 2 31 14 7 . 64 7 11 1 1 16 12 2 'i 130 SS DISPOSITION-HEAD. - Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co 372 1,353 1,238 Swift & Co $56 961 1,975 Cudahy Packing Co.... 1,048 2.243 1,714 Armour & Co 1,148 2,333 1,717 Morrell 10 Lincoln Packing Co.... 8 8. O. Packing Co.'. 6 Kay Packing Co 150 Joel Packing Co 88 ... urain Hclt supply Co. ... 64 W. B. Van Bant Co.... 42 Benton, V. s. & Lush.. 15 Hill & Son 8 F. B. Lewis 32 Huston & Co 16 J. B. Root & Co 75 J. H. Bulla 7 Rosenstock Bros.., IS ... ... McCrcary & Kellogg.. 10 Werthelmer & Degen.. 229 Rothschild 26 Mo. & Kan. Calf. Co.... 189 Christie 33 Htggins 1; Huffman . 2 Roth 34 Meyers 9 aiassberg 2 Haxer, Jones & Smith,. 3 Tanner Bros'. 7 John Harvey ss Dennis & Francis 6 Other buyers 158 ... 932 Totals '.4,465 8,256 7,608 CATTLE There waa n vrv ,.1. cattle today and as usual beef steers constituted the' larger portion ot tho of ferings, the SUnDlV rilnt.lncr la,ff.lw yearlings. Strictly desirable heavy beeves "did i-uiuparauveiy scarce, All classes of buyers were rather slow In taking hold because for the last two or three days cattle have been filling so well that the disposition this morning was to shrink them as much as possible so aa to not DUV tOO milch wflt.F THa wonnl MHH ket was slow to 10c lower all around, the medium to fair grades of course get- mo wurai 01 11. wnue strictly choice light as Well as heavy cattle sold wll up to yesterday's figures. It was a slow deal throughout, however, and undertone to the market was weak. As usual the supply of cows and heif ers was compartlvely small and with a vigorous demand from both local packers and outside butchers, the trade was ac tive as far as It went, and prices well sustained for anything at all useful In this line. Veal calves were In light sup ply and firm, and there was a good out let and a steady market for bulls, stags, etc. Business In stockers and feeders was very light. Fresh supplies were lnale- nlflcant, and although there was a good aemann irom Dotn yara traders and country buyers the volume of business was small, Prices were firmly held, however, and the undertone to the trade was decidedly strong. Quotations on cattle: Good to nrlmo CO MfiS Ai. V. I , . steers. t8.2508.S5; fair to good beef steers. It ftVfte ?.V rrtmrnnn (a talk- f 17.40-48. 00; g0od to choice cornfed heifers, I7.60H8.&0: good to Choice cornfed mm S6.80ft7.40; fair to good grades. IS.OO.7J; common to fair grades, J4.6Oif3.O0; good to choice stockers and feeders, tl.iS&H.ii; fair to good atockers and feeders, 17.400 7.75; common to fair stockers and feeders, 17.0097. 40: stock cows and heltors, 16.003 7.76; stock calves, J6.60&8.25; veal calves iieprcsemauve sales' BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. Ar. Pr. 7 .... 144 7 75 ....1110 7 75 ....lot! 7 90 ....1055 100 . . . .1041 I 05 .... soo 1 10 ....10 110 ....1125 1 10 12.... 11.... 17.... 19... 45.... II.... 10.... 41.... I.... 14.... .... (.... 27.... i;.... 21.... 41.... 19.... 24.... 1 15 I 35 40.' ....1211 JJ....... ....1174 .... 711 I 15 1 15 I 15 5 15 II 40 1 40 I 40 14 ....1221 17.. ....1201 ...,11J ....1241 ....1148 4 21 20 15 1 W 21 ....1097 15 ....1129 ....1001 ....1157 ....1017 ....1120 ....1004 ....1150 .... 70 ....1051 I 15 1 15 I 20 I 20 20 20 1 26 ....1217 1 45 ....1215 1 45 ....12X 150 ....1160 150 ....1M4 I 55 . ... 115 1 (V ....1411 I tO .... 947 I t ....1174 I 15 20 15 11 o....t.. 8 25 1 15 1 50 14 21. ...... .1111 8TEER8 AND HEIFERS. ! 715 7 25 914 7 n 3. .mis .103 I t . 471 I 26 1101 I 10 753 1 )0 III 717 I 40 21 21... 7... 6... 20... 11... 11... 11 11 741 1 90 970 I 00 U! t 10 41 1 10 9fl I 15 9 12 21 24 779 I 25 COW8. 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 .". 1 I 2 1. ...., 1 7 ...1020 1 00 ...1M0 (20 ... 110 25 ...10JO 5n ."..11" 50 ...11U tin ...'$ (0 I. ...1000 ...1040 ...1147 76 75 15 ...1400 7 00 ...1270 7 10 ...1450 7 10 ...1670 7 21 ...1426 7 K ...HIS 7 30 ..1102 a 70 ..12 ..120 f 76 ll'.'.'.'.!'.'.! t 75 HEIFERS. 7 do 14: 710 901 1119 7 U 1011 T 60 46 . 9 15 , 771 7 60 111 7 50 27 II 715 ..... 1SI 7 16 7 96 BULLS. ..1140 I 50 . 11M 7 00 ..1110 IM ,..190 7 10 ... 660 7 60 .. 940 T 10 ..1240 76 ..1190 75 ..140 76 ,.1U0 15 1 1 , 1 1 ..UO0 t 90 CALVES. 1 40 7 71 1 tM 10 00 1 1(0 IM 1 140 10 M t 241 1 2 2 276 10 00 2 405 I 2ft 2 190 10 21 1 170 IM 1 na 10 1 100 9 00 1 IM 10 V. 1 110 9 60 2 IM 10 60 2 140 9 60 1 ... . 110 10 10 1 . . 2M I 75 1 , . 170 10 to STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 9 V0 7 '5 I. Ill 7 60 HOOS Supplies were ver. moderate again th s morning, something like .27 cars, or 8 60j head, being received The total tor the three daya Is 23.692 head. OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY being more than 1,000 head heavier than last week, but over JAX) head smaller than a year ago. After two dull days in the shipping trade things livened up this iiiornlnit. Shippers and speculators wera out curly buying such hogs as suited ihem freely at prices that were fullv a nickel Mghr tlwti yesterday. As was the "aa Tucs Uv packers' early bids were not much better than steady, but hoy soon strengthened slightly and after the first rounds otters showed an ndvanco of about 24c moat of tho bids being in.vlc around JS.30. as against yeat-jrday'a i8.J7' market. Sellers, believing hat they ought to get at elast a nickel better, ie fused to trade at the prices crop se I by buyeis and as a result the trado very draggy throughout the morning, and with the. exception of the ahtp.ier.t p-ir chases nothing much was sold until th cloae at 11 o'clock. In the end, however. It became apparent that tin lilllora hud made up their minds to buy huas at R30 and when the bulk of the offerings finally started scale ward most of moved at this figure. Taking tho market aa a whole values are anywhere from a nhadc to 6c higher. The big end of tho sales landed at 18.30, with a sprinkling on up to J135, the top. No. A. Ph. Tr. No. At. Sh. Tr II IM JO II ; 223 240 I to 12 110 . . 36 40 90 I 10 101... 179 140 136 71 ... . 341 10 1 10 11 24 ... 274 M 1J0 40 10 19 279 ... 1 30 . 24? ... 9 So 45 279 40 U 61 141 10 I till 71 . l IM l 24 ... I 324 73 . ... 749 10 1 10 79 ....ill 10 114 47 Ml 00 It SO 944 ... I 124 4 117 40 I 10 71 ... . 176 0 4 41 310 ... 30 72 21 90 114 34 11 60 l JO M IM .. M4 14 ...lit 40 1 30 9 "7 40 114 f . ..IM 310 It 10 M lit 90 1114 0 274 UO 110 M !0 ... 314 69.. ..247 ... 130 M 200 ... 1114 1 114 ... 30 41 ...II! 40 114 II IU 40 90 71 241 Hi ti II 240 160 . Jfl 17 . . 294 80 16 60 114 40 30 IS 197 ... 1 It 4S 177 . II 30 61 . ..IM 40 16 41 .. .112 . -0 71 .. .221 .. H 67 . JJ2 R ,Y 75 191 ... 49 .. !T6 120 9 90 11 ... .2,17 ... 16 21 .. ,..212 . JO 75 .11 90 St 61 .. . 219 60 I 10 44 . . 293 I It STAGS. 1 .... 625 10 . 40 1 600 10 40 1 .. .170 90 40 1 ....450 90 9 1 0 SHEEP In many respects the general trade In sheep and Inmbs this morning was Just the opposite to what 11 was yes terdsy In that tho market was slow most of the forenoon and In a great many cases prices had an easier tendency. The majority of traders quoted wooled and clipped lambs steady to easier and In spots possibly a dime lower, and what sheep were here mostly a dime lower. In tho matter of receipts they were fairly large for a Wednesday, being estimated at some 9,000 head, against 6,382 had a week ago, 6,221 two weeks ago and 4,091 on the corresponding day a year ago, the general quality being little, If any, dif ferent from what It has been on the last two or three days. With a draggy mar ket tho clearance was naturally late. ' About half a dozen cars of Mexican lambs sold at S.25 and wooled fed west cms, according to finish and quality, ranged largely around $7.7037.86. Clipped ianus naa a spread cnieny at 15.50777.10. In the neighborhood of 600 head of fed lambs from Iowa sold to a feeder buyers for shearing at $7.70. Some halt a dozen cars or aged sheep were Included In the receipts and as In the case at lambs trade was slow. Prices were genorally quoted as a dime lower. A two-car shipment of clipped ewes sold early at $5.10. Quotations on shp and lambs: Lambs. Mexicans, $8.0038.30; lambs, good to choice, westerns, $7.76S4.0O: lambs, fair to good westerns, $7.507.76; lambs, shorn, $6,3617.10; lambei, culls, $6.60&6.60; year lings, light, $7.367.40; yearlings, heavy, $6.767.35; wethers, good to choice, $6.70 6.90; wethers, fair to good. J6.25S6.7u; ewes, good to choice, $j.30S6.60; ewes, fair to good, J6.00S6.30; ewes, shorn, $5.10 65.60. No. A v. Tr. 1S6 cornfed lambs 91 7 75 183 cornfed lambs 92 7 76 219 cornfed lambs 83 7 85 107 cornfed lambs 86 7 85 llo cornfed lambs 76 7 85 204 shorn ewes 106 6 10 185 shorn ewes 106 6 10 163 shorn ewes 106 6 10 235 cornfed yearlings and weth ers , 101 5 65 205 cornfed yearlings and weth ers 1U1 6 K 200 shorn lambs 85 6 75 217 cornfed lambs 74 8 00 278 Mexican lambs 75 8 25 278 Mexican lambs 74 8 25 224 shorn lambs 83 6 75 715 Mexican lambs 68 8 25 181 cornfed lambs 88 7 70 187 cornfed lambs 88 7 70 113 cornfed lambs SS 7 70 187 cornfed lambs 8S 7 70 271 shorn lambs 86 7 10 226 shorn lambs 91 6 85 133 shorn lambs S7 7 10 256 shorn lambs 80 7 10 230 shorn lambs 86 6 85 258 shorn lambs 78 6 JO 252 Mexican lambs 76 8 25 213 Mexican lambs 76 8 25 91 Mexican lambs 74 8 25 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Wrtik to Lower IIora Strong nnd llltther. CHICAGO. May 6. CATTLE Recelnts. 14,600 head: market, weak to 10c lower; beeves, $7.2539.60; Texas steers, $7.1038.16; western steers, $7.10$8.10; stockers and feeders, $5.608.30; cows and heifers, $3.70 Q8.0: calves, $6.50&.2S. HOGS Receipts, 17.0CO head; market, strong. 6c higher: bulk of sales. 18.4SW .55; light, $3.358.60; mixed, $8.309.60; neavy.; rougn,; pigs, $7.30H8.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 21.005 head; .market, weak to 10c lower: na tive, $S.10fr5.7f: western, J6.t035.Sc, year lings, $o.60&.75: lambs, native, $6.1037.40;. western, $6.1007.65. I Kansas t'lty Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. May 6. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,000 head; market, steady to 10c lower; prime fed steere, $8.6080.10; dressed beef Bteers. $7.6OS.60l western steers. 17.00 f(.70; southern steers. $6,70ff8.2S; cows. j4.MWfT.6o; neireirs, j.7&ti9.x; stockers and feeders. J6.76Ji8.35; bulls. $5.7637.60: calves. $6..VX3'10.50. HOas-Recelpts. 7.600 head; market. steady to 5c higher; bulk, $8.2&t8.45'H heavy. $8.40g8.47'i; packers and butchers. 1.i.vn5..4l'i, Ilgni. Pigs. $7.76 68.15. HllKKt" A.ND LAMBS Receipts. 7.500 head, market, 10016c higher; lambs, $6.60 I.46; yearlings. $5.5037,40; wethers. $5.23 tfti.60; ewes, $4.606.26. Sioux City Live Stock Market. SiniTV IMTV In Xfl .lTTIt,' ---,''-', , i ' . ,,,,,, .... . , niLuu; , tlve steers, J7.60fjS.40; butchers, $6.00i 7.S5; cows and heifers, J6.O0fi7.CO; can hers, $3.9035.60; stockers and feeders, 7.25S7.75; calves, $70OfJ10.10; bulls, stags, etc., JB.66JJ7.60. HOGS Receipts, 5,000 head; market, steady;, heavy. Ji.27W5l.20; mixed, $8.30; light, $8.25flS.274J; bulk. $8.26fl8.30. hiicpp AND UMIW-n.,.iiM. cnn head; no tone; fed muttons, $6.60S7.O0; wethers. J5.75fi6.60; ewes, $5.0086.75; lambs, $6.0087.90. St. Lonla Live Stock Market ST. LOriS. May 6, CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.300 head; market,' strong; beef steers, $7.60ff9.25. cows and heifers, $4.60 49.00;, stockers and feeders, $5.008 8.00; southern steers, J5.76GS.0d, cows and heirers. J4.aoyi.R3; native calves, $6.008960. HOGS Receipts. 7.700 head: market. 10c lower: lights, $7.0O8.66; njlxed and butch ers. $8,604)8.60; good heavy, $8.6008.55. SHEEP AND LA M B8 Rtcel pts, 1,600 head; market, steady; sheared muttons, $4.26(85.60:, sheared lambs, $6.2587.60; spring lambs, $8.6089.26. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market ST. LOI'IB. Mo.. May 6.-.WHEAT- No. 2 red, 9i895c; No, 2 hard, 91H80Jc; May, 92'ic: July, 82Hc. CORN-No. 2, 7Ulc; No. 2 white. 733 73Hc: May, "0V; July, 6Sie. OATS-No. 2. 40c: No. 2 white. 41e. Ma v. 38Vic; July. 37Vc. OMAHA (JCNKn.VL BIAniCBT. BUTTER No. 1, Mb. cartons, 27c; No, 1. 60-1 b. tuba, 27c. CHUESK-Imported Swiss, 28c; Ameri can Swlaa. 24c: block Bwlaa. He: (wlnn Americas, 19c; blue label brick, 174c; Urn- ourger, 2-iu., auc; new rorK. white, zoc, KIBH-Whlte. 18c: trout. 16c: larce rrn. pies, 13c; Spanish mackerel, 16c; shad roe, per pair, guc; salmon, zic; Halibut, lie; buffalo, 9 Vic; channel cattish, 16c; pike, 13c: pickerel. 9c. POUI.TRY-Brollers. 30c. hens. 13c. cocks. 10c; ducks, 12c; geece, 10c; turkeys. lie; pigeons, per noren, :ioc; dticxs, run feathered. 12c, geese, full feathered, 10c, squabs. No. 1 $1.60; No. ?. 60c FRt'lTB Oranges, extra fancy Bun klst 100s. $160 box, 126s. $175 box; 160s, $3.00 box, 100. 126s, 160s. 176s, 200s, 216s. 260s, $3.21 box. Lemons, Extra fancy 7, 1914. Golden Bowl, 300s and 960. $5.60 box, fancy, 300s and 300., J5.00 box. Grape fruit, Extra fancy, 64, $4 26 box. extra fancy, 46s, $4.00 box; extra fane J, 36s, $3.60 box; Indian River, 64s and 80s. $5.00 box. Apples: Ben Davis. $2.26 box, lien Davis, 16.60 barrel. Strawberries: Ijoulslana, ex tra fancy, 24-p!nt rase, $2.00 case. Pine apples: Cuban, 24 size. 12.76 case, 30 site, $3.00 case. Bananas. 11.76 to $3.60 bunch. VKGKTABL15S-4.abbag. New Texas. !o lb.; California, 24.c lb, Texas Bermuda yellow onions, J1.S5 crate, crystal wax, $2.60 crate. Peppers, 60c basket. Fancy Florida tomatoes, $4.00 crate, choice. $3.60 crate. Cucumbers, hot heuse, $1.00 do. New beets, carrots, turnips, 60c dos. Cel ery, $1.60 ilox. Head lettuce, $1.60 dor.; leaf lettuce. 40c dox. Onions, home grown, 15c doz. Radishes, 30c dot. Pars ley. 40c doz. Garlic, Itnl'an, 20c lb. Horse radish, $I.8J case. Shell popcorn, 6c lb. Cabbage plants, 76c box Tomato plants, 75a box, Asparagus, home grown, par dox. bunches, 75c. New potatoes, $7.60 bbl,; new potatoes, tc lb,; Red River seed potatoes. 90c bu.! extra fancy Colorado and Wyoming, white stock, 85c bu, MISCELlVNEOUS-Honey; New Colo rado, No. 1, 24-fiame, 30c case. IVe-iT York Money Market, NEW YORK. May 6.-MONKY-O11 call, firmer, 1431 par cent; 1 tiling rate, lT per cent, closing bid, 11T per cent. Time loans, weaker; sixty days, l per cent; ninety days, 2403 per cent, six months. 341 1 per cent. Mercantile pa per, S'iSM pr cnt. STERLING EXCHANOE-8teady; sixty days, $1.8635; demand, $1.8770; commercial bills. J4.S. SILVER-Br. t9. Mexican dollars. 45c, BONDS Government, firm; railroad, steady. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: 1 do coupon 944L. S. deb. 4s, 1911 914 do coupon 44I.I',t A. M. 6.. ..1014 V. 8. Is res 101 lrllard Is ion, do coupon 101 U N. unl, 4s . 914 V. B. 4 res 1094"U. K. & T. 1st 4s M do coupon .. . 1094Mo, Pae. ct. 6a 44 4 Panama 1 coupon. 10) N. T. l a 34. HU Amer. As. Is tH do .deb. 4s 904 Am. Cotton Oil Is. 944N. V. C. 44s, llll 107 A. T. A T. ct. 44 9I4N. V. 811 44 I0t' Am. Pmeltln ts..Ii)34N. Y. lr. dl. ts., 6t Am. Tobacco ... I214N Y., N. II, II Armour A Co. 14a. life ct. a 1114 Atchison (en. Is.... 954N. w ct 44s 1014 do ct 4s. 110. . 944No. Paolflo 4s 9iU A, C. L clt 4 . 90 do Is 7i: Pal, A Ohio Is... . 9440.. 8. U ref. 4s. . 914 do ot, 44s .... 91S'. TAT. is. . 974 Ileth. Rleel r. 6 . 9l4renn. ct 34s. 1916. 94 Ilrook. Tr. ct. 4s. . 914 do eon. 4s 1014 Cen, of tla. ts I014nay Con. no On. Lrther 6s 994Ttedlna sen. 4s sit Chee. Ohio 44- M Hep. Hteel 6, 1310. 914 do ct. 44s 13 8. I. A a. r. 4s 714 C D. Q. J. 4s. .. 914'Rt U 8, XV. e. 4s II do sen. 4s 9348. A. L adj. 6s.... 7 &?..' 714'fo, felt Tel, 6.... 974 C M 8 ! e 44..!0I4',' re. ct. 4s,. . . 664 do sen. 44 103 do ref. 4 C. It. I. A p. c. s 144.1c la. 105H .J10 .re'- 4v 744 do gen. 4.. 734 r. N. w 14a.. H4Tea Co. cv. Is... 10:4 C aV 8. ref. 44.... s94Tse p, 1st loiu p. II. a. ref. 6e tlHTtalrd Ate. sdj. Is.. 794 Distiller' Sec. 5s,. 0 Union Piclfle 4a. . 97 Krl ct. 4s. aer. n. 71W, do ct. 4 914 do ten. 4.... ,...11 If. 8, ttuhber a....l024 Oen. Itlectrlr ls....1MHI. 8. Steel 6a 1024 fit. No. let 44.. 1014 V -n. Oiem, Is ,954 III. Cen. ref. 4s... II Wabash 1st 6a 104 Inter. Met 44s... . 774MVet. Union 44,.. 914 K. C. Fa. ref. Is.. 954 West. Klec, ct, ts.. MV Did. "Offered. tloaton BOSTON, Mar Stock Marled, (.Closing quotations on stocks were aa Alloues follows: . 10 Nettd Con 114 1-16 M I 474 714 194 114 II 14 8 46 104 144 4?" 544 Amsl, Copper A. Z. U 8 Arlsona Com Cal. A Arlsona Cal. A II la Centennial Copper nanus C ft F.ast Dutte C M. . franklin Orsnby Cnn. (Irtene Cansnss . . Isle Ttotslo Copper Kerr Lske , IjiV Copper Ia Pall Copper. . Miami Copper Mohtwk . 714Nlplsln( Mine .. . 1 4 North nutt . 44North Ltk . I440ld Dominion .410 Osceola IISQulncy . t4Hhannon . lOUBuperlnr . 44truperlor A D. M... . tO'iTimaraek I34U. 8. A. R. A M .. 114 do pfd 44L'tah Con 44l!tah Copper Co 4 4 Winona llUWolterlne 44 nutt A Superior.,. Mlnneanolla firnln Market. MINNBAPOIjTS. May d-tWHEAT May 89Vic: July tHc: No. 1 hard 94c. No. 1 northern 91?ic892ic. No. 2 northern 89c91ic. for Twenty-Game . Series at Home Pa Rourke's battle-scarred heroes re turned to Omaha last night from Sioux City, where J, Kane and his teammates submitted the Rourkes to a rather im polite greeting and will endeavor to In augurate a clean sweep ot twenty straight games Thursday afternoon, when the. first game with the Stoux here will be called at 3 o'clock. Lineup: Omaha. rosltlon. Sioux City. Chase First Kane Clancy Second Cooney Schipke Second Ward Third Smith Thomas Short Callahan King Left Clarke Thomason Center Davidson Congalton Right Balrd Shestak Catch Crisp Crosby Catch Walte Closman Pitch.., Klein Stevenson ritch Withers Tuhrsen Pitch Gasper Jlcn wnite prmsby Pitch Doyle Hicks Pitch. House Pitch. Brenner Pitch Shirley .... Wheatley RAILROAD MEN MOURN DEATH OF JUDGE DILLON Around Union Pacific headquarters there Is great grief felt on account of the death of John F. Dillon, former Judge of the (supreme court of Iowa, which occured at his home In New York yesterday. Union Pacific officials always felt a special Interest In Judge Dillon, owing to his connection with the early affairs of the company. It was the decision of Judge Dillon that located the termlnala of the Union Taclflc nearly fifty yeari ago when half a dozen cities up and down the Missouri river were flghtlni, to secure them. General Solicitor Loomls was person ally aqualnted with Judge Dillon and re fers to him as a most lovable man, In his private office, Mr. Iminls has an autograph picture of the Judge, made some ten, or fifteen years ago. At the time of his death the Judge was 83 years of age and had been on the bench more than fifty years. Until a few years ago he had always claimed Iowa aa his home. IOWA ONE RUN "TOG00D IN ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE GAME IOWA CITY, la., May 6.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Iowa defeated St. Joseph college of Dubuque today. 7 to 6. The Hawk yes had an easy came unt'l the ninth Inning, when four errors and two hits gave the visitors four runs. Jacobson got the first home run of the year for Iowa In the seventh, scoring two ahead of him. Score; R.H.E. Bt. Joseph 0 2000000 4-6 6 6 Iowa 0 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 7 5 4 Batteries. Laucks and Foster; Houser and Luke. pennsylvanialanks lehigh three to nothing PHILADELPHIA, May 6.-Pnnsyl-vanla, through the good pitching of Ballent, defeated Lehigh today, 3 to 0. Score: R.H.E. Lthlgh 0 2 3 Pennsylvania 8 4 2 Batteries: Anderson and Lees; Ballent and Koonz. Srhnyler Team Wins. SCHUYLER, Neb., May 6,-fSpeclal Telegram.) Schuyler defeated Johnson's clothiers of Wahoo, 6 to 4, today. The Persistent and Judl.-lous Usa ot Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to Business Success. Isn't that heavy underwear you have on a little bit uncomfortable? If it is and you desire a satisfying change and fit, come to us. Every good kind is here in your size and in whichever way you want it athletic, "knee lengths", short, three-quarter, quarter and half sleeves, long all ways Halo, linen, nainsook, linen mesh, Poroaknit, gauze, crepe, cotton and silk extra sizes for large men. We can meet every underwear requirement. 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 up to $5.00. Wo have only the best makes and guarantee a fit. (New Manhattan Shirts, $1 50 up.) BAKERS TRIMJKANSAS CITY Bat Three Twirlers at Will, Win ning, Ten to Four LENNOX MAKES A SHOWING Plttahnrtrh Mnii (Jets Tvro Home nana, n Triple, n Dnnlilr nnd ' si Alnnle In Five Times nt flat. KANSAS CITY, .May 6,-PJttsburgh batted three local pitchers at will today nnd defeated Kansas City, 10 to 4. In- nox of Pittsburgh got two home runs, a triple, it double and a 'single, In five times up, Score: R.H.E. I'lttsburgh ..0 .1 3 2 .1 0 0 0 1-10 15 0 Kansas Clty.l 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 4 13 2 Balterlesi Walker, Adams and Berry; Harris, stone, Hognn and Easterly. Baltimore' Urfrnta St. Lonla. ST. LOUI8. Mo., May ".-Manager Brown pitched eight Innings for his St. Louis team Hodiiy, Just King enough for the Baltimore club to score eight runs and win from the home team, S" to 7, In the seventh Inning Zlnn and Duncan hit for home runs each with a man on base. Today's victory gave Baltimore a clean sweep of th'e three-game series. Score: R.H.E. Baltimore 0 0 0 1 0 : K 0 0-K 11 4 Ht. Louis 0 : 003 1 1 00-? ft 1 ,1tirt ff Rmtll, rtnlnn sn T..1. Btscht Brown. 'crandn'll and Simon. Chlfrda Trim Buffalo. CHICACJO, May li.-Zelder'a home run with three man on bases In the fourth Inning was tho dtcldlng feature of a wild game, which Chicago won from Buffalo today, 12 to 4. Other homers were credited to Hanford o Buffalo and Wlckland of Chicago. Wilson was struck below the temple by a hall In the fourth and suffered a fracture of a small bone. Score: R.H.E. Buffalo 3 0 1 0 0.0 0 0 0- 4 7 3 Chicago 0 1 0 6 2 0 0 3 -12 10 4 Batteries: Muran. Anderson and Blair; Hendrlx and Wilson, Block. Standing of Teams Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Denver I 12 4 ,7V St. Joseph 15 10 K .W7 Des Molms 17 ! S ,529 sioux city ri7 o :C9 Lincoln 18 S 3 .Jttl Topeka 17 ft S 471 Wichita 17 R 12 ,27ft Omaha 16 4 u .5h7 NAT. LEAGUE AMER. LKAOUT:. W.L.Pct.! V.L.Pct. I'ltisuurgn n c .?i3 iciruii ....n n rillls ft 4 ,M7Phlla S S ,571 Brooklyn.. 7 6 .RWNew Tork.. S 6 .X71 New York. fi .WIBt. Louis. ..10 ft ,bW Cincinnati, ft 9 .171' Washington 8 ft .50 St Louis... 7 12 .JMIChlcago ...9 11 .450 Chicago., ft 12 .3331 Ronton .... 9 .357 Boston .... S 9 .230ICIeveland.. R IS .278 KED. LBAOUK I AMER. ABfiN. W.L.Pct.1 W.UPct. Bultlmore II 4 .732Ixiulsvllle ..11 fi S7 Ht Louis.. 11 it .SlIlMllwaUkee 11 Ml Indlanaplls ft ft .500llndlanaplls II 7 11 Brooklyn.. .yotKan. City.. II 10 .524 Chicago ..10 ) ,SW Minneapolis l 8 .42 Buffalo .8 8 ..4296t Paul.. .. 7 10 ..412 Kun. Clty..7 II 3X9Columbus .. 7 11 39 Plttsblrgh. 4 11 .2W Cleveland.. 8 13 ,318 Teslrrday'a neanlta, WESTERN LEAGUE. Topeka, 9; Lincoln, 3. Wichita. 1; Denver. 5. Des Moines, 2i St. Joseph. 7. Omaha. 7; Sioux ICty, 11. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Detroit, 4; Chicago. 2. Bt. Louis. Cleveland. 1. New York. 4: Washington. 0. Boston. 3; Philadelphia, i. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Phtladelphla-Boston. postponed. Brooklyn. 6: New York, 3. Pittsburgh, 1; Chicago, 0. Cincinnati. 3; St. Louis, 0. FEDERAL LEAGUE. Baltimore, ft: St. . Pittsburgh, 10; Kansas City, 4. Brooklyn-Indianapolis, postponed. Buffalo, 4; Chicago. 12. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Columbus'Mlnneapolls, postponed, Indianapolis. 13; Kansas City, 3, Louisville, 3; Milwaukee, 1. Games Today. Western League Lincoln at Denver, Topeka at Wichita, Hi. Joseph at Dea Moines, Bloux City at Omaha. American League-Detroit at Chicago. Rt. Louis at Cleveland, New ork st Washington, Boston at Philadelphia National League Boston at New York, Brooklyn at Philadelphia, Chicago at Plttaburgh, Cincinnati at St. Louis. Federal League-Pittsburgh at fct Louis. Baltimore at Indianapolis, Brook, lyn at Chicago. Buffalo at Kansas 4'lty American Association-Cleveland at Bt Paul, Indianapolis at Kansas City, Louts, vllle at Milwaukee, Columbus at Minneapolis. French Reoognize Jack Johnson as World Ohamnion PARIS, May 6.-The French boxing federation, the principal authority In ring contests In France, which for a time refused to recognize, "Jack" John son as the heavyweight champion of the world, today accepted his claim to the title. The management of tht fisht between Johnson and Frank Morun of Pittsburgh, which will take place on June 27, has been assumed by Theodore Vienna,, a prominent member of the boxing federa tion. The plans for the Velodrome d Hlver, where the bout will bo held, provide for 26,030 scats and standing room tor 4,000. llrntrli'P Slmia Mtinror, RKATRICK. Neb., May 6.-(Bpeclal ) Beatrice has signed a young pltoher named Munroe, a White Sox recruit, who was setU to Lincoln. Ho Is young, but has had the benefit of considerable training with the Chicago and Lincoln clubs. McConk Wlna from Indlanola. McCOOK. May .-(8pcolal,)-The Mc Cook high school baso ball team got the long end of the argument with the In dlanola high school lads there yesterday nlternoon, by a score of 6 to 4. Tho In dium have hitherto defeated all comers In their class. Most Skin Trouble Readily Overcome The "Active Principle of a FaUnous Remedy Work Wonders. Many people hare marveled th xtty B. 8. 8. overcomes akin troubles. The ex planation Is the fact that 8, S. S. werks In the blood and the blood la really a most Intricate and extraordinary mass ot arteries nd reins. When you com to realize that the skin and tho flesh beneath are composed of a network of tiny blood Teasels you tolre the mystery. There are wondsrful medicinal properties In B. S. B. that follow the course ot the blood etreams Just as naturally as the most notirUhln; toed elements. It Is really a remarkable remedy. It contains one ingredient, the active purpose of which Is o stimulate the tissues to the hesltby selection ot lis own essential nutri ment. And tbo medicinal elements of this matchless blood purifier are Just as essen tial to well balanced health as tbe mitrl tloua elements ot the meats, grains, tats and sugars ot our dally food. Not one drop of minerals or drugs Is used In Its preparation. Ask tor B. 8. B. and Jmt Insist upon harlng It. And if you de sire skillful advice and counsel upon, any matter concerning the blood and skin, write to (he Medical Department. The Swift Specific Co., SSO Swift Bid., Atlanta, Oa. Do not allow some zealous clerk's elo quence over something "Just as good" si 8. S. S. to fool you with the same old mineral drugs. Beware ot all eubUtutes. Insist upon S. S. S. ATRIVHPH mmiAiT ertnewme .Jf I