THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY fi, 1914. 12 CHICAGO BUYS OMAHA WHEAT j Muyen from Windy City Pay High Price for May Delivery. OMAHA DEALERS CLEAN UP tSood. rrollt la Made on Urr Amount of Whmt Which Waa ItanRht narllrr In the Srnaon. Bo far ai cash whrat transactions were concerned Monday was one of the blB days In the history of the Omaha Grain exchange. Monday Chlcntro swooped down Upon the Omaha grain market and bought up 600000 bushels of wheat for dellverr this month, the prices ranfilns around S6V40S7 cents. It was irraln bought early In the season and at prices considerably lower, thus enabling the Omaha men to clean up a nice profit. The grain bought by the Chicago men Is to fill orders and has already begun to load out Here It Is In storage. While the Omaha grain receipts are light at this time, owing to farmers be ing busy In their fields and not taking time to haul away their grain, they are lully up to the other markets, being thirty-nine cars of wheat, sixty of corn and twenty-four of oats Monday. Chicago, that gathers Its supply of grain from all the primary marketa of the United States. Monday received but forty-three cars of wheat, thirty-five of corn and eighty-four of oats, while Kan sas City received but thirty-nine cars of wheat, fifty of corn and fourteen of oata. 6n wheat Monday the Kansaa City price was below Omaha, there the May price bein SSUfi'wtt cents. Little Tot Will Let No One but His Mother Hold Him Harold Krlebs, aged 2 years, at In tervals munching animal crackers and vociferously Informing Judge, Jurors and spectators that none but his "mamma" could hold him, was the feature of the opening session of Mrs. Kthel M. Krlebs' 10,000 alienation of affection ault against Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Krlebs, parents of her husband. The plaintiff alleges that as a result of the actions of her father-in-law and mother-in-law George Krlebs, her hus band, left her less than a month after the birth of Harold. The elder Mr. Krlebs Is a wealthy 8arpy county farmer, Mrs. Krlebs testified thnt on the even ing of the day they were married at Audubon, la., Juno 12. 1911, her mother-in-law insisted on selecting the hotel room which the bride and groom were to occupy. When they went In live for a time at the Krleb farms south of South Omaha, she asserted her motlier-ln-law and father-in-law slept In the same room occupied by herself and her husband. Garden Beyond the Satidhils is Shown in a Neat Booklet Arah U Hungerford of wrawford has Issued a catalogue of western homes, which he callfl "the garden beyond the sandhills," and which, profusely Illus trated, gives a vivid Impression of the opportunities awalttnr western Nebraska farmers. The booklet contains plats of farm lands In Daw county and other covntles adjacent to Dawes, showing Just where thero Is still many acres of dIr ahlo land available and Is replete with photographs of prominent citizens of the slat who have made their life work a success through Judicious Investment In the western part of this fruitful state. Itollroad lines and their proximity to farm lands are platted and explained. In particular the catalog has to do with the land surrounding Crawford, Neb. This city Mr. Hungerford describes as the cen ter of the "Garden Beyond the Band Hills," and shows specifically why Craw ford Is destined to be one of the lead- ins' clttos of the state. IMPORTANT! SATURDAY, Mny fltli THE NOVELTY COMPANY will hold n big $.5.00 Sale. Hun dreds of Men's and Young Men's Suits. "Women's and Misses' Suits, Women's and Misses' ('oats, AVomcn's and Misses' Dresses worth to $15; one day only and one price only, $5.00. "Watch papers and windows. THE NOVELTY COMPANY 214-216-218 North 16th St. Oudahy Company to Take Over an Oil Refining Plant A new oil refining plant to be run by the Cudahy Refining company of Chi cago Is to be opened at Thirteenth and Grace streets in Omaha In a few weeks. A. P. Tukey k Son have Just closed a deal for the Cudahy company whereby the latter secures the plant of the Omaha Oil company at Thirteenth and Grace streets. Extensive changes are to be made In the old plant so that It la thought It will be at least two weeks before tho new plant will be ready to begin opera tions. E. B. Mitchell Is .here represent ing the Cudahy Refining company. Tho Cudahy company already -has Its refineries at Coffeyvllle. Kan., and Mus kogee, Ok!., where It manufactures a full line of petroleum. The superior ad vantages Omaha offers as a distributing point led the Cudahy peoplo to select Omaha as the location for a new plant. CLOSING SCHESEY CHARGED WITH VIOLATING LIQUOR LAWS F. A. High, agent of the Antl-8aloon league, has filed nn Information In dis trict court against George Scheshey of East Omaha, charging him with selling) liquor to William A. Woerner without a license. 600 WOMEN'S SAMPLE SUITS WORTH TO $25.00, $6.98 BRANDIIS BASEMENT, FRIDAY. STEAMSHIP. HAMBURG A. AMERICAN Largest SS.Ch. in the WORLD 442 Ships 1.417,710 TONS Little Girl Asks Olemenoy for Father Who Deserted Home "Please, Judge, won't you 1st my papa com back to mamma and me" 8-year-old Lorraine Margaret Ilerson asked of Fo lio Judge Foster In court Bhe and her mother told the court that they wanted Guy Vf. Hereon, the head of the family, to hav another chanoe. The man was chanced with wife and child abandon ment and wo bound over to the district court. Probation officers, with relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Plerson, have already taken steps to secur Plerson's release under $2,000 bond, so he can care for his family. Prosecution may bo dropped as th. result of the wife's attitude. Plerson admitted In court that he hod gon to Kansas City and met Cleo Smith, 25 years of age, whose parents live In South Omaha. The woman was also ar- rested, but has been released. ) Local Shriners to -Leave Friday for Atlanta Conclave Friday Is to be a busy day with tho local Bhrlners and besides getting ready to leave for the grand conclave at At lanta, Oa., they or going to bo called upon to do some entertaining of visitors en route to the bis meet Friday eTenlnr at o'clock 125 of the members of Tangier temple leave for At lanta over the Illinois Central, travellnt On an all-steel train of nine oars. In the train there will be six sleepers, a buffet and dining car, an observation coach and still another car for the baggage. The entire equipment is new, Just having com out of the shops. At T o'clock Friday morning- fifty Bhrln ers from Portland, Ore., will come in over the Burlington and remain here until 4; JO In the afternoon. TRAVEL JW World's Ltrnut Steamships "IMPERAT0R" MAY JO, 10 A. M. and regularly thereafter. "VATERLAND" MAY 2fl, 10 A. M. and regularly thereafter, PARIS LONDON, HAMBURG AND Tt. errant May , 11 A.M. UriincylTanla..lCay 14, 3 IMC. Xmpexator .. ..May 18, 10 A.M. rrea. Linoola. , .Muy SI, 9 A.M. Amexik. ... . . . .May 83. 10 A.M. Kecond Cabin only, twill call at Boulogne. MEDITERRANEAN Gibraltar, Naple and Genoa, U B. Santbnrr..May 19,3P.M. 8. B. IColtke. . . .June B, 3 P.M. B. B. Xamtmrs. . June 30, S P.M B, g. Molts:.... July 18. 1 P. At TWO CRUIBKB IN 1D1B Around the World Through th PANAMA CANAL From Now Tork by Cruising; Steamers "Cincinnati," Jan. 16 AND "Cleveland," Jan. 31 10t? XlATB SACK GBUXBS including all necessary expenses. Xa or&sr to our enole location, goons ehanla he sooted, now. -Write for booklet. $900 leoW.Sandolnn cc local Announcement has alreadybeen made that THE BEE'S generous offer of the big song book must be withdrawn. Only a short time now remains no longer than the present allotment of books last and next week at the very latest so act quickly. You'll never have another chance to get all these dear old favorites all together. The Bee's Song Book German French Italian Scotch Welsh Irish American Songs appeals to every man and women to every boy and girl. The thousands who are making this the record-breaking book distribution of . our experience give ample proof of a widespread craving for the old melodies, and a desire for relief from the trashy songs of the present day. Contains Complete Words and Music Reduced IUustraUon of tho $2.80 Cloth Volume Size 7H10 Inches. Different Song Books in This One Volume Words and music; large, clear typo; notes and words easily rend from a dis tanceall as largo as tho standard size song folio; and overy song is an ac knowledged old favorite. WEST PENN TRACTION CO. SERVES THICKSETTLEMENT West Fenn Traction company of Penn sylvania, which Is offering; a new Usun of 6.000,000 sold notes bearing; 6 per cent Interest, Is In th heart of a thickly set tled part of the stats. The proceeds from the sale of the notes are to go towards tVie extension of lines In tho locality served, Messrs. A. H. Leach & Co. and the Continental and Commercial Trust and Havings bank of Chicago oro agents In this locality tot the Issue now on ale. Hey to th Situation Bee Advertising ROUND THE WORLD Clark's arrangements sat the standard. De Luxe tours with small groups and keenly interested directors or experi ence. Features (September tonr) Pal estine. Slam. Philippines (October tour) "Uarden of Allah." Java. (Seoember tour) North China, Korea. Koatword ana wentwara tours, oena lor urogram rranx O. Olark, Units Bldg Hew Tork, oriiocBi iagB This Big Volume BOUND IN Heavy English Cloth Stamped In gold on Bide and back; opens flat: large, clear words and music; presented to readere as ex plained In the song book cou pon for In Paper Binding 49c We strongly 'recommend the heavy cloth binding, ns It is a beautiful book thnt will Inst forever. 79c ALSO CONTAINS Portraits of Great VOCAL ARTISTS Caruso In five different poses; lat est copyrighted portraits of Leo Ble zak, Mary Garden, Mnie, Matien auer, Emmy Destlnn, Mme. Alda, Maggie Teyte. Alma Oluck; tnnrac tor poslngs of Farrar and Scottl, and more than fifty other wonderful portraits. No other book of a simi lar character contains such splen did illustrations. .Satisfying Qualities at Saving Prices. RtiRs and Drop- eric at Lens Than You'll Kind Kqunl Qualities Elsewhere. Shoes for the Whole Family nt l'lcaslnR Undcrpriclngs. Rousing Specials our Famous Domestic Room 10c Organdies 5c 12i.jc Batistes 7MsC 15c Batistes 9c 25c White Goods ....10c 18c Poplins 12Vc Lorraine Lortox, 25e grade for 10c 18c Seersucker 10c 25c Silk Striped Ratine 10c EXTRA SPECIALS Lonsdale, yard wide...5c Apron Checks, absolutely fast colors 4C Yard wide Percale, 10c val ues, yard 5c 40-ineh White Lawn, 12V3c values 5t Special Sale on Wash Goods 26c Printed Crepes ISC 25c Lorralno Tissues 15J 25c Scotch Zephyrs 15 $1.00 Ratine .... , 69 $1.50 Ratine 75 $1.00 Crepes, plain GDC $1.00 Printed Crepes (J5i 59c Printed Fancies 3S 38c Silk Ratine 19 Half Silk Wash Goods, 25c grade for 12 Wednesday's Linen Specials Bath Mats, an assorted lot, in colors and sizes, values to 79c, each 50 Pattern Table Cloths, sizes 8x10, exceptional values, worth $5.00 each, at $2.90 Napkins in half dozen lots, full size, pure flax, worth $5.00 a dozen, G for . .' 31.50 Huck Towels, pure flax, 39c val ues, each 25 S3.50 Trimmed 156 to Choose from id Hats, SIQ l ui Hand made hats and blocked shapes, eveiy one of them this sea son's newest styles and cleverly flowers and pompoms; your choice flowers and ponpoms; your choice of this splendid assortment, both black and colors, while they last in Wednesday's sale at . See These Splendid Bargains Early Wednesday. Drug and Toilet Goods Prices Cut 25 50 $1.00 l-lb. box of pure Epsom Salts, Wednesday for 5 4 dozen 6-grain Aspirin Tablets 25 25c size Cream Toilet Chamois tor 10 $1.50 bottle Oriental Cream 89 All 10c and 15c per bar Toilet Soap, including Palm Olive, Jap Rose and Saymon's, at two bars 'or 15i 25c size Bath Sweet for. . . .15J 50c Canthrox Hair Shampoo 25i 25c Tlz for sore feet, for.. 15 25c quality Tooth Brushes at 10J Moth Proof Codar Bags for furs and coats, at 90 75c Quality Rubber Gloves at, per Pair 29 $4.00 Wellington Syringe and Bottle, guaranteed for five years, for S2.00 A Special Carload of Pineapples forWediiesday We advise our customers to put them up now as they will not be'aa cheap again this season. There is no finer fruit grown for canning. SO size, Wednesday, each Olio 30 sire, per doten 8O0 1 18 size. Wodnesday, each 16o 21 size, Wednesday, each 13V4o I 18 size, per "dozen ....91.50 21 size, per dozen 91.30 I Per crate, any size ...Sa.iO 23 LBS BEST GRANULATED SUGAR Sl.OO' 48-lb. sack bent hi eh Erode Dla mond II Flour nothing; finer for bread, pies or cakes, Back. . .81.03 10 bars Beat-'Em-All. Diamond C, Lenox or Laundry Queen White Laundry Soap 30c 4 cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 38o 2- lb. cans Early June Peas . . .8H" Advo Jell for dessert nothing J Ike the Jell of quality, pkg. .... .7Hc The best Domestic Macaroni, Ver micelli or Spaghetti, pkg.... .70 3- lb. cans Baked Beans 7Ma 6 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines 35o 7 lbs. best bulk Laundry Starch 3Co 6 lbs. best hand picked Navy Beans for SSo l-lb. pkg. Corn Starch 4o Tall cans Alaska Salmon 100 E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg....' So drape-Nuts, pkg 100 All regular 16o Cookies, lb., Wed nesday 13Ho All regular 12o Cookies, lb, Wed nesday ,10o AH regular lOo Cookies, lb., Wed nesday 8)40 Golden Santos Coffee, lb 30o The best Tea Slftlngs. lb loo McLaren's Peanut Butter, 18. I8H0 Tl Best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, per lb 380 Fancy Dairy Table Butter, lb. SSo Good Country Butter, lb. 33o The beat Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dozen , 20o Fancy full cream Young American or Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per lb OOo TEE VEGETABLE HASXSX rOB THE VHOVXJ1 A Saving of 60 to 100 .Psr Cant Fresh tiplnach, per peck 30c Fresh home grown Onions, six bunchen' for 6c S bunches fresh Rhubarb so Large Cucurabers, t each I8H0 Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb 100 3 bunches fresh Leaf Lettuce.. 10o Large Head Lettuce, per head, 7)4.0 Fresh Beets, Carrots or Tur'ulpn, per bunch '. 4o Fresh Cabbage, per lb. ..- 3)&c Red Rlvor Ohio Potatoes. 15 lbs. to the peck, for ." 3Se tm TRY HAY DEN'S FIRST & New Parcel Post Rates MAIL ORDERS Either book by parcel post, include EXTRA 7 cents within 150 miles; 10 cents 150 to 300 miles; for greater distances ask your postmaster amount to include for 3 pounds. Get It Today From The Bee BEER M PURE FOOD gEER is absolutely pure, being en- tirely free from disease-laden germs so frequently found in milk and water. It is the only beverage that cannot be adulter ated or tampered with from the time it leaves the manufacturer until it reaches the customer. There is no purer beverage than Stars an3 Stripes bottled beer, brewed and bottled by THE WILLOW SPRINGS BREWING CO. Telephone Douglas 1306 HENRY POLLOCK, Consumers' Distributor Telephone Douglas 2108 Douglas 7162 Sottsrd nil Paris London Berlin oxAB.,...ftUy la DWISTBCKaj 33 XUBBIA.. ,.JUC 2 JCURBX. .Jan 13 C2AB . Jans S3 swiirax Jalv 4 A.S. Johnson Co., 1SS W. Xlnsls St., Ohlcafo or ZiOcxl Agents. 1st Cabin to Itottertlam, Iilbau, 80 up. :1 Cabin $10. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES These ads will start you on the road to wealth PILES No Money Till Cured "Ai!" All RcUI Dlssss cured with' " lull . Permanent cur.. usrrit.d. Writ for rrm lllnstratad bosk on Riot. Uaasaa and testimonials at hund4a f cured In Nebraska and lawi. DR. E. R. TARRY - 240 Bt Bide.. Omaha, Neb. The persistent nnd judicious use of newspaper advertis ing is the road to business success, t r