! FREAKS OF FICKLE FORTUNE Some Experiences of Plungers in the Speculative Sea. WHIMSICAL CAPERS OF CHANCE Ynrns of an Olil Ilrokrr About I'eoptr Who Played the Ciaiue . mill How They Cnme Ont of It.' Broker' offices, once thronged with customers alt actively encased In trndln now wear a deserted holiday appearance. In marked contrast to the hustle and bustlo of former davs. Vmm tnrv- hnblt a few old regulars still spend tho hours between 10 o'clock and a nvwir hangins over tho ticker or avidly reurt- ins kossip on the news service bulletins and tips fed over the private wires. But even these faithful ones raroly venture a commitment, and. when thev dn tmmtr up courage. It Is In ten-share lots that ny trailo Instead of In hundreds. Whatever these may contribute to the doldrums in which tho "Good 6hlp Spec ulation. Qaptaln Chance," now finds its self becalmed with flannlnt swinging' rudder, there aro not wanting thoso men of proved sagacity who con fidently declare that the good old mlllibn dollar boom days In margin trading have gono never to return. They argue that through many and severe experiences on tho pnrt of the speculating public, which had been relieved o Its hard-earned money through what aro termed "raw deals." It has become nt lonirth tinf nnl. vifo, but wary. Thore Is no doubt thnt repeated Instances of flagrant manlpula lion In tho New York market, cost I no- in nocent traders large losses, have bred a measure .of caution, which did not pre viously exist. - Look nt the Gnmc. Let ua look for a moment at this ang ulation upon margin, which has dwindled lo such comparatively meager propor tions during the lost year or two. It mav I be divided Properly Into two distinct I i . i iii . ' . . . - ' j. (iiucm-a, il-iuiuu.i.o ana illegitimate, le glttmato margin de&llnBS may be de scribed briefly, ns that, for instance,- In which a trader" through close study of conditions, concludes that a! certain StOCk Or Krolin. tif' KtnClfK hull' lnt-ln't'A value which tl, market price d.oeai.ibt; reflect. Accordingly he placcs an" orde'ri with his broker to purchase .f6r,l'hls 'pc'-' fcmay decide to, carry- .Having protected Is commitment with an ample iniargln, f ten to twerttv Dolnts. hn'rnm n'wn'w Pto await the outcome- of hlaMudtmSnntt' much as ho would In any .other business transaction. In most cases he Is able and prepared to pay for,, the stock In full should circumstances arlsp to. make such action desirable or' necessary. In fact the margin part of tlio '.transact!6n Is largely to such a- trader simply a mattor of convenience ' t enables him not only to deal in a, greateY number; of shares than otherwise he could handle, but saves the necessity of drawing money from his regular buse'iavcr disturbing well-placed permanent Investments. ' Such a trader usually'a. juan of means and good businessstanding", rarely vliftts tho offico of his broker. Jh person, lie' Is apt to prefer using the nValla op the tele phone In tho transaction ,'ot'tys 'business; nd depends upon i thoVnhor&aVcoJqiiJns of his favorite CiejilngpAfheHHan on tho ticker iaji'e,, tat the) .latest quai .ions ana now. .i . t On tho other-hand, 'the familiar Hfegitl-. mate speculation .Is gambling, pure iand Klmple. Each class of traders. 'furnishes' many interesting examples, of" tho freak iBh tendencies of old" Darac fortune. Those which , follow aro some which have been noted during mow than thirty years' oxperlcnco among the bulla and bears, not to mention' the woolly lambs, of Wall and State streets. A Close Calk In 1907, tho year of, the panic. Union l'uclfto having declined steadily from 183 to 130, looked cheap to ascertain trader, llo bucked his opinion by the 'purchase of 100 shares at the latter price, deposit ing $1,000 with his broker as margin, tin fortunately tho price, after a brief halt, continued to decline, and more margin had to bo deposited on several occasions during its downward course. When it reached 110 a notice was mailed' by the broker asking for a further sum of $000. Two days passed without response from the customer. Then came the day of the October panic when the rato for call money roso to 200 per cent Quotations fell by points at a time, and pande monium reigned on the floors of the ex changes. When Union Paclflo from 110 dropped 10 points Inside of flvo minutes, the broker, to protect himself, hurriedly scribbled a message to sell out the 100 shares. While In tho very act of handing tho dispatch to 'his private wlro operator, tho cashier appeared with a belated check from tho trader, who had been out of town when the Call was sent. The mes sage was torn up, and when shortly after Morgan came to tho rescue of the situa tion by offering to loan 1100,000,000 at 6 per cent, the panic was stayed with a resultant sharp recovery1 In prices. Some months later when confidence had been restored and a bull market again started, this fortunate trader sold out at ICS, clearing S3, K0 profit. And unless ho should chance to read this article he will never know that ten seconds was tho margin by which be escaped a nearly equal loss. Where the Jolt Cornea In. Dame Fortune Is an erratic and fickle old creature. When in the bestowal of her favors, the recipient of her bounty fails to discern that point at which ! healthy acquisitiveness turns Into por cine greediness. b,e la apt to get a Jolt which brings him to his senses. AVIt ness. a case in point. During the great copper boom of 1898-9 a certain specu lator was enabled to do a favor for a well known copper magnate. The latter In order to reciprocate the good turn told his friend to buy all he could carry of a certain low-priced copper stock, and to hold It for a big advance. Accordingly tho speculator, who had about $500 that ho could spare, bought K0 shares at (2 a share, and left It with his broker. The tip proved to bo a good one. The stock advanced and continued to do so until It reached the neighborhood of 120. With the shares In his broker's hands all paid for and worth $5,000. he bought. 6c0 shares more at this price, using his original stock as margin. Still ths price appre ciated, and under advice from the cop per magnate he continued to add to his line, until he had a clear profit on paper of nearly $00,000 He had now pyramided to a point where a sharp decline of a few points would put all this gain In 'Jeopardy. Ills brokers advised him to close the account, and "salt down" the amount of his profits In solid Investment stocks and bonds. -But laughingly he de 'lared, I'll get tlOJ.OOO or nothing." A few days later canivj a sudden and un- J expected setback m the copper share market and this grasping Individual was called upon for more margin, lletng un able to respond, he was forced to sell out on a wewk and panicky market with the result that his paper profits quickly vanished. He saved a thousand dollar or two out of tho wreck, which amount also was subsequently Mt In a vain' at tempt to cans tho lightning to strike Vvice in tho same place. V M Intake nml n Wludfn.lt. Here la a curious Instance of n mistake which turned out to be a windfall. An old trader, noted for his absent-minded spells, went Into a brokers offico on fatate street one day not long ago and hastily wrote on a blank form an order to sell 100 Amalgamated Copper. He handed It to tho order fclerk and, with out waiting for the sale to be made, do parted In haste. The stock was duly dis-. posed of, and the salo duly reported to him by mall at the close of business. Next morning In runs the customer In a flno rage. "What the deuce does this mean?" ho shouted; "I left an order to buy Amalgamated, not to sell It." "Kx- cuse me a moment," replied tho clerk, ana l u got your order." Ho rcturnod at once with the "sell order blank" duly macio out and signed by the now con fused customer, who did-not know what to say. Finally ho managed to blurt out, a guess Its up to me this time. I'm sorry I spoke so hastily." "That's all right," said the Vjlcrk; "the market Is away off this morning and you can buy in tho stock at a profit." After watch ing tho tape for a few moments ho gave an order to cover. In. the sale, cleaning up a neat profit of nearly $100 on the transaction begun by error. An hour or two later tho clerk who waited upon him received a box of flno Imported cigars, with the compliments of the lucky bun gler. Some years ago a young and unduly optimistic member of the Boston Btock exchange, as a result of speculating too heavily on his personal account lost nearly all his capital and was forced to sell his membership on tho exchange and go Into bankruptcy. When every thing .was settled he found hlmxntr th possessor bf about' JI.0OO. The "proprietor r .a certain bucket shop, also a failed former member ot the exchange. Induced t)io young Bpooulator ,to come and trade wUh Wm, It was at about the time that Atchison was emerging from Its long period , of depression, and a scries of lucky coups, and a course of pyramiding profits, soon put the youthful .plunger on the-sunny side of "Easy street," with over $30,000 in accumulated profits to his credit. Instend of converting these Into pold.cash, ho foolishly let them stand. His confidence in tho friendship of the bucket shop keeper' was sadly misplaced. One 'dJiy he resolved to close out every thing to go to Chicago, where lie had a large acquaintance, and start In 'business for himself, Ho gaVo' orders to havo his account made up and a check for balance due him sent to Ms address. His friend promised to do so at the close of the day's, business. Tho, next morning while-indulging in pleasant thoughts of his good fortune, as he enjoyed his breakfast, he received the expected letter, There was no check Inclosed, but Instead It contained the an nouncement, that his friend had been obliged "to suspend payment, with largo' liabilities;' and no assets. The"' Unfortu natef'vlctra ralse'd money enough to. go West,; nd 'Rf.laait' accounts was 'holding a. Job 'as -.conductor 'on a San Francisco itroVtf-faflway. ',' '" , ' VyatiKWjf Expenses ' !' -It U af wcfl known habit ajion" stock 1rbkers, when about to mako art.oxtraor- dlnary purchase;-- or to go somewhere, to endeavor to mako the amount- out ..of a turn-In the markot. A friend of tho writer, head of a prominent commission house, once bought 200 shares of stock, to" make tho expenses of a trip to' Boston. Unfortunately tho stock had a quick) de cline while ho was on Ills Afar, and his trip cost lUm about $1,200. Tcn years later, he came on to ntterfd Ule. Harvard Yale foot ball game At Cambridge,. Again he tempted fortune on his arrival. b sr Ing an order to his New' York' office. to buy 600 T. C. and I. It went up' 'two points inside of an hour. He cbsKed In enough, profit to liquidate the cost of car fares, tickets to the game, a sizable hotel bill at the Toural'no for Ills entire family, besides having something over $o00 left, to take home. In his Inside pocket. A striking Instance of a moBt reckless plunge happened during the railroad boom along about 1SS0. The board mem ber of a leading banking house, having advanco information of a proposed deal In the Marquette, Houghton and Ontona gon railroad, went Into, the morning ses sion of the exchange )ono day and bought all the stock offered, bidding It up from about $20 to $40 a share. Just before tho close he 'bid the latter price for any part of liOOO shares, Another broker, famed as a chronic bear, believing that such a sudden and sharp advance could not be sustained without a (reaction, took a IHMHH HHHIH MHIHI MHMH BEWARE OF STOMACH ILLS frtf ihnu mav lonri enmo aoflmio J W illness If neglected. titc, keep the Stomach, Liver and Bowels normal and active and at the first sign of weakness Beware. Nature is calling for assistance and it should be heeded promptly. Give these organs a fair chance and you will certainly enjoy better health. Be persuaded JUST NOW to get a bottle of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS It renews the digestive functions, helps to overcome all Stomach ills and improves health in general. Try it. ilflMHHBMHMMH RbHHSHWBHH HSBB9HHHHI HHEfiUHHHHMHI HIHI99HllliialLMILIsHiKiiHH ohance and sold the 1.000 sharer short, expecting to cover In at a profit ut the afternoon seeslon. t'n'ortunately for his plans, the price continued to soar by leapa and bounds, with the result that he had to cover hla short sale ut $S0 a share In lha afternoon, losing Just $W. (XX Unable to continue businnes after this drain upon his tesonrces. he wM his seat In the exchange and retired to other field ef labor. Further Instanced ot the fickleness of fortune might easily be added. Thome above cited, however, will serve to show that the lamb who adventures In the rocky pastures of speculation Is taking long chances of leaving his warm and woolly fleece behind, to the bulls ' and bears who thrive on the credulity of hla spccies.-Ncw York Tost. HEADING OFF SPRING FEVER Doctor Flnnti Mother's Fnrorlte Dope nnd Prescribe Work on t Itemed'. Scientists of manv schools lmvo dcm. onstratcd to their own entire satisfac tion that tho Creator did a very Incom plete and unsatisfactory Job when ho "formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed Into his nostrils the brcnth of life." but the very boldest of them fall altogether In demonstrating that he loft a weakness that requires every spring a course of somebody's sarsaparltla at six bottles for $5 Now about this thick Wood; what is thero to it? It us think about blood for a moment It Isn't exurtly ltk.e a lubricat ing oil that thickens up in cold weather or when you get near the bottom of tho barrel. It Is a living fluid, Just ns much alive as your bruin or any other part of you. For practical purposes wo will say that It Is a fluid composed of two kinds of living cells, red and white, tho red being providers of nourishment, the white being scavengers. It is posslblo for the blood to become "thin," if wo choose to apply this terms to a deficiency of red cells. when the body doesn't got proper fqod; ii is common when tho body la deprived of fresh air; it occurs after a wasting disease. ' It Is also possible for the blood to get "thick," If wo care tr iim tiiU nrn. denote a surplus of white cells. mn. ever the body s Invaded by any poison mo wnite cells rush In great numbers to do their work. Thnv creased in many - forms ot disease and one of our means ot diagnosis is to make a, count of the blood cells and note tho relative proportion of red cells and white. But nono of theso conditions Is produced by changes of the spring; In fact, so far as Is known, ther6 Is no change whatever In the quality of the blood, though the relaxing Influence of tho milder weather may. and probably doea. mako some difference in Us distri bution and pressure. Had I mentioned theso thl Smith she would probably havo objected: j en, 4 Know you doctors novcr see no good In med'slns we can buy without paying yoii a dollar for a prescription, but I've took that sarsypriller' myself and I. knows It. makea mo feet better. Stirs me all up," ' Granted. And It will dn til A nam a ?n any; one of 'you, especially If you aro a fhAtnlnlA. rr i . i . ... donoll ojir goodjold-tlme. tonlo., aassa m1ktea' homemade sarsaSarllla com PQUncianayo.''f6rtH,?" .?; , Not (at my instigation Sassafrajl as ccifimonly used Jn this country, Is the bark of tho rViot or Mnfm. vnrirn,,. TIM root hark Is hlthlv an nftrecablo aromatic taste. Use It by an .jneans or you wish chow tho bark 'or make ' tea of it. elthor h,brt you. and may ease your mind. jne ot me very best works on thera peutics saya of sarsanarilla: "It In liit-htv regarded by the laity as a blood purifier to bo taken during tho spring months, and it certainly possesses the merit ot being, entirely harniles's." Though the spring languor Is' to some degreo Inevitable, there .aro some methods of relief. The most Important Is to change your diet and reduce inn mintitttv of your food.. The heat producing foods you havo bcert using all winter. aro out of place In tho spring. J-eavV oft your ho', cakes and syrup, cllmlnatp your fats and cut down your starches. Now la the time to use up what remains ot your canned fruits and berries, and, aa soon aa they come, get at the fresh vegetables. Rhubarb, tho succulent pieplant, comes early and Is one of tho beat. Drink plenty of water so that your skin may lncreoso Its eliminating functions, and give It 'the tonic ot the morning cold bath.. You know what It does-the first shock ot the cold water makes all the cutaneous vessels contract and drivoa the blood Into the deeper vessels. Thon, with the brisk rub, comes the reaction and theicntlro body glows -with a warm S WW W M M Watch the appe- 8 .-..,....,. illD ouiButunija airs. Bmlth gojvp .her. boys contained 31 'per cent l' cohoj. , -J ' , .,' - . But 'again "Yodvfjisk! , "Ar Sin' li iiiL THE OMAHA SCXDAV BISK: APRIL flush of blood. Tho whole nervous and muscular systems ns well as tho mental forces receive a powerful stimulus. There Is no better tonic and It Is good for everyone except the very old and very young. Don't cling to tho heavy clothing of winter too long. You will come to far mere damage sweating In a heavy mil ot underwear on a wiltry day thon you aro likely to get by any sudden reversal of tho weather. And don't pay too much attention to "that tired feeling." Dr. Cnimblne of the Kansas State Board of Health, tells his people that the best spring tonlo Is tho rake nnd the hoe, meaning that In active outdoor work they will find tholr rejuvonatlng medicine. Country Gentle man. FOREIGN LEGION OF FRANCE Fart nnd I'nncv Differ on tho Jtlnkruii ot the Scrappers of Atfflers. It was reported the other dny from Berlin that agitation was continuing In Germnny against tho French foreign le gion, the allegation being that that fa mous military force Is largely recruited from Gorman deserters, who find the strict discipline particularly Irksome, the Cincinnati Knqulrer says. The foreign legion might well be called "The Novel ists' Own," for It Is well beloved by tho writer of fiction In search of tho ptc turesriuo and tho romantic. It had Its origin. In isai. and then most of tho of ficers were French, whllo tho rank nnd flic were hugely composed of political exiles Polos, Belgians, Italians, Germans, Spaniards, and so on. As at present constituted the legion has a strength ot over 12,000 men, stooned ot Sid l-bol -Abbes and Salda. Tho recruit ing Is effected exclusively by means of voluntary enlistment, and scrvlco la for flvo years. After that the soldier can re-enllst. The legion Is divided Into two classes: A (tho forolgn legionaries) for eigners not naturalized aa Frenchmen and Frenchmen who enlist In the ordinary way; and B (the French legionaries) foreigners who have become .Frenchmen by naturalization and those Frenchmen who enlist under the law which says: "Young Frenchmen who have not yet performed their military service may be permitted (as exceptions) lo enlist volun- T'l'KafclWC! $1-00 CASH, 1 EilXrlD $1.00 MONTHLY A SPECIAL RUG VALUE In these nigs you 'lll f md.a Value- that ,vro dp not be- hqye can bo auplicatecinanp ciiy.'j,'iie siztj ib voiy aui.f al))6 for .pnrlqF, dining rpom ' or livmg'', room. These Empress frrussols rtigs-aro .made from a good grade of "yarn, and arc' closely -vvpven and will with stand very hard usage. Tho colors aro strictly fast woven iuto many beautiful dqsigns and colors. Wo , want you to see these rugs, find if you aro lignring on a now floor rug for this spring, it will bo worth your while anticipating your of these beautiful rugs tomorrow. FfJP They aro an actual $17.50 valuo 1 1 H Ipriea of only Terms $1.00 Cash, 51.00 per Montli. $16 CA for a $25.00 MAS .DU SIVE BUFFET Thnv nrn almllnr tn fhn IlliiRtrntlnn are finished In American quartered oak have two small drawers, ono velvet lined, a large linen drawer and a largo china waro compartment. Large Wagon UmBKbLLAo HI1C Heavily Ribbed, Worth $2.00 . . . Your Credit ossksl, AU VS WV4 d 7 for a Splendid Well $0. 1 D Made Felt MATTRESS This is one of tho "Union's" special mat tress offers; they aro extra well made and are full weight. 26, 1914. tarlly for fle years In the foreign regi ments." On oocarien foreign legionaries are imssed Into the French IfKlonariea' sec tion, but this Is unusual. The foreign df ment tmike up from t to pr tent of the legion, and It Is recruited from volun- i leers of any nationality. Iteughly. and allowing fttr notable rxrrptlonj, these' 'men eonalat ot forlgner nho hnve not 'served In their native land, deserters I from foreign armies and foreigners who ; have performed their military service In their own lands. Germany, Including Al- aoe-l.orralne, provides about 40 per cent of the foreign contingent. There are few formalities about enlistment and very few questions are asked.-Chlcago Itec. ord-Herald. WASHINGTON IN HAYES' TIME Pnlille Cltnrnrtrrn nnd ltlt of Life thnt Appenleil to n Dip-' lomnt'M Wife. Letters of Mine. Do Hegermann-Un-dencrome. wife of the Danish minister In Washington from 1ST6 to ISM), recently published In Harper's Magazine, glvo theo sketches of life In tho national capital: Washington Is very gay. humming like a top. Rverythlng Is going on at once. The dolly reception? I find the most tiresome things, they are so monotonous. Women crowd In tho salons, shake hands, lenve a pile of cords on the tray In the hsll and flit to other spheres. At a dinner at Ronntor Chandler's Mr. Dlnlne took me in. and Kugeno Hale, n rongrrasmnn. ent on the other Mde. They call him "lilnlne'fi little boy." Ho was very amusing on the subject of Alexander . Agnsslz, the pioneer of my youthful stud ' les, under whose Ironical eye I used to read Schiller, who Is Just now being lion Ited and la lecturing on the "National History of tho Peruvians." Agassis haa become, a millionaire not from the pro ceeds ot his brain but from copper mines Calumet and Hcola. How his dear old father would have liked to possess some of his millions. Sam Ward la the diner-out par ex cellence here and Is tho king of the lobby pur preference. When you want anything pushed through congress you have only to apply to Bam Ward nnd It la done. I don't know whether he ac complishes what he undertakes by money For This Handsome 9x12 Feet EMPRESS BRUSSELS RUG wants and getting ono JLr 1 98 EXJRA SPECIAL A Sanitary Couches Regular $4.50 Value at $1.98 All steel construction, made, with drop side; can be used as "a couch or bed, on sale Monday, regular $4.50 value, special salo price $1.98 nnfl FREE RENTAL LIST Come to our store to get information about living places to rent. Wo are headquarters for tho listing of vacant houses, apartments and flats in nil sections of Omaha. Wo maintain thiB list for the free uso and convenience of miyono interested owners, agents and renters alike come here, and no chargo to anyone. If you liko a place, and want to rent it, wo simply refer you to the owner or agent. Use our list as a guide to what you seek and save time, worry, street car faro and general annoyance. The Union Offers You the Best HOME Values 3 Rooms Furnished $45.00 $4.50 Cash, $3.00 Monthly i or persuasion. It mut be the lattei. for 1 think he Is far from being a rich man. Ilia lobbylsm Is mostly done at the din ner taWe. lln Is a most delightful talker and full of anecdote. Mr. Blaine ami Mr. nohefon, supple mented by General Hchcnck, are great iwker players. They are uontlnunlly talk ing about the game when they ought to be 'Hiking politics for the benefit of for eigners Vmi hear this sort of thing. "Well, joti couldn't Wul my full houee, ' al which the diplomats pick up their ears, thinking thnt there will be domathlmt wonderful In congress tho next day, and deoHle to go there. iTALE OF CHICAGO AND BOSTON Whnt Happened to the Nnmesakc ot Mnt t'niialit U by the Whole. Jonah, Martin H cante to Ohtcngo yra terduy. Two Plnkorton detectives played tho role Of the whale: Thla Is the revised story of Jonah as writ In the Hook of Pollcelans. It etime to pans that thore wan In the wicked city, which la Chicago, one Mar ti. t D. Jannh. In Jonah's pockets, f tdtkels there was none. Ore day Jonah betook himself Into tho park of Lincoln, which Is by Iho waters of the lake of Michigan. Gentlemen and ladles of high station passed by and saw him not. They passed Mm afoot and In tint cnrrlage which nre horseless. Jonah looked upon the wealth which ens hot his. Then he enlth with dlunt: "Verily am I n boob. Superabundant shekel hnve they who paH me by. while t. accursed one. nm bereft of nil things. Why la this thus? Am I my hrnthe-'s keeper who cannot keep myrelfT Verily th Iord helpelh those who help them selves." Then up spnho conscience: "The way of the trnnsgressor.ls paved with rocka. Go thou, brother, and turn thy hand tp honest work." Then up roso Jonah and smote con science. Shaking hla legs ho botook him self straightway to tho Mldclty Trust nnd Savings bank, which la by the parting nf the ways at Madison and Hoisted street . To the chief counter of shekels he spoko after this manner! "I havo hero a check for $730. Plense cash It." And lo, It was done. And It came to pass that a few days Inter the man whose OUTFIT in the City. 4 Rooms Furnished $99.00 $10.00 Cash, $5.00 Monthly if !) A name was rlt upon the rhecK bTjirpo exceedingly wrathful He Iwgot an U a Forthwith he look It to the tribe of Tln kertona. Thence Jonah wan returned to mirngo, which Is by the lake. And when the prison with Its Imrs had closed upon Mm he lepenled ol hla wickedness nnd Kalih "Wherefore, oil wherefore, did I umito conscience when It whispered?" Jennh una bound over to the grand Jury. Verily, the way of tho trnnsgn eg t k hard'-Chlcago Beconl-IlernM. Key to tho Situation bee Advertising. Boy or Girl? Great Question! This brings to many minds an old and tried family remedy an external ap-i plication known as "Afothor's Friend." During tho period of expectancy It 1 npplled to the nbdomlnat muscles and la designed to soothe Urn Intricate network nf nerves Involved. In thla manner it has audi n splendid Influence as to Justify Us uso In all cases of coming mother hood. It haa been generally recom mended for years nnd years nnd thoao who havo used It npoak In highest pralso of tho Immense relief It affords. ParUe ulnrly do theso knowing mothers speak; of the nbsenca of morning sickness, absence of strain on tho ligaments nnil freedom from those many other dls trcssea which are usually looked forward to with so much concern. There Is no quostlon but whaC "Mother's Friend" has a marked tendency to relieve the mind and this of Itself In addition to the physical relief lias given It a very wide popularity among women. It Is absolutely safe to use, renders the akin pliable. Is penetrating In Its nature and la composed of thoao embro cations best sultod to thoroughly lUbrU cate the n erven, muscles, tondous and llgnmenta Involved. Tou can obtain "Mother's Friend" at almost any drug store. It la prepared only by Brsd field ItegJ ulator Co., 401 Lnraar Bid?., Atlanta, Ua, DIRECT ACTION Gas Ranges Are cool, clean, sanitary, odorless aiitl Klve Inntunt notion. No heavy platc pvpn. liHino nd extra gas wonted in heat liitf useless oven plates. Tlio oven Is ready for boJUne us won as llchteil Ot-namunted with white enamel platen, wliltn enamel drip pans ami other ex clusive features. Special Display of the New 1914 Refrigerators Guaranteed Ice-savers, Moderate prices. The Iinrffeit ana most complete showing: ot Oo-Osrts li the OUr. $4.95 for a $7.50 Collap sible GO-CART Has all steel body, upholstered In Fr rlcold leather, adjustable back and dash,