Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1914, PART TWO, Image 23

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    Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page
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The Powder Puff Girls, Who Are
Crowding the Famous Flora
dora Sextetto Into Second Place.
From Left to Right Selma Man
" tell, Margaret Morris, Hazel
Lewis, Marguerite St. Clair,
Lydia Scott, Truly Ewers,
May Leslie and Elsie Ham
O six 6lngers were ever bo famous
as the Florodora Sextette, nor over
a sextette upon whom collectively
and Individually, fortune so brilliantly
smiled.. "You are as lucky as the Floro
dora Sextette" Is a proverb.
' Brilliant marriages, stage stardom or
millions were the fate of the six beauties.
A simple sextette of chorus girls outshone
the star. Their tinkling, tln-panny notes
deafened the ears for the rich notes of the
prima donna. While star and prima
donna have been forgotten, the sextette is
aB radiant a picture in memory as It was
when "Florodora" ran for two years at the
Thomas W. Ryley, the manager who
gave the sextette its chance by producing
the opera in which It appeared, has pro
duced another musical play, "The Queen
of the Movies," In which he introduces a
revival of the famous sextette. The oc
tette known as "The Powder Puff Girls,"
he says, is more attractive than the
Florodora Sextette and will have an even
more brilliant future.
Recently the company started on a tour
of the United States. Mme. Valll Valli. the
prima donna, will charm, of course, but it
is to the octette that the manager looks
for chief popularity.
"They are prettier than the sextette, and
more gingery. If the sextette went upon
the stage now it wouldn't cause a ripple,"
said Mr. Ryley. "I guarantee that every
one of Jhe Powder Puff girls will be en
gaged to a millionaire or two whon sho re
turns to New York, or at least will have
had a chance to marry on tour. Or if any
of them prefer careers, Wall Street or
vocal lessons in Paris will be open to
"The difference is that the sextette is of
another decade. Chorus girls are flowers
that bloom but ten years at most They
are decade blooming plants. The old sex
tette could come back upon the stage and
receive a welcome as individuals, but not
collectively. The sextette Is mature. Us
members are in their Autumn or at least
their Mid-summer. These girls are in their
Spring. Everybody loves youth.
"It isn't the girls themselves that brought
them luck. It is the songs they sang. The
law of association Is one of the strongest
of mental laws. We like something that
Is associated in our minds with something
pleasant We reopen a letter with pleas
ant expectations because even though we
do not recognize the handwriting, we know
that it Is associated in our minds with
something or some one that is pleasant.
The public and various individuals fell in
love with the Florodora Sextette when It
wouldn't have cared for any of the mem
bers alone. The secret of their popular
ity lay in the song itself. As soon as the
first strains of Leslie Stuart's song, 'Tell
Me Pretty Maiden,' were heard, the audi
nee began to applaud. That was before
the girls came on the stage. But it was
pleasing preparation for the advent of the
girls themselves. The girls were asso
ciated In Its minds with the words, and
especially with the molody:
"'Tell me, pretty maiden, are there any
- more at home like you?
There are a few. There are a few;
I must love some one, and it might as well
be you.
"The association was pleasant. Pleas
ant association means popularity. That is
the psychology of the success of the
Florodora Sextetto.
"It Is the same with the Powder Puff
girls. There are chords of gay, chatty,
music. Then the words:
" 'Oh, Cecelia, don't make thoso eyes at mo.
Oh, Cecelia, there's no necessity!
For I'd help you greatly if I'm let,
With due regard for etiquette.'
"Then the girls flash on In their dainty
short skirts, edged with eiderdown, and,
looking like moving powder puffs, bo
cause of tholr eiderdown gowns and their
soft white neck ruffs, their fluffy hair and
their waving plumeB, producing a soft, furry
"There's a difference between them and
the sextette, and I regard it as significant
' of the times. It is human to always seek
the new. These girls are new, in the sense
of being of different types. The Florodora
Sextetto were tall, stately and mildly flir
tatious. The Powder Puff girls are small,
nimble and vivacious.
"The Florodora Sextette set the fashion
In tall girls. Thereafter only tall girls
were the mode. But the dainty littlo
Powder Puff girls are setting a new stylo,
the charm of petlteness.
"The song and dance have been the
great agencies for charming men since
the beginning of the world. I refer you
to the story of Salome, who won the head
of John the Baptist by dancing before
"Associate the song and dance with a
woman only fairly pretty, and her fortune
Is made. And oddly enough the force 1b
greater, is cumulative as It were, if there
are several women, Instead of one.
The original Florodora Sextette Included
Marie Wilson, who attracted the wander
ing gaze of Freddie Gebhardt, forced It to
concentrate upon her as she sang: "Tell.
Me Pretty Maiden" to such extent that
she became his wife, and Anally his widow.
Edna Goodrich wedded N. C. Goodwin, ac
quired a large part of his fortune, starred,
creating the role of "Evangeline" in the
drama form, and when not playing enjoys
life in Europe. Frances Belmont be
came Lady Ashburton and resides in Eng
land. Vaughn Texsmith, returning to her
native Texas, married one of the richest
ranchmen in the State. Marguerite Wal
ker, through reliable tips furnished by the
late James Keene and others, who ware
repeaters, that is, who went frequently to
The Good and Evil for May
"AY'S is a martial lunation, but
with the god of war In not a
very creditable light. Though
'elevated" in the lunar scheme he Is
conjoined with Neptune In the ninth
mansion, and out of his element in
the watery tripllclty.
This bodes rather ill both for the
military and the naval brunches, nnd
obstacles will lmpedo the develop
ment of defensive or strategical
methods. The heads of these port
folios In the national ministry will
incur criticism, also scandnlu will
manifest in their respective depart
ments. The sump application may be
made to State national guards., with
cabals nnd intrigues to mar the effi
ciency of the service.
The shipping Interests are Jeopar
dized through this coalition of the
planets, with danger to the cable sys
tems, 'the Atlantic being Uie probable
maritime quarter, and probable
around the 1st the 11th, the 21st or
the 28th.
Some notable marriages of inter
national Interost will occur, denoted
by this samo position, and especially
between the 13th nnd 16th. Business
interests are Jeopardized, and calam
ity to public building may be looked
for. more through the viMtutlrm of
God than of man, Vw elements nnd
n Incendlnrium
Cop rip it. 1914
' nranv.
"ft V
the sprightly opera, cleared up $75,000 In
a rising market. But as against Vaughn
Texsmith and her fortunes place Hazel
Lewis and her probable ones. Miss Lewis,
the most striking brunette in the Powder
Puff Octette, is from Savannah, Ga.
Like Miss Texsmith, Miss Lewis will
"go back home to marry." "I wouldn't
marry any but a Southerner; a dark man.
I say Southerner, because you cold
blooded men of the North don't under
stand us," is her declaration of Inde
pendence. A young banker of the South
ern city Is said to understand so well that
he is waiting with what patience a man
In love can wait, for Hazel Lewis to "come
back home." ns Vaughn Texsmith did.
' Photo Q MAK.A,0 Al-y.
The Original Floradora Sextette, Holders of the Fortune Record Among Show Girls. From Left to Right Margaret
Walker, Frances Belmont, Edna Goodrich, Marie Wilson, Daisy 'Green, Vaughn Texsmith.
Tho weather is fairly equable, with
storm impulses covering the first few
days, much precipitation nround the
6th, extending to about the 8th, with
a lowered temperature crossing tho
country betweon thon and tho 12th;
a disturbed area between the 21st and
24th, followed by cooler wonthcr, a
logical sequence to atmospheric per
turbation. Tho death rnto exceeds
the ncrmal.
Some scandal In criminal court pro
cedure will be bared In Atlanta, with
instances of official peculation over
the nrea of the Middle States. Fur
ther west nnd along tho -coast line
tho ruling powers are In for a trying
time, nnd the Jnpnnese question will
again confront the authorities; the
proletariat will be in a belligerent
mental mood. Both south and west
will be subject to inundation, seismic
strain, and loss through play of the
elements. Another West Indlnn hur
ricane Is duo In the Spring or early
Some special Incidents may be
looked for on or near the following
May 2. A building disaster, with
affairs in that department open to in
vestigation or criticism, and reflection
upon thoso in authority. Public stric
ture upon political processes, and un
pleasant publicity given to tho high
ways commission.
May 3-4. Fair weather, followed
Great Britain Rlgrhta Reserved.
How a Powder Puff Octette
Threatens to Push Into Second
Place the
The exotic, dreamy-eyed Edna Goodrich,
presonted no more alluring strain than
doeB Zolma Mantel), the dainty German
blonde. Sho won the friendship of her
countrywoman, Mme. Gadskl, and IntondB
to study muslo In Berlin this Summer.
Margarot Walkor was no more lucky in
business investments than Truly Ewers
promises to bo. Already Miss Ewers Is
studying the stock market. Alroady Miss
Ewora receives regularly her tips from
"The 8troot."
Frances Belmont's name Is one to con
jure with among ambitious girls on the
stage. Within tho momory of this gener
ation of playgoers Miss Belmont began
in tho chorus of scrub women In a musical
comody, "Tho Prima Donna." Sho became
a Florodora Sextette girl. Charles Hawt
roy made her a leading woman. Lord
as Foreshadowed by the Stars
hv smlftnn phnncp lemllllC Into li
storm nreii; the advent of Spring not
yet an established fact.
May 5. A concentration of evil
forces, meteorologlcnt und as concerns
the body politic Sudden variations
In the barometer, with pr Ipltttlon
that tends to sleet Notnnl death
occur nround this date. Tho stock
mnrkct panicky, lower quotations.
May 12. Another exciting dny on
'Chango; monoy centres disturbed,
with some especial development In the
New Haven Inbrogllo. A maritime
casualty reported, with danger to
wharfago interests.
May 1C Tho occultatlon of Moon
and Jupltor at the lunar quarter fore
bodes a building disaster and earth
quake reports, while Venus In con
junction with Saturn will bring to light
a disgraceful episode In aristocratic
circles. The weather dense and fog
gy, showery and cold. A prominent
death in the artistic world. This
apect would warrant a further anal
yBls, tout tending to the depressive.
May 18. An equable Influence ex
tends to the 21st, on which and the
following date tho market make
some positive recessions.
May 23. Seismic and building ca
lamities centre around this point,
with accidents in mines, and a sub
way casualty.
People born during the following
periods will come under the bifl
Holders of the
Chorus Girl
Record for
Atiburlon fell In love with her. Now Lon
don society and English gardens claim
her nttentlon. May Lesllo Is going abroad
this Summer, and young members of the
peerngo grow plentifully at tho Carleton
and blossom profusely at after-theatre
suppers In Piccadilly.
Daisy Green regaled the eyes of all those
who admlro brunettes. Every night In the
Florodora Sextetto lorgnons were focussed
upon her splendid, sombrely tinted beauty.
Miss EIbIo Hamilton, a New Orleans girl,
Is 'of tho samo langurous type. Misa. Green
bocamo a star. Miss Hamilton has fixed
hor gazo on starry holghts.
Mario WlUon went no higher in the
social scalo than Miss Lydia Scott may go.
Certainly she had no greator claim to
pulchritude. Miss Scott, an athletic nineteen-year-old
Staton Islander, has engaged
tho affections of a young Kentucklan, who
Is related by marrlago to somo of the old
est families In Now York.
There remains Marguerite St Claire and
Margarot Morris, of the octetto. Mr.
Ryloy, tho astrologer of chorus fortunes,
predicts that Pacific Coast millionaires
will bo tholr fortune.
"Take thorn grl for girl, feature for feat
ure, and they give greater promise than
the Florodora Sextette. I predict that their
average of attainment will be higher."
So tho chorus girls' fortune maker Issuos
his flat to fate.
reign of Jupiter this month, and may
look for a general improvement In
their affairs: Springs of 1853 and
1S55, Summers of 1859 and 1863. Win
tor or 1864. Falls or 1S65-C6, Winters
or 1871 and 1875, Winters of 1879 and
1883, Fall or 1886, Summer of 1894.
and Fall of 1898; or In the socond
week of February. April, June, Octo
ber or December of any year. New
prospects will offer, matters under
way will brighten, and initial ven-
tures may be safely undertaken.
Much caution advisable this month
for thoso born In Falls of 1854 and
18G1, Spring and Summer of 1862,
Summer of 1805. Spring or 1869, Win
ter or 1878, SummorV 1879, Winters
or 1885 and 1891. and Summer of
1839; or In the second week or March,
June. September or December. Two
or these periods conflict with thft
above, the one modirylng the other.
Conservatism Is the watchword.
The first rour days give anniversa
ries of promise to the succeeding
year of life. The 5th denotes illness
and bereavement; 6th to 11th. of
favorable augury: the 12th shows re-
verses, and radical changes should be
avoided; the 13th to 18th favorable,
19th to 23d the reverse, the latter
date Inclining to accident and dan
ger on the water; the last week of
normal tendency, except the 28th,