Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1914, EXTRA, Page 16-A, Image 14

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    TffE OMAHA SUNDAY BEfi; APRIL 26, 1914. ,
The Second Week of the Sales of the Henry Siegel Stocks
and Other Special New York Purchases Will Begin Tomorrow
Mammoth Cash Purchases from Overstocked Philadelphia Mills Enable Us to Announce
Our Greatest Sale of Lace Curtains Monday
One of tho most importunt of the great scries of sales now in progress here is the sensational offering of high grade curtains for Monday.
Our purchases were so large and made under such advantageous conditions that wo are able to offer hundreds of dozens pairs of the most de
sirable kinds at the lowest prices in our history. Almost our entire third floor will be devoted to this sale.
Thousands of Pairs of High Grade Curtains at About Wholesale Cost
There will bo thousands of pairs of Quaker curtains, C qo Poiw
filet, nets, cablo nets, cluny, otamino, Irish, point and. IwO T oil
novelty curtains, in white, ivory and ecru colors, rogu- Co qo
larly worth to $5 a pair, in two lots Monday, at imUO t all
The best curtains from our special purchases are in- Oq aq Tj
eluded in tho groups. Real imported duchess, point ,50 JTalF
Milan, cluny, lacot Arabian, antique lace, Quaker cur- a p
tains and many fine imported curtains, your choice at TC"0 1 B1Y
All tho flno colored border muslin
and Swiss curtains, Buch as aro usually
1.25 pair, go at
39c Each
Over 8,000 lace curtains, white, Ivory
and ecru shade. Worth $2 n pair. Priced
for this sale at
49c Each
Hundreds of pairs of cable net, filet
net, Quaker and novelty curtains, reg
ularly worth up to $3 a pair, In this
sale at
69c Each
5,000 pairs of lace curtains in ecru,
white or Ivory shade. 1 to 6 pairs
of a kind. Actually worth $2.50 to $5
a pair, at
98c Each
All the full size lace curtains from the big purchase, regularly on p l
worth $ 1.25 a pair, on sale Monday at 0jC EictCO
of fine laco cur- Qft I 1,000 pairs of fine etamlne and swiss curtains,
worth $ 1.26' to $2 pair, at, each.
All the traveling men's samples of lace curtulns and nets, regu- -t f I7l, I
larly worth -25o to $1 each, go on sale Monday at- IwC JuaCu
3,000 lace curtain rods', worth from lCc to 25c 1 A I All the importers' samples
each. Special In this sale AVI tains, worth up to $2 each, at, each.
All ill mndrat, babbinel, bungalow net, sorim and voile from the great mill purokase to be placed on sale Tuesday at sensationally low prices.
Fancy Linens From the Siegel. Store at Prices Below Cost of Making
$1.50 Luncheon Sots, 79c
Embroidered on flno llnene. Slo
gcl'a price $1.50. Set of 13 pieces.
Our salo price, 79 C
Bed Spreads at $2.50
Hand embrolderod bed spreads.
Some on flno llnon. 72x90 and
90x99-lncb .sizes. Siogel's prices
up tot $7.50. Our 9 Eft
sale prlco v
.$2.98 Pillow Oases, $1.79
Alt llnnn ntllnw nBftH with
4U ,..4Vu 4...w .
hnntitifui TrUh hand ambroldery.
. Siegel! price $2.98 a pair. Our
) eale price, per tff 7Q
.pair- .i H
$5.98 Pillow Oases, $2,79
tXUrianiiitnTttfi Trlsh hand em.
t brolder'od linen pillow cases. SUo
an4K inches. Siegel's price $6.98.
Our solo price, per 0 7Q
$3.98 Breakfast Sets, $2.49
All pure linen breakfast cloth
with half dozen napkins to match.
Siegel's prlco $3.98. (ho aq
Our sale price, per sot.!)Mtrx7
$3.98 Luncheon Sets, $2.79
All pure linen and lace trim
med. White or ecru. Set of 13
pieces. Siogel's price P7Q
$3.98. Our sole price.. Z J
Bed Spreads at $5,95
Boautiful band drawn work
and hand embroidered bod
spreads. Siogel's prices up 'to
$12.50. Our sale 0g
$3 Tapestry Oovers, $1.39
Beautiful tapestry table covers
with heavy 4-inch fringe." Fast
colors. CO-inch square or G0x7G-
lnch size, Siegel's prlco to $3.00.
Our sale 4 qa
price ij 1
Fancy Linens at 29c
Scarfs, squares and centerpieces
with drawn work and lace trim
ming. Siogel's price 60c.
Our sale price CtUKt
$3.98 Tea Napkins, $2.29
German embroidered eyelet tea
napkins. Siegel's price $3.98. Our
salo price Monday, tfjo OA
per dozen , . . . jiHiat
Fancy Linens at $2.98
scarfs and band worked fancy
pieces. Siegel's prices up to $6.
Our sale ' d0 QO
prlco ffffKJ
$2.98 Fancy (Linens at $1.19
Boautiful hand drawn and hand
embroidered scarfs,' 'centerpieces
and lunch cloths. Most of them
all pure linen. Siegel's price
$'3.98. Our salo gf 1Q
prlco V 1 12
Lunjch Cloths at 95c
All linen damask lunch cloths.
3G and 45-inch sizes., .Scalloped
or hemstitched. Siegel's prices
up to $1.98. Our sale QC0
price 5OC
Fancy Linens at 120
Fancy scarfs, square and cen
ter pieces. Siegel's prices, 25c,
39c and oven 49c. Our - OJL
sale prlco 1 fci2C
$3.98 Breakfast Sets, $2.79
Fancy colored breakfast sets,
Including 56-lncb cloth with half
dozen napkins to match. Siegel's
price $3.98. Our djo iyQ
sale price P
$4.50 Lunch Cloths at $1.95
Scalloped or hemstitched all
linen damask lunch cloths'. Some
slightly mussed. 45 anil 54-inch
sizes, SlegeUs price dl Qfi
$4.50. Our salo price. p L JtJ
$5.98 Card Sets, $2.98
Thirteen piece card sets, em
broidered In colors. Siegel's price
i r r r - . i .
o.vo. uur saio price, nj no nj
per set rdM
Tea Napkins, 12c
All linen tea napkins with plain
hem. Excellent values and spe
cially priced for Mon- i ni
day at, each iC
Fancy Linens at 69c
Scarfs, squares and center
pieces. Some beautifully lace trim
mod and embroidered. Siegel's
prices $1 and $1.50. Our ntx
price Monday . OSC
Fancy Linens at $5.98
All the OXdUisItn fnnrv llnono
cluny lace scarfs, table cloths,
centers and lunch cloths. Siegel's
prices up to $12.50. ti- tyr
Qur Balo price pD.C0
Sale of Dress Goods and Silks
30 and 42 In. suiting
30 In. whipcords.
36 In. granite suitings. -3C
In. black and whlto
chocks. ,
54 In. colored mohair
rBO In. gabardines.
54 in. satin neruer wnip
cordB. 54 in. Imported mannish
Ik2 In. now French plaids.
wnr-iu n tat it Ann Tnf fnn nnil messallnes. in all the
leading street shades, black and whlto. 36 Inches wldo. One of tho
best we have ever offerod.
f62 In. costumo serge
50 In. pummor weight
43 In. silk stripe' gabar
dines. 42 in. Fronch wool cropes
52 in. black and white
. check suiting.
54 In. mannish suitings.
54 In. men's wear serges.
50 In. diagonal suitings.
54 in. black and whlto
52 In. pencil stripe serges
Illicit chiffon taffetas, a scarce
and very fashionable weave. Tho
celebrated Bonnet make, made in
Lyons, France,70c, 08c, $1.50,
$1.00 and $1.70.
Peati chartneunc for evening
gowns and street frocks. 40 In,
wide. A fine selection of colors.
Very special, yard, $1.29.
Crepe- do chine, In tho best
ehados, including ivory, cream and
black. 40 Inches wide. A very
fine quality, specially priced at,
yard, $1.80.
Washable silk, 36 Inches wide,
in white, light blue, lllao, malzo
and grey, with harmonizing
stripes. 76c grade, 80c.
Sale of Siegel Table Linens
Irish, German, Austrian and Scotch linen cloths. This lot com
prises the finest cloths that Siegel carried In stock and were priced at
$12.50 and $16. Nearly all sizes up to 3!i yards long. You must
see theso cloths to appreciate tho values. Our sale price Monday, while
about 300 last, each, $o.
Table Oloths, 95o
All pure linen damask cloths;
also flue Imported German mer
cerized cloths. Beautiful round
patterns. Siegel's prlco up to
$1.75. Our eale price.. OSe
Table Oloths, $2.98
Fine imported Gorman damask
cloths In assorted sizes. Scalloped
or hemBtltchod, Lockstitch scal
loped and guaranteed to hold.
Siegel's prlco to $5. Our salo
price, 92.08.
Oloths Worth to $3.50 at $1.95
Beautiful round scalloped, also hemstitched and unfinished cloths.
81zeB 64x64, 64x72, 72x72, 72x90 and 72x108. Bleached and silver
bleached. Actually worth and priced by Siegel's store to $3.50. Our
price Monday, $1.05.
New, York Purchase of Fine Muslinwear
Hundreds of clean, fresh, high grade muslin under garments purchased at big reductions.
Tho sale prices are extremely interesting, in so no instances being about 50c on tho dollar of
actual worth. Here aro a few of the special groups.
Pretty Undermuslins at f A Wonderful Group at 3
A romarkably flno lot of undormusllns bought
so that we can soil them at far below their reg
ular worth. Garments of every description and
all the new styles Included
Another fine selection of sheer dainty.
richly trimmed garments at prices which
will save you nearly a half. The selection
is extensive and the styles the best
37c a Garment
A special lot of assorted garments-Drawers
.T Worth
Combinations . . f Up to
Princess slips. . k J 75d
Figured crepe gowns, worth
up to $1, on sale at 69c.
Princess slips, worth up to
$3, on sale at $JL.50.
Pretty shadow laco cami
soles, worth $1, special, 50c.
At 50c
Night gowns, sklrtB, pr!n-
cess Blips, combinations, draw
ers, corsef covers, samples' and
odd lots that afford wonder
ful values.
Extra Size Under
muslins for Stout Women
18c a Garment
A large assortment of chil
dren's Petticoats "J WortH
and f Vp to
Slipover gowns... . J 35d
Women's 35c drawers, 18c.
20c brassieres for 10c.
Corset covers, worth to 35c,1
for 18c.
Children's 15c drawers
at 9c.
At 75c
. Included In this assortment
are under muslins of every de
scription, all of which are
worth considerably more than
than the sale price.
45c for BPeclal lot -of extra size drawers. .
69c for special lot of extra size gowns.
$1.39 for special lot of extra size skirts.
Siegel's Wash and White Goods
Unbleached muslin, 36 and
38 inches wide. Just the thing
ifor wall covering. Two widths
will make full size sheet.
On bargain square at, yard. . O C
Fancy shirting and dress
prints in a hundred styles. Fast
colors. Thousands of yards on sale
Monday. No limit. Bar- n 1
gain square. Yard 5sjC
sZephyrs of fine quality, in
all fast colorings. Neat stripes,
checks, small plaids and plain
shades. Dress lengths on base
ment bargain square. fx
Yard VC
French crepes, 4 5
Inches wide, In tho
best colors. Sleeol's
85c grade, on sale at
Fancy printed rice cloth. A
new and desirable wash fabric
that is worth 18c a yard. Just
100 bolts. Very special for Q
Monday, yard J C
Seamless bleached sheets.
Plain and hemstitched, with 3 and
1-Inch hems. 72x90 size. Better
bargain in sheets has nov- Jin
or been offered. Each. . s:OC
Fancy crepes, in neat print
ings and woven Btripcs. Guaran
teed tub proof and sun proof. Es
pecially smart and durable for
dresses. Requires no Iron- C
lug. Yard IOC
Printed voile, In
dainty designs. 40
inches wide. Siegel's
price 25c. Our price,
I per yard, loc.
French check crepe, i
finest quality for lin
gerie gowns. Siegel's
$1.98 grade, on sale
at 06c.
Silk striped voile, 27 in. wide. Siegel's 35c quality, on sale at 10c
Whlto goods, such as embroidered pique, crepe, Swisses, jaconet,
rice cloth, French crepe ana novelties, wortnup to $i.zo, at 4Uc.
White lawu, 45 "White embroidered White Floxons, 32
Inches wide. Siegel's mercerlzod batiste, 60c Inches wide. Siegel's
45c quality, at 10c. quality, 35c. 25c grades, yard, 15c.
Natural dress llnon. Siegers 28-inch white cotton crepes,
36o quality, 10c. 20o quality, 12Sc.
Wonderful Values in Fine Rugs
We carry an exceptionally fine stock of tho very best grades of
seamed and seamless Wilton rugs, in the cnolcest patUrns and color-
colorings. Special prices tomorrow
0x12 size ot S42.50
Hartford and Sanford Axmln
ster rugs In all the latest styles.
9x12 ft. size, $25
8-3x10-6 Size, $22.50
6x9 ft. slzo, $15
4-6x6-6 size, $7.50
8-3x10-0 slzo at 40.00
A splendid showing of these
popular and practical rugs here.
4x7 ft. size, 4.50
36x72 In. size, $2.25
30x60 In. size, $1.75
24x48 In. size, $1.50.
Siegel's Towels and Toweling
Pure linen huck towels with scalloped or homstltched
ends. Sold by Siegel at 59c. On sale Men- OQ.
day at ZitlC
25c Towels, 12Vc
All linen towola, 18-36-lnch
size, prlcod by the
Henry Siegel store at 25c,
will be offered, jl
each Iu2v
very heavy two-tnreaa, colored border bath J
towels that 8Iegel sold at 25c, In our salo at. . , . A C
Sale of New York Purchases of Fancy Needlework Pieces
15c Towels, 8c
Very fine all linen Indi
vidual towels, 14x24-lnch
size, priced by Siegel at
15c, In our sale Q
at OC
Siegel's 19c double ply
Turkish bath towels, each,
Siegel's extra large heavy
towels, worth up to 50c,
each, 20c.
Family Food Choppers
Chops anything In meat or veg
etables. Fully guaranteed. Two
Blzes, specially prloed at 48c, 50c.
Aluminum sauce pans, 14-qt.
size, each, 25c,
Gold band goblets, ice tea tum
blers, special, each, 25c.
Havlland dinner sets, 100
pieces, handsomely decorated
with delicate green border and
pure coin gold. Regular $59 sets,
Mouday, $39.50,
Electric toasters, each; $1.08.
50c Night Gowns. 33o
Flno nainsook gowns, stamped
In new designs for French and
eyelet embroidery on fine nain
sook. 60o values, 00
at OOC
American Beauty Packages
Including centerpieces and
sofa pillows with embroidery
floss and lesson sheet, 1 Q
60c package for IcC
15o Coronation Braid, 9c
Coronation braid in white and
colors, six-yard pieces. q
The 16c quality. Piece... UC
Hand Embroidered Pieces
Just thirty-flvo In extra fine
hand embroidered pieces, includ
ing waists, night gowns, centers,
pillows, scarfs, etc. All exclusive-goods
and -range in price
from $6 to $10. Choice. rfo
Saturday at P-
Arabian Lace Scarfs
New Arabian lace scarfs in 54
and 72-lnch sizes. Some with
linen centers. Borne hand em
broidered In new designs. Val
ues from $3.50 to Q 7E
$6, at t
19c Child's Dresses, 12Vc
Stamped dresses for children,
age 2 years. White, blue, tan
or pink. Neat designs, i nl
19c values, at....... JL&rfgC
$1 Crepe Gowns, 69c
Stamped night gowns on the
new crinkle crepe fabric, in
pink, blue or fancy fig- ja
urod. $1 values, at.... OJC
Crochet Cotton, 9c Ball
Coat's mercerized, Bucllla,
Klostersllk or Perl Lusta. Equal
In luster and finish to q
D. M. C. Ball i?C
Fancy Linens at $6
Beautiful cluny lace trimmed
and fine hand embroidered cen
terpieces with punchwork and
eyelet embroidery. All the fine
linens, worth $12 to $18. rfts
Choice at J0
39c Montmellick Scarfs, 25c
Scarfs and centerpieces to be
embroidered with coronation
braid and French embroidery.
18x54 scarrs ana 27-inch cen
terpieces. 39c values,
Mfgs. Sale of Wall Paper
Immense cash purchnse of seasonable wall
papers. Never before have we been so fortunate
as to secure such a quantity of up-to-date wall
papers right at the height of the season, and at
prices you cannot afford to overlook. We can
list only a few of the bargains;
8c nnnera for bed rooms.
dining rooms and o
kitchens. Roll.., O
15c papers for living
rooms, dining rooms, halls,
and stores. f
Roll DC
30c liquid gold papers
for living room, library
and dining room, i A
Roll 14C
35c Imported German du
plex oatmeal papers. Plain
colors. r 1
Roll ZIC
15o Independent celling
papers. Moire, dot j
and allovers. Roll,. C
20c special bed room wall
papers. Floral, stripe and
Dresden. f
Roll 1UC
COo imported oatmeal
Japanese grass cloth and
tiffany blend. 07
Roll Ctt C
Embossed cut out crowns.
Worth 25c per sec- i
tlon, at 11C
Bath room and kitchen
papers, the varnished kind,
juc graae, i r
roll IOC
Big reduction on all our
cut out borders. AH the
new 1914 styles, such as
norais, tapestry blend and
conventional effects.