12-A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 26, 1914. SOCIALISM 1SA RELIGION So Deolarcs Babbi Cohn in Lecture at Temple Israel. MAKE IT rOEM OF WORSHIP Many So Zealnoa In Their Belief of It that Ther Would Be Willing to Brett Olre tJp Mfe In Beha.lt of Doctrines. NEW TASTOR OF NORTH CHRISTIAN CHURCH. SIDE "To many It may seem strange to con sider socialism as one of 'the seven camps of rftllfdon,' " said Ilabbl Colin at Temple Israel Friday night during the courso of his lecture on "Socialism." "Is loclallgm a, religion It will be asked. "To this It must bo said. In the first place, that socialism Is the only kind of religion a irreat many people have. Most of the leading socialists and a (treat many of the avowedly socialists are notoriously anti-religious, openly and even bitterly opposed to religion. They look upon re ligion aa their greatest enemy, as the friend and ally of those who champion the present order of things; as opposed to alt Intellectusl and social progress. "In the second place It may bo said that those who hold this view make- of socialism . veritable religion. Socialism Is to them all that religion Is to others. They espouse It with all their heart and soul, give to It all the fervor of their being. It Is the grand passion of their nature, their ruling and their master passion. I am firmly convinced that a great many who espouse what wa call so cialism. If called upon would not only take great risks and make great sacri fices aa very many are already (Joins, but would even be willing to glva up their lives In behalf of the eaaso which In their eyes is not only sacred, but the grandest and most sacred of all causes. The cause that can Inspire such heroism and evoke such a spirit of marlyrJom Is surely of the essence of religion. Socialism Is neltsrlon. "Moreover when we Inquire as to the object of socialism, we are compelled to admit that It Is entitled to be called a religion. There are many kinds of nodal Ism: even socialists are not agreed among themselves Just what socialism Is, but apart from any particular program, any special theoretical system, socialism In Its broadest, most Inclusive sense, Is the great effort after human betterment, the universal Improvement of. social con ditions, the amelioration and even per fection of human society. "flurely a movement with such an aim Is entitled to be called a religion, or to be considered under the aspect of re ligion. For what Is religion? To state It most briefly and comprehensively, avoiding all differences nnd technicalities, religion Is love to God and love to man." Marcus Kellerman to Sing at Musik Verein Home This Afternoon The Omaha Muslcvereln will celebrate 1U second anniversary today In Its new home. Seventeenth and Cass streets, by giving a grand concert ISztraordlnary arrangements havo been made and, the society expects many visitors from out side towns. A splendid program will be given by the mixed, malo and ladlos' choirs. H&rcus Kellermann, the giant bass of Metropolitan Opera fame, will appear. Mr. Kellermann was soloist uf tli a National Eteengerfestxheld In Omaha four years ago. The young Omaha vio linist, Louis Schnauber. will play soveral elections. The program will bo under direction of T. Kud. Reese). Goodyear Company Breaks Record for Production Again "It Is Interesting to note," s,iys an of ficial of the Goodyear Tire and Kubber company, "that though our factory at Akron turned out B2.S73 pneumntlo tire casings for automobiles and motorcycles last week, and thus broke the world's records for production we ourselves had formerly msde, the tires themselves are better tires than Goodyear ever made before. "Fully as Imporlant Is tho fact that wo are using for tires fabric made In our own mill, purchased by Qoodyoar a year ago at ICItllngly. Conn, We had already been buying nnd using the best long staple cotton fabric obtainable for our work. Our experimental staff found that n even the best fabrlo purchasable the threads running one way had greater ten sion than the cross threads, and, there fore, did moro than their sham of the work. "So, In our own mill wc experimented until wo perfected a weave In which the threads bore an equal strain, nnd wa use fabrlo woven that way, under our own supcrvUlon, in our tires. And our tiro fabric Is moro efficient than over before. "This has added to our factory cost, but It has also added to the miles and satisfaction tiro users obtain from Qood- years. That being the case, we are satis fied. Qoodyear popularity has been built upon quality, and upon that basis It will bo maintained." Oakland Survives Road Test Down in Southern Uruguay J. Felix Castillo of Montevedeo, Uru guay, may never have lived in Missouri, but nevertheless he has the well-known habit of the people ot that state "you have to show him." Johnson Martin, who represents the Oakland company in South America, made extraordinary claims for the Oakland and Castillo was Interested, but skeptical He had his own Ideas ot an automobile demonstration, but Martin wan hardly prepared for the unusual conditions he Imposed for a test, Castillo had planned a SSO-mlle road testl A 350-mlle Journey In Uuruguay meant a two or three days' tour, and, as Cuatillo had mapped the route, It led over the roughest roads and unpopulated plains and hills. Tools and clothes must be carried and they were placed with the extra tires at the rear; with the food and mater under the front seat. It was agreed that a stripped chasls ot a stock car should be used and that Martin and Castillo should make the trip, the former driving. Castillo returned from the tett fully convinced as to the capabilities of the Oakland, and Martin had another sale tc hla credit I - i .... Oval Race Course Used for Testing of Regal Machines To the visitor at the Regal Motor com pany's factory, Detroit, one of the most Interesting sights Is the private testing track. This Is a big course, banked at the ends similar to any apeed track and Is about as long as two city blocks. This track is used exclusively for testing Regal cars aa they come from the as sembllng plant. In the center of the track Is the motor And rough chassis test building, where each chassis is first warmed up" by being placed on a set of rollers, which are sunk level with the floor. Here th car Is started and run for a period of ten hours, the motor working at a speed ot KO revolutions per minute, with the .transmission and rear axles in operation. After a general Inspection ot control levers, brakes, etc., comes the test on the track, and to the outsider the many cars speeding around the oval might very easily be mistaken for a race. It Is unusual to see such a Urge area in the heart of a city given over to a purpose of this kind, but this ground Is Just a portion of the nine and one-half- acre plant of the R&sal company. Dobue and Danes to Star. Dubuo and Dauss are undoubtedly th ,fct Pitchers Ilughey Jennlnss will h this season. He has a large squad of ""v pair seems u outclass oil the others. But two pitchers of merit are hardly enough to carry a team through a pennant race, and for this rea son. If no other, U Is not expected that the Titers will be very prominent in the 'ev. orceL. Over Half Million Fords Constructed and Sold Up to Date More than a half million Fords have been built and sold to date. The Ford company's big Highland Park (Mich.) factory was speeded up and completed automobiles were being turned out at tho rale of more than 1,100 a day as the half-million milestone was left behind. This is but a continuation ot the paco set In March, when for twenty-six con secutlvo working days the dally produc tion exceeded 1,100 cars. Since 1908, the growth Of the company, as indicated by yearly car sales, has been phenomenal. That year the sales totaled more than 6,000, the next year they Jumped to more than 11,000, the next year they were more than 19,000, in 1M1 they exceeded 37,000, ' in 1912 they were more than 74,000, and In 1915 they were In excess of 180,000. And this year's sales are keeping up the pace. The Fords built before 1908, tlioso built and sold Bp far this year, and tho total of the sales for the six years given above combine to mako a grand total of more than a half million. I is quoted from a certificate signed by tho occupant of a Paige "J, which re cently succeeded In climbing the 38 per cent grade to the summit. "This Is to certify that on Wednes day, March 11, 1914, we in company with Ralph F. Herrlck, rode in a Paige "36T' car over what is known as Mathews hill at Areata. "There were five In the car at the time of this trial. The grade of this hill Is 33 per Cent To our knowledgo there have been many cars ot different makes that have tried this hill, but the Paige Is tho first and only car to date to make the ascent." PAIGE MAKES UNIQUE REC0RDJN CALIFORNIA Mathews Hill at Areata is famous throughout the countryside as a bugbear to the automobtllsts who travel through that portion of the state. The following Old "Jack Rabbits" Bought by Apperson While the business of the Apperson Bros. Automobile Co., at Kokomo, Ind., Is primarily tho maufacturo and sale ot New "Jack RabWt" motor cars, Elmer Apperson, president of the company and pioneer automobile builder, occaslonlly rverscs the established order and buys some of hla own cars. Such was the case a short time ago when Mr. J. H. DeJong, Manager of the Apperson Jock Rabbit Auto Co., at Omaha, came Into possession of two old "Jack Rabbits" of the vintage of 1899 and 1909 respectively. After considerable pressure and persuasion Mr, DeJong finally consented to part with them, and after being exhibited at the Omaha Auto Bhow, where they attracted as much at tention as the very newest and latest ot this year's cars, they were shipped; to the Apperson Factory Branch at Chicago. 'ACKARD COMPANY NOW HAS BRANCH IN LONDON In line With the growing popularity of Amorlcan cars abroad, the Packard Motor Cat 'company ot Paris has estah Ushed a branch office, service station and rental dopot In London, Kngland. The now establishment Is located at No. 7 Lower Belgrave street, off Buck ingham Palaco' road. It will carry a complete supply of parts and provldo the same expert technical attention which could be secured nt home. It also ar ranges for the crating and slipping of cars and assists In 'mastering the many formalities which must be compiled with before the start ot an extended conti nental tour. As the only continental branch repre senting a high grade American car, the Packard station In Paris has many de mands from motor tourists abroad. In response to requests for rental service by tourists at the Riviera during; the winter Season, a station has been estab lished at Nice. Proves Durability of Cadillac Parts A unique demonstration ot the thor oughness ot manufacturing policies and methods was recently mode by a dealer in uouisviuc,. xty. xna aeajer in qucsuon wished to prove the durability ot his car and to do this In a convincing spec tacular manner, publicly alsmantlcd a Cadillac that had run 6.W0 miles without ever halng been overhauled. A force of mechanics removed all the parts from the chassis and put them on exhibition on a large stand so that they could be examined Just as they came from a period of steady servlco which might readlty be .considered mqre than the entire life of th nerngc automobile. The nearly perfect state of these parts, many ot which could not be distinguished trom new ones even on the closest ex amination, caused something ot a sensa tion and one of the spectators purchased the car on the spot, thus proving the ef fectiveness of this manner of demonstrat ing durability ot material nnd accuracy ot manufacture. Makes life Worth Living This is the car that made the greatest record of all in the past season. The thousands of Detroiters, in hardest service, averaged, from January, 1913, to Jan uary, 1914, just $3.81 apiece for repair parts. No other car, of any type, or at any price, can touch this record. With its Ions stroke, thirty-two horse-power, ball bearing motor, the Detroiter climbs a 15 grade at 28 miles per hour "on high." On second and first speeds It climbs anywhere its wheels can find traction. Because of its ball bearings, correct power ratio and light weight, the Detroiter uses' at least 22 less fuel than is de manded by over-powered cars of its class: 20 to 25 miles per gallon is its everyday record. 1 It has the smooth gait of the platform spring. The actual amount of added comfort is 33. $925 CsatakUIr The Detroiter has the greatest proportion of braking surface of any car made one square inch per 9 5-10 pounds. The long stroke motor and sensible gear ratio (4 to 1), make for slow depreciation; the rear axle cannot give way its margin of safety is 2,000 pounds overload; the ball bearings, of finest grade, do not wear out and never need adjustment as do other types, neither can they bind when the car is distorted by rough roads or accident; and ruinous road shock has no terrors for the platform spring. Such a car lasts. GET A DEMONSTRATION T. H. POLLOCK AUTO CO. Staler. WO Yam am tM. Fhona Douff. 6393. TKS T. Or. JTOaTXWAXX. OO., Distributor!. Kaisasav sWA irawr Less Money More Mileage UTOMOBILE owners are to be congratulated, and we congrat ulate ourselves, over the condi tions that make possible the present lowered prices on Firestone Tires. The lower cost of robber, .doe to increased production of raw gum The lower cost of building, due to greatly extended and Improved manufacturing facilities s The lower cost of producing the individual tire as our output rap idly increases to meet growing demand All these favorable conditions more than offset the increasing cost of skilled labor, and you, the car owner, get the benefit. Mow as always you'll get Most Miles per Dollar from Non-Skid and Smooth Tread Firestone Tires cost yon very little mora, In some cues no more, than ordi nary tires that are made according to a popular price standard. Yet Firestone could sot be better It they cost you twice as much. You are entitled to the Firestone standard ot quality ana service, insist open It. Any leading dealer will supply yon, Firestone Tire and Rubber Company 'America's Largest Exclusive Tiro and Rim Makers." 8330 VAXHX31 ITMM, OTeLaSEA. JrjQB. Jioms orn.ee and raotoryi Akroa, Ohio, ranch la all Xrs CI tits. tires m All objectionable features of the old poppet valve have been overcome in the supreme Moline-Knight motor Ease of The makers of motors operation have kno wn for years DaraniiinHinHMiniiiHa that the days of the old style poppet valve were num bered they have spent fortunes and years of labor in an effort to get rid of the poppet valve. The Moline-Knight motor solves the problem it is your assur ance of more power, more speed, more economy, more flexibility and more endurance. The ease of operation is an agree able revelation to the motorist who has been1 driving a poppet valve motor. Beauty, and Absolute freedom comfort from vibration at mmBsmBmam i any speed reserve power soft, comfortable uphol stery' with plenty of "leg-room" high-grade workmanship throughout a new graceful streamline body, with a finish that is unsurpassed by any car at any price are just a few of the Moline-Knight advantages. Ask for a demonstration no obligation on your part $2400 A F.O.B. Factory Five-passenger, four-cylinder, guaranteed . n. x'., jio-uica woeeiDase, Moune ner starting and Hrhtinir $2400; tab. factory. Wire wheels extra. The Four that makes the Six unnecessary Moline Automobile Company, East Moline, Illinois Moline Automobile Co., 2421 Farnam St., Omaha - Phono Douglas 2085. This is the Goodyear All -Weather Tread "AH'WeatKer" becauso it runs like a smooth tread. The projections are fiat and regular. Yet on wet roads the count less sharp edces afford a resistless grip. This tread Is double-thick. It is made of very tough rubber. The sharp edges last for thousands of miles. Instead of rounded grips, here are grips with sharp edges.' Instead of a rugged, irregular tread, here is one smooth and regular. Instead of separate projections center ing all strains at small points in tho fab ric here are projections which meet at the base, and spread the strains just like a plain tread. Not a tire user can know this tread without wanting these tires on his car. No Other Tire No other tire has this All-Weather tread. No other tire has our No RinvCut feature the GoODpYEAR X&S AKRON.OHIO No-Rim-Cut Tires With All -Weather Treads or Smooth only feasible way to make rim-cutting im possible. No other tire is final-cured on air bags, to save the countless blow-outs due to wrinkled fabric. This extra process costs us $1,500 daily. No other tire combats tread separation by creating at the danger point hundreds of large rubber rivets. Much Lower Prices In 1913 No-Rim-Cut tire prices dropped 28 per cent. Now there are 16 makes which sell at higher prices some higher by almost SO per cent. Yet No-Rim-Cut tires have four costly features found in no other tires. And no man knows of any way to give you greater mileage. Bear this in mind. No-Rim-Cut tires have won top place in Tire dom. And they cost you only what the best should cost. Ourdealers are everywhere.' THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY, AKRON, OHIO Tali Cenjjumr hu no connection winterer with any other rubber concern which tuee the Goodrrar name. Any Dealer can supply you Goodyear Tires. If the wanted size it not in stock he will telephone our Local Branch. HmmmmmmmmmmmmKwamammmlmmmml n ,,,! m in MiBgj We Carry (oODYEAR Tires in Stock AKRON.OHIO Ciirtercar Co., of Xebr., 2115 Farnam St. Mclntyre Auto Co., 2203 Farnam St. Omaha Tiro Itepalr, 2201 FArnam St. Paxton tlorage, 2010-21 Farnam St, C. P. Shou-alter, 2300 Leavenworth St. John Stuben, 2810 Leavenworth St. SOUTH OMAHA, NEB. Holme & AUdns Co., 325-7-0 N. 24th SU 1