'I UK BKE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1914. ocie 4y By MELLIFIOIA. Thursday, April 23, 1914. PATRIOTISM is stirring the young children as weli as tho grown-ups,, and "what the extra says" Is the bed-time story demanded by qullo a number of lads of" or S years of ago; "How Bre'r Rabbit got ahead of Bre'r Fox" is no longer of Interest. Two ar 1 boys of my acquaintance, Master William Hynes, Jr., and Master Be Cotton, have decided that they would llko to bo drummer boys, and watch anxiously for the extras and want to know all about the latest . news from Mexico. The moiher of one of the small boys discovered his toy savings bank had been broken and utfon asking the little chap about It he said that thero was an "Extra," and mother not being at home, that was tho only place they could get money to buy an "Extra." Candy, tops, roller skates and other things of great importance to the small boy had never tempted them like the "War Extra." Fashion Hint At the University Club. Tho last of a series of dinner (lances will be given at the- University club this evening. There will be. a largo table for a number of club members, who are dine together. Tho following reservations have been made. A. C. Loomls, who will have places for four; Louis Meyer, twoi Victor Dletz, two; J. P. Mead, two; Dr. F. M. Conlln, two; R. A. Grandt, two! C. I Mattson, two; Amos Thomas, two; F. L. Belby, two, and Robert Updike, two. . ;At another table Will bo Mr. and Mrs. R. TV. Haywafd, Mr. and Mrs.' C. J. Claussen, Mr.; and Mrs. J. K. Morrison. JMr. and Mrs. Robert Manley will have a," party of. ten; A nan Raymand, tour;- A. C.I. Buchanan, two; Dr. John Potts, four; "W. M. Smalls, -two; A. II. Burket, two, and W. 8. "Byrne two. For June Bride. A" miscellaneous' shower was given Tues day evening at' St. 'Rita's convent In Honor of Miss Sophia Bowley, who will &e,married in June. Those present were: MMlsses- Bophla Bowley, Otace Poole, BUa Nash. Florence Nash, Bessie Warren, Alice Delariey, Elizabeth Mc JDermott. Clara McDermott, Nell Kilkenny. Jhsephlne Ulrich, Alice KUetsch, Misses Emma Ducey, Nelllo Mulhnll, Mary Donley, Margaret Fllley, Kssle Carroll, Mary O'Bulllvan; tana Yerllng. Mary CTConnell, Anna Kerns, Amelia Goodenkauf, Mary Pampson, Mary Ruzlka. Gathro-Rutter Wedding, i A. very pretty wedding was solemnized ott Wednesday evening at S o'clock, at thW Church of the Good Shepherd, when Mfu Elsie A. Rutter, daughter of Mr. and jMrs. Kennedy E. Ruter, became the br(de of "George R. Cathro. iThe church, was beautifully, decorated wlth'Eaatef lilies,' evergreen' and palms. Rev. T. J. Collar performed the ceremony. As the guests assembled a pipe organ voluntary was rendered by Miss Carol Marhoff, organist. The bridal party en tered to the strains of the Lobcngrln Bridal chorus. The bride wore a gown of Ivory white chameuse, made with draped skirt and square court train of heavy brocade, which fell from the top of the girdle. The bodice" and tunic were of Ch'a'ntilly late, edged with ruffled crepe chiffon, effectively embroidered In pearls. Her .tulle veil -was hejd "with: tiny white rosebuds and she carried a shower of bride's roses and lilies of the valley. Miss- Monlco Laur, 'bridesmaid and only attendant was gowned In ping crepe de chine with overdress of dewdrop chiffon. The bodice was trimmed with pink rose buds and finished In back with a large butterfly bow. She wore a picture hat of pink and white and carried pink roses .Mr. David Cathro, brother of the groom,, served, as best man,' and the ushers were Meiers.' Peter McDonald, Richard -Rob-lnsonand "Waldo Laur. Mendelssohn's, Wedding March waa pled while -the. wedding party was leaving the; church. Following the cere mony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Pink and white decorations were used. The bride's go-away suit, was of blue gabardine, with which she wore a black Milan hat, trimmed In pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. Cathro have gone on a short western trip and will be at home after Juno 1, at 3316 Ohio street. Dundee Woman's Club. The Dundee Woman's' club met at tho homo of Mrs. N. K. Sypes Wednesday nfternoon and elected the following offi cers: Mrs. Georgo Kdgerly, president; Mrs. G. E. Fisher, vice president: Mrs. T. R. Braden. secretary; Mrs. C. J. Hub bard, treasurer. Mrs. J. F. Ferguson, the retiring president, was presented with a picture as a token of appreciation of her service , to tho club. Jolly Octette. Miss Dorothy Sunfield entertained the Jolly Octette Whist club at her home Wednesday evening. Prizes were .won 'by Miss Gertrudo Harris. Miss Bess Lohr man and Mrs. M. Wittenberg. The guests df the club were Misses Josephine Carew and Etta Shechter and Mesdames A. A. Cornbleet and H. Sunfield Entertain at Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McConnell enter tained at dinner Wednesday evening at their home for Mr. Joseph McCnnn, a half-brother of Mr. McConnell. Covers ycro placed for forty-two guests,. Includ ing the faculty of Crelgliton university, and members of the dental class of 13U, of which Mr. McCann Is a member. Dancing Party. Mr. and Mrs. -John L.' Neble entertained at a dancing party" lasr evening, at Tur in's for their daughter, Mlss Ann Neble, and for Miss Helga Rasmussen, who will be a Juno brld6." The decorations were white and gold. About sixty couples were present. Vesta Dancing Party. vesta chapter No. 6, Order of the East ern Star, entertains at "a dancing party at Chambers' academy this evening. Auction Bridge luncheon. Mrs. David Albert Medders and Mrs. Harmon Van Dusen Smith, Jr.. enter tained at a beautifully appointed 1 o'clock luncheon today at tho home of Mrs'.. Med ders, 131S North-Fortieth street: Auction bridge ,wiia played 'after itfrjch eon and' the ilollWlngV guests' ' were BRIEF OITY NEWS te'rrC VnTlX S MANY TO USE THE SPECIAL I KAIN I U A I LAN I A UUNULAVt nv LA nACONTKUSE. Evening gowa of "Chartreuse" velvet. The skirt is simply drawn up at the center front. The left sldo crossing over the right one. The girdle, draped, gives a high waist line. The bodice Is of white net, slightly gathered at the decollete and giving a small sleeve finished by a long point, also gathered up over the arm In a strass galoon. A butterfly bow of nrft em broidered with colored stones and strass trims the middle front of the bodice. present Mesdames Leslie J. Heatey, StepHenE, DaVles,. John Campbell, W. S. Woodworth, W. N. Dorward, Leroy Gillespie, Wilbur Brandt. Walter S. Wiley, J. M. Ulchards, Rodney W. Bliss, Harry B.,Ransdell, J. T. Buchanan,. J. C. Howard, G. T. Wlnterson. Audrey Pomeroy, J. J. Gafford, Georgo West, F; J. BIrs's, Charles McMartln. Miss Kathryne McClanahan. Personal Mention Mr., and Mrs. C. E. Corey and daughter, Marjorle, leave today for St. Joseph to attend tho Missouri Valley Cost con- Mesdames Elmer R. Porter, A. Hugh Hippie, Edward I'hnlen. H. M. McClana- , han, C. L. Vance, C. M. Edwards, A. O. Peterson, Raymond V. Cole, Louis Kllllan of Cedar Bluffs, Neb.; C. L. Sykes, John A.' Fuller, G. W. HerveV. Ellas Holovtchlner, F. J. Despecher, CY e; Hutchlns; R. J. Altchlson. grers, of which association Mr. Corey Is president. They will return Sunday. Mr. Douglas D. Rothackcr, who was born In Omaha, but Is now living in Chi cago, has been here for a few days see ing some of his childhood friends. Mr. Rothacker Is the son of Mr. O. H. Roth ackcr, once editor of the old Omaha Re publican, and a grandson of Mr. Sterling P. Rounds; tho Rounds family having been prominent here socially in the early nineties, ilr. Rothacker reports that his grandmother, Mrs. SI P. Rounds, Is liv ing with a daughter In Denver and is halo and hearty. In and Out of itlie Bee Hive Mr, and Sirs. T. F. Kennedy are spend ing a fortnight In Spokane and Seattle. Miss Katherlne Grablo left Wednesday for Des Moines, where she will danco Saturday at "The Dansant" given by members of the Wellesley club of that place at the Masonic temple. RYDER HAS HIS TEAMS LOOK FOR MORE RUBBISH Street Commissioner J. J. Ryder has ordered tho teams employed for city clean-up days to go over the ground again, as several citizens have notified his department that a second cleaning brought a lot of rubbish together. JTidfUty Storage ft "an Co. Doug. 16I8. n Boot mat It Now Beacon Press. XJghttnr ruturcs Burgess-Uranden Co Monthly Xnooms for X4X4 Gould, Bta building. W. J, ConnsU removed hit mw offices from Pullman building to $ffi-J3l Bee building. Whsn yon know gas lighting you pre fer It. Omaha Gas company, 1M0 How ard strtet Douglas 606. Connell Gats Nsw Auto Health Com missioner R. W. Connell has been given a new automobile by the city commis sion. His old machine was sold to the Waterloo company. Thltvts nansack Xtouso Sneak thieves ransacked the home of Charlvs ' Jorgenson 1001 Park Avenue? some tlrn I Wednesday and obtained Jewelry, money 1 and clothing to the value of about JIM. I Wants Bids for Nw Basin The, Water board will advertise for bids for the construction of a H.000,000 gallon sedimentation basin at the Florence station. This will be the largest ban at tho pumping plant. Burglars Beared Away 1. Newman, 514 Bouth Thirteenth street, reports to the police that thieves cut a panel from the back door of his place Wednesday evening but were frightened awny when he awakened and spoke to them. Neble to XSurops Oble Neble, flute player In the Paxton hotel orchestra, Is going to Europe this spring for a exten sive visit. Ho was honor guest at a fare well banquet Tuesday night, given by members of the orchestra at the Paxton, Open Indian Bids at Chicago Bids for tho contract to furnish supplies for the United States Indian Wan house In Omaha are to be opened In C'hlcngo to day. At the warehouse It Is said that tho contract will perhAps not be let for several days. Bs.no.mt fof Beard Ira J. Beard, re ligious worx director ot me umana loung Men's Christian association, will go to Atchison, Kan., today to become gen eral secretary of tho association there, A farewell breakfast for him will be glvr. by local association men this morning. Maleomb Brings r tally A. R. Mai comb, assistant general freight agent of the Union Pacific, has returned from Milwaukee, bringing his family with him. At present Mr. and Mrs. Maleomb are stopping at one of the hotels, but will move Into a residence as soon as they can find one that Is satisfactory. Paring Briok Thrown Out City Com mlssloner Thomas McGovern has con demned eleven car loads of brick In tended for use In paving Sixteontth street south cf Vinton. Tests bv the engineering department showed tho brick was not up to standard fixed by ordinance. Too Tonne to Enlitt LftRoy Brott Journeyed from Eustls, Neb., all the way to Omaha to enlist In the army, t& fight against the Mexicans, and armed with tho consent of his parents, he en tered tho army recruiting office at Fif teenth and Dodge streets. He was much chagrined to find, that after coming to Omaha with tho necessary credentials, he was refused enllstmont, btcauro he had not reached his eighteenth birth-day. ment of convention delegates on their way to the coast were outlined In detail at Wednesday's meeting of the Omaha greeters. District Passenger Agent North Is of the opinion that the Illinois Central spe rial Irnln from Omfthn to Atlanta. 1av- Persistent Advertising Is the Sure ROArl 1 lnr hir Mnv x. will currv not leu than to Business Success. Nebraska and Iowa Shriners to the conclave. An even 100 Nebraska Shriners, most ot them from Tangier Temple, have already secured their reservations. The train leaving Omaha, May 8, will take on the Sioux City Shriners at Fort Dodge and from there on it will run solid Into Atlanta. Twelve, new all-steel cars have been set aside for the use ot the Shriners on the trip. COL WM. ANDERSON GAINS .GROUND FOR HOTEL MEN HEAD More letters were read at Wednesday's meeting of hotel clerks at the Millard hotel favoring the election ot Colonel William Anderoon to the presidency of me ureeiers or America at the Los An geles national convention In June. He Is receiving offers of support almost dally from all parts of tho country. One of his latest endorsements was by the Los Angeles Hotel Reporter, which leads his friends to believe that Ida candidacy will have smooth sailing, even In the heart riiAtofif ls extremely beneficial LUClCl.il ln cnB38 of Diabetes. Ploiii Rheumatism, Dyspepsia IUUI Kidney and Liver trou bles and diseases requiring a special diet. Twelve-pound sack, post paid, S1.76. Special discount to dealers. Tho Gluten Co., Red Cloud, Neb,, box 1 07. Make this your "Meat" A nourishing, satisfying strengthening dish that tempts the palate and gives stomach comfort after the digestive organs have wrestled with high-proteid foods Shredded Wheat Biscuit With Strawberries Nothing so delicious, nothing so easily digested, noth ing so easy to prepare. The only breakfast cereal that combines naturally with berries and other fruits. Heat one or more Biscuits in thetoven to restore crispness; then cover with berries or other fresh fruit ; serve with milk or cream and sweeten to suit the taste. Better than soggy white'f lour "short-cake" ; contains no yeast, no baking powder, no fats, no chemicals of any kind-rjust the meat of the golden wheat, steam-cooked, shredded and baked. The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. iStoro Hours, 8:30 A. M. to 6 p. m. Saturday till 9 P. M. BURGESS-NASH CO. "EVERYBODY'S STORE" Friday, April 21, 1014. STORK NKV8 Ft)R VkIDAY. Sixteenth and Harney Strati. HERE'S A SPECIAL SALE FOR FRIDAY OF Women's Cloth Coats xVll The 50 That Were Intended to Retail at $12.50, $15.00 and $18.00 offering yon cannot -well afford to overlook. O . 1 c Aro the very latest, representing tho handiwork or one VJtyiGB 0r (ho foromost makers In New York. TkyC . 1 Includes golflno. crinkled wool crepe, plain crepe, lVlrtterialS scrsos. plaids, Bedford cords, etc 1 Are tho season's most favored, all beanUrnlly tailored VOlOrS nd finished throughout; all alaes represented. Coats Friday, choice, $0.00. The The Intended to rotall for $15.00 and $18.00. Women's Dressy Silk and Cloth Suits Most Unusual Values Friday at $16.50 They aro mado short Jacket styles and tunic effect skirts, ana you u uoio sorges,t whip- Si 50 among the trimmings aro tho Tho materials aro falllo cords, diagonals, etc., whilo and vory latest collar eirccis. silk, gabardines, men's wear tho favored shades of Copenhagen, navy blue, green, brown, tan and violet, as represented. It is Indeed a most unusual Friday at surgcti-H&ih well as black, are offering, on salo 16' Co. Second floor. mm SPECIALS For Friday Only Every item is worthy of your consideration. Toilet Paper, 10 Rolls 23c Good size rolls, spe cial, Frlflay, ln tho basement, at 10 rolls for Union Siilt nt 25c Women's union suits, low neck and bIcovcIcbs, white cotton, cuff knoo or umbrel la style, regular or extra sizes, main floor, per garment. . Union Suits nt 3ftc Women's union suits, low neck and sleeveless; flno white cot ton, with wldo um brella stylo leg, Fri day, an main floor, per garment Infants' IIoro nt 10c Infants' cashmere hose, with colored silk heel and toe, on main floor, Friday. . Thread Silk Hose 10c Women's black thread silk hoso. full fashioned, regular mado foot; main floor, Friday,, pair ' Wash Goods 12 Uc Flowered voiles, tissues, crepes, ginghams, solsottes, and poplins, 25c quality, Friday, on main floor, yard. Fancy Silks at 17c Fancy and plain silks, Roman stripes, floral effects and pin stripes; lengths 1 to 10 yards of 60c quality, on salo main floor, yard SOc Taffetas at 20c Tnffotn silks, 22 tnchos wide ln shades of bluo, tan, pink, gray, lavender, rod, green, brown, rose and cream; majn floor; worth 59c, yard. . . 8c Linen Crash at 3Kc All linen brown crash 15 inches wldo, usual 8c quality, Friday, main floor, yard. . . . SOc Tabic Damask 10c Half bleached union table damask, 58 ln. wldo; regular price 39c, main floor, yd. 85c Tablo Damask Offc Half bleached, 81 In. wide; dice pattern; 86c quality; main floor, yard Alarm Clocks nt 45c Nlckled case, largo figures on dial, guar anteed for ono year; Jewelry section, at. vrir v. 25c 25c , low neck io couon, 25c aoc , low neck white cot- 39c . 10c 10c o 40c 'Aflrl nil If 49c 2$c sues, crepes, 12k 17c s, Roman s and pin 17c SOc 08 wide In Jnlr rrfn v 29c 3tfc 3k t 10c 19c k Offc 65c t 4Bc 45c Splendid Savings in NOTIONS Skirt belting, 10-yd. bolts; black, gtay and white; -r por bolt ... C Embroidery edging, all colors, ji 4-yd. bolts 0"2fC King's 200 yura spool cotton, black and whlto, spool AC Nlckol plated safety pins, a r- at Dozen1 ATOP Wlro hair pins, In all slzos, per - package .... I C Common pins, 1 por pkg 1 C Women's and chil dren's hose support ers, black and Q white, pair.. SC Hooks and eyes ln black and white, card, . X C Pearl buttons, n dozen ...... C Hi-lfuli Co. Mln 5c 50-yard spool silk, in colors, por j spool OC Corset clasps, all lengths. . Assorted, wlro . hairpins, 2 box Seam binding, 8 yds. to bolt; g" colors; bolt. . DC Odd lot fancy but tons, worth 15c to 25c; at, per dozen rioor. 3c Sale of All White Four-Coated ENAMELWARE for Friday EVERY piece guaranteed strictly first quality, and If any pleco chips off or scales within flvo years we will replace It to you FREE OF CHARGE. Tho offering Includes pudding pans, cups; saucers, pip pans, wasn Dasins, mixing dowis, sauco pans, tea pots, coffee pots, colanders, Derlln sauce pans, otc. 25c and SOc all whlto Enamchvaro at 15c fl5c nnd 4Ic all whlto Knaniehvriro at 23c 50c nnd 05c nil whlto Enanichvare nt. , . . . .35c 05c and 75c nil whlto Enamelwnro at. ... . .45c 75c and OOc all whlto Enaitielware at 50c OOc and $1.25 all white Ennmelware nt OOc Barfftit-XTaih Co. Sm.ment 60c Printed Linoleums, 45c CHOICE selection of pat terns in printed lino- 45c lounifi 6 feet wido, in the salo Friday, per squaro yard . 75c Printed Linoleums, 59c Printed linoleums, 12 feet wide, ln new patterns and colorings; 75c quality; on sale, per cq square yard ,., tJ&C Burr-Haih Co. Thlr4 Xloor. Pretty TRIMMED HATS, $3.98 A COLLECTION of pretty creations selected from our big second floor section. Hats that wero included ln lines that wo priced from 15.00 to flO.00. They're all lafe spring' and summer Ideas,, in cluding lace effects; choice, Friday, at. Ill THE ECONOMY BASErtEHT Wide Selection of Trimmed Hats at $1.00, 91.08 and 92.08 BIG TABLE OF FLOWERS of the newest French and domestic ideas; all new, clean goods; formerly 60c to i C 98c; F-iday, choice at IOC All Children's Hats at Va the Original Price Burffasa-XTaili Co. Eoonomy Bkienunf More Great SHOIl Bargains Friday Q HOPjS for men, women and children, mostly new r- fijjv O. spring and summer styles; some are broken lines, M THE jyUv. but every pair is an extreme value at the price, Friday, vpnvtary ftMBwSfe" High and low shoes, in patent leathers, gun metal, ' uvUiMli suedes, Russian calf. The regular $1.50 to $3.50 val- fiflSfiHEHT V7Vi ues, Friday, pair ' ' 89c; $1.39 and $1.95 Boys; a mouse s'Vhirt lOc to 15c Wash Goods, 5ic Waists, made of . , blue and fancy stripe Thousands of yards In full and broken pieces of summer wash i blue and fancy gray goods, including crepes, percales, batistes, lawns, ginghams, ZjL chambray, sizes 7 to percalines and all sprts of novelty fabrics for women's and mm 2 C 16 years; good 60c children's summer wear; 10c to 16c a jnrd value at, yard, value, at 10c ! I tHc Damask 20c 8c Muslin 3c Waists at 30c ?-hi!ICAmvei,i'Bl!il 90- Yard.w,de- "t finished White lingerie waists, high or i?h. Tar n?.mv JS' "C nuilln; good quel ty. at low neck, long or short sleeve lengths 48o QuaHty, , yd. per yard U styles, trimmed with lace and CambScomtlnaUonKs, cor- w 5 vale'slle O set cover and drawers ,WeU m'le,' ?f, fanSy 1 C at each ' OUC combined; lace trimmed, SQf laD' D,ce,y tr,mmed I DC ' each OUK. oach 93.00 Wrcsseg at 91.80 91.JSO Wab Ureases fiOc 20c Union Holts 15c Wool serge one-piece dresses In Perfect fitting wash dresses, Women's flno ribbed union suits, navy, black and cbeck patterns, made of percales, cham- fg pure white, lace trim- sizes 36 to 44lnch;At aa brays, ginghams, nicely SMf med, low neck and um- I yp Broken lines of $3.00T I M trimmed, each JU bre,la styJei each t values, at pJJ ;Burgess-Nash Go. Everybody's Store 16th and Harney.