Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1914, Extra, Image 1

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Four Americans
Call Tyler 1000
W You Want to Talk to The Boo
or to Anyone Connected
with Tho Bee.
VOL. XLUI-NO. 230.
Revolutionists Inclined to Regard
Seizure of Ports as Affront to
Every Mexican.
Silence of Chieftain Does Not De
ceive Anyone.
Consul Letcher Instructed to Send
All to El Faso.
Party of About Thirty from Chihua
hua Reaches Frontier.
Attempt "Wilt De Made to Tnlte the
Americana Ont In Small Parties
mill Avoid Confusion of
Gencrnl Kxodm,
EL PASO, Tex., April 21 olx Ameri
can eight Germans and nln- Frenchmen
and nine women arrived here today from
Chihuahua. The Americans confirmed the
statement that they were Instructed to
leave by Merlon Letcher the American
consul. They said that Mexicans In Chi
huahua held the belief that the rebels
will be unable to remain out of the
Hutrta-Waahlngtou complication, and
added that "rebel leaders feel compelled
to" apcept.the view that the blockading
,ot',Tarm?eo and Vera Crus? wtll be a na
tional matter affecting the honqr of every
Mexican, -regardless of political affilia
tions. vtlchr. they rad, w endeavoring to
get tlio Americana aut without attracting
undue attention, and his efforts In thle
direction were being assisted by General
Carranza. Most of the latter1 confer
ence with General Villa yesterday, they
asserted, was devoted to consideration of
the. Tamplco Incident and Its develop
ments aa affecting the constitutionalists.
Affront to Mexican Nation.
The gravest view was taken, according
to reports. In the cafes, clubs and other
Fathering Places Mexican citizens, prac
tically all of whom are rebel sympathiz
ers, declared openly that President Wil
son's course la an affront to the Mexican
nation and that a common enemy must
be met by a united Country.
Meanwhile there waa no. definite an
nouncement of policy on the part of Car
ranza, the American reported, adding that
it hftemed to be his purposo by slUnee
to Imply the truth, of reports that he
would continue with the revolution re
gardless of foreign complications: This,
they said, In view of the excited talk in
the cares and elsewhere, deceived nobody.
In El Paso prominent rebel sympathis
ers wore unanimous so far aa they could
he questioned, In the view that not
Hutrta alone, but the national honor was
at stake.
EL PASO,. Tex.. April 23. "Little Chi
huahua," as tho Mexican section of this
city s known and where 60 per cent ot
the Inhabitants of the city reside. Is be
Ini: patrolled by United States cavalry
men and infantrymen tonight.
This and other precautionary measures
were determined upon this afternoon at
a conference between Mayor Kelley and
Colonel C. A. P. Hatfield, commanding
th'e troops at Fort Biles.
The feather
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Unsettled and cooler, probably showers.
Temperature at Oaraaa Yesterday.
Hours.- Drg.
--. it o a. ra 57
' J 7 a. m. 67
S 8 a. m , 61.
r 9 a. m 65
Si 10 a. m 6S
T U a. m 70
)T 12 m 73
L i p. m p
E2 p, m,. "s
3 p. m 76
D 4 p. m 7S
5 p. m So
6 p. 111.... 77
7 p. m,. 75
S p. m 73
Comparative Local Ilecord.
191. 113. 1912. 1911.
Highest yesterday SI 81 63 74
Lowest yesterday . 66 48 44 47
Mc-an tempeiature 68 64 4s 47
Precipitation ..' T .04 .00
Temperature and precipitation de
partures trom the normal;
Normal temperature 63
Excess for the day '. 15
Total excess since March 1 61
Normal precipitation 10 Inch
Deficiency for the day 10 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1,. 2.17 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 L12 Inches
Excess for cor. period, 1913... 1.66 Inches
Gxcess for cor. period, 1912... .11 Inches
Reports from Stations at T P, M.
Station and State Temp. High- Rain
of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fail.
f'heyenne. cloudy 60 62 .00
Denver, cloudy... 64 t .00
lien Moines, clear 7S SO .00
Dodge City, clear S2 92 ft)
'ander cloudy ... 46 60 .oa
JL rlii
GALVESTON, Tex., April 21. More than 200 Mexicans
were killed at Vera Cruz today in the fighting that followed
the landing of United States sailors and marines, according to
information received at the cable office here.
VERA CRUZ, April 21. (8 p. m.) Rear Admiral Badger,
commander-in-chief of the Atlantic fleet, has arrived here with
five ships.
Those killed, all of the battleship Florida, were: .
The name of the fourth man could not be learned
The wounded include: 0.
Cameron, J. P. Plese,
burg of the Florida and
regiment, from the transport
WASHINGTON, April 21. The American flag tonight
flies over Vera Cruz Four American were killed and twenty
wounded when a detachment of bluejackets and marines from
the American fleet seized the customs house, raised the Ameri
can flag and skirmished with the Mexican garrison.
Desultory firing was in progress late today, according to a
dispatch from Rear Admjxal Jfletoher, received 6 p. to. At
first .the garrison had appeared to o withdravfing. .American
Consul Canada reported this to the State department at Q
o'clock, but when the American fbrces feicbM the customs
house the Mexicans opened with rifle and artillery fire. t
The transport Prairie immediately began shelling the Mexi
can positions, slowly driving them out. Tho Mexicans fought
from the house tops and along the streets.
The American forces have taken possession of the cable of
fice and hold the American consulate and the section of the city
in the vicinity of the wharves. Rear Admiral Fletcher's dis
patch came by cable and reached here at 6 p. m. A hurried con
ference was called at the White House, President Wilson sum
moning Secretaries Bryan', Garrison and Daniels. They were
in conference for an hour, emerging serious faced.
"First blood has been spilled." said one of the officials at
the White House.
Secretary Bryan left the White House for the German em
bassy, where he discussed with the German ambassador the con
signment of arms for Huerta aboard a German merchant vessel
due to be landed in Vera Cruz tonight. The capture of the cus
toms house at Vera Cruz was ordered by the American govern
ment to prevent the big shipment of ammunition and machine
guns from getting into Huerta 's hands.
Congress had discussed all day the resolution which would
give approval to the president's purposes to use the army and
navy in the Mexican situation. The senate had recessed until 8
p. m., while the house adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.
Senate leaders had agreed to take final action some time to
night. Secretary Daniels made public the following dispatch re
ceived from Admiral Fletcher at 6 p. m.:
"Tuesday, in face of approaching norther, landed marines
and sailors from battleships Utah and Florida and transport
Prairie and seized customs house. Mexican forces did not op
pose landing, but opened fire with rifle and artillery after our
seizure of customs house, Prairie shelling Mexicans out of their
positions. Desultory firing from house to house and streets.
Hold customs house and section of city in vicinity of wharves
and consulate. Casualties four dead and twenty wounded."
WASHINGTON, April 21. Secretary Daniels announced
late today that Rear Admiral Mayo, with his flagship Connec
ticut, and most of the other vessels under his command at
Tampico had steamed for Vera Cruz. All the vessels of Rear
Admiral Badger's fleet had been ordered to go directly to Vera
WASHINGTON, April 21. Brigadier General Charles
Bailey will command the first body of troops, if any are sent to
Mexico. He will leave for Texas City within a day or two to or
ganize an expedition.
Major General Wood, who will relinquish his office as chief
of staff at 12 o'clock tonight will bo in supreme command of
all the troops and will follow General Bailey within a few days
if action comes.
General Bailey is now stationed at Fort Trotten, N. Y., and
is in command of the North Atlantic Coast artillery.
Are Killed and
L. Leahy, U. Schwartz, 0. D.
3, seaman of the Florida Electrician Geis
tnd D. D. McMillan, privaterSQ marine
A T"fc 'J. '
aha Daily
Drawn for Tho Bee. by Powell.
Manchester Guardian Thinks Cause
of Trouble Insignificant
It Myaj Resentment of Americana
Wonld Hot Been Greater If
Insnlt Had Come from a
Stronger Power.
LONDON, April 21. Considerable space
is devoted to the Mexican situation by
the British newspapers today.
The Manchester Guardian, organ of the
English peace party, aays: "War, should
it come, would be purely ridiculous It the
stake were not human Uvea and national
reputations. If both sides are Itching to
ba at each other's throats, It would be.
discreditable to them both to have no
better occasion for beginning.
"The originating cause of the dispute
undoubtedly Is the extension of the Mon
ro doctrine, which from being a mere
notice board to Europe against political
trespassing In the new world, has becoflie
a sort of gazetting of the United Btatea
aa the political school mistress of Central
and South America.
"President Wilson waa wrong In refus
ing to recognise General Huerta. The re
sulting intervention will put Pancho
Villa In the position Huerta now occupies.
This Is not an attractive prospect, for
Villa possesses In a higher degree every
fault that President Wilson has found
with Huerta." v
Predict permanent Occapatlon
The Liverpool Post says: "President Wil
son' message was the Inevitable culmina
tion of the Anarlcan policy in refusing
to recognise General Huerta. The respon
sibility of the United States cannot cease,
with a mere conquet under arms and
the upholding of American dignity nor
can it be confined to the Immediate pro
tection of international commercial In
"The further responsibility will evolve
on the United tats of taking such
steps as may be considered necessary for
the permanent protection of those In
terests. That can only be dona by estab
lishing such a form and personnel ot
government as will ensure the greatest
degree of orderly life. Tho civilization of
Mexico would have a benefielcnt Influ-
ence throughout the world."
Calls It Tlral Insnlt.
The Daily Telegraph : "One of
those great waves ot national feell&s
(Continued on Page Two.)
The National Capital
Tuesday, April 21, 1014.
The Senate.
Met at noon to continue consideration of
the Mexican resolution.
Representatives of the New Orleans
Chamber of Commerce anneared bafor
the canals committee to opposes the re
peal ot me 1'initm tons exemption.
Tue Hons"
Met at 10 a. ni. to await the action of
the senate on the Mexican resolution and
rssumed debate on the navy bill.
Two Hundred Mexicans
Our Infantrees
Nutshell News from
Mexican Imbroglio
Another rteRlnlent of Marines
WASHINGTQN, April 21. Major Gen
eral Harnett, commanding the marine
corps, today ordered another regiment of
marine to be assembled at Philadelphia
for Mexican service. They will be drawn
from Atlantic coast cities.
Fornlo-nera Advised to Lra-rn
Mexico Cltr.
WASHINGTON, April 21. Chargo
O'Shaughnessy, at the direction of the
State department, haa advised the foreign
diplomatics body in Mexico City to have
their citizens leave Mexico.
Will Wait Landing of Ammunition.
WASHINGTON, April 21.-At 3:3) o'clock
Secretary Danlela said ho had "no word"
of developments at Vera Crur. Official
circles, without comment, heard a report
that marines had landed and taken pos
wrslon of the customs house. It was
said Admiral Fletcher's orders were to
land no, men until the shipments of am
munition had been landed.
General Ilnllry Will Command
WASHINGTON, April 21.-Brigadler
General Charles Bailey will command the
flrat body of troops, If any are sent to
Mexico. He will leave for Texaa City
vtlthin a day or two to organize an ex
pedition. Major General Wood, who will relin
quish his office aa chief of staff at 12
o'clock tonight will be In supreme com
mand ot all the troops and will follow
General Bailey within a few days It
action cornea
General Bailey is now stationed at Fort
Trotten, N. V., and Is In command of tho
North Atlantic Coast ai tlllery.
Haperdreadnonahta Will Be Sent
NEW YOrtK, April 2I.-The superdread.
nought. New York and Texas, the two
largest battleships In the world, are ex
pected to be on duty In southern waters
soon. U was announced at the Brooklyn
Navy yard today that tho New Vork,
which was placed In commission lust
vcck, would sail for Guantanatno, Cuba,
on Bunday. Tho New York has been un
der orders for come time to proceed to
sea for Its "shaking down" since tho
Mexican situation become acute, the work
of putting tho finishing touches on the
vestela has ben rushed. A large quantity
of ammunition was being stoned away on
the New York and the Texas today,
"Unless orders to the contrary are re
ceived before Sunday," said an official
at the yard, "the New York will pro
ceed to Uuantansmo, There It wilt be
close to the Atlantic fleet, which It can
Join at any time."
The Texas Is ready for sea action on
short notice.
Warships n Tninnlco Krnt to Vera
WASHINGTON. April JL - Secretary
Daniels announced lato today that Hear
Ob Trains and at
Hotel Hews Brands. 5c
Admiral Mayo, with his flagship. Connecti
cut, and most ot the other vessels under
his command at Tamplco had steamed
for Vera Cruz. All the vessels of Bear
Admiral Badger's fleet had been ordered
to go directly to Vera Cruz.
OOO Marines Leave PenSacola.
PENSACOLA. Tla., April 21.-The bat
tlcshlp Mississippi, with 60) marines
aboard, sailed this morning, for Vera
Cruz. The warship also carried totxr
aviators with their hydro-aeroplanes,
The tender Dixie departed last night for
the Mexican port.
Mexican Reirrrei May On Called.
MEXICO CITY. April 21,-General Aur-
llano Blanquet, the minister of war of
Mexico, asked today whether the reserves
would be called to the colors, replied:
"In due time. If it should become neo-
essary they will be so called, aa will
every citizen of Mexico."
The federal capital Is quiet today,
Fifth nrlamle la Ready.
GALVESTON, April Sl.-Troops of tho
Fifth brigade. United States army, under
command of Colonel Daniel Cornman,
were ready today to go on board the four
army transports hero at a moment's no
tice. The brigade, which Is composed of
the Fourth, Seventh, Nineteenth and
Twenty-eighth Infantry, will be reln
forced by the Sixth cavalry, one battery
of the Fourth field artillery, Company
E, engineers; Company D, signal corps,
and an ambulance corps. The full bri
gade numbers approximately t,7W officers
and men.
Will Abandon Vera Crna,
WASHINGTON. April St.-There was a
report that Fletcher's force would not
he resisted and that the Huerta forces
Intended to retire to the railroad trestle
twenty miles west of Vera Cruz. Officials
refused flatly to discuss It.
Nr-tlatlnn Opens vilth Rebels.
LAREDO, Tex., April 21. U was author
itatively reported here today that two
federal officers from the Nuevo Laredo
garrison, bearing a flag of truce, went
down the river yezlerday to parley with
rebel officers. Coalition of rebels and
federals against the United States waa
mid to be their object.
IlehcU Attuuk Maiitercjr,
JAUREZ, Mex., April 2t.-An official re
port recolved today states that the
smelter nnd the brewery at Monterey
liavo been occupied by the lebals, who
began their attack yesterday. .
Max Weber, German consul here, was
Instructed today to get German subjects
out of tils district In Mexico.
Americana Lcnvlnir Chlbnnlina City.
CHIHUAHUA, Mexico., April W.-(Vla
El Peso, April 21.) Consul Letcher, on
Instructions from Washington, Is noti
fying Americana in this city to leave the
country s a precaution against possible
unfortunate eventualities growing out ot
the decision of the Washington govern
ment to seize Tamplco and Vera Cruz.
They will be tent out In small bodies
If time permits, as a general exodus, it
in feared, might precipitate trouble, Six
American women left tonight.
Fair; Warmer
President Sends Instructions to Ad
niiral Fletcher to Intercept
Ammunition for Huerta.
German Ship is Bringing 200 Field
Guns and Millions of Cartridges.
Will Say Nothing About Rumor City
is Alreadv Occupied.
Lodge Opens Discussion on His Sub
stitute Resolution.
It Provides for Acceptance of Artol
or ot Ilnerta for Tamplco In
cttlent an Sufficient
WASHINGTON, April 2l.-At S.-53 p. m.
th house recessed until 10;00 a m. to
morrow. This makes it certain there will
be, no final congressional action on the
Mexican situation tonight.
At R:M o'clock the sente recessed until
8 o'clock when Senator Root will speak.
WASHINGTON, April 2tt-Whlle, con
grew was deflating the Mexican altua
Uon, President Wilson ordered Rear Ad.
mlral Fletcher to aelxaJb- - Vera Crua
customs bouse and prevent Huerta from
Kilting several million rounds ot ammu
nition and 2(0 field guns on a German
steamer bourtd for that port.
The ordera went out from Washington
early today when It became apparent
that the delay In congress waa accruing
to the advantage of Huerta.
At noon the cabinet waa In session and
so far aa was known no word had been
received from Admiral Fletcher of his
action. The orders, officials said, left to
tho admiral's discretion when and how
to art. As thr la no blockade, the
American forces could not Interfere with
tho German steamer. The ordera were to
seize the guns and shells after they had
landed or t6 seize tho customs house to
prevent their landing and thus keep themf
from going to Mexico City. Officials de
clared that President Wilson had ample
authority for his action without the ap
proval of congress.
Meanwhile both house and senate re
convened and the senate began work on
the resolution ot approval of the presi
dent's course, i
The orders went out to Admiral
Fletcher at daybreak after President
Wilson, and cabinet officials had been In
conference since 4 a. m., mostly over tha
telephone. The ordera to the admiral, It
was said, conferred the broadest author
ity on him and directing that, It neces
sary, he take the town of Vera Crux aa
well as the customs house to prevent the
landing of the munitions.
ftltnutlnn Up to Fletcher.
Officials here said the admiral might
act In several ways. He might wait until
the German steamer had landed Its cargo
unmolested, and then talto the custom
house and tho munitions, or when tha
German steamer comes to the port ha
might seize the customs house and, if tho
guna were landed, they would come Into
possession of the American forces. That
the steamer might take Its cargo to some,
other port waa a possibility of which of
ficials were cognizant.
Some report from the admiral waa being
(Continued on Page Two.)
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paper Publishers' Association.
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tions. Booklet on request.