Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 9

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    'mil,' nr uja tii'vuu- nt'iv (nun m mn
JThrow Away Your
AJ?ree Prescription
Tou Can Bar rilled and Ui at Home,
Do you yytar glasses? Aro you a vic
tim of eye-strain or other cyc-woak-nesscs?
If so, you wilt be glad to know
that there Is real hope for you. Many
whose eyes were failing say they have
hart their eyes restored through the
principle of this wonderful free proscrip
tion. One man enys, after trying it; "1
was almost blind; could not see to read
nt a)l. Now I can read everything with
out any glasses and my eyes do not
water any more. At nittht mey would
pain dreadfully; now thry feel fine nil
tho time. It was like a miracle to me.'
A lady who used It says: "Tho atinos'
phero sremod hazy with or without
Kineses, but after ustnr; this prescription
for fifteen days cverythlnB seems clear.
1 can .oven read fine print without
Klasses." It Is believed thot thousands
who wear classes can now' discard them
in n reasonable time, nnd multitudes mors
will be able to strenuthen their eyes so
as to be spared the trouble and expense
or ever fretting glasses. Eye troubles ot
manv descriptions may be wonderfully
benefited by the following simple rules.
Here Is tho prescription: Go to anv
active drug store and get a bottlo of
Optona. Kill a two-ounce bottle with
warm water, drop In one Optona tablet
nnd allow to dissolve. With this llanld.
bntho tho ryes two to four times dally,
i ou should notice your tiyes clear up
perceptibly rleM from the start and in'
nammntlon will quickly disappear. If
your eyes are brt'ierlng you. even a little,
take steps to si,vr them now before It Is
too late. Vanv hopelessly blind might
have beort saved If they had cared for
their eyes In time. Advertisement.
f 1915
From New York, Jan. 31, 1915
Visiting famous cities and countries on a
palatial steamship which serves as your
hotel. Erery luxury and comfort assured.
135 days$900 and up
Inducting Shore Trip and all rieceary oipenia.
Alto ChiUm to lb Wtt IndUa. Pan
aroa Cnl, and Meditsrranau trip.
StnJ fet icoklcl, tiding ctulti
ICO W. Randolph st Clilcajro, ni., or
iooal Agents.
Judge from my picture as to the truth
of what 1 say to you that the crown
ing feminine attribute Is a bust of
beautiful proportions; firmness and ex
qulslto development'.' Then ask yourself
how much you would like to have such
a photograph of yourself, showing the1
glory ot womanhood with Its llnea ot
infinite charm and grace. It would be
worth far more than a two-cent stamp,
would it not? Then let me give you my
message let mo tell you of what 1 have
leorr.ed and let me gtve yoil recent pic
tures of myself to prove -what 1 say for
if you will write mo today
I Will Tell You How FREE
I will tell you gladly and willingly,
Why should any woman neglect an op
portunity to escape the pain and heart
ache of being ak'nnlng. scrawny, angular
and unattractive In body? Misery Is not
our heritage. Nature planned that you
a woman should have the rich, pulsing
lines of warm, living flesh molded after
the mother ot us all, the description ot
whom, perfumes our sacred literature
with love and admiration for the divinity
of woman's form. For why should there
be that pitiful aspect the face of a
woman and tho form of a man.
Write To Me Today
I don't caro how fallen, or flaccid, or
undeveloped your bust now Is I want to
tell you of a simple home method I want
tn tell you how you can gain perfect de
elopmont one-ounce a day. No Physical
culture no massage, foolish baths or
paste no plasters, masks or injurious
injections 1 want to tell you ot an ab
solutely new method, never before of
fered or told about insuring immediate
tucccss and permanent beauty.
Send No Money
Just write me a letter address It to
me personally that's nil. X will answer
it by return mall and you can develop
your bust one ounce a day you can be
what you want to be. Believe me. when
I say that you will bless me through
years ot happiness for pointing the way
to you and telling you what I know.
Please send your letter today to the fo).
lowing address:
Suite 1005, 408 Adams St., Toledo, Ohio
n6r a restrict .'
na m onli ths
tritmnt It rrf4
!!. Call TjUf
"' tv nil
fr C1WF.X. err
writ!, nr Par
Sim rhr
m i '.::( Ftratm.
Secretary Opposes Maguire's Lin
coln Poitmaiter Choice.
Nnmiiint Ion of A. V. Johnson, Origi
nally a Harmon Mnn, 11 rings
Congressman In Open Oppo
sition to Commoner.
itKrom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, April 18.-(Speclal Tele
gram,) Mexico and threatened war Is
nothing nlongsldo the situation that has
arisen over Congressman Maguire's nomi
nation ot A. V. Johnson for postmaster
at Lincoln. Secretary Bryan is against
the nominee of the gentleman from the
Tlrst district and today stated that he
was for former Mayor F. W. Brown, his
long time friend.
Representative Mogulre gave out a
statement on the day Mr. Johnson's name
had been sent to the postmaster general
that he had talked over tho matter with
Secretary of State Bryan and Postmaster
General Burleson, and that his recom
mendation of Mr. Johnson ns the best
equipped man for the place followed as a
result of. these Interviews.
Tho carefully prepared Interview which
Mr. Magulre gave out. Intimated that
everyody. at least In Washington, was
harmonious over the selection of Mr.
Johnson and that he would be confirmed
in due course.
Mnsrnlre In A'err rind.
But Secretary Bryan at thii moment
Is hotter over the Lincoln situation than
he Is over the Mexican embrogllo. He is
mad all the way through and Johnny Ma
gulre, In the language of a near friend,
has duif Ws political grave Unles tho
Bryan-Maguire atmosphere takes an aw
fully cooler temperature than It register.!
tonight the Lincoln congressman bids fair
to be made political mtnee-meat of at tlia
mighty political hands of the thoroughly
irate secretary of state.
Secretary Bryan, when seen at hit
home tonight by The Bee correspondent,
was asked whether he had taken a direct
position with an emphasts on the word
"direct," on the postofflce matter.
"I have," was tho emphatically uttered
answer of Colonel Bryan.
Tho-tenseness and emphasis of his reply
prompted the other question:
"Mr. Secretary, had Congressman Ma
gulre any agreement with you about the
matter of the Lincoln postofflce before
recommending Mr. Johnson?"
Equally laconic was the answer: "He
did not"
Mr. Magulre, In explanation ot tho
rumpus kicked up over his 'Lincoln post
mastership selection wherein he ptoked
a man who was said to have been for
Harmon aa against "Wilson, and repre
senting Ideals politically other than those,
of the secretary ot state, Indicated to
The Bee correspondent that he was un
aware he had stirred up, a .hornet's nest
In the Lincoln .postofflce matter after he
had so carefully threshed put the quali
fications ot the various candidates.
"I don't want to say anything about
this reported opposition on the part of
Mr. Bryan, to tho selection of Mr. John
son' as postmaster at Lincoln, for he is
the one Interviewed, not I," said Mr. Ma
gulre, with some show of hesitation.
Mnirntre Stands Pat.
"At the time I made the recommenda
tion for the appointment I issued a sim
ply worded statement- giving the conclu-'
slons that had led to the selection ot Mr.
'Johnson. I stahd by that statement, and-
I stand tor the "appointment of Johnson.
No reasons have come up since the rec
ommendation was mada'for me to change
thy rnlnS as to the merits of the man ee-
"The endorsements of Mr. Johnson went
to. the 'postmaster general after the most
careful and deliberate consideration of
the claims of all tho other candidates, t
never gaVe more earnest consideration to
a case than I did to this 'one, and finally
reached the conclusion, in view of all the
endorsements, that Mr. Johnson was the
man for the office."
Murder and Suicide
Appears Probable
OEDDES, B'. T., April 16. Developments
In the killing of W. II, Mentle and Miss
Blanche Signal, whose bodies were found
in the ruins ot & lumber office hero tills
morning, now point strongly toward mur
der and aulUrte. Examination by doctors
of thn body of Manxle this afternoon dis
closed a "bullet hole through tho" head
made by a ,33 caliber bullet entering on
the right stdo and penetrating the brain,
and leaving on the left side. The pistol
which had beet kept in tho office for
protection, was found in the ruins at a
spot immediately where hla body lay. An
exploded shell was found in the gun, and
another shot seemed to have blown the
gun barrel off.
Two 55 gold pieces and a wallet with a
bill In It were found In' his clothing.
Twenty-Four Years
For Shidler Attack
KANSAS C1T, Mo., April W.-Oscar
Harrison, 27 'years old, was found, guilty
and sentenced to twenty-four years In the
penitentiary today oh charges of being
one of the flvo assailants, who attacked
Mrs. Gertrude Shidler, a nurse. Vic
Guerlnger, tried two weeks-ago on the
same charge, was sentenced to be hanged.
End All That
Eczema Misery
Stop All That Awful Itching and Sam
log Instantly by Using Thi
Benurkahle Skin Remedy
& - ZEHO.
dot a SSo Bottl Today and Fiore It
ZBMO U really a new wonder a clean,
antiseptic- liquid .that Is rusaatsad o stop
ucmng ana 'bat has
prored lUe.f over
and oyer. Ecrem
simply cannot exltt
where this remark
oblo, selcrjtlflo reme
dy Is used, and It
only costs yon )8o
to prove this to your
own satisfaction.
Dont take any
body's word for It
but see for yourself.
iriWMi.Hviaoq.bii; nsoTry alio bottle this
t"?.T? 4iLT'T " verr day and then
n.ufr..i,r.-. ,jeclde. You're sure
to And it jnstwbat yon have waited for so
long a blessed, instant relief.
ZEMO Is sold and guaranteed by drug.
gists everywhere, and In Omaha by Sher
man & Met onnell Drug I'o. stores and
all other leading druggists,
From Our Near Neighbors
Mr,Ahd Mrs. C. U. Ntcholt. J- K. and
May motored Into Omaha Tuesday even
ing tb attend "Itobln llood."
Hov. K. i:. Zimmerman nnd little
daughter, Kletha, of Uelden ls spending
the wcqk with Mr. and Mrs. Ilnrmbach.
Miss Anna Morrow of Omaha wus the
guest ot her sister, Ulllan Morrow, tor
the week end.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Christian Temperance union will
be held at the home of Mrs. v illlnm
Oarner K-day. Miss Hhepaid In leaner
ot tho leeeon study, sclentillc temper
ance, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Noyes and l'rlscella
of Dundee spent Uastcr with Mr. and
Mrs. Unrdlnor.
The flirts' Kensington club ot tho
.Swedish Uuptlat church gave an apron
saic at me cnurcn Tiiesuay evening, xne
receipts were over $34.
Mrs. I.. P. Kyars carno out from llenson
Wednesday and will spend the rest ot the
weeK with vniicy roiativvB and irienus.
Tho regular meotlns of tho Valley
Woman's ciuh was held at the honw ot
Mrs. N. K. Johnson Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Llljeforn was leuder of the lesson
nnd Jlrs. Kopp, the music A paper on
American literature by Mrs. Uljolors Is
worthy oi especial mention.
Tho Ladles' Aid held a supper and
batar in tho Doherty hall Wednesday
afternoon and evening. liestdos tho
rsual fancy articles, a largo assortment
of goods donated by manufacturers and
wholesale nouses was on sale, rue pro
cceds amounted to over J2O0.
The choir of the Presbytorlan church
assisted by Mrs. Isaac Noyes ot Dundee
and Mr. Smith ot Omaha Theological
seminary gave an Raster song service
Sunday evening. Communion Service was
held in tue morning ana seven new mem
bers were received. The attendance both
morning nnd evening was tho largest ot
any services ever neid in-tno rreuoyicrian
"The Fairies Conspiracy" by the
iiuplls from Miss Parson's ' and Miss
Harrier's rooms, and the operetta "In
India," ny tho girls or the valley men
School Qtee club, was presented In the
Valley opera house Wednesday evening.
Both wero under direction of Miss Joanna
Urown. assisted by Miss Weokly and were
exceptionally well rendered. Tho door
receipts amounted 10 over si
Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Whitney departed
last iuonuay Dy automomie tor Bpaiding,
Neb., to visit their son, Fred.
Mrs. George Snyder ot Fremont visited
her father. W. Dow. last week.
Mrs. Will UVe II and son of Iake Arthur
are visiting relatives here and at Qrctna.
Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Schumacher of
Omaha, visited the Kleck family last
Miss Ellabeth O'llrlen ot the Wayne
Normal visited 31r. and Mrs. L A. Uates
on Easter day.
The residence lately owned by I W.
Drlskcll Is being move to another lot, and
a new residence will be erected by N. J.
Christianson on the place whero it stood.
Frank Coyne has traded his pool hall
to Elmer Boroman for his garage.
A party ot twenty cltlens from Fapllllon
passed through hero Wednesday to in
spect the crushed rock (Saving at Louis
ville, with a view' of using the same on
the streets of- Fapllllon.
The nppllcatlon of Carl Oldrog for
postmaster at tms piace nas oeen ac
cepted and the appointment made. As
soon bb the bond of Mr. Olderog Is ap
proved he will take possession of the. of
fice. I toss Whttnoy ot Boone, la., Is here to
visit his parents.
The aicKlnley company will probably
establish a power houso near the Platte
river to furnish electricity for Its lines.
The election of Eastern Star officers
resulted as follows: Mrs. S. C. Haney.
matron; Mr. J. C. Gleb, worthy patroni
Mrs. W. H. Davidson, associate matron;
Mlsg Eula Dates, secretory: Mrs. J. C.
nelb. treasurer: Mrs. U. O. Lovell. con-
ructreas; Mrs. W. M. Kleck, associate
nev. nnd Mrs. Varan made a visit the
fore part of tho week to Shelby, la., to.
the home ot itev. agan s iamer.
Bess Wldaman, who was our primary
teacher here a few years ago. will teach
the primary department of the Paplllion
schools next year.
Mrs. Mary Waterman la. having a new
house built on her lots on'tho north side.
Eggert Oit and Fred Logemann cele
brated their birthdays on Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Av Slevcrllng of Omaha
spent Easter, Sunday at tho Charles Orau
Mrs. Thomaa "Wlnterburn entertained a
number of friends and relatives last Sun
day afternoon.'
Hill farm' on Thursday evening to help
Miss AUBusia. leuucru uticujow in
day. A largo congregation greeted tho Roy.
Von Nusbaum, who preached nt the Ger
man Luthernn church on Kaster Sunday.
Misses Helen and Louise Johnson of
Omaha spent their vacation week here
with their grandmother, Mrs. P. A. An
derson. Mrs. Drover of Scott's Bluff, Neb., a
t i-... Ar XTra A11A Tneh. Is .it
C1BU I - ,11-ia.r. - " - -
present taking treatment in an Omaha
llev, E. Ahrens, vfho has. had charge
of the church here for the last eight
vears; has accepted a call, to tho Oerman
will lcavo with his family In about a
Roy Houghtellng, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Houghtellng, former resident" In
this Vicinity, but now living In South
Dakota, was taken to an Omaha hospital
lost week and operated on for appendi
citis. Roy Is a nephew of Mrs. Hans Oft.
Mrs. Rebecca Streot, nged "8, wife of
Isaac Street, died Sunday. April 12, at
her homo in Washington, Ncb and was
burled Wednesday In Elk City cemetery.
Mrs. Street was well known to tho older
residents, having lived on their farm three
miles northwest of Bennington for a long
timo previous to retiring on account of
adyanclng years.
Mesdames Klrkpatrlck and S. Adams
were shopping In Nebraska City Thurs
day. Park Chrlswlssor of riattamouth was In
town' on business Tuesday and Wednes
day. Rev. Mr. Van Buren Is attending a
ministerial conference at Plattsmouth this
Tom Cromwell of Lincoln was In town
on a business deal "Wednesday.
M. II. Pollard went to South Omaha
Tuesday for medical treatment.
Omar Bchllchtemler was married on
Wednesday at Genoa, Neb., to Miss Lena
Alfred Brandt of Sargent, Neb., was
visiting relatives here this week.
Alexander .Raugh. editor of the Steele
City (Neb.) Press, was the guest ot his
brothers, Stuart and John, the first ot
the week.
Bert Tucker and family left Wednes
day for Los Angeles, Cai., whero they ex
pect to make their future home.
Prof. Beverldge of Doane college was
visiting the Doane contingent ot students
here the first ot the week.
William Balfour recolved news that his
son. L. C. Balfour of Omaha, was mar
ried Tuesday to Miss Evelyn Morehouso
ot Lincoln.
Victor, son of Cal Sturm, has been quite
sick with quinsy this week at Lincoln,
where he Is attending the state univer
sity. Mrs. Sturm, who has been with
hliji, reports that he is now recovering.
Ray Baker of Omaha visited at the
Richards home Sunday.
Mlsa Minnie Short ot Omaha was enter
tained by Miss Dagma Westergard Sun
day, Larry Anderson of Omaha Is spending
a few days with his brother, John An
derson. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Paulsen and Mrs.
S. Mraehem of Counell Bluffs and MUs
Hsttle Clausen of Logan. la- MUs Maud
Munscn, Clarence Pamp, Wilson, Lin-
hew rt were visitors til the A. C. Drln
home Sunday.
Miss Harllne Brewster returned Inst
week from Peru, whew she has been at
tending school.
Mrs. Nels Hasmltssen went lo Nennltirf
ton to visit her daughter Wednesday.
Miss Minnie Drln spent a few dnvs last
week at Bennington.
Hoy Morlev and family from spwlch, S
D.. are visiting for a couple of weks
with relatives here.
Mr Alma Brown whs an Omaha vIMtor
Monday, whero she visited the Nicholas
Senn hospital, her daughter, Mrs. Walter
Brown, having been operated on .hetv
ri cently.
Precinct ASiessor J. C. Badger Is mak
lng tho rounds among the people of this
precinct assessing their property.
Mrs. I H. I,ockman deprted for
Omaha Monday, where her father Is com
fined In a hospital recovering from an
airs. John Hollenbnum of Ayer, Colo.,
is visiting nt thn home ot Louis Hollcn
bnum this week.
Mr. and Mrs. William Osterman were
Fremont passengers last Tuesday morn
ing. Mrs. J, W. Johnson spent Easier Bun
day In Arlington, the guest of her father.
Delmar McCnnn and G. C. Marshall
transacted business In Blair Friday.
Mrs. N. P. Bruck and Mrs. T. J. Rob
rrts were Tuesday morning passengers to
i remonu
Frank lladley was here from Omaha
rinaay to visit ins parents, Mr, ana air
W. S. Hadlcy.
Misses Clara and Esther Johnson re.
turned to Peru last Monday morning
after spending Easter with homo folks,
O. E. Hasen was In Omaha on business
Sir. Azarlah Masters, ah Old resident
or this county, is able again to do out.
Mrs. Crapenhoft and daughter. Lucilo
Mrs. Van Valln. Miss Ershal Lyman and
miss Feeia L.udwig were Omaha shoppers
last weeK.
P. W. Pfelffnr and Miss Gertrude Mai
tors motored to Fontanelle Sunday.
O. IS. Gaines was In town Sunday, re
turning to Missouri vauey Monday even
ing, wuere he runs a pool nan.
IL C. Rurup, agent for the Updike
Grain company, has been advanced to the
position or traveling auditor tor tne com
Mrs. A. McKenxlo and daughter, Mrs.
Harel Greene and children of Omaha vis
ited friends hero Monday. They also
visited ur. Hicharosoii's tamiiy at w a
terloo Tuesday.
Mrs. Georgo Rlgby and llt'Jp son of
umaiia visited her motner, Mrs. u. .
Caivort, Monday,
Miss Alma Hansen visited friends near
Millard Thursday.
'Mr. and Mrs. John Greggerson and
daughter, Miss Frieda, visited at the
William Biei home Monday.
Henry Bay nnd family wero in Omaha
The Claus Holllng family moved Men
day into the former Eggers borne, which
tney recently nought.
Charley Kellctt and family called on
friends here Tuesday on their way homo
from umaha.
Mrs. Sam Haney visited Tuesday with
Mrs. is. v uaivert.
Mrs, C. W. Baldwin returned Tuesday
from Omaha, whero she visited over
Tom McCleneghan and family visited
at tne Jane wiuterourn no mo unaay.
Mr. and Mrs. Joo Qulnn are the parents
ot a baby.
Miss Elslo Scefus visited Wednesday
and , Thursday at Paplllion with her
granamomer, sirs, kwouci.
A. E. Chamberlln and family moved
this week into Mrs, MoKenilo s no.uso.
There will be a stallion show here Sat
urday. Anril IS. given under the auspices
of the Western Douglas CountV'AgriouI-
tui'al association.
.Jacob Ort of AVahoo, Neb., Visited
Wednesday witn nis aaugnver, Mrs. J.
is. rate and husband.
AVecplnsr Witter.
Miss Leone Snltzer was home from
Peru to spend Easter Sunday with her.
Henry Uterman of Blair waa a visitor
at the John Marshall home' the first part
of tho week.
Mrs. Harry Potter of Omaha has been
visiting the last few days at the S. F.
Quardet home.
P. F. Rossello roturned last Tuesday
from Florida, where he has been spend
ing the winter.
Van Crew broke his left arm at the
elbow while wrestling with Cecil Amlck
on the school grounds.
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Dunham of Llttlo
Rock, Ark., are spending the week-end
with Mrs. W. D. Ambler.
A flro brokp out In tho Sam Compton
house last Sunday, but was put out with
but small loss.
Quite a number of people went to
Omaha Tuesdny to hear the Chicago
Grand Opera company.
A Cass county base ball league has
been organized and starts May 17. Eight
teams compose the league.
Mrs. Turner Zlnk returned the first of
tho week from Waeonda Springs, Ark.,
where she has been taking treatments
for rheumatism.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mills left Thursday
for Manderson, Wyo., where they will
spend tho summer with their daughter,
Mrs. R., II. Ewart, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hutchlns enter
tained a large number of friends at their
home east of town last Tuesday In honor
of their golden wedding anniversary.
If. M. Hopewell left Wednesday for a
several weeks' absence on the Pacific
Mra.'Ed Latta and Mrs. James A. Clark
wero Joint hostesses at the Latta home on
Tuesday and Friday afternoons to Jap
anese luncheons, About a hundred women
wero entertained at the two evonts and
n both Japanese Ideas were Introduced
as to games, costumes and decorations.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Bohrawger report the
arrived a baby girls at their home north
cast of town last week.
Mr. Ellsworth Hall and Mi&s Mary
Allen were united In marriage at the
Methodist parsonage last Saturday even
ing. Mr. Hall Is a son of the late Captain
Hall of this vicinity and his bride is
the daughter of Mrs. Allen, who has long
been a resident of Tekamah.
Superintendent A. H. Dixon has been
quite 111 the last week with a relapse from
an attack of mumps.
-The Easter cantata, given by Ralph
Conkllng and a chorus he had been train
ing, was greeted by one of the largest
audiences Sunday evening that the high
school auditorium ever held.
I S. LaRue was a business visitor at
Omaha on Wednesday.
Neuman MacGrcgor left the first of
the weeks for Hloux City, where he will
work for the Omaha road In the me
chanical department.
The Nebraska Telephone company Is
putting In several new farm lines west
of Tekamah this week.
Rev. Mr. Morning of Independence, Is.,
was looking after business matters here
several days this week.
Mrs. Lola Bailey and son Thomas, who
aro guests of Mrs. I. V. Clarke, spent
the latter part of the week with rela
tives at Council Bluffs.
Mr. and Mrs. John Speedle and family
of Benson were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
William Patterson Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mace of Omaha
visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. West
Mrs. E. Koch entertained the. wn.
man's club at the horns of Mrs. r n
Tower Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. C, B.
Tower and Miss Lillian Griffith led an
Interesting discussion on Uurbank and
his achievements. Mrs. McCulloch and
Mrs. C. .Ml Schlndel of South Omaha
were guests of the club. It was decided
to hold the district convention which
meets here April S9. at the Presbyterian
Crowds at Show Discover Many New
Things in Living.
Amusement f t'harnpter to Please
Ulil anil Youim, Who Arr Also
AtlmetPtl by thp "lints"
Valuable iwintfts on how to live eeo
politically were learner yesterday after
noon and evening by a eroud ot nlmost
J.&PO people at the second day's eesslon
of the low -cost-of-living show nt the
Auditorium. The largo crowds that con
stantly circulated through the nlsles.
combined with tho many Interesting and
Instructive exhibits and the ?i-oclnl en
tertainment features, mude u decidedly
llvo nnd successful day.
Hundreds ot chlldien attended during
the afternoon, tho occasion being "Or
phanage day." The youngsters, in com
pany with adult friends, found much In
the entertainment program nnd numer
ous exhibit that struck a responslvo
chord. The attractiveness of tho big
show, combined with the Innumerable
opportunities for snacks ot good things
to eat. actually made tho children loath
lo go home when supper time came, last
night was Woodmen ot tho Woild night
and hundreds ot woodmen attended In a
Snniple (iooit Thlnnrs.
It was evident to everybody who vis
ited tho low cost show that posltlvo
economy wns not only taught, but that
at least while the visitors lingered there
was absolutely no cost to them except
the small admission fee for an excellent
bill of entertainment and a delicious
luncheon of tempting foods and bever
ages thot were freely dispensed by the
exhibitors nnd demonstrators.
Biscuits, cookies, canned foods, bread,
candy, pickles, coffee, cocoa, grape Juice,
milk and lco cream are only a few of
the tasty tidbits that aro offered to
patrons of the show In demonstration of
low-cost systems of culinary administra
tion. The beautiful decorations of the hall,
as appreciated from a hird's-cye glimpse
front the balcony, emphasize the tact
that great pains have been taken by the
Retail Grocers' association to make every
dttall successful.
Among tho entertainment features of
fered are thousands of feot of Interesting
and Instructive motion picture film on
better babies, foot bull, Irrigation, tho
University ot Nebraska, tho Industries
and beauties of Omaha, such Nebraska
Industries as applo and beot sugar cul
ture, Yellowstone park tours and Luther
Uurbank's horticultural accomplish
ments. Cartoons Make lilt.
One or the hits of the free pictures pro
gram Is 'a series Ot grocery store car
tons by poano Powell, The Bee's staff
Among the special attractions today and
all next week will bo lectures and mo
tion pictures by Dr. O, E. Condra ot the
stato university, Monday a votlpg con
test will be' started, to choose the two
most popular housewives In Omaha nnd
vicinity. Kitchen cabinets made at a
now factory Just started at Ralston will
be given to tho winners. The show will
be open; from. 1 to It p. n, Sunday, with
tho usual program and concerts by
church choir.
Tonight tho exhibitors wU give a Dutoh
lunch at tho HenshaW cafe, with city
officials, Commercial club heads and re
tail grocers as guests. Over 350 men will
attend to enjoy, the. menu of flno "eats"
donated by exhibitors. Several men ot
national prominence in the production
and. advertising ot low-coat foods will be
Musical entertainment Is furnished con
tinuously during the afternoons and
evenings by Green's band and the Royal
Hawaiian singer.
Color Your LautYear'a
Straw Hat With
Makes Old
Straw Hats
Look New
Splendid (or fixing up
Ladies and
Dries ia 30 Minutes. Waterproof snd Durable
etBltck Navytilue Burnt Straw
)ull Black Cadet Blue Brown
Ctrairul Red Ssge Green Violet
Atoli alt SilWUvks
Deportment and Drug Store Sell It
ot stod 25. Ia sUmps lo Dtpt. M
Boston, Mas.
Plaza Hotel
i s mn
When In Cnleajjo, top at the Plaza - a
nulet and refined, hotel, faclnu Mncoln
Park and overlooking Lake Mlchitfnn. OOO
rooms with Drtvafa halti naalii fnml.l..
A room whh n bath lor SUJO and up.
Weekly, 50.00 and up. Two room eultea. '
.j.uu per osy ana up. weeKly, SIB.UO
and up. Only twelve minutes by electric
car to theatre, business and cbopplntf
center. Good cafe In connection. Modcr.
ate price. Write for booklet to Manaser.
North Ave, and N. Clark St.
PARALYSIS cfe,,r;.fc
hr br. CHim's Hfcll Ulood sad Ntrra TblU.
f iruc, team oirstu rauaaeipt.1. f4
Piles sWii
The Pr. Bpnuiko Qo rhlldelphia. Pa,
Committee Meets
to Prepare for the
Coming of Dr. Davis
A preliminary meeting of the commit
tee whlph Is to tepder Dr. Katherine
Hemcnt Davis a dinner Tuesday evening,
April 18. met elerday aliemoOn nt the
office of Hdgar rVott. The committee Is
very eagir that some mark be left to
the rlt.V of "Dr. Davis visit and wish that
It shall take the form of a rrformatory
for women, along the lines of work with
which t)r. Davis has been ntsoVlated uml
It Is planned to receive her suggestions
that evening. The committee includes
Mrs. Draper Smith, Mrs. C. W Hayes,
Mrs. F. H. Cole. Mrs. Klla Gibbons. Mrs.
Kalherln Drummy, Mlsa Katherine
Graves. Miss Louise McPhetnon, MUs
Mabel Porter. A. C. Kugol, Judxe Sears,
Judge English. Dr. D. K. Jenkins, Dr.
Alexander Voting, .Mogy Bernstein and
Edgar Scott.
Mrs. Jnmes Richardson Is chairman of
the committee planning ttie celebration
for May ?. Delegates from tho Second
district, which Includes Douglas, Sarpy
It's Health
1 1 1 1 1
o SATOwrrTnjnsmTijTT.i 'ij y
Marked by a Special
$ 50.00 Reduction
on ALL
Kranich Bach
Ultra-Quality PIANOS
Bought During the
. Anniversary Period
(April 15th to May 15th)
A Nation-Wide Opportunity
T1i!b ia not on ordinary "snto" of nhop-worn, second-hand or
old-utylu Instruments bucIi as U usually advertised. ThlB Is a
guaranteed Fifty Dollar Cut In tho regular prjqo of brand new
Instruments Just received, and Includes each and every new
Kranich & Dach Piano and Player Piano in our wareroomn
a genuine, uniform reduction offered by Kranich & Bach dealers
all over the country and authorised by the manufacturers In ob
KTvnuco of tho 50th Anniversary of the establlthment or their
industry which occurred In Aprl, 1804.
ThlH reduction ot HO Is allowed durtnir the thirty day between April
15th and May l&tli only. Promptly on Mny 16th all unsold instruments
will be at reirutar price, fifty dollars, liljfher than the bar
gain rates whlph they now may be secured. '
So such nation-wide reduction on absolutely new, high-trade plapo
and pluytr pfano ha ever before bean made in history aelllpr. It
U unquestionably the buying opportunity of the year. It may be
fifty years, more before u similar reduction la made In the price
of new Kranlrh & Bach products. No shop-worn, old-style or
exchanged instruments are inciuaeo in tnis sale, xney are
All New Absolutely Perfect
Pianos and Player Pianos
At a Straight $50.00
The number of new Kranich A
In, our warerooms la lljnlted. ,nd
auie io sjei any more inis nionin. An eariy'si
lection, therefore, lM -advlad. The beautify!
K ran I oil & Hach Jubilee Booklet Is frfe. on
application Twiitle our limited supply IslhI
A. Hospe
1513 Douglas St.
Onr 40th Tsr,
j ami Washington counties, will bo tr
on tnai aaio ami win nave nil All-day
conference and luncheon at Hotel
Mrs, Draper Smith reports the clr. na
tion In the tfouthern liart of the stato of
moving pictures of the suffrage petition
filing in Lincoln, nnd ot largo suffrage:
meetings held In local wholesale houses,
factories and packing houses.
Klla McClcndon. the "mystery womane'
was found guilty on each of tour cptmts
In an Indictment charging her with using
the United States mall to dofraud by a
Jury In tho federal court today and was
sentenced by Judge ryr to the Leaven
worth prison for five years on crtc.i
count, the sentence to run concurrently.
The Jury found Miss MeCleriddh guilty
of defrauding the Southeast Missouri
Trust company of Jl.W, ot defrauding
the JJank ot Lutesvllle, Mo., of $90, of
attempting tho defraud- tho Clear Creole
county bank of Georgetown. Colo., ol
tl.WO, and ot attempting to defraud the
estato of John Rohan of Wivrrenaburg,
Mo., ot $,C00.
That Counts
It is the duty of
everybody to keep
healthy, but this is
i impossible if the
Stomach is weak,
Liver lazy and Bow
els constipated.
An impaired di
gestion soon affects
the other functions
of the body and to
remedy this condi
tion you should try
It assists digestion, keeps
the liver active and is a
real safeguard against
Poor Appetite, Indiges
tion, Dyspepsia, Head
acho, Constipation, Bil
iousness an$ Malaria.
Tt PrttMt NMltk
Ifttist h MMtttUr's
Bach 4tutruments''
w may not be .
PlejB,'Ser)d '.cony
of thV Krilot &k
Bach ,. Jubjile. Doojilat
. i
S 1 1 '" ' ' "','! """ 'i' -