13 -A Omaha to Reduce the High Cost of Livin THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 19, 1914.- Educating FORBES' COFFEE. f WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. K EXHIBITS INTERESTING MANY Low Cost Show is Magnet Which Drriws Many. EXHIBITORS ARE WELL PLEASED nrled Chnrnrter of the Dlaplur In niirc Plenty t Attract All Clussea tii Umnlin'n IIIk n.hlbttlo(i. (Continued from Page Twche) slate from the coal, it cons' ts of a aer.es of spiral bands Inclining toward the ten ter, The coal find slate are placed in the spiral at the top and puss downward by gravity Tho coal being lighter and hav lng little affinity for metal Is carried over tho edso of tho spiral Into tho pun be ncath and Is carried away separately The slato being heavier and having greater affinity for metal remains In tho spiral and Is carried away at the bottom Tho Carbon Coal and Supply company Is not In the retail business, but la agent for Old Uon coal In the state of Ne braska and sells ut wholesale on'y NllchtiY .Mnchlu Attriivt. II H Jones, sales manager of tho T'nited States Slicing Machine company of Chicago, Is on hand at tho Auditor um to explain tho Interesting exhibit of llc lng machines sent here by his company The booth occupied by the company la an attractive, one and many have dis played a decided Interest In It, Speaking of his machines Mr. Jonos saldi "While we firmly bolleve that any kind of a meat slicing machine Is an improvement on hand cutting, we want to make the unqualified statement that no machine for this purpose hns been hrought tq such a stato of absplute working perfec tion as tho slicer that was first placed on tho market In 15DS by Van Berkel of Itotterdam. "night at the start Van llerkcl realized a truth that has grown Into v maxim ''The only way to succeed nowadays Is to specialise," eo he deoted his whole tlmo and conconeratcd his ontlre mechanical gonlus In working upon, Improving and perfecting his original Invention. As a result of this man's efforts, his ceaactcss labors and experiments, of his unflagging interest In .his creation, one Improvement succeeded another, until the existing machine bears ns much resemblance to the original as the electric .light does to the old tallow dip of our forefathers." ICurrkn ISCK Cnrrler U Shown. Tho Eureka Egg Carrier compamy Is a , recent addition to tho Industries qt Omaha, and many people are now mani festing Interest In Its product At the Low Cost jf Living ehqw. E. E. Yoho, Inventor of the egg carrier, and president of the company, Is personally explaining the product of hi company, and Is assisted by his co-partner. II. B. Klnyoun, sec retary of the company. Tho Eureka egg carrier Is said to be superior In, quality und operation to any other mako of egg carrier. It Is con structed of .023 steei and can be as sembled or disassembled In about a min ute. Any part of this carrier can be replaced at a small cost. The carrier provides a nest of Its own for' every egg carried, thua eliminating almost every chance of breakage. Low Cost at Jlrlok. The Hydraullri. Press Brick company Is showing some Interesting examples of how the cost of building nirty be reduced by the use of brick over hollow tllq blocks, The booth of this company is ono of the very attractive ones at the show and the Information dispensed by the company should go a long way In converting those who now usa lumber to tlje use of brlok. It is claimed by tho representatives at the show that ono can build a brlclc veneer over hollow tllo house for S per cent over the cost of a cheap frame house, and for only 2 per cent over the cost of u good frame house. Also the doctrine of reduce your fuel bills Is preached by the use of brick. Omsba Use Display. , How gas and .gas appliances are used tp reduce the coat of living la the pur pose of the exhibit of the Omaha Oaa company. The Interesting display of gas stoves, heaters and other appllunces are attracting many of the women who at tend. One of the things which draws n large crowd to thin exhibit in the frco Iron which Is given away dally to the person who sends In the best poem or article on "Ironing With Qas." Frnlt Display of Trimble lire. A very handsome booth has been In stalled by tho Trimble Brothers, showing a fins display of Hoto brand oranges, Atwood grape fruit and Llmonclra. lem ons. The fruit shown Is of ouoh delicious flavor and nppcarenco that attendants are having difficulty In preventing visit or from carrying them away. Tho nosq brand oranges Is ono of the oldest and best brand of oranges on the market They are notd especially for the fine flavor apd have been a leader In the fruit market for many years. A fresh car of these have Just been received by Trimble Brother. Danker Realty Plans. The booth of the Bankers' Itcalty and Investment company has a logical place at- the Low-Cost-of-LlvIng show. In the first place, tho opportunity which tliU company offers for Increased earning power for Investor through their co operative plan of building homes Is an Important factor In this day of money making and money-saving, combining In one Institution the architect, the build ing contractor, the real estate dealer, the real estate owner and the -Jusuranci nKent. It hus the maximum opportunity for Intertst-earnlng for Its stockholders. Moreover, tho plan Of operation followed by this ccmpany of furnishing tho money and building the homes for those who u.e rent papers offers to "these people u chance to get out of that cluss und thus tnke a long step In reducing the cost of living. The booth of the company at tho show Is being tnado the headquarters f stockholders and their friends. .Sandberg and ISItuer'a Work. X wonderful display of photographic work Is being shown at the show by Sandberg & Eltner, one of Omaha's lead- Ing photographlo Institutions. The rich. artUtlo work which this firm Is display ing Is the cause of much admiration by those who have seen it, and substanti ates the reputation of the firm as hitch grade photographer. Folders are being distributed at the booth of Sandberg & Eltner which it I clHlmud will reduce the cost of children's photos If presented at tho firm's studio before October 1 Sandberg St Eltner are alsq the official (Continued on Page Fifteen.) BANKERS REALTY AND INVESTMENT CO. 'SlBSBBBllBV-r' V SJtiZt .1 mm BRODEGAARD JEWELRY CO, " llsiiBefsisftikejSsl SANDBERG & EITNER. OMAHA ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. OLD MONK OLIVE OIL.