4 THE BEE; OMAHA, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1D14, tow. Omaha Representatives of (pst Dying Goodja PURE ICE SUPPLIED TO LEADING HOUSES OP OMAHA MANUFACTURED IN OMAHA HAVE IT DELIVERED TO YOU Omaha Ice & Cold Storage Co. Office, McOague Bldg. Plant, 5th and Leavonworth Lower Your Laundry Cost Lots of pooplo are neodloBBly spending from S1.60 to 4.0Q per wook for havjng thoir cloth ing washed -and, ironed. . ,Thla expenditure eon- . tlnucn vear after vrar. Mnnv unnnri nn muni. " 7 -J II IMUIlll money In ono ye,ar as would buy and maintain' a C6MPLEJTE HOME LAUNDRY odufppbd with at ' "1900" ELECTRIC WASHER .and . SIMPLEX IRONER, . YS!irJ clothing wilt Inst BO per cent longer wlion linndled thin -way. and besides yon Also have tlm knowledge of being Imlepenflent of outside lieln. We w ! 5 5!!Ul IP ,ftlk ,h" matter over with you, ana will Kindly. give you the benefit or the working knowledge wo have Rained In Installing and main taining more than ilp of these washirs In dreater OmaHo. Goods are sold either for cash or on easy "1900" WASHER COMPANY 808 South Iflth Ht. JJootJt No. BO. Phono Tyler 1011. Be Sure to "Visit mi B. ju f ankers Real ty Investment pmpgnys. Bungalow ; At the Low Cost of Living Show We'll explain there how you can make your rent money pay for a home, arid how you can put your money to work where it will earn 7 and better. For People Who Discriminate "OLD MONK" The riiiest Olive Oil in the World, PURITY ABSOLUTE . NOTHING FINER. DELICIOUS IN MAYONNAISE AND FRENCH Direct From the Famous Olive Groves of NICE, FRANCE C To the Best Houses in Omaha PROGRAM Low Cost of Living Show Omaha Auditorium, Friday, April 17 ,' " ' Doors Open 1 P. M. to 11 P. M. SPECIAL DAY City Mission Fremont Day W. O. W. NIGHT s Lecture Robm open 2:00 p. m. to 5:30 p. m. '7:30 until 10:30 p. m. Dr. Q. E. Oondra, illustrated lectures, moving pictures. Prof. Charles Wilkinson, and others. Reception, Woman's Olub Booth, 8:30 p, m. Royal Hawaiian Entertainers. ' 1:30 p. m. until 3:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. until 5:30 p. m. 7:30 p m. until 10:30 p. xri. Orchestra Concerts, 2:30 to 5:30 p. m. . 8:00 to 11:00 p. m. L0W SHOW FEATURES Theater in the Basement to Be a Most Busy Spot Dl. C0NDEA LECIUEE8 DAILY Moving I'lctnre n Re 8 h n rr 11 of Ib- tmitlax. Krent In tho r.t-oilop-. tloa of tTootUtuft.for the v Lor? Cost Show. The educational as -woli as diverting features .of the Low.'.Coitj Mvlne Jjioje. win aa inn ire leciuroa, iik ana mov ing pl&tures given .almoat from the open ing hour until midnight. Thene 'entertain ment will take place In a miniature 'theater In the baaeme'nt,' ot- the odlto- num. unaira 'nave lioen placed, a (tage hutlt and equipped with a moving picture and aterebptlcon machine and experi enced operator. Starting with the dally lectures by Xr. Condra, these talKs be In mostly on Nebraska 'Industries, farming features, school day wqrk and pleasures, etc., the next extensive attraction will be ( the talks by Jtalph Sheafo, lecture on (he many Luther Ourbahk subjects. The Callfornlan, will tli all about the home life of the plant wlcard,. the methods ho pursues In his hybrid culture and also a number of views on the. uses of the new forage, spineless cacti. These views are autochromes slide and the colore of some of the flowers will be absolutely, unsupassable. Comic Carfooh.". Another 'new attraction that will be educational .as well aa amusing to the vlsltora In the theater will be the car toon made by a prominent 'local car toonist dealing with the trials .and tribu lations of the Omaha retail grooer. The methods of ordering goods whereby a truck weighing many hundred ot pounds Is sent clear out many blocks with a yeast cake which has been omitted from a previous order, or a cartoon shows a woman ordering a postage stamp from her grooer, or some one kicking 6ver J-cent-a-pound raise In butter and paying ti a ticket for grand opera. The very apt nature ot the picture's on the screen tickled the blase grocer themselves when, rehearsed yesterday, trty of these cartoons will tel'of grocer-troubles ordi narily often enough to, be. quite pathetlo from the retailers', .standpoint. V, r. J Ilpser ot Kansas City, Mo., who la chief of the drug and food law department' of the Bureau of Agriculture, will- come over on asalgnment from the .govorntnent a,nd deliver four Instructive. lectures ot a nature that will emphasise, the pure food and the economical cost proposition outlined by the show man-' agement. These lectures will be d silv ered next week And will attract a great deal ot attention. Hhovr Omahn Factories. The little theater will also be utlltxed for a number of Industrial "movies" of i Omaha factories and mercantile houses, ) showing methods of making, packing and (shipping Omaha products. The Iten Bis eult company, the Krug Brewing com ' pafly. the M. K Smith & Co., etc., will be shown. Manager Purrlsh ot the , bureau of publicity, Commercial club, will Jihay cerjtJn. d,ay nnd nights to tell of .tlia prosperity, the life, the educational . features, scenes on the business an4. i residence streets, ot the home town. Then there will be travel pictures, sv. era! children's educations moving- pic tures, and the art 'department of the Omaha Women's club will put on a num.. ber of colored pictures of celebrated j paintings, well as some vlewa showing memoes of home sanitation, efficiency, etc. JAC. BAST1AN Groceries, Ugats, Fresh Vegetables and Fruits. Tfcet Xaroer . , . . Ttmay t Bellvery 2403 Tarsaai nu Eureka Egg Carrier Every Egg in a Nsst if Its Own IltralRatlng 95 of tho Bjeakage Many Apply for Jobs , as Local Policemen To fill three vacancies of the local police force and take care ot an Increase of even new members. Just 860 applica tions were .received at the city hall by Police Commissioner KugeU The vacan cies are the result ot two retirement and one resignation. Th now officers will be chonen this nfternoon Union Pacific Has Ordered Fifty-Four New Looomotives President Mohler.of the Union Taclfic announces that orders have been given for the construction of fifty-four new en gine, to be put in service on the west ern lines of the Harrlman system of railroads. The cost of these engines will bo around 1710,000. They will be delivered next year. Speaking ot the expenditure for new, rolling stock. President Mohler said: '! . While the ordering of tho construction of these engines Is new, the fact that they were to be bought is a bit old. Tho appropriation to pay for -them waa pr6vldd tor" in the; budget of the fiscal year ending last July, and has nothing to do with the business of this year. "While -w.o have no use for now en gines now, we hope that next year, when travel starts to the Pacific coast expo sitions, we will need them." Of the engines ordered, twenty-five are of the Pacific, and fifteen of the Mikado type, Intended for passenger service. Then there are four for the Oregon-Washington linos two ot which are oil and two coal burnera. All aro super heaters. Tho order Included fourteen switch engines. CUSCADEN REINSTATED AT GALLAUDET SCHOOL Scott Cuscaden, son ot Br. dertrude Cuscaden, 3303 Webster .street, ha re turned to Washington, D. C, where ho has been reinstated In Qallaudet. the gov ernment school for the deaf. Young Cuscaden was suspended last October by the faculty for student offenses, which are reoognlxed as perfectly fitting and proper by tho students, but are disap proved by the faculty. He was reinstated because ot good grades made this winter while studying hero under tho tutoring of Prof. J, W. Sowell, It item last fal. that Cuscaden had of ficiated at the "ducking" of a prep stu dent. When Cuscaden was a "prep" he was the honored guest at many a "duck ing" party, and he determined to make up tot lost time when he became a fresh man, 'The second "prep" to attend one of Cuscaden' parties Informed the presl- "dent and ten" demerits were promptly reg istered against the Omaha youth, Tho old .English "fag" aystem la aUo In vogue at Oallaudet, nd Cuscaden had. a "fag" to do his chorea. This ''fag" he failed to dismiss .and . the president one day walked Into Cuscaden'a room to find the "fag"' busily engaged In cleaning up the room. This -.brought ten more demerit's and suspension. According to the students, there waa no just reason for suspension and they made a vigorous protest, but without ef. feet. "While minor offenses, both of them, Cuscaden was very much worked up. Ho considered the suspension a dlagraea and was very much pleased to liara that he was reinstated. DATE IS FIXED FOR THE HAPPY HOLLOW OPENING Jlappy Hollow club wilt open its season Saturday, May' 23, w(th a dinner dance and. special program of games and en tertainment. Directors, have Just - an nounced the date, but say the details have not been completed. To tb Honaeirltc. Madam, if your husband is ilka most mtn he expect you to look after tvu btaltU of yourself and children, Cougne and colds are tho most common of the minor ailment and are roost likely to lead to serious diseases. A child la much mam likely to contract dlDhthri n scarlet fever when It has a cold, if you will inquire mil tne merits of the varf. nam remedies that are recommend. ti r cough and cold you will find that Cham berlain's cougn Kemeay- stands high 'n the estimation of people who use It It (s prompt and effectual, pleasant und ate to take, which aro qualities espe cially to be detlred when a medicine ft intended for children. All dealers. Ad-Vert)Vcnent. PLEA IS FORJLEANER ADS Julius Schneider Addresses Com mercial Club oa Publicity; WOULD EIIMilfrATE ALL TAKES Chicago Expert Declare tbeT'Rtght Kind of AdvcrtUtng Soon Oat doe Underhanded Metbodc of Und'e4rttbie. ' A' plea for constructive advertising and tho .' elimination of advertising xf ,tho quick doctor; -the 'fako' medicines "and the "bunk" schemes designed to get money from the public, fraudulently was made by Julius Schneider, advertising counsel for the Chicago Tribune, Jn hi address to tho Commercial club at the publlo affairs luncheon. The "Construc tive advertising" he spoke of a the new advertising and declared it Was jliit 'com ing Into Its own aa a force In modern business! " ' ' ""f ' The speaker attacked the plan ot ad vertising1 in special booklets 'put out by this, that or the other concern or organ isation In a city, and said business men had for years been payltuJft) apleco to Bet their pictures or the pictures "ot thefr place of business Into such publications, calmly charging the Item to advertising without ever knowing whether it brought them any return or not. Jle spoke of, such publications as "a. fire, departmvnt's annual review, a church annual, a real estate men's boomer." etc "There, need be no quarrel w(th these," he said, "for they may serve & purpose, but this la not real advertising. ' ' "Such thing n these." he said, "havS bred In the mind of the average busi ness men the 'Idea or adverttilng that could be best described ny uch word" a holdup, bunk, blaokmall and- srU. All Want BBalto'ea. "Tho modern sales manager want or ders, of course, just as much a the older advertising solicitors. But he looks td the interest ot the man buying tho ad vertising. Ho looks toward selling him advertising that will teally help him to create a market for his goods Instead of looking only to selling the space and get' ting the money fqr It. Ho studies the problem of creating a demand .for tho goods of the man whose advertising he solicits. V ''Constructive advertising then cannot ride In the same columns with the ad vertisements of fake, drugs, quack medi cines and other abomination that are' designed solely to fleece th publlo out o Its money.' Talking ot what hi own paper had don.3, he said the Chicago Tribune had. within three year eliminated objection able advertising to such an extent that It had turned down S.S00 columns of ad vertising annually, which he aald would' amount to $$50,000. a a result of this clean-up campaign he declares the Trib une now publishes morfe advertising than It otherwise would. Mr. Schneider spoke to the Ad Club at a banquet at the Hotel Rome last evening. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising'. Arson Squad riarnn Itesldeace. LONDONDERRY, Ireland, April !. A suffragette arson squad burned a large residence' here today. "Apply for dam ages to Glr Sdward Carson" was one ot the placards left behind. ' E. J. Davis SAFE MOVER f-toavy Hauling 1212 Farnam PHONK DOUW.AS3S3 srTi e U hisJ You 4y 7 LittleSvritch tne Use of All(fhes Modern.Appliance3 which assure Better Living With Less Effort You can see these ELECTRICAL appliances, working Low Cost of Living Show Auditorium April 16-26 Omaha Electric Light & Power Company Union Pacific Building - C, V. WARFIELD GROCERIES and MEATS Phone Webster 317 2209, Military Avenue We Can Reduce, Your Fuel Bills S Us at HYDRAULIC-PRESS Booth 11 BRICK COMPANY Rodman Bros. Go. Oor. 40th and Cuming Sts. The quality that satisfies in groceries, meats, fruits and vegetables. Always ready to serve you. Phone Harney 3720. Hibbeler & Co. Wm. SibbeJer X. P. winkelman Sealers in Groceries, Hardware, Meats, Flour, Fruits and Vegetables of All Kinds Tel. Doug. 556. 2310-12 Vinton St Our High Standard of Efficiency WUL reduce the Cost of KoTtng, of"w"rnUal 111 the w GORBON FIREPROOF ' WMEHOiSE & VAN CO. 819 XT. Uth B. , S91. WILKIE & MITCHELL CO. Choice Groceries and Meats 40th and Tarnam. Phone Barney 884. : UNCLE SAM HEALTH FOOD A. rOUTZTS KeUsf fo C0MSTIPATI0N Requires 'o Cooking. Call at Our Booth. Key to the SituationBee Advertising.