Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 3-A, Image 3

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3 A'
labr Commissioner Will Hake
Race Again for the Place.
Pleads Guilty to Shooting; Oerse nnd
Fays Ttto Hundred Dollars
lotnto nnte Comcn Up
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, April lt.-(Speclan-Charlos
W. Pool, chief deputy labor commissioner,
filed this morning for the democratic
nomination for secretory of state. Four
years ago Mr. Pool tried conclusions with
Secretary of State Walt In the regular
lection for the office and lacked ninety
two votes of landing the place.
Mr. Walt had been deputy under Secre
tary of Btato Junkln and filed for the
nomination on the republican ticket. The
race was a ttcht one, but Walt landed.
Air. Walt did considerably better In his
fight for a second term, winning over J.
W. (Platform) Kelley by 18,203 voles. Mr.
Walt haa filed for a third term.
Mr. Walt will have to fight It out with
Clyde Barnard for the republican nomina
tion. . William V. Porter, who held the office
of secretary of state during populist
times, may file for his old Job, and If
o, Mr. Pool will have opposition.
Outlook In ItrlKbt.
If. B. Howell, secretary of the Halt
Ings Chamber of Commerce, and It. P.
Starr, formerly county attorney of Shor
mcn county, were at the state house to
day. Mr. Starr had the pleasure of run
ning for the 8tato senate In his district
against Peter WlnU two years ago, und
while he received a good majority In his
own county, was defeated because of tho
greater majority given his opponent In
his home county. Mr. Starr says the
outlook is good for republican success in
Sherman county and does npt think that
the third party movement Is receiving
any support there.
Take Up Potato nnte.
Next weelt representatives of the State
Hallway commission will go to Chicago
to bo present at tho potato rate hearing
before Commissioner McKenna of tho In
terstate Commerce commission. An at
tempt Is being made to mako a raise In
rates on tuners which will amount to
about 15 per cent nnd the commission
will endeavor to prevent the raise.
Stnte Library Crowded.
The crowded condition of tho state
library has compelled the department to
build a double deck on top of tho book
cases on tho first floor of the library, in
which will bo kept the volumes on
Rcneaoiogy, which number about J.000.
The failure of the legislature to mako an
appropriation for tho fire proof building
for tho state Jtbrary has compelled the
librarian to erect additions on top of the
present coses, adding greatly to tho fire
llnnter Plrnrta ftnfi-
A. letter was received by State Gamo
warden Kutonbock this morning- from
one or his deputies, fl. a. Bowen at Full
erton, that a hunter whose namo wa
not. given, had been arrested for killing
swse near Jtutan and had pleaded guilty
ana paid a fine of J30O. His case has
Dcen. reported to tho government author!,
ties and the man may bo prosecuted un
der the federal game laws.
Ensnare Lincoln Deacbey.
aho ooara or managers of the state
fair met yesterday and engaged Lincoln
Beaohey,. the aviator, who loops the
loop and does many other things In tho
air wmch other aviators try to dupll
cajc, nut seldom succeed, for the 1314
ralr. Ho will fly upside down and will
make at least three flights each day,
in ono or theso he will mako the at
tempt from a high altitude to turn his
machine over twelve times before reach
ing the ground.
I IlNt met I 111? Dcraoniirnlnn.
Five farm demonstrators aro receiving
Instructions xrom C. W. Pugsley at the
iia iarni ior me wont for tho sum
mer. Theso aro V. S. Culver of Merrick.
J. F. Coupo of Thurston: A. H. Beckoff
jf Seward, O. H. Llebers of Gage and
Val Kuska of Madison. It Is understood
that Dawea will have a demonstrator,
although not represented at this time.
Isqne of .Stock Sought.
Application has "been made to tho rail
way commission by the York Gas and
lElectrle Light company for an Issue or
sf court preferred stock for t83.4CS.61, on
which a guarantee of 7 per cent Is made.
The company has an authorized capital
of K00.0CO and has Issued stock In' the
amount of $97,300, .for which It received
the cash. The company represents that
It 1iq,i assets amounting to ;18S,X.
About 919,315 of the new stock will be
used In paying up the debt of the com
pany Incurred in acquiring Its property
and tho balance for Improvement and
extensions Including transmission line to
MoCool Junction about eight miles
Another Team of Yankton College Debaters
r- '
Eabajrt c Beyer,
Tho department of public speaking at
Yankton college enjoys the enviable repu
aatlon of having secured thirteen out of
seventeen unanimous decisions In Inter-
colcglato debate In recent years. In no
case has the decision of tho Judges been
unanlmoua against Ynnkton. Messrs.
Fencnga, Beyer and Jones, maintaining
that Immigration Into the United States
should "bo further restricted by means of
a literacy test, recently won tho debato
against ' Messrs. Scrub', Thomas and
Reeves of Huron college.
at the German Lutheran church at West
Point. Twenty-two teachers were In at
tendance. A featuro of the meeting was
an address delivered by Prof,. J. T. Link
of tho Seward Normal school.
Beatrice Man Sues
"to Prevent' Sale of
Promissory ote
3er6 S.Fenezi
c ok a i c a
BEATRICE. Neb., April 11. (Special.)
Alleging that Attorney Lloyd Crocker In
duced htm to pay J200 and sign four notes
for $1,200 each while in an Intoxicated
condition, for which ho received no con
sideration, Emll Hubka of this city Fri
day was granted a restraining order to
prevent Edward Wilkinson and C. S.
Boggs of Fllley, and Joseph A. Ramsey
and Lloyd Crocker of this city from dis
posing, of tho notes to Innocent parties.
Hearing will' be held In the district court
April 24.
C. M. Cruncleton was elected president
of tho Beatrice Commercial club Friday
evening. Other officers elected were:
Charles Illte, vice president, and II. B.
Kennedy, treasurer. The old board of
directors wound up Its affairs and the
now board assumed charge. The mem
bers of the new board are. Messrs. Rob
ert.' Pease, J. W. Burgess, B. H. Begole,
W. H. Caman. R. R. Kyd, A. H. KIdd.
D. S. Dalbey, Peter Jensen, C. A. Jans
een, C. R. HIte, II. B. Kennedy, J. Ed C.
Fisher, Charles Sonderegger, II. IL Walto
and IL L. Lewis. A committee com
posed of Dr. C. P. Fall, J. Ed C. Fisher
and C. M. Cruncleton was appointed to
urge the State Board of Health to In
stall a septic tank nt the School for
Feeble Minded Youth. At the last ses
sion of tho legislature 15,000 was appro
priated for this purpose, tho tank has
not been installed.
Sim Ballard of Webber, Kan., Friday
purchased tho toggery stock from Mayme
Rlghter and Mis Grace Waters. He will
move his family to this city In a few
II. T. Beats, a pioneer resident of Gago
county, died Friday night or paralysis
at his home, six mtle3 southwest of this
city, aged 63 years. Ho Is survived by
his widow and two children.
ban road owned by the Omaha Street
Railway Co.. which has a charter to build
as far south as Nebraska City, but Mops
now at Fott Crook.
Suit Filed Over l)lpntch.
HASTINGS, Nch.. April ll.-(8peolal
Telegram.) Rev. Kdmund SUvcrbnvnd,
rastor of the Nazareno church, today
brought suit against the Omaha World
Herald and W. 11. liaugh of Hastings for
$10,000 damages for publication of a dis
patch from Hastings, March 96, relative
to the ejection of Miss Whlsnand from
tho McOrath Hardware store by Dr. Amy
Robinson. Authorship of the dispatch Is
attributed to Mr. llaugh, who Is a brother
of t)r. Robinson.
Nioholas Senn Holds
Reception to Mark
Addition Completion
This afternoon from 2 to S o'clock a
pnhilo reception will be held at the Nich
olas Senn hospital, Park and Dawey ave
nues, tho occasion marking the comple
tion of tho new four-story addition. Tho
hospital Is the property of Dr. A. W
Condon and was built under tho direction I
of Dr. F. W. Slabaugh and completed
at a cost of $100,000, with $50,000 more
spent for equipment and nppnrntus. The
building Is of pressed brick, light colored !
and mottled with black. It Is fire proof,
being of Interior steel construction, with
tile floors throughout, and white enameled
On the hospital stnff, Dr. C. H. Newell
Is in charge of tha electrical department!
Miss Lbulso Brackhahn, superintendent!
Mrs. A. B. Griffith, head of thti laboratory,
and Miss Josephine Dorsoy surgical nurse.
The hospital Is tho only ono In tho city
maiting a specialty or surgical cases. U Is
equipped with thirty private rooms and
thrco wards.
One of tho special features of the Nich
olas Senn Is tho provisions made for the
forty regular nurses and those In training.
They havo tholr own dormitory In tho
hospital proptr. It Is furnished with the
latest things In beds and furniture. For
the nurses there is a well furnished living
room, a dining room and a library sup
plied with books and magazines. Then
tiler, la tho lavorntory room. In which
there nro n number of built-in tubs and
threo shower bating
Tho X-ray room Is snld to be tho most
complete of nny In tho west, equipped
with every electrical Instrument and
piece of apparatus employed in modern
The store for "worth while" Hats
The West's greatest showing of Spring styles is here
s This being Easter Sunday, no doubt you'll notice
hundreds of well dressed men about town wearing smart King-
Pcck Hats. You can pick thorn out at glance, every ono possesses that dis
tinctive nlr that bo faithfully Individualizes every King-Pock Hat. Ybu should
wear this sort of Hat; they cost no more than tho commonplaco kinds and
they class tho wearer aa a man who really cares about his appearance.
King-Peck Derbies King-Peck Soft Hats King-Peck Caps
82 to $5
$2 to 5 50c to $2
'Kit ,tAwrj' "-home of quality clothes'
to Servo
Zowio Jf.conea
wero elected for the ensuing year: Miss
Lucy Lemon of Crete and Miss Grace
Hilton of Klrawood.
District court Is in session at Pawneo
City this week. Judge J. B. Ttaper is
presiding with a Jury in attendance.
Monday was spent In setting cases for
hearing and passing on motions. The jury
carao jn on Tuesday, and ore listening to
tho Kuper-Sldctneyer case from tho vi
cinity of, Humboldt. Tom Champsnoy
failed to appear for trial and his bond
was defaulted. Tho term will doubtless
contlnuo into next week.
Parochial Teachers Meet.
WEST POINT. Neb.. April ll.-(Spe-clal.)
The annual convention of the pa
rochial school teachers of north Ne
braska district was held during tho week
Rostored to Health
warntr's Did More Than Any Other
Mra. U C. Flgg
s u f f ered Intensely
for months from
kidney nnd liver
trouble, but found
relief and health In
Warner's 8afo Kid
ney and Liver Item
ed y.
"I was 111 and mis
erablo for months
with backache, nek
headache, dizziness,
MRS. L. C, FIGO rneumausm. pains
and neuralgia. 1 had
kidney and bladder trouble After tak
ing other medicines' with tittle- or no re
lief, I tried Warner's Pafe Kidney and
Liver Remedy. Ttie urinary disorder
and pains disappeared and my health and
strength returned. Six bottles iffccta-1
a complete cure." Mrs. L. C. Flgg, HVJ
Dahln St., Chicago, III.
Most people do not realize the preva
lency and alarming Increase of kidney
disease. When the kidney's are diseased
the uric acid Is not carried off, causing
gout, lumbago and rheumatism. War
ner's Haf a Kidney and Liver Kerne ly pov
tcssess remarkable remedial qualltloa and
is pleasant to take. At all druggists in
too and 11-00 sizes. Write for free sam
ple tp Warner's Safe Remedies Co., Dept.
552 Rochester. N. V.
WEST POINT, Neb., April ll.-(Speclal.)
James O'Connor, an aged resident of
Cuming county, died at tho Catholic hos
pital In this city of ailments Incident to
age. Hols survived by a family of grown
children. Funeral services were held at
St. Joseph's church at Wlsner, Father
Carroll officiating.
A llcenso to wed was granted to Ed
ward Molergerd of this city and Miss
Anna Praest of Monterey.
Cuming county land still continues to
soar in price. Eighty acres changed hands
this week In tho northeast portion of
the county for $180 per acre, improve
ments only ordinary.
Peter Rozendahl, a well known farmer
of Cuming township, died at the farm
home on Monday. Funeral services were
held In Grace Lutheran church. The de
ceased waa tho father of thirteen chil
dren, eight of whom, with his widow and
mother, survive.
A marrlago llcenso waa Issued to Adrian
F. Richardson of Cascade, la., and MIsb
Fern G. West of Wlsner on Tuesday. The
couplo were married at Wlsner the fol
lowing day,
Jacob D. Fenstcrmacherl one of the old
est men of the city, died at the homo of
his daughter. Mm. H. W. Ludwlg. on
Wednesday, tho elghty-slxth anniversary
of his birth.
Tho city Hchool board has accepted tho
resignation of Miss Cecilia Foster, prin
cipal of the high school, who goes to a
similar position at Madison. Miss Marie
Von Qoetz was selected as her successor.
Miss Rica Thcrmes was elected as teacher
of mathematics. The annual commence
ment exercises of the high school will be
held at the City Auditorium on May ZK
Chancellor Avery of tho University of
Nebraska will deliver tho address.
Cattle Shipped to
State for Grazing
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April U. (Speclal.)-Tcn
thousand two hundred and seventy-two
cattle were shipped into Nebraska for
feeding and grazing purposes from Jan
uary 1, 1914, to April 1, 19U, according
to a report being made ready to bo filed
with tho governor by State Veterinarian
In reporting on tho disoases which the
department has hod to handle, Dr. Klgln
says that tuberculosis of cattle and hogs
and hog cholera aro the serious proposi
tions which tho department has to han
dle. During tho period reported the fol
lowing Is shown:
Cattle given tuberculin test 3,223
Thoso reacting 221
Killed at South Omaha 211
Killed at Lincoln 12
Dairy cattle Imported from Illinois
and tested 41
Dairy cattle Imported from New York. 117
Reactors 10
Interstate shipments wero made as fol
lows: Imported. Exported.
Horses 1.29 8.5o5
Mules ' lw "8
Stallions 25 203
Jacks " M
Cattle US S.9M
Hogs M fa.
Sheep 1
The abovo docs not includo live, stock
shipped to the markets for slaughter, but
those coming and going with settlers'
effects and thoso tested by tho govern
ment, with the exceptlpn of most of the
stallions and jacks. ' ,
Indian Missionary
Addresses Saints
INDEPENDENCE. Mo April U.-(Spe-clal
Telegram.) An overflow congrega
tion that assembled In, tho lowor audi
torium of tho Saints' church last evening
was addressed by Rlch'ard Baldwin of
Ohio, a member of the quorum of seventy.
This morning James E. Yates of the same
quorum waa tho spoakej. Ha has for.1
several years been a missionary among.
tho Indians of Oklahoma 'and Indian
Territory and has converted great num
bers of these people.
, Tho Latter Day Saints bellevo the book
of Mormon, which Joseph Smith trans
lated, IS a record of the red men found In
America and that It contains a special
messago to them. They havo sustained
regular missions among tho Indians for
years and have converted many chiefs
and other men Influential among tho
tribes. '
An action was taken this afternoon pro
hibiting advertisements of real estate,
mining stocKs and other projects of a
speculative nature In tho church papers.
A resolution como from Independence
to the conferenco recommending that tho
rules of tho ohurch bo changed so that
tho presidencies of the two stakes of the
church bo rcllovcd from presiding also
over the largest branches In thoso stakes.
This affects tho Independence and La-
monl stakes, which are tho only ones as
yet organized In the church. Tho resolu
tion waa adopted tonight.
The oratorio, "The Holy City," by Gaul,
was given by a chorus of 160 voices under
tho direction of tho general church choir-
lstcr, Albert Hoxle. Jr., of Philadelphia.
Elder Walter W. Smith of Philadelphia
made a short address. The soloists of
the chorus arc: Mrs. W. N. Robinson of
Kansas City, soprano: Mrs. E. C. Norrls
of St.' Joseph, contralto: Paul N. Craig of
Omahn, basso; Orvlllo L. James of Kan
sas City, tenor.
Lancaster District
Contributes to Expo
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April ll.-(Speclal.)-Dlstrict
No. 73. "Lancaster county was the first
school district to contribute to tho Ne
braska 'building for tho Panama-Pacific
exposition. The children of this district
sent In 41.62, which is to be used toward
this structure- As decided by the com'
mission selected by oGvernor Morehead
and the stnte officials, a steel, frame
building Is x be erected, If plans can be
agreed upon. After the exposition It Is
suggested that the building is to be
taken to the Nabriska state fair grounds
to house tho educational exhibit under
the charge of Miss Anna Day, superin
tendent of class L. In this way there
will be a permanent building called the
Children's Pulldlng for ueo during tho
annual state fair.
Dawes county, Nebraska, with Henry
Laruo Click as postmaster.
Nebraska, pensions granted: Jane
Dlnkely, Dunning. 912; Luclnda Johnson,
Dubois, I2; Mary H, Road, Memo, $12.
Tho comptroller of the currency has
approved tho llnrrlman National bank of
New York as reserve agent of the Omaha
National bank, Omaha, and the Mer
chants Nntlonal bank of New York for
tho First National bnnk of Butte, Neb.
Key to tho Situation Bee Advertising.
STOCKHOLM, April 11. Further prog
ress toward convalescence was an
nounced In tho surgeon's bulletin regard
ing the condition of King Gustavo of
Swcdon, Issued today from tho Sophia
hospital, where his majesty was operated
on for ulceration of tho stomach on
The bulletin, says: "His majesty passed
a quiet night and onjoyed a, good sleep
Tlio pain he -was suffering has diminished
considerably and his condition gives rea
son to hope thcro will be no setback to
his majesty's rocovory."
Eat Less Meat
If Back Hurts
Tako glass of Salts to flush
kidneys if bladder
bothers you. '
Department Orilrrn.
WABHINGTON, April H.-(8pec!al Tele
gram.) Hairy W. Burgess was appointed
rural letter carrier at Rose Hill, la., and
Aaron W. Dlllery at Holmqulst, H. D.
Postofflce csiauusnea ai Anieiope,
Rating meat regularly eventually pro
Auces kidney trouble In some form or
ether, says a well-known authority, b
causes the urie acid In meat excites the
kidneys, they become overworked; get
sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of
. olstreas, particularly backache and mis
ery In the kidney region; rheumatla twin
ges, severe headaches, acid stomaoh, con
stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness,
bladder and urinary Irritation.
The moment your back hurts or kll-
neys aren't acting right, or If bladder
bothers you, get about four ounces of
Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take
a tablespoonful In a glass of water be
fore breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then act fine. This famous
salts Is made from the add of gt-upea and
lemon Juice, combined with Uthla, and
haa been used for generations o flush
flogged kidneys and stimulate them to
normal activity; also to neutralize the
adds In the urine so It no longer Irri
tates, thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes
delightful efferverscent llthla-water
drink which millions of men and women
take now and then to keep 'the kidneys
ind urinary organs clean, thus avoidant
terious kidney dlsoase.-AdvirtUement.
Cirt-BK Will Aililre Stella Clans.
STELLA. Neb, April 11 -(Speclal)-
The members of this year's graduating '
class of the Stella High school are: Madgo j
Burres Laura Chancy, JCdna Hoppe,
Carlton Knfght, Marshall McDowell, Opal
Monette, Waunota Williams and Lester
Vondeventer, Next year's full seniors
Include: Willis Clark, Herbert Helmlck,
Mildred McMulUn, Goldle Pugh, Elva
Wagner and Lydla Wolfe. Prof. F. M.
Gregg of the Peru State Normal wilt de
liver the class address, taking for his
subject, "The Midas Touch In Educa
tion." The date for the high school car
nival has been set for Friday evening,
April It
I'Kirnre County 'otr.
TABLE ROCK, Neb., April ll.-(Epecial )
At the regular meeting of the school
board the following high school teachers
McKinley Inspects
Interurban Towns
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., April H.-I3pe-clal.)
William McKinley, head of the
Illinois Traction Co., and of the Omaha
Lincoln Railway and Light Co., and IT,
B. Chubbuck nnd William Mattls, vice
presidents, drove from Louisville to
Plattsmcuth yesterday along the south
side of tho Platte liver, and were given
an enthusiastic! reception by the, business
men, who express their desires to see the
lines extended to this city, which Mr.
McKinley promised,
Plattsmouth la now receiving electric
light from Red Oak, Iowa, plant, but it
Is not averse to securing the current from
the McKinley titles.
Plattsmouth It also on the projected
rout of the Omaha & Southern lnterur-
UUK aiLttauoa ki j.v
fpectfully called ti
an important point
not generally known
that a laxative should have
a tonic element to success
fully meet constipation.
Mr. John B. Capers, of 610 Pecan
St, Fort worth, Texas, had a sig
nificant experience In this particular,
lie was afflicted with a Severe case of
constipation and bowel trouble. He
spent e. good deal of money In trying
to find a remedy. To his astonish
ment, Peruna very quickly relieved
him of his bad
This happened a
number of years
ago. Since then.
Mr. Capers states
that ho has had
similar attacks of
trouble, the promi
nent symptom of
which Is constipa
tion, end has al
w a y s found
prompt and effi
cient relief from
Pertma. He says:
"Up to tha time I
Started using- your
Feruna- I could
drink castor oil
like water. It did'
no good. As for
salts, they were of no use. Physics of
all kinds and classes woro used, but
wo had to can on the fountain syringe
for help." peruna was able to cor
rect this condition completely In Mr.
Capers case, and there la every rea
son to believe that It waa the tonio
qualities of Feruna, added to the laxa
tive qualities, that procured this very,
desirable result
MM , w
f 1915
From New York, Jan. 31, 1915
Visiting famous cities and countries on .a
palatial steamship which serves as your
hotel. Eveiy luxury and comfortouured.
135 days $900 and up
Including Store Trip sad all neceuiy oxpcaiw.
ALo CraUas to the Wt Indlu, Pan
ama Canal, and Mediterranean trip.
StnJ ft ltklel, Uctlni train
150 W. Banaolpb at.. Chicago, HI., or
i)Oci agenis,
Begin TODAY!
Today Is the Best Day of Your Life
Today Is tho day to rcsolvo to atop tho liquor or drug habit thoro
Is nbsolutoly no ro.iRon why you should wait Until tomorrow. Every
day you wnlt moans ono day less of freedom from a habit that will
surely bo tho ruination of your future success, and possibly your life.
Yott can stop either tho liquor or drug habit with tho help of the
NI5AL Institute. Tho NKAI treatment 1h todny recognized by mod
lcal men everywhere as tho most positive and most successful Insti
tution of its kind In America, and tho Omaha NI3AL Institute is
doing a good that evorybody la quick to recognize.
It takes but three, four or flvo days to coraplotefy eradicate tho
craving for strong drink; tho drug habit Is also successfully treated
lu a Bhort time.
Absolute prlvncy prevails, You have a private-room In thU mag
nlficont old Omaha mansion; you h'avo all thq comforts of a hotel,
and medical advloo right at hand. No ono will know you aro hero
excopt tbfO, managomont of tho lnstltuto and tho pooplo you toll, i
Investigate this wondorftif treatment today. Rid yourseif oflhe
hprrlble drug or liquor habit. Increase. your efficiency at lqast 2QQ
per cent. Call today for free consultation It will make a now man
4 ur WU1UUU IU )UU,
I 1502 South Tenth Street, Omaha, Ncbi
"AI'' writes: "I should like a rood.
rename treatment for tho hair and acalt.
Hometh'nK that will cure dandruff and
stop tailing nair, aiso euro an itcnini
Answer: The most reliable' treatment
tor me scaip is sold in 4 z. jars ut my
drug store, artd Is called plain yellow
mlnyol. It Is superior to anything; known
for tho scalii. It bIvm new vlt0r and
helns the hair to kceo Its natural eolol.
This will positively cure your dandruff,
ana sion uiu ucning or tne scaip.
"IlHrry M." writes: "I am quite toll
and do not weigh enoUch for my height.
Am very nervous and my skin Is rety
Answer: You can readily Increase your
weignt by taxing three grain nypo-nu.
clano tablets regularly for several months.
These tablets will also overcome nervous
nesx, help digestion and assimilation anil
thus Improve the t-olor of the tkln. Many
rptvirt 0-01111112 10 to 20 nound with Im
proved health In every way. The tablets
are packed In sealed cartons with direc
tions and are widely prescribed for your
"Poor Ann' writes: "Kvery winter I
am troubled wittr MiKht aiucics or rneu
matlsm. I have tried many things but
with no avail."
Answer: The best thing for rheumatism
Is mode by mixing the following Inife
illeuts und taking a teaspoonful at meal
times nnd again nt bedtime, iodide of
potassium, z drams; sou mm hancyimo,
4 drums: wine of rolchicum. 1-3 ounce;
eomp. essence cardlol, 1 or.; com p. fluid
Ualmwort. 1 os., and syrup sarsapartlla
comi., a ot.
"Mrs. .V. C." writes: "My little
daughter has a very bud cold and cough
which wo do not seem nble to even re
lieve What sliall i aor-
Answer: Purchaso a H4 O. bottle
of essenrn mentho-laxene and make a
lymp according to directions given., ami
your daughter will bo cured within a
few days. This Is very pltnaunt tn tak
and will drive the cold out of tho nys-
p. l P." writes: "If you can pre
scribe something' to prevent an attack of
appendicitis, please do so. I lav cjt
fcdtmilnn. Hour stomach, headache end
am weak and listless with pains after
Tho OUestlons answered helnw ni nn.
erst In character, the symptoms or dis
eases are given and the answers should
npniy io any cose or similar nature.
Those wishing further advice, free, may
kddress Dr. Lewis Baker, College Bldg.,
College-Elwood at., Dayton, O., enclos
ing, self-addressed stamped envelope for
reply. Full nama and addreaa mimt tu.
given, but only Initials or fictitious name
win do usee, -.n my answers. The pre
scriptions can be filled at any wall
stocKea aruK sloio. Any druggist can
order of wholesaler.
Answer: The best treatment for
ordered stomach and bowels, due to In
digestion. IS tablta trlopcptino. sold in
emeu iwiuni wiin iuii airccuons.
"Energy" writes: "Let me tay that
my condition pilules and worries me. in
th$ last year I seem to have been grow
ings old rapidly, though only SS. My food
and sleep do not recuperate my strength
ahd energy, and. lately 1 have dhwy
spells, trembling, Headaches, loss ot ap
petite, memory ami hopefulness. De
spondency and worry over my condition
are ever present."
Answer: Chear Im miti wh nnH ih-n
cohserv your vitality by proper, tem
perate uving, umnin mree grain cudo
niehe tablets In, sealed tubes with full
directions, use ttieln and an agmable,
pleasing i restoration should ensue to
your entire Satisfaction.
m m m
"Miserable", aaks; "I waa miserable
ail through the summer last year on ac
count ot being too fat. Can you please
Kelp n'.' to reduce with something harm
less T''
Answer: Hundreds' ot persons T ho are
too fat suffer. It Is no Ellens suffering.
The discovery of the principle contained
In S-graln arbolone tablets, make It
comparatively easy to reduce from 10 t
CO. pounds. These excellent tablets are
put up In sealed tubes with directions
for self-administration.
"Gwendoline" writes: "Kindly tell tne
what to do. I suffer with liver, kidney
ahd Btomach trouble. Am constipated and
have slight ittacks of biliousness."
Answer: For your stomach, liver and
kidneys, tako threo grain sulpherb tab
lets (not sulphur). These little tuu.eta
aro packed lu nealed tubes and sontatn
full directions for using. They will
Ify the blood and act directly on the liver
and kidneys and It taken regularly wll
gradually effect a relief for all ailments
that arise from chronic constipation.
"Wife": Incontinence or bedwettlng' in
children Is usually corrected by using
the following In 10 to 15 drop doses In
water one hour before meals: Tincture:
cubebs, I dram: tincture rhua aromatic,
2 drams; conip. fluid balmwort, 1 03,
Mix well.
"C. IV writes: "I have a very trou.
blesome case of catarrh of the head ard
throat 1 suffer annoyance and embar
rassment vry keenly. Can you give me
something to atop this trouble?"
Answer: Ut-o dally a nostril wash and
garclc made with antiseptic viluue pow-
der. Obtain a two or eight-ounce box
I of It and use It according to the dlrec
t tlona enclosed. Advertisement
Tho Persistent and Judicious Use of Nowspaper Adver
tising is tho Road to Business Success.