Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1914, Image 6

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Valeska Suratt,
Favorite, Snapped
Pamont Aotreis Does' Her Eaiter
Buying in Omaha.
1 1
Js rlensed rrlih the Treatment Ac
corded Her hr the IVumerons
Place Visited on Her
PsVHaBBsssseilaq( llBMyjll
saaasl'i " 'jjjjjg 'MBSryBwBl
sbbbbbsbbbi ' sbbhbsf ivf&feutk bbbbbbbsbhbbbbbbb&mFsw- ibishbbbbbbbbbI
aaaaaaaaaa'. sbbbbkt JHiM JsaaassassasaalBfiSnfe, aaL. -Ussaaaaaa1
bbbbbbb) ' 'sassi 104Shbbsbbbbbbsf asBBBBBBSBBslHBBE a" w ssbbbbW tsBSBBBBBBBsl
bsbsbbbbb' bbbbhsssbbesbsbbbbsk flHBHB&BDflftBfllHi9BHBB ujJB'
Hssaam "' jaafBaaaaBaasfisHii;' HBBHHflHHHHHBBMMnn5'' vl
Bsaans ISnsaBasaiaiK ' SSBS&BBlii&iSSBi i
aaasaasiaBsK '?- -PS & JflHI IV!TClWBHMHHBNMSHMMniBK!iMI
sassiaHsaBF ' "'"-"v - ' filBiBSMHHEHHIHVIl
Bk i - iaiasMMiississsWsssi
Headlining at Orpheum this Week
Purchasing Cloak at
em m
Being Fitted for Shur-Qn
House of Menagh
Glasses at Flitton's
nV S. T. nESNIK.
Adx-ancing the Idea that the private life
of prominent stage folk Is of Interest to
the multitudes who regularly contribute
to tho box office receipt. The Bey sev
eral weeks ago, devoted twa pages to n
pictorial and descriptive review of th!
famous comedian, Eddie Foy, and his
Jamlly whllo on a shopping expedition In
Omaha. The success of that venture
teemed to warrant a continuation of the
plan, and accordingly this feature, with
Miss Valeska Suratt as subject, Is pre
sented, Those who have witnessed her per
formance realise why Miss Suratt has
risen In a remarkably short space of time
from obscurity to almost the top notch
of fame and fortune In the theatrical
world. She la one of the highest paid
artists on the stage, which must be said
with emphasis In view of tho enormous
salary records established by producers
In recent years.
In her allegorical phantasy entitled
"Black Crepe and Diamonds," with which
she Is heading tho bill at tho Orpheum
this week, Valeska Buratt bewilders her
(iudlenco with dazzling dances and sensa
tional pantomime. Gowns of startling
creation, bedecked with iewels of fabu
lous worth aro flashed wth rapidity to
ult the action of the fable.
Apart from the fantastic character of
her acting, however, Miss Suratt is de
cidedly human, Illustrative of which are
the accompanying snapshots taken
Wednesday while she paid a visit to eev-.
ral Omaha business establishments,
At the "Honso at Meungli."
It Is Easter time. Tho luxurious
Chandler limousine Is awaiting the
star, and, as she enters, whis
pers her Instruction, "to a high grade
oloak establishment," and la off for an
hour's nhopplng. The car draws tip at
"The House of Menagh" on Farnam
ctrest. Pave Menagh. manager of this
newly established firm, is at hand to
personally serve the distinguished cm
tomsr. Tho latest arrivals of exclusive
styles In cloaks aro quickly brought
forth, Several garments are particularly
attractive and suitable. A moment more
and the practiced y ct the dlscrlmlnat
Ing lady has decided upon one. The pur
chase If completed and an Omaha, store
has furnished from Its stock a garment
worthy of the ultra modish wardrobo of
Valeaka Buratt
Diamond at combs,
Costly jewels are among the precious
.possessions of Miss Suratt. and, con
stantly on the lookout for unusually fine
stones which might suit her collection,
she paid a visit to the T. I Combs Jew
elry company. Seated In the diamond
room of this well known Jewelry estab.
llsh,ment, Mlis Suratt was shown a col
lection of gems which elicited audible
gasps of admiration from even thl vet
eran connoisseur. Another feature of her
visit to the Combs store which pleased
the shopper greatly, was the expert serv
ice rendsred during her visit, and which,
by the way,. Is customary there.
lakes O'OriFti'a Candles.
It was a Jolly visit which the shopper
had at the D. J, O'Brien Candy company
plant. Dave himself told Miss Suratt of
the merits of his fine confectionery, and
before she left the noted, actress was
even more enthuslastlo about the O'Brien
line, manufactured here In Omaha, than
the gental proprietor himself. She com
pared the taate. riavor and richness of
the chocolates which she sampled there
with the most costly makes of famous
eastern manufacturers, and declared that
Omaha peoplo need seek no further than
their own brands ror the height of per
focUon In candy. Especially Interesting
Ml,"". S"" WM th8 new "Ttmso
Chocolates" and "Fancy Dips." which
the O Brl.n company has recently added
to its olready large assortment.
A Kodak Enthusiast.
Ml most folks who travel much Miss
Suratt owns a Koda and uses it fr
quentlr. Moreover, each member of her
company Is the possessor of a similar
machine, and It is a great exchange of
poses and prints which goes on at nearly
every new stopping point along their
world-wide tour.
vu0." W-?7 .th. 9hPn' unt took
Miss Valeska to the Bob.rt Dempster
at tha great variety of photograph ma
chines and equipment Every alts 0f
Eastman goods mads were ahown her.
power on her part to refrain from pur
chasing nearly everything displayed. Tho
rich photo enlargements which are hung
on the walls of the store, all the work of
the Eastrasn product, attracted the lady's
attention and admiration.
Itellshra Alamlto Fer-sni-Ic,
Somewhat tired and thirsty, the promi
nent vaudsvlliian was directed to the
estsbllshmtnt of the Alamlto company
lui across the street from her last stop
ping point, fiho had heard of the lacteal
cultura known as Fer-Mll-Lao which tho
Alamlto company manufactures, and was
anxious for a taste of the local product.
Officials of the company happened Into
ho office as Mlis Suratt was served
with tho beverage and a highly Interest
ing discussion ensued as to the health
giving functions of Fer-MII-Lac.
' "Would you recommend it for flesh re
ducing purposes:" Inquired Miaa Surstt
of Charles F. Bchwsger. president of the
"Well, like a good rule, it works both
ways." responded Mr. Rchwager. "AVhen
used In dieting Far-Mll-to will supply
sufficient nourishment to sustain tho
patient, thus helping him In hts reducing
'process. On t" other hand, when taken
as a beverage, in addJtJori'to regular food,
it will prove a flesh producer In most
Upon the subject of pure milk Miss
Buratt had much to sy. Few matters
are cf roore Importance to the health of
the individual cr community than this
hem of milk, ehs astirtod. Nor Is there
any one phast of her menu which re
calves more scrupulous watching than
the purity of the milk sho Is served with.
Bht eempllmsnbtd the Alamlto officers
vpon tho general txoetltncy of tho prod.
iContlnusd n Hs tftasj
slsssssssssssssssssssssssssss . . .
sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK ocIIIIV'sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH 1 Lbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
HBeIHrRSK BcbsbsbibsbsbbsbIsbbbbbbbsbbbbbbB BjffiSHBP .aJsaAssa
sbbbibbsbbbbbbbbbsIbsbB 8HSH vBBSflssss
O'Brien's Candy Looks Good to Her
' " .-of- I
BBHBBBBBBWm SSHBv 'ssbssHIbibssssssbH
sssssssssssssssssssssHHHlBrHPWi iSGBKHiHfflH sssH "
IIsbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBsbbbHbssb A
Selecting Diamonds at Combs'
Alamito Products Make a Hit