Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Million Dollar Ranch Incorporated
by Its Owners.
Norfolk Franchise Oimprn Incorporate-Trlth
Cnpltnl Stork of Ten
Thonnand Ilollnri Now nnnk
In Shprldnn County.
(From a Staft Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April S.-(Speclal.)-?Vfral j
corporations filed their articles with thd j
secretary of state today. Among thesfr
aro the following:
The Black Ranch company of Theilfonl'
In Thomas county, files with a capital
stock of Jl.OOO.OOO. Tred J, iilmk Is pres
ident, A. L. Ulack secretary and Frank
1.. Braden treasurer. Thcde with Fred
O. Braden and Mrs. Unttle I'. Black com
pose the board 'of directors.
The Norfolk Base Hnjl nstoclntlon In
corporated with n rapllal stock of $10,CW,
divided Into 1.000 shares. The clu'h has
recently joined the ftate IcaRiie, taklnk
the plate of Fremont. The It corporators
are R. W. Shields, Art J. Ivocitlgsteln,
Will Hall, W. J. Stafford. K. U. MUtlohg,
Fred Kocrbn and It. I,., Bevcrldge.
The Warfleld Advertising company uf
Oninha with a capital of Jlo.OOO In cor
porates with James Balennun and Thomas
O. Warfleld as Incorporators.
Xerr Invplmrnt 'ominny.
Allen V. J'owell of Hterilnpr has written,
to the Stato IJanklnfc board to see What
will bo required In order foi n company
of which he is a member to get In un
der the state law refjardlne Investment
companies. His company will be known
as the American Co-operative Investment
and Loan company, limited, with head
quarters at Sterling. It plans to. run
something alonsr the line of a buildlnd
nd loan, association, except that"' lie.
time of the contracts shall run ten .to
twenty-one years, according to the pay
ments, with a guaranteo that the Interest
shall not exceed 2 per cent a year. The
scries runs in million-dollar amounts.
Lakeside Ilnuk,
Articles of Incorporation of the Lake
side State bank of Lakeside, In Sherfdan
county, have been filed with the State
Banking board. The capital Is placed at
$10,000, and tho Incorporators are: H. C.
feterson, Fred W. Black, Jacpb J. Her
bji and Charles C. Jamison. 1
Tobey win , nun.
Georgo F. Toboy, who -four year ago
was a candidate against Wilt Itayward
for the republican nomination for con
gress in the First, district, has publicly
announced- that he will again contest for
the nomination this fall. Mr. Tobey was
private secretary to Senator Burkelt for
.several years, but resigned during the
senator's last term a nil came home arid
engaged In business. Wilbur Anness of
. ,Hun'can has already filed- for the same
nomination and If no .others get In the
tight It will be up to one of these men!
.to defeat tho democratic nominee.
State Contractu Up.
The State Board' o.f 'Controf Is having
Its quarterly bid letting, although most
of th'o .contracts, excopt those coverings
perishable goods, will be. let this time for.
six months. A large number of bidders
are present. ,
Vanaen Un Thl Task.
State oflcers like to give information
whenover they are able to do so some
times their wits are taed to tho utmbst
to furnish eomo of the Information wanted
by those whothlnk that a state officer
has "nothing to do but act aa a general in
formation bureau. This morning State
Auditor Howard received a letter from
George E. rinto, manager of the-Katlonal
Farmers' exchange, Omaha, asking him
to furnish him w'lth the names of'hll the
farmers In tho state, divide 4nem Into
counties and give their rural route num
ber. Tho auditor would gladly do this If
ho thought he could get them all, but he
hates to leave out anybody and may turn
over the Job to someone else.
(From Staff Cortespondent.)
LINCOLN,. April 8. (Special.) Peter
Janseu, president of tho Nebraska Tem
porary Panama-Pacific exposition, has
Issued the following statement:
To the People of Nebraska:
The Panama canal lias "been built and
completed by the American people.
Kvery American cltlren has a right to
feel a just pride In this, .the greatest of
the world's achievements.
It will change the map of a continent,
will revolutionize trade and result In
great commercial benefits to,all the peo
ple of the United States.
In order to fittingly celebrate this mo
mentous event, the city of San Francisco
has ,been selected by a vote or the states
as a place to hold a great world's fair
or International exposition, where the
peoples of the earth will meet and ex
change felicitations upon a great epoch ri
the world's history.
The arrangements for this great Inter
national festival are now well under
way:"the state of California and the city
of San Francisco are spending millions of
dollars for tho visitors they expect. Rail
road companies have agreed to grant
very much reduced round trip rates and
hundreds of thousands of people from
the, eastern states and Kurope will pass
through Nebraska on their way to the
Golden Gate, Besides, thousands of our
own people will go out there to tee the
beautiful exposition and the wonders of
the Pacific.
In order to provide for our own people
a home, and a meeting place and to show
visitors the great advantages ajid re
sources of our state. It is of the utmost
importance that Nebraska should bo
creditably represented at this gathering
of states and nations by having Its own
A beautiful site has been selected and
deeded by the officials of the, exposition
to the state of Nebraska.
The governor of Nebraska, Hon. J. It.
Jlorthxad, realizing the Importance of
united action, has appointed a temporary
committee, of which he and theetate of.
fleers are members, to devise a plan by
which the necessary funds for the erec
tion of n state building and the mainte
nance of tho same "can be raised. It Is es
timated that at least 0.000 should be
provided for this purpose,
It la proposed to make a state-wide ap
peal and to give everybody an opportun
ity to help along this most laudable and
patriotic cause.
You will bo solicited by accredited per
sons to make your contribution, be it
large or small. All banks will have sub
scription lists and will receive and re
ceipt for donation. All commercial club
will bo asked to exert their Influence on
behalf of this cause. All moneys will be
disbursed by vouchers, duly slRiied by
the proper offlrtuls, and at the termina
tion of the ax position n ful report of the
money collected and of the expenditures
Will be made to the public.
It Is proposed to use moving pictures
as a means of showing the nm-leultiiriit
wealth and tcsourucs of our great state,
and nlso our various Industries, . public
buildings, cities, etc.
'Give liberally according to your mcrtns.
'.tBndup for Nebraska."
Cheyenne County
Farmers Busy with
Their Spring Work
StDNKY. Xeb.. April !.-uSpoclal.)-ThroughoufCh'nypnne
co-inty a wet snow
Vr fallen, mcltlnv aa It Tell. A heavy
crop is being, put In. Among tliotc who
are farming on an extensive scalo arc
the county treasurer, who is running a
night and day shift and expects to put
lli about 2.500 acres; the Brntlcy Land
company Is putting In 2,000 acres, as Is
W E. Swartzlander. U P. HoSge has
the largest of tho gas tractors and will
put In About 3,03) acres. There are' sixty
eight of these machines In the county,
all of which have been busy the last ten
Jays In the fields plowing, seedlns and
breaking. x
Farmers and merchants In tho vicinity
of ifunol ate organizing a bank and will
soon be ready for business. Sunol Is lo
cated between Sidney and Lodge l'ole,
and Is hardly two years old.
The new town of Gurley on tho Bur
lington betwpen. Sidney and Dalton soon
will have a store, lumber yard and ele
vator ready for business.
t Dalton Is about to hold an clcUlon for
water bonds.
, WAKEFIELD, Neb., April S.-(Speclal.)
A very good evidence of prosperity Is
'afforded by tho condition of the Wake
field schools, i, Tho enrollment at present
1 2S0, from a' school census that shows a
total of 312.; -It Is questioned If another
town in Nebraska can show as largo a
percentage of tho census actually en
rolled In school. Prof. Lepidale and all
tho other teachers have been re-cmployed
for another year.
In 1899 Wakefield built a fine new school
building, with a bond Issue, one of which
Was to be paid each year on April. On
"Wednesday of last week the last of theso
.bonds was paid, and the school district
4s. now free from debt.
SCHUYLER, Neb..,. April S.-(Spfrclal.)
Sheriff Kunkle was called to Rogers last
night and arrested Lyle Sprechcr, who
was caught attempting to open the safe
in Hugo Haasc' store. Mr. HansQ-suspected
something- was wrong and had a
gCjird w.atchlng the' store. ' Sprecher was
rented In the county Jail -"at Schuyler,
'WrfUltiR his preliminary trial.
, : L-
, . ArailnlioR Tencliers.
Ijjlegram.) At a regular meeting of the
Arapanoe iioara or i.aucauon lasi evc
'ttlfig the following ' teachers wero re
elected: ' Mlsfees Fern Peck, Mabel Morri
son and Ruby Durtschl for the high
school; Mrs. "Clara Burkholder, seventh
and eighth grades; Miss IUiU Peterson,
fifth and sixth grades; Miss I. B. Bur
ton, third and fourth grades, and Miss
Erma Fuller,' first and second. Superin
tendent Fletcher was re-elected at pre
vious meeting. He Is now completing his
third year as head , of the Arapahoe
, Tho Persistent and Judicious Use' of
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
"business Success.
I STiTNNiNf: suits mMmk 1
rl HSKlBBi $1 a week A I
1 wBl DQrc'T wast Sif I
1 TWlr Ti" Saturday ftlSlm 1 I
Bf JrS L$iW) a" wno CRn - "1,a!' 08 fly in tUB wwk H H'
'93 f Wu4 &Hllu wnr-n you tun t.tK motd tlun to buy, nnd yEjfeitfis H H
jjfl I yjil gvjjivf slvp tis tliuo to ui !v ne'.e:-3ur.v aitcratloni. SjwPf5ft H Hj
m mm r :r." Q ftv omaha,Neb.
Imported Valuation Expert Placed
on Witness Stand.
Mnn Who l DrmvliiK Set rnly-FIt e
Dollars liny for Dolun Work
JScvrr Oiut Apprnrs In
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April ..-fSpeclal.)-The York
telephone hearing had Us peponri inning
before the ?tato Rallnay commission to
day. Some time ago the Lincoln Tele
phone company Trnido application to the
commission for a raise In rates at the
York plant and a hearing was had, In
which parties Interested In creating a
sentiment against the responsibility of
the commission's engineers demanded that
an independent engineer be sent to York
to make an Independent valuation of the
Iu order to vatlsry the demands of these
parties the commission granted tlfo ' re
quest, with the provision that the York
people should select a good man, nnd the
commission In order to satisfy all criti
cism would pay the hills of the engineer
Attorney Btamlcts of New York wns an
pealed to to give thn York people tho
nume of a good man, and he proposed n
well known engineer, Bemls of Chicago.
Mr. Urmia agreed to mnko the valuation
and was to receive 75 a day and nil as
sistant who should iccelva ?23 a day in
addition. In due course of time tho com
mission received word that Mr. Stone
woujd make the valuation, and since that
time Mr. Stone has been wotklng upon
the plant.
When he made his report to Mr. Bemis
tho lattor sent tho report on to the com
mission and . In checking It up tiio en
gineers of the commission discovered sev
eral mistakes. It was sent back to Mr.
Bemls for correction. It was again re
ferred to the commission and the report
shows that Mr. ,Stone has placed tho re-!
production value: of the York pHnt at
IlK.SWl and the present value at !i,231.
The engineers of tho commission found
the reproduction value at IKH.llS and the
present value to be $110,539.50.
Although It was supposed that Mr.
Bemls would at least come to Nebraska
once, ho has failed to do so, and did not
show up today at the hearing.
However, Mr. Stono was present and
was on the stand most of the forenoon
In an effort to convince tho commission
that the valuation made by film was the
real figures. Mr. Stone endeavored tp
Justify tho figures ho hail made In the
valuation In order to show why h hod
not taken Into consideration certain ex
penditures which entered Into -the con
struction of tho plant. His testimony de
veloped there were many things about
tho valuation of telephone plants that
had been used by tho commission's en
gineers which had, not been shown by
htm at all.
At one time he showed what an Ideal
plant such as would be needed at York
would cost and tho best service to be
received for the ' least money. In his
Opinion such a plant would cost Vi.W)
anC the cost of maintenance should bo
1 per cent.
In other words, a plant costing $75,000,
should bo maintained at a cost of $730.
Twice or three times In his testimony
Mr. Stone gavo his opinion that 1 per
cent ought to pay the maintenance
of a telephone plant.
At another tlmo ho exploited reprodue
tlon value of a plant as the basis for
rate making instead of the present value
which Is used by the commission. In
such a ease It would result In a higher
ratr than the commission has allowed.
This has all cost the commission in
the neighborhood of J3.C00, and tho far
thcr the Investigation goes tho more evi
dent It becomes. In tho minds of the coin
tnltelonerg that the commission's engi-
Ul Boys'SiiUs, $3.50 up fev) jOv H B " "" mi
We maVo all att.-iati.nn l'IM;i C&C jf BR Hi 1 '
neers were right In their valuation placed
uiton the plant.
Although Mr. Stone lmd put In two
months In making n .physical valuation
of tho plant, when asked by President
Woods, of the telephone copany, If there
wtrc any dead lines connected with the
Yerk plant, he "replied Mhat he did not
know, but there might v be out In the
Graduate Nurses
Meet in Beatrice
JiHATltlCB, Nob.. April S.-tSpcclal.)-Thc
Nebraska araduute Nurses' associa
tion held a meeting In tho city Tuesday
nflornoon with about twcnty-flvo nunes
j from out of. the city In attendance. A
; genoiyl business meeting was held In the
1 afternoon, and In the evening a program
I was given. l)rs. C. P. Fall and II. M.
Hcpperlen of Beatrice delivered ad
dtofscH. The Oage County Madleat
society nlso held Its quarterly meeting
at the Burwood hotel, at which papers rend by I Jr. Miller of Omaha, and
Ur Bachlc of Barneston.
G.vM. .lolinston.'a former Beatrice resi
dent, died suddenly Monday night at his
home at Sulphur Springs. Ark., aged Gl
years. Mr. Johnston was an attorney In
this city for years. Ho Is survived by
a widow and four children.
Ora Leroy Llto a'hd Miss Opal
Rr.mscy. both of tha city, wero married
Ti.esday evening at the Presbyterian
mui'sp. Rev. I). L. Young officiating.
A supply of hog cholera, serum has
been received at the local office of tho
l'i:lted Bureau of Animal Industry and
Di. C. E. Cosfoi-d, who has the work In
chiirge, says that demonstrations will be
gin at once, looking to tho eradication of
the disease. The territory to be covered
by the work will be tho north hair of
Gcge county and all of Johnson county,
BEATRICE, Neb.. April S.-(8peclal.)-Ueorge
Campbell, for many years a lead
ing democrat of southern Clago county,
ycsteiday received news from Washing
ton, D. C, of his appointment as post
master of Wymore. Mr. Campbell was a
former member of tho county board of
supervisors, and for -the last few years
haa been In the employ.of tho Standard
llrldgo company of Omaha.
Iliiekleii'n Ariiien Mnlve.
For a cut, bruise, sore and skin trouble,
a box should bo In every household, All
druggists. 23c. Advertisement.
Ladies! Secret to !
Darken Gray Hair
Bring back color, gloss and
thickness with Grandma's
recipe of Sage and Sulphur, 'j
Common garden" sas brewed Into
heavy .tea, with sulphur and alcohol
added, will turn Cray, streaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and luxuri
ant; remoye every bit of dandruff, atop
tcalp Itching and falling hair. Mixing
the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home,
though, li troublesome. An easier way Is
to got the ready-to-uso tonic, at drus
atoreo, known aa "Wyeth'a Sago and
Sulphur Hair Remedy," thus avoiding a
lot of muia.
While wispy, gray, faded hair Is not
sinful, we all desire to retain our youth
ful appearanco and attractiveness. Ily
darkonlne your hair with Wyeth's Sag.
nnd Sulphur, no one can tell, because It
does It so naturally, so evenly You
just dampen a sponge or soft brush with
It and draw this through your hair,,
taking one small strand at a time; by
morning all gray hairs have disappeared.
After another application or two your
hnlr becomes beautifully dark, clossr.
I soft and luxuriant and you appear years
i younger. Advertisement.
SHK Ollt
VSif sf 'toward
Distinctive looking clothes, such as we sell,
$1760 , o. IDetroit
The HUDSON Leads
AH Other "Sixes"
Tho strongest advocates of the Fours admit that the Sixes
lead. And the HUDSON stands head and shoulders above
all other Sizes. 1
Tho highest recommendation a salesman 'for other Sixes
know is: "It's as good as the HUDSON."
The HUDSON Six Is the standard by which other makers
measure their motors, their body designs, their prices.
The HUDSON First Choice
If price, and old car allowance, and other conditions wero
equal every buyer would choose a HUDSON Six.,
The HUDSON is always the first choice. If wo would sell
a HUDSON nt n "cut price"; or if we offered a big "trading
value"" for an old car; or if wo "threw In" a lot of extra
equipment, every man who enters our showrooms would
tako the HUDSON.
Competition 1b not on the quality of the other car. It la
on these things wo refuse to meet.
You Buy Guy L. Smith Service With
When you buy a HUDSON Six you buy with It the "best
service in Omnha."-
Some dealers cut prices, give long trading allowances,
sacrifice prosent profits 'for future repair Jobs. You can ex
pect no care of your car from such a dealer.
The honest, legitimate denier who is in business for a fair
profit and a permanent business follows every car with infi
nite care' and service.
In Omahu tho HUDSON is tho 366-day-a-year car. If
you own a HUDSON you can use it every day in the year.
the HUDSON a New-Type Six
The HUDSON is a new-type Six. It Is dlfferont from the
old stylo Six of big cylinders, great power and costly upkeep.
Makers of four-cylinder cars make comparisons with the.
Sixes of several years ago. You do not find tbem comparing
their Fours with present-day Sixes.
Tho HUDSON Slx-40 for example has a small-bore,
long-stroko motor. It Is light in weight 29$0 pounds cer
tified railway weight. Its mileage per gallon of gasoline
exceeds equivalent fours. Its tire cost, because of lack of
vibration, Is Immensely less.
It Is infinitely more enjoyable to ride In. To drive It Is a
revelation to one accustomed only to a Four.
Come, see theso modern motor-cars. Drive a HUDSON
Six and learn why the HUDSON leads. We will give you
n entirely new meaning of motor-car satisfaction.
Guy L. Smith
King -Peck
"-Home of qijality
are the kind you should
wear on Easter Sunday-
Easter demands that you be
attired in your best. You can
not nfford to neglect your nppenrnnccs,
neither enn you afford to choose from
clothes which do not possess tho height
of nppoved style. By choosing your Ens
ter clothes nt this store, you nre certain
of being as well dressed as tho best
dressed man in town.
Quality Suits,
$10 to $40
Correct styles in Easter Hats
It's such nn easy thing to buy an unbecom
lnj; hat that It Is a display of wisdom on your
part to conio to a storo whoro only right styles
nro featured, nnd where nalosmon seo that -you
get a bocomlng- hat. That's horc.
$2.00 to $8.00
Determine your furnishing needs and
and supply them here tomorrow
Thero's a dozon and one small articles of
dross' that you'll need to complete your Easter
outfit. Bettor Investigate.
Swell Bbtrta ............ .$1.00 to $K.(
It Ittch Ties w 50 to R.Ot)
h Slllt Gloves - 1.00 to 2.00
Silk Hose .50 to 1.00
Collars O for .25
Union Suit 1.00 to 5.00
2563-5-7 Farnam St.
Bed Bugs
Wanted, the worst case of these
dangerous pests In Omaha for the
purpose of demonstrating an effi
cient system of their complete eradi
cation. Olve telephone' number, ad
dress, and size of building, It occu
pied, and whether of frame or brick
construction. Address at once Clmex
I'ide, care of Uee.
Top Coats,
$15 to $25
In nottlcs, April 10th.
Guaranteed to bo the
only rcnl old stylo
bock beer in Omnbn;
aged six months.
Absolutely the finest
in the city
llurry your order. The
supply will not last long.
Consumers Distributor
Phono Webster 1200.
Interior Photographs
The inexperienced pho
tographor does not un
derstand tho lighting of
photographs taken in
doors. . Our newspaper
equipment includes tho
necessary apparatus and
our photographer re
ceived his training with
Underwood & Under
wood, the great New
York establishment.
fJ?hese facilities aro at
your service at very rea-i
sonablo prices. Call and
Bee samples or phone
Bee Photo Department
Telephone Tyler 1000.
One af Ajt PWt at bedtime hut
obc. Acts oa the Hrer. Gently laxative.
Scooted. All vegetable.
Sof4 Tor SO years-
As Ymh- Doctor.