Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 8

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    TJIK OMAHA St M)AV JKE: APRIL 5. 1914,
Passing of the Beautiful United States Bank Building
School Board to Grant Permission
for Use of School Property.
JlnlldlnRs nnd (ironndu Committee
Gratifies Desire of Monmonth
Pnrlc Improvement Clnb
for Plnygrronnd.
State Lodge of Odd Fellows Cele
brates Forty-Ninth Anniversary.
Supreme Onartltnn Emmn II. Mnn
cheater of Womtmrn Circle II r
atue Untie After Pro
lonjred sick Spell.
8 A
State lodge No. 10 rel.brftted the forty
ninth annlrerssry of Its Institution last
Monday evening by giving an entertain
ment and dance for Its member and
friend's. There were, over 0 people In
the hall when tho program began C M
Coffin read a history of state lodge,
recounting the activities of the lodge
during tho last forty-nine rratu nnrt frtM
why It tins become the wealthiest Odd
Fellows lodge In the state of Nebraska.
Several musical numbers Were given and
the floor was cleared and dnnclng In
dulged in tirdll midnight. Supper was
served in the banquet room during the
Omaha lodge No. 2 will have work in
the first degree next Friday evening
Beacon lodge No. 20 will put on the
initiatory degree next Tuesday evening
A special grana lodge session was held
at Hastings last "Wednesday nftcrnoon
and evening. Seventeen Odd, Fellows
lodges In and adjacent to Hastings took
part In the session, which was attended
by members. Grand Secretary CJago
and Grand "Warden Oreeiileaf were pres
ent and addressed the session. The
business meeting-was held In the after.
Iioon when the grand lodge nnd past
grand degrees were conferred upon a
class of fifty-three candidates. ln the
evening the second Mnd third degrees was
exemplified by degree teams from Grand
Island and Hastings.
Dannebrog lodge No. Ilfi will have work
In the first degree next Friday evening.
Denson'a Odd Fellow lodgo held Its trl
monthly social at Its" hall lust Monday
evening, when the families of tho mem
bers -were the guests A program, mock
Initiations nnd refreshments were given
during the evening. Thoo taking part
In the program were Harold Chsdwell,
Miss Merle lAjngucre, Miss Chadwell,
Mlsa Wyanlt, Messrs. McCluns and ilc
Cray. South Omaha lodgo No. UH wII have
work In the Initiatory degree tomorrow
Wasa lodgo wilt have three candidates
lor tho first degree next Wednesday
l.nynl Order or Moose.
S. 8. (Dad.) Turner of Missouri Valley
lodge No. UH visited with Omaha lodge
TNo. 90 Friday. Dad Turner was a star
Pitcher for the Omaha team In tho West
ern league In 1SJS.
District Director F. M. ,Klng reports
splendid results In Omaha.
Hon, Arthur H. Jones, past supromo dic
tator of the Loyal Order of Moose, will
lecture on Mooseheart nt the Amorlcan
theater Thursday.
Omaha lodge No. 00 will Install officers"
Wednesday evening at tho Mooso club. 416
South Seventeenth street.
Maglo City lodgo No. '80S, Loyal Order
of Moose, wilt 'Install .officers Thursday
at Mooso home. Twenty-flfth and M
streets. South -Omaha.
council Bluffs lodgo. will Install officer
Friday evening. ' '
Omaha lodge No. to; ilnltlatcd another
largo class of candldatep last WcdnMOay
evening. J ?'
The Mooso base ball.'jeam will i-tatt-and
.May Mooso and otheritcama wlthjn a dls
tance of 100 miles pft Omaha. For dates
write Max Kepfll, are of Moose club.
C. II. Llklns, national director, Loynt
Order of Moose, returned from a visit to
tho Moose lodges n tho Mississippi river
mnembeMrt" BrCUt lntercet the
J h 6,U.Uon U noW dictator
of tho Omaha Moose lodge, an honor de
served, giving strength and stability td
tho Moose ordsr.
Thl""1 ,S,'c1hn," delation.
The recent resignation of one of tl,o
members of the Theatrical Mechanical
association, No. SS. as an officer of ' tfi
wnlntlo was ot a- rxm0rA, on
T , A"y ChHne Policy e'gend.
tlon " WUh'n itK or"nl-
.Jr.? r0sl4lnK '"ember, who has been an
SSn taS.'!,nc: ,h9 or,na, or-""
Wtion In J9C6, declares he was not In
WmC !nC.rfa"ng the W i
benefit. nt this time, owing to the heavy
expense Incurred n furnishing the new
quarter, and tho falling off of receipts Z
the restaurant feature of tho lodge, duo
patronise tho -restaurant owlnc to tho
Questions of the legality of tills organl.
"tf right to operate a. a'sut
nlruJ.d8,C f n ""national or
ganlraUon Is In controversy at this time
llt no doubt be-given an opportunity ?o
ftVt0 th. COntrary "egaUon. thit
fJta.trlCaI Mec'"" Association No
I "n ""'wtlon founded .upon
M& ? ' ' 01 Chari,y ""Volenco anS
Woodmen Circle.
tlon f Man,!hMle- attended tho Insu
lil 5 un.ew 8rove at D'l- Friday even.
throSahWCh ",me Clasa w- ' '
ome splendid work In the future by tl.
April 7. b W..on Tuesday;
The women of $X 'IZ
can Yeomen will Biv th.i. """"n
AWdnesday evening. April T
1 ,1" " becoming moro popular cv"y
SMendid music ,. furnUhrd
The last move Jn the settlement of the
H.Or.G00 estate of Quy Q, Harton was
made when County Judge Crawford rati
fied the acts of the trustee who dis
tributed the estate arpong the heirs and
discharged them from liability.
High School Play-
Meets With Success
In the context FHdnv titirliknt His
Omnho. Itlch Mplinol hetwen fho InnlnrN
and seniors tho latter cama off victorious,
winning seven points out or nine. v
The two things the lllnlnm won wnrn
the vocal solo bv Arthur ltnnner nnd tlm
piano olo by Miss Frances J. Jonaon. Tho
seniors made a clean victory over the
Juniors by winning tho debato and 'tho una uiso xno rccttaiion given uy
Ilachcl Mctculf.
Tho burlcsquo by tho Junior clasa was
Written by tho girls bf tho class and
acted by tho boys. Tho piny was taken
from one of Shakespcaro's tho names
being changed to those of nromlnent
senior fellows. It also was altered so that
it contained elnms and Jokes upon tho
senior class as a wholo. Tho boys taking
part In tho play were Lcroy Buzzard,
orator; citizens nnd servants: Wilson
Byrons. William Camncn. tvidnlf
strum, Kbbcrt Edwards, Fred TCyler, Paul
FlouhOU Paul Qllmore. Kdwln nmilri
.VictOr Oraham. John Jenkins. Arthur
Klein, Kuben Melcher, Milton Moskowltz,
n t . . . ... . .... .
v, auucri uuciii uusiav wiCKsirom,
Tho play given by tho senior class also
was taken from Bhakcsnearn nnil h
acene from tho plpt upon Caesar. . Tho
Blrls of the senior clnra. altered title tn
define how tho freshmen, plot against tho
seniors, in me enu oi tho play it showed
how the senior, with his superior knowl
edge, finally manages to outwit the frh.
men. Thoso taking part In' tho play wero
Arno Truesison as Julius Caesar; Ed-
mond Booth' and Kenneth Norton. Tti-iiln.
and Maro Antony, respectively; Itayden
.-uyere, uyron Bnyuer, iiarqld Aldrlch,
conspirators against Caesar; Marlon Wei
ler. Mario Ilowlev. Clara. T.indin
Dunn, Charles "Wolth, Clhy Blsel and
warry uiaioorne, retinuo of Caesar; Kllx
abeth Carr and lillzabeth Crawford,
mothers of tho freshmen and sonhotnorea.
Tho contest, on the whole, was a great
success ana tho object which Jilts Mc
Hugh had In viow, that of raising a fund
to .benutlfy tho central court, was
Churches Plan to
Continue With the
Go-to-Ohuroh Move
Follow-up campaigns by tho various
cnurcnes are being waged to maintain
tho Increased attendance which resulted
from "go-to-church Sunday." The Indi
vidual churches have In many instances
listed tho noilchurchgoers In their com
munities and have systematically can
vassed them to secure their regular at
tendance. All the nastors nf lh -liv
expect continued and permanent results
from the recent campaign and' are striv
ing tO' make their sermons and
as attractive as possible, to unchurched
people without deviating from their reg
ular course cf religious worship and
work. '
Meat Injurious
to the Kidneys
Take a tablespoonful of Salts if
Back hurts or Bladder
We are a nation of meat eaters and
our blood la filled with urto add, nays a
Well-known authority, who warns ua to
bo constantly on guard against kidney
The kidneys do their utmost to free the
Wood of this irritating acid, but becomo
weak from the overwork; they get stug.
glsh; the ellmlnatlve tissues clog and
thus the waste la retained In tho blood
to poison tho entire system.
When your kidneys ache and feel like
lumps of lead, nd you have stinging
rains In the back or the urine is cloudy.
full of sediment, or the blsdder Is Irri
table, obliging you to seek relief during
the nlfht; when yqu have severe head-
tents, nervous and dizzy spells, sleepless.
tess, acid stomach or rheumatism In bad
Feather, get from your pharmacist about
four ounces of Jad Halts: take a table-
fpoonful In a glass of water before break
fast each morning and In a few days
your kidneys will act fine. This famous
salts Is made from the (cld of' grapes
snd lemon Juice, combned with llthla.
and has been used for generations to
flush and stimulate ologged kidneys, to
neutralize the acids Irt urine so It Is no
longer a source of Irritation, thus ending
urinary and bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is'lnexpenslve and cannot In
lure; makes a delightful effervescent
Itthla-water drink, and nobody can make
a mistake by taking a llttlo occasionally
to keep tho kidneys clean and active.
Omaha Artist Has
Painting Accepted
by the-Paris Salon
Miss (I5thel Evans, formerly of Omaha,
and Bister of Mrs. Z. T. -Llndscyof this
city, has had her painting "Marguerite"
occcptcd nnd It is , now, .hanging In tho
Balon Intornatlonalo des Beaux Arts in
Paris. Tho picture Is orio painted last
summer ln Qlvernv bv Mlsa Kvnn whn
has been In Kuropo for two years.
.suss tirvans was formerly supervisor of
drawing in tho nubile' schools in nm.h,
and waa art critic for Tho Bee. Bhe
also assistecd. In tho art exhibitions at
the exposition hero In 1KB and 1S59.
Miss Kvans was seriously injured' In
New Tork City four or five years ago
by an explosion In the Pennsylvania
Station. torhfrH ti w - .1. - . i .
--, a. ii,u lima pass
ing in b. street car. Bho lost the sight of
one wo and It was thought that this
might Impair her artistic career, but tho
recent success proves that this was not
the case.
Daily News for Sale?
Talk of 'Met' as Editor
An Item in the current Examiner tells
of negotiations by representatives of tho
Bryan wing of tho Nebraska democracy
to acqulro control of tho Omaha Dally
Nows as part or tho campaign of "Brother
Charley" Bryan for governor, "upon tho
theory that tho national administration
has no dally mouthpiece, among the papers
of tho state." Tho plan Is said to in
clude making Itlcbard U Metcalfo editor
of tho News on his return from Panama,
and the Examiner explains Senator Hitch
cock's prolonging his recent visit of In
spection of his World-Herald bocauso of
the rumor that "Met." was to take chargB
of tho News.
Bequest of the Monmouth Park Im
provement club for tho use of tlie Mon
mouth Park school grounds for public
playgrounds was granted by tho buildings
and grounds committee of the Board of
Education nt a meeting Friday afternoon
nnd tho board wilt bo asked to ratify the
committee's act
Chairman E. J. Streltz of the build
ings and grounds committee has favored
more playgrounds nnd better recreation
facilities for children.
Members of the committee said the
action In regard to Munm'otith Park play
grounds would not necessarily moan thai
all public school playgrounds would bo
made n playground for tho public, un
less the public requested the board to
throw all grounds open for public play.
Whether Otto William Hlerbach of
Elkhorn took carbolic acid accidentally or
whether he committed suicide wilt be
determined by the courts as the result
of a suit for $1,000 against the Mutual
Benefit Health and Accident associa
tion, filed by Mrs. Augusta Illerbach,
his mother, nierhach died January 33,
1914, from the effects of taking carbolic
acid and his mother was beneficiary ln
an insurance policy.
To Absorb Freckles
And Other Blemishes
Every spring numerous fniulries are
made by girls seeking Homo reliable recipe
ror removing rrccKies. insist year very
favorable reports wcro received from
many who had used mercollzed whx dur
ing tho freckling season. Tho" wax seems
to possess unusual properties wincn com
pletelv absoib the freckles harm
fill effect. Tho complexion Improves won
derfullv. becoming as soft as a rose petal.
and as delicately tinted. Get an ounce
of mercollzed wax nt any druggists.
spread a thin layer of It over the entlro
face every night for awhjle. washing this
oir in mo morning. or rougu, spotty
skin, sallowncss. blnckhcads. pimples, and
all cutaneous blemishes, this treatment Is
superior to any other.
Springtime also brings wrinkles to many
sensitive skins that arc much exposed to
winds and changing temperatures. To a
halt pint witch hazel add an ounco of
powdered saxolltc. which uulckly dis
solves. Bathe tho face In this; the offect
on a wrinkled skin Is remarkable. Adver
By Far the
Lowest Prices
That we are underselling every other furniture house
in Omaha is a fact well known about Omaha. We are
universally recognized as the lowest priced homef ur
nishing establishment in the city. We promise you
the biggest values and the best bargains yes every
day in the week. Credit given to all.
Large line of collapsible
carts, reed body carts, por
ambulators, etc. One spe
cial in collapsible cart, with
hood: light cart, yet strong
and easy to man- 0
Made of solid oak, well
made and well, finish
ed. You'd pay nearly
twice as much any
where else; heavy
French bevel (HQ.95
1U114U1, 14 U W
And the price Is only $29.75. It is a six-hole rango with high warming closet, made throughout of
heavy - guage - cold rolled steel nini. rivotoH tr,,,- ni. ,. . v,n-
large oven steel oven back, asbestos oven lining, balance ovendoor, making a shelf,
broad flue bottom, circulation of hot air around entire oven. Insuring even baking,
handsome nickel trimmings all over. A high grade Bteel range, thoroughly guar
anteed. The btgeat value you ever saw. Sale price ' ,
Solid Oak Extension Table
A wonderful value, heavy, sub
stantial o-ft. solid oak ,s a
toll to n.,l.1 tLTIB'ld
only . .
2-Inch Post Iron Beds
Handsome Beds with large 2-
incn continuous posts, ,
full slxe beds, price
now cut to ,
A very extensive line, a wldo range of sUes and styles; prices the lowest in Omaha. Above m ne
refrigerator, three-door sire, improved construction, very economical, double air circulation, 5 1
front leer, round corners, adjustable shelves, removable waste pipe, all Improvements. Sale price.
Howard Street
Near 16th
on Howard
Grace and Beauty1
in the new "Schloss-Baltimore" Young
Men's Clothes for. Spring. "These models
are uncommonly attractive ; especially de
signed for particular men by a famous Fifth
Avenue Custom-Tailor, a genius of rare
You U find ! the. new Schlots-Baltimore models
incomparable with any ordinary Ready Clothes;
and oi a class and character which only the very
high-priced made-to-measure tailors could. equal.
Ask to see tke New SchIossBaItimore
On Sale, ln Omaha, by
Tho questions ,answered halow are ren
eral In character, "he symptoms or dis
eases are glvtn and th answers should
apply to any case of similar nature.
Those wishing- further advice, free, may
?.dnrei" tJ?n kf'Yj" Ber, College Bide'
College-Elwood Stg., Dayton, O., enclosing-
self-addressed stamped envelope for
reply. Full name and address must bo
given, but only Initials or flctltloun
will be used ln my answers. The pre
scriptions can be filled at any well
stocKed drug- store. Any druggist can
order ot wholesaler.
"Despondent" writes: "r am 41 vmrs
na ana uniu iwo years ago waa very
strong and vigorous. Gradually I began
to fail, and now am trembllne. nervous.
weak, timid, despondent, and life has lost
us Drigntness ana pleasure ror me. I
think I need medicine for my nerves."
Answer: At your aco many are afflicted
aa you arc, and tho very best treatment
for such conditions is 3-craln cadomcne
tablets, packed In sealed tubes, with full
directions. It is a tonic restorative treat
ment or very great ciiectiveness in over
coming 'the depleted, worn-out nervous
Mr. H. D. asks; "Is it safe to reduce
one's weight? I weigh 210 pounds and
would like to rcduco at least 40 pounds.
What Is a safe, harmless remedy?"
Answer: Obtain of any well-stocked
druggist a tubo ot 5-graln arbolone lab
lets and take as per directions accom
panying. These, tablets are very easy to
take and quite reliable for obesity or
"Miss K." writes: "Could you publish
a remedy for liver and kidney trouble and
the usual diseases that arise from that
source? I am troubled with dlxzy spells,
dark, spots before my eyes, and .also with
rheumatism." . .
Answer: If -you -will get'S-trraln sulp
herb tablets (not sulphur' tablets), and.
tako according to directions, you will not
only be relieved, but If You continue the
use oi tneso muieta yoir win do gradually
relieved of all the troubles you mention.
They will purify the blood' and also over
come your rheumatism.
v "Worried" Your child can be easily
corrected of bedwettlnS by using tincture
oubcb.4, 1 dram: tincture rhus-arpmatlc, 2
drams, and romp, fluid balmwort, 1 oz.
Ulvo him 10 to 15 drops ln water bofore
each meal. This Is. equally good for older
"Mrs It. C." writes: "Our family of
five alt are afflicted with catarrh. A
friend told me that your prescription
cured her ami her child Please tlt me
what to use."
Answer- I have found In my long ex
perience that there is nothing superior to
antlseptio vilane powder when used ac
cording to the directions which are to be
found in each 3 or b-ounce box. Try It
and you will be delighted.
MIT.. I." ... -1 1 a 'T u.nM tlL' . ...
something that would make my hair soft
and fluffy. My hair Is greasy and I can
do nothing to keep the. oil. out"
Answer: To take tho surplus oil out ot
tho hair and keep It soft and fluffy, get
a 4-oz. Jar of plain yellow mlnyol and use
It regularly. This will stop Itching scalp
and dandruff and make the hair grow,
and you will not be bothered with stringy,
straggling locks.
"Louise" writes: "I do not weigh
enough for my height. I am dull and life
less and have frequent headaches. I'lease
advise what will help me,"
Answer: Your condition Is due to the
lack of red blood corpuscles. I ,can pre
scribe nothing better than 3-graln hypc
nuclane tablets, which can be purchased
at any up-to-date drug store In sealed
cartons with full directions. These tab
lets will causo the body to assimilate the
ratty elements of food and thus give you
strength and added color to the akin.
Your weight will Increase and you will
not be troubled with headache. These
are recommended by physicians and If
taken according to directions you will
surely gain flesh.
"Troubled Miss G." writes. "Every
tv nian T n m . ti1.,a ...I si. . .
a am HUUUH.U wiiii severe aiiacKs
of rheumatism which sometimes kecpa me
thing lor me,"
Answer: My favorite prescription for
rheumatism, and one that r know linn ri.
llfived thniisanria nf
mixing: Iodide of potassium, 2 dram;
sodium salicylate, 4 drams; wino of vol
V.MV.UUI, a ui.i trump, cusence cardioi, 1
OZ. I' Pfimn. flltM Knlmwm 1 . . (...'...
sarsaparllla, 5 ozs. Take one teaspoonful
will soon bo well.
annoyed lately by coughing and a jickllnK
HPllNnllnn In (ri I ...
after singing. My bronchial tubes are uf-
Answer: You can be very easily re
lieved of this bronchial troublo by using
essence mcntho-laxene. This relieves
quickly and certainly brings about a euro
by Its tonic and laxative action and there
fore Is superior to ordinary Preparation,
which only relieve.' You 'can reel the med- '
iclne working qn the throat, lungs and K
bronchial tubes, giving a feeling of fresh
ness and strength to the entire system.
Purchase a 2H-ox parkage of essence
mentho-laxene ana make according to tho
directions on bottle and take eight to ten
doses daily and you will, soon be cured of
your trouble.
Mrs. B. T. writes: "i suffer much with
Indigestion, heavy feeling In stomah.
bloating, belching, etc"
Answer: For Indigestion, dyspepsia and
such symptoms as. you mention. I advise
the use of tablets trlopeptlne, packed In
sealed cartons with full directions, They
prove very effective Adverttsoment.
AN INVESTMENT .bee want ad