Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 11-A, Image 11

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it m mmmrn twitm winci
Give Yourself
q m
Easter Novelties in Candies,
Favors and Table Decorations
Non-breakahle rabbits in white,
gold and brown, each 6c, 10c, SMSo
and BOc,
Fur rabbits at, each, 25c, BOc,
7Bc and up to $4.
Crowing roosters at, each, 10c.
Hen coon at 25c, 50c and $1.
Laying hens at, each, 25c and
BOc. j
Hundreds of different kinds of
mechanical rabbits, chicks, tum
bling bears and jack rabbits at,
each, 25c and BOc.
Rabbit carts and automobiles
at, each, 10c and 25c.
Nodding head ducks, turkeys
and geese at, each, Be.
Easter baskets of all kinds at,
each, 5c and 10c. '
Individual ice cream moulds made for Easter. Easter eggs, hens,
roosters, rabbits or Easter lily, made of pure cream and frozen, in all
flavors and colors. '
be safe from moths, If kept la the lower oj a Lug"
"Oeaar-Llne" dresser or ohiffonler. "Tho cedar bottom has
a mild, pleasant cedar odor, which permeates tho whole
Luger "Cedar-Line"
Dressers and Chiffoniers
Cost you nothing extra for this feature. Yet
you save the cost of a cedar chest and the spaee
it takes up in your bedroom. When you se tho
Other Luger features -tho attractive, appearance
(a large rariety of woods and finishes in stan
dard, colonial- and our new straight line styles),
the careful finish, the Tigld durable interlocking
tonstruction, the eaayworawg arawr
ors, etc., you will never be satisfied
with any but a Lugor "Cedar-Line."
Your furniture dealer probably soils
the Luger "Cedar-Line." If not,
write ns.
Like to Hunt?
Look through.the index on tho first ,
;. page of the Classified Seo'tibnbf today's; j
Bee. There uro undoubtedly one or more
'classifications you could' use 'profitably
and it will only take a moment to skim
over them. ' ""
Tlie classifications are listed alpha
betically. '
BEAL ESTATE Look under
Beo "Want Ads are eaay .to find. Our .
way gives better service to readers and
. better results to advertisers.
,f V '
a Chance
Proper care of the
Stomach, Liver a$d
Bowels will help you
maintain your place
in the "march of pro
gress." It means
better health more
vigor and vitality
an inspiration to suc
ceed. Digestion is tho
most important link in
your health-chain and as
soon as it is disturbed re
sort to
It is for Indigestion Nau
sea, Constipation, Bilious
ness, Heartburn, 'Belching,
Malaria Fever.
Filled Easter baskets at, each.
10c, 15c and 25c.
Panorama eggs with boautlful
scenery inside, at, each, 5c, 10c,
25c, BOc and 91.
, Beautiful Easter boxes filled
with our best confections at, each,
75c 00c and $1.
Imported chocolate eggs with
delicious fruit filling, and all sixes
of chocolate Pompelan eggs at,
each, Be, 10c, 15c, ,25c up to $1.
EGGS Soft boll,x6 for 5c.
Cream eggs, lb., 16c.
Jelly spice eggs, lb., 10c.
Jolly eggs, lb., 10c.
Chocolate marshmallow qggs,
each, lc, or G for Be.
Mti of elotbl&ff.wUl
This it General Belief in Waihing-
ton in Bank Situation.
Omnhn'a Attachment to Kansas Cttr
Generally Criticised, While
KllEhtlnjr o( Great Wit
la Condfiiintd.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, April ,-8peolal Tele
gram.) Politic and pull won out in the
location of the regional reserve banks.
There Is no other way to express It. Daep
rooted and deopsealed partisanship hare
triumphed when sober business judg
ment, geography and right should have
That about tells tha story ot the twelve
cities selected as regional bank oenters.
according to the Consensus ot opinion In
public life today.. ' -
If the repeat ot tha free tolls clause of
the Panama canal act .paMea. In JN1 Is
the goal the administration la attempting
to accomplish, then Frtejdeni wnson s
-visit to Senator Stone, chairman of the
foreign relations committee, during his
confinement to the house recently on ac
count of illness, becomes plainly under
standable, for Missouri get two reservo
centers, Kansas City and Bt. 'Louis,
greatly to the astonishment of every
member In congress except those ot tha
Missouri delegation, who Had, been pre
viously advised of this most- unusUal hap
pening. While It was not by any means deemed
certain that Omaha, would become a re
gional center, Nebraska's commanding
position, not only geographically but the
stability' of Its banks, thelr'-riumbar; and
the, further fact that there had been but
few 'failures In the prairie state for a de
cade, gave those Interested in the location
of one of these reserve centers In Ne
braska hope that tha committee having
tha naming ot regional benk centers
would select Omaha aa ona of tha twelve
Two In Missouri Shock.
Those who have been supporting the
hands of the present administration were
thunderstruck today when they read the
results of the committee's work and
found that Omaha had been attaohed to
Kansas City, and at tha same time real
ised that St. Louts had also been desig
nated by the same token as one of the
twelve places for reserve bank purposes.
And yet when the complexion of the
committee Is understood, the decision of
the gentlemen having the selection ot
reserve cities In charge, however remark
able, ought not be unexpected, according
to a senator who has been as hard hit
as anybody In the decision ot the or
ganization committee.
All Southern Men.
Secretary tacAdoo, who was appointed
from New York, halls from Tennessee;
Secretary Houston, who Is' accredited to
Missouri, Is a Texan at heart, while John
Skelton Williams, the comptroller of the
currency, Is a Virginian born and bred.
This may account for the selection of the
number of cities in the south over and
above those that had a right to he con
sidered In the' running.
Democrats are up in arms over the se
lection of Richmond as against Bait!
more, nor can they understand how Dallas
waa selected as against New Orleans.
These are things that probably require
a good deal of explanation, and in all
probability a resolution or two will be
Introduced calling for more complete de
tails than contained in the committee's
announcement given to the public last
To have failed to give the great inter
mountain west a .bank located at either
Denver, Bait Lelte City, Portland or Seat
tle, after passing over ' Omaha, caused
the greatest amount of speculation t$day
among the members of congress who
were seen by The Bee correspondent.
Great Wdt Ignored.
Why Omaha was Ignored and Kansas
City and St. Louis named created no end
ot talk; but why the committee Jumped
from the Missouri river to San Fran
cisco, Ignoring all the cities above men
tioned, like the peaoe of Qod passes all
understanding, and It has left a whole
lot of Intensely sore spots.
To Senator Hitchcock the brushing
aBlde of Omaha's: claims for a regional
bank was no surprise; In fact, he is
frunk to say that It was what he had
expected. There are other things about
the whole matter, however, that did sur
prise him tremendously and likewise
aroused his resentment. "While I am
not so much surprised that .Kansas City
got what she did," 'said Senator Hitch
cock, "I am surprised and disappointed
that Omaha Is put In the Kansas City
district. I consider that a violation ot
the spirit and even the. letter, of the
law, because the law provides-that In
arranging the district they shall con
form to the banking customs and bust
new transactions of the communities
forming the respective districts.
Omaha and Kstnaaa City.
'In other words communities shall be
connected with bank centers with which
they are accustomed to doing business.
Omaha has no connection of thla nature
with Kansas 'City, all our relations be
Ing naturally with Chicago, 'for tha cur
rents of business run east and west and
north and south. It is an actual disloca
tion of these currents to set our reserve
city at Kansas City, where our banks have
not kept any deposits and have no
reason to do so. I shall follow out 'my
Intention to make a protest to the fed
eral reserve board when It la formed.
That board Is the only authorit that
can reacn tne action or tne organiza
tion committee Just taken. I expected
that we .would be placed. In tha Chicago
district because of our relations there
and because tha law specifically, two.
vldes. ihat these things" be taken into
3 .But there are ,-othars,vJn; .-Washington
who believed that Nebraska would beVse-
DuBehj F Bails A
This Institution Is the only one
In the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering It possible to
classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of non-contagious and
non-mental diseases, no others be
ing admitted; the other Rest Cot
tage being designed for and de
voted to the exclusive treatment,
of select mental cases requiring
for a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.
lected as an actual reserve center. Con
gressman Sloan had every reason to ex
pect this and he expressed absolute dis
appointment over the failure of the com
mittee to take Into consideration the
state's commanding position.
Par Outclassed by Mlssonri.
Mr. Sloan said: "While I would have
liked to have seen Lincotn aeoure a
regional bank, of course, naturally,
Omaha commanded larger attention be
cause of Its enormous business Interests,
its railway connections, north, south, cast
and west, and because of Its strong bann
ing power which has stood tha pressure
of hard time, and unlike some cities
which I will nof mention. Ought to have
been one of the first to be selected.
'The pity ot It all Is that Nebraska
was regarded by the committee as ,so
much less than even a portion of Mis
representative Magulre, who. naturally
had an .ambition that Lincoln 'would be
selected, frankly stated thai; he expected
Nebraska would no. recbnlxed'as, a locu
tion for one' of the reserve banks. "Ofj
course,"'. said Mr4 Mngulre, "Jour bankers
and our people will be. pleased to know
that they ire not led up With some far
western bank. At one time-1 una? retopa
that we were in serious danger or being
attached to a western reterye center, arid?
that would not have been acceptable to
our people at all. x cannot, noweyar,
reconcile the selection of Kansas City
and St. Louis. That; to my mind. Is
wrong, and i shall nohcsltate to say to."
riartqn n Mltengr.
In a vigorous, five-minute speech, today'
on the floor at the house Congressman
Barton ot the Fifth Nebraska district
came out flat-footed tor reduction Jn
mileage granted members of the house,
urging that members be allowed their
actual railroad fare and expenses In
reaching Washington and returning home
instead of the luxurious 40 cents a mile
now enjoyed by them.
Olderoir Wins.
Congressman Lobeok was notified this
afternoon by the postmaster general that
Carl II. Olderog ot Springfield, Neb had
passed the highest examination for post
master at that place and. would receive
the appointment accordingly.
In-reatlKnttna Grain Grades.
Chairman Lever ot the house agricul
tural committee today named Congress
man Bloan aa one ot the two republican
members ot a subcommittee of five to
take up the investigation of the Lever
bill establishing federal grain grades and
report their findings to the full com
mittee. Wouldn't Hang Man,
But Would Woman
CHICAGO, April t-John F. Bchlff-
mann, a lumber dealer, escaped Jury
servtoe today by freely expressing his
views of capital punishment.
1 am not opposed to the death pen
alty," he said, while being examined as
a prospective Juror In a murder trial,
but I would not hang a man. I would
hang a woman, though. Women, X be
lieve, have been escaping very- fre
quently in late years."
The defendants in the case were all
men and the prosecutor promptly ex
cused Schlffmann from service. In sev
eral, trials women defendants charged
with murder hao been acquitted by Chi
cago .Juries.
NEW TOIUC, April 4,-AboUt, $10,000 will
be spent 'in New'Tork for palms used in
churches tomorrow OP aim Sunday).
The overwhelming number of palms
are bought by Catholics, the dealers
making provision for T60.000 persons In
New Tork alone, In Protestant churches
the use of palms Is growing slowly,
however. The palms come from Florida
and the churches pay $4 a hundred
The largest deader brings In 160,000
heads; another brings 100,000, and several
smaller ones bring In 30,000 each. Money
expended for flowers at Easter, for
altar purposes alone, reaches $25,000.
Tho Bermuda lily trade ,to furnls
New Tork and other eastern cltloa with
Easter flowers came up suddenly and
went down as dulckly. Ninety per cent
of the Easter lilies seen this season were
grown from bulbs brought from Japan
Tho Bermuda growers were unablo to
control dates of blossoms, and transpor
tation to 'American cities cut out profits,
Japan beat Bermuda In excellence of
bulbs and Is now supplying the world
CHICAGO. April 1. The murderer
Of Mary Phagan, the young Atlanta
girl, for whose death Leo M. Frank
is sentencod to hang April IT, Is now
known beyond a doubt, according to
William J. Burns, who arrived In Chi
cago and completed his report today after
an extensive Investigation.
Whether Frank or another Is the slayer
of tha girl. Burns would not say, although
he strongly Intimated he had found new
-evidence In the .case which would secure
a new trial for tha condemned man.
"The murderer of Mary Phagan Is
known to me and he cannot get away.1
said Burns. "I will say that In ray opin
ion, Frank win not hang on April 17. I
do not believe the supreme, court can
Ignore the evidence we have gathered."
"WASHINGTON, April 14.-After three
hours ot- hot debate the house today re
fused to cut the mileage allowances for
congressmen.'1 All proposals for reducing
the allowances to actual expenses were
voted down, as, they have been for years,
previously. kTwentycente. a mile Is the
present scale.
The house later voted to Increase the
compensation of clerks to members of
the house from $1,600 to $1,800, Increasing
the total appropriation for this purpose
from $0,000 to $749,000, over protests from
the appropriations committee.
FORT WAYNID, Ind., April 4,Insan.
Ity will be the defense offered in behalf
of Anthony B. Trentman, a wealthy Chi
cago and Port Wayne business man,
who Is In jail here, charged with first de
gree murder, according to attorneys for
the state today. After Trentman was
arrested, his friends had physicians ob.
serve his actions In Jail.
Trentman shot and killed II. J. Druce,
a negro waiter in a eafe. lie main
tained that Bruce was insolent, Trent
man Is being held without ball.
Victory Stiffens El Paso Market for
Insurgent Currency.
Intrrentrtl 1'nrrlKnrra Want United
States to TnUr Artlnn lder
ala' Slay Abandon City
ot Tnmnlco.
EL PASO. Tex., April f-The effect of
the rebel victory at Torrcon was felt here
In -a ritlffenlng o( the market for consti
tutionalist money .and -in the beginning
of 'A movement to :trganixo foreigners
owning property In JMcxIcq to. appeal lo
Washington to' recognise tha Carransa
government. i
T)o latter Idea originated with former
Governor George CUrry of New Mexico,,
but having placed the matter lu the hands
of certain leading democrat, to work out,
os tha'y -nroratsed toMlo, he 'expressed a)
uis'e to work only In' the ranks f6r the
success 'of -the movement. Qcriorat Car-I
Vnr(a declined to comment on tha move-
ment, but Information ot it caused much
gratified comment In Juaret.
Mr. Curry said liq was convinced that
foreign sentiment upheld the belief that
recognition of. President Huertai being
oOt of tha question the time has come for
foreigners to lend such aid to the Car
ram a revolution as will hjrlp It to a
speedy conclusion. Telegrams sounding
Senators and Washing
ton on the proposed propaganda were dis
patched tonight.
Tnniplco la Next. I
WASHINGTON. April 4,-Fololwlng
closely upon official advices today from
George C Carothers, tho American con
sular agent at Torreon, of tha flight of
the'federal troops from that city came a
prediction rrom near Admiral Fletcher
that the Important gulf port of Tarn pi co
probably would be abandoned by the fed
erals without a fight.
Administration officials made no com
ment on the result at Torreon and offlolal
sinUmont Is not likely to crystollsa unttl
more Is known of the battle and Its ef
fects In Mexico City and eleswhere.
Admiral Fletcher's report was received
with keen Interest For many months the
constitutionalists have been besieging
Tamplco to obtain possession of a deep
water port on the gwr ot Mexico.
Sentiment Favors
New Labor Temple
The new labor .temple was the chief
topic of discussion at tha meeting of
the Central Labor union last night. The
proposed tax of 25 cents for eaoh mem
ber, every three months has not yet
been formally and offlolatly ratified by
all of the unions, but the general sen
timent expressed at the meeting last
night, was strongly In favor of the new
labor temple. The final expression ot tho
will of the Individual unions will not
be definitely known before May L
NEW YORK, April 4.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The-'geologlcal museum of Prince
ton university has received by exchange
with the Carnegie museum the skeleton
of a very small extinct American camel,-
which waa discovered in a quarry in the
lower Miocene Harrison formation near
Agate, Neb. This untque 'specimen, which
Is' exceedingly small, measurliig only
twenty-seven Inches high at the shoulder,
has been placed on exhibition In the mu
seum at duyot hall,
The bones are very frail and have been
treated with a solution of shellac 111 order
to strengthen the skeleton sufficiently for
exhibition. Tho specimen Is almost per
fectly preserved and Is ot great value on
account of its antiquity and geological
President C. T. Walker of the Board of
Education waa one of the eight contest
ant, nt n. nUlntr bee held at Monmouth
Park Social center last night who were
standing when It was called a draw.
Both Juvenile and grownup contestants
took part, the trams being captained by
A, J. Beall and Mrs. J. M. Strudevant.
The ranks dwindled untU four on each
side resisted tho most difficult words as
they were pronounced by II. P. Gal
bralth, President Walker withstood the
words Immolate, toxin, barrier and was
rtllpd when ha ' hesitated on
faculty, but he retired with the eight with
colors still waving.
Dr. S. Pw Towne gave a short address
on song birds.
Key to the BItuatton-Bee Advertising.
Backed by Absolute Ouarawtep f Qualiliis
and Purchaser's Complete Satisftitlw.
That's what you aro offered hero; something
that Bhould mean a whole lot to any piano ouyer
-particularly if you aro not absolutely certain
of your--piano preference. .
Over- Twenty Standard Makes of Pianos
Here for Your Comparison and Selection.
-' : ...... . . """" ...
All of them instruments worthy of a place in
any homo; all instruments that you can dopond
upon to stand up under tho most severe tests.
Here's Some Special Ere-Eaater Piano Bargains That Should Keenly Interest Scores of
Unworn in Thin VirHnit.w?
1 Hardman $150
IStoinway $300
1 Bush & (torts.... $150
Payments Can Be
Arranged to Suit
Your Convenience.
Man and Woman Who
See Fist Fight Drop
Dead from Fright
WORCESTER, Mass., April 4.-Patrlek
Kagleton, W years old, and Mrs, Dennis
Arseneault, 00 years old, ot Spencer,
Mass., dropped dead from fright In the
street this afternoon as' they witnessed
a three-cornered fight between Martin
NIederberger, a chauffeur, and Stanley
Orutt and Charles Bannon, employes of
a cereal company, who were distributing
samples In the town.
Orutt and Bannon, while distributing
samples earlier In the day, had called at
the home ot Walter Watson, Nleder
berger employer.' Mrs. Watson claims
she was Insulted by, one ot the men and
she Informed her hdsband, Mr. Watson
and, NIederberger located the men In the
trolley waiting statloni They charged
them with Insulting Mrs. Watson, and It
was said- hat Orutt knocked NIeder
berger down.
A. fllht followed and Mr. Kagleton
went Into the street and coUapsad from
fright. He Was taken to his home, but
died before 'a doctor coufd be called.
Mrs. Arseneault sank' to tha floor dur
ing the fight and died before help could
reach her. The three men were arrested.
Finds Suffragette
Hiding m Cupboard
GLASGOW, Scotland. April 4,-The care
taker ot a large vacant mansion -. near
Rutherlan, three miles southeast ot Glas
gow, today captured a militant suffragette
found hiding In. a cupboard In the cellar.
He locked the woman up and telephoned'
the police who arrested her. The officers
arrived too late, however, to prevent the
escape of several others tn tha building
who In their flight had left their cloaks
behind them.
Search ot the mansion disclosed bottles
ot petroleum, woolen matches and other
inflammablo material, which evidently
had been placed with tha purpose of start
ing fires.
NEWPORT, R. I.. April 14. Two boys
out ot a class of eight won a. biscuit
making contest against a elass of six
teen girls at Rogers' High sohool today.
All used baking powder made In the
sohool laboratory. The Judge ware ex.
perlenced cooks. Prof. Frank M. Green
law, head ot the sclentlflo department.
offered the prise.
Culls from the Wire.
Prinea Henrr ot Prussia, accompanied
hv Ttnnmn liarraa Lucos. president ot
Chllo, yesterday at Santiago tnspeoted
twelve corps of the Chilean army in tne
presence or w,vw spectators.
TTnUaa Governor Glvnn of New York
nW.nir.. hla mlnrf hrttVAm tinw and Anrll
7, a reprieve ror mo tour new xora gun
men, who are unaer inn emn iu um
during me weea Deginning avoi e, wm
Iia B-Tantrd that dav. I was learned from
those close to the governor yesterday at
Charges that B. F. Green, former presi
dent of the Pacltlo Coast Casualty com
pany Of San Francisco, embeszled at least
$30,000 from his company and tied up ap
nfnTiMatniv (20.000 more by Questionable
transactions were mado to the San Fran
clsoo district attorney's office ytsterday
by a C. Cooper, California state Insur
ance commissioner.
The GOO members of the Iron, Steel and
Tin Workers' union, who struck at the
Kansas City Bolt and Nut company at
Kansas City last Tuesday, wilt return to
work Monday morning. Alleged dls
orlmtnatton on tho part of the company
In discharging members of the union was
the cause of tha strike. The company
will take the discharged men back.
Omaha Reed
119 North 15th Bt. Next
Ikk-la Wffir ' assJsi
'fC jff
3 Bush & Gerts. .. .$100
1 Smith & Barnes. .$150
lVose&Son $200
Traction Officials
Indicted by Terre
Haute Grand Jury
TERRE- HAUTE, Ind.. April .-.
Charges of larceny, burglary and receiv
ing stolen goods are made In three In
dictments returned today against Man
ager T. F. Grover of the Terre Haute,
Indianapolis & Eastern Traction coin-
company; Edward J, Davis, auditor ot
the company, and David Masterson. The
latter Is In Jail now under $25,000 bonds
on oharges ot conspiracy against Felix
BlankonbaUer, who served aa a special
Judge In the trial of William Huffman,
who was recently convicted of election
Two of the Indictments are against
Grover and Masterson on oharges of lar
ceny and burglar' and are based on the
alleged entering ot the room ot C. J.
Colgan, a street car union organizer, at
a local hotel for tha purpose ot taking
documents, letterheads and other papers
said to contain information concerning
the organisation ot 'the street car union
hers. The other Indictment charges
Grover and Davis with receiving stolen
goods and Is hased on the alleged turn
ing over to the traction men data said
to have been taken from Colgan's room.
Boston Braves and
Atlanta Play to Tie
ATLANTA, Oa April .-The Boston
Nationals and Jhe Atlanta Southern as
sociation cliib played, a ten-Inning tie hare
today, the game ending, 8 to 8. because ot
darkness. Atlanta tied the score In tha
eighth, with two runs, after one had
been mado In the sixth. Doston scored
one in the first and two tn tha second.
Hoore: R.H.E.
Tlnatnn ............. 8 0S
Atlanta 8 0
uatienea: Tyier anavwnaiing, rrrry
man and Reynolds..
Pen Off ioials Want
Man Freed; Unruly
INDIANAPOLTB, Tnd., prll 4. Will
iam Taylor, a youth serving a twelve
year eentenoe In the slat reformatory at
Jeffersonville for highway robbery, Is
so unruly that officials have asked that
he be pardoned by the governor so that
they can be rid of him. Tfco State Board
ot Pardons in its report) to Governor Ral
ston today recommandeo. that Taylor be
given his freedom.
Taylor's unrullness has had a bad affect
on tha other prisoners the officials said.
MILWAUKEE. April 4,-fBpeclal Tele
gram.) A plan Is said to bo under way
to create the office ot superintendent of
pedagogy and to fill it by the appoint
ment ot Carroll O. Pearse, president of
tha Milwaukee Normal school, who came
from Omaha to' become superintendent of
tha city schools.
Movement! of Ocean Steamers.
XotU ArrlTti. 811. v.
NBW T6MC ; miaeahtals.
BINdAHOnB Antlloahua..
SYDNEY BtralhardJe.
QUEBNTOWN... .Cutfrto,.
Snw YORK. .. JJ'tslU.....
NBW YortK LtseortV,
PLYMOUTH.. Olympic.,....,
ANTWBKI.. Mtaomls.
OlllHAl.TAR Sucnlt.
I.IVKIU'OOU , ,y. ,csu3lto.
Collapsibles ; usually C n
sold at $11; sale pr.OHiUll
develops the necessity of repairing
and cleaning REED furniture. We
do this character of work and
guarantee satisfaction. Let us
call and giro estimates.
& Rattan Co.
to New U. P. Headquarters.
Douglas 2042.
1 Kimball at $125
1 Weiler at $180,
1 Snick & Kelso. . -.$100
Make It s. Point
9 See These