Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1914, Image 7

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    Tllh BKK: OMAilA, SA'il RDAY, APRIL 4, 1U14.
New Books
Klctjon. j
Leona Dalrymplo. 441 Pp. 31.36. Itellly
and Urltton company.
This novel won the prize In tho Itellly
A Drltton contest, and ! essentially a va
cation romance. Diane Westfall has
wade for her a gypsy van In which she
Intends to travel from New England to
Florida during one summer, camping
wherever Impulse and the character of
the country prompt, 8he has Just es
tablished her first camp when she be
comes Inocently enough the center of stir
ring adventures and the cynosure of In
genious Intriguants. Interest In her wel
fare never flags. She Is an attractive,
beautiful, clever Individual. Phillip Poyn
ter, who Is unfailing In his gentlemanly
protection of her from the time she starts
upon her gypslng. Is urbane, commanding
and thoroughly likable. And the other
characters of the story are drawn Just
as definitely, so that theyi are people,
not names upon the printed page.
Maude Loeson. SS7 Pp. 31.85. O. P. Put
nam's Sons.
The story Is based on a marriage which
Is entered Into as a mere form, the par
ties separating Immediately after tho
ccremor.y In the belief that their paths
will never again cross. Of course, fate
brings them together under circumstances
which, while making each Individually
realize how necessary to his or her hap
piness Is the other, yet enforce restraint
The tussle with self, tho doubts and
misgivings whleh arise because the hero
and heroine are Incapable of reading one
another's mind, provide a situation full
of charm.
Gardiner. 828 Pp. 31.35. The Macmlllan
A most unusual kind of a hero Is found
In this book, extraordinary in that he Is
both courageous and cowardly. Ills
C bravery on the one hand, wins for him
the Victoria cross; his fear, on tho other,
constantly places him In compromising
situations. Mr. Gardiner
etory of action which opens with a scene
of striking originality on the veldt In
Africa and moves thence to England and
the continent The theme is really given
over to showing how this young man of
ftever-to-be-relied-upon qualities ulti
mately finds himself. A hint of the so
lution Is contained in the fact that It Is
through the Influence of a. girl with
whom he falls desperately in love that
he Is able to "get hold of himself."
!FNT- JAT SX Harvey O'HIggins.
COO Pp. 31.25. Tho Century company"
This book of short stories takes Its
title from the first, the story of a man
sacrificed by political graft to save the
men higher up. They are all stories
which get close to the hearts and lives
of simple folk, mainly tho poor of New
York's east side.
merits and directions for Installing. It
discusses also the ideal best way ot meet
ing each housekeeping problem.
lUNNKIt. Hy Nathaniel C. Fowler, Jr. 116
Pp. 60 cents. Sully A Klclntclch.
Toasts and after dinner stories for all
occasions and how to tell them.
FRUITS. Hy P. F. Rockwell. 66 Pp. SO
cents. McUrlde. Nast & Co.
The various things which the amateur
gardener, with comparatively limited
space and time at his disposal, can grow
to advantage arc thoroughly described In
this book.
Abbot McCluro. 62 Pp. 50 cents. Mc
Brlde Nast & Co.
The possibilities of built-in furniture
and tho simple, and practical solution of
the problem.
Ellye Howell Glover. 00 Pp. 60 cents.
Browne & Howell company.
A concise and comprehensive treatise
on the origin and history ot tho piano,,
containing much valuable and Interest
ing information,
by W. n. Hayward. 219 Pp. $1. T. Y.
Crowcil company.
Tho aim of this attractive book for peo
ple new at the work ot gardening Is not
only to give advice on gardens, the care
of lawns, the planting, ot shrubs and
vines and the general subject ot farming
In a small nay, but more espcelally to
anticipate and answer the various ques
tions certain to como up to perplex tho
city man v,ho has Just taken a place In
tho suburbs.
Rest of the Klrmrntn of Hncerss Are
Drawn Ont hy Perspira
tion, Mr. Edison's statement that genius con
sists of 2 per cent Inspiration and PS per
cent perspiration has provoked many
brilliant paragraphs as to the need, of
the 2 per cent Inspiration. Without at
tempting to fix the exact proportion of
the component parts of genius, It must
be. agreed that Mr. Edison has stated n.
general truth. Tho difference In tho In
tellectual endowment of men Is compara
tively small, the discrepancy being In ap
plication. One. who had observed much
declared that tho only genius worth hav
ing is tho genius of Industry The view
Is practical, for, while the percentage )t
Inspiration may not be Increased, one
may profit from exhortations to Industry.
James A. Garfield, In addressing a com
pany of college students on a memorablo
occasion In their lives, chofo "Margins' j
for his subject. He argued that It was
not the six feet that made a man tall,
but the extra two or three Inches above
the average. He contended that what
was true of tho physical was also true
of the mental. Those who have been
thrown Into frequent contact with men
the world esteems great have often
thought of Mr. Garfield's observation.
Sometimes the great man appears so or
dinary that the casual acquaintance won
ders how he has Imposed his personality
upon the world. Uut as he watches And
listens some net or some word reveals
tho possession of the extra Inches of
stature above tho average ot mankind
The same rulo runs through tho most
commonplace things ot life. The average
person at a stock show, fruit exhibit or
at any other collection ot products,
whether ot the hand or of the soli, would
find difficulty In selecting tho products
that excel. Only tho trained Juilgo Is
competent to note the little points of ex
cellence on which awards are made. In
clothing tho rule applies, the few extra
dollars In cost making the difference ba
tweon the ordinary and the first-class
Mr. Edison doubtless meant the 2 per
cent Inspiration of genius as the margin
over tho normal percentages It he did,,
ho was right. Too much stress cannot be
laid on downright digging, symbolised hy
perspiration. There arc exceptions, fotne
apparent and somo real. Tho element ot
luck, or chonce, or whatever It may be
called, has often plad a pari In .the
success or failure ot men. Hut It has
been almost the universal experience of
observers that success has been achieved
only through following the rule's that,
were stressed by the olil-fashloiied mother
of Thomas A. Edison In tho Instructions
she gave him before he got a Job, at the
age of IS, as a newsboy on the Grand
Trunk railway. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
OntRlTlns; of n I'nrlslnit Repress Are
Pnnen to lie Atisnril by
the lleoril.
We have heard some evil prophecies
about tho year 1914, which Is almost here
Doubtless others have been uttered which
have thus far escaped us, but It does
not matter. The seers and astrologers
still command a sharo of public atten
tion, though they rorely deserve It. Tho
wisest prophets ot evil make their
prophecies as vague as possible It Is
perfectly sate to say of any year In ad
vance that It will be marred by sickness
and sorrow, crime and calamity. When
tho scrr goes further and specifies iho
evils that will befall mankind within
tho year, ono or two ot his guesses may
come near enough to the truth to con
vince the credulous that hb possesses
supernatural powers. It la not often that
any series of predictions turns out to !e
wholly disproved hy the course of events,
but Mine, do Thebes of Paris, renowned
as a friend ot Roulanger and the younger
Dumas, and still consulted by French
people who ought to know better than to
trust her, put forth a scries of predic
tions a year ago relating to the calamities
of 1918 which have not come true.
The marriage of Marie Adelaide, grand
duchess ot Luxembourg, for Instance, has
not astounded tho world or damaged
French political Interests, principally,
perhaps, because she has not married.
Paris has not been the scene of a ter
rible theater fire and tho French troop
have not been rushed to the frontier.
The Qcrman emperor has not visited
Paris. Tho Pope still lives, and at the
latest accounts wits In tolerably good
health. There has been no political up.
heaval In Italy, and the young prince of
Wales lifts not succeeded to the English
throne. Poland has not been freed and
Bulgaria 1ms not played quite .as "stu
pendous" a role In Europe In the year
now closing as certain events of 1912
promised that It might play. Only ono
ot the Thebes predictions, In fact, for
1911 has turned out fairly well The yeai
ha been "bloody enough. If JoU r,tf
to put It that way. There have bcn In
surrections, fatal disasters and murders.
No gift of clairvoyance was required to
predict that much. Otherwise, tho
prophecies of one of the world's moit
notorious seers have not been fulfilled
In tiny particular New York Times.
Thirteen Mistaken of Life.
Hero nra what Prrsldlng Judge Paul
t tfin..HtAl nr 13m r. iTtMinftlnfn nn-
flounced as ''Thirteen Mistakes of Life' .
"To attempt to ret up your own stand
ard ot right and wrong."
"To try to measure tho enjoyment of
others by your own."
to expect uniioriniiy m oiniun m
this world." ... . .
To fall to mako allowance for Inex
perience.'' . .
To endeavor 10 mowu nu uiBinwiiiuiia
. . . ..
"Not to yield In unimportant trifles.
"To look for perfection In our own ac
Hons." . ... . ,
'To worry ourselves and others about
wlmt cannot bo remedied."
"Not to help everybody, wherover, how
ever and whenever we can."
"To consider anything Impossible that
wo cannot ourselves perform."
"To bollevo only what our flnltoytnlnds
can grasp."
"Not to mako allowances for the weak
nesses ot others."
To estimate by some outside, quality,
when It Is that within which makes the"
Key to the Sltuatlon-lico Advertlslns.
GODAHL. By Frederick I. Anderson. 241
Pp. II Thomas Y. Crowell company.
A well-bred New Yorker, Godahl, pos
sesses an Insatiable craving for adven
ture, and at the same time has the will
and cultivated skill to cover his tracks
after taking the most daring chances.
While' undeniably a villain, he has tho
saving grace ot engaging In the business
of crlmo for tho fun of the thing. Ho
hesitates at nothing, not even at an at
tempt on the United States assay office.
BARNABETTA. By Helen R. Martin.
840 Pp. 31.30. The Century, company.
Hero Is another story- of the quaint
Pennsylvania Dutch folk, the heroine a
flower-like; -charming maiden, who strug
gles for an education against many odds.
Mrs. Dreary is a unique creation, staunch
and really big In spite of her surface
absurdities, and richly funny. The con
trast of Mlddlefon'a social and collego
life and Its reaction on Barnabetta's
simplicity, with the narrow, exacting con
ditions of Pennsylvania Dutch life is
charmingly done. Thero Is romance .on
every page, for Barnabetta's charm wins
Vner lovers all along the way, and the un
f expected ending keeps Interest keen to
the last, page.
BLACK IS WHITE. By George Barr
McCutcheon. S89 Pp. 31.30. Dodd, Mead
6 Co.
Ames Brood was a stern, hard man;
he had turned his first wife out of
doors, believing her to be unfaithful tb
htm, and' treated her son, Frederic, with
a harshness which, however, was as noth
ing when compared with the vengeanco
he Intended presently to wreak upon that
unhappy young man. He had been a great
traveler and collected many curious and
beautiful things doriruc his wanderings,
but none so strange or so beautiful as
thft vounr wife, Yvonne, with whom he
suddenly returned home from his last
Journey. It is with Yvonne that the plot
Is principally concerned.
WORRY. By Ralph Kent Buckland. 95
pp. L onerniuii, '. u.
A homely little tale that leaves an al-
k.. iv.MI,m. Impression and a de-
lUIBVHB. .. ..... .
sire to know more of Mrs. Slrokins and
her problems.
PRESENT. By Dean C. Worcester. Two
tH.rS... , ti -rh Macmlllan company.
Mr. Worcester has spent more than
tlghteen years In the Philippines, of which
four were devoted to scientific work, and
h. remainder to the service ot the gov
ernment. In these volumes he presents
h. results of his wide experience and
Hn. m. vivid nlcture ot conditions before
th islands were acquired by the United
;-.... it., inscribes the conduct Ot the
war with the United States; the work of
h. tw PhlllDDine commissions; tne es-
t.hii.hment of law and order under the
American rule; the reform ot the Judl
rUrv; the irreat changes produced In
health conditions by the application of
modern sanitary- methods; the uplifting 1
of the people through education; slavery
.r. the work ot the Philippine
legislature; the commercial possibilities J
of the Islands; their present prosperity. Its
nd manv other phases or Amer
ica's greatest political experiment. He
concludes with a discussion of the ques
inn t -PhlllDDine Independence a
present possibility"
MAGIC. By G. K. Chesterton. SS Pp. 3V
r u PMtnAtn'R flans.
Mr.' Chesterton calls his play a fantastic
comedy. It Is a blend ot the real and the
.......i r k- t.nclbu and the impalpa
ble. The perversities of individuals and
the fallings of tie age take shape In the
atmosphere of conjury In which the play
s steeped.
Georgia Boynton Child. 231 Pp. IL2o. Mc
Bride, Nast & Co.
This book has been written to answer
the questions of the practical home
maker who desires to put her housekeep
ing on a modern basis. It tells you how
to adapt labor-saving inventions to your
special need, giving price, comparative
Pre-Easter Sale
Women's, Misses' and Children's
Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats
ft Masterful Collection ot
Beautiful Hew Hats,
$t.98 and $6.50
You'll find hundreds of smart liats at
these prices that possess both individuality
and exclusiveness, including tho famous
"Watteau" hats with bandeau under
neath, also the. bandeau sailors, small
brimmed sailors, close-fitting turbans with
high flare effects; cleverly trimmed with
every imaginable new stylo of trimming.
Milans, hemps, togals
and some splits in the
lot; all tho season's
most fashionable
blocks, in black and all
colors. ( .7-
300 of V T
them at
New Tailored Hats,
worth hQ
to $5.00 v&.fy
Cleverly trimmed with
ribbons, pompoms,
flowers, ornaments, etc.
Como in black and all
the most CeLQ
wanted col- 4J"
ors, on sale . . .
New Girdles
A completo line of nowest nov
elties in Silk Sashes and Gir
dles on sale $1.00, $1.50,
2.00 and $3.00.
Special Handkerchief Sale
Ladies' 5c Handkerchiefs,
sheer, plain white for fancy
colored borders, on sale Sat
urday at 2V2C
Ladies 15c Handkerchiefs,
fancy colored, initial, at 74c
$1.00 Handbags, 49c
An all leather and leather lined
bag, splendid value at $1.00,
Saturday 49c
New Fancy Ribbons, very lat
est designs, at, yard - .12Vc
50c Novelty Veilings, 25o
A fino lino of tho latest' novel
ties in plain and fancy veil
ings, 50a' values, yard..25c
$1.00 Laco Collars, 35c.
A special purchase of fine
Laco Collars on sale at this
wonderfully low prico Satur
day. A full assortment for
Special Sale of Cedar Moth Proof
Bags In Drug Dep'i for Saturday
These Bags are made from
cedar pulp. They have no dis
agreeable odor of tar and tire
guaranteed moth proof.
$1.25 size for fur cpats and
extra long garments at..90o
$1.00 size for length furs
and coats, at 7So
B0o size California syrup of
figs at 25c
10c Polmollve soap, 2 bars.lOo
10c Shlnola shoe polish, black
or tan, at Bo
25c Sal Hepatlca for rheuma
tism, at 16o
2 dor. 5-gr. Aspirin tablets. loo
inn nr. Illnkle'a Cascara tab.
lets, sealed. No. 3, for..10o
100 Phenolthalox tablets,
pleasant laxative, for....S5o
50c Java Rice or Pozzonl's
face powder for 95o
25c size Pcroxldo face cream,
limit 2. each ..10o
Large size pure Hydrogen
Peroxide, extra size. at.. loo
85c size and quality Beof, Iron
and Wine tonic at BOo
$1.00 Azurea or LaTrefle face
powder at 'Bo
$1.50 bottle of Oriental cream
for 880
Big Bargains in Aluminum Ware
Our Spring Importation
trlan Spun Aluminum
$1.59 1',4-qt. rice boiler 90o
3H-qt. combination sauce pot
and rice boiler 89a
Hqt combination Berlin kettle
complete with cover, rice boiler,
steamer, pudding pan and
baking dish, all for 91.79
6-qt. Berlin Kettle, comblnatlln
as above 01.98
8-qt. Berlin kettle, combination
as above 93.19
Slzo 8 cast aluminum skillets,
regularly sold at $2.15; Satur-
of IUrIi Grade Aus-
Waro Just Hecelvexl.
day only, at 91.39
We stll only the donble gal
vanised kind. It lasts twloe as
2-luch mesh, c per sq.. ft,, or
per 100 oq. ft.. In full rolls, 60o
1-Inch mesh, IHc per sq. ft., or
100 sq. ft., In full rolls.. 91.38
Garden Basts One lot special
Saturday, at 9o
Oardsn Hoes, full all. , . . . .19o
Bpadlng rorks B9o
Pre-Easter bargain giving in Wo
men's Ready-to-Wear Suits and
Dresses that will set all Oma
ha Talking.
Another Big Suit Sate
Tailored Suits worth $20.00 f J C A
Tailored Suits worth $25.00 plJV
Maker's samples and surplus sent us by
our N. Y. buyor. Como in granitos, diagonals,
serges, protty silk moires, poplins and novelties
in a choice lino of colorings and patterns.
Ovor 275 of them for selection.
Pretty Silk Dresses $15.00 to ffO QC
$20.C0 values, at
Maker's ontiro surplus, newest styles for
street and afternoon wear in crope do chinos,
crepes, flowered taffetas, silk poplins, etc., in
beautiful new colorings; great snap at $8.95.
25 Distinct Styles in
ihr Lot Just Received.
Mado exclusively for us, offering tho pur
chaser all that's best in distinctive stylo, high
quality of material and tailoring; superior in
all ways to others at tho prico.
Let Us Show You the Now Ones.
New Spring Coats
New Spring Goats In silks, moires,
taffetas and other popular fabrics;
nearly all samples and worth $4 to
$10 more than Saturday's special
prico $15.00
New Spriug Waists
Now Spring waists Jjacos, crepo
do chines, chiffons, etc., in all
wanted colors and nowest styles; to
$8.00 values, special price for Satur
day $4.90
Children's Spring Coats Up to
$5.00 values, newest styles, sizes
5 to 14 years; a big assortment
for selection; very special values
at $2.95
Childi-en's Summer Dresses Tho
most comploto showing of new
styles in Omaha
95c, $1.50, $1.95 to $12.50
Let us show you these.
A Boys' Suit Sale
All Sizes, 5 to 18
Years In .fine
weave serges, cassl
raeres and tweeds,
every garment
pure wool and silk
Bring All the Old and Many New
Customers Never beforo have
we had such crowds in our Boys'
Clothing Department. Wo wish
to apologize if, on account of the
crowd, our service seemed inade
quate and assure you plenty of
salespeople for Saturday, so that
all will receive the attention
which is their due.
The Entire Unshipped Stock of
Chicago, Makers of Finest Boys'
Suits Made to Sell at
$7.50 to $12.00
I All sizes, 5 to 18
I Years Styles and
P 7 patterns are tho
"jfe very nowest; all
iLVAJF j JCnickers arc full
I lined and every gar
I men t. Is fully, guaran
$5.00 Illue Serge Huitfl $3.7i
Something exceptional in the
way of pure wool serge suits,
sizes G to 17 years; qualities
not sold less than 16.00 reg
ularly; for this to 'TC
sale your choice . P-
95 and 90 Boys Suits, 93.05
All wool fabrics with two
pairs knickerbockers; come
In pretty greys, tans and
browns; greatest snaps ever
at our sale do QJ?
price 40c0
Furnishings and Underwear Values that Surpass
Expectations You're sure of splendid savings and quality satisfaction.
Italian Silk Bloomers and
Hand Embroidered Vests, on
sale $1.98
Children's Muslin Pants To
25c values 12M;C
$4.00 and $5.00 Corsets Arc
slightly soiled; to close Sat
urday at $1.98
$1.50 Corsets Broken lots,
best makes $1.00
39c Brassieres In all sizes
at 25c
Biggest assortment of tho
wanted makes of corsets
shown in Omaha.
Ladies' $1.00 Union Suits
Lisle or cotton, in all styles
and sizes; on sale at, a gar
ment 49c
Ladies' Union Suits 50c val
ues, low neck, no sleeves; on
sale at, garment 25c
Lisle or Cotton Vests Values
to 50c; on sale Saurday
at. . .12V&C, 19c and 35c
Muslin or Crope Gowns To'
$2.00 values; big assortment
at 49c 98c
New Sample Shirts $1.50 to
$2.50 valueB, including all
nowest styles, in silk or fino
madras, best values shown
in any sale at 98c and 69c
Men's $1.50 Madras Pajamas
at .
Men's Night
muslin and
sizes, plain or fancy,
Shirts Fino
cambric gar
ments, in all sizes 15 to 20,
to $2 values', 98c and 49c
Hayden's for Gloves
Tho host in gloves for Easter,
all new shades and styles, at
08S 81-50 and 82. OO
Lamb Skin Gloves, regular SI
values, in black, white and tan,
at, pair 49-
Keyser Silk Gloves, all colors,
short, 50 to $1. 00: lnS.
756 to SI-50.
r,0c two-button Silk Gloves, in
black only, at, pair, 25S
Silk Hose Greatly Underpriced
Phoenix Silk Hose, black and
colors, special, at pair, 75
and Sl-OO.
Wayno Knit Silk Boot Hose In
black, white and tan, big as
sortment on sale, 40 & 75 eS
Onyx Silk Hose, il.dO values In
all new shapes, doubles, tops
and soles, high spliced heels.
On sale at 08c
Silk Hose, worth to $2.50,
broken lots, to closo, 98 Pair.
Men's Union Suits $2.00 and
$2.50 values, all styles, "white
or colors, all sizes
at $1.45 and 98c
Silk and Lisle Socks All col
ors, 25c and 50c values,
at 25c and 12M;C
Balbriggan and Lisle Under
wear Shirts and drawers'
50c and $1.00 values; on sale
at 45c, 35c and 25c
Hayee'S Bg Special Grocery Sale Sa!uLv
Saturday m0"s Domestic Room
The largest assortment, tho lowest priced. Theest quality for ths money.
The moat popular lines at the prices within the range of everybody's
pocketbook will be round nere.
saEExs, bHEC'xxuua, XOWSZ.S, zxenavm, etc., by the tard.
case of 60x90 sheets 33c
case of 72x90 sheets 31 o
case of 81x90 sheets 37 Ho
case of 81x90 sheets.,, .BOo
case of 81x99 sheets. ........ .69o
case of 42x86 pillow slips. .. ,7V4o
case of 42x36 pillow slips So
case of 42x86 pillow slips. ... .lOo
case of 46x36 pillow slips.,. laV&o
rain of hnck towels . 60
case of huck towels... OWo
case of huck towels
1 case of huck towels ,,..10o
1 case of huck towels.. 12Wo
1 case of bath towels Bo
1 case of bath towels. ........ ,7V4o
1 case of bath towels 10c
1 case of bath towels -...laHo
1 case of bath towels .,.160
1 case of 31.00 bedspreads 69o
case ot 75c bedspreads ..O9o
case of 31.60 bedspreads 85c
case of 32.00 bedspreads 3)1.18
case of 32.60 bedspreads. ,. . .11.38
case or it-in. uioacneu musun, oo
cose of 36-tnch brown muslin, Oo
it's the people, and not the trusts we
cater to. We defy all trusts
and combinations.
03 lbs. best Urauulatea ttugar. ... .81.00
48-lb. sacks bent high grade Diamond H
flour, nothing finer for bread, pies or
cakes "J!1,10
10 bars Beat-'Em-AlI. Diamond C or
Laundry ivum white lain in y roap. aso
to lh. hat white or yellow cornmeal.lOo
fi lbs. beat hand nicked navy beans,, SSo
6 lbs. choice Japan rice...., .a5P
The tfHt flomemic macaroni, vermicelli
nr nnirhttl nkr. 7iO
A dun .Toll. Rltvav. enod. the lell of dual
ity, ,pkg- ,7
4 cans lancy weei sugar corn
Early June peas, fine quality, cn,.10o
16-ounce cans condensed milk 8ViO
6-ounce can condensed milk 4o
6 lbs. best bulk laundry starch SSo
rjiri.. hnttln Wnrc.iltr sauce, pure to
mato catsup, pickles, assorted kinds
or mustard, bottle BHo
The best tea slftlnga. Ib 10o
lllnknv'a breakfast cocoa, lb...... 300
olden Santos coffee. Ib. , 20o
Special Bale and Demonstration Batur
A nf Oruk.n and Cookies.
Grane-nuts. Pks.... . I0o
The famous Beverly cookies,
(regular itc
Dor lb.
All regular 10c
seller) .100
cookies and crackers
Saturday, lb .8Vio
All regular 12 Vic cookies and crackers
Haturdny. lb lOo
All reeular 16c cookies and crackers
Saturday, lb lSUo
12. C, corn flakes, pks 6c
The best creamery butter, carton or
bulk, per pound, sue
Fancy country creamery butter, lb. ..86o
Good dairy table butter, lb, 83o
The best run cream Wisconsin, nw
York white or Young America Cheese.
per pound ...fl3o
The best Imported Swiss cheese, lb.. 360
FL&nT OZflOIT B9TB now.
Fancy red or yellow onion sets, qt..8MiO
Fancy white onion sets, lb , .10c
The best Kentucky blue gross seed, per
pound ..,,,, sua
All kinds flower and vegetable seeds,
per package ao
The best lied Itlver Ohio potatoes 16
pounds to the peck SSo
l'Yesh beets, carrots, radishes, shallots
or turnips, bunch Be
Farfcy head lettuce, per head 7V4o
3 heads fresh leaf lettuce for. ...... loo
Fancy California cauliflower, lb...7Uo
Fancy California rhubarb, lb 7Ho
Old beets, carrots, turnips or parsnips,
per pound SVio
Fancy new cabbage, lb 3Uo
3 lbs. fancy shelled popcorn lOo
Watch the papers for oar annual rout
bash and shrubbery sale.
It's Hayden's Quality and low Prices.
9H lbs. best leaf lard 88o
Hindquarters rancy no. i quality unio,
per pound 13Hc
Forequortera fancy No. 1 quality lamb,
per pound Ho
First quality small pork loins. lb,.16Ho
First quality small pork shoulders, per
pound , ,.13o
First quality shoulder butts, lb IBc
First quality uteer pot roast, lb,...13Uo
First quality dry salt pork, lb..,.10Uc
flood breakfast bacon. lb., 13Vo
Fancy lean breakfast bacon, lb., aoc,
82o and 33Ho
First quality Diamond C hams, lb,18Ho
Home made Tulk sausage, lb loo
Home made mince meat, lb,,...., 7Jio
Bed Spread
Imported Marseilles bed
spreads', full size, scalloped or
fringed; values to djo
SC. 00. each !!. IO
Imported Marseilles bed
spreads, scalloped with, cut cor
ners, up to $3,00,
Assorted lot high grade cro
chet bedspreads, d Kfs
values to ?2.G0, ea. J 1 eOvr
Strictly high grade sheets, size
81x90, tho best sheet manufac
tured; regular $1.16;
each ,
Full size 81x90 and 81x99 high
grade sheets, values to C
85c, each OOC