Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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Giant JUilroftd Pays Tribute to the
Men on Retired Lilt.
I'orm a Permanent Aasoclntton nnrt
trance to Meet In Omnha
on (he First Bar
Jfext Mnj.
' f the 288 Inlon Pacific emplojes re
1 d after Ions ytta of faithful service
r .h the company and now on the pen
a -i lUt 136 nct In the conference room
Morday and orsanltcd Into a per
ru'ncnt organization to be Known at the
I uton Pacific Employe' Association of
the Vnlon Pacific Railway Company.
1 -.ter In the day they were guests ot
the Union Pacific at a luncheon at the
Pnxton hotel, after which they adjournjd
to meet In Omaha May 1 of next year.
.U the morning session Andrew Tray
nor as e'ected president for the ensuing
year nnd J. VV. Maynard, aecretary an!
treasurer. Both are of Omaha. C. F.
Tracy, North Platte, was elected assistant
mrctary. The president wna authorized
to name the vice, presidents of the asso
ciation, one from cacli state through
which the Union Pacific run, or In which
It operate. They will be announced
Thla !a the first convention t'tie Union
Pacific pensioners have ever held, hut In
the future they arc to be annual affairs
and members of the organization will bo
distinguished by a buttonhole badge of
metal and properly Inscribed .
When the meeting was called to order,
Andrew Trnynor, who was Instrumental
In brlnglnc the organization Into exist
enrr, presided nt the table, which was
The Liver as Aid
To Blood Purity
The Natural Stimulus Re
quired is Not the Pur
gative Kind.
Mm! Fills Ara Qettsr tf Thrown Away.
Important at It to keep the bowoli open,
It should be remembered tnat surh action
does not necessarily mean that lh liver
lias been etlmulsted. The action ot H. g. H.
is a natural llrer tenc, but not a bowel
moter. U works In the llrer cell to assist
In, the natural .shd necessary function of
rats IeIo what are known as assimilable
. products. These are readily absorbed Into
th body tissues to constantly provide niw
and healthy material for that which Is
bttnc destroyed by tbe energy of tissue
The presence of any blood trouble natur
ally tuBctsti a sluggish liver, but there la
rtqutred those medicinal properties which,
upon reaching the liver, still retain their
catalytic enerr to keep on through the
blood circulation to do battle with Impur
ities wherever tbty msy have settled.
nheuniatlsm. catarrh, anemia, most skin
diseases 'and other results ot Impure blood,
fhll Implicating the liver by their morbid
influences, are quickly checked by R. 8. 8.
Its action throughout the blood circulation
results In the stimulation of tbe tissue cell
to tbe healthy and Judicious selection ot
their own essential nutriment.
Tou ran get H. a B. la any drug store,
but Insist upon having It.
Take no chance hy permitting anyone td
rtcnmmend a. substitute. And tf your blood
eoodltloa Is such that you. would Ilk to
consult a speelslUC address Tbe Hwlft Bee-s-lfjo
Company. 050 Swift Bide, Atlanta, da.
The Ijflari At
The House
-.t.M. . --The -j man ,ftt t,the ,
, head of tho house with
tile responsibility of
faring for" i family
should not.dcpcnd' on
tirely on his. earnings
Lrom wcek loveek to
keep 'things'' going.
'(Iiqtq are ways of
p v o v i H iigQr the
f nature if you go about
it in a sensible, intelli
. gent manner.
One. thing that you
Cfm do right now
which will bo really
worth while is to find
out what other people
know about real cstato'
conditions nud values
, in Omaha. It muy bo
that you have never
.t h.o u g h t seriously
about owning a home
or a farm of your own,
because somehow the
wvrds "real estate'
are associated in your
mind with an invest
ment of big money.
Fittd out more about
'(.'malm real estate.
There are hundreds of
good chances within
your reach; every rea
son in the world for
your future good why
yon should investi-.
gate. - .
A real step forward
, would'bb to start read
ier the real estate
udjj jn TJTE BEH to
InjvTJicy are mighty
Mjleresting reading to
tun rpmrwho wants to
get ahead.
flanked wlih a profusion of American
flags, pictures of scores of former of
ficials of the Union Pacific, Including
Ames. Dillon, Clark, Hurt, Harrlman and
others. Then them were pictures of the
little enslnes that were In operation when
thf road was nn Infant, they hanging
side by side with the brg moguls of to
day. Wetcnmril by Mohler.
Welcoming the former employes, Chair
man Traynor introduced President
Mohler of the Union Pacific, who after
being greeted with a round of applause,
addressed tho men, telling them that he
felt It a great honor and a pleasure to
be called upon to speak to men who had
helped build the railroad across a wilder
ness and had remained with It many
years thereafter, assuring them that It !
was no disgrace to go on the pension list !
and in this connection adding, "I am
getting to the retiring point Just As rap
idly as the years can carry me along. 1
am not to blame for this, nor Is the com
pany; It Is simply time thnt Is doin?
thls work and none of us are able to
slop or turn It back."
Trlli air (a llni-i-lntnii.
President Mohler paid a tribute to the
late Edward Harrlman, saying he vwaa
the man who suggested the pensioning
of old and faithful employes after the
best years of their utefutnrss had been
Bien to the service of the company. Men
who were drawing pensions from the
Union Pacific, ha added, were looked
upon as a part of the system, given Uk
raine consideration and privileges as
though they were actively engaged In the
discharge of their former duties. They
were looked upon as the men who had
mnd the road possible and who had
helped to build It up Into one of the
gieatcst railroad systems In the world
Tl'oy had been loyad to IU company and
"today," added Mr. Mohler, "the Union
Pacific feels proud of them."
Of the 125 persons responding to roll
call, seventy-two were from Omaha,
twelve from Council Wuffs, fourteen from
Kansas, two from Utah, two from Call-
jfornla, and the others from out In Ne
ibruskn. The man holding tho record for
ilriigth of time In service was J. 1,, Tay
lor of Omaha, who was with the com
pany forty-six years before retirement
Passenger Rates
to the North Are
Greatly Reduced
The United States supremo court de
cision, holding that the railroads oper
ating into Minnesota must sell tlckoU on
tho baalli of 2 cents per mile, has worked
a considerable saving for persons who
desire to travel to the north. The North
western Is In receipt of tho tariffs gotten
out alnce the court decision and which
become effective' May 1. At the some
time, corresponding reductions are to be
made to South Dakota common point.
Tho following table ahowa the now and
tho ld rate to a number of Minnesota,
North and South Dakota common points.
Old New
, it ..... . mici
.Minneapolis ana at, raui ;
puluth n.po
I 7.1(J
Huron. .S. D..
15. a
.. T.:
.. 9,83
.. 10.77
.. 13.20
.. ti.UI
.. 6.73
.. 12.73
.. 14.71
Aberdeen, s. p
Hot Springs, 8. U
read wood and Lend, 8. J).
Mankato, Minn.
ItocheaWr, Minn
I-'argo, N. 1)
Grand Forks, N. D
Holdup Trio Pleads
Guilty at South Omaha
Ivory Davis, colored; Tony Cloba and
Jose. Oarcla, both Mexicans, pleaded
guilty before Police Judge Calllnart of
South Omaha to having robbed O. W.
Ilartman at Missouri avenue nnd Twen
tieth street on tho night of March il
UavU confessed to having shot Officer
Qulnn and then throwing hla gun Into
the Missouri rh'er. le explained that ho
did not do It maliciously, but waa
hervoua and the weapon went off before
h realized that ho had pulled the trig
ger. Cloba dcalaicd that ho waa thn in.
tlator ot the Various hold-ups tho gang
wbb Implicated in nnd thnt the other two
men merely acted a hjs tools. All were,
bound ovej- to the county court nt hdmls
placed at :,W. liarh saya he will
fcullt) at once.
During the month of May. civil service
examinations to fill VS Nebraska fourth
class postoffices', will hu held In a num
ber of cities over the state. The civil
service' examination for uny postotflce
may bo taken at any one ot theso towns.
Tho applicant must reside In the territory
supplied by the postoffive which he ob.
plica to till.
The dates and places uf examination in
the state of Nebraska follow:
May t A nil row a, Auburn, llclvldoro,
ElUworth. Erlcaon. Hartlngton. Imperial,
Merrlam, Ogallala, I'awnco City, . IMaln
view, Sidney, Stockvllle, Tecumseh, Thed
ford. .
May U-Basaett,' nrldgrport, Niobrara,
St. faul. T
May K-Butlc. Oshkosh, iargent.
Slay 13-Sprlngvlcw.
May It Bloomlngton.
Slay IS Denver City.
May 16 Albion, Alliance, Aurora, Be
atrice, Ulalr, Broken Bow, Centra) City,
Chadron, Clay Center. Columbu.. craw
fold. Crete. David City, Falrbury, Kails
City, Fremont, Geneva, Grmm IsUnd,
Hastings. Iloldrege. Kearney, Lexington.
Lincoln, McCook, Nebraska City, NorfolK,
North Tlatte, Omaha, O'Neill, I'latlb
mouth, Schuyler. Scott'a Bluff, Reward
Sioux City. la.; Superior, Wahoo, Wayne,
May 33-Uenklcman, Oram.
Equipped with brand new motorcycles,
capable of developing; speed close to
aeventy-flve mile an hour, Officers
Lyman G. Wheeler and Geonco J. Krnery
yesterday declared "open season' on
speed maniacs.
The two officers work durinx the winter
In headquarters station as emergency Of
ficers, aid In tbe sprlnc commence thel?
duties chasing down Violators or the
speed and traffic laws.
Chief Dunn had until recently expected
to put on a couple of more motor-blko
ooppcra," but the limited pollc appro
priation makes this Impossible at thla
time. Dunn believes that more motor,
cycle officers would Increase the police
departments efficiency at least 50 per
cent, not only Id the point of shopping
auto speeding, but also In every other
Kidney and l,trr Trouble..
Quickly relieved by Klectrlc Bltters
best remedy for Indigestion, dyspepsia,
heart burn nnd raostkldney trouble. 10c
and tl.W. Alt drusglsts.-A'dv'trtfsement.
In still going on, nnd if jou want to save money on Wearing Apparel,
Hhocn nnd Dry Goods, walk n block or two out of your way to Tho
Novelty Co.
A Sale oi Waists, Muslin Underwear and
Children's Dresses, all at one. price , . ,
We plnce on Mile Thursday inornliig
or tno tiaintlest wnistH, fine muslin and crepe Rown,
combination sultfl, princess slips and petticoats, also
pretty glrla' dresses, nRes 0 to 14 yearn, In white and colors, all on one
blK bargain table. Not one garment, in this lot worth less than $1.00,
some worth $2.00 and ga.25; all ro ton snle at f)8c.
Thread, Pins, Chlldrsn's Ban-
agMo:to., sow Apron'-
lo I So
Beo to 7o ' 1 OuUdrtit'a
Oorasts Spring Srassta
29o 39o
1.2B to 1.7& tj.00 to 12.50
Ladles' House Ladles' Shoes
Dresses and Oxford,
98c'69o $1.39
1BH Xadlt' lSHo Xta'a
Koss Sox
7o 6c
l&Vfio X.adls' EOo ZVadlss'
ysts rtns Union
Suits . ,
6c t 35c
214-216-218 North Sixteenth Street
! m :
4 ytn.1.
is rxrx.x.
Boys Play Game of
Tops to Assure All
that Spring is Here
For the benefit ot skeptical persons
hc atlll astcrt,that spring has not ar
rived because the' current weather ro
tcmblcs winter more than it doea sum
mer, two street urchins promulgated a
top game In front of the- Omaha National
bank bulldlns- The two lads disregarded
n big usscirtmetit
At i to i Less
Than the Regular Prices
Beginning Thursday morn
ing and continuing until this
great lot of skirts is sold out,
we will offer several hun
dred of pretty tailored skirts,
regular values $5 to $10, at
these attractive low prices
X,adla' Kimo- Man' Hasd
no Aprons, ksrchisfs
worth to fl.OO,
48o 3o
SOo to tl.OO 50o Onambray
adls' Walct Petticoats
25c 25o
g3.00 to Man's Dress
Men's shoes Shirts, slightly
and Oxfords soiled
$1,69 33c
Xsssallno and Towsls, with
Toulard silk fringe, aon
48o 39o , 2o
Vxtitr Haw XusUn Under
Wash Qooa, wear, worth to
worth to IBo ti.oo
8o 48o
We announce to the women of
Omaha and surrounding country
that next Saturday we will place
on sale a surplus stock from a
New York manufacturer of swell
dresses, made of silk, poplin, crepe
de chine, channelise, messaline,
taffeta, brocaded silk, silk tissue,
etc., in colors, blaok, brown, navy,
Copenhagen, tango, russet, pink,
blue, white, etc.; not one dress in
the lot worth less than $15, some
worth as high as t"f Cl
$25; one day only, v"
Saturday 4
A few of these dresses are now
on display in our windows.
If I PiuiA vvirsw
mm t n ' n Ufa i
:AC2S tft WOOD
A Bottle of Wine, Corkscrew, Whisky
Glass, and a Valuable Present.
I alt traffic on the walk In frqnt ot the
bulldlns, although It waa noon hour .and
! the streets were considerably congested.
Both boys put all their eiTorts into the
ccmbat for the tops, ror full ten min
utes they occupied the walk, while many
congregated to see the came and cheer
foi the smaller lad and others made a
detour Into the street to pass by. A
passing policeman spotted the game In
progress and pu a - stop to It. but not
before the smaller lad had annexed eight
at hla opponents top.
Kty to the Situation Bee Advertising.
We want every purchaser
here to be a satisfied cus
tomer. That's the reason
we guarantee everything.
Prenomenal Value
Ladies' Long Kimonos, $100
and $1.25 values at. . .'79c
Percale House DresBes,' $1.00.
values, all sizes 49c
Klosfit Underskirts . . .95c
The New Styles for April
In Beautiful
Vtb have arranged a
Stylishly Trimmed Hats
lent quality but very inexpensive in price
$fj-i? $7
Over 1,000 Trimmed Hats will be shown here
Thursday, includingjaiarge variety of the new smaii
trimmed sailors ancl cli arming Pattern Hats.
Trimmed Hats worth $5.'00 100 to select
from; a treat for rbal bargain .hunters, jk.J ' 4 4
Come in black or colors, trimmed with flbwers,
ribbons and laces; values uneqiialed tins seaSdn.'
Linen Specials
Dress Linens, in all shades
and colors, pure flax, 30
inches wide, 50c values; at,
yard 35c
Hound Thread Crash, natural or
oyster color, full 36 Inches wide,
worth 4Gc, yard 25 d
Sheer Handkerchief Linen, puro
flax, 36 Inches wide, 75c values,
yard 50(6'
In Our
Here are a few Items 'on sale at
srreatly reduced prices: . -18c
Plla Crepe, full bolts ...XHc
lo Serpentine Crepe, mill ends ..Oo
Double fold Cheviot for shirts, 16c
grade 2
36-lnch Percales. 10c grade-,,. ..,83.
40-Inch Printed Batiste ........ TWp
27-lncli Printed Crepe V'7?0
Simpson's Prints
36-lnch Muslin, 10c icradet oo
Amoakeag Apron Olnjrhams -'"J?0.
Ujnsdale, genuine arUele .7Ho
Hope, senulne article 'He
ISxiO Sheets, 60o values 3Jo
it vil Pay You to Read ilaytlen's. Special April Grocery Opening Sale.
It wm ut Gooa,, and he Rtght Prices for Uie People.
t. . ,
. . o vin
22 lbs. Best urwuawu Bua-. y.---.-
. P ''"riir niataond
10 oars .";h,,.5iX.Vndrv Soap
Launary w"" ; -- a3)J
6Tbs?BesVBu'lW InJw Yy-'-SS
5 & yJXpnanU;: VoV
6 lb Heat Hand Ticked Na.yy Beans.
S nbs Bes"t ' RolVed BrekWusV OaV
10mIbs. Best' WhVti' or YeilowVcorn
AdV'o ''Jell ' 'the jell" 'of ' VuiiW "tr
1 ft'eans Aa'soVVed SUpV.'ilV Havers
I eaM?oUur '. !jg
'. .80
K. C. Corn FlaKes. Ter pkg.
8 cans viu or ooo
Tir.wfjat Cocoa, per lb J??
Breakfast Cocoa
ni,. noatTea SI
The Best-Tea Sifting, lb . .100
A.,... noffas. ID avo
Golden Santos Coffee,
Vl Flou, ftSS The bt Sel.a-
These ads will stirt you on the road to wealth
Giving in Our Women's Ready-to-Wear
Department Bring Is the Greatest Before
Easter Selling Ever Knewn in Onr His
tory. Don't Miss Thursday's Specials.
Charming New Tailored Suits, Silk Suits, Crepo
Suits, Granite Cloth Suits, etc.; the nobbiest
new styles and
i i
Just received a fine line of extra large Tailored
Suits $15.00, $19.50 to $35.00
100 New Spring Coats Samples
worth $15.00 and $18.00; while
they last at, choice
Several other choice lots of Silk Moire Taffeta
and Novelty Coats
at $12.50, $15.00, $19.50 and $25.00
200 Pretty Silk Dresses in Crepe de Chines,
Silk Poplins and.
new, spring siyics, iv.uu unu
. Many Other
Baby Slips, Sacques, Shoes, Bonnets,
Pinning Blankets, vests, Petticoats, eg 4fc
etc.; worth up to 50c; big assort- 1 11
ment, on sale at, choice " "
Ladies' Muslin Underskirts,
all colors, $3.00 values
at $1.69
Long Silk Kimonos, $5.00
values, all colors .. .$2.95
Trimmed Hats
most attractive display of
for Easter wear of excel-
The High Grade
!,150 pieces of Printed Bengaline Silk and Mercerized' Tub
Goods just in; all the very newest shades all the very-newest
patterns are on sale; made to sell for 75c; on thistle
foV 50c
CHEPE9 Wo have printed crepes, plain crepes, striped cropea. colored
crepes, white crepes and every new crepe made; prjees hanging, iber
yard, from 12tt 15S 186 25c 38c "P to 81.00
RATINES 16 different lines, 85 shades and everything printed,, plain,
etc., at 25 d 3Sc 50c G5c 75c 85c 81;00
EXTRA SPECIALS 31-lnch Anderson's, Ginghams 12
25c, Silk Diiponnle, all the newest shades X5
85c Silk Ratine, all colors 53i
Famous Domestic Room
SlxJO Sheets, SCc values 38o
12Hc Pillow Slip 7Ho
15c Pillow Slips 10O
18c Pillow Slips ISo
20c Pillow Slips 16o
All 18c Towels, either huck or Turk
ish, for this day only ...latto
Table Oil Cloths for thla sale ony lot
Any 10c Linen Towellnx 7Hc
Any 12c Linen Toweling ........ OHo
'Any 15c Linen Toweling loo
Any 18c Linen Toweling..,.. laHc
someatle Boom.
luidles' Muslin Combination Suits and
Tho Deat Creamery Uuiu-i. uiton
or bUk, per lt wuo
Fancy Country Creamery Butter
ver lb., at. 38c
Quud ialry Table nutter, lb U40
'XheJUest full cream wisccurAn, Nw
otk vhite ur oung America
Cheese, per ib .-.83a
Tne efct iiliporled Swiss cneese, per
IU., B M
. pi.aht onzou BB?ft wow
Fancy Kea or iellow union Bets
. "Per quart fcfso
,lancy White Onion Sets, lb..,..luo
,'rne Best Kentucky Blue Oras Seed.
v per lb., at.. .,80c
All kinds Flower and VegetaDio
Seeds, per pkg BVie
Ths Vegetable Market of Omaha
for ths Sfsople.
The best Red River Ohio Potatoes 0
15 lbs. to the pk ...ase
Fresh Beets. Carrots, Radishes, Shal
lots or Turnips, bunch..., 60
ancy Head Lettuce, per hesd...7Ho
S Heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce for loo
Fancy California Cauliflower, per lb.,
now at ,...7o '
Fancy California Rhubard. lb..,.7Vic
Old Beets. Carrots Turnips or Far
snips, per lb alio
Fancy New Cabbage, lb aUo
3 lbs. Fancy Shelled Popcorn, .. s.10o
Watch ,tlis papers for our aaaual
rose bosh and snrnbbsry sals.
You'll find tha the mer
chandise we sell iQarrants
our guarantee. We want
no other kind.
most wanted colors, C
4rnn. nn.U. r.11
Novelties-All S C! 95
UlI asssas-
Specials for Thursday.
Long Princess Slips pinks,
blues and whites, $4.00 val
ues at; $2.50.
Bungalow Aprons; on sale
at ........ .. S9c
Wash Goods Dept.
Gowns worth to 11.00. n eaa
Men's Sample Shirts, sires 14 to 18,
in plain white madras, percales,
blue and gray chambray. Some
with French cuffs and military col
lara to match. SI valu nt . 4
Ladles' Qauze Vests worth to I6c
at 85c, 19o, lBHo. 7Mo
Ladles' Medium Ribbed Union Suits,
regular and extra sizes 50c -value
a ....39o
Men's, Ladies' and Children's Hose.
all sizes, 15c value at 13H
I 0 A L L Y
The newest and hest mop of
its kind on the market. Has
all tho good points of the old
kind and many new ones
making it the best article of
the kind now heing sold.
Special demonstration now
going on.
American-Girl Mops
J If 1 1 Ml al l
sVasBBBBBsi m ssssssssssssssaKswyC A, r . . i 11 asisssss , TUl ISSJTJ