Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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    rilK MEM: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, APlttL. 1, 1914.
victoii nosKWATEn, editok.
Tho Beo Publishing Company, Proprietor.
Entered at Omaha postofflce as nccond-clas matter.
By carrier By mall
per month per year
Dally and Sunday 6Kc Jf -W
Dally without Sunday c J.W
EvenlnR and Sunday Wo Sx
Kvenlnp without Sunday .....ttc
Funday Bee only ..20c 0
fend notlco of chance of addres or eompUlnta i of
trrecnlarlty In deliver)' to Omaha Bee, Circulation
Bemlt by draft, express or postal order. Only two
cent postage atamps received In payment of small ac
counts. Personal checks, except on Omaha and eastern
exchange, not accepted.
Omaha The Bee Bul'dlng.
South Omaha 318, N street
Council Bluffs-M North Main street
Mncoln-M Little Building.
Chicago 901 Hearst Building.
New York Room 1100, 2SS Fifth avenue.
Kt Louis 403 New Bank of Commerce.
Washtngton-735 Fourteenth St.. N. W.
Address communications relating to news and editorial
matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
Stata of Nebraska, County of Dougtaa, as.
Dwlght Williams, circulation manager of The Bee
Publishing company, being dulv sworn, says that the
average) dally circulation for the month of February,
1914, was Sl.frS.
PWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me
this 3d day. of March. 1314.
ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Tubllc.
Subscribers leaving tlio city temporarily
should hnvo Tho Ilco mailed to them. Ad
dress will bo clinnRod as often as requested.
Tho first robin Is welcome, but ewat tho In
Itlal fly.
Don't kick tho hat! Also mako sure there
Is no string to tho pockotbook.
"Kelley's Army Lost," snys a headline
"Loser's weopor, finder's keopor."
Council Bluffs Is nnothor old-fashioned com
munity that profcrs republican rule.
Take notlco that tho assessor Is about to
etart out on his annual porcgrlnatlons.
It would soom that the. high cost of living
has penetrated evon our state penitentiary.
Of course, thoro ls no politics whatovor In
the selection of tho fedoral resorvo bank cltlca.
Tho wonder Is that Kansas City 8top8 at tho
commission form of city government when tho
general managor plan Is tho latest.
John Bull Is a little too busy Just now with
tho mllltantB and Ulstorltes to bother much
about our tolls or our Mexican affair.
Omaha'o marrying pastor announces that ho
has tlod his twenty-nlno hundredth knot. Ho
must bo In partnership with D. Cupid.
A southern -Methodist bishop assails eugen
ics an taught publicly In'sorilo placos as a "tragic
blunder," which seems to bo putting it mildly
LlncolnYnow postmastor Is to sign his namo
"Johnson' Ono would imagine that Nasby
chosen by Congressman Lobcck Instead of by
Congressman Maguire.
Bldl, U tho lato grand Jury has helped a fow
widows and orphans to got their monoy from
lawyors holding out on thorn, it will have somo
substantial credit marks.
Tho ovldenco Is conclusive, however, that It
wan a perjured deposition for which tho witness
"was paid and that It was not the fault ot tho
lawyer who topk tho deposition that tho fronioup
was exposed.
Oh yes, whenever flagrant porjury is com
mitted to helna lawyer win a big contingent fee,
the witness concocts tho story entirely out of
his own imagination, and doeB it for a purely
voluntary effort to help fill the lawyer's pocket-book.
It must bo reassuring for President Wilson
to know that any time ho has a vacancy in his
Btato department portfolio he need only beckon
Senator Jhamlewls to socuro tho sorvlco of a
statesman from whoso tongue flows worlds'
diplomacy like unto copious rain in tho gentlo
spring timo.
It Is now explained that the Baltimore plat
form "contains an undemocratic plank." Oh,
impossible! That platform was framed by and
with tho approval of Secretary of 8tate Bryan,
and was adopted unanimously by all thq con
vention delegates In Baltimore assombled, which
makes every lino and word In It the double dis
tilled essence' of democracy.
It wai April fool for the defeated candidates In
the city election. Those who won out were: For
councilman, Plrst ward, Thrane; Second ward, Behm;
Third ward. Ford: Fourth ward. Heche!; Fifth ward.
Lceder. Sixth ward, Pursy. For school board Points,
Long and Connoyer. The sewer bonds carried, ;,ltf
to 71.
Prof, Cromwell gave' a, lecture at Boyd's on the
aubject of "Rome and the Vatican."
Mrs. A. Atkinson left for the ast to lay In a
stock of millinery noods.
Pratfa old wooden building on Pamam, between
Fourteenth and Fifteenth, Is being torn down to make
way for a fine three-story brlek. x x
Rev. D. R. Lucas, for some time pastor of the
Christian church, has resigned to take the editorial
chair of a religious paper published In Des Moines.
William B. Foley, last season's third baseman for
the t,nlon Paclflo base ball nine, leaves Omaha to
play with the Union of Chicago. Mr. Foley re
ceived a telegram from the manager of that club of
fering him $1,400 for the season, and Immediately
wired his acceptance.
Frank Bandle, the daisy catcher of the Union
Pacifies, returned from a visit to Chicago.
Minnie and Ltlje, daughters of Mr. and .Mrs. J. W.
Jones of Eloux City, two Infant prodigies, gave an ex
hibition at the roller skating ring.
Mr. and Mrs. John I Webster and tlaughtur
started for Washlnston elty. to be gone a few
The Way to Get Together.
Tho two committees representing the two
wings of tho republican party In Nebraska have,
we believe, struck out upon the proper way to
get together In fact, it la tho way suggested a
long while ago by The Bee.
The law of Nebraska provides for party or
ganization through a stato committee deriving
Ha authority from a stato convention made up
of delegates from tho different countlos. Tho
task nhead Is to secure a (tingle state convention
representing all elements of the party from
which will como a slnglo state commltteo to
manage tho work of tho next campaign. A
convention called by concurrent action of tho
two present committees will bring about that
union, provided a similar course Is taken In tho
several counties In which doublo county organ
izations exist.
There Is no good reason why this plan
should not be followed with successful results,
for it Is to bo assumed that the radicals who do
not wish to bo further allied with tho repub
lican party, and who have gone to tho third
party movement, will this year participate lu
their own party primaries and conventions In
stead of In both, as they did two years ago A
republican convention made up of republicans
who want to remain republicans will find com
mon ground.
Tho most significant feature of tho rap
prochoment of tho two republican committees
Ih the Blgn of get-together sentiment which Is
rapidly growing among all who oppose demo
cratic party policy, and see no good to come
from tho ascendency ot the democrats. It Is to
be underutood, howovor, that tho democratic
enemy will omit nothing in its powor to foment
republican discord and keep republican factlonu
Promising Farm Prospects.
All Indications at present favor a good
wheat crop In Nebraska, and, in fact, other
middle-west states. Heavy snows of tho winter
and rains thus far this spring havo produced al
most perfect soil conditions and exports report
tho status of wheat Al. What Is bMU more
gratifying In this connection Is that tho acroago
of wheat this year Is unusually largo in Ne
braska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri.
While, therefore thero Is many a slip 'twltt
prospocts and harvest, wo havo ovory reason
now for being contont. The proverbial "oldest
Inhabitant" scratches his head In vain for tho
recollection of a spring more propltltlous, not
only to wheat, but crops In goneral. Wo have
as yet had no unseasonably mild weather. Buds
havo boon held back normally and should es
capo tho nip of lato frosts if they come nloni?
Altogether, it looks as if tho farmers had a
big year ahead.
Asquith's Bold Move.
Sir Edward Grey's suggestion of a federal
system for tho British Isles as a solution of the
Ulstor problem loses somo of the element of
surpriso it might othorwiBO convoy In view ot
tho bold and unexpected action of Promlor
Asqulth In assuming, himself, tho war secretary
ship laid down by tho resignation of General
Soely. Evidently tho premier has his war paint
on, for such a move, though It may provo tha
quickest, way to a peacoful readjustment, Is au
dacious In its boldness. Again Asqulth has
shown himself to bo" In fact as woll as name tho
active head of tho government, for while, it Is
said, bo consulted as to this stop with tho king
only, tho coup undoubtedly was his own concep
tion. It stands to reason, therefore, that, with
all tho oloment of chanco involved, ho either
feels certain of tho powor to back up his
strategom and carry the plan through to a sue
cessful termination, or has found the crisis so
grave as to Justify almost any action that cau
with tho least possible safety bo taken.
It will bo Interesting to know whether tho
Asquith movemont was a part with tho Groy
proposal. Tho proposition to form a federal
system soems quite In lino with loglo as wo view
tho situation from this sldo. Americans, ot
course, would bo prepared to bollovo almost any
tlmo that England had gono over to such a plan,
not for tho empire, but simply tho IbIos. With
a fedoral parliament in London and separate
legislatures for Ireland, Wales, Scotland, possi
bly partitioning Ireland so as to glvo Ulster Us
own stato organization, surely tho way out
would Beem easy. But how about the Tory fac
tion that Is proving strong enough In tho Ulster
fight for the minority to rule the majority?
Putting Oregon in Bad.
Governor West of Oregon, according to re
ports, refuses to grunt extradition of wlfo
dosortors seokinrj refuge from other states. As
tho Spokane SpokeBman-Itevlow says, It Is lin
posslblo to imagine upon what grounds he at
tempts to Justify such action, Perhaps he doos
not attempt to Justify It at all.
Willful wife dosertlon is rogardod by many
states bo grave an offense that they havo made
it i folopy. Nebraska is among those that havo
put It Into this classification. For a sister
state to provide a haven ot safety for such
scoundrels, thoreforo, Is not only vory unsavory
advertising for that commonwealth, but direct
disparagement of the good work undertakeu
(risewhero. Ot course, It Oregon peoplo quietly
stand for this sort of publicity for tholr state
it will glvo tho general impression that they
favor sheltering that class ot men who abandon
their families tor "pure selfishness.
Candidates for democratic nominations aro
debating whether the campaign in Nebraska
this year should be conducted on national or
state Issues. Unless former experience count
for nothing, the candidates will not be allowed
to determine this matter. The voters will aBk
tho questions and the candidates will have to
answer them.
The postofflce mathematicians have made an
estimate of 218,353 people within tho area
served by carrier delivery from the Omaha posr
offlco and its various branches. That look
mighty good. We wish we could persuade our
solvos to believe It.
Tho democrats who express fear that free
tolls will benefit only the shipping monopoly
cannot bo sincere, for how can any monopoly
In shipping or anything else exist with demo
crats in control of the government?
The Inter Ocean pleads for "A revival of tha
Chicago spirit." An appeal to the old West
8lde fans to get -behind the Oubs for another
world's championship, probably.
Help Ihnt Made or Sneers.
OMAHA, March 31. To the Editor of
Tho Bee; In the name of the "go-to-church
committee, I wish to thank you
for the part which The Bee played In the
decided success of the "go-to-church"
campaign. I believe It will have a perma
nent effect. E. P. DENISON,
General Secretary.
Advice in the Johles.
PAPILLION. Neb., March 31.-To the
Editor of The Bee: I hava been down
whero the bums and Idle of your city
are. They strlko me as nasty, vulgar
persona who hang around saloons, smoke
cigarettes and talk about not being able
to get Jobs. Poor menl How foolish
they arel So afraid of employers, so
awfully dependent, with no will power to
lift thomsetves out of degradation.
I am dependent upon myself, but I hate
the saloon, and hate to brcatho the air
In front ot a saloon. Society blames
these men and young boys for loafing
around saloons, smoking cigarettes and
drinking booze, and so do I.
Men, brace up, use a little Julgment
for yourselves, study some books, quit
smoking cigarettes and quit drinking
booze.' Cut It all out The dope de
grades you, and makes your condition
worso than before and leaves you more
hopeless. If you would use your brains
you" would soon force the employers to
give you work. The world owes you
men a living, and some pleasure besides,
but try to be clean and moral It helps.
f'linnte Cnminsr In the Church.
OMAJIA, March 31.-To the Editor of
The Bee: Several years ago a gifted poet
How long, how long, O God of Light,
Shall creeds conceal thy human side.
And Christ, the God, be crowned In song.
While Christ, the Man, Is crucified?
Theoe lines came to me constantly dur
ing the recent "go-to-church" agitation
and more than ever as I sat in church
last Sunday. They reveal a condition all
inURt admit who are reasonably Intelligent
nnd have any regard for truth. This con
dition Is largely the reason for tho In
difference or open hostility of the masses
to the church. Our present Industrial
system has placed bofore the peoplo the
working people problems that must be
solved If thoy are to live and life Is worth
living. These nro material problems and
must be solved In a material way. Mod
ern crucifixion must cease. Prayers and
Platitudes and songs and sermons will
not suffice. Angels will not come down
to assist us. Wo must act and act wisely.
"God helps them that help themselves."
The workers must be given control over
their own lives; they must own the Jobs
on which their lives depend. Wealth must
bo for Its makers and for them only. This
will eliminate poverty and all the want
and woo and wickedness following In Its
wake. What If we do call this socialism?
Are we children? Will we Jet a word
frighten us 7 Or shall we study this thing
and learn what It Is and so know how
to deal with It? Surely the latter Is the.
proper way, and It Is the way that tho
useful, working, wealth-producing por
tion of society is rapidly taking.
There need bi no misgivings concerning
the ultimate course of the church. We
live In an oventful period. Change Is the
order -of tho day. especially along politi
cal and Industrial; lines. Organized relig
ion, always Influenced' by social condi
tions, will not stay stationary while so
ciety moves onward." The church will
change with- a change In the principal
source of its Income. The church will be
pure when It Is purged of the plunderers
of the people The church will Indeed he
the fountain head of true religion and
morality when all will be workers and
so only workers will support it and con
trol It.
This change Is coming. It Is almost as
suro as the aun.ln Its course. A bright
day will then dawn for humanity. Men
will bo worthy of the God that made
them. Purer morals and a deeper spir
ituality cannot fail to follow.
S562 Camden Avonuo.
llcnr to Boost Omnhn.
OMAHA, March 31. To the Editor of
The Bee: I notice that the cigar Jobbers
of Omaha are advertising buy cigars that
Omaha men are boosting. Now I. wish to
say In behalf of the cigar workers of
Omaha, to the smoking public, that by
buying Omaha boosted cigars they are
not helping nor boosting Omaha, but are
enriching the large eastern cigar monopo
lies, which employ mostly underpaid girls
to make their cigars In order to make
large profits and declare big dividends to
their stockholders, while their employes
eke out an existence.
Now, Mr, Smoker, If you buy. Omaha
made cigars, you boost Omaha by giving)
employment to men who get a fair day'a
pay for a fair day's work.
The more Omaha cigars you buy, the
more homes you furnish for Omaha,' and'
your money stays here and helps boost
Omaha right.
Help boost Omaha by buying Omaha
made cigars, which are made by men
who have their homes here, and not
what the Jobbers of Omaha boost.
Secretary Cigarraakers' Union NO. SJ.
Around the Cities
Pittsburgh this year will spend 2.
231,000 for new school buildings.
Springfield, Mo. has for the second
time within a year defeated commission
government proposition.
Water seeking roots of shade trees at
Altoona, Pa., In two years found their
way Into city sewers and clogged them.
Loan sharks are getting a lively run
for their money In Washington, whero
the authorities and victims denounce
them aa "undesirable residents."
8an Francisco haanot yet clinched the
Hetchy - Hetchy water supply deal.
Farmers In the vicinity controlling
water rights for Irrigation have raised
a fund to fight the city in the courts.
The projected West Side terminal Im
provements In Chicago are1 estimated to
cost f65.000.0C0. This means the demoll
tlon of Union station, which' ranked with
the depots of Buffalo and Cleveland as
an ancient ruin.
After a prolonged investigation ot the
Miami valley and the Valley ot tributary
streams In southwestern Ohio. Whure lay
the cause of last spring's flood that de
vastated Dayton, It haa been recom
mended by engineering experts that six
great dams be built at specified points.
These In flood-time would create tem
porary reservoirs and at least so It Is
clalrned by the engineers would hold
back millions of feet pf water, releasing
It after danger was past
The Base Ball Business
Signed Article by W. A. (Pa)
Rourke, Who Owns and Manages
the Omaha League Team.
My business Is tunning a base ball club In a
leaguo with seven other clubs owned and run as
mine Is by private Individuals. Whllo I think my
business has Its difficulties, tho same as other busi
nesses, I sometimes am forced to believe that other
people do not share this view; that they think my
business Is the easiest one In the world to run.
Why do I think that? Because everyone, mj
friends Included, knows Just how base ball ought to
be run better than I know. Why, you can go down
the street any day In the base ball season In this
or any other city and find hundreds ot fans stand
ing in front of tho score boards who aro redely io
admit that they could run the team better than th"
man who Is trying to do It. Yet when I saM last
fall that I would sell my team and franchise to
anyone who offered mo my price, I didn't find a
I'm not complaining; I am simply speaking ar
experience every base ball man in tho country haa.
It Is natural, I suppose, for the public to feel that
tunning a base ball team, like running a newspaper.
Is a simple thing, but thoso of us ,who have given
the best years of our lives to base ball know It Is
I welcome this friendly spirit, though, for while
It often takes a severer turn, It shows that the fans
are Interested In my business. I would not 'care If
they got even more Interested along this line, su
much so as to como out to the park while the games
were being played nnd tell me there toll me and
my players Just how things ounght to be done. 1
don't know of anything that would please me more
than this.
As long as you have given me the opportunity ot
writing an article about my own affairs, I am
going to take the leave ot saying what all those fa
miliar with the records know that In the last score
of years I have been running tho Omaha Western
league ball ttom I have landed It near the top morn
times than I have landed It at the bottom. I hav!
won my share of the pennants, come second and
third several times and on the whole struck a better
average than most any other team with ono excep
tion. This 1 mention merely by way of showing that
I've at least tried.
And there Is a funny thing. Tou know, fans aro
so good and loyal to their own town they are so
unxloua to fseo thcr home team win that sometimes
when It Iosjs they forget nnd say tho owner doesn't
care: that he la afraid to invest his money In good
players; he Is a tightwad, and all that. Well, now.
of course, those friends know that good players make
a winning team and a winning team draws big crowds
and big crowds boost the revenue and the revenue
makes the wheels go round. And yet some hard
headed magnates persist In deliberately getting poor
players and losing games when they might Just as
well cop tho good players, games and money at tho
box office.
I'll say thls-I never had a poorer team than 1
could help. I llUo to win games and draw crowds
and get good money at the box office like it aa
much aa anybody, and I'm going to do all this when
1 can. But, evon tho owner of a b'aso ball club
somotlmcs meets up with things that he cither
cannot do or finds very hard to do.
Every town in the .country wants Its team to
win first place every year. That Is natural. That Is
the spirit that makes base ball. But at the same
time that spirit must allow for natural results.
Somebody has to loso In every contest and strugglo
In life and It Is the good loser who makes the best
winner. By that I do not mean to say that my
friends here In Omaha ought to be content to follow
a losing team. I have learned by experience that
.they are not, but we have to take our chances along
with the rest. '
Men have aBked me if I have a winning team
this year. I think so. I can tell better when I sco
my team- In action In competition with tho others.
Tou see, while I am trying to build up a wlnnej.
my seven competitors are trying to do the ' same
Let me get down to brass tacks and say this, that
It often happens that the best teams come cheap,
from a monetary standpoint, while teams that are not
consistent winners come high. I have one of tho best
big league teams ever organized In mind In this connec
tion. It was built up at small cost, so far aa the
price of playcra was concerned, for most of the.
men were picked from colleges and didn't cost any
thing. Last year I had a tough time of It. I guess
I waa less popular with the local fans than I ever
had been. They had demanded a pennant and I
could not deliver, I had a very wild bunch of
pitchers and many of my other players were not
there. And yet, let mo tell you, that I spent more
money for players; tried harder to land the right
men, than I had for several seasons. In spite of
everything, I could not put the punch In the team.
I waa tipped off here and there to a "live one," only
to find upon delivery that I had got another dead
one. This waa especially true of pitchers, as some
of the real fans of this city know. Then some of
my best men went Blck or lame,
Well, the season ended In an uproar tor my scalp,
goffered to sell If I got my price. I didn't get It. I
have the best plant In the league. In the best town
In the league, and know that with a good team I'm
there. But In all this number of fans who demanded
my retirement and felt as If they could do the Job
better than I, I found no purchaser. (Of course, 1
waa not keen to sell, though willing.) Well, then, I
concluded aa an alternative that I'd try putting In
a completely new team aa far as possible. I've done
that. My whole Infield Is new and part of my out
field. I have two new catchers and several new
, pitchers. If newness wins, we arc there In 1914.
But In addition to newness, I've tried to look out
for merit. It seems to me, as I survey my recruits,
that Omaha will have at team fit for tho race this
year. At least, I shall make every effort In my
power to have such a one, no matter how many
changes that may require. Let my friends keep this
In mind I am more interested than they possibly
can be in having a winning team.
My business,- as I say. Is everyone's business, and
yet if some lines of trade were criticized as the
business of base ball is the men with the money
Invested would have grounds for damage suits. There
Is no such thing for a base ball man and he doesn't
expect It. I freely grant the fans right to. kick" and
am not complaining. Omaha has been good to me.
and if I have not returned the favor, It has been duo
to no deliberate fault on my part
I crave the co-operation of all my friends this
year In my effort to make a good year.
People and Events
The open season for snow shoveling down east
shows an Irritating tendency to stick to the end ot
the month.
Mrs. Mary Klump of Allentown, Pa., 92 years
old, has been a druggist for seventy-five years and
has not stopped work. She Is the daughter of a
druggist, married a druggist and at his death con
tinued the business.
Uncle Joe Cannon and his grandnelce. Mildred
Ann, have had a dreadful family scrap, all because
Mildred is so-much livelier than her uncle that she
ts observing life outside of Danville and taking In
JMO per aa a premier tango expert Mildred ts said
to be the star attraction at French Lick Springs, an
Institution owned by Tom Taggart. democrat No
wonder a loyal republican soul is stricken with
The genial J. J. Richardson, owner and editor
of the Davenport Democrat and Leader, and dean
of Iowa publishers, entered on his 7th year on the
Ud Inst He is cheery, happy and healthy, and ex
pects to ht the century bull's-eye by keeping up his
habit of recreation trips on the ocean. Mr. Rich
ardson haa been In the harness fifty-five years and
the number of black and blue pencils he has used J
up would pack a warehome.
"What's the fuss over there In that
"Woman sending a telegram."
"I know that. But why the facial con
tortions?" "She's trying to tell her husband what
she thinks of him In ten words." Judge.
Doctor Vou're all run down; you need
some of nature's sweet restorer.
Patlent-l'll not take It; I'm all through
with patent medicines. Philadelphia
"Why don't you hold your hat In your
hand when you address women on the
"Becauso, as you may notice, I easily
take cold, as I have very little hair."
"That, sir, Is but a bald excuse." Bal
timore American.
"I suppose your baby sister cries now
and then?" asked one of the neighbors.
"Cries!" said Mary. "Why, she Just
soems to look on the dark side ot things
all the timet" Chicago Post.
"I don't quite see how dancing can be
so generally Indutged In," said Mr.
"Some very dignified men enjoy It."
"That's the point. After a man gets
along to where he has leisure to learn
to tango, he .ought to be old enough to
know better." Washington Star.
Gabe He's always talking about shady
retreats, sylvan views, mossy gardens
and balmy breezes.
Steve Is he a poet?
Gabe No, ho'a a real estate man. Cin
cinnati Enquirer.
"Why do you say a thing Is as dead
i M
"Whv Ik a rinnr nnll nnv deader thsTk
mn ibi , i a irmiion .siiiiKi'iiii i.nuin
rney ten me hi uiggs is semn up u
a gentleman farmer."
"Vep. SI Is purty partlclar, too. H
never terglts to put on his dress overalls,
at 6 o'clock." Cleveland Plain Dealer. '
Is only dusU
ie don t settle
TlDDler You know man
rinrki-on Mtvhfl Hilt he
like dust.
T. What do you mean?
B. Dust settles when It's dry. Balti
more American.
I've Just awakened from a dream '
As romantic as you please;
A dream of a cottage or tiny flat
With "David" and "bread and cheese."
But I am convinced that that "flow of
soul" ;
Besprinkled with "love" and "dear,"
Were the gushlngs of one "Bachelor MaJ4.
Devoted" What have we here? t
"Ye Bachelor Maid Devoted," Indeed, '
To take up her pen In defense
Of the misrepresented and much abuse
And disconsolate bachelor gents.
But If bachelor maids are earning nov
The same that "he" earns and mortt
Why doesn't he get a hustle on him
Instead of Just getting sore?
He was Miss-represented, I admit.
When a miss enthused till she rav-ed.
Mounted nimble PcgastiB In the good
And shyly signed herself "David."
Food For J& Growing Children
Now is the
time when
your children
should beeat
ing whole
some, nutri
tious foods,
so that they
may develop
and grow to
strong man
and "woman
hood. Be
sure you do
not give them too much
meat. Meat overheats the
system and, besides, a lot
of meat is not necessary,
for there are other foods
that are just as nutri
tious and some
more so than
meat. One of
the finest ex
amples of
meat substi
tute is
a ni)
A single 10c package of this wholesome food contains four times the
nutrition of meat It builds up. makes bone and muscle. It is
the food that is very rich in gluten. You should give your chil
dren Faust Macaroni often. It makes an excellent dinner and.
when cooked right, it is appetizing and delicious to the last
tcuu lor irec recipe dook. ana una out now many
different ways this economical food can be prepared.
5c and 10c packages buy today
St. Louis-
Fifty years ago today the first accident
insurance policy in the United States was
issued by the Travelers Insurance Co.
Since April 1, 1864, the Travelers has
maintained its leadership year after
year and today transacts the largest
volume of accident, health and liability
insurance in the world. It is also the
leading exponent of guaranteed low cost
life insurance now growing rapidly in
public favor. It stood ninth among all
the life insurance companies in the
country, and first among the New Eng
land companies in life insurance paid
for in 1913. To its friends, old and new,
it extends grateful appreciation and in
vites their continued confidence and
patrpnage as it crosses the threshold
of its secqnd half century.
IBOfl Furnam Street. ao sm Otfioo. Fboue Doug. 17BS
Extracting 23c Cp ADTfA Bllsslne Teeth supplied
filling COc Up nSS5K95A PlAtes or Bridge.
tlridseiTork ,...$2.Bo Up MfWTJpi work. Nerve rtaored
p0"11 8 UP vOTFTT nJ without pln. Work un
April Fool-ish?
We hope not.
The first of Anril hrinrrs vnn fnno
to face with Spring and many problems of dress, home
furnishing, and what not.
If you are not already an active beneficiary of news
paper advertising begin to-day. Turn All Fool's Day in
side out. Put the joke onto the other fellow who hasn't
the enterprise to take advantage of all the good advice
and suggestions found every day in The Bee's advertis
ing columns.
Better still invite the whole family to become ac
quainted with all the good things advertised.
Eesult: Economy, convenience, satisfaction.