1 CarterMrs by thelMinload j I A solid trainload of Cartercars in a single order will arrive in a few days in Omaha for the Cartercar Nebraska Company. S I The size of this shipment will give some idea of the demand for the Gearless Transmission in this territory. rgggggsPl rc I You will realize this fact more fully when we tell you that these cars will be nearly all disposed of when wffir! "Sv'fcs? : . , I they arrive. We could have used them sooner if they could have been shipped. jjaiiTT ,e , I Every year sees more boosters for the Cartercars because it is a car that --s -SSjU1 I does even more than is claimed for it. Hp 'Jjmt You will be a Gearless Transmission enthusiast, too, assfifilHli -Z-Mg fsSSSSS I rt. elld tho superiority of tho &rl mainact adJhat is 'p1 (esign and hand down to coming iB I , Jhe Principle of the aercapP I " m M 1 1 mm With Gearless Transmission, Aim API No adequ dv tgeariew ' ! ' Im I I I " n Ci t . j L 1 tV I 1 transmission in the Cartercar can be formed until you have sat be- - V..'V.'--.(jI" fllfl Mu3Cl'''"":M V f ' llIfflAl Electric Starting, Lights and 1 M hind the wheel and drive one. ''frJ, WWmWS!mmKw . 1 ' - J.T JL"" Vfl. i Horn and Full Equipment. Y1.WVV The first thing you notice la tho ease with which you start out. K 'u'fl&'jf jfim WtmSfk )v I Behind every Cartercar there are twelve years of success, twelve years of fricUonTwheeIPB i ''.S funmmiffi& ShHwIuVU I making good in spite of the storm of prejudice and criticism that lias been flung 0u push the lever forward the greater the speed ahead. Pull the "s'lMf u MmmmWmmXmmmlYY I I at a principle old as the world yet so different from that used in the ordinary lever back "apir oLaMr JtotalISl1'"',r-," Can you Iraag,nc any ff fjPfe J HeBMffl jni I Tho very fact that the 101 Cartercars made nearly twelve years ago, the that is found on the ordinary car there in no clutch to itp. nor -v,V. "''PJF 6 mSSKmmWSmWJmmWmmmW k VuW I ii '(tf r"t'"'D g""" "m"W Tunnnfnntnrftd. arc every one in active service today ftrtSpi Se BhmtaromiIJeod Motheiwitthl '' T u1kImSI!SIm3BL UV I ' Now comeg this latest Cartercar with all the advantages of the' gearless to another. , , . 'ryr AifmmmmmSBmrnSmmmmm I ! -.transmission with not one feature sacrificed that has made the older Cartercars 8poodT8hcnns "8aar,en nrgraV7an8miMior-witrtheTar?e ?V& 'W-wWSBSBS I I I'SE&P' successful, yet selling at only $1,250. transroislon you have an infinite number always at your command. ; .Vsi WmfmmmlrmSSSSmmlmmmvS I B Th?0wc,u-lmStI,oclootricStartiug and lightiug system; flush sided .JttXfSEZZ.TSi ZX&TJZ? t&VC&iM I l5?Straight line body; roomy scats; deep, comfortable upholstery. motor Is not pounding or over-heating and the entire mechanism . ;; feBwaipSVSH I IS'" The quiet, stcadv null of its small bore, long stroke, valve enclosed motor 18 not ,ut t0 unduo "train the carterrar runs along smoothly. . 4 - ,BiMMgS!?P1 ' ' " "' iil jMTOLI I ffiy' takes you up and dowil hills without effort Another featuro of the gearloss transmission that Is of a great . C'jfjf (ffl ifflBWilllll I -'" The gearloss transmission makes it very easy to handle. Then the power gained by the gearless transmission. This is due to the absence or "' . 'vv' . , :llif If If sO l I LlK5u transferred to the rear axlov'bv the silent chain-in-oil drive, which require lerkB or Ja" ,n start,nB. The life of the entire car is lengthened. ;;a . -HKfjgpW M. rW-F- i, ,. , , , . c ., m.o, A:il . , ? , as all of the parts wear better and longer if they are not continually . "-, t.7rgY LUl-'O-, -" MM gmmmsmiSMmmmm I I mWjP10 attenfcl0u beyond a supply of oil once a year. The noiseless type of chain rubJect to jelrk8 and Jars t0 gay notnlnB of tne eavJng ln Ul0 com. , v .. . ' . AliSjHBPSSi I f --ruiis in a bath of oil practically eliminating wear on the chain and sprockets. fort and peace of mind of the occupants of the car. v '.v.-. . -," . .' --u";, li mmmmWXWT( W jE ' yy fcfi mmJmmmmmvLjmmmrmmRW'1 mm Cartercar Nebraska Company jji Main Office and Plant, Pontiac, Mich. Branches at New York, Chicago, Detroit, Kansas City, Atlanta. V 'Ctf j ' l'l iPJ afeyTi.. MMiMMMMiMiMeMeMBMeiMeMBMBMBMBMBMieajBeMeMMi . -- It-,.,... . . - - JH