Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1914, Page 14, Image 16

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i'ilE BEE: 0MA11A, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1014.
Burlington Han Finds Farmers and
Merchants Most Optimistic.
All Itaclare Every Indication la for
A Bonntlfol Crop All Slock
Una Wintered Ilpat In
Assistant Immigration Atfent Howard
of the Burlington haa retur'nM from n
tilp ot tiro vritVe through the atrrleul
turat sections ot Nebraska and "Wyomln'R,
tributary to the line. Mr. Howard
.topped at many of the Nebraska town
and there met members of the com
li.rcll organizations and merchanta and
sraln men generally. It was the aame
atory wherever he atopped. They alt re
nted the best bUslnbs in yearn-and all
took a most optimistic view of the future,
predicting a bountiful crop and a con
tinuation of the prosperity that they as
vert Is cenerat in all the towns of the
In all or the farming sections of the
aiate visited Mr. Howard found farmer
buey In their fields, putting In tho largest
crop they have ever planted, all antlclpat-
Over in Wyoming Mr. Howard found
the aame optimistic feeling prevails. An
early spring, preceded by a mild winter
Ins enabled the cattlo and sheep men to
bring their herds and flocks through in
cood condition and at less than the
normal expense. .Cattle are in such good
flesh at this time that' owner express
the opinion that they will be able to
market the "graasera" at least a month
earlier than usual,
Casper la Rooming.
In the oil producing sections of Wyo
ming Mr. -Howard found the situation
lapldly ncaring the boom period. Poople
rre talking oil, dreaming oil, buying oil,
and some of them are so enthusiastic that
they are pretty near ready to eat oil.
Casper Is the big boom city, says Mr.
Jlowird. There even the newsboys on
the streets are oil speculators. The town
is growing by leaps and bounds, and
scarcely a week passes that the bringing
in of a new well in tho Sand creak dis
trict la not announced. Many building
rre being erected in the town, the largest
fit wfitch Is a hotel, four stories high and
overing a quarter ot n block. It is of
stone and brick and will bo as mbilcrn
as any hotel in Omaha,
In the- Cowley oil fields, along tho DUr
llngton, a dczsn or more wells are being
drilled, and enormous quantities of capital
are coming into1, the district for invest
ment. fTh.1 is one ot the few fields in the
.ll cone of Wyoming not controlled by
the Standard oil, It I said.
Rabbi Wise Guest of
the'Palimpsest Club
Rabbi Stephen S. Wlso ot the Free
Oynagogue of New' York, who will be In
Omaha today, la coming u the
guest ot the Palimpsest club. He was In
vited some time ago to address the club
at one of Its dinners, and fixed Wednes
day, April 1, aa the date. .
Mayor Denounces Methods Em
ployed by Commissioner Kugel.
The local headquarters of the Nebraska
Anti-saloon league has 'received word
that the American Issue, the official or
gaii of the national, league, la soon to
publish a dry dally paper In Washing
ton, D. C- The object will be to promote
tho campaign for national prohibition.
The first ot the dailies is to he Uaued on
the day next December when congress
Mayor Object In Ksnrt'i Arnt
Working I'rlm.Uhlu Trlrk to
Secttrc Krlilence Agnlnst '
the DrnjraUU. ,'
Mayor James C. Dahlman, at a meelJ
of city commissioners ns an excise board,
publicly' denounced the methods employed
by rollco Commissioner A C. Kugef to
secure evidence of liquor law vioiaisms,
and told the police commissioner that he
would Introduce a resolution to flrof any
police officers who came before' the
council with evidence secured by trickery,
The mayor's speech followed the trial
of six drugglsta for alleged violations of
the liquor law, In that they sol liquor
for medicinal purposes without frcqutr
Ing the purchaaer to register Kugel had
suspended the ilccnsca of the yx drug'
gists, but the council rcsclndedthe bus
pension and restored the licenses,
Ppnonnpf Knsfl'a Method.
I am bitterly opposed to pending a
police officer around to persuade busi
ness men to break the lawj' said tho
mayor, "if that Is nil our police have
got to do I here give notice that the first
one that brings such evidence here again
Is likely to be fired from 'the force. I
will Introduce a resolution asking the
council to flro any policeman who cornea
here with evidence secured' by subterfuge
or trickery."
Commissioner Dan H. Uutlcr and Com
mlealoner J. J. Ityder, also denounced
tho method by which Kugel aecured evi
dence against ftia druggists. Special Po
lice Officer O. V. Peterson was stlflfi-4
Ingly denounced by Commissioner Thomas
McQovcrn and by Commissioners Ityder
and Butter. Peterson 1 tho man who se
cured the evidence, which was -ottered
without corroboration.
Peterson will be tried Thursday morn
ing on a complaint brought by Chris
Orecnhagen charging him with conduct
unbecoming an officer In arresting his
wife' Saturday. Frank Weaver Is attorney
for Orecnhagen.
Commissioners restored the suspended
druggists licenses by vote of four to three
on four licenses, Commissioner With
ncll, Hummel and Kugel voting together.
Wlthnell voted with tho majority in re
storing the licenses of two drugglsta-J.
Fregger and II. C. Lane.
Kugel 'announced that he would con
tinue to bring tn evldenco against drug
gists, presumedly basing his charges on
evidence secured by Peterson. He said
ho had suspended the license ot J. H.
Keck. Keck was granted a hearing for
Thursday morning at 10:30 o'clock.
Many Keolare Spdng
Styles After Pattern
Those 50 Years Ago
Can it be that the trend ot fashion It
reverting toward the antique costlmes ot
our forefathers? Whllo fashion experts
aro divided on thla question ana some
answer In the attlrmattve, other are Juat
as emphatla In the negative and It re
mains a question which la arousing much
speculation among Omaha's women folk
At the Burgess-Nash company's spring
style show the living models, as a kind
ot prelude to tho show, display costumes
aa worn during the time ot Iuls XIII,
Colonial times, the- dlrectolre period and
civil war times. Then the present day
modes are displayed. And therein lies the
enigma whlcii. is the source ot Vorry to
thoio who must accede to the demands
of Dame Fashion.
For those early, coatumes shqirn have a
decided tendency to resemble closely
..... ;1
lr theil
r. off
nt, but?
i"1 TT-' r I latest spring styles for this year.
irra V Xiair OeCOmeS course, the, detallsare very different
, 'the designs ara essentially similar. puch
JjflPK I hlP,K It! OSS V "triklng effects aa the present atyle of
Lftok j its yauiftrl Try
tad Solpfeaur a4 no
lMrfiy -mil krr.
bustle la more than a similarity to styles
of years ago; It can almost be called a
The discerning eye of the clever de
signer can see" almost Instantly the llkq
nets between costumes ot the two periods.
lCven can those who do not enjoy that
faculty ot observation tee how alike (the
spring styles are to styles of oldtn times
But again, comes tile dissenter who as-
ity. Such is the talk, however, and It is in
serts that there In absolutely no slmll;
possible to innko many who have seen, the
atyle ahow believe that the trend of
fashion Is not reverting to the period ot
oqr forefathers.
Alfr.e everyan known that 8m Tea.
a ftatpftur, preewrly esaeuj4,
ferine baek the natural ootor and, luatr
te fn hair wwi laded, streaked e gray:
h! ends dandruff, Itching scaly ana
topa tailing hair. Tears ago Uis only
way to gt this mixture wag to make, It
at . hvme, whloh is mvmy and troat)l.
Kowadaya we simply aafc at any drug 1
atora for "Wyeth'a S 8tphur I
Hair Remedy.4' You im mt lun !
bottle for about u rn. K.,rti i William 11. Ixonhardt xt Lincoln, who I
vaea this old. famous recipe, boaua no ' s1vin up th9 3ob " travellnjr J
one can TOertbly tall that you datrttene 1 man l ,7S rnonth and expenses to Join
yUf hair, as It 3om It so naturally ud 1 ho nvy- lntitiM t,,at 11 WM no th lure
jvetuy. Tou dampen a eponge or soft
brush with It and draw this through
your hair, taking one small strand at a
tm; by morning the gray hair dlaajH
rtltlru mn'A unit... LOnharilt
two, your hair becomes beautifully dark,
tbleH and srlosay and you look years
stops itching
of the' colored pictures, or even the rumor
of war with Mexico which induced him
to desert a remunerative commercial post-'
tlon. and enlist aa an apprentice seaman. '
believes, according to his
statements, that the training of the navy I
Is "Just the thing for a young roan," and
for the aake ot the training and tho
chance to see the world, he has given up :
the $7& a month and expenses, to sail
under the Stars' and Stripes as an ap-1
prentice seaman for a, month.
The monthly report for 'March, given
out by Clerk of the Police Court Thomas
O'Connor shows a maVd'- falling off In
the money taken In, b compared to that
of the corresponding month 1aj year.
Thla Is due In measure, according to the
clerk. In the largo number of appeal bonds
that have been f!ed, of them,
as compared to IS fr the same monkh In
191. Following Is a comparison.
HSU Kill
Eln? JSI.M 14.09
ruricueq oonaa .1 924.47 J
To Accomplish Improvements
that involved tho construction of an nddional ltupre buildina: five stories
eluding the basement, the arrangement of the older building from foundation to
roof, and to do it all without nnnoyance to customers, is the great task that has
been undertaken and finished by thtOohn Beno company.
The work has required a whole year, and has taxed the resources of archi
tects, builders, managers and employes i n every department of the fi'eat store.
For more than a quarter of a century the Beno building has been notffil nil ove the
country as one of the best adapted to be found in any city, where lillt, comfort,
sanitary conditions, and all that conduces to the best interests of Customer and
employe, have been provided. The work has now been finished, and the means of
permitting the expansion demanded by increasing patronage accomplished. Wo
want tho public 'to see what we have dono, especially for our Millinery and Heady-to-Wear
departments. We believe you will appreciate the result of our labors.
Many notable features have been added nnd changes mnde for the better accommo
dation and greater convenience of our. patrons, which must be seen to be fully ap
preciated. Wo invito the people of Council Bluffs, Omaha and vicinity to visit our
store during the opening days.
, The assortments are complete in each line
. In dry goods in women's wear millinery, etc. in men's, boys' and chil
dren's clothing and furnishings will be found that "something" which belongs
particularly to this season of distinctive styles. The character of this merchan
dise will make buying a pleasure and the fairness of prices a most welcome feature.
In keeping with this high standard of merchandise wo shall aim for a store
service that is worthy. "Prompt and courteous" will bo our watchwords your
smallest and greatest wants to. share alike our careful attention. "We 6arnestly
believe in our ability to BC,rvo you better than dver to prove that our diligence
Iiob resulted in business which merits your patronage.
Now and always we-oxtend to yoUia warm invitation to make this store your
store. Come and go as you .please rest awhile ask questions. That's simply
hospitality and a poin in our service it carries with it no obligation whatever.
V We urge you to come now, especially to see our display intact before the eager
I) Words' have made inroads. A call today equals a treat to the visitor.
Ulie John Beno Company
Setter Values in AH Lines at
New Kug
for tiie
for L ur
$1 Shadow Flouncings. Wednesday, 29c
The biggest lace bargain of the season a complete line
of beautiful flouncings, in white or ecru, 12 inches, 18
inches and 20 inches wide, the most popular AA
laces of the season; regular 75c and atSifi
$1.00 yard values, at fc W
ft 30
This is tho time the CHICAGO LIMITED doparts: The sleepers are ready and the
diner is serving at 6 o'clock. You have breakfast belore arriving in Chicago at 8:09 A. M.
and are ready for engagements or eastern connections.
This train of steel and steel frame construction carries .chair cars, diner, standard
and (Jompartmont sleepers and a library observation car all brilliantly lighted by the
dynamo systom of electricity. ' The schedule is no't fast; it is planned with the intent of
a smooth, restful ride and a punctual arrival. "Well operated" is the general comment
about this train.
MICHIGAN CENTRA!, at 9:05 a. m. and 10:30
a. m. for New York and Boston.
PUNNSYLVANIA at 8:45 a. m., 10 a. m, and
10J30 a. m. 'tor Washington and Now York;
9:30 a. m,, Indianapolis, Cincinnati.
IjAKK SHORE at 10;1B a. m. for New York; 10;30
a. m. for New York and Boston.
IHG FOUR at.9i25 n. m. for Cincinnati.
ILMNOIS CENTRAL at 9:10 a. m. for New Orleans.
MONON at 9:40 a. m. for Louisville.
GRAND TRUNK at 11:05 a. m. for Now York.
ERIE at 11 a. m. for New Yofk. ' - V-
BALTIMORE & OHIO at 11 a. ra. for Washington
and New York.
NICKEL PLATE at 10:35 a.' m. for New York,
WABASH at 12:04 noon for New York and
Something Nw: Through Sleepers on This
Train Between Omaha and Peoria
"We are agents for steamship lines, and have latest sailing lists and cabin
plans, Let us help you secure steamer accommodations early in view of tho
large volume of European travel this coming summer.
J. B. REYNOLDS. City Passenger Agent.
1502 Farnain St., Omaha, Neb. Tel. D. 1238 or D. 3380
Wash Goods Department Specials
Every new weave Juat arrived and are arriving all the t(hio
Silk stripe printed voiles, printed voiles, fancy brocaded cren de
chine, costume crepe, shantung crepe, printed silk ratine, plain 'grape
do chine, Jacquard silk poplin, banzt, foundation silk dimity, organ
dies, batistes and 100 other things too numerous to mention. '
Prces Range In This Department nt
jfic, 18c, S3c !Hc ooc, 05c, 7Gc, 85c and 81.00 Per Yard,.
For Popular Priced Ooods See Domestic Room.
New Dotted Swiss 12S 15S 18eS 25 P S1.00
Long Cloths lOd lo 25 Pr JftC1
Dimities v lOtf to 354 P J$&
Batistes io to 5G per yttrjl
Novelties 12)4d to S2.Q0 Tar$
Linen Specials
All our high grade Huck
Toweling, "p u r e linen,
plain and fancy, values
up to 75c, yard.' 50c
All pure linen, heavy weight
satin damask, assorted de
signs, grass bleached; regu
lar $1 quality, yard...-79
Don't Miss Hayden's
Ad Wednesday
The largest sale of Boys'
Clothing ever held in
Omaha. A big purchase of
Spring Suits at a vdfy big
reduction. See windo" dis
play on Sixteenth street.
Sale starts Thursday
In Our Famvs Domestic Raoj
Two cnrloads of new gpoas just amw ur w. ry. y.-
tire west half of domestic room will bo filled with ncjgoods for
1 en Re o f 36 inch percales, tho
rX"AHE moment Retfnol Ointment
A . an J f.a11R Sw.ln. With tha
I toueKt anitcVtng skin, the itching
1 heilln I
aid of JUrfnol Sop, it quickly removes
aU tntet ot ccsems. rath, utter, nag
warn, pimples or other tormenting, un
sightly eruptiea, leavisf the V!n eJer
aai kaalthy, ft Is agually efftctlve for
mt, Wi!, Burn, -d, rough k?adi,
eseaMuf aad pile.
iWdoI Oiifik U taaariMt 'i'
rd6ltn l uk1 oaxsaKlKff.,
Kcialaol k Was anub4 hr o'tottlr 19
wn. Xii (IrawUu Mil UtttMt OuvH (tu
Mil!JM).ors4!Sap (f ). Xi UW
me tn. mite to lUfi. 40-8, Rutaol, Bl'
mum. Hi. Bwu citmitt "avknitoUa."
.l.S.4r U70.0
We will atnd yon a fall quart of thi fin old
For Only 80 CentsExpress Charges Paid By Us.
This is a special introductory offer we are making to NEW customers only
and if YOU have never tried Hayner Whiskey we want you to try it NOW.
Wo Want To Show Yoa Take Us U
We want to pi ace some of our fine old trhlakey On this otter-order this whiskey try it use
before you so you may know how rich, pure all you want and If you don't find it all we
and delicious it really la and here's the sreat- claim the finest you ever tasted and the
cjt offer you erer heard of greatest value you ever aaw we will return
Send Us 80 Cents-Thafs All your money without word.
And we will send you a full quart bottle of You Talc 9 No Chances
our fine old HAYNER PRIVATE STOCK Our guarantee is fair and square It means
BOTTLED-IN-BOND WHISKEY In a strong, what it says ewe must send you a quality that
sealed case and we will pay express charges, will please you in every way and we will do It
Remember It's Bottled 4a-Bnrl NeWa su, Year Order
And every bottle sealed with the Govern Cut out this coupon fill it in and mail it to us
regular 10c grade 5c.
3 cases of colored crepe remnants,
10c grade, for,
2 cases of 12 'c chambray all
colors, for 8
3 cases of 32 inch nurses' stripes,
15c value., fqr 0?
2 cases of 16c colored scrim, 36
Inches, nt , 10
1 case' of 72x90 sheets, worth 50c
now at -316
1 case of 81x90 sheets, worth 65c
now at ." 37i
1 case of 12V4C pillow slips
. 42x36 Inches, at 8C
1 case of $1.00 bed spreads, 74
1 case of Jl.'25 bed spreads, 6e
1 case of $1.50 bod spreads
how at 946
1 caBe of $2.00 bed spreads
now at Sl.lO
10 plecesiof $1.25 table damask. 88d
10 pieces flf $1.00 table damask,
now at ., 74r
1 case of 50c mercerized dam
ask, 63 inches 3Q&
1 case of huck. towels
now at .4 7d
1 case of iittd Turkish towels
now at .....,( 7 16
100 other btrsalns not advertised.
URdirwtar Section Domestic Room
Ladles' Gauze Union Suits, ankle
and kneo length, per suit, now
at 25S 356 49c
Boys' Medium Wolght Union
Suits, sizes 24 to 34, 50c val
ues, at 25
Men's. Ladles' nnd Children's
Hose, all sizes, 12V4c values
now at &i$C
Ladles' Muslin Gowns and
Skirts. 75cvalues, at. ..49d
Boys' Blouse, Wajsta, black sat
teen, whlte.iblue, chambray and
stripes, with military collars;
50c value, t 25!r
Men's Balbrligan Underwear
shirts or driwers, per garment,
now at. .2$S 35 d Rntl 456
It Will Pay Tou to Head Hayden's Special April (jrocery Opening Sale.
Quality Goods and the Right Prices for the People.
The uest Creamery iluitoi. cut-ton
UI' bUlM .p(!l' id. ............... .Mo
ra lbs. Best dranuated 8unar. ..91.00
jtt'lu, uacR Best High Grade Dlamund
JI Flour, made irum the best scleci-
wh.nt. nfitlilnir finer lor OrcaU,
plea of cakes, per sacn 91.10
lti bars Ueat Km All, UlamonU C 01
Laundry tjueen wnue xaunury ouuy
a 11. nt iiuik Laundry alarcii. 10a
lbs, Good Jupan Klce. 38o
4 lbs, I'anuy japan Klce. 10c quatty,
lidw ,,,,,,,, .360
lB-oa, cana Condansed Milk 84o
( 02, conn Condensed Milk 40
lbs, Ueat Hand rloked Navy Beana.
now at 36
s lba Ueat Itolled llrtakfast Oat
meal, for ,,,,, 35o
IS lba, Het Wntte or Tellow Corn
meal, at. 1
Advo Jell Uie Jell yf quality, per
uku.. at ..TV4o
1 lb. nana Aeaorled Soupa. all navora
pr catl
t-aiia L.u Stfourlnc Soap.. .. . aso
cakes Selexo Bceurlna; Soap....36o
L.orge bottles Worcester Sauce, Pure
Tomatoe Culaun or Pleklea. nsaorted
klnda. per bottle,,,,.,,.. BaO
H, CI. Corn Plakea, per pkff So
Pure Ceinb Heney, rack, ...... ilHo
6 cans Oil or Mustard Bardtnea, Bo
Breakfast Cocoa, per lb. .SOo
The Heat Tea BlftlngH, lb,., lbo
Qolden Santos Cuffee, lb ...SOo
l'"uiioy cuuiury Creamery liutter
per Jb., at ,28o
Goud Uairy i tioio liutter, lb UUo
Too btat full cream Wisconsin, Jnqw
Xovti White or Youne America
Checbe. per lb ..SUo
The ucst imported Swiss Cheese, Hoc
lb., it 1 wiiu
jLaxit owion sets now
Fancy Ked or Yellow Onion Hets
per tuart .-.BHo
1'uncjf White Onion Sets, 10.....1UO
Tho ileal Kentucky Blue '.Irass Seed,
per lb., at , SOo
All J I hub Flower and Vceetable
HeeUf. pvr pkg , alio
Tn yeg-etabta Mn.xet of Omana
for" tn Veople.
The Red Hiver Onto Potatoen
15 lb 1, to tho 11; 890
Fresh leets, Cairo Ib, Rudlshea, aiiaJ-
lots 1? Turnips, bunch Co.
lancy lead .Lettuce, per heact...74o
Z Heaci Fresh Leaf Lettuce for loo
Fancy Jallfornla Caulltlowcr, per lb.,
now it ,,.7Ho
Fancy .'allfornla Bliubard, lb....7c
Old Btfta, Carrots Turnips or Par-
anipSriPer lb..... ai
Fancy New Cabbage, lb aUo
S lbs. rancy Shelled Popcorn lea
Watch the papers for oar annatl
ros ooa bbb sarnDDsry sai.
menfa offldal Gretn Stamp over the cork
your assurance that It ia fully aged, full 1G0
proof and full measure at good aad pure aa
it Is possible to produce.
A Wonderful Offer
Ho one else offers BOTTLED-IN-BOND
whiskey at our price of SO cents a quart
no one else would pay the express charge
nn a am nti art ttlrOTnf- aa mm ktv rlslme.
ITS TICK&T OPPIPF l W Stand Tke Loss
Shlpplns one qusxt, exprexs paid, means a loss
tins. 1
and the full quart of flae old DOTTLED-IN-BOND
whiakey will go forward by first express.
The BurllngUa ticket office is reported
to have secured a ten-year lease to ocoupy
offlc space in the new United States
National Bant building-, noon to be built at 1
Sixteenth ana Farnain streeta. The UoUct
office Is to be moved to Its new quarters i
soon .after th bankibutldlnr Is completed.
Th consideration is said to be around
IW.O00 a year.
to us but we want your trade and we know
when you have tried this whiskey, you wiU1e
so pleased with it, that you will send us your
future orders for four quarts or more.
fiuto4 Qd4 n euti for wklch Ma4 m OKI raU qnkrt
Vittl at IIdm rrlnM stooa Bttl4.Bofid Wkltk,; -una
4 ptryemr Bmr. II u uudrtood tht It Ult
klk7liat(aadMrwatd aad laklat to m ta
HOT wTmr M oiaU UMN promsu ntundM. Tali
U7W otiu. in 03
KCM4 ,,,, ,
tuMY Mil in siHKT.TBtt
OM.n fraai Arts..
tktnet nut call tt
Wya, CMaw. Moat, aad all ataUs Watt
r tiw isr aa oan-i.araw Mia. H.
The making of BEER bears a striking simi
larity to the making of bread, tie chief differ
ence being in the amount of grate employed and
the amount of water added. Bread is baked,
but BEER is boiled one is a solid food, the
other a liquid refreshment.
a splendid example of the high degree of per
fection reached by the modern Brewery.
Brewed and Bottled by The
Willow Springs Brewing Co.
HENRY POLLOCK, Consumers' Distributor
Telephone Douglas 1306.
Douglas 2108 for a trial case.
WE 1AYNER WSTHIEW C0 Dept.R-115 2111 Central SI., KANSAS CITY, M0.
ana.tM KtUata,!.
Mnts,eMe KutatCKr. Ha.
at Troy. Ohio
Addrtsi Our
Ntanst Offict
New Ariuaa. la.
JtckMoirWe, lla.
I SSOO.OOO.OO J-nll Paid
riOTlll A Pay When Cured
L I 1 1 I Mm llaetal DfMa tut,
DR. E. R. TARRY - 240 Brnm Plris-, Ommhz, Hb
i HruUr or Cut
Js leiiJors.J'antUfptla' by Duaklen'a Ar- '
nlea Balvt. a avije remedy for aores,
brulnes. voiemi S5c All drusgUU. !
- AUtjBidteir.ent ' j
Concentrate Your Advertising in The Bee
Be Want A&s,
- - ---j nBjn, - jpJ-