The Dmaha Daily Bee WHEN AWAY FROM HOME The Boo is The Paper ycm Mk fex tf you plan to sssas More than few days, fear C1 Ih xnaUsa to yoa. THE WEATHER. Shower3 t VOL. XLHI-NO. 212. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 1. 1914-FOUUTKKN PAGES. On Train and at Kotfl ITowa Standi, Bo. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. ItP REPORTS OF FALL OF TORREON CAUSES A IIQIIR IN 1 1 1 A R F 7 tt I UIIUM ill uuniiLc Thr,t City and El Paso Wildly Ex cited by Rumor of Victory of Rebels. BUT NEWS IS NOT CONFIRMED Bryan Gets No Word from Letcher of Defeat of Federals. FIGHT IN TORREON CONTINUES Losses on Both Sides Solfeavy that Battle Lags. FEDERALS CLAIMING VICTORY Dlsnntch from Mexico City Says the Plnce linn Not Fallen nnil Gov ernment In Confident it Will Not Fall. NEWLY ELECTED MAYOR OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. JUAREZ, Mex., March 31. This city and El Paso were thrown into a furore of excitement this afternoon by u. report that Consul Letcher at Chihuahua had forwarded a telegram to Secretary Bryan that Torreon fell at 1:30 o'clock. An of ficial here telephoned' a- lcadotng business house that the report was official. In a few minutes the streets leading to T" "a i ii'i ?i""i'i'n'ff1i"" !"! 'iimiiiAtittJ SUGGESTS A FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SYSTEM Sir Edward Grey Proposes It in House as a Solution of Home Rule Difficulty. READY TO GO Real April Fool? m MGWr to Minister Hints Liberal Put it Up to RESUME HOME Measure Will Occupy Commons at Least Three Days. MORLEY STAYS IN THE CABINET fiord President of hc Council Ite connldcrs Hln Intention to llnnd In 1H nralar- nnllou. ffjjf telegraph Office here were Jammed !5h peraons seeking verification. Among them were most of the rebel officials, who presently announced that the fall had not been officially reported. WASHINGTON, March 31. Secretary Bryan tonight said he had received no word from Consul Letcher announcing the fall of Torreon and that no Important news from Mexico had come to the tSate department during the day. The Mexican embassy here today re ceived the following message from the t I nlflnd In MAYinn I 1 T . V. . . niian anil (Vin rnv. ernment is quite confident that It will Siot fall, according to the latest- reports received by the government from the front. Rebeln Are Optimistic. CHIHUAflUA, Mexico, March 31. While officials here are optimistic as to the outcome of the battle of Torreon they Bald today that the absence of official reports Indicates that General Villa is Tneeting with stubborn resistance. The telegraph office Is accepting tele grams addressed to Gomez Palacla, care of General Villa, but thus far none ad dressed to newspaper men have been re plied to. World's Fair Fund to Be Used for Baby Welfare Stations CHICAGO, Mretj 31. Disposition of the $100,OOQ fund derived from the sale of souvenir spoons and Isabella quarters at the time of" the World's fair here was -announced today by the committee of three women appointed by Mrs. Potter Palmer to pass on the question. The principal was untouched for the present, but the Income, amounting to about-,000 annually, will be used to establish three or more additional stations of the Chi cago Infant' Welfaro society. The fund has been increasing br lnter mJk accumulation during the twenty-one Hrs since- the fair and recently Mrs. jPner has boon urged to take steps toward making use of It while members of the original world's fair board of women managers might have a voice In Its dlsposlton. Part of Kelly's Army Will Leave Hastings for Omaha Tonight HASTINGS. Neb., March 31.-(Speclal Telegram.) A detachment of fifty-two members of the Kelley army of unem ployed who left the main body at Bait Lake City arrived here today from Mc Cook, coming In two box cars cushioned with straw. A committee waited on Mayor Ingraham and the latter supplied tho men with coffee and sandwiches. This Is part of the army that disappeared from Sand Creek, Colo. The army that camo here Insurged from Kelley's brigade at Denver under "Gen eral" John Brlnkcman, who convinced his followers that Kelley was too cxar- llke. They know nothing of the where abouts of Kelley. Tho men left In a prl vate freight car on tho Burlington at noon. nr MIS Siegel Files Suit for Divorce NEW YORK, March 31. Henry Siegel, the bankrupt banker and merchant, under Indictment for grand larceny and viola tion of the state banking laws, Is named as defendant In a suit for absolute divorce -which counsel for Mrs. Marie Vaughn Siegel saJd'jjwould be filed today. It Is said that lvp co-respondents are named. Mrs. Siegel was widow of George M. Wilde, brother of Rear Admiral Wilde, V. S. N., when she came to New York from her home In Virginia In search of work. She was employed as a newspaper writer and was assigned to write a story about tho Siegel stores when they opened. There she met Siegel. She resigned from the stuff of the newspaper and went to work for Siegel. In 1893 they were married. Until four years ago Siegel and his wife maintained luxurious establishments In New York, Mamaronek and London. Then Mrs. Siegel went abroad and the fact that they had separated became ki own. Siegel, It was said, paid his wife $25,000 a year. These payments are declared to have been discontinued some time ago. Paris about five weeks ago. She con suited her attorneys and they began preparation of the complaint against the merchant and banker. Siegel and his wife hoth refused to discuss the suit today. Trio actual nung of the suit, counsel for Mrs. Siegel explained, depended on process sewers finding Siegel. They hunted for him all forenoon In vain. Assistant General Manager Koller of the Burlington, speaking of the east ward movement of tho remnant of Kel ley's army that evacuated Sand Creek, nlno miles east of Denver, said: "All that we have heard concerning these men is that they were In Hastings today, fifty-two of them. We have In structed our officials out on the line not to permit them to board any of the Bur lington cars unless they pay full fare. If they do this, they will be permitted to rldo to whatever station their tickets take them." The Burlington has sent a number of special agents to Hastings, and If they arrive before the members ot tho army take their departure they will bo ejocted from the railroad property and will be kept off. Tho Burlington officials will not permit the men to capture a car or any portion of a train. If their own offi cers cannot prevent the capture If it Is attempted, they will call upon the Has tings police and the Adams county sher iff for assistance. In the event a small party ot the Kclleyltes should board a freight train and refuso to get off, there is a possibility that they would be hauled some distance and to some point where the force of civil officers would bo suf ficiently large to eject them. Just when the men of Kelley's army evacuated Band Creek and on what train they took passage east. Burlington offl clals here have not been apprised. Sand Creek is nine miles this side of Denver and Is the point where the Burlington tracks cross those of the Union Pacific, The supposition is that they broke camp n the night and when the first through mln came along they boarded It for the east. Illinois Miners Vote $150,000 to Colorado Strikers DBNVBTt, Colo., March 31. That the Illinois miners voted to appropriate I1W,- 000 to aid the stming woioraao cow miners was tho announcement made at headquarters of the United Mine Work ers of America here today. A telegram from Frank J. Hayes, International vice president at Indianapolis, was made pub lie as 'follows: "Illinois miners by referendum vote de elded by overwhelming majority to ap nroprlate 1150,000 to Colorado miners. Tho complete vote was tabulated and result made known today. This ought to serve as a fitting answer to falsehoods clrcu lated by some of tho corporation-owned papers In Colorado. All organired work era and liberty loving people of America are with us In our strike in Colorado, Our cause Is Just, right and will surely trlumDh in the end. I shall return to Colorado as soon as we have disposed of the various wage conferences in the cast." LONDON. March 31. The establish ment of a federal system of government for the Ilrltlsh Isles was suggested to the House of Commons today by Sir Edward Grey as a solution of the home rule difficulty. The suggestion was re ceived with great attention by the house, which was engaged in debate on the second reading of the home rule bill. I believe." said Sir Edward, "that it our present difficulty Is not solved by the Introduction of a federal system, me oountry will go under through the sheer inability of Parliament to transact Its business." Sir Edward Grey put forward a hint that the government was ready to go to the country for a general election If Parliament would enact bills abolishing the system of plural voting, giving home rule to Ireland and disestablishing the Welsh church "If an election could be assured," he said, "on the terms of securing the aboli tion of plural voting and of placing home rule and the disestablishment on the statute bonks, the method would be worthy of consideration." ' AVon't Concede More. Sir Edward Grey said that the ministers were not prepared to make any conces sion beyond the six years' exclusion ot the Ulster counties from the operation of the bill offered by Premlor Asqulth. "The country." he said, "must settle the ques tion at the ond of that time. Meanwhile the qustlon of the coercion of Ulster can not arise until after a general election. but if there or sporadic outbursts In that province, force must be used, and it an attempt Is made to sot up a provisional government and defy tfie imperial Par liament, the army must be used. If there had been a general election last week. It would have been on a much graver Issue than home rule. If the army had taken active sides In politics, the country would have faced a graver prob lem than It had faced in three centuries. If ther Is any question raised ot gov ernment by Parliamenf"wlthout1ntcrfer- ence, I, myself, take a stand as firm as that of any labor member." Sir Edward suggested tho resumption ot conferences between party leaders in order to see whether a settlement could not be reached on the basis of establish ing a federal system for the whole coun try before the end of the six years named by the government In its offer to Ulster. Debate Started. After a week of sensational develop ments in connection with the Ulster situa tion tho House ot Commons today started the debate on the second reading of the home rule for Ireland bill. It Is expected the measure will occupy the house for at least three days. Tho absence of Mr, Asquith, who was In charge of tho bill, was bitterly com plained ot by the unionists. It Is reported from Dublin that Premier Asqulth is to be opposed in the bye election for East Fife by James Larkln. who, as head of tne Transport Workers' union, was leader of the strike in Dublin last autumn. In connection with tho strike Mr. Larkln was sentenced to seven months' Imprisonment In October for Inciting to riot, but was later released. Viscount Morloy of Blackburn, lord president of the council, today abandoned his intention of resigning from the "cab Inet, Intimated In the House of Lords yesterday. The cabinet met today and the strong " uicoauia was Drousmt tn tlnar nn Lord Morlcy not to add to the difficulties or colleagues by giving up his office. when tho House of Lords met later In the day. Lord Morley announced to the members that ho had not quit the cab lnet. I l l l i win Ml WILSON MEN JAM TOLL REPEAL BILL THROUGH HOUSE Sims Measure, Rescinding Exemp tion Clause of Canal Act, Wins by 248 to 162. I MAJORITY OF EIGHTY-SIX Administration Forces Triumph Earlier on Test Vote. MOTION TO RECOMMIT IS LOST Clark Disappoints Those Expecting Him to Attack Executive. NO ISSUE WITH THE PRESIDENT Sooner Ditch Walled Up Tlian Under British Control. REPLIES TO PRESS ASSAULTS Drawn for The Bee by Powell. REPUBLICANS ARE PLEASED Omaha Delegates Returning from Lincoln Are Satisfied. STATE MEETING TO BE IN JULY Chairmen Instructed in Join In Call ing Convention to lie Held at Lincoln on Twenty-Eighth of July. The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Wednesday. For-Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Unsettled weather tonight and Wednes day; probably showers; not much change In temperature. Temperature at Omaha Hours. Deg. 6 a. nt 41 6 a. m ii 7 a. m 42 8 a. m 4 9 u. m 4 10 a. m 41 11 a. m r 12 in w 1 p. m W 3 p. m , t'i Taking of Testimony in Dollar Gas Suit to Start Saturday Taking of testimony In the dollar gat suit will begin beforo Master-ln-Chancory Dunham Saturday. City attaorneys say It will require several weeks to complete the testimony. The city contends that gas can be sold at profit for II pjr 1.000 cubic feet, and in I proof thereof will offer the report of an expert, W. D. Markiu-who appraised the gas plant for the city. Gas company officials may abandon the contention that 11 is confiscatory and seek to annul tho dollar gas ordinance by a successful fight on the principle of rate regulation by the city. Man Who Hypnotized WHERE WILL THE BANKS BE? Other Into Oommitmg Returning from the republican state committee meeting held at Lincoln yes terday the half doren delegates from Orrmhii nre w.e!5-. pleased with the esult of tho conference held with -the EpperjJ son committee and believe that It will mean a single harmonious republican con vention next summer. Those who at tended the republican meeting from Omaha were Amos Thomas, secretary ot the stale commlttoe; A. W. Jefferis, Rob ert Smith, William Ure. R- B. Howell and C. F. McGrew, 'The result of the conferences," said Secretary Amos Thomas, "Is that It leaves the matter practically up to Ep person and Currlo to arrange for a har monious convention, and I am sure they will do It. Although there are two resolu tions, one from the Epperson committee and one from our committee, they cmbddy practically the same Idea." The resolution by the Epperson com mittee reads, "Resolved, That Chairman A, C. Epperson proceed to call the state convention for July 28 and that tho Currle committee be Invited to Join and co operate In the call." The resolution from the Currle commit tee reads: Resolved. That F. M. Currle. chulrman of the republican state central commit tee, is Hereby directed to call the Ne braska republican state convention, to be held on July 28, 1914, at the city of Lin coln, as provided bv law. Be it further resolved. That the chair man of this committee is requested and directed to Invite the committee of which Mr. A. C. Epperson Is chairman, to co operate and Join in such call. That tho executive committee is hereby authorized to carry out the details for tho holding of said convention, and apportioning the delegates to the several counties of the state, and that an invitation be extended to tho executive committee of which A. C. Epperson Is chairman to assist In ar ranging such details and also the appor tioning of said delegates. FEELINO FAVORAI1LE TO UNION Crime is Convicted NEW YORK, March 3t.-Pflycho)oglsts today made a study of the case ot Philip 8. finltta, a lawyer, who yesterday was convicted of grand larceny, after tho evidence had revealed tho subjection to suggestion ot Salvatoro Gatto, Who blindly followed Baltta'a dictation. After Gatto told of his career ns Salttats slave, the Jury rendered Its verdict and Judge Swann said- "Oatta palrvalby had become an 'auto maton MndiV the Influence of thu maslcr mind. Unquestionably he had felt the Irresistible compulsion to perform what ever act he was bidden to perform. The rase developed an Instance In real lite ot one person being 'SvengaHcd' by the In fluence of a superior mind.'' Foltta wns on trial for having duped Italian lemon growers Into Hcndlng con- dlsnments ot fruit to 'a dummy firm, us ing the namo of Gatto and leading tho exDorlers to believe It to be the com mission house of Ferdinand Gatto. Saltta msdo Gatto sign for the con slgnmenls nnd then turn them over to him. "Once he struck me," Gatto testified Location of Reserve Centers to Be Announced Very Soon. DOPE DOESN'T FAVOR OMAHA Thnae Close to Administration Ilc- llevc Chicago, St. Ltitiln nnd Kan sas City Practically Certain to lie Chosen. llenonncea Xenspapcr Charging lllm rrlth nclng Friendly ( Shipping Interests. WASHINGTON. March 31.-Th Sims' bill to repeal tho toll exemption caluse ot the Panama canal act was passed by tho house late today, inn to ik. At 6:37 o'clock when tho third reading of the repeal bill was colled for, Minor ity Lcador Mann demanded the yeas and nays, and the roll call was begun on the motion, the first real test on the issue. On s motion for the engrossment and third reading of the repeal bill the hu mlnlitratlon forces won by ayes, 517; noes, 1C0. Th'a was the first test volt. First Test Vole. This victory by a majority of eighty seven for the administration on tho first tost vote was conceded to assure passage of tho bill Itaelf by a greater margin than even the most optimistic of the repeal lenders had predicted. The house by a vote ot 23J to 171 vot.l down a motion to recommit the bill to tha Interstate and foreign commerce committee. Clark Dramatic. Speaker Clark departed from the text of lib prcparod speech to dramatically d clnra. "I would rather see tho Panama canal walled up than to klve the British people any control of It. It's ours forever, for better or worse." WASHINGTON, Mnrch 31.-After threo organisation committee, Secretaries Mo- Speaker Clark, closing thfc deUl?sgaiun .17 . ' L . Itiin rnnenl. dlssnnohted thosrt Who ex- nuoo anu iiouion niia uompironcr oi inn -- -- . .. ..... Curwncy Williams, charged with laying j twtti him to attack President Ilson. Ho the tround work for me new currency i disclaimed any porsonttl Issue With th system, Is about ready to define geograph Ically the limits of the federal reserve districts, and name the cltltH In each district where reserve banks are to bo located. It Is the general expectation that the announcement of these conclusions will be made about April 1. Opinion Is divided among. those close to the administration as to the number ot banks to bo established. The law per mits the establishment of not less than eight and not more than twelve banks. There is apparently little ground for be the money. He would make me do uny thing he wanted. I might know It was wrong, but I'd do It Just the same." When the verdict was announced Gntto slipped out of the court room, sobbing. He Finds Wife After . -Thirty-Seven Years" NEW YORK, March 31.-Captaln Albert Wellman, who fought under Osman Pasha In the Turkish-Russian war and was counted among the dead at the battle of Plevna in 1877, today was reunited to his wife, who had left their home In Cairo for England end eventually for this coun try, after receiving the news that her husband had been killed. Captain Wellman, Instead of being dead, was among the prisoners taken by the Russians. When he was released from prison In Russia he could find no trace of his wife and son. After making a long search for them he came to America and settled In Montreal, where he built I has a majority In that county of 1.181 up a large furniture manufacturing bust- land In the Mute pf 700. ness. Recently he received word from Mrs. Wellman' s telatlvea that she waa living Party Men In Cnpltnl Think 3lnt ters Will lie Adjaste. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 31. (Spcclol.)-Feel-Ing over the result of the action of the two republican state committees seems to be favorablo to union In the future, not withstanding those who would like to see It otherwise are trying to give the Im pression the party Is split over the result of the final action of the Currle commit teo In falling to accept the report of the two subcommittees who agreed that the Epperson committee should mako the call and the Currle committee be Invited to co-operate. According to the derision of the su preme court In 1M2 wherein the rights of the Epperson committee and the Taft committee were Involved In placing elec tors of the two committees on the repub- Senator J. P. Clarke Wins Nomination LITTLE ROCK, Ark., March 3l.-F1g-urcs received today from the primary election ot last week show that Senator James P. Clarke has won In the United States senatorial race over Judge Wil liam F. Klrby. The official vote of Poinsett county, the returns from which have not previously been available, as given by the chairman of the Poinsett county central committee, show Clarke 3 p. in. .. 40''n Brooklyn, and he soon sought her out The total vote of the state, official, ex cept from Polntett. which r-omes from tho chairman on that county's central com- imlttec. Is Clarke, 6S.4U, Klrby, 67.7C Koetters (riven Life Term for Murder of Mrs, Emma Kraft CHICAGO, March a.-John B. Korjter was found guilty of murdering Mrs. Emma Kraft of Cincinnati and his pun ishment flx-d at life Imprisonment In a verdict rendered by a Jury hero today. The Jury took the case yesterday after noon. Koetters was found guilty of kill ing .Mrs. Kraft In a hotel here by a blow from a hammer, which crushed her .tWull. Tho crime was committed November 14, 1912. Mrs. Kraft whs 60 years old and had been a widow four years. She had been Infatuated with Koetters and had Just sold property In Cincinnati for 13,000. It was the accusation of the state that Koetters, falling to get this i)m from her by cajolery, murdered her and fled with It. Evidence was Introduced that Koetters previously had obtained JS00 from Mrs. Kraft and he acknowledged that he had done so and kept the money. Koetters Is about 36 years old. Mrs. Kraft waa found at the point of death, her head crushed from a blow with a machinist's hammer. In a hotel room here. Erie Lays Off Six Thousand Men (Continued on Page Two.) The National Capital Tuesday, March 31, 101-4. The Senate. Met at noon. Considered mlscelllaneous bills on the calendar. . Coast and Insular survey committee heard arguments on the proposal for the government to take over tho Chesapeake & Delaware canal. Commerce committee was urged to ap propriate for deepening and straightening the Narrows of Lake Cb&roplain. The Ilonse. Met at 11:30 a. m. Final debato was begun on the proposed repeal of the Panama tolls enemptlon. Representative lllnebaugh. chairman ot the progressive congressional committee, testified before the elections committee ot contributions made bj congressmen to the last campaign. NEW YORK, March 31.-The Erie rail road, through A. J. Btonr, general man ager, today announced the enforcement of a general retrenchment order. Includ ing a reduction In the clerical force, wage cuts and lessening ot working hours, to aid, according to the statement, In offsetting declining revenues. About 6,000 men have been laid off since De cember. "Usually at this time of the year we Increase our maintenance force graudually until we get to the maximum in the mid die of the summer, but wo will not do that this year," Mr. Stone said. "We now have about 11,000 fewer men at work than at the holght of our maintenance work last summer. Our retrenchment Is shown better by the faot that we are putting on fewer men than In laying them off. While we are anxlourly hoping for an Increase In rtts. the letrenclunvnt In progress . due to quiet liu.-lnfMS " llAvIno- Oinl Ihn PAtnmlttH wilt tinniA nntv "I started to cry and he drove me out ot cRnt cMfH Bnd lriBn. pcrBOnB are conti his office. That same day he made me d,nt that thfty wnl 8Cicct the full numbci na.v.11 my which lor i.i nnn Dnng niminllowrd Fonr In ICiml, Expected. The expectation seems to be general that there will be at least four cities on the Atlantic; seaboard. In this section, Boston, New York City and Philadelphia havo been namod many times. Between the Allegheny mountains and the Rockies the prophets agree that Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City practically are certain to he chosen and many of them add Minneapolis, Cincinnati and New Or leans or Dallas. Persons who have figured their lists largely on the resources of the national banks which nre to become members of the reserve system, believe only one bmk will be located on the Pacific coast and that at Pan Fronclsco. They point out that In that territory there nre. now only banks with sufficient capital to subscribe to the stock of one reserve bank. Under the law each reserve bank must have a capital stock of $1,000,000 end eanh bank must subscribe to make Its capital G per cent of Its own capital and sur plus. Mnat lie Snlmerlhed by Public, tf the hanks becoming members cannot subscribe a sufficient amount to make up the M,O00,0O0 the stock of the reserve hank Is to be subscribed by the public. It Is assumed here that the committee will not launch the new system In such a way that any bank will be the center of a district which cannot without public subscription take up the necessary re serve bank stocks. Those who use this argument are Inclined to believe that the commlttoe for this reason may establish less than twelve banks. They say that It will bo only a few years when tho Pacific northwest will be able In the course of normal expansion to take the stock of a reserve bank, and that by that time that section will need such a hank. Willi llnrrotYlnor Country. There has been doubt in the minds ot some persons as to the number of banks to he set In the south. Atlanta, New Or leans, Richmond and Louisville have been eatlvc In an attempt to obtain a hank, but the committee has been reminded by others that the south, east of the Missis sippi ilvcr. Is still a borrowing country. Accepting this statement as true, some persons In their prophecies have limited their lists tn ten. They declare that this would allow for natural expansion In the south and permit the establishment of a bank there later. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS MISSPELL ISOSCELES ALBANY, K. V.. March 31. High school students n New York state, who tried the state examination In geometry a few days bko. misspelled the word "Isosocles" fifty-six different ways. It was an ntiunred today. president, declared ho believed Mr. Wilson was actuated by the highest patriotic motives and that thero was no breach In the democratic party. H argued ai length against the president's contention and declared that "tho amaslng request ot the president for the repeal, like the peace ot God, pateolh nil understanding. He disclaimed any personal Issue be- t wee n the president and himself nnd added that It the president had reasons 'which are not utterly untenable and which compel him to make this request " ho had not given them to the house. He differed from the president's statement that loll exemption was "a mistaken economic policy," but admitting dispute on that point, proposed that the exemption be suspended two years. He contended that the president wna mistaken In tnn view that the exemption waa repugnant to the Hay-Pauncofote treaty. In suggesting a two-year suspension of tolls, Speaker Clark said; ' Most assuredly the 'mistaken economic policy reason for the president is tin tenable and fades away before the stub born tactH of our history. As that Is k disputed point, why not amend this bill so as to continue tho present law with the oxemptlon section for two years or suspend It for two years? By amending tho bill, either way, we control the sltua tlon, It thu oxemptlon from tolls should turn out to be 'a mistaken economic policy,' we can repeal or modify It, but it we pass this repeal bill, control over our own canal, built on our own soil with our own money, l.i gone from us and our hears heirs forever and forevor," Will Hnrrcnder No night . "We want war with no nation," said the speaker, "but rather than surrender our rleht to complete sovereignty over every square foot of our globe-encircling domain we will cheerfully and courage ously facis a world In arms," He attacked the attitude of the demo crats who have led the president's fight for the toll exemption repeal. Referring to published declarations that his oppo sition to tho president was "the opening gun of his fight for the nomination in 19JC" the speaker declared he had told all to whom he had spokon about the 1916 situation that If the president's adminis tration were a success, Mr. Wilson would be re-elected and If It wore a failure "the nomination would not be worth having.' As to his own future, the speaker Insisted ho could be happy without the presidency, the speakership, or even wtlh retirement to prlyate life, should his constituency so determine. "There Is no personal Issue between the president of tho United States and my self," he said. "I trust there never will be. I have at no time uttered one word of criticism of the president. At no lime. so far us I am Informed or believe, has the president said one single word ot crit icism of me. I havo never for one momen entertained the opinion that President Wilson is actuated by other than the highest motives. So llrench In Party. "I do not believe that President Wilson has ever entertnlncd any other opinion ns to the conduct ot those ot us who tint It necessary to differ from him on this measure. President Wilson does not rieslro a breach In the democratic party. I do not desire a breach tn the dcraocnitl party, and there Is no breach in the dem ocratic party. I would acorn to belli-e that President Wilson counrtnancei for (Continued on Page Two.j