) , BEE: 0MgA TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1914. y ft MM i - '' - , nTi ., ., II M.l , I I III If - ii. - -r ' i.. ii i .1. -,.,. , . . , - . . . . . A New Dance for You J Three in - . VUHfBRflRHhJEVraD . THLHHMI The. Shift During the Tungo Movement By JOAN SAAVYER. I Copyright. 1911. International News Service. When we were thinking out the steps ot the "three in one" dance we had no J Idea that it would become no popular. ff Of course, what-we wanted was some ( thing new. an. Innovation of some kind to 'l Introduce, andlwe qot it beyond our Wild est drearps. The three In one became so popular that were often Asked to repeat It at the different performances, and now that I am going to explain It In full yon will nee that It is nothing more than a com bination ot the popular dance steps of oday. " . i mm Yoa Can Begin This Great Story To-day by Reading This" First Philip Anson, a. boy uf 13 when the story opens. Is of good faintly ami has been well .reared. His widowed mother i n I ...... .... .1 V, .. 1 V. . . 1 y uuves ana -aies in extreme poverty. oi Mowing. her death tho boy Is desperate. 'On his return from tho funeral, In a violent rain, he ts able to save the life of a little girl, who was caught In a street accident He goes back to the house where his mother had. died, and is ready to hang himself, .when a huge meteor inns in uie courtyard. lie takes this as a sign from lieavon. and abandons suicide, investigation proveB the meteor l?.have hen an. Immense diamond. Philip arranges wltli a broker named Isaacstela to handle hla diamonds. In getting away from Johnson's Mews, where- the diamond fell, he saves a Eri,CfJ?,an',',llt0 'f?m attack by a criminal frtJJSl .JPiky..Ma,8.0n-. He has made xrlendi with Police Magistrate Ablngdorn. and engages him to lodk after his affairs theKstrry ThU e"d8 the " PJ pmiM Sf,cond. Parl opens t(,n yars later Phil n has taken a course at the uni. letlc young man. much given to roaming 2S SflSii ai?ed. nl? raother waa sister ol bir Philip Morland. who is married ami ?5i,iJ5tcf 1?e J now looking for his Jiephew. Johnson's Mews has been turned into the Mary Aneon Home for Indigent ivK'v 1? ,.f Spoon s most notable private charities. Jockey Mason, out ot prison on tlckct-of-leave, seeKs for venge ance, and falls la with Victor Orenler, a master crook, and James Iangdon, step ton of .Sir Philip Morland. a dissipated rounder. Philip saves a girl from insult from this gang, and learns later aho is the same Klrl whose life he had saved on that lalny night. Qrenler plots to get jjossession oi i-iilllp s wealth. His plan is to ImDersonatfl PiilHn nft.. ii. h hAun kidnaped and turned over to Jockey Mason, ugt as this jwiir has come to an understanding, I.angdon returns from tho gtllS homb. Wllfrp hf hnn nt1nmittA u rn. cptlon. The three crooks lay their plans, and In the meantime Philip arrunges o Mrs. Atherly recuvers some of lcr money from Lord Vniistone, her i-ounln, and securea a promls from the daughter to wed him. Anson In lurod by false mes sages to visit a secluded spot Anson Is trapped by a gang at a ruined houtte. He New Buttermilk Product Beautifies Skin Quickly Kvery woman known that buttermilk regularly applied to the face, in the very best beautlfler In the world But to use a sufficient quantity of fresh buttermilk dally Is not only expensive at the end of the month, but Is a messy, unmitigated nuisance. It will be welcome information, therefore, that plain presolated buttermilk emulsion, which keeps tndiflnltely, may Iw used as a toilet cream with even hotter rtsults than the liquid, and with far greater convenience. Owing to its con sistency fend Its condensed form, a small Jar of It goes us far as sixty pints ot fresh buttermilk for complexion purpottes. Also, It renders the usa of oap unnecessary as t cleans th skin wonderfully and Is, ot -ourse. penecuy nannies. Any druggist can supply presolated but termilk emulsion, it is highly recom mended by Sht-rman & Mit'oiuiell Drug .o Uth and I'udge Sts, Owl Drug Co.. Mt! and Harney Sts. . Harvard Pharma" . I' i and Firnam Sis Loyal Pharmacy -7-9 U ltth. HI The three In one., then, 'is a combination of the one-step, tho. waltz and the tango, beglnnig the dance with the one-step movement and resuming it again at the ond. 1 The most important thing In the dance Is., tho rythm. The time must be perfectly matched throughout, so that tho Change from one movimcnt Into another Is as little marked as possible. Beginning then with the one-step, which can bo danced as long as desired, we past into the waltz movement with the Jarrott step. This consists of a long glide, going for ward three steps, pivoting on the fourth, going back three steps and gauging the lis hit on the head by Jockey Mason, who .minks ne has clam tno man he bated, and Victor Grenler helps strip the body. They throw the naked body over a cliff Into the sea, and Qrenler completes his preparations 'to Impersonate Anson. A liote from Evelyn warning Philip of danger Is opened and read, and Grenler tells Mason to call Anson's servant. He finds Anson's check book, and with Jockr.y Mason seta out for the railroad, meeting und chatting with a jural police man on the way. Grenler goes to York and opens communications with Anson's bankers, with Abingdon and Miss Atherly. Orenler secures possession of Anson's be longings, and Mason gets an unexpected summonB to Visit police headquarters. Grenler forges ordcrn on Anson s bank, and determines to swindle Mason out ot his share of the plunder. Mason goes to police headquarterr and thero meets his two grown sonB. The. boys take their father to their room, and tell him the story of how their mother was cared for in her Illness by Philip Anson, and how they were reared and trained at the Mary Anson Home. Mason suffers from re morse, and the Yorkshire policeman In spects the abandoned grange Anson la pulled from the sea by fishermen and taken to a hospital, where he recovers consciousness. The police are notified, ond Anson sends word to his betrothed. Copyright. 1001, by Edward J. Clode. Kvolyn's mestiugn must have caused much speculation as to Its true signifi cance' in the minds ot those telegraphic officials through whose hands It passed. It read: "Am absolutely bewildered. Cannot help feeling sure that news received to day really comes from you. In that case, who Is It who has been wiring re peatedly. In your name, from .Station hotel, York? Do not know what to think. Am going Immediately to Abingdon. Please Send more Information. Suspense unbearable. UVEM'N." If ever theio was need for action It was needed now. Anson's strenuous en ergy brought forth he full strength of his Indomitable will. Tho pallor fled from his cheeks, the dullness from his fcyes. "Dr. t-'carth," he cried, "you must not keep me hero In view of that telegram from the woman I love. Belie vo me, 1 will be werse, not better, If you force me to remain inactive, chained almost helpletw, in this village, and miles away trom oven a te-legraph office. Help me now. and you will never regret It. I ask you" The doctor cut short his excited out burst. "Very well." he kald. "Whatever you do. try to cease from troubling yourself about circumstance which a few hours will put right. ' J must return to my dis pensary for one hour. Then I will come for you. bring some clothes and the nec essary money, and we will leave Sears dale for York at !:M p. m. That Is the best I can promise. It must satisfy you." He gave hasty directions as to his pa tient's food and left him. At last came the doctor with a value. The few Inhabitants of the hamlet gathered to see thtm off, and the fish.er- Now Read On f ? t ? F The AValtz Movement with the position so as not to go twice' In the same direction. Then there' is a light hold while break ing into the waltz tempo, because, on account of the change In tlmr, thero ts one beat extra. This will throw the dancers Into the wait sway without undue hesitation, so that the change In almost Imperceptibly accomplished. In the waltz movement any kind of a step may he Introduced Boston, hesi tation, anything and after the dancers hove danced for some moments they slip Into the tango movement. The waltz time ran be lengthened Into the tango time so gradually that no extra step Is needed. We dance the tango the regular way man's wife was moved to screw her apron into her eyes when I'hlllp Ahdok hnnds with her, saying that sho would sco him again in a few days. At ten minutes past S Anron and Dr. Hearth arrived in York. They hurried first to tho station mus ter's office. Anything for Anson? Yes. Only a few words of entreaty from Kvelyn to avoid further risk. Then to the hotel. Thoy sought the manager. Blit the manager was perfectly civil. The presoncc of Dr. Scarth, a reputable looking stranger, gave evidence that something Important was afoot. Mr. Anson was in hla room at the moment. Their names would' be sent up. Dr. Scarthr quick to appreciate tho dif ficulties ot tho situation, Intervened quietly. "la he alone?" "Yes." "Then It will be better If you accom pany us In person. An unpleasant matter can be arranged without undue publicity." This was alarming. The manager went with them Instantly. They paused nt the door Indicated. "Como with me." said Philip, turning tho handle without knocking. Grenler, Intent on the perusal of a letter he had Just written, looked up quickly. Ho was face to face with I'hlllp Anson. A Set (IrniPiH of (Mil .Sform. The one man stood, the other sat, gazing at eacln other In a silence that was thrilling. Dr. Scaith and the hotel manager en tered and closed door behind them. Grenler adroit scoundrel that he was, was bereft of speech, of the power to move. H harbored no delusions. This The Heavens in April X By WMjMAM V. HHJGK. The sun Is getting higher In tho bky very day. and lengthening the day an hour and a quarter during the month. H rises on the 1st, lf.lh and seth at U.ll, E.47. 5:27, and sots at 6:45, 7 01, 7:16, tho daya thus being twelve hours thirty-four minutes, thirteen hours fourteen minutes and thirteen hours forty-nine minutes long on these dates. On the 1st It Is four minutes plow, according to a sun dial, exactly on time, on the Hth, and three minutes slow on the 30th. According to standard time, It Is twenty-olsiit. twenty four and twenty-one minutes slow on these days. On tho !!st the sun enters Taurus, the null. The moon Is in flrH quarter on the 3d. lull on the 10th, in the last quarter on the 17th and new on the 3tth. On .the 1st and 23th It Is In conjunction with Haturn, on the 3d with Slurs, on the 1Mb with Jupiter and on the 2Cth with Venus. On tho 6th. at S:K p m., it will be very close to the bright star. Itegulus, passing It at a distance or a trifle over half a lunar diameter Haturn und Mars are still In line pos! Mor-s In the evening sky, although Mars one Fuiiy Described Jarrott Step. with but one departure we Introduce, a step where the man tangoes while the girl walks. Thin Is attractive to watch, mainly be. causo It is different. Tho second picture shows the rapid change In position In tho tango move ment. Tho couple may execute the entire tango In the regular position or change to the position Illustrated. This position may bo taken In the waltz movement, too, If desired. In the change from the tango to the one-step, which completes the dance, tno man goes back steadily for several counts, while the glri goes forward, and it will be found that tho' dancers can easily change Into the different tempo. waa no ghoBt coming to trouble his seoul in broad daylight. "'It wns Philip Anson himself, alive, and In full possession of his senses, a more terrible apparition than any visitor from beyond tho grave. His presence In that room meant penal' servi tude for life for Victor Grenler, a prison cell Instead of palatial chambers, bread and skilly In place of Carlton lunches. No wonder tho scoundrel was dumb, that his tongue was dry. He "went cold all over, and his eyes swam. Philip advanced toward him. Grenler could not move. He was glued to his chair. "Who nro you?" said Anson, sternly. No nnawcr. Ah yet the acute brain re fused to work. Lost ruined no escape worn the vague Ideas that Jostled each other In chaos. "Can you not speak? Who are you that dares to usiiip my name, after striving to murder me?" No answer. The shifty eyrs-tho eyes of n detected pickpocket wandered stupidly from PIiIIIp'h set face to that of tho perplexed hotel manager, and tho gravely amused doctor. Philip never used strong language, but he was greatly tempted at that moment. "Counfound you!" ho shouted. "Why don't you answer me?" "I I my name Is Philip Anson. The manager tho hank." As a spent fox will vainly try the last despairing device of climbing a tree In full sight of the hounds, so did Victor Grenier evolve the desperato scheme that perhaps perhaps-he might rarry out a feeble pretenso of self- asstTtlon. If only he could get away. Into the crowded stations. Into the streets, sink Into obscurity while the chase swept past, he might yet endeavor to escape. "You Philip Anson! You vllo Impostor! I am sorely Inclined to wring your neck!" Philip came nearer. In sheer fright lest ' the other mlRht give effect to his word Grenler ngaln backed his chair violently It caught against a thick rug and he fell headlong. For an Instant they all inougiu no had hurt himself seriously. (To Be Continued Tomorrow ) 1 Is going fur away and appearing verj Finall. Haturn Is near Aldebaran In tin Hull, and Mars is near tho Twins. Castoi and Pollux. Venua la coming Into belter view lr, the evening twilight and may easily bt Identified. Jupiter rises on -tho 15th at .VOI) h. m It is still very far south, but separatlni from the nun In the morning twilight. Kastcr falls this year on the 12th of thi month. According to rule. It Is to bi celt bra td on the Sunday following the first full moon of spring, h'prlng iway begins on March 31. The first full moon tftw this date occurs this year on Fri day. April 10. The following .Sunday, th' lSlh, Is therefore tho feast of Kaster. The last time that Kastor fell on the 12th of April waa In !U0. and the next tlmo will be In 19 und 1MB, mid then not again until 1098. In 3,000 yoara this data happens ninety-three times, and In 6.000. im times. The four yars-lS0, 19H, 19S5 and lW-lustrate very nlctjy the tloven-year interval which are of frequent occurenec In Kastcr dates. .Sonic time thl Interval Is broken Into a flic and six-year period, five years being tht vtrr least time that must elapbo before Fatter ran fall again on the smo date i Hints for the IHouko in Moiissellne IJrodce. Coaruo laco combined with hand-embroidered and tuckod lawn form thin fascinating blouse. Tho quaint and altogether new cut of tho ehoulder and sleeves nhould bo specially observed. The Great Champion of State's Rights ny HEV. TIIOMAS Ii. GKEGORV. John Calhoun saw tho last of earth sixty-four years ago, March 31, 1SJ0, yet hla memory Is still fresh In tho minds or his countrymen, and the great principle, to the championship of which he dedl ..iieu nis life, re mains the one vital and all - Important question In our American politics History teaches us that tho one great danger In nil human government la i-en-trallzatlon the ab sorption by a Mingle person, or combina tion of persons, or the popular rights Mid functions. ichuIHiik in the paitlal or 'omplete pnralyslH of in, at political ac tivities anil of loial poIlitiHl freedom. Such das been tho greut till of the pant, and It Is hardly neceshuiy to say that the evil still threatens rvery pieseut-day government. For does not history, furthermore, teach us that power, like riches. Is "de ceitful." and that It 1 never to he trufted unless all du safeguards ure provided against Its abuse. Caonar grows by what he feed on, and tho more au thority he got the more authority he wants I.Ike, the, daughter of the horse leach he cries "Give! Give"; and If he gets power enough he strangle the lib erties he was ralsi-d up to protect. It has happened many, many times In the course of nlstory that the powers dele gated by the people for the wafeguardlnK of their llbi-itlcH have been used for the destruction of thnnu liberties Calhoun knew history uh well a the nchoolhoy know his A n O's. and there fore ho took the ground that If you do not want governmental ier to be abused, you must see to H that the tneuns arc always at hand for Its pretention, should It tw threatened lie believed In giving the states' agents at Washington Early Season f I'auue Noire with Aigrette. A hut with a comparatively wldo brim, made In very gloasy pnnno with n tnll aigrette. Tho bright woathor of rapidly a p p r o a c hing spring makes it necessary to think of replacing win tev garb with something new For tho domi-sai3on tho costume tailleur is the most eminently suitable wear, of which the above is a delightful example with its cleverly-cut and graceful coat, to which tho appropriate plain plissa frill of tho blouso gives tho requisite finish. The tall, well-fitting hat with its neat little tilted brim is en suite with tho rest of the costume. as little power us possible, and in retain ing In and for tho states tho full means of protecting themselves against all en croachments upon their community lights. Calhoun did not believe In the octopus form of government, hut rather In that government which la not only for the people, but of tho people and by the peo ple Ho did not like the Idea ot governillS i he people from u great central bureau. A dyed-in-the-wool democrat, ho hated evory form of despotism on the one side, or wardship on the other. He would have tho commonwealth of the union to be, not wards of the general governmnt, but states, free and sovereign to the full jn all local concernH. If Calhoun had had the writing of the onsttutlon of the United State ho would have put Into It a clause which would have enabled the Texans. for Instance, ttj defend themselves against tho depreda tions of the rascally Mexican marauders, and the people of California to have had Home llttlo "say" regarding the Mon golian Immigration and land question. A puror patriot than Calhoun never lived in our country; and his love for the constitution and the union wau as strong a any man's; but he had a moral fear (and a the stquel I proving, 'a most wIm) fear) of all rentrallzed power that waa not pioperly held In least, by the people IJenco his persistent battle for the principle uf the right and duty of local self-government, commonly known as "states' lights." And that wardship business was an other thing of which the great South Carolinian was mightily afraid. The degradation of France prior to the great revolution wa owing to the paternalism of Ixuls XIV. and his successors. Everything was dope for the peo I'uluted PnruKruph. Klatea speak louder than words over the tolephone. The clean tablecloth catches the car'y when she has the toothache, SomtieHnL S Paris 1 lours ilti rrtntcmpH. Tho early flowers of the wgiibop. uro beginning: to nuvUo Iholr appearance In spring mllllnory. Hero Ib ft clnlnty Purls creation and n model that will bo very pop ular. Tho trimming is sim ple and inoxponolvo. Solo Couicur with Aigrette. A becoming toquo with high crown gathered into a ' broad, Btraight bandeau of silk. to match tho collar of tho gown. Tbe grncofully-turned brim Is lined with velours. ple, and nothing by the people; and the result wbb ruin. Calhoun knew that paternalism. If al lowed to, would eventually do the same thing In America: and he fought it, and fought It with all IiIh might as Icing as he lived. Who shall say that the grand old man did not do well? Planning for the Stork's Arrival Among those things which, all women should know of, and many of them do, Is a splendid external application sold In most drug stores under the name ol "Mother's Friend." It is a penetrating liquid and many and many a mother tells how It so wonderfully aided them through the period of expectancy. Ita chief pur pose la 10 render tho tendons, llgamenti and muscles so pliant that nature's ex. panslon may bo accomplished without th Intense strain so often characteristic oj the period of expectancy. "Mother'o Friend" may therefore bt considered as Indirectly having a spIandU Influence upon the early disposition d the future generation. 'Whatever Induces to the tasa and com fort of the raotbor should leare Its Impretf upon the nerrout system of the baby. At any rate It Is reasonable to belltv) that alnco "Mother's IJrlend" ha been companion to motherhood for more thai half a century It must be a remedy th women have learned tho groat value ol Ask at any drug store for "Mother' Friend." a penetrating, external llqul of great help and value. And write t Itridfleld negulator Co.. 402 I-amar Bids Atlanta, Ga.. for their book ot luefi and timely information.