Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1914, PART TWO, Page 3-B, Image 17

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, 11-
.Leaders of Second District Federation of Woman's Clubs
Mr. Gilbert Campbell will give & ketch.
Mrs. C. U Talbot will review 'Little
Shepherd of Klnsdom Come." and Mr.
J D Itlnner will give a selected reading
Mu Sigma club meet Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. C. Balllet. The
pros-ram on Tennyson's "Idylls ft the
KlnK " Is In charjte of Mrs. George Blck
nell Mrs. Frank J. .Vorton will give the
sources of the Idylls: Mrs. C C. Ilelden.
Oumevere;" Mrs. QeofKe Payne, "Pas
a tiff of Arthur," and Mr, a V. Noble.
Klalne's Sons;."'
The meeting: of the lory teller's see
t on of the Association of Colleirtate Alum
nae has been postponed from April 1 to
April 18, because of Rabbi Slcphen Wise's
lecture to the teachers, which will take,
place on the first date. The meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs. C. I.. Sykcs.'
In the Genoa apartments. Selected stories
win oe told by Mrs. C. W. Axtell. Mr.
Byron Clark, Miss lies Dumont and Miss
MarBaret-Guthrle. A social afternoon will
bo (riven by this section April 15,
The Omaha Society of Fine Arts will
meet Thursday mornlnK at the public
library Exponents of Dutch palntlnR
will be studied under the leadership of
Mrs. Halleck Hose Mlsa t.aura Scott will
have a paper on Anton Mhuvo and Mrs.
Warren nlackwell, thq Marls brothers.
Benson Women's Christian Temperance
union held a meetlnz Krlday at tho home
of Mrs. It. S. Heasley. A Xeal Dow pro
cram was presented. Mrs. J. B. McKlt
rick snd Mrs. Shlnrock of Omaha Kavo
Rddresses and Mrs. Manning, of Omaha
rendered solos. I
Benson Woman's club met at the home
of Mrs. K. C. Hodder Thursday. A pre
1 cram on Madrid was stven. with papers
by Mrs. S. WrlRht, Mrs. C. C. Sawtell
and Mrs. F. C. Thels.
A special meeting will bo held Thursday
at th home of Mrs. t S. Kins to dl
ens plans for next year's course of study.
A regular meeting of the Political Kquai
Ity league will be held Thursday even
ing In the council chamber of the city
hall. Preceding this a meeting of the
board of directors Is called for 7:90.
A regular meeting of the Omaha Suf
frage association will be held Tuesday
afternoon at Barlght hall. Mrs. I. Conner
will give a review of suffrage work all
over the world and Mrs. I.. U Mctlvnlnc
will read "A Minister's Commendation of
i Manor Literature."
j Mrs. J. J. Hess will be hostess for the
Pernio club Tuesday afternoon. Current
topics will be given by Mrs. George T.
Llndsey: "Bamboo and' Coffee Plants,"
Mrs. K. H. Barnes: "Century Plant and
' Orchids." Mrs. Paul A Themansoh. and
: "Oysters and Mica," Mr. J. P. Barnhart.
j Mrs. Bertha Clark Hughes, stato presl
I dent of tho P K. O. sisterhood, will en
tertain the state board April ", 3. 4, at
her home, "Rutherford nidge." on the
Poit Crook road The members of the
state board are Miss Rose Owens. Bloom
ington; Mrs. Anna K. Y. Morgan, Hebron:
Mls Alible C. Burns, University Place:
Mis. KlUabeth H. Travis, Plattsmouth;
0 JTrs. Bruce 2rrCx27duj)i
Women Are
Doing in the World
L'liilt Cnlcndnr.
nUNDAJ-r Voung women's Christian as
sociation vesper service, 4:30 p.'mj Clio
Study club. Miss I.eona Gordon' leader.
MONDAY Prof. F. M. Fling, lecture on
"Reign of Terror," Central High school,
4 p. ij. Omaha Woman's club, execu
tive 1.15, directory 1:30, business 2:00,
open program by literature department
3:30, leceptlon to stato president, Mrs.
A. (. Pcteraon, following. Persian his
tory class, public library.
TCKSPAY Literature department, South
Omuha Woman's club, Mrs. E. M. Sloano
leader. Consumers' league of the A.
C A.. Young Women's Christian asso
ciation. Kducatlonal Bectlon of the A.
('. A.. C'ontral High school. Oratory
department, Woman's club. French his
tory class, public library, ffermo club,
Mr?, J. J. Hess hostess. Omaha Suf
frage association. Barlght hall.
WEDNESDAY O m a h a suffragists,
luncheon for Mrs. Maud Howe Klllott,
Rome hotel. Lecture, "Women In Poli
tics." Mrs. Klllott nt American theater.
ItaVil Stcphon Wise, lecturo to teach
ers, Central High school, 4 p. m. Lit
erature department. Woman's club, Mrs.
C. II. Mullin leuder. Mu Sigma club,
Mrs. Ualllct hostess.
THfKSDA Y-MIss Minnie Bronson. at
Amerlrpii theater, s p. m. Household
economics, Woman dun, airs. v. u.
Bryant, paper on "Waste." Social Serv
ice board meeting. Omaha Society of
Fine Arts, .Mrs. Halleck Rose leader.
Dcr-orrtlve art class, public library.
Stair board P. K, O. sisterhood, guests
or .Mrs. B. C. Hughes. Omaha -Story
Tollers' league. Mrs. P. M. Prltchard
leader. Kmnm Hoagland Flower mis
sion. Garfield circle. Grand Army of
tho Republic Memorial hall. Political
Kqi'all'y lcagic and board of directors,
council chamber, city hall. Special
meeting Benson Woman's club, Mrs. F.
S. King hostess.
FRIDAY Mothers' culture department
South Omaha Woman's club, Mrs. H.
B. Bergqulst hostess. Ladies' Aid so
ciety. North Presbytrlon church1
French history and rlvlc? classes, pub
lic library. George A. Custer post and
relief corps, Mr. and Mrs. Kmery John
son. Frances Wlllard Young People's
branch Women's Christian Temporalis
union. Dorcas Sewing club.
SATURDAY P. 13. O. sisterhood, Mrs.
W. A. Shropshire hostess, n
HIS week, ls.dlstinctly
ouse cleaning
die Easy
Send us your carpets, rugs, por-Uer'.-,
draperies, curtains, tablo
and ruand covers, doilies, chair
cushions, pillow covers and other
valuab'e furnishing", and while
we are cleaning them you'll have
plenty of time to do your scrub
bing and dusting.
Read These Prices
Carpets or rugs dusted and
steamed, Kir per sq. yd.; dusted,
dry cleaned and sterilized, 115c per
sq. yd.
Portieres dry cleaned, $l.fiO per
pair; dyed, S-.fiO per -pair; lace
turtains, 75c to Sjiii.rJO per pair;
tfntcd. Jc extra; table and couch
coverr. 7.1c to $1.2.1; pillow cov
ers, 2.1c to .10c. call us up and
we'll send a man to quote price
on all your work.
The Fantorium
"Good Cleaners and Dyers"
1.11.1-17 Jones St. I'liono 1). 00.1.
X. B. -Wo pay return charges
on out-of-town orders of $3.00 or
The Hamilton Cafe
will aerr a spiclal five-conns dinner
at80c ptrplat, Sunday, March JStK
Tor table rsserratlon phone- Tyltr
1S93. Alfred Jones, I.nt and Mgr.
'visitor's I
week In Omaha Owomciri
circles.. 3Ire A, G. Peterson
of Aurora, NcbJ;' president of
the Nebraska Federation of
Women's Clubs, will be tho
Bucst of the Omaha Woman's club Mon-
j day; Wednesday, thero will be two
visitors, Mrs. Maud Howe Klllott of
Boston, who will speak on suffrage and
reminiscences of her distinguished mother
at tho luncheon to be tendered her by
local suffragists and again In the cvcnlnir
on "Women In Politics" and Kabbl
Stephen WIso of New York, who will
speak to tho tenchers nt 4 o'clock nt the
Central High school; Thursday, there will
bo Miss Minnie Bronson, secretary of tho
National Association Opposed to Woman
Suffrage, who speaks nt the Commercial
club at noon and at tho American thentcr
In the evening; and the balance of the
week, the state board of the P. 13. O.
1 sisterhood will be the guests of the state
president, Mrs. Bertha Clark Hughes of
South Omaha. They are Miss noso Owens,
Mrs. Anna Morgan, Miss Abblo Burns,
Mrs. Elizabeth Travis, Mrs. L. P.. Spencer,
Mrs. L. T. Andrews and Miss Ida John
son. Mrs. A. G. Peterson of Aurora, Neb.,
state president of the Federation of
Women's Clubs, will be the guest of the
Omaha Woman's club, Monday afternoon.
Following tho burlness meeting and open
program, which will be given by the
literature department, a reception will be
tendered Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Edward
Johnson of the house and home commit
tee will bo In charge. The presidents of
the local federated clubs have been In
vited to meet the state president. V
Executive and directory meetings wilt
precede the business meeting as usal. The
nominating committee will bring In Its
report for the coming election. The pro
gram, which will be given under tho di
rection of Mrs. C. H. Mullin, leader of
the literature department. Includes n
lecture on "Modern Drama" by- Dr. Mary
Sullivan of the Omaha High school; violin
solo "Aus der Helmat," Miss Olga Eltner,
accompanied by Miss Ruth Flynn, and a.
vocal solo "Aus Trage,," Mrs. J. E.
Pulver, accompanied by Mrs. Walter
Tho household economics department
meets Thursday morning, under tho
leadership of Mrs. F. J. Burnett. By spe
cial roiuest, Mrs. K. B. Bryant's paper on
"Waste" will be read again. The dis
cussion will center on the waste In not
learning how to cok; a comparison of
prices of articles purchased in delicates
sen shops, bakeries and those made at
home, and waste In fuel for furnace and
range. "
"The oratory department of the Omaha
Woman's club is planning something; de-
cldedly clever and original for ita part
In the law-cost-of-llving show," said Mrs. j
Grant Williams, but she reftito to divulge;
what it may be. No visitors ore per-!
mltted at the rehearsals which arc held
Tuesday mornings In Mr. Ulted's studios.
The literature department of the Omaha
Woman's club meets Wednesday morning
Mrs. C. II. Mullin will be leader of th.
program on Iloitand's Cyrano do Hcfiorac
Mrs. W. A. Eddy will give tho story and I
reading, and Miss Roy H. Wise, an an
alysis of the play.
Mrs. Draper Smith, president of the
Nebraska Suffrage association, will speak
on "How We Secured Petitions In Ne
braska," before the Mississippi Valley
conference now being held In Des Moines.
Twenty states are Included In this con
ference. Among the speakers will be
Jane Addams, Dr. Anna Blount. Grace
Wllber Trout, Catherine Waugh McCuI
lough and Mrs. Grace M. Wheeler of Lin
coln, who will speak on "Nebraska Plan
for Financing the Campaign."
Miss Jane Addams will bo the guest of
the Nebraska delegation at a luncheon
during the conference. Those who will
attend from Omaha are: Meadamen
Draper Smith, E. S. Rood, W. E. Shafer,
James Richardson, John L. Kennedy and
it, f?. Summey.
Last week's number of the Wnmn.'i
Journal, one of the national suffrage pa-
pers. carries a picture of Mrs. Draper
Smith and an account of the filing of the
suffrage petitions with "the secretary of
stato at Lincoln, March 14. "
The literature department nf th Snuih
Omaha Woman s club will meet Tuesday,
at Mnrary nail. Mrs. E, M. Sloan Is
leader of tho program on John Fox, Jr
Ladies' Hats
Made Over
Trimmed in latest styles.
lints cleaned, reblocked or
dyed. Lowest prirea.
Kluliteejitli mid I'nrnain.
hiHimil Floor Ihtvldge Itlock.
Phono T)lcr 1U2U.
Mrs. L. R. Spencer. 1exlngton; Mrs. U
I T. Andrews. Curtis, and Miss Ida II
' Johnson, Unceln
j The Ladles' auxiliary to It'nal B rlth
! met Wednesday evening when the follow
I Inie program was rendered- Vocal solo,
j Miss I.eona Gordon, accompanied by Miss
Bess Adler; aesthetic danolng, Miss Golrile
' Pred; piano solo. MUs Kdna Frolden; talk
' on "Postal Service," Csrl Katelman;
i "H'nnl IVrlthdom." Henry Monsky and
i KdwriYd Simon.
The P. K. O. sisterhood will meet Satur
day nt the home of Mrs. W. A. Shrop
shire, who will be assisted by Mrs. Will
! Campbell. One o'clock luncheon will be
served, following which a program on
art will be given. Roll call will be re
j sponded to by noted artists.
! Tho George A. Custer post and Women's
Itellef corps of the Grand Army of tho
j Republic will be entertained Friday even
ing nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emery
W. Johnson, 2906 Mason street.
The campaign committee of the Omaha
Society of Flno Arts will meet every day
at noon at tho Flatlron building to re
port returns for the art home. At the
regular meeting of tho society Thursday
morning tho constitution commltteo will
report changes In the constitution and a
discussion with regard to greatly enlarg
ing the membership will take place.
Mrs. 1 H. Cole nttended two meetings
In Lincoln Saturday. Mrs. Cole Is chair
man of the scholarship trustees of tho
Nebraska Federation of Women'a clubs
and called this meeting to discuss the fl-
I nances of tho committee. The state
1 president and recording serretary were
j also present A meeting of the trustees
' and the advisory board will be hold later
to award scholarships. In the evening
, there was a meeting of the State Board
I of Charities and Correction, of which
Mrs. Cole Is a member. Miss Edith To
1 bltt also attended this meeting.
The mother's culture department of the
i South Omaha Woman's club will hold a
, social meeting at the home of Mrs. H B
Bergqulst, Friday afternoon. ftlsleal
numbers will be rendered by Mrs John
D ninser, Mrs. J. T. Helgrcn and Miss
; Gladys Van Sant; Mrs. James Lush will
' read a papr and the stories, "Tho Three
! Giants," "The Discontented Pendulum,"
I "Haider," "Pygmalion and Oalatln" and
"Sleeping Beauty" will bo told by the
A regular meeting of the Garfield circle,
Grand Army of tho Republic, will be held
Thursday evening In Memorial hall.
At n meeting of Gettysburg circle. No.
4S, Grand Army of tho Republic last
Wednesday. Mrs. C. M. Peters was en
dorsed for department president for the
coming year. The convention will bo
held In Grand Island In May.
Mrs. T. M. Prltchard Is leader of tho
program for the Omaha. Story Teller's
league Thursday afternoon. Miss nuth
Thompson will tell tho story, "Coming
of Galahad," Mrs. Stephen Davtea Mau
psasant's "Tho Necklace," and Mlsa
Clara Blackburn a selected story. Na
tive birds will bo the response to roll,
JOHN A. SWANSON, President.
WM. L. HOLZMAN, Treasurer.
Great Easter Millinery Sale
Again we demonstrate our wonderful buying power -offering- N6w, when tho purchase of Eaator niillinGry .is
o first thought in the mind of every woman, values that are most remarkable in
Trimmed and Untrimmed
Flowers, Ostrich Noveltie
Hundreds of Trimmed Hats
special tor ims dale $98
An extremely large vari
ety of these hats; every
color and style and with
most any kind of tho new trimmings.
You must see them to appreciate their
style and beauty. Tho low price on
these beautiful hats will surprise you.
Monday only at . . , $3.98
Ostrich Trimmed Hats
Smart sailors, high side
effects and a number of
other stylish hats trim
med with ostrich
plumes and novelties
Monday at $4.48.
Hats, Imported
s and Plumes
Each for Ninety
Trimmed Hats
in Hi in Int. we offer the new Wntteau
effects, bandeau and many others of the
most stylish hats of the season. Artis
tically trimmed yith flowers, ostrich
and ;jet novelties. No two hats alike
each one a striking and distinctive cre
ation. Excellent values Monday at $5.00.
Flowers Flowers
The season's most popular trim
mings. Wo have them in every wanted
kind American Beauties, June Hoses,
Pansies, Forget-Me-Nots, Flowor Clus
ters and "Wreaths; special for Monday
35c, 59c, 75c, 95c
An Endless Variety PARISIAN MODEL HATS On Sale Monday
Thin consists of our entire stock of Parisian model hatB, bought especially for our opening. Values rom $30.00 to $75.00. Tho
styles are magnlflciont, the variety Is large and tho t-j C.00 OVOO fcE!.00 tlQ7 fl
prices are about one-half; Monday J 1 O ipaU xfiJ P JJ
Your Attention is Directed To a Special Purchase of
Go on Sale Won
cay at Ltit Than
Coif To Make
Co on Sale Mon
day at Lett Than
Cost To Make
$1.48 VALUES
All Colors
$1.98 VALUES
Black and Colors
$2.98 VALUES
All Wanted Colors
$3.98 VALUES
Every Wanted Color
$6.50 VALUES "
Black and Colors
Extraordinary Easter Sales of
Women's and Misses
Coats, Suits (EH Dressps
Monday wo will offer more than 350 models. In thiB speoial assortment
are reproductions of now Paris styles in a vision of loveliness presenting all
the new spring shades. Tho materials are Gabardine, Serges, Shepherd
Checks, London Diagonals, Moire, Bengaline and Silk Poplins. These will
be placed on sale in five exceptional assortments Monday at
Values $25.00.
Values $32.50.
Values $40.00.
Values $57.50.
Values $75.00.
Record Sale of Dresses
All Our Display Dresses from our $O50 AJt
Opening, Monday at Special Prices 0
An opportunity to seeuro wonderful values whieh have been admired by
thousands of Omaha's best dressed women.
Confirmation ami clux 1
(Irrxaeii In all th nov.
prln(? allies nl fabrlT
trimmed with dainty lacr,
ill nlr. pfll aluri
59t to S10.00
Spring Coats
llaroly nrr such pretty
Mylra Miown In children'
coat. An flXtniMlve assort
ment of the new niuteiluls,
all lea: special
SS.25 to S15.00
Thousand of clover new untrimmed dress shapes go on Bnlo Monday at a fraction of tholr valuo. We woro successful In ob
taining this mammoth, lot of the season's most approved styles In untrimmed hats, just when you want them, nt astonishingly low prices.
It in impossible to mention the many styls and materials included in this great lot. Amongst which are the Shoo Polish Hat, Bandeau
Hats, High 8ldo Hats, London and English Sailors, scores of other stylos. Monday you will buy