Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 14-A, Image 12

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2d Anniver
14 A
In the Anniversary Sales
Choice of any IMPORTED
Shown During our Spring
Opening Last Week
$ 75 garments for $ 50.00
$100 garments for $ 66.50
$125 garments for $ 83.00
$150 garments for $ 99.00
$185 garments for $123.00
We have planned for the coming
week a series of wonderful sales in observance
of our successful completion of thirty-two years of business in
in is city.
These sales, though they afford exceptional opportunities to econo
mize, aro planned for a broader purpose than to again emphasize our
power to save you money.
they aro to bo a convincing demonstration of our unques
tionable stylo leadership. ',
they aro to -give ub opportunity to. 'acquaint hundreds
more shoppers with our high conception; of ."service."
they will show the vast magnitude and spiendld variety of
our stocks.
they will reiterate our unvarjing policy-of selling none but
worthy merchandise- at any price.
These sales are planned as an evidence of our sincere appreciation
of tho support, confidence and loyalty ever evinced toward- us by the
people of this city and state.
You, the Buying Public, have
made this store what it is.
In realization of this and, in deep gratitude, on this, our Thirty
second anniversary, wo Bay to the people of Omaha and all the west:
All that has gone before will be but a stepping stone to
greater accomplishments to come.
Wo shall unceasingly try to be worthy of the support and confidence
of the people of this community; and build, for them, nnd with them, an
Institution that shall be an inspiration to a united effort for the develop
ment of a greater city and a greater state.
It Miall bo our dally endeavor to serve you better, to bring
you more worthy merchandise, to save you more.
The Perfection Aimed at is Still Before Us
New sales every day this week. Watch the papers.
Silks, Dress Goods
36-inch serge, etc., new shades, Qfln
50c values, on sale at, yard LUU
36-inch all wool French crepes, fash- J r
ionablo shades, 75c values TUU
54-inch Pacific mills $1.25 costume y(n
sorgo, requires only 4 yards for suit. . JJ Q
52 and 54-in. French gabardino ft tn
$2.50 quality, street shades 91. DU
36-inch $1 silk poplin, all shades; Anni
versary prico j.
All woo 500 French challies, dots,
stripes aud border effects
Spotproof foulards in new spring print
ings, 85c aiid $1 values
24-in. yarn dyed satin messalines, all
shades, usual 69c values
ri 1 tf m m .mm .
omarc jo-inca rrencn twill suiting m
silks, in changeable effects $
40-in. stunning printed Canton,
crepe, $2 nnd $2.25 values, yard. . $
Silk and wool poplins and other a
weaves, $2.50 quality, at
iuD suits, yard wide, 7oc value; for
blouses, men's shirts, etc
Women's Garments
Women's good silk mcssalino pet- fll Of)
ticoats, $2.50 and $3 values 3laDi)
Women's princess slips, regularly m pft
worth up to $3, on snlo $.UU
Gowns, petticoats, chemises, etc., gii nfl
worth to $2, at SI.UU
Women's drawers of. good quality or
crepes, worth 50c, at, pair Q(j
Klosfit petticoats of black cotton til flfl
satines, etc., $1.50 garments Sl.UU
Women's house dresses, gingham, etc.; Q7n
values up to $1.50, at Q Q
Long kimonos of fine crepes and lawns, ,nr
worth to $1.75, choice Jq(
A large lot of women's cotton ftft
waists, worth up to $2, special. . . , $ JJy
Silk messaline and jersey princess m nn
blips, worth $5, at $ JJ
Ribbons, Neckwear
Fancy warp print ribbons, 4 to 6 inches i ft n
wide, worth to 29o, ynrd JJjj
Fancy warp print ribbons in new floral ft r
effects, 39e values, yard , &0G
Women's neckwear, endless variety of m
styles, worth to $1.50 jJg
All silk mesh weave veiling, black or rn
white, worth 29c, at, yard Qj
Household Linens lftl
HAii. 1 . r mm.
vunrwu uuuk. tuweis, size zzxsa-m., ex- 7 1 ,
(client 12Vc quality, each aR
TT ... . . ..... "
nemsntcnea towels, all linen or union;
regular 29c values
$1.50 linen breakfast cloths, hem
stitched or unfinished, special
T11A ltAH CotI. 1 . . .
mj.b uuiu iavutua urasn, Dieacnea or I ft
Unbleached, 15c quality llin
$2 crochet bedspreads, full or g
size, plain hem, $1.50 value SI
Silver bleached table damask, all new rn
designs, $1 quality, vard hHR
22-inch napkins, bleached linen, tkl
worth $3 dozen; dozen SI
A fe w
; '.
In the Anniversary Sales
Regularly worth $35, $40 and $50
Two and Three-Piece Styles.
Crepe Meteor Moire
Crepe do Chine Silk Poplins
Charmeuse Crepe Poplins
Corded Suitings Silk Serges
Worth up to $30
Charmeuse Silk Poplins
Crepe Meteor ' All Styles
Crepe de Chine ' All Sizes
Taffeta All Colors.
Moire Novelty Cloths
Taffeta Many Styles
Crepe Poplin All Sizes
Sergca t All colors
MlringMterii Hats During the Anniversary Sales at $22.50
Sttxby .Modil Black Lilian turban, Camilla Roger model,
trimmed aroutyl Uio DVim and bow on side front with black
lllolro HbbOn. .etlRod with itold. Former price, 938.00.
XlObUnitaln Model Medium site, brown Milan, trimmed
with brown nnd tan ooirlch fancies, one on each side. Former
price. $oo.OO.
Tappe Model Chartreuse Milan hemp, trimmed In hand,
some wreath. Former -price, $35.00, -
I-lchUnntoln Model Mexllum sire, black llsere braid, trimmed.
In hair lacn ruff leu and Urnt ostrich fancy. Kormer price, 9SO.0O.
Heart Bsndel Model Teto de negre turban of inullne and
braid, trimmed with high mallne bow and tet de nesre vulture
feathers. Former prlro, $35.00.
Mm. X.onlion Model Purple arid green rough straw turban,
with violets and high flower stlckup. Fbrmer price, $35.00.
$fa Sale of Sheets
Oohassot sheets, size 72x90-inch; dur- rnn
ing Anniversary Sale, each VUb
Oohasset sheets, size 63x90-inch, dur- pnfl
ing Anniversary Sale, each ggQ
Oohasset hemstitohed sheets, size Q(tn
worth 85c, sale price, each ,. Ojjy
Fruit of tho Loom sheets, 81x99 size, 7Pn
worth 95c, sale price y(J
Oohasset hemstitched sheets, size fPn
81x90, worth $1, sale price OB
Oohasset hemstitched sheets, size np
81x99, worth $1.10, sale price QOC
Oohasset hemstitched sheets, size Ofln
72x90; 95o values, each QllG
Sale of - Rugs flj
9x12 Axminster rugs, floral and m r QP
orientals; values to $25, at OlUXu
9x12 body Brusaeis rugs; values ft 17 nfl
to $30.00, at 3)1. DO
High grade carpet sweepers, broom flQn
action, patent dump, at oUu
Fringed 27x54 Wilton rugs, high- gi ift
est quality "Wilton, at ijlju
27x60-incli Axminster rugs, new $l ftft
pattems; values to $3 wlUU
i,, .rr. l . . . . J-",'c. "men uonea net miasummer arms
"! trimmed In Ulhck pdraaise. Former price, $43.60
..35pp .H?1?":131?011 a,n.? wh'e. combination of white vlolat
Clown and blacK moire. HlKh buck brim. Former price. $35.00.
OrOMt Model French blue Milan henip. Watteau
stjle, trimmed In French blue and gold. One-ply ostrich. For
mer price, 950.00.
i?,?bjr "o1 Paon blue. Soft, flexible straw, trimmed with
pinK roses and blue shaded silver roses. Former price, 935,00.
v,, If, -' anuiiiKiii uiue jesnom sanor. laceci Willi
n.0.k.i5u.c,lfSs Ba.u1' trimmed with two seml-shell pink plumes.
Beautiful dress hat. . Former Price. 145.00.
- Jafrla ""t'l Pale pink, Milan hemp, trimmed In pink
nier price. 940.00,
1 Notions
Pine steel scissors nnd sliears,
worth up to 6Bc, pair 35t
000-yard spools best basting
thread, limit dozen spools, 5c grade,
for 2d
Merrick's or Chadwlck's 6-cord
machine thread, limit one dozen
spools, each
Nts, large size, worth 6c each,
per dozen 10i
San silk, all colors, worth 5c, spe
cial, ball 3
Tailor's mending tissue, 5c grade
for ZHti
Hooks, with invislblo eyes, worth
5c, per caTd
Linen tape, 5c value, roll 2d
Women's sew-on hose supporters,
set of four, yorth 25c, at. ...10
Blxby's shoo polish, black or tan,
10c size for 5
Poarl buttons of good quality, all
sizes, worth to 10c dozen 2Ji
Drugs (QD
Infants9 Wear (Q)
X 1J 1 . t
xnianis- aresses, Kimonos, slips, vests, ftft
otc, worth to $1, for uOu
Infants' dresses, kimonos, slip's, worth ftft
to $1.25, in this sale at OoC
ljfe Untrimmed Hats lft
mum nemp untrimmed hats, styl- n rtn
ish shapes, $5 to $7 values wL.I H
Novelty stickups and ostrich effects Pftft
for trimming, worth 98c QjjQ
Hind's honey and almond cream,
50c size bottle for 37J
Pear's unscented soap, the regular
15c cake for
Hubiyant's IdeHl perfume, per
ounce $1.49
La Dlacho face powder, all shade3,
regular 60c box for 28J
Canthrox shampoo, regular 50c
size bottle for 274
Graves' tooth powder, 50c stzo
for 27j
Scott's Emulsion, tne regular $1
sice bottle for 53d
Art Goods Iffifi
D, M. C. mercerized crochet cot
ton, white or ecru, Nos. 3 to 70.
"Pool 00
60c stamped pillow cases, Atlantic
tubing, 4 2-inch size, pair 21t
American Beauty rosea, appropri
ate, home decorations, worth 76c,
l 45
Pure llnn centers, 36-lnch size,
stamped and tinted. 76c value, 45
Richardson's silk floss embroidery
thread, all colors, 3 skeins 5
Knit Hosiery Igfi
vvomen-s ouc iidre siUchose, run of the I ftn
mill, black or white, pair (JQ
Women's pure thread silk hose, black rflh
white and colors, $r value QJQ
Children's 39c fibre silk hose, tan, in
whito or black, good grade, at fjj
Women's silk boot hose, wide r
lisle garter tops, special QQ
Women.'s 59c comfy union suits, um- nft-
brella knee, all sizes, suit ijjjQ
Women's 55c Swiss ribbed vests, hand nnn
crochet beading tops, each tUU
Women's Venetian silk vests, m tin
worth to $2.50; pink or white SI. Oil
Sale of FootwearJ)
I I W T Iff
luary jane - pumps, strap and (18 HQ
flat bow styles, worth $3 ibl.UU
Women's button oxfords, sueae ftjj
and calfskin, $3.50 values wluO
women's pumps, all sizes, but not
women's pumps, an sizes, dut not mi ftn
in all styles, worth to3.50 .. . .Ql.oQ
Women's shoes, silk brocade tops, Aft in
Gaby heels, worth $3.50
Women's boudoir slippers, red, brown
or black, worth $1
Hand Bags
n . ;t i
werumn suver mesn Dags; regu- f)l rft
larly worth to $4, at il.UU
German silver vanity cases, unusual rnn
values, worth to $2, at QJQ
Sale of Corsets ifjl
$3.50 and $4 corsets, W. B., LaVida mi yn
and American Lady ! u
$1.00 and $1.50 brassieres; good fit- prn
ting, embroidery trimmedall sizes,. OuU
New Wash Goodsjgg)
18c Shepherd check suitings, all size Qn
checks, yard yj
15c zephyrs, in fancy checks, stripes, 7,fl
plaids, 32-inch wide, yard 2u
25c satines, light grounds, pretty f)l n
floral and bordered designs, yard. ., J2j
Batiste and, Victoria lawns, 20c grade, in-
36 and 40-inch wide, at lUu
Dress and shirting prints, standard q k
quality, many desirable styles u2U
Silk and cotton crepe de chine, n
39c quality, 27-ihch, at, yam
27-inch white jacquard tussah silk for rn
blouses, 30c quality, yard I DC"
Imported chiffon lisse in stripes, plaids, VI
checks, 25c quality, yard If U
Silk and cotton crepe de chine, floral Q.rn,
designs, 79c values DOu
50c silk and cotton jacquard crepe, ipn
street and evening shades, yard Q(j
27-inch mercerized linen, yarn dyed, ijn
plain colors, 25c value, ynrd g(j
27-inch cotton crepe, floral and jouy n,.
designs, 12Vc quality, at )2U
Ifl Embroidery, Lace iflft
18-inch shadow flouncings and cami- in
sole laces, 39c values y
24- inch shadow flouncings and alio vers, n
worth to $1,00, at 4SG
18-inch silk flouncing, black and cream, i ftft
worth to $1, yard, at 4uG
Assorted laces and trimmings, all de- Qfln
sirable styles, worth to $1 UuG
All linen cluny laces and bands, new ft
patterns, worth to 25c, yard JjC
45-inch skirting and allover embroid- Pft
eries, $1 and $1.25 vaues QgQ
45-inch embroidered voile and crepe, rft
worth $1 and $1.25, at QjJQ
45-inch imported St. Gaul Swisses, em- ftrft
hroidered, worth $1.50 QQ(
ao-mcn swiss ana voue embroidered
skirtings, worth to 59c, yard
TT7 l H 1 a x Mi m . .
wuraen s io-Duuon shk gloves, aouble nn
tipped, Worth 69c, at qJJQ
Women's $1.25 kid gloves, black, white n r
and colors, 2-elasp, at UuG
Women's double tipped silk gloves, j pn
seconds of $1 quality, at 4uG
Women 's all linen embroidered hand- i ft
kerchiefs, worth 35c, at G
Women's 15c linen handkerchiefs, plain ft
or fancy, at, each UC
1 1 L . 1
V5uaa.Br xoce curtains, wiae range mi p
of patterns, $2.50 values, pair J)j hll
Etamine curtains with featherstitch Ai
braid; regular $1.35 value nh(J
Oluny and etamine curtains, regu- mi ir
larly worth $2.25, at SI h
Duchess, point Milan and novelty Ann
curtains, worth to $5.98, at A A Mn
Full size lace curtains, worth $1.50 to in
$2.50, special, each Ijjn
5,000 yards fine curtain etamine, 25c i n i
and 40c values, yard l.C
Etamine, marquisette, voile and scrim, nfl
worth to 50c, at, yard LuG