Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 11-A, Image 11

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    AJ Ji : . THK t)MAIIA SUNDAY BEKr MARCH ','0, 1014. 11-A I
of the Unltexl VV fl V "fV Ik. Vin Wk
Every morning a procession of motor trucks loaded with United States tire leaves the I tilted States Tire mm- yw'jmjjj Juxl( yfeV llllyilPiy l
Pictured above, are the trucks about to unload. This particular procession carried a total of 2.0 complete tires roli&aSi if Mt mf ' vWratiA fiM. 1 iH mIii IllfPr fl
One-half of these tires-are 33'x3". and tlx other 30"x3'i"-thc which arc standard front and rear wheel equipment lmMf, 1
Pulls Enormous Load Up a Hill in Alnnrr flm Great Help ill tlie LJS-- B BM MB 0 I IH
& . . runctures yu o Less I
"Courtesy Is no respecter of persons "' waJ " -p-1 he a - rfr a 11,1 jlH
.1 Idaho Fnll. Mn Thoroughly Drm- The Motor Car fialea company sold an f,a,d W' McDonald', representative of J fB
w,.,,,,, i" Investigations prove that with "Nobby Tread" Tires punctures are !
n w'm T"1 cd; 90 less than with the average tire. !
I ger touring tor to Peter Nelckol of the l "ltlcl a competitor s goods-it re- ,
j M,,,er rnlnc cony' HHriSTSH The big, thick "nobs" on "Nobby Tread" Tires stand out so far from
forty-horsepower cartercar costnR .soo tn ll? i"noTTo loy&louyiryLt' the shoe that nails, glass, sharp stones, etc., hardly ever reach the shoe. , H
I 1M el?pna hlllwPth ulx Md wagons adVl8ed nrlshbor about to aco-"lre nf.nlV'll nM more8 or "ss lit' .... !
I ' and sevemy.nvC'menVttLhedcto Tt?? 3"' 10 "B-y 11 because u'8 R eX'throw u.'tComi am? you Study the "nobs," their size, their thickness, and the way they are placed, H
I lesentlng. u total load of about twenty- will find yourself In the street with an ' 1 m f 1 17i 111 Ti tb
jJ two tons. In the same contest a six- The Motor Sa, cotnpany nas nad ft unsigned order blank In your hand, won- and VOU Will UndCFStand WhV. ' WWM
Mm cylinder, forty-eight horsepower Wlntom bllBV week wth tho Car.Natlon car hav- dcrl"K wn' ou didn't finish your selling wm JTVA XX UUUIOlUllu YTAxy.
1 , car tiPK W.m was driven around a ins nmdo large shipments to Sioux Vails. talk- A1 1 . .11f1 'H
Kv !,lf1by Dr' S"d"a,SS w,thMthhrC" 8- ! Mltohell, S. D. j .Sioux City. Is.; "There is only one sure way of reaching And remember tillS yOU haVC gOt tO We3iV OUt theSC Dig, thlCK, il
n I loaded wagons and thirty men attached Lincoln, and have orders for delivery on a Point of contract with your customer. . 1 U 1 ft 1 r 1 1
HltiK En'TLr tough nobs berore you even start to wear out the extra strong tire H
lons' lnc 0B crowa wmcn wunessea points. tactful, well-manucrcd approach will 1 1 TtT 1 1 m 14 '1
Kr the tests awarded the decision to. the break down a prospcefa guard and hold linnfmPRtn that IS FPS COT! WHV fniPrtS rail NnhnV TrPaflS
B' Cartcroar friction drive machine, whose Jn Us dlvls0n nf tlle bls ,. . wntcr 8 nttcnt01 durJnff tho first three mln- UlIUCi Ulrtt lO VUl I CCiSUll Wily fSApCrLb CclU I'UUUy A rCdUS
Kp load waa not attempted by any other cross-country race which fo innually utes o'f an Interview as easily as tho in '
K make of car. the big motoring- event in Sweden, a varsity halfback will break through the lTvl rHB fc fe k.
Tho pulling contest started with Mr. Studc'oaker "Four" touring car finished freshman line. H 1 W
W Slcko's demonstration of his car hauling morn than eight hours ahead of Its -'om- "Cheerfulness and courtesy are legal H H a Wk
Pgr 6,S0C-pound load of coal around the petitors. making an amazing record for tender In any office or salesroom. They O VP A W fe. H MM HHA jP,
K l"y- He said that the machine could speed and endurance are tho best tools thai a salesman has ill f 1 I IT H MmM '
K. easily pull several more loads and that to work with. Armed with these and with H MIUmH IBRK M V B" 1
a young woman could readily operate The service managers of several of tho persistence, a salesman can secure an In- WK Wk M H fl Wt B U H A.
1 the car. even under the handicap of tho Detroit automobile factories have banded tervlew with any citizen of the United flB W W LJP JL cLL MM MMm 1
B big lod attached. To prove his asser- Into an organization for exchange of states of America. With these he can
H Hon, he then attached two loads of po- views and to secure uniformity of meth- war(, off rebuff( dispel Impatience, and in rrt 1 1, .1 rf It .1 ,t t
f ::SuSf'and L7,edntdhe6nfa,opn6gunthe Sit SlK or thc studcbakcr r-? ongmal wcs-resisting quality, the quantity of rubber, the methods H
.ttee wonrThTa"onelno? 2 ii. e. ofTh7 Nebraska SS acrleemUert r of constructionall have been rigidly maintained in Nobby Tread Tires,
1 . r;!!?. 'vSul&i CU8tomcr wh0 b"ya u" and maintained regardless of cost and regardless of price competition.
H dragged tho big load. ol,t carload shipments Into UiIb territory " '
. At thl. .Juncture in the demonstration and to the three h6uses. Omaha. Lincoln Manager Stolaii oKan'rW asserts "Nobby Tread" TireS are the WgCSt Soling high-grade attti-sldd tlTcS tH
W Dr Suodgrass, representing the Wlnton ana .fttpux t-lty, . that Sam Crawford was offered M3.CC0 for , - f m , , D" , O ,T7
I th1mrlr?coTdd The Nebraska Bunto company de- tVo'ttfc'ffi; 111 UlC WOrld, Hud they 36 REAL ailll-skxd TlFC. - " " "" ,
I cash S Torpfn;.foc?ounec,rBK SfcTSMSiSXb Based upon their remarkable mileage records - '
I siV nttrhoi1 three more wagons Also J. O. Bone of Council Bluffs Is drlv- to the Browns for W.OQO. We ball players ,
1' ' ttrcar' Slck0 attached three more wagons roadster novcr d,d have any BCne. anyway." J ,B
M to the string, two loaded with lumber lnB a now UU1CK roaostcr. ' . a - tH
I thJ-sr Jiff p:rasd nr- s T- .-r --;r - mIT 1 1 W m99 np H
I pounds. TqHJM tho crowd to et onw Ge"BeIenUinffUKen.o. g 1ml . J ..Ajk A
Hf!fis kssh s noDDv lrGSLCl lircs l
I attempted to haul the final load with j A B TM JL JF KsJF RJF W A JL VI41 JL 11
H any other so with the consent the . BUHmmHlHIIjliH " " V MM rM " JH
I Sicko claimed his Cartercar lif A DM cd kimii Arm iiTcn mWJBtmUBBSBNBm iH
I bo the winner of the and issued WARNER NOW AFFILIATED HH.Y!19!HffVVH III III IMM llllIIBWIWWM 1m iH
I a challenge dealers VVITH OVERLAND COMPANY 8riMW llM JviI'iIbM BMMWMMIM VsRrH, lHH 'jH
I to try to match lKun: Announcement ,s made of the appoint- IHPIIRIffflfSfRlH . 11-1 WW
I darrwhich reports the content, tne m0ii;ifls UjgdyifUWiiy are now sold under our regular warranty perfect workmanship and :H
JL rv,rcated a,,d the rsr J-R E ll3B material-BUT any adjustments are on a basis of
" Warner's success in the automobile In- Ml ' '1
T nrrirkTi Hav T'olrDn dustry ha3 been meteoric. Ho was orlg- KWHlaBWH 1 'jH
ijUZilDl Udil XdiS-CU Inally in the wholesale Implement busl- 1 HFfcQl iTt!! J jtf MM MM M
' Out of Production nected the Bulck Motor company as BbhIIHVIH iS Wk (V A flf Wk mWk mWt H 1
-n T m i. m manager of their Chicago branch, achlev- IB tST1W "-fgTwM H jH H II a.
lO! LOIlff leSt lriP Phenomenal success and building up lAdftSdMHiH Bill I MM M
r this business to a point where it is nDwHnHHHH wk I V AmIMv WWm
, , one the oragnlzatlpna BHWyBfMM A ml WL ml W V W V 1 ml H I H H.B
The latest news from the Lozler of th4) Bulck chain of branches. HlHUklSlSXfllH WLW Wk M mM mjf M V MMMlIl
A y tory. where tho new $2,100 Four la tho - ( B ( W flnflBOB 1
ff center of attraction, Is tho decision of . M
Y I. 1'resldent Gilbert to fend a new car right ---.mnrMMMimnMiiMuiiu mmmiri ..iimimmiii
I out of production on a test tpur the RMHijllllIlllllin HHHHHHHH
end of every week. What ' "R2flHBHHHBPr
f sHfSofn? "5""?yil2R2Q2Hw Thousands upon thousands of veteran motorists now use "Nobby Tread" Tires
ij jlP on their front and rear wheels through all seasons, because they kU
oSJf'li TirlfcS'SS S ii fw' fc are such phenomenal mileage tires and real anti-skid tires. H
'Ji came to, .then notified seven men-hea-vy S5 S (lWm I L VBkWl ' ' BHHj
i mep that they had been chosen to take SSS5S S I 11 I BvHmQI II a a BBBJ
SV the car to Monroe,-Mich, forty-five miles, S25 I Pj BJV I I I 0fr 1P J
Srgp s s r : United States Tire Company
""K9 "owner8 would th'nio putUnVhis sasssss NOTE THIS: Dealers who sell UNITED STATES TIRES sell the beat of everything. jH
j car through tho test we put that Four gj A ll f t i J
1) through." said Chief Kngineer John G. an W III Y I J I 1 Jr S il
Perrtn, out of the party, on his return, w w p wJ.a.
"When only a few miles out of Detroit S 5 tl
we flaw it was going to be a gruelling trip j ( "T" , v tH
because tho frozen crust of the road had B 'tft wrTfCfT r B BBBI
tiaL melted ai.d left an almost bottomless B 1U1 X X VV-X V ,
wallow of clay. We kept a record of tho n H
perftrnlance of the car and found it had S l
S''.irr,r. a1,?-'"" That the Marmon "48" S WM
in Selling Motors j un aersf roal cTndf- It1fll IC llV AlTlflntf I
"Because a. large chare of the present- S , . , M V fl B I wfl I fl H MV B 1 HI M i H WA B B fl B fl B Hrl fl Wm flflfll
day buyers have cwned cars and are buy. ZlOHS, XHOXl 3TIV OtnQT CSLT 1TI ff AiJL A ML M WW WW kzificEh r'r A JL JL 5 wl A A W Iflfll
Ing again they have convictions that B , U H fl F (!
I cause salesmen to believe they must re- fl XII 6 WOrlQ. f
sidu In Missouri. Vl
"The Informed buyers of today must be tug ilj
shown. They take nothing for granted. m This is not merely a "claim" nor an "as- ,- - -- il
KSK:szrs -d-- im.).-. r u QPR Af!IIF Pia Sfll
I figure they paid for enough experiment- B pared to prove to you conclusively. There JW H IkJJL llilVjU JLim k ICtft iH
I ing when they footed the repair btiii of g are other features in this car and in the S Hflfll
fl their first car. and naturally they don't g Marmon "41" (a smaller six) which it will S '' lfll
II v propose to do the 'same thing over and ! , , . . . iWWm
U over .gam.' B pay you to know. Will you ask for proof? m iHQTRlRI TTflRQ ImW
"Now the successful manufacturer muet B LJm.VJ 1 IV I LIU 1 VIVO lfi
IwK' r.ot only demonstrate to knowing buy. fl mm )!
I kWk ers the worth of hli car, but he must fl ' 2 ' 'iBfll
fl. alwi see that the owner get continued mm IVlY'inn AllfAmnml C ! iflfll
M ,rvlce after the sale." commented W. IVIrtriUn .UlOmODlie VO. H
Hp u Huffman of the Huffman Auto com. 2101-2103 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
W Zml?rzzZ c. w. McDonald, Mgr. j 1608 Harney Street, Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 1815
Wjt la what he represents it to be Is glad ut mm fl ' H
n the change to back It tp any way the 2 , fl !
J public seea fit. ' flflWW Over Sixty Years ?? Successful rianufacturin'jM WMM WWw
V i