Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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    HIE BE ft: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1914.
Tho Bee Publishing Company, Proprietor.
By mall
per year
Uinta ot
Entered at Omaha postoffleo as seeond-olasa matter.
By carrier
per month
Dally and Sunday rS
Dally without Sunday
Rvening and Sunday
Kvenlng without Sunday
Rllniliiv nnlv
Knd notice of change ot address f ".LV.Vtiinn
irregularity In delivery to Omaha Be. Circulation
rtemlt by draft, express or postnl order. f Pn'
cent postago stnmps received In Payment of "i a I' ac
count. Personal cheeks, except on Omaha and oaitern
tvhariKC. not fteceptid. ..
, - offTcbs
nnuha-Thr Bee Rulldlng.
outh Omaha BIS N atreot
t'ouncll muffs 14 North Main stteet.
I4noln-Ifi Little Building.
'mVagft-SOl Hearst Building.
Ne York-Iloom MM, J8 Wfth avenue.
Ht Loulr-MB New Bank of Commerce.
WashlnRton-TK Fourteenth St, N. w. ,
Address communication relating to news and editorial
matter to Omaha Bee, Bdltorlal Department.
KEli I IUA 1 1 V CI BC L" I j AT ION"
Eit -if Nebraska, County of Douglas. s
rjwlitht Williams, circulation managsr of The n
Publishing company. being dulv sworn. ttJ M?a;
average dally rrcutatlon for the month of Februan.
PWIOHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager. ;
Sufc.erlbed In ray presence and sworn to bofore me J
this 2d dav of March. 1914 . .. I
ROBERT HUNTBIt, Notary I'udiic.
Subscribers leaving tlio city temporarily
should liavo Tho Dec mailed to them. Ad
dress will be changed ns often ah requested.
Whatever you do, do not fall to sea that tho
early fly gets tho swatter.
An Opportunity for Omaha to Grasp.
The announcement by tho railroads ot spe
cial rates to the Panama exposition Is a ro
mlndor that Omaha is tho half-way station on
the main artery of transcontinental travel over
which a larger number of tourists will pass
next year than over bofore. This la tho natural
point for travelers to break tho trip, and Omaha
should make itself an Inviting stopover place.
But what special facilities or accommoda
tions have we provided for the comfort and. con
venience of strangers? True, when wo l:.tvo
conventions in jour midst we look after the dole
gates and accompanying guests, but what do we
do for tho tourist who just stops off with no
particular meeting to attend, and no acqualnt
nnceshore to give him pcrsonnl attention? Tho
truth is Omaha hns sadly neglected this kind ot
visitor. Ho Is left to his own resources, not
only without help to gratify his desire to see tho
city, but kept in ignorance of what attractions
Omaha has to offer.
Most other cities of our pretentions provide
much better for the stranger. Street signs tell
Jilm bow to find his way about; public buildings
and places of interest nro laboled; street car
conductors call the streets and assist puusen
gers to find their destination; tho clubs ami
churches take pains to offer hospitality; a per'
manent reception committee Is on deck all tho
time; nothing is omitted to make every visitor
see the best side of the city and its people. It
should bo rcmenibored that tho tourist is on the
move, and that he Is going to make compari
sons; that his report of observations to frinndn
on his return homo Is sure to Influence them In
Omaha should wuke up to the opportunity
which is in front of us.
That Legal Cleanup
Don't be in too much of a hurry to put your
winter overcoat In storage.
Chcor up, the Icq man will soon be around
to take the placo of tho familiar old coal man,
A lot of folks would bo willing to bo classed
as "unomployod" if thereby they got into tho
John D. Rockefeller class.
Spring is horc, according to the calendar,
but it will not bo tho real thing till the dando
lions blossom.
Texas Is about tho best state in the union
to havo stationed on tho border ot tho Rio
Grande, for you remomucr tho Alamo.
With tho militants, Lloyd George and .Ulster
on Its hands, dear old Jolly, England may well
be conaldorcd as having Its hands full.
It turns out that Adolphus Busch, the St.
Louis brqwor, left only a paltry $40,000,000.
Still, that is equal to tho prlco of 800,000,000
beers, ,
Orogon Is lo vote on a constitutional amend
ment abolishing tho state senate. It Is not
made clear whether tho move is In tho interest
of economy or only of honesty.
Dolectlro Burns' story of how ho bought a
clear track for tho passage of a bill through tho
Quebec legislature might easily fit several other
law-making bodies not so far distant,
Everybody is boosting for a big church at
tendance Sunday and hoping tho churches will
bo ablo to hold a snug margin of their influx aa
permanent gain It is up to tho preachor,
Kansas City is completing a J20.000.000
union depot; Chicago Is planning a C5, 000,000
unlou depot. "When It comes, Omaha's nood not
cost as much as either, If only it is not delayed
many years longer.
On Going to Church.
And they aald, we taw certainly that the Lord wa
with thee; and wo nald, let there be now an oath
betwixt us, even betwixt us and thee, and let us
make a covenant with thee. Oenesla xxvl. 28.
Ablmelech, with his Philistine cMoftalno,
followed Isaac from tho vnlley of Oerar up to
Beer-sheba to mako this poaco offering. They
had struggled with him In tho valley, their herd
men had contended with Isaac's for the water
from tho wells, which Isaac rodug after his
father Abraham, but struggled In vain, The
Isrnolltlsh leader was faithful' to the promiso,
hooded tho volco and received tho benediction
of tho Lord, vanquishing the Philistines. In
other words, Isaac had made good and that 'was
why Abimclcch besought him with this proposi
tion. (
It was true then, and it is true now, that
you cannot gain and hold tho interest of lien
in an individual or enterprise that is not mak
ing good. That is tho sum and substance of 'ho
saying that "Nothing succeeds like success."
It Is infectious. Men readily fall In with what
ever Is taking, going ahead, but not easily with
what Is going back or standing still.
Our idea is that tho only thing tho church
has to do to sccuro the advantages derived from
such sporadic efforts as this "go-to-church"
projoct is to make a conspicuous success of its
Job; to do it so woll as to mako mon see that the
"Lord is with thee." In that event It will aor
havo to run after tho Abimelochs and tho Ahut
zaths and tho Phtchols quljo as much with so-
many now plans of. attraction, but, rather, wo
fancy, will find, as Isaac did, a turning of ho
pursuit in its favor. (
Truo, it was not until Isaac had built his altar
nl Beor-shcba that ho heard tho Lord say. "I am
with theo," repeating tho covenant that ho had
made beforo with Abraham. But tho building ot
tho altar, Indeed, the repairing to Boor-sheba in
the first placo, was only In complement of tho
vlctorios of faith so sublimely achlovod in tho
valley of Oerar. This evident awakening in tho
forces of roltglon is inspiring. See how men ot
all classen fall in with tho promotion schemes.
But tho real victory and permanent success that
must do tho attracting and holding in up to the
church, which by this token is confronted by a
superlative opportunity,
The British liberals may critictso and cen
sure their king all they pleeso In tho Ulster or
any other controversy, but he can continuo to
do what in his Judgment seoms best without
fear of a recall petition.
Perhaps you havo noticed that Omaha has
moved Up two nptches in tho bank clearings
scale, ranjtlng fifteenth now, instead of seven
teenth among Amorlcan cities, while standing
about thirty-sixth in population.
It is grievouB to tho heart to note this sharp
divergence of views botween such comrades aa
the Chicago Tribune and Victor Murdock, who
stood shoulder to shoulder at Armageddon. But,
alas, 'twas over thus. Tho best laid pluns of
men and mico gang aft aglee.
A good many mm will remember when Uanna.
cme down through the Dakotaa and Into Nebraska
distributing funds right and left. ovan sending some
committeemen from $10) to t00 without any request
being made for lt-World-lterald.
Possibly, but even more mon will remember
how in the famous battle of 1004 Mr. Bryan's
brother-in-law. Tommy Allen, came back from
Wall street with $15,000 or $20,000 ot T. For
tune Ryan's good old coin to boost for democ
racy in Kobraaka.
rnoM ace rtcj
The rwiharmonlc society concert drew but a amall
audience, owing to the atorm and mud. although many
tickets h4 been sold. Tho soloists from abroad ere
Mies Maul. Mr. Estabrook and Mr. Northrup also had
m.TVu he Pr0frram- D" BUkeJey conducted and
Martin Chn accompanied.
ram am street btwwn ii...ii..i. . .
. almoat tm ' TmptyTac taw
thC.r ,"U H,rwi ,trtet- dicing over
the arrival of a ten-pound boy at his house.
The roller ekating rink entertainment will be In
' ueneiu lor J. C Elliott.
MU Sophia Wohlford was th violin, ...
" ' ,UfP "t evening at her horn, on North
Eighteenth street. Thos present Included Misses
Lcrn Brom Bd "a Eckulund. Cosjrrove
and Ttllla Wohlford. and m...
al'dlJtoo1neynnr B0TtnMtn' ty, JUxott,
C M. Eaton aad J. M. Emery have dissolved their
.1 wi,, wnicn win be cAtTied on by
Mr Emery a the Omaha Stove Renalr wnrv.
Addle Peck" will be rewarded for returnlnr it.
Omaha Heal Estate Values.
The salo at public auction At a lot with
negllglblo improvement at tho corner ot
Twonty-fourth and Farnam for the record prlco
of $100,100 testifies to tho strength of Omaha
real estate values, and tho firm confldoneo thut
exists In tho city's stability and future growth.
In this case tho price is considerably in excess
ot what it was generally expected the propert
would bring, and tho sale is sura to stiffen
values all along the lino. It should, and cer
tainly will, stimulato local real ostato Activity
and strongly reinforce tho advico that well
placed Omaha real estate Is about the best in
vestment In sight.
Mountain and Molehill,
Thoso august Bonators, who marched up tho
hill with so much gusto on tho occasion of Am
bassador Pago's London speech, now havo tho
exquisite nlternativo of walking down again.
Tho demand for a verbatim reading ot tho
speech In tho sonato has boon me', the Monroe
doctrine Is still extant, tho Lord is in hi holy
templo and tho government at Washington lives.
Tho speech, after tho reading, was reverently
consigned to that tomb ot eternal rest, whence
goes all such innocent Instruments onco they
havo served thotr little purpose "referred to
the committee."
Let this be carefully noted in passing, that
the channels ot publicity, as well as tho am
bassador, havo been vindicated, Tho wording
of tho speech was substantially ns reported in
tho press dispatches. Tho newspaper corre
spondents had not garbled it. Truth is, tho
senators, who raised tho hubbub, seem to bars
been the only ones at fault in the entire situa
tion, tinloss, possibly, it might be deemed un
wise for a diplomatic representative abroad to
make any Bort ot a speech whatever bo7ond thu
most perfunctory, such as might bo heard
around any ordinary elub house dinner table.
All honor to the valor of our aanatnrUi
custodians of tho Monroo doctrine, but In this
case they scorn to havo suceoded admirably in
making a mountain out of a molehill.
Governor Morohead eeenis to have decided
to go on the congressional race track in defer
ance to his implied promiso to seek a second
term In the executive office. It goes without
saying that this example ot self-abnegation will
have a powerful influenco upon President Wll
son whenever he is reminded of the one-term
plank In bis platform.
Why should Maryland arrogate to Itself the
msiincuon ot erecting a monument to Admiral
Schley? There Is honor enough to go round.
Cnrloon lllls thr Stark.
OMAHA, March 26.To the Editor of
The Bee; We wish to express our ap
preciation ot the cartoon In The Bee,
whloh referred In auoh a striking manner
to one of tho big oventa of the week the
gathering of out-of-town merchants In
the Omaha market for the purpose of
buying spring stocks.
It was such a particularly happy and
apt recognition of the Spring Market
Week that we desire to congratulate
both The Bee and Us cnrtoonlst, Mr.
Donne Towell, on Its conception and
publication. ARTHUR C. SMITtr,
Tresldent M. B. Smith & Co.
Wlinl'a the aiolter -rvlth Prrnuhemf
SILVER CREEK, Neb., March K.-To
the Editor of Tho Bco! What Is the mat
ter with the preachers? They are getting
hysterical. Are they afraid of losing
their Jobs? When they look on their
empty pews and consider the annual de
oreasA of the percentage of gain In
church membership well they may be
afraid. But why should they be afraid
If they are honest men ot being de
graded from their high catling of para
sites and drones and forced to eat their
bread In the sweat of their faces?
If men do not go to church It Is be
cause they find little there' to attract
thrm and muoh to repel. Without an
Invitation flies -will swarm Into an empty
sugar barrel, but not even a governor's
proclamation could Induce rhem to go
Into an empty vinegar barrel. If In the
blazing light of modern civilization and
tho wonderful advance of knowledge In
cvfry field of human endeavor the
churches are fast losing their hold on the
mind and hearts ot men, why should
not that fact too be taken as an Import
ant factor In tho lifting up and better
men of the ruman race? I so regard It.
In appealing to the governor to Issue
his proclamation asking the people - to
go to church tho preachers admit the
weakness of their cause and their fear
of Its downfall. In appealing to the
strong arm of the law the preachers ad
mit that they have lost all faith in the
strong arm of the Lord'Vthat Ldrd who
onco solemnly promised to give them
whatsoever things they might ask In Ills
name. In their desperation and terror the
preachers havo now exalted the governor
above their Lord. The harpoon of truth
hns entered their vitals and not even a
policy of "watchful waiting" Is necessary
while It does its proper work,
Tn tho term "preachers" I do not mean
to Include priests, rabbis and the proph
ets of tho minor seoin. Aa yet they do
not appear to be Involved in this ntous
lacksonrlllf! and Oinuhn.
OMAHA. March 2C.-To tho Editor of
The Bee: In view of the statements made
recently In an Omaha newspaper compar
ing the- electrlo lighting situations In
Jacksonville and Omaha, I feel that an
Injustice is being done the city and the
Interests involved. It has often been said
that nothing la so fatso as a part of the
truth; and this form of deception has
certainly characterized all of tho state
ments made.
Efrt has been made to compare the
alleged rate of 7 cents in Jacksonville to
the 12-cent portion ot the Omaha rate,
no mention being made of such current
ns Is sold lighting customers at 1 cent
less than Is even. claimed for Jackson
ville. The Injustice of this distortion of
facta Is only partlatly demonstrated by
the fact that for every unit of current
sold for 13 cents by the Omaha company.
three and One-third units were sold at 6
cents, to lighting customers, to say noth
ing of the discount of & per cent allowed
for prompt payment. But these compari
sons are of interest only when the whole
truth Is told. In stating tho charge made
tor current In Jacksonville tho fact that
every small consumer pay to the olty.
In addition to the rate of 7 cents per kilo
watt hour, a charge ot CO cents per
month, Irrespective of whether any cur
rent Is furnished or not. has either pur
posely or Inadvertently been neglected.
The effect ot the Jacksonville rate can
be most forcibly demonstrated by actual
application. Consider the lighting charges
for the residence of a well known Omaha
citizen, B, O. Babcock, Wfl South Thirty
fourth street. In January nine kilowatt
hours were used, for which tho charge
Was 11.03. In Jacksonville the charge
would bo $US. In February and March
five units were used each month, for
which the charge was 67 cents. In Jack
sonville the oharge would be S5 cents. In
this Instance the average rate for three
months In Omaha was 1L4 cents, as
against 14.9 cents, tn Jacksonville, Here
there Is a very apparent difference be
tween the claimed 7 cents and the actual
rate, of 14.0 cents.
It Is ot no little Interest to note that
all Interest, depreciation, and, as a matter
of fact, all overhead expense In Jackson
ville Is paid out of the general tax
fund, while tho charge for current pays
only the major portion ot plant operating
expense. At the same time the city of
Jacksonville la losing annually almost
190,000 property tax alono on the electric
lighting plant. Contrast this to the can
dltlon in Omaha. For every kilowatt
hour sold by the Omaha company at
12 cents, S.S cents are paid baoU to the
cty. In the firm ot taxes, which with
the free renewals of carbon liimi. more
than offsets the apparent difference ot
4.4 cents In the rato and no considera
tion of the' Jacksonville 0 yearly serv
ice has beon made.
Considering tho matter from another
viewpoint, It Is evident that while the
majority ot the Jacksonville lighting
customer pay a service charge of fC
a year for which no cuVrent Is delivered,
tho Omaha company pays In taxes al
most IS.W for every customer supplied,
and does not require either a minimum
or service charge from any lighting cus
tomer. In the statement ot charge ror In
dustrial power, the sin ot omission has
again robbed the article of its truth. In
the first place limitations aa to the time
ot day this power Is available precludes
Its use for most Industrial purposes,
whereas. In Omaha unlimited use of
Industrial power Is offered at rates
averaging lower when all charges are
In supplying power to customer In
Jacksonville, eaoh customer must either
pay to the olty the cot of erecting the
transmission line running to his service,
the cost of transformers and meters,
or pay one cent moro for all current
I claim that Omaha has never lost a
new Industry as a rosult ot high power
costs, a statement endorsed by the Com
mercial club, and as a matter ot fact
many plants have been attracted by our
rates, and seoured through our efforts,
F. A. NA8H,
Tresldent Omaha Bleetrlo Light and
Power company
.Not I'nlr to Other Candidates.
Kearney Hub: This thing of John O. Yeiser get
ting himself Indicted by tho Douglas county grand
Jury as an advertising turn In his governorship cam
paign Is not fair to other candidates. He should
have It called off at once.
UmurrrcU nn Old Chestnut.
Beatrice Sun! You've heard that old story about
tho lawyor named Strange who wanted his tomb
stone to bear this Inscription, "Here lies a lawyer
and an honest man." Well, that would be a good
one to spring In Omaha whero lawyers are being In
dicted for fraud, hold-up and every form of shys
terlsm. I.uvTjern Should lOcn Out of Trouble.
Wayne Herald: It would 'eem that lawyers ought
to be able to keep themselves out of trouble, but late
Indictments in Omaha prompt the suggestion that
they are not always able to do so.
Example Inrltm Imitators.
Auburn Granger: An Omaha attorney got slapped
In the face by a wonisn In the court house. If the
women are working for reform this lady began at the
right place, ns our attorneys need an occasional call
ing down.
ItlBht IMnce for Reform.
Beatrice Sun: Hastings has aspirations to put on
metropolitan airs, since It has the new hotel with
the manicure parlors. Tho Tribune catls Upon the
Adains County Bar association to have the grand
Jury sit tn Hastings, and cloan up the crooked law
yers, all same Omaha,
Let Clrmilnir I'roces Go On.
dialling Luii tern: There must be a mighty rotten
bunch In Omaha If one can believe half the reports
published In the dally papers of that city, and prob
ably the actual truth Is worse than reported. Tho
grand jury hag finally got after them and quite a
number of Indictments are reported, Tho dirty outfit
Includes lawyers, capitalists, shady woften and
young rake?. Homo of the persons who at one time
wore powerful nnd popular are found to have private
habits and dealings that would disgrace the very
dregH ot tho ditch. And to think that the great legal
profession of Omaha should furnish the majority of
tho Indictments. There Is no excuse for a lawyer
being crooked. He who Is supposed to know the law,
and bus sworn to uphold It, deserves a greater pen
alty than the ordinary Ignorant crook. It Is to be
hoped that the cleaning process will be continued
Twice Told Tales
Krpm Monte Carlo.
Glenn II, Curtlss, the aviator, was walking on the
sun-drenched terrace beforo the caelno of Monte
Carlo. On tho right the blue sea shimmered. On
tho loft the huge casino gardens filled the air with
glitter and perfume. Great, ocean-going yachts rodo
In the harbor, and in the luminous air monoplanes
and hydroplanes swooped and darteu.
"And to think.'' said Curtlss, "that all this shlnlnj
beauty derives from roulette! To think the bank's
gains give us all this!"
"Tho epitome of Monte Carlo lies tn the glowing
cablegram a New Yorker sent to his ,wlfe. Afttr
praising the delights of Monte Carlo, theKew Yorker
ended his cablegram with theso words: .
" 'Won much, lost more.' "St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Perfectly Safe. (
Mrs. Cupron saw old Uncle Timothy starting away
on a fishing expedition and, knowing how hard his
wife worked, thought it a good time to reprove htm
for his laziness.
"Timothy," ahe said, "do you think It's right to
leave your wife at the washtub while you pass your
time fishing?"
"Yassum, miss," replied the old colored man; "it's
alt right. Mah wife don' need any watching, Bhoil
wuk Jea' aa hard as If I was dah." New York Globe.
The Vanal Way.
The limited express tore madly along through tho
midnight darkness. Suddenly the alert 'engineer
sprang to the lever and set the brakes. The sparks
flew from tho mils aa the locked wheels slid along
aa with a cry of pain. The lights wero extinguished
as car after car toppled front the rails. Then came
a shuddering silence more terrible than the harsh
grating of Iron and steel.
Some passengers made torches from fragments of
wreckage and searched for doad and Injured. A
sound singularly like a snore Issued from a pile
ot debris. Hastily removing several pieces of twisted
Iron, they dragged forth a alumbcrinr porty-.
"Great heavens!" thoy exclaimed. "Didn't you
know there had been a wreck?"
"Well, gemmun, I aho' felt somcthln,' but I done
thought we was couplln' on de dlnln' car at Jack
eon." Youth's Companion.
What He Did.
When a well known official waa appointed to his
first post In India, ono ot his subordinates who did
not know him tried to find out from a brother offi
cer what sort of man they would have to deal wlth
Tho dialogue went something like this:
"Does ho play bridge much?"
"Not much?"
Billiards, maybe?"
"Nothing to speak of."
"Any good at chess?"
"He Plays badly." ,
"Does ho go In for outdoor sports?"
"At long Intervals."
"Then what on earth does he do?" asked the be
wlldered man, finally.
"The rarest thing possible," snapped the other.
"He works." London Mall.
People and Events
-Wife John, how Is It tnat line In the
old sortg goes? Is It: 'Those blissful
days Of long ago," or
Hub 'That blissful daze of long ago,"
my dear, Philadelphia Ledger.
"How's business?" Inquired the life In
surance agent. .
"Haven't turned a trick this wcok,"
said the book agent.
"8ame here, lil tell you what I'll do."
"lit buy a set of books It you'll, take
out some Insurance." Pittsburgh Post.
'What Is that army officer who had
charge of the enlistments doing on sis
"Still working on his Job."
"How's that?"
'He's recruiting his health." Baltimore
"That man Is an Idealist."
"Yes," replied Miss Cayenne; "but so
many Idealists are people who do not
fully understand what they are talking
about and take refuge In poetry." Wash
ington 8tar.
"Why aro you going around In that
horrible coat?"
"My wife neds a new gown."
"You shouldn't spend all your money on
"Well. tf she doesn't get that new gown
I'm afraid she'll get a now husband."
Louisville courier-Journal.
"Father," said a small boy, "what Is a
oemagociie ; '
a aetnagogue. my eon. is a man who
can rock tho boat himself and persuade
everybody that there's a terrible storm
at sea. Woman a Journal.
"Why. do they havo 'tormentors" on the
l supposo one reason Is because they
(cant keep oft of It the people who only
I think they can acf-Baltlmorc Ameri
meant that. Ho said It was unearthly."
-Llpplncott s Magazine, ,
"So ho praisea ner sinsnn.,
"Yes; said It was heavenly.'
Mll.l h reallv say that? ' . ...
"Is this a hlgh'bred dog?" . .
"Yes, madam; he's a skyo terrier.
"Isn't he Just heavonly! ' ,,.,,
...... a . i t t rnii-ctmn.
tics ir.e smr ; " " .
madam-tho dog star, I might say. -Bos
ton Transcript.
Over 100 Frenchwoman now wear the "cross ot
the Lt?gton of Honor," but few of them have achieved
such International fame as Sarah Bernhardt, the latest
recipient ot the decoration.
Whan Dr. Sophonlsba Breckenrldge, professor of
social economy at the University of Chicago, waa
admitted to tho Kentucky bar, having studied law
In her father's office In Lexington, sho had to swear
that she "had never borne a challenge nor fought a
Miss Haxel Hulie, a young Trenton (N. J.)- girl,
will In a few days start on a Journey half way around
tho world to marry Arthur C. Bowman, a man whom
she has never seen. Despite the fact that the two
haVe never seen each other, both say there Is nothing
unusual In the case.
' Dr, Kmcry Marvel of Atlantio City, N. J., absent
mindedly loft a tube tn a patient's throat after an
operation and the patient narrowly oscaped death In
coughing It up. Now the patient Is In court asking
tho doctor to cough up J15.0O0 damages. Reciprocity
In coughing looks good.
A very Interesting poker game operated In one
ot tho rooms ot tho national capltol In Washington
has been broken up by the police and the' tools and
contents of the "kitty" confiscated. The daring cut
prlta wero employes who needed somo diversion to
chase away the dreary Idle hours between pay days.
Rev, Edward II. Smith, a "marrying parson" of
Oshkpsh. Wis., famous for the number of ceremonies
he haa perform!, has opened an office In the busi
ness section of tho city for the greater convenience
ot those getting married. The office Is close to the
olty hall and court house, whero licenses are pro
cured, and la comfortably fitted up to aa to be suit
able for a ceremony.
When the city of New York condemned, a certain
piece of land In Mount Klsco, N. Y for watershed
purposes, tho owner, J. W. Gorham, refused to give
It up. Accordingly, eight employes of the water de
partment split the house which stood on the property
and tora down that part which stood on tho con
demned strip ot land. The house la cut cleanly and Is
uninjured, except that on side is open to the
"Well, not exactly, but
he probably
A, L. Salmon tn Judge.
Since on the -greens we chanced to meet,
No more their solitude is grewsome,
Sweet is a foursome, but more sweet
A twosome!
Across the turf we ramble far
And with the hazards try our chances;
To me tho ohlctcst hazards are
Your glances.
One eye upon the ball, and one
Upon your race oi raumni touij ,
Of course, my pull has seldom done
Its duty. ,
I feel a craving for a kiss
If we could only lose the caddlel
With sudden courage I dismiss
The laddlc.
The tees are sweetened by your smile.
The putting greens become Elyslan:
And when I drive, your looks beguile
My vision.
To make a score Is little catch;
I do not play for fame as do some.
If I can only win a match
At twosome.
Proof Awaits
That the Marmon "48"
will carry you and your
passengers over rough roads
with greater comfort and
safety than any other car in
the world.
This is not merely a "claim" nor an "as
sertion." It is a fact which we arc pre
pared to prove to you conclusively. There
are other features in this car and in the
Marmon ' Ml ' (a smaller six) which it will .
pay you to know-. Proof awaits you.
Marion Automobile Co.
2101-2103 Farnam St., Omaha, Nob.
C W. McDonald, Mgr.
I feel as though I'd been their guest"
SAID a man at the end of his trip over the Baltimore
Sc Ohio. A splendid roadbed, a comfortable, up-to-dato
train equipment, the beat cooking of the beat
food, and the best service tn the diner and the grandest
scenery anywhere, had combined to give htm that
"here's-where-I-betong" feeling. He had realized tho
Baltimore & Ohio policy, which la service.
Seethat your ticket reads via
Baltimore & Ohio from Chi
cago east. Liberal Ktopoverw
permit you- to make it a vaca
tlon trip or to look after busi
ness at the Important points.
Write us for Interesting book
lets telling the historical
scenes along the way.
Choose one of these splendid trains
Xo. 8 The Interstate Bpscial Leaves Chicago 11 a. m.
Drawing room and compartment sleeping cars and ob
servation sleeping car.
No. 6 STtw Tori Umlted Leaves Chicago 5:45 p. m.
Drawing room sleeping cars and observation parlor car.
These perfectly appointed steel trains are electrically
'equipped, complete In appointments, of strictly modern
construction, with exceptionally good dining car service.
Other high-class through trains leave Chicago at 8 a. m.
and 9:30 p. in.
All trains leave from Baltimore & Ohio Station, Fifth
Avenue and Harrison Streeet.
Specify the Baltimore
& Ohio to Washitgton
and New York
Ticket Office t
S, O. BTB02M, Trav.Ung Passenger Agent,
812 Woodman of the World Blag.. Omaha, XTeo.
Baltimore & Ohio
"Our patttngert are our gutttt"
11500 Farnam Street. w Tearsam. otfiea. Phono Dong. 17M
Extracting 2Sc Op jmfM&k. nisilae Tocth gapplled
Filling BOe Up WXXSOtSA without rtatea or Bridge
firldgeworU . ...t2.B0 Up k5 sW work. Nerve removed
Crowns $2.80 Op Xljy ffTfll without pain. Work guar
I' la tea $2.00 Op ii! I anteed ten years.
Everybody knows
where The Bee Building is
Can you have a better
address for your office?
For offices apply lo the Superintendent, Room 103,
The Bee Building Co.