Swappers' Column ' AR a never used stovepipe rauiator, to heat an upper room; also a iilfh fu.00! s,,lt; very P0011 condi tion. What have you? S. C. 60S Omaha 'jj .V waP Rood ciuarter section of agricultural -land on railroad In sotith fP ,So".ln Dakota for vacant lot. house, 6t0c.k, bonds, or what have you? Have iuv w iroao tor a tirst class dia mond or will buy if bargain for cash. Address. 8. C. SSI. Omaha Bee. WOULD like to hear from somone having a motoroycto to trade for a p-r-feet one-half curat blue-white diamond, diamond cost $125. Address S. C. SSI. Bi-e I ers'an lamb lady's coat, 41 bust, 46 length, hardly worn, made to order, latest model; want some eas balance homes, or what nave you? Quick a,n JVJr J"n leaving Omaha. Address S. OOOD, small boy's bicycle for sale or trade! boy outgrew It. What have you? ?ne bicycle Is in good condition and can be used by boy between & and a years of age. Address 8. C MO. Bee. HAVL a nood. sightly lot, north part of city, for trade; valued at $360. What IaVe yu In exchange? Address S. C. oil, Omaha Beo. .iHAY? R Prmtosraph machine for mul tlplo letter work, prints through ribbon like typewriter; electric motor and hand power, cost $335. "Will trade for cheap jot or land. Addrea S. C. 656. Itee. SHETLAND pony, 4 years old, pertectly gentle and broken for children; a flno little animal. What have you to offtr Address 5. C. 665. Bee. WILL swap typewriter for Victrola or 3A kodak. Address S. C. 308, Bee. HAVE three pallor chairs and one par lor table, slightly worn; tho chairs are of mission design and are good for con siderable service; will exchango for bid fttrnlture or other useful household arti cles. Address S. C. 652. Bee. HAVE three lots In llawlston will swap for city property, or what have you to offer; will consider good lot In either Omaha or South Omaha. Write at once. 8. C. 53S. WHAT have you to trade for a small Hound Oak heating stove used only one month? Complete with pipes and an extra xet of grates. Address S. C, oti. Bee. W ANTED To swap a steamer trunk in flno condition for a Morris chair, or what? Address 3. C. 617. Bee. HAVE typewriter and flat-top" desk; also 4x5 camera; want Turkish rug. or what have you? Address S. C. 650, Bee. CLEAR lot, exchange for any kind of auto In running order. Address, S, C, Sis, Bee. 'GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Bear Traders in Corn Suspicious About Bottom of Prices. WILL trado a sewing machine fftr bookcase or buffet. Address 8. C. 5S8. Bee. SOLITA1IIE pledged $30, cost $120. Ticket cash, or what? Address S. C. 606. Be. TALKLNU parrot with fine cage lor desk, safe or what? Address 8. C. SSI. Bee. STOHKD In my attic is a lady's oalt writing desk worth about $2. What have you to swap for It? S. C. 588. care Dee. WHAT have you for flegant mahogany dresser and chiffonier? Address S. C. 577. Bee. HAVE 1KK equity in cottage; will ox chango for auto, or what? Address S. O.. 576, Bee. WHEAT IS RATHER QUIET Crrenl Dor Not Shnrr Much Ae-lli-lly und Price for May nnd Inly f! Fraction of n Cent I.oiTrr. 1 HAVE a good, healthy yearling colt I would trade for calves. Make mo offer. Address S. C. 6S4, Bee. WILL swap Hanger bicycle for pup. Address 8. C. 534. Bee. bull I HAVE a few city building lots to swap for a good truck or hlgh-graJe automobile. S. C. 620, Bee. l'HINTINU and painting wanted in ex chango for dentistry. Address S. C. )". Bee. GOOD leather top buggy to swap for phonograph, or what hav.e you to offer? Am tearing down bain and have no place to keep buggy. a. u.. hoc. Oood chance. Address WHAT have you for 40 acres, Hayes Co.. Neb.? Acldiess 3. C. 503. Bee. TO swap one J-drawer 6x8 card cabinet for typewriter. Address 8. C. 525, Beo. WILL swap White Holland turkey t.m for two turkey hens. Address S. C. oil. Bee. I WOULD like to swap With you; you take my first-class piano and I wint twin motorcycle or your camera and caaii Address S. C. 553. Bee. HAVE full blood white rock cockerel which 1 will swap for another white rock cockerel that I can uso for breeding. Is a fine, full grown fowl and not qulto a year old. Write at once. First good of fer takes it. 8. C. 635. CLEAR lot fpr rooming house of 10 or 12 rooms. Address, S. C. 658, Bea. One fifteen light, acotylene. What have you. Address 8. C. 639. ONE double-barreled Ithaca hammer less shotgun; good condition; will swap or sell. Make offer. Address S. C. 664, Bee. 1 IitJAL ESTATE FARM RANCH LANDS FOR SALE. Minnesota. BIRCH railroad ties. Tho railroads are now paying 30 cents each for birch rail road ties In Douglas county, Wisconsin. We have land near the new Soo line, on which there are ties enough to pay for the land and lots of other timber In ad dition. Wo sell on cany terms to the ac tual settler. Farmers' Land and Cattle Co.. Ltd., Globe Bldg., St. Paul. Minn o THE MILLE LACS REQION 18 THE very .heart of agricultural Minnesota; level, fertile, clay loam lands, two hours' ride from (Minneapolis, at $15 per acre aro loo cheap to last long. Secure your land before prices go up. Call or wrlto for map and full Information about our state and unlerslty land running 30 years at 4 per cent. Dally land excursions. Experi enced field men to show you around. Now la the time to get over the ground. A, E. Jphnson Co., SOO 1st Ave., Minneapolis. Ncbrnakn. FOUND 320-acre homestead In settled neighborhood; fine farm land; not sand hills; cost you $300, filing fees and all. J. A. Tracy, Kimball, Neb. FOB SAXiE OR EXCHANGE It. B. OFFICIAL publication concerning soil, climate and crops of Wisconsin mailed freetto .those addressing Wisconsin State Board of Immigration. Capitol 1000, Madi son. Wis. Ex-Candidate for Minnesota Governor Is Now Under Arrest MINNEAPOLIS, March 36. While sev- eral hundred peoplo looked on and cheered, James H. Peterson, recent can didate for governor of Minnesota, was arrested tonight, loaded Into a patrol wagon and taken to police headquarters. Mr. Peterson had clashed with two traf fic policemen, who claimed the former candldato had violated the traffic or dinance, by Insisting on walking diagon ally across the Intersecting streets. Ho was allowed to go on his own recog nizance on his promise to appear In municipal court tomorrow. Peterson was defeated as a candidate for governor at the republican elimina tion conference last week. Lata tonight Chief of Police Martinson ordered tho charge against Mr. Peterson dropped. Ha will not appear In court. i .i. OMAHA, March Ifi, 1914. During the time that long corn was being shoelod Into the nit In large qiinn titles yesterday bear traoers believed that tho bottom was likely to fall out of that market. There was good buying, how ever, and when tho dny s business was at an end one could hear the traders In that pit Inquiring as to tho interests absorb ing Hie corn. Tho "cotton crowd" in this grain, and tho principal bulls In the market, are placing their orders through ono houso and they aro being executed through other broKers. It Is probably being done for tho purpose of covering up tho tracks of bull speculators In the .May tuturc. W. T. Hill of the Teasdalo commission Tiouse of St. Louis, one of tho largest f.fts concerns of tho Bouthwest, was on !".. oard ot Trade yesterday talking bullish on corn, lie says that the south west will eventually bo forced to como to Chicago ror supplies, as tho Argentine corn cannot be shipped back Into the in terior Of the .ttntl twir.txi-lnir ll.o l!.ilr owing to the fact that the local freight 4d. No. 1 Manitoba. 7s 44d; No. 1, 7s jmii: .no. 3, is Z4d. futures, steady. March. 7s M; Ma, 7s M, July, ?s J,d. CORN ?pot, steady; American mixed, ft Mi La Plata futures, steady; July, 4s Tftd. MS1V YORK OUMlll.-.:, MARK KT (Isolations ot the Hay tin Vnrlnun rimninilltle, NEW YOIIK. March 26.-FLOlTn-Steody; spring patent. $4.7tfirl.!; win ter straight. $4.3fw84.50; winter pat ents. $4.SOfj4.W; kprlng clears, $4.20ffl4.J5: extra. No. 1 winter, J.H3.; extra, No. 2 winter, $8.46413.60. , WHEAT-Spot. steady; No. 2 hard win ter, $1.01, o. I. f Now York, No. ! red. l.toW elevator; No. 1 northern !uluth, 11.03 V f. o. b.. afloat. Futures Inactive; May, $1.01 11-16; July. 97Wc; 8opt. MHo. ?.OPB---Stfudy ; tate, common to choice, J918. JMtUci 191x tJOIc; Pacific coast. 1913, 19fllc; 1912. isni9c. lilDlCS-Meatiy; Bogota, SOWflSllie; tentral America, 304c, PETROLEUM Steady ; refined. New ork, bulk, $5.25; barrels, $S.75; cases, WOOL-Steady; domestic flctco XX Ohio. 27c. COUN-Ppot. quiet. No. 3 yellow. 76Hc, o. 1. f., to arrive. OAT8-siot. steady; standard white. 4 4GHo; No 3, 45tM6c; fancy clipped white, 4n4SHc . HAV-sleady; standard. $1.00; No. 1. M M 4lfl.0T.; No. :. 95c; No. 3. S04I90O. PROVISIONS -Pork, steady; mess. $23.25 t(23.3it; family. U4.OOH2C.dC: short elmrn. J30.25tf2t00. Beer, steady; mess. $1S.OOV 1S.60: family. $19.00020.00. Cut meats. Hteady; pickled bellies. 10 to 14 lbs.. $14.21 rate would bo ugalnst a movement of this I ?14.W): pickled hams.' $14.00tri4.W." Lard. sieauy; miuuie west. JIU.WW1U.W; rotlned, easy; continent. $11.15; South America, $11.. 6; compound, firm; $.251JS.62H. TA LLOW Quiet ; city. Hc nominal; country, fttfic; special, Vic Bt'TTER Unsettle!; lecelpts, 7.&4S tubs; creamery extras, 25H(tj20c: firsts, 2$Utl' 25c; held extras, 23ifr24c. CHEESE Steady; receipts, 1.510 boxes; stato whole milk held whlto specials, l!c; colored, 19',c; white average fancy, lSHft ISSic. EGGS Firmer; receipt. 25.020 cases; fresh gathered extras, 31H$P22c; firsts, 19U Sf20c. POtTLTRY-Drescd firm; fresh killed western chickens, 10C24C; fowls. 14tflSc; , SEVEN-ROOM, modern, 100x160 lot; will trade for smaller placo or acreage. 3340 (Franklin. Webster 4079. RESTAURANT and cafe, one of th best equipped in Omaha; large business: fine location. Ownor's press of other business compels quick sale; $7,000; great bargain; cash and time. Attractive op portunity. J. II. JOHNSON) 578 Branded Bldg. WANT automobile for K0 acres, all un der cult., 16 miles north of Lincoln. Price, $e,400; $3,600 -6 per cent- Address B 211, Eee. REAIj ESTATE LOANS. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Om. Nat. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1MB Omaha Nat Douglas 2715. $JC0 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. noCITY LOANS, Bemls-Carlberg Co., u 310-313 Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. RATfVTN RRDSJ Loans. $500 and up. Lr.ri.llV .UN Omaha Nat. Bank. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 222 State Bank Bldg. CHINESE BRIGANDS SACK CITY OF LUNG CHU CHAI PEKING, March 2fi. "White Wolf," tho Chinese brigand, and his followers today captured and sacked tho city of Lung Chu Chal In the province of Shen SI. They killed 230 of tho Inhabitants and wounded and captured many hundreds more. The terrible depredations committed by "Whlto Wolf" had hitherto been chiefly confined to tho provinces of Hu Peh and Ho Nan and many thous ands of Chinese regular troops are In the field against him. T. M. A. RAIDED THIRD TIME; Y0UKER PUT UNDER ARREST kind Ihe room traders In corn, led by James Rlordati, arn backing up their opinions In a substantial way, and tho former sut- speculator SAlcl last night that the corn, market at Chicago Is divided into two Tactions, which Includes the bulls and bears, and that nearly every bear In corn Is a republican. Tho bulls are mainly uuiiiuvinis. It Is onlv of the leading bears, which Include James i alien, Joseph Patton. Arthur Cuttch and a few others, who are woll known re publicans. Cash corn was unchanged to lc lower. Wheat was rathor quiet, as ha boon tho Case during previous sessions of tho week, and prices wero HQ-He lower for May and July, while September was un changed. The bears wero In control fol lowing the early strength, and they sold freely In tho absence of a cash demand, transactions today at Chicago being only 40,000 bit. Cash wheat was unchanged. May oats showed tho greatest weakness yesterday, as that month was undr con siderable pressure from longs. Cash oats wero unchanged. Provisions wero active, with an In creased trade, particularly In May and July ribs. Clearances: Wheat and flour, 271,000 bushels; corn, 1.0W bushels; oats, 46,000 bushels. ' Liverpool close: Wheat, unchanged to Hd higher; corn. Hd lower. Primary wheat receipts were 661,000 bushels and shipments 599,000 bushels, against receipts of 45fi,00u bushels and shipments of 370,000 bushels last year- Primary corn receipts were 837,000 bush crs and shipments 5S7.000 bushels, against receipts ot -90.UX) bushels and shipments ui o.i.to Dusncis last year. Primary oats receipts were CO0.QO0 bush els and shipments 757,0u0 bushels, against receipts of 400,000 bushels and shipments of 444.000 bushels last year. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat; No. 2 hard, S5Hfl!7Vic; NO. 3 hard. 84W064e; No. 4 hard, 8084c; No, 3 spring, tfott87tfo; No. 4 spring, 83$5l4c. No. 2 durum, SfcflrtiUo; No. 3 durum, Mi83c. Corn! No. 3 whlto, 66WCf7c; No. 3 white. 66H07c. No. 4 whlto, C44f(Vc; No. 2 yellow, 66Q6GMc; No. 3 yellow. 66614c: No, 4 yellow. 04C5io; No. 2, 6!4gS6c; No. 3, 644ft5Hc: No. 4. C3',iSWc. Oats: No, 2 white, aHiSTKHic; standard. 39c; No, 3 white, MVio; No. 4 white, 3Sc. Barley: Malting, 635f62c; No. 1 ftedjSc. Rye: No. 2, 68flSrtc: No. 3, These 'sales wero reported Wheat; No sales were made. Oats: Standard, 1 car, 33c. No. 3 whlto, 11 cars. 3SV4C No. 4 white, 2 cars, S8c. Corn: No. 2 wjflte, tj cars, 67c; 24 cars, GOVic. No. 3 rfhltc, 3 cars, 67o; 1 dar, mic, 3 cars, 6flHc; 2 cars, 64c; 3 cars, 66c. No. 4 white, 4 cars, t3c; 1 car. 6ic; 2 cars, B4tfc. No. 2 yellow, U cars, Wic. No. 3 yellow, 1 car, CBWc; io?i cars, 66c; 13 cars, 65c; 8 cars, 66Hc; 3 cars, 65c. No. 4 yelldw. 1 car, 6J4c; 3 cars, G5o; 2 cars, 64ic. No. nuxea, i car, 60Mc; 2 cars, 66o. No. 3 mixed, 5 cars, (BHe; 6 cars, C5c; 1 car, 640. No, 4 mixed, 1 car, 65c: 2 cars, 61c. CAR LOT RECEIPTS. v.iiaiitv J St. Louis 83 Chicago 19 Kansas Cltv i Winnipeg jgj .Minneapolis 2$R Uuluth it CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS; Fen t n r en of the Trndlnir n.t fi.i Prlcea on Iinnrd of Trade. CHICAOO. rw,i, .!o ... clopcd in wheat today, chiefly owing to &'Lfa-vorable Seller and crop reports ;J?tm anM8'. Tllcro waJ a steady close, lvJtli,.ha."?A.rkt nP ni the samo OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET little over 5.WX) head short of the cor :ci'ondlng period of 1913. lo.1h's market was practically a rct'OUIInh lit tmtfmlnv llnvira atartn.1 Good Cattle Generally Steady and CJ Others Slow to Lower. igei.vn.ui. si.ly offered a good excuse !." '"'i "'' "d packers refused to ..... ,, ... uttr their early bids to any appreciable HOGS SUFFER ANOTHER BREAK I Meht, , that when the first sales were Tnt Sheep Mtrndy to l.ltllr Slruiurr Fnt Imnilm MlrniiR o Ten to I'lflrrn t'esli Hlnlier Thnn AVrdnrmln. . SOUTH OMAHA, March 2fi. 1911. Receipts were: Cautr. Horb. Sheep Off tola I Monday 4,(WS J.KS3 16, iinauy niMdc pricts ere close to 10c oner inati UMnwdny'i average Ship pers and sjxxulators failed to furnish much competition, and while they did buy some hogs that exactly suited them the demand from this qilurttr was poor. letter on In the morning bids In a great mihy eases trnit)ir.n.i nn i,..t jshade. and while there were doubtless NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Slow Decline in tinuc. Shares Con- MOVEMENT UNUSUALLY NARROW In l.nle Measlnn There Is Same lirntemeni nnd Flnnl Clinni.es Arr Unlntporlnnl. NKV TORK, March 26,-The slow de- many nogs sold at a flat dlmo decline a 1 e'"10 ln "tocks rontlnued today. It was nuiniHir oi mo sRieanien did not quote ?. "ragging, spiritless market. Specula- Offieia w ""S-m fit-j itiji? Jh1 K'""' thing the market can aKKrislv0 and .nidations slipped down Fst mt Th rf1ft? Ji'A? t'-'.W ii'Sw N'. iu'twl as M(K. lower The genera J rrtncipaily because there was an ab- Lstlmate Thursday 2.103 1..000 opinion was that tht-.lusiits-,,"uie offer-1 c,ao of 'mnd. The movement was li-fini. .1.1-. .ii l. ri 7i "jjYi'a ; irk. ",RH wn" "f,t "lte io uxid as on Wed. "r-l-'"la,,y narrow. In thn late session J "ilr..'Ift."..,h R wr!'k- i2? ' nesdny. nnd thl is i , u !?.T . t tede was some Improvement and final .?"r,n. 3.?" Le taken into con.idotVnn n 1 changes were unimportant. '. " ; - " i .VCS-Uie average markets f, , i . ...U" l'cuialve opinion again -. whip nhj. HRO..H.M. w.vuj ii ..ii. . 1" I short Side mid tli ilnv' i San i. d M i w.? K ii "ii w i ft ,s ' "" ,ot "' " lo IS.M'4 '--1111011 in wun me trend of oanm c ajs last ear..... 14, 100 41,. 30.110. Henresentatlvo ' Remarks were attributed to l no lollowlnsr tat, I.. .Iwitn. if-(tln!ji ! . nev tfMiprnl innitnlnir I .O. .r. MM. IT. V. I u at- m inie, nuKs and heep at tne souin 11 yniaim live slock market for the year to 41.. date as compared with last year: ; " , ... in. inc. nee. 1 5,a"8 21fi,.'A9 227,053 . ... 10.5.V) MOKS TICCIM - t I !' m 1JT.:: .. . :;i """" 1 m. ",,vvi DUI.OH MyZ, 111S.I1T The following tablo shows the rnnne of prices for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market for the fn- ,iv. nin, tompaiisons: Oftte. 1DH. Hsu, lists, Aiar. 10.1 h sju-l 8 32 34 K S9 C 40 8 4 IS bOHI 6!' 6 5 Mar. ill Mar. I' I s ini wr, 13.1 8 .Mar. II.. X Ml. XTi it) .- 1M.111 . 1 . , .... " -. W til, ,1 iv -,) - lit 1911. ,1910. H901).. UM. e 75110 ti 6 5S I SS C 80'0 J7 W I 3 10 371 6 4SI 4 JS 6 Ml 6 47 4 17 Knuans Cllj- (9 ml 11 nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March M. WHEAT No. ! hard, $7dtDlc; No. 2 red, DIJWIc; May. S6&o; July, ac. SoN- J nxel. 69O70Kc; k0. 3, CT(8Hc; No. 2 white, 71c; No. .1, 6Sff69Wo; May. B9HT9Mc; July. 70c. OATS-No. 2 white, 40He; No. 2 mixed, 400 nUTTKR-Crcamory Joe; seconds. Sc; packing, 144c KGpS Firsts, 17c; seconds. lHc. POULTKY Hens, 16c; springs, 15c. 23c; . K ST Mar. 19. 8 jc Mar. 10. ft &st! Mar. 21, ui Mar. 23.1 g Ku war. 23. s esf.l 6 Ml 87. ) 8 74 f Ml 8 70 0 8 tt ft 73 7 101 8 811 7 06 6 9J tW10 U, 6 4 6 .r,10 .IS, 6 61 4 43 V TilO 351 R Ml 4 M 6 UI10 5I 6 IM 4 M ' 10 611 HI 4 t 6 36 I C 441 4 38 4)1(10 M I 4 13 fi 47110 491 34, 8 4S'I0 Oil fi V, 4 71 41(10 fil fi M 4 M r no ti)i it ,vsi 1 w Sunday. " ' Itecelpts and disposition of llvo stock ,L ,i . ori stDCk yard, Sou' Omaha. ;.viMle tw;anL''four hours ending at 3 o clock yesteiday; miCKIPTS-CAnS. Cattle. HoBs.Sheep.Hr's. va se 09 91 The police early this morning found " J ST . T 'T 'h ?MJ beer in evidence at the rooms of the ing staples all iinwH ii vr.,'.ca Theatrical Mechanical association and ' ?rn, Vi&ic to c. oata placed the bartender, William Youker, I a net decline. c to HWc and provisions IR ,A . ,Y0J.f? .u"'f 'r.om corn at- orderly houro. This is tho third time the police havo raided tho club rooms, tho members contending they have the right to operate as a social organization. WANTED City loans and warrants. AV. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam. CITY and farm loans, fi, 5H, 6 per cent. J. H. Dumont & Co.. 1603 Farnam, Omaha. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City Nat. Bk. Bldg. 1 REAIj ESTATE WANTED. FARM WANTED Wanted to buy lm proved farm, 160 to 200 acres. Stato full particulars, price, terms, etc. Address K 203. Omaha Bee 9. WANTED TO HUY. WANTED Booming house, containing twenty rooms or more, all modern, within walking distance of business district. Will buy furniture, for cash. Address Y 476, Bee. OMAHA UHNURAI. MARKET. under arrest, charged with keeping a dls-1 most at the outset of trading, lto" ...v-.. uvci uiucii 01 tne winter wheat region, complaints of dry weather continued to arrlvo from Kansas mir whil'iffc th0 w?stern half of thef state where it was said that moisture was t ill lf'dnoBnoaseriotdai?a,g0rnil atna. 'N.'.eo'nk.k0 Jr'tS wheat hTi" 1uan'"y of hard wlftw Wv hadul'oe? disposed of lato yesttr- th?eceo1I0I..b.V''.'.adcrs.gav. At one time-the wl 0Wun.8. seabo'U0"01 tlne oYferlAgsat'tho" ter'.tjvelfihed In thotet.,d Highest prices paid for furniture. D.3971. LIVE STOCK MARKET OP AVEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and cureful atten tion. ljlvo Stock Commission Merchants. MARTIN BROS & CO., Exchango Bldg. House Passes Bill to Bar Pauper and Convict-Mad6 Goods WASHINGTON, March 2G.-Afler a vig orous partisan parliamentary struggle the house today passed the Hensloy bill IJffiS? u,,ef sprats. "Jg prohibiting the lmnortatlon of convict I potatoes. Dr lb.. 7c: celery, d and pauper-mado goods from foreign i g ffiaSflflow; r'il countries. It provides heavy penalties for beans, per hamper, 14.50; cucumbers, per such Importations. The republicans led doi., JIM to 32; asparagus, per doz., 34; BUTTE U No. 1, 1-lb. cartons, 77c; No. 1, 60-lb. tubs. 27c. CHEESE Imported Swiss, 30c; Amer ican Swiss, 24c; block Swiss, 22c; twins, 21c; daisies, 21c: triplets, 21c; Youna Americas, 22S: blue label brick. 18o: lim burger, 2-lb., 20c: New York white, 2tc. FISH-Whlte. llo; trout, 18o: large crap pies. 12c to lie; Spanish mackerel, 16c: shad roe .per pair, 60c: salmon, 11c; hali but, 12c; buffalo, 9c: channel catfish, 16c: pike, 12c: pickerel. 9c. POULTRY Broilers, 2-c; hens, 14c; cocks, 9iic; ducks. 14c; geese, 10c; turkeys. 25c: pigeons, per dozen. .20; ducks, full feathered, 11c; geese, full feathered, 10c; squabs, No. 1, Jl.6032.00; No. 2, 60c Wholesale prices of beef cuts effective today in Omaha are as follows: BEEF CUTS-No. I ribs. 18c; No. 2, 16V4c; No. 3, llMc No. 1 loins, l9Wc: No, 2. 17c; No. 3, lltfc. No. 1 chucks ilWc No. 2. 10j;c: No. 8, lOUo. No. 1 rounds 14c; No. 2, 13Wc; No. 3. Uc, No. 1 plates. 9V4c; No. 2. ike; No. 3. 8c. ' The following prices are furnished by the Olllnsky Fruit company: FRUITS Sunktst oranges, 96, 126. 160. 200, 210, .".76: 260, 28S. 324, 32.6a Lemons: Sunkist Uolden Bowl, 300 and 360, J3.S0; Red Ball Silver Cord. 300 and 'Mi, J4.60. Grapefruit: Indian River, 36, $3.60; 46, 96, n.-o; 01, it-vu; 01 uiu 00, to.w, nananas, per pound 3 to Sc. Apples: Colorado Missouri Pippin, per box, j2-2o; Colorado Ben Davis, per box, 32.2i; Colorado White Pearmatn, per box, 32.30; Idaho Wlnesaps, per box, 32.60; extra fancy barrel Ben Davis. J6.S0; extra fancy barrel Qano, $6.60; extra fancy barrel Missouri Pip pins. $7.00; extra fancy barrel Wlnesaps. FRESH VEGETABLES Beets, per doz., 60c; carrots, per doz., 60c; spinach, per doz., 6-c; turnips, per doz., 60c; shal lot, per doz.. 46c; parsley, per dor., 40c; radishes, per doz., 60c; head lettuce, per doz.. 11.00: leaf lettuce, cer dm.. inv I plant, per doz., $1.60; artichokes, per doz.. d., 20c; new per aoz., 11 ailnnenpolls (Irnln MnrUet. MINNEAPOLIS, March 26. WHE.VT No. 1 hard. 9lU9Sc: No. J tinr!hrrn nii (Dlc; No. 2 northern, 909!c; No. 3, hitii lull M . t.'jn,.. y . , . ... . ' v., duly, i'-fiC. FLOUR-Unchnnged. BARLEY-43ti87c. HR,N Unchanged. . CORN No. 3 yellow, 6HM6SC. OATS No. 3 white. 364436ic. FLAX-Jl.6SHSfl.60?,! St. t.onls fienernl Slnrket. ST. LOUIS. March 26. WHEAT-No. 2 red, 91V4895Hej No. 3 hard, 92ti6Uc; May, 92Hc: July, 86Wc CORN-No. 2, 7O5K0Mc: No. 2 white, 71c; May, 7O0-7OKC; July, 70H70'ic. OATS No. 2, 4040V4c; No. 2 white, 42c; May, 33ic; July, 3J?ic. RYE 64c. I.ocnl Stfcnrlllca. QuMHUoni furniihtd br Duron, Drinker Co 444 Omaha Nstlonil bnk bullilni! v " Bid. AaVM. 103 l(tj. U 101 loin 102. ( loo M 55 104 101 10 K 10 ii 07 Atkinson, Neb.. (. nil nitrlre Crrtmerr rfd Ct Threahlnc Machlnr Co Council niurfr u t e. ia Dear A Co. rid Da Molnw. Ia School 14a, 191).. rlrraont craamary 7 par cent ptd. Houaton, Tax., 4w. mi Hooper. Nab., City Hall ta, 1111,. Lincoln, Nab. Traction ta Mountain mates T. T Mount Air. Ia., SH. 1S74 Mollne Plow pld New York State lijr. IH Omaha E. U h I. VIA City ot Omaha 44a, 1941 Omaha A C. B. M. Hi-, ta. 111... omaha & ;. 11. rt. it)-. pM, Omaha A C. D. It. A 1) Portland, Ore., 4Ha, ll ietH lOJ.o: Swift A Co. 7 per cant atock 10U 0t4 Plouit City Htock Yarta la. USO II U sjil Sioux city Stock Yaraa pfd 17 sj1 M n & lot 101 10 to 91 101 1 104 19 14 ex-dlr 7 ci Seattle School la. IKI. Union Stock Yarda. Omaha 101 101 W4 1M C M. Si r Wabash "' Missouri Pacific Union Paciric 11 J?. & N. W.. east., s C. & N. W.. west.. 27 C.. St. P., M. &o.. .1 Jv- g. $ cast... 4 C H. A Q west... 35 C-, R. I. & P., east .. c., r i. & p., we;t J Illinois Central 4 C. G. W Total receipts... 94 ft 3 1 BS 12 61 1. 0 60 S I fi 2 236 39 6S DISPOSITION-HEAD, CAttlc.Hogs Sheep. . 273 2,020 2,181 . fIK . 701 . 2A3 Morris A Co Swift & Co . Cudahy Packing Co... Armour As Co J. W, Murphy Lincoln Packing Co... Morrell Rnbblns Bonton, Vansant Ac I Hill & Son F. R. Lewis J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla McCreary & Kellogg. Rothschild Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.., Christie Hlgglns Huffman Roth Longman A Bro John Harvey Dennis Other buyers Totals 34 76 89 S3 K3 16 21 19 22 46 4 ' 6 6 48 81 1 165 3,4 4.033 6,f7 525 B.7S9 ml 6,116 70 .... H U.. . II.. .. ;i.. .. i. . ... . 11 ... . . M... 41 IS::. w.. Tl... .. H. . 11.. II II.. H.. 14 . 10... 70... . :.. 12.. 0.. :i... .IIS IM ,H 111 III . iir ..in . 310 ' .Vi ill 114 m lit r. 11 IN . 1 40 ... 14a ... I 40 40 I 40 4,1 40 1 40 41 t VI W It 10 ... Mil ... 4W, I 41 34 I 4 40 II 41 ... 141 I 41 N'O. ... ti. 17. . M... 11. . 41... 11 .. ... 41... 06... "I... 14.. 71.. Ar. Sh. Tr. ... 141 -14J 10 I 4S 114 ..as; ..Ml . in ..7 . 1 .110 .M . t 10 in 1 8:: .i .174 1 41 41 .. . 41 I 41 t0 I 41 40 I 41 1 47U 47U H) 1 I 47U 40 II .IM :: J?? . 117 ..111 .. Ml ...Ml . .r7 44 1 IS ... I 41 40 I It I 41 ... 141 40 1 4 I It K 41 11 I) 1 41 .Ml KK) IS .IM .. 114 ..Ml ...114 . : ...tx . . iei ... . .no . nt .101 it 44 10 S 41 'in 4s 40 1 41 40 1 15 ' 71 T. II. It. tl. W... M. J... 70... M. . 41... 41 . 11... ... 14 .. ft.. 1... It,.. M . 1 .. .. M.. !.. pias. . MO ..40 ..111 lo mt 47i 1 tu ...Ml 1 4Ta .141 ..111 . 1 ..114 Ko . ?M ..Ml .m .t 7i I 4T, 1 IJ4 e nil 40 I 47l ... 474 . . 1 47H ... I 471, ... Ill . . in t 1 10 347 W 1 S'l Sfl . s7 . .147 ...Ml .17 .. ssn ...Ml .. Ill 111 II 10 . , X M 10 II 10 . . I 10 40 Wl . . . 10 . . r. . . I li'i 1 10 Amelaamateil Copper . American Agricultural American Meet Kuiar. American t.n .2.4SI 55,771 light S25 14,414 today, Metal Market. NEW YORK, March 26. METALS Lead. easy, at $3.R63.93. Spelter, easy, at $5.205.30. Copper, steady: standard spot and May. $13.76S'14.S7H; electrolytic, I14.62U; lake, $15, nominal! casting, $14,374. Tin, Irregular; spot. $38.12HO33.60; Juno, 138.62ifa3S.75. Antimony, dull: Cookson's, $7.25. Iron, steady; No. 1 northern, $15. 2 18.00: No. 2 northern, $15.004J15.76. London prices: Lead, 19 6s. Spelter, (21 7s 6d, Copper, quiet: spot. 66: fu tures, 65 7s ed. Tin, easy; spot, 174 15s; futures, 176 15s. Iron, Cleveland war rants, 60s "Hd. ST. LOUIS. Mnrch 26. METALS Lead, quiet, at $3.87Vi. Spelter, dull, nt $5.12H3 6.15. Coffee Mnrkcl. NEW YORK. March 26. COFFER A better feeling as to financial conditions In Brazil, reports of advances tn cost and freight offers and steady European cables seemed to create more actlvo demand In coffee today. Realizing by recent buyers chocked ndvances early. After opening steady. 2c higher to 2o lower, there was Homo Irregularity. The market becomo morn active but firmer late In the day, covering European buying and bull sup port. Thn closo was steady, 9c to 14a net higher. March. 8.66c; Mny. S64c; July, S.sOc; September, R.9fic; October, llftiej December, 9.15c; January, 9.21c. Spot, steady; Rio No. 7, 8c, Santos No. 4, llc Mild, quiet; Cordova, UWtWfc- 3ur.n"emoL?r'oUfen,Chc daVctleW ... 1 x'ti'iia cargo of 300(vi "i."- .9- A Liquidating sales by Vtwk virdS V. . fT?,l..J'e'nUmaydcr?hfitrnar2 Chicago futura prices: ' by Representative Mann, made Ineffec tual efforts to inject the child labor question. Under the measure passed today all shipments of goods, proven to be con vict or pauper made, could bo confiscated by the Treasury department through court proceedings similar to libel prose cutions undor the admiralty laws. In addition the bill provides that any "con signor, seller, owner, shipper, importer, consignee, agent or other person or per sons" who knowingly and fraudently Introduce or seek to introduce the pro hibited articles Into the commerce ot tho United States shall upon conviction be fined for each offense a sum not exceed ing $5,000 or bo Imprisoned for not ex ceeding two years. naw caDDaze. uer id., zc: rnunArti n.r box, $2.25; rhubarb, per box, $2. Florida tomatoes, fancy, per crate, $4; Florida tomatoes, choice, per crate, $2.60. OLD VEGETABLES New York cab mage, per lb., 2c; sweet potatoes, per hamper, $1.60; parsnips, per lb.. 2c: beets,, per lb., 2c j carrots, per lb., 2c; turnips, per lb., 2c; Canadian rutabagas, per lb., lHc; Red River Ohio potatoes, per bu., 95c; Idaho potatoes, per bu., &5c; Early Rose potatoes, S6c; red onions, per lb., 4c; yellow onions, per lb., 4c; Spanish onions, per crate. $1.75. London Stock Market. LONDON, March 26. American securi ties moved Irregularly within narrow lim its during the early trading today. At noon prices were from U above to U below parity. Consols for money, 75H; for account. 75. I nlon Pacific, 1C3U HI LV Kit-Bar, quiet, 3&4d MONEY-203 per cent, short bills, S per cent, three months, per cent May. July. Corn May. July Oats May. July. Pork May. July. L-asa May. July. Ribs I May. July. 93t4 935, 69 691J 39; 2074 40 40H 21 33 21 37H 21 45 21 60 10 70 10 72 10 SO 10 SO 11 40 11 40 U62H 1165 93U; 68H Ha' 39 39T 21 02H .'1 16 10 57H IU 76 11 22H 11 33 93'4 68H 39, 21 30 21 "54 10CO 10 75 41 X) 93U S8K 69H G9H S9 40 21 40 n 47t4 10 75 10 924 11 44 11 65 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat- Mo 964J95V4C; No. 3 red. 93HiHcl.t'NNoi ller' 9Jc. No.' 3 hard. WHSc7koVnoJth' ern, 9oHc; No. 3 northern sjfio'n- vJth; spring. J06c, No. 3 spring. SSg? 5f.n? No. 3. 65i44o; No. 3 white MSu2: No. 3 yellow. G6S6Syc OaU? No S' HWei standard. KHic. Rye! Nc?'1?' Ste arIy' meic-Seeds; llnVothy' S3.UV(M.T6; clover. $9.COgil4.00. ProvlilonJt PBrTTR!Ffrrm'.,lo- BrTTEit-Firm; creameries. 20Q25e EOGS-Hlgher; receipts. 23330 aSr at mark, cases Included, 17l$c: ordln'arv firsts. 17ei7Hc; firsts, 17?ilSc. ora,nary CHEESE-Bteady; daisies, lgc; twin. POTATOES Steady; receipts, 47 cars Michigan. Minnesota and Wla 604f65c; Michigan, Mlnnot and wicon Cllt T IlilOi Ua-UlVt POULTRY-Allve, higher; springs. 18c: fowls, 18c, ' Liverpool Grain Market. 1.1 vrcnn-Mju, Aiarcn J. WHEAT Spot, quiet. No, 2 red western winter, 7s Omnha liny Market, OMAHA. March 28.-PRAIRIB HAY No, 1 to choice upland, $10.0011.00: No. 2, $8.002710.00; No, 3. $6.00(88.00; No. 1 to choice midland. $9.607r10.60; No. 2, $S.(J 9.f0; No. 3, $6.(008.00; No. 1 to choice lowland. $7.00gs.00; No. 2, $6.0037.00; No, 3. ll.OOtfttt.fO. STRAW Oat or rye, $,OOSfl.60; choice wheat. I5.O7O6.&0. ALFALFA Choice peagreen, leafy, fine stem, 113.UOBI4.W; no. 1, m.uwu.w; mo. 2. $9.0011.00; No. 3, $7.00C9.00. Cotton Market, NEW YORK, March 2fl.-COTTON-Fu-tures closed steady. March, 12.93c; May, 12.13c; July, 11.96c; August, 11.76c; Octo ber. 11.40c: December, ll.4Sc. Spot, quiet; middling, 13.60c; 'gulf. 13.76c. Cotton closed steady, net 3 points lower to 3 points higher. LIVERPOOL. March 26. COTTON -Spot, easier; good middling, 7.60d; mid ming. 7.08d; low middling, 6.6Sd; sales, 8,000 bales, I)r- Oood Market. NEW YORK. March 26.-DRY QOODB There was. more actlvo trading In print cloth yarn goods for spot and nearby shipment. A steadier tone was reported In heavy coarse yarn cottons. Raw silk markets abroad wero more active today. Local markets ruled steady but nulet. Crepes and cascade weaves In dress goods were sold well. Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK, March ?V-COTTON-SEED Oil Easy; prime yellow summer. $7.40; March, $7.52; May, $7.46; July, $7.0. uunin-wuiai. TURPENTINE Easy; machine barrela 49c. !ri!ra of fthrapaklna In London, LONDON. March 26. There wero a hnn bales of sheeksklns sold at auction here today. The attendance was good and an active demand develnned. Prlcen firm and from WftW dearer. Evnpornled Apples nnd Dried Trillin NEW YORK. March M.-EVAPOIUTP.n APPLES-Qulet nnd firm. DRIED FllUlT-PmnM. barelv l-4., Apricots, firm. Peaches, quiet. Raisins. rirm. Uank Clearlnss. OMAHA. March 26. nank clearlna-a rn. Omaha today wero $3,161,222,73, and for the corresponding day last year ti.M.. 091 41. CATTLE Recelnts -r. only eighty-four cars being reported ln. viuier marnei points were also very p?orV.,BUpnl,ed- ,nat '"a to'al number of cattle on sale at the big markets was very moderate even for U Thursday. Still the demand was at no point actlvo and the market as a rule dW not show much Beef steers on the yearling order and of good quality were In good demand at in n point ano. as a rule, sold early at fully steady prices. As high as $S.80 was paid for year! In tf iiwr a n,i -tt-. mixta. On the other hand, the heavy and medium grades, on tho common to prstty good order, were slow and a little Good light heifers were sought after and commanded prices that were fully steady and. If anything, a little stronger than '"'"""J. un me otner hand, tne heavy 0H.,.iW?ro a "illa l0W '"d- If nvthlng, a little lower than yesterday. Bulls were very slow, whiln vni .i,,.. ,,e,mn and a little stronger, tho best "n"t"g u, iu e-io. There were vrrv fw ainr-ir.. era In first hands this morning, but there ,V., '"" varneu over rrom previous days by speculators and yard traders. Tho feeling was weak nnH hori k.. imny herB thoy would nave sold sharply For the week good to choice light year ling beeves ure ateady to stronger; good heavy beeves are about stoady with last wl close. On tho other hand, the cat- undor are 10fll6o lower, some would say -imi!,c,V.M lWp lower than last wee"; finish. Cows and heirr. h... much change during thn week, but heavy 7tZl r iuwrr man me nlRh stock bulls have not shown so much 166260 lower than last week and very slow at the decline. ' QuotaUona on cattle: Good to choice "tr?l Jft!-5 fair to good hie? m.VZ' Sc?J;: common lo fair beef bduu 10 cnoice cornfed heifers, $797.75: gooi to choice cornfed '.rT0" .t0 ,fft,r rads, $4.265.60; f .d i?ich?lc tofK" nd feedera. $77 jTiTr to ood a,ocfers and feeders. $7.2507.71: common to ratr tockr .,h mimW7.?5 ,,,ock ' "SlKihrS $6.00r7.60: stock calves, $6.60tJ5.00; vea calve.. I7.WW.60; bulls, .UAtc.. $5 75 Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 7 1 II II t 8 11 7 S 11 17 11 II 16 11 17 11 4 1 1 7 1 1 1 30 1 14 S At. Pr. No. .... Ill 7 11 1 ... .... MO 7 KV 11. . . . ... 711 7 35 41.... ....Ill 7 40 11.... .... 117 7 46 11.... Ill 7 60 17.... .. 1083 7 ft) 1).... 171 7 70 10.... ....1100 7 76 .... ... IM 7 71 14.... ....11M 7 M 11.... ...1110 111 17..., 111! Ill IS. .. ....I0 7 11 17. .. 10M a M STEERS AND HEIFERS. At. Tt. ---1041 1.00 ...1160 1 00 ...1(7 I 00 ...1117 1 10 ...1177 I 10 ...MM 10 ...Hi! I in ...nn s o . . . M0 K ...1106 I 21 ..-1107 10 ...1171 1 SO ...1W1 III) ..mi 1 m 7H .7 0 .414 1 n .ui in .in t w t . KW S 71 1113 00 .1130 I J6 .1110 11 .1044 C 10 . Kt 40 .1101 44 .1110 1 40 Jill I 40 11... 7.... 10... COWS. Ml 1 00 ill 1 so 111 1 M .1110 M .1131 .1010 71 .1170 e Kit . M0 I K . Ill 7 10 .1141 7 SS .1030 7 K 111! 7 40 11. SHEEP In nil IJftil l,,l .,!. !,- fresh receipts this morr.lng nnd they Wero mnstlv amhl ll,n frt.r.l nn-lllv , ,:- - - a American i,n being better than In some time. The run , American Can pfd .. inijn uinn n wren ago, two weeKS . meririn i r.. ago ami a year ago and contained an un usually largo percentage of Colorado fed Moxlcan lambs, ttmre being about twenty cars of such offerings on sale. Both sheep and lambs made further sains this morning, with the paeiters ap parently hungry for some good killers, re sulting In another clearance compara tively early In the forenoon. Lambs were anywhere from strong to 10015c higher and sheep steady to n shade better. The most advance In lambs was made on the fed westorn grades and tho heavy kinds sold to a better advautano than In sev eral weeks, Fed western lambs ranged at $7,57.70. wltn Mexicans largely at 7.Koj8.(, the Utter jirlce being paid for seven or eight loads of Colorado fed Mexicans, and being the highest point reached here since January, whon JJ.SS was tho top for that month. Muttons were la rather light supply and as usual fed western owes were most numerous. No Mexican grades were on the market. The fod Western owes moved at $5.936.06, compared with $3.6036,03 yes terday, 7The price Improvement for the week to date amounts to about lffiJc on lambs and lOifSOc on nged sheep, while tho re ceipts havo been fairly largo, amounting1 to around 61.10S head, against 00,340 for the samo tlma last week, 49,970 two weeks ago and 30,410 a year ago. A feature of the trade has been a a scr mmation on the part of tho packers against anything showing too much weight early In tho Week and the disappearance of that dis crimination yesterday and today Indicat ing a good undertone to the general situa tion. Quotations on Sheep and Lambs; Lambs. Mexican, 17.0008.00; lambs, god to choice west, $7.50531,80: lambs, fair to good, west. $7.1087.60; lambs, culls, $S.50tjti.60; year lings, light, $6.W.ll0: yearling) heavy, M.3.VK6.60; wethers, good to choice-. $&.76gp ti.35; wethers, fair to good, $5.606.76; ewes, good to choice, $5.7504.15; ewes, fair to good, $6.6om.76. Representative sales: No, Av. 81 culls 90 174 cornfed ewes 99 173 cornfed lambs 81 7 culls I 74 4S7 cornfed lambs..... 82 83 85 95 .. 77 favored tho developments sentiment the attor- Intenderl nellnn . under the Sherman law against the American Tobacco company and former sutisldarled and siiKcosilnir the nnKslblt- Ity or further steps against tho com panies In the Standard Oil gdoup. An other development along the same llnej was the governments victory In tho suit against tho American Telephone and as sociated concerns In the northwest At tention was attain drawn to the rail- 1 roads by further poor statistical returns, poumern i-acino s r euruary gross earn ings fell oft f$02,0Q0 and net $4640.0. Le high aVlley's gross Inst month (lecressed $7W.l00 and net $M2.W. Pennsylvania whs reported to have decided upon ex tensive oconomlcs. Diminished enmlngs and the unsatls faclrov outlook were given as Ihe rea sons for omission of the dividend on railroad sle spring. The stock broke ti points. Pittsburgh, Chicago, Cin cinnati and St. Louis, which stumped violently yesterday on the cut In Its dividend, milled moro than 3 points to day. Corn products preferred regained 4 points ot Its recent loss. Shifting from rnllrond and miscellaneous bonds Into tax exempt state and municipal Issues, owing to the approach of the time for making April 1 tax returns, caused some unovenness In today's bond trading. Total sales, f2.M2.00fl. United States bonds wero unchanged on call. Number of Rales and leading quotations on aiocKS were; FAlet. lllah. lAw. Clnea 11,700 JOT i,oo 1,(00 400 SO) 1.100 1,000 600 1,400 1,104 IM 246 cornfed lamhs 247 cornrcd lambs 17 shorn Iambs 1.064 Colorado lambs,. 215 Colorado lambs 295 Colorado lambs 1,000 Colorado lambs.., 25S cornfed lambs Wl cornfed lambs 221 cornfed lambs 2W cornfed lambs b. cornfed lamhs 63J Colorado lambs 73 eui uoiorauo lamus 74 1.062 Colorndo lambs 69 Pr. 4 23 5 93 7 60 6 60 7 46 7 60 7 60 6 $5 8 00 .. 73 8 00 78 8 00 '2 .. 71 .. 71 .. 75 .. 76 .. 74 89 Mexican lambs. 2C3 Mexican lambs... 128 cornfed lambs..., 195 cornfed lambs.... 176 cornfed lambs.... vi cornfed ewes 79 . 79 . 83 . 81 . 83 .103 800 7 90 7 60 7 70 7 70 7 70 8 00 8 CO 8 00 7 P0 7 90 7 60 7 60 7 60 (I 05 CHICAOO LIVE HTOCK MARKET Cntlle Slenilr In Sir oil ar Mnira Loner. CHICAOO. Alnrt-h Mf iwt n.. ccipts. 4,000 head; market, ateady to strong: beeves. K.oASMni- $7,261(8.30; western steers, $7.ttff.20: stockers and feeder n mni in- l'l;r?. I"W.60; calves, fJ.ffW.OO. J,Snccdp!,20'no,) '""'i market. 6a m!00..1?.- bl,lk nf ". fs.Br.Ofl.70; X$&imKn'' mlxn,, Mr.flg.75: heavy J8..HJ(fl8.75: rntlirh. MWVSSin. 1. S1 M':'' .A?D, I'AMHH-Recelpts. 16.100 l end; murkri. 10 1. tn- ui-,. .v. $5.10ffl4i.0: western 'VM'W'" American ctor Oil.,., Am. Ice Securities American Unaeed American locomotive ... American 8. & TV., .,. . American 14. & It. rfd.. Amer, 8ucar ttetlnlm... American T. T American Tobacco Ananonda Mining Co ... Atetition Aichlaon pfd Atlantic Coitt Line,,,,,, lialttmor Ohio hcthlehem steel Ilrooklrn Itapld Tr Canadian rAclllo Central Leather ...... lietapeaV A Ohio. . ., entrain 0, W I hlco, M, A Ht. P.... rhlraio A N. W Colorado fuel A Iron..,. Conulldated das Corn Prodiinta Delaware A llitdaon ,, Denver A lllo (Iranda.... Deneer It. O pfd... . IHetltleri' eecurltlea .... Krle , Erie let ptd Krle Id pfd , tleneral Electric ,. Oraat Northern tM Ortit Northern Ore ctta. l.ton Illinois Central Interbornush Met Intrrborough Met. ptil., Ir,ternatlonal llarvealer. Inler-Martne pfd International Taper man. "Mi M '4 n 41 101 71H a Ma 414 tlH 100 US H loo 1,100 1114 CIS II 0t 4SV4 II Ii 4IH 714 n Wa 0 I0ti 4t ) 101, 14 IU 101 101 1114 III 5 7t I00H 111 104 4, WO 20711 200V4 SMI, ewi K't II H 1.100 1IH i.'ioo ioa" " ia) it ' 'i,'toii ' is sitt 'wii ' H 100 lit 100 l!7t 100 onO 111 lltH S 111 11 11 1H 194. HI'S . . 1IU 141 144V, 1MH lfU tt It ... . ltlli 144 '1441 II'. 1.100 tt'.a 13 U 111. M Ma internttlonal rump Kanaaa City Bouthern... ucieoo naa Irfhlsh ValUf Loulalll A Naahvllle... M fit. P. A H, Ble. M Mlatmirl. K. A T , .....j Mlaaourl I'nclllo 2,00 IS National JllaciiU National Lead , N. It. n. e M. 11 pfd., ...... New York Central 1,100 Wt N. V.. O. A W , .! Norfolk A Weatern.. North American Northern Pacllle .... Pacific Mall , .,. Peniaarltanta reoplt's Oaa ,.. P.. 0., C. St. L,. riltiburih (nI Prewed meel Car.... Pullnian Palace Mae. 8.700 107H 104H 10H4 lOlk 101 III II, II ! it l.00 llllt 1IIH 141 III UK is; 11 ti'i IM 41 11 0i MO 101U 10114 101V1 tl 1,100 111 114 1I4H ilsoo iiiti iios notJ m mil 111 iuh 1,100 71 400 it 600 II Heading 11.100 ttU .too lilt 'it" ;g t7 SOH le 44 41H nn, 1BU' KSV fleptiblic Iron A Steel Itepubllo 1. A 8. pfd.... 10) hock liland Co too fine itiand no. pfd 1W Ft. LAB, T. U pfd Heaboard Air Line, 100 Heaboard A. L. pfd..,,. Poo HIOM.ghafflald B. -A I.,. ..... Southern racino 1.004 Houthem Hallwar I.IOO Ro. Itallwar pfd TOO Tenneeaeo Copper 300 Texas A racltlo,..,,.., ,.,. ..... IS llnlnn rarlfle ........... 1I.X0 111(4 lilH 1(1 union i-acino Did -United Utiles Ilealtr.,.. 100 MV, tlli iinii.a niatea nuHir ,, United ntatel Steel (1,400 C4M, UU 111, 4 ft IK 50" IIS 14 15 M (1 tt tt 1 V. H. Bteel pfd. uian copper Vs. -Carolina diemlcAl ,, WtMMl Wabnah pfd ,,, Wettern Marrland Wee4ern Unleu WeetlnshouM l'.leolrlo ,. Whrellna A Lake Krle. . N. Y.. N. 11. 4 II nay Ln. copper.. 11... 1... 7... ... 7... ... 1... I.. 1. 1... 1... jo... I... llii' ..i:il W 4 1170 7 COWS AND HiriFERS. 1 ',0 lIEIFKltS, . ... M ID 1 . ... ui t s 10 ei t el : 706 ( tl DULLS. .... 111 1 tn 1 ....1110 i it 1 .... mo 1 00 : o 1 k 1 . ... 170 t . . t-ALVtS, 77 7 IS 141 7 ao 101 7 10 1IW tn ..14M 10 ..1140 Tt - 770 7 00 120 7 00 411 7 10 400 7 10 410 7 10 i!0 I CO ISO I 10 in 1 so 2. 120 1 no 130 if; 140 M 110 SO 110 10 110 t SO 140 I Tt ,n a ea BTOCKEnS AND PUBDHtlS. 11. I.. 06 7 K 417 7 7t 717 T 10 T .A HO'ds-Recelnts were very iiveral aarain this morning, about IM cars, or 17,000 head belnir reported In. Tor the week to date the supply totals 44,619 bead, being nearly 2.0TO larger than last week, and 3.000 head heavier than for the sani6 days last year. The heavy receipts of the last two weeks have cut the bis decrease of tho year down a good bit, and at present the total supply for the year Is only a ICnnaas Clly I, Ire Stnolr r.i... n!i.'&'.SAS.JTV- Alarch 26.-CATTLE- tronB! prime fed steers dFessed rfi 7ri7 "airvj neniern Rteori. n.EO fXfXWrZZ'. and te.tM9.i0. ' " "o'-; calves. HtMJB-necolpts, 6,000 head- market weak to lOn inw.e. iImil- J. "..:.. nlAr!i 8-CO; heavy. tlWS.CW 'fi, S HIIKKJ' AND IMHS-Itecelnts 11 rutt owes, $5,50144,00. e-iae.sj; Nloti C'llr l,tvr. Htnclc .llnrkel. neeelpts. SCO hVAdV ..ri'l, if'.f steers. $7.00118.15; btiteheri Km cows and hl?ir. tsivu.iiTa. L:.i . "JSrReMlPts. 6,O0i) head; market 60 to 10c lower- honiv ea ,a. D," lS.foi i,ehi: KtoWrSmoWZR B11KKP AND f..ivnai liKJTMr1"1 AaS'lia muttons. $6.00 Bl. I.onU Live- Hloek .llnrUet, ST. I3H18, MarcH 26-CATTLE-n .rjllZ- r.02,:m.. steady; lleef ;s efol4D; cows nna neirers. $1.25 8.76; Blockers and feeders, $5.0a8.C): actuthrn teY. $5.768.00; rows and helf- HOaB-Hecclpts, 10.600 head; market. 10c mi,',? l0W5r; ,"'? an(1 "h- 7.00B8,S5? mlxod and butchers, $t65tf83- ,md heavy. ls.76fl8RS eo,g.o, good SHICBP AND LAMns-Itecelpts l tea head: marktt. ion hih... J' 6.S0; lambs, $7.008.00. ' "W St, Joseph Lire Xlook llnrket ST. JOSEPH, Starch 26.-OATTIJn celpts. 1.200 Head; market steady, ROM iiuuu-iwceipis, 10,000 head; market 6a 10c lofer; top. $8.65; bulk. tiiS&ia 8HK17P AND UMBrVll.rZl.tr.vv head: market steady to r.2&37w- too now 110 e,,oo tin u eon lis 4t 'iiioo 1,200 1,000 TOO tl tlli fiH 110 i ST US MS m . i. 10 tl ! 764 78 tlji tiii lit 1IU ,IU 7t Total talea for the da, 101,100 thiree. Nctv Vork Mnricr Mtirket. NEW TOUK. March I.-MONI5r-On call. Ateady st 1a1H pr cent: rullng; rato, 1H per cent: closing, H401U per c-int. T161K LOANS-Weaker; sixty days, 3V4 7a per cent; ninety days, 3 pr cent; six months, IU psr cent; mercantile paixir, 2mi per cent. KTERLING EXCHANGE- Steady, sixty days. $184.50; demand, $ls4.t5; com mercial bills, $4.834. Hiuvisii-nar, 6sc; Mexican doUtrs. "It; ONDS Government. alnaiTv Mttrn..t IreKuiar. Cloilnu quotations on bonds today were as follows- U. 8. let. H. ret.. lIHk'. C Bo. ref, ta... Ms do coupon ... llnj. 8. deb. a, jm t(u U. d. la. ref 101 L. A N. unl. 4a. ,, '. ao coujkju - 1. ui ea.. sou ""an .u. . ,, a 1 . r. ...lis do coupon lUHAfo. Iacin la.i.'il! el Panama la "".(,"".""' ":! 's - 71. Amer. Af. ;. '1J V''T H 11 r a, t cv. 4a. 14 ti. X. U e, IHa.. . ii Am Tobbaco ta....H0H 'do deb. 4l , feu Armour STCO. 4Ha. Ul'N. V. N. II. It. Atehlaon gin. 4----?? V V" r-' W do . 4a. lllo.. miA W. lit e. 4,. ,4(i do cv. ta Ill v" 0 , lOlVi A. t" L let 4 HN2 Jl""10 A.tinio ee "-, " ,. -. mu 41... lH4.r Ha. HIS. II? Dal do IHa llrook. Tr. cv, Can. of Oa. Ea. ...10I.? 101 iMlMr SB.... rjtt:-;'"" aa. tn. Chee do oonv. IHa. C. A A. 1H. 41. mi f. fa ta 7SU A Ohio 4Vi. m, s r. tn 4a 71 as - ai letiJ"- a. W. e. 4. nu (". II A Q. l7 4a.... Hgi iat J' " 13 do sen. 4a..., do U !H p M I r 4Ha..loi, J JJ- : 17 C. IU I. A P. 0, 4a ITU. ai0 W ao rie. ij-i a " t C. An. r A e 4V,e 0U (.-," - D, A II. cy. 4a,,,.. ... 24 1H II. It II. O. rer. M. MH An a. . Brie p. I ta tiu 8"' s - iii do sen. la. . .. 74Jev ?c cH J4 rU' ..de cv 4., aer. 1174 WabI.hS5fnk "HI. fen. Itl r. 4a 14 Wesi... iiT . " " Inter. Met. 4V4e... 4w,l? Sl'i " I' Inter. M. II. 44a. MH.-,, Si?-,.?''. 5 Lire (4 4 110k Iir nitrHt. Hecelpta of live stock at tho six Drln clpal western markets ycaterdav- prlD 7H St. Loula Sioux City Kansas City Chicago St Joseph South Omaha ... o,uu 6.000 20,000 10,000 . 600 2.000 4.00O 1.20O 2,100 r.oco 700 11.00) 16,000 6.001 11.0CO Totals ..10,900 68,500 48,000 BYRNE AND, THE MAJORITY TICKET WIN IN DAKOTA PIERItB, S. D., March J4.-(Speclal Telegram.) Returns on the gsneral state ticket began to come In tonight for the first time. They show practically con clusively that the majority tlckst eleoted with Governor Byrne will bo generaJlr selected, with a break at any point vsry Improbable.