The Omaha Daily Bee ADVERTISING makes the wheels of business ro round smoothly and pro tects them Against blowouts. VOL. XLTII-NO. 20G. OMAIIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 2o, 1014TWELVE PAGES. On Tram and at Sottl Hawa Stands, So SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. THE WEATHER. Rain TROOPS CHARGE MOB WITH THE BAYONET AT COUPLER PLANT Crowd Driven from Shon Ob.a at Depew by Company of New York Militia. PLACE IS NOW ARMED CAMP One Man Wounded and is Taken Away by Companions. MOVEMENT OF GUARDS DELAYED Motormcn Refuse to Move Cars After Soldiers on Board. MAY INVOLVE TRACTION LINES Motormen "Who Refuse to Handle Cam Cnrrylnv aillltia Are Dis charged Union Officer Demand Reinstatement. DBrBW, N. Y March 2L Dcpcw was an armed camp today, the Seventy-fourth regiment of militia having been ordered out ut tlio request of Sheriff Decker, whoso force was unable to handle riot ing strikers at the Gould Coupler works yesterday. A. special train which was held up yes terday, came through from Buffalo to tho plant today under military protection. One man was killed and several wero in jured yesterday. Groups of tho strikers and sympathizers gathered near tho main entrance of tho coupler works today, but dispersed when ordered to leave by tho officer In charge. They quickly reassembled at another entrance. There Company D had to use bayonets freely beforo the crowd would scatter. One man was wounded. Ho was taken away by his companions. The departure of the first battalion of tho militia from Buffalo, was deplaycd half an hour becauso of tho refusal of tho motormen, acting- under orders from their union, to move tho street cars after the soldiers went on board. Major Kemp ordered the motormen to leave their controllers on tho cars. All but ono did so. Ho was promptly knocked down with the butt of a rifle. The cars were then manned by super visors of the street railway company. The street car men who deserted tho cars were suspended. Tho union de manded their reinstatement and rumors of a street railway strike were current today. Traction Kmployes May Strike. BUFFALO, March 24,-The refusal of International Railway company employes to move street cars carrying national guardsmtm created a sharp issue today between, the company and the Amalga mated Association of. Street and -Electrio Railway Employes. President B. C. Con nette of the International confirmed the action, of the supervisors In suspending motormen and conductors comprising the crew of the six cars. When this word reached the headquar ters of tho street car men. a call was at once Issued for a meeting of tho griev ance committee and it was announced by President C. F. Conroy, of the local union, that a formal demand would be made for the reinstatement of the men. "When these cars were turned over to the national guard our men were no longer required to run them," said Presi dent Conray. "Their suspension Is con trary to our agreement wjth the Inter national and we shall demand their re instatement and back up that demand with all the resources of our association. Ono of the men was knocked down by a soldier because he would not give up his controller." , CONVICTS TAKE WARDEN'S AUTO FOR JOY RIDE JOLIET, 111., March 24. After escaping , from the Illinois penitentiary and spend ing a night riding over Chicago boule vards in AVarden Allen's automobile, 'Edward Smith and James McGee, serving life sentences, today returned to prison vnluntarityl. The men said they carefully planned the escape and Intended to abandon the automobile in, Chicago. They said they later thought their escape. might Inter fere with the good treatment accorded other honor prisoners and decided to re turn. The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Wednesday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Unsettled tonight and Wednesday, with posuibly rain; colder Wednesday. Temperature at oiunim Yesterday. Hours. DcK. 6 a. m. 6 a. m. 7 a. m. 8 a. m. 9 a. m. 10 a. m 48 11 a. m 51 12 m E6 1 p. m. 2 p. m.. 3 p. m.. 4 p. m.. 6 p. m. 6 p. m. 7 p. m.. 8 p. m. Comparative Local Record. 1911 1813. 1912. 1911. Highest yesterday 61 38 25 Lcweat yesterday...... 34 27 22 .S3 .Mean temperature 4 32 28 .W Precipitation T .00 .00 .to Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature ,,,,, 44 IHxcess for the day , g Total excess since March 1 !i Normal precipitation...,..., OS inch Deficiency for the day 05 inch Precipitation since March 1.. .15 Inch Deficiency since March 1...... .82 Inch Excess for cor. period, 1913... 1.S4 Inches Excess for cor. period. 1912... 1.47 Inches Report from Station at 7 P. It. Station and State Temp. High- Rain- ot w earner. 1 p.m. Cheyenne, partly cloudy.SS Davenport, cloudy XA Denver, partly cloudy... 44 Des Moines, cloudy 63 VJodgo City, cloudy 58 North Platte, clear 52 Pmaha, rain 58 3ueblo. partly cloudy... 54 Rapid City, cloudy 30 tloux City, cloudy 56 Valentine, cloudy. 32 est. fall. SS .00 02 .00 W .00 or, T 74 .00 58 T til T M .00 33 .01 53 .00 43 .02 '"T" Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. T.'ELSli, Local Forecaster DECREE TO EDHOLM; ALIMONY Husband Ordered to Pay Wife Twenty-Five Thousand. FIFTY MONTH TO DAUGHTER Custody of Daughter Daring Greater Portion of Time Goea to Mother Tliomth She Is to Visit V Father. A decree of divorce from Mrs. Katherlne R. J, Bdholm, prominent society and club woman, was given to Albert Bdholm, wealthy Jeweler. Mrs. Bdholm to receive- 123,000 alimony and $00 per month for support of their daughter until she Is 18 years of age. Custody of minor daughter awarded to Mrs. Bdholm. Daughter to spend every other Satur day afternoon and every other Sunday with her father and cither parent to bo free to tako tho child to his or her respective church. Mrs. Bdholm to have all personal prop erty with exception of his personal ef fects. Court costs and her own attorneys' fees to bo paid .by Mrs. Bdholm. Theso wcro tho findings of District Judge Sutton in a decision rendered yes- torday afternoon ot trio Edholm divorco case, a suit which had occupied tho at tention of the court for many wcoks. A number of Important Issues were in volved In tho case, among which In addi tion to the decreo and tho property rights Involved was tho veracity under oath ot Mr. Edholm, who was accused by Attor ney Clinton Bromo of "lying." Judge Sutton said he believed Mr. Edholm's tes timony, but that he had not considered hcr's so valuable on account of a tendency on her part to quibble. "Decision of a divorce case," said Judge Sutton, is ono of the most disagreeable tasks whteh the courts encounter becauso it is necessary to pass on tho motives and actions of persons In their homo llfo. I am glad, however, that in this case there are no charges of immorality. Wife Predominated. "One noticeable featuro about the mar ried life of Mr. and Mrs. Bdholm is that at all times he was overshadowed by her and had "little to do with deciding ques tions which might arise In the household. That fact has been taken ltito consider ation. "Mrs, Bdholm failed to substantiate her charge that her husband had failed to allow her enough mory for the support of the household. According to the evi dence ho spent in this manner from 12,300 to $2,400 a year. Refusal by a man to spend all his wife wants him to does not constitute cruelty so long as ho expends enough to maintain his family in comfort in their proper station in life. "The defendant alleged as a specific act of cruelty that tho plaintiff did not apologiio to her for breaking a bottlo of bayrum. The court is of tho opinion that he need not apologize for breaking a fragile article In the household any more than she need apologise to him It sho happen tobrcakr'a dish- The ,?olttf is amo or the opinion that Mr. Bdholm's assortion to his daughter that she should not think she was sick was not cruelty on his part. Tho statement was a part of his religion and is not an uncommon plea in tho sick room in 'any case. Wife's Actions Crncl. "The plaintiff alleges that tho defend ant has been guilty of cruelty in the manner In which she has dealt with Christian Science, which he has adopted as his religion. There is ample evidence that she encouraged him to take up Christian Science and her actions in de stroying and marking up his books and publications, and In ridiculing his re ligion appear to the court to constitute cruelty. "With regard to Mr, Edholm's evidenco concerning personal attacks alleged to have been made upon him by his wlfo, his testimony made a strong impression on tho court, while hers is not consid ered so valuable because of her tendoncy to quibble, as when sho said she might have kicked or struck him, but only in fun or plsy. "Mrs. Hlbbard, the mold, an excellent witness for tho defense, testified, how ever, on cross-examination that the only occasion on which she heard the plaintiff or defendant speak above on ordinary tone of voice was when she heard Mr. Bdholm say, 'Don't kick me any morel' after she had hurried angrily upstairs. It seems to the court that his charge of cruelty was sustained by the plaintiff." Judgo Sutton estimated that Mr. Bd holm was worth $110,000, fixing the value ot his store if it were to be sold imme diately 'for cash at $15,000 and that of his other property at $65,000. Following the decision attorneys for Mrs. Bdholm asked the court to alloty the customary for,ty days for preparations for an appeal. It was said, howover, that it was not certain that an appeal would be taken. John R. Ellis, Former Pastor, Is Suspended INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. March 2i.-The Rev. John R. Ellis, former pastor of the First Presbyterian church at Blooming ton, Ind., has been suspended as a min ister of the church In the United States by a commission of the Indiana Presby ter)', It was announced today. He was found guilty of charges which concerned a number of women of Bloomlngton. Neither the names of the women nor the exact nature of the charges were mado pubUc. In the verdict the committee recom mended that Mr. Ellis spend a year In recuperating out of doors, Indicating that It was the commission's opinion that Mr. Ellis was guilty of such conduct as might be caused by a nervous or mental col lapse. After the charges were filed Mr. Ellis resigned his pastorate and spent several weeks In a New York sanatorium. Ho denied the charges. It was said Mr, Bills would appeal to the synod. SITE OF ALASKA, TOWN TAKEN FOR HOMESTEADS SHATTLB. Wash., March 24. The site of Dyes, Alaska, which in the days ot the Klondyke boom had a population of 20,000, has been filed on as farming land by three homesteaders. One is an In dian woman, and another a young men who Is founding a fox ranch. REDMOND SEES PLOT OF THE ORANGEMEN Assert Lrmy Never rest Intention Fighting. -v COULDN'T LAST WEEK Their Plan to Put Up Appearance qi Belligerency. TO SEDUCE BRITISH OFFICERS Nationalist Chief Says Issue Now Wider Than Home Rule. IMPOSSIBLE TO DOUBT RESULT Irish lender Hectares Mensnrc Will lie Proceeded vrlth Until It Is Made a LONDON, March 21. "The Ulster Orongo plot has been revealed," John B. Redmond, the leader ot the Irish na tionalist party, said In a statement today to tho Associated Press. "Sir Edward Carson." ho said, "and his army have nbt and never had tho slsht est Intention of fighting. As a. fighting foroo against the regular troops they could not hold out for a week. "Tho plan was to put up tho appear anco of a fight and then by society in fluences seduce the officers of the Brit ish army. By this means they Intended to Intimidate the government and to de feat tho will ot the British people. Tio action of tho commanders of some of the crack cavalry regiments officered l arlstocrats has fully disclosed the plan ot the campaign. Tho Issue now raised is a wider ono oven than home rulo for Ireland, It is whether a democratic government Is to be brow-beaten and dictated to by the drawing rooms of London and by that soctlon of officers of tho British army who are aristocrats and violent toty partisans. "Tho cause ot Irish freedom has In this fight become the cause of popular freedom av. i ordered liberty throughout the world. It Is Impossible to doubt what tho result ot such a fight will be,. "The scconTJ reading ot the homo rulj bill will bo taken Monday and the bllT will bo proceeded with until it finds its place on the statute books." I Mother Jones Will Stay in Walsenburg Jail for the Present WAVSENBURG, Cola, March 24. "Mother" Mary Jones, confined as a .nllHa.v nrl,nn,f In thn COUntV tall here. will domain, where she. is unless freed- oy TI10 couri or reieaaeu upon to leavo the atrial zone, according to Adjutant General John Chose. General Chase, who arrived from Denver, in spected the quarters where tho fiS-year-old Hk leader is lodged. Before departing for. Trinidad later In tho day, he In structed Colonel VerdecHoerg 10 again visit "Mother"' Jones and Inform her that sho would bo set at liberty at any tlmo that sho would agree to stay out of the strike district General Chaso declared that the hos pital ward of tho county Jail, whero Mrs. Jones Is Imprisoned, Is as clean and com fortable as any quarters available hero for the purpose. Tho prisoner and officers of the United Mine Workers of America sought to have "Mother Jones removed to a hotel pend ing action by the courts on the proposed habeas corpus. Municipal Saloon Pays Big Dividend PIERRE, S. D., March 24. (Special.) Over $10,000 clear profit for less than a year of operation is tho report of the citizen's commltteo of Sisseton, which has charge of the financial management of the only saloon allowed in the place. When the town voted wet lost spring after several years of "drouth" the man ner of handling the traffio was turned over to a committee, which hired a man ager for the-saloon allowed, paying him a salary of $1,800 a year and hiring all help needed. All surplus funds wero to bo equally divided between the funds of the municipality and a special good roads fund, and each has Just received $4,000, the balance being held as an operating fund. With no expense ot fitting up for business, and initial purchase of stock for the next year, the managers estimate the net returns at about $17,000. Several years ago Sisseton. started the good roads movement for highways into that place by merchants paying their estimated ex penses for calendars into a road fund, and that movement has kept to the front from that time on, which Is the basis for paying half the saloon profits Into the road fund. Fewer Unemployed Mechanics in Gotham NEW YORK, March 24.-Roswell D. Tomlclns, secretary of the- United Board of Business Agents of tho union in the building trades, in a report made public today, said that the number of unem ployed mechanics In this city had de creased In the last rive or six weeks. Be tween flvo and six weeks ago, he said, there were aboot 70,000 building mechanics Idle, and at present the number Is about 50,000. With Improving weather conditions, it Is stated, another 10.000 of these unem ployed men will be at work In the next few days. MUTINOUS WOMEN PRISONERS ISOLATED PARIS March S4.-Fitteen ringleaders among the wosnen prisoners In the St Lazore penitentiary who protested against special privileges accorded to Mme. Call laux, were placed In isolation cells today as a punishment Mme. Caillaux, who appeared In a con dition of extreme fatigue, called Impa tiently for her husband, the former minis ter of finance. When he arrived at the Jail, a long conference ensued. rmnnTiTiTFiiiwi THEY 1 " ' 1 TYLT RECORD I VOTED FOP TREE TOLLS AT THE. LAST ' ' I 0 WM,TC "c COIfGRESS, ALSO &na&:- I IN THE BALTIMORE f . IjtudctJiZ, I CONVENTION, AND ) IpllM I TALKED FREE TOILS cvtf THROUGHOUT MY - ?'7 010 TOP ' I t wuat p'r' J . Drawn for The Bee by Powell. Lincoln is myu OITY" Carson Says He Bought Cigarettes, Whisky and Drugs There. HE WOULD OUST CHIEF M ALONE Anti-Saloon I.enBue Man Says lie In (lathering Hvidence for Suit Which Ha Will File to Unit Chief of Police. "I've bought cigarettes, whiskey, co caine, morphine, laudanum and .moat everything that It is against the law to sell, during the- last week InfWnobln.t'- Boia Hupcrintenacnt i 'Corada'of the Nebraska Antl-Saloori league in Omaha Tuesday. "I ahi piling up some of these things simply as. further ovidonce to bo used In the cases I have started down there, and what's more, I may start a few fresh cases besides." Superintendent Carson, says he is not pushing these cases so 'much to punish anyone who la violating thoSo laws, aa he Is to demonstrate to the people of Lincoln that these things aro going on right under their noses all tho time In spite of their cry of a "'holy city," anl that the town is in a sense, ."wfdo open" under tho regime of Chief of Police Jim Mai one. It Is Malone that Carson Is seeking to remove from office and ho say.? the evi dence ot illegal traffic In ll'iu.T, and other Iniquities he is gathering, is all to this end. Carson says that while tho city commission In Lincoln refused to take any action for the removal of Ma lone on the showing made -by Carson In tho information he filed, he personally intends to start suit In district court to remove him. Parents of "Mystery Baby" Believed Live in a Nebraska Town DENVER. March 24.-Special Tele gram.) Patrolman Horkins of Capitol Hill substation believes he has solved the identity of the "mystery baby" deposited Friday night on the doorstep at the home of George Qano. S4 East Colfax avenue, and doclared the parents have gone to Central City. Neb. The alleged parents of the Infant came to Denver several weeks ago and re mained here ten days after the accouch ment Patrolman Horkins claims, also that they departed on a train which left Denver within a half hour after the infant was found on the Qnno doorstep. The little one Is now In the care of Mrs, Roberts of 1376 Pearl street, whose hus band found the waif. According to Mrs. Anna McBrlde, who resides with Mrs. M. P. Morrill, the child's parents are Walter Pease and his wife, Gladys, who supposedly left Friday night for their home Jn Central City, Neb. Mrs. Morrill, who attended the child last week has Identified It by a shawl which she wrapped around its feet. ASHLAND STATION AGENT TRIMS MAYOR WIGGENH0RN ABULAND, Neb., March 24.-(rpeclal Telegram.) The largest attended city caucus in years tonight nominated Thomas V. Dalley, Burlington station agent, and present First ward council man, for mayor over II. A. Wlggenhorn, present mayor, by a majority of thirty two votes. Following is the remalndor ot the ticket: X B. Lachapell for elty clerk; E, A. Wlggenhorn for city treasurer, renomi nated without opposition: J. J. Gorman, nominated over Oscar Hoffman, E. J. Rose and C. C Chapman for First ward councilmen, and G. L. Scott, 'renominated over J. li. Russell In the Second ward. B. Q. Almy and Dr. C F. Klrkpatrick were nominated for Board ot Education, the opposing candidates being W. M. Bueler and Dr. C. M. Pancoost O. It. Scott was chairman and F, L. Carroll secretary ot the caucus. License and Sunday base ball will be voted on sen arotely at the election. Putting Him Up Against The National Capital Tnemlny, March Ut, 1014. The Senate. Senator Chamberlain Introduced a reso lution to repeal the tolls exemptions on Inland waterways granted by tho rivers and harbors bill ot 18S4. The Hoiiar. Debate on the Panama tolls exemption bill was again Postponed, because the rivers and harbors appropriation bill still was unfinished. Woman suffragists beforo the elections, committee endorsed a bill to permit quail-' lied women voters to cast uaiiots at con greeBlonnl elections. Representative Green, before the com merce committee spoke in favor of In vestigating the financial affairs ot tho Rock Island railroad system. FELT IS TOJPLEAD GUILTY Decides to Transfer His Case from Hastings .to Omaha. STILL DECLINES ALL BAIL Primmer Helps to Clear Up Several Mnttrrn In Connection with Ills Case and Thereby Saves the It ante Money, Decision to transfer htr, ease from the Hastings to tho Omaha division of the United States district' court to plead guilty to tho charge of violating tho national banking laws, and to start serv ing Bcntenco at once, Is said to have been made by Albert C. Felt tho sidf-eon- fessod repentont wrecker of tho First National bank of Superior, of which lie was cashier, llo Is still In tho Douglas county Jail as a federal prisoner, having declined to take his llburty on bond. His brothers, Frank B. aand Morlo J. Felt, left Omaha late last night to ar range the transfer stipulations with Felt's lawyer, who lives at Red Cloud. They say Felt will plead guilty aa soon as he can bo arraigned in the Omaha division ot the federal court That Receiver Cole of the First Na tional bank of Superior will bo able to realize thousands of dollars on paper that had been considered doubtful, If not worthless, up to the time ot the volun tary surrender ot Albert C. Felt, the ab sconding cashier, was stated yesterday afternoon by Attorney R. D. Sutherland for the receiver, after he had held a long conference with the repentant bank wreoker. Question as to tho value ot much of the paper held by the bank when It closed January 9 had been raised, some people alleging that their signatures on notes were forgeries. With the return of Felt, however, it is said that some of the business men and farmers have had a change of heart, and Felt's statements yesterday tend further to lessen the losses of the bank and brighten Its pros pects, according to the lawyer for the receiver. Clears Up Cases. Going over many matters In detail with Attorney Sutherland, Felt helped to clear up cases where doubt had existed In re gard to the bank's assets. Before re turning to "Superior, the lawyer said; "The receiver will be able to realize thousands or dollars, where It may have been in doubt before. My talk, with 31 r. Felt was very satisfactory and product ive of great good. I was highly pleased over the care and anxiety with which he went Into tho matter, and am glad to say he seemed cheerful and Is bearing up well In Jail. "Ills one aim at this tlmo seems to be to help make good the bank's resources. Ho expressed willingness to throw light on transactions for the benefit ot the re ceiver and the depositors, and his evi dence will be available In making good tho claims of the bank about which there Tug Sinks Ferryboat, Fifteen Are Drowned KOBPENICK, Germany, March 34.-Flf-teen persons were drowned here today uhec a tug ran Into and sank a small ferry boat filled with woricmen and their wives, hen to lajr It. CONTEST HITS LINCOLN MAN Prof. Prosser Frye May Lose If James E. Haokett Wins. LEGATEE UNDER COUSIN'S WILL Iilnroln Man Gels Ten Thousand from the Kstnte of Mrs. Minnie. Hackett Trotrbrldae, Which Actor IS to Contest. NEW YORK, March I4.-(Speclal Tele gram.) The first move to vfsaU the will of the late Mrs. Minnie Hackett Trow bridge, niece of "James K. HnckeU, the abtorj Who left an estate ut about ii,m, 000, wflA rnnde today when objections to tho probate were 'filed In the surrogate's court On behalf of A. Oakley Hall of this city, a first cousin of Mrs. Trowbridge. Mrs. Trowbridge died on March 3 last, and when her will was filed three days later it was found the hclrs-ln-Uw with the exception of Prof. Prosser Frye of Lincoln. Neb., a second cousin, who was left $10,000, had been disinherited. The remalndor of tho property waa left to friends and charity. - Counsel representing Mr. Hackett, a half uncle ot tho deceased, and who may Inherit more than 31,000,000 If the will Is set aside, and the Misses Pearl and Leona Reohtln of Brooklyn, second cousins, also will file objections at onco, and they have been notified that tho Villaining heirs will tako similar action. In his petition Mr. Hall charges that the wilt filed nnd dated January 9, I90S, wat not the last will of Mrs. Trow bridge, and that in addition she was not In her right mind when she mado the will. Numerous I.nrae lleiii-s(s, ' Other large bequests made III the con tested document arc $100,000 to the Syra cuse unlvcrblty; JW.OOO to Mrs. Jennie Clancy, with tho provision that her-husband shall have the use of none of It, and $10,000 to tho Presbyterian hospital in this city. 'The other legatees are: Alice Kettletus, Mrs. C. A. Bllnn, Elsie Frances Uateman, Hannah Wall, Mrs. T. H. Stephens, Mrs. L. II. Jerome and 'Laura Dennis, , At tho bottom of her will Mrs. Trow bridge made this statement as to why she cut off her heirs; "My nearest noxt of kin Is a half brother of my deceased father, with whom, aa I always understood, neither my father nor my mother had any ac quaintance and, so far as I know, never expressed any friendly Interest In him. Aa for myself, I have never seen the man. My other relatives are from my mothor'ssJde and are stepcouslns, with whom I have no acquaintance or Inter est" The half brother referred to Is Mr. Hackett. It Is said that Prof. Frye will not Join the other relatives In contesting the will. Prof. Prosser Frye is connected with the department of English at tho Uni versity of Nebraska. Postoffice Safe at Iowa Falls Robbed IOWA FALLS, la., March M.-(8pecIal Telegram.) Tho safe In tho postoffice In Iowa Falls waa blown open this morn-1 Ing at 2:10 and about $300 In money taken ! and about the same amount In Hemps. 1 The yeggmen picked the door n tho lobby on tho west side and made escape by the same door. Tho handle was twisted from the safo and tho hole loaded with nitroglycerin. The charge completely wrecked the door on tho safe. 1 PROF. OTTO HARNACK DROWNS SELF IN RIVER STUTTGART, Germany, March 24. The body of Prof. Otto Harnack, one of three celebrated brothers, was found la the Neckar river today. The professor, who was connected with the school system here, had been missing for a month. It Is supposed that he committed suicide during a mental breakdown VILLA'S ADVANCE IS CHECKED By BLOODY FIGHT NEAR TORREON Insurgents Finally Victorious in Battle Fought on Mountain side at Qomez Pftlaolo, FEDERAL LOSSES ARE HEAVY Hucrtistas Driven from-Strong Po sition by Cavalry Charge. DETAILS OF FIGHT LACKING Rebels Send Many Wounded Men to the Rear. FEDERALS ATTEMPTED ADVANCE General Velnseo Sallied Ont of Tor - reon, Hnplnir tn Strike a Deci sive lllovr lleforft Villa neaehed Clly, JT'AHKX, Mexico, March 4.-3ome Palaclo was in ths hands ot the rebels " this morning, according to Information given out at the office ot General Chao here, and Oenernl Ilenavldos at the head of tha Zaragoia brtgnri was moving against Torreon. No statement of casual ties In the desperate street fighting In Gomea Pnlscla lest nl slit was avaituble- Conflrmatlon of the rebel victory In thx latter city was received when a tele gram from General Villa was picked up here. It ordered that certain supplies b sent, directly to Gomes Palaclo. Bonavldcs Is Raid to b advancing from tho east, after cutting tna railroad tn Saltlllo, Htratoglata hern think that h will be the first to enter the federal stronghold. They believe that the bulk of the federal foroea waa engaged at Oomex Palaclo and that although the lat'.er re tired they will not have tlmo nor aplrit tn unite egalnat Uonavldes, who Is advanc ing from a different direction, In the fighting at Gomoe Palaclo last night tho rebels succeeded In capturing much of tho federal artillery on Cerm de la Pilar, thn mountain near Gomes. They also captured the field furniture and bedding of tho federal commander-in-chief. General Velnseo, who was in personal charge of the defense ot Gomes Palaclo. Many Klllra and Wonnded. EL VERJEU Mexico, March 24,-Meet- Ing stubborn resistance at Gomes Palaclo, but a few miles northeast ot Torreon, General Francisco Villa and his 32.0M tronns of robela, fought the most bloody battle' ot the con'tltutlonallsta' revolution and tho rebel chieftain's march to Tor reon, along the route ef Nich hu had Piled vletory upon victory, was seriously checked, ... Today the "field hospital hern'ls crowded wltlf wounded which lUreamed In El Ver Jel as last as they could fin returned from the front, Glyn emergency atten tion hsre the seriously wounded were hastened on to thn general hospital at lleimejllll. The federnl loss appeared to have been much heavier than tha rebels' loss, but no aeourata estimate of thnlr dead or wounded had been learned today. Ap parently determined to deal Gnnsral Villa, a crushing Mow before ho actually reached the gates of Torreon, General Velasco sallied out of the Invested city under cover of the groat guna on the sides of Cerroxe de la IHlar and atrongly Kttrrlsoned Qomen Talacln, Mads con fident by his nnny and asy vlotorle enrqute, General Villa heard the reports from his scouts thnt Gnmea Palaclo was strongly fortified and gave the orders tor nttsck. Thn guns of Cerro ds la Pilar thun dered, The crash of volley after volley from tho federal tranches and the an swering roar of rebel artillery jind small arms opened tho first strenuous engage ment of Villa's troops and the federals, who hoped to check the onward march of (Continued on Page Two.) t V The store- window's story There's a great deal of dif ference amont; store-windows. It hn8 boon said that the win dow of a storo is an Index to what is Inside. 80 it Is from the public's point of view. But for the retailor, his win dow Is oven mora It is his head salesman and Is OPPOR TUNITY spelled In capital let ters. Tho first opportunity Is to show tho character and clat ot merchandise sold. The second is to create con fidence by showing that the storo Is up and doing and de sires tho patronage ot tho passer-by. 1 The third is to back up the dealer's advertising. The same things advertised In today'B Boo should be found in tho win dow. Many an advertisement brings people up to a store win dow and many a customer Is lost because the window doesn't complete the sale. The fourth is to make the store window show, every arti cle in tho store for which, a de mand Is being created by tho manufacturer's newspaper ad vertising. Thore Is hardly a dealer la tho city who doeB not carry some brands of merchandise backed up by good newspaper advertising. This advertising by tho manufacturer can be mado to earn profltB for every dealer who is entor prising enough to keep tn touch with newspaper advertising and then see to it that lils store -windows properly display this merchan dise. JJ 4 4