Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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    TUB BBB: OMAHA, TUJ58DAY. AtAHOll 24, 1914.
eceipts From Merchants on This Page Are Valuable
quare Deal
Have' made us many friends. 'r-'i'i
It is thrio you, too, were on our list.
'And got' acquainted L with tlio
Quality and Neatness of our work.
Contestants' Standing
Kama. ifo. of Vote.
Bnth A. IUnny 2,607,000
Taj M. Watts 3,353,898
Mm, Emm Ferry l,101,S8u
Charles Ball 1,034,660
Sjlvia Hahna 3ia,59
Wllke Ward 151,493
Robert Xiawla Lowmtn. ...... , 105,057
Mary J. Aberly 33,853
u. a, nyiirom 13,067
Bam Btalnbarr.
Un, M. W. narblnn.
Roiwell Potts
Mrs. B. s. Smith....
Clyde J, Luther . i.
Zoe Bohalek
Fred Born.
Herbert C. Welle. , .
w, j, siettlen.
Chris Blmonsou, Vtloa, ITeb 1,000
Julian Barrla
uarry j. Beveraon
Minor a. Kennedy
Herbert C. Lundon
Me R. nireri
genaie k. washburn..
uaries a.
1507-09-11 Jackson Street.
Phone Douglas 919.
Tnomai. .-
Myrtle O. Harrison
Mrs. James Mortlmore..
Henrietta Swensen
Mrs, Robert T. Jonas.....
James X.. Xulakofsky. . .
T. O. Thomoion. .
1 Mr." O0'fc" E. Evarts
ioulsa Pannlnjrber;. . .
?atu Horton.
iienj-r k. einr
Mi. juuan r.owden
aamuei x. sock..
John Pllcker ....
JUIe Waohetaln..
Harry Erney...... 1.000
"ire. it, Beverldra l.oou
Mrs. Pinna Circle 1.000
William 1.000
lOretchen Edgar 1.000
James O. Wisely 1,000
Sara Lee ., 4 1,000
Wayne Itlley 1,000
H. W. Decker 1,000
Mrs. Jennie Martin 1,000
ijuuan x.. Brlckson, Kearney, wen. 1,000
John Cepleoha, Harwell, Heb 1,000
't . . f .
Read These Drug j Toilet Goods
Prices Before You Buy Again
Wr carrv In stock over 125.000 Items in DniES. Chemicals, Pro
prietary Medicines and Toilet Articles. Wo buy direct from manufac
turers or importers In most Instances, -and tnus can wim great trutn
say that "Wo Save You Timo nud Money."
25c 'Allen's Foot Easo tor. ,14i
Dromo Seltzer 01)c, iUc, 18c, X0
SScCarter's Ciltle Liver Pills 12
35c Castorla for..' -.21d
50c Caldwell's Syrup pepsin 2Q
50c Carmen Powder -29c$
50c Canthrox for 29
50c'Doans Kidney Pills for 34
26c Bspey's Fragrant Gream 14
Fellows Syrup for'8c and. .64j
Horllck's Malted Milk, $2.70, 07c
and 34
25c Hydrox Peroxide Cream 14
Hind's Honey and Almond Cream
for 70c and, 29d
Llsterlne for 58c, 20c, 14c and 9d
25c Lyon's Tooth Powder . .142
25c Laxatlvo Bromo Qulnlno 12J
50c Malvlna Cream for 2l8
2Dc Mennen's Talcum (4 kinds)
for 12d
Mentholatum for 4c and. . 14d
$1.50 Oriental Cream, (Gour-
ard's) for . .. 98d
50c-Pape"'B Dlapepsln for. . .29
$1.00 Plnkham's Compound 59
25c Packer's Tar Soap for..l4
$1.00 Pierce's Favorite Rx 643
25o Pond's Vanishing Cream 14.C
50c Syrup of Figs 29
50c Samuel's 3 P for 29
S. S. S. for $1.00 and 50
25c 4711 White Soap for,..12
26c Woodbury's Facial Soap 14
$1.00 Wine' of Cardul for..54
Of Course, It's the
When you want the best piano, but
.'our factory lias just finished up in fine "Just like
new" shape, the cases, tone and action of 20 pianos,
including the following makes
Three ihstruihents at $7ff, including Kimball' and
Ilallett & Davis; 3 instruments at $175, including
Steger, Hospe and Richmond; 5 flayer Pianos, includ
ing Emersorf-Angelus at $2G5; Weber Pianola at $275;
others to $475.
You can own any one of the above on small weekly
payments, and later turn it in at full price on a Mason
& Hamlin.
1513 Douglas Street.
"14600 bays in tho Piano Business."
How to Win a Free
Trip to the Pana
ma Exposition
Halts of Contest.
1 The Bc offors and will award threa
round-trip tickets and expenses to the
Panama Exposition, the total cost of each
trip to bo $200, as prizes to the three con
testants having tho greatest number ot
points at the close ot the contest.
2 This contest open to everybody ex
cept employes oC advertisers on this pago
and of The Bee.
S Tho contest '"pose will be published
one day each week and will run for a
period of 6ne year.
4- Polnts will be figured on the basis of
ono point for each 1 cent shown on caatl
checks or receipts for purchases mado
from advertisers on this page.
5 Cash checks must be deposited at or
mailed to "Panama Contest Editor" The
lioo not later than thirty days from date
of payment of same and rocelpts will be
Itsued for them.
Contest to close November 7, 1914. All
cash tickets and receipts must be turned
into The Beo office not later than 9 p, m,
on closing day of contest, or If mailed,
must be postmarked not later than that
Italy Will Spend
$400,000 for Show j
at the Exposition
Prince Scalca of the Italian ministry
han advised officials ot tho Panama
Pacific International exposition that Italy
will participate In tho exposition and will
expend (400,000 on an elaborate and com
prehensive national exhibit.
Slgnor Nathan, tho former mayor of
the city of Homo, has accepted the ap
pointment as Italian commissioner to the
exposition and will leavo for America
soon to dedicate his country's site.
Tho Italian Parliament recently appro
priated $409,000 for participation anil In
terest, which has been keen in Italy over
tho exposition, Immediately became an
expression of enthusiasm. It is reported
that steamer reservations nro now being
mado by hundreds of prominent Italians
for tho year 1915 and that the attendance
from that country will bo exceptionally
Roller Conveyors
to Handle Crowds
on Sloping Track
One of tho most unlqun and original
methods of transportation over devised
for handling exposition crowds, and ono
which will effectually solve tho problem'
of transporting the enormous crowds fron
tho ferry building to the exposition
grounds. Is planned for San Francisco
during the Panama-Pacific Internationa",
exposition next year.
Tho new' method, known as tho roller
conveyor system, Is similar to that whlc
han been In" Use In factories for years,
nlthough this wilt bo the tlrst application
of tho mechanism to passenser traffic.
A sight that never falls to annuo vis
itors to the Panama-Pacific International
exposition grounds is that of a train of
freight, cars speeding out of a nowly fin
ished oxhlblt palace. While all tho en
trances aro large enough to admit loco
motives and cars.'tho proortlon of Ote
immense buildings aro such that the
spectator does not realize this. Spurs of
the exposition terminal railway system
enter all the palaces and aro now In dally
iim transporting lumbor ami materials
for construction to tho interior of the
odtflocs. tater these tracks will bo used
In tho Installation ot exhibits. When tl.e
exposition opens every track will be cov
ered over and will remain invisible until
the close of tho celebration, when they
will again bo used.
New Lamp Strong
Competitor to Sun
Tho latest and most remarkable exten
sion in the electrio illumination Is a new
lamp producing from 1,500 to 2,000 candle
The Wolfe Electrio company of this
city has recently added to Its stock tho
latest production of tho Bholby National
Quality Mazda lamp, namely, 750 watt
and 1,000 watt nitrogen filled Bhelby
Mazda. This lamp has nearly twice the
efficiency of the regular Shelby Mazda,
and for this reason Is by far the most
economical artificial light where a largo
unit is desired.
A wonderful Installation of 760-watt
National Mazda lamps Is now In operation
on Ontario street, Cleveland. Another
considerable field for tho now lamp Is
for a display advertising in front of largo
stores or on top:iot high buildings, etc.
Vor example, a 750-watt National Mazda
lamp has been on display for some time
at tho top of the flagpole of the Hotel
Belmont, New York City, whero It has
excited a great deal 'of icurioslty.
For tho commercial photographer this
lamp is the only really satisfactory light
for printing purposes, as trie brilliancy of
this lamp la almost equal to sunlight.
Every Dollar Deposited to Open a New
Account in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of
Counts 100 Votes in The Bee's Panama Contest
Capital, $500,000
Surplus, $500,000
Undivided profits,$240,000
Total deposits, $7,000,000
13th and Far nam streets
FBANK 1. HAMILTON, Vice President
3. H. MEILE, Assistant Cashier
C. B. DTJGDALE, Assistant Cashier
NOTE! Votes will not be allowed for other than bona fids new saving
accounts. Full number of votes will be allowed up to sixty days before
close of contost when a limit of 10.000 will be placed on each new account.
Panama Exposition Noln,
A bill appropriating $160,000 gold for tho
purpose- of a Chilean pavilion at the
Panama-Pacific International exposition,
has passed both houses of tho Chilean
Vahan Cardashlan, Imperial Ottoman
adjutant, high commissioner and execu
tive director to the Panama-Paclflo In
ternational exposition from Turkey, visited
San Francisco recently for tho purpose of
selecting and formally dedicating the site
for the Turkish pavilion, which will cost
WCO.OCW. There will be shown a lavish
display of the products, manufactures,
and art of the Ottoman empire.
Since Lincoln Beachey started Indoor
aviation by his sensational flight In tho
gigantic palace ot machinery. It haa bo
come ft common sport at the Panama
Pacific International exposition. Beachey
has not repeated the flight, but others
have successfully attempted to break his
record for an indoor endurance flight. A
flock of groy linnets has Invaded the huge
palace, and built nests among the rafters,
and Incidentally smashed Ueacheya
record for Indoor aviation to smithereens.
An exhibit by which it Is hoped to in
fluence Immigration to Canada is planned
for tho Canadian pavilion, at the Panama
Pacific International exposition. now
being constructed under direction of
Colonel William Hutchinson, commis
sioner general from the Dominion of
Canada. This play, says Colonel Hutchin
son, Is merely to offset the flow of
Canadians to the United States, and Is
not in a spirit of rivalry. Canada has
appropriated J600.000 to be expended upon
Its exhibit
Ilene Qulnton, head of the French
Aerial league, cables congratulations to
Arnold Kruckman. manager of the bureau
of aeronautics of tho Panama-Paclflo In
ternational exposition, upon his Initiative
In inaugurating tho great around-the-world
aeroplane contest to start In May,
1915. Qulnton. who has been organizer
of many European cross-country flights,
suggests an alternative route by way of
Europe. Africa, Asia and America, via
London. Paris, Berlin, Vienna. Con
stantinople Cairo, Bagdad, Calcutta.
Halgon, Pekln. Behring Straits and Ban
t ranclsco, with a time limit for this route
of 130 days.
Every Inch of the two miles of bay
shore skirting the grounda of the Panama
Pacific exposition has been scoured by
exposition builders In a vain search for
Isabello, tho wild duck whom workmen
In and around the court of the universe
had adopted as their mascot. Isabelle
appeared suddenly a few months ago In
tho center of the little pool In the space
which Is to be tho sunken garden of the
court, and finding things to her liking,
end the . workmen generdus of bits of
food, remained, undisturbed by the sound
of hammer and saw, Now she has dtsup.
peared as mysteriously as she came,
driven away, it Is believed by the In
creasing florks of nea-gulls whlrh haunt
the exposition shores.
ti, Artri,ttnn Unniihtio recently mado
an appropriation of $1,300,000. gold, for an
oxhlblt at tho Panama-Pacmo interna
tional exposition ot Pan Francisco, In 191.
and has Intimated that It will add to this
amount later.
Tho exhibit will Illustrate methods by
which Argentina has become Hn Import
ant factor In contributing to tho fond
supply of the world, and it Is expected it
will be ono of the most remarkablo every
shown from a South American nntlon.
IText Tnsfday we will pnbllsh
tandlntr of all contestants who have
turned In their nomination coupons
or cash ehsoka for voi In this con
test. Oat your reoelpts In by Satur
day evening;, so that your standing
will appear in the list, thna letting
your friends know that yP . om
petlng for a trip to U Panama exposition.
Send or bring this coupon to tho "Panama Contest
Editor" of tho Boo and you will recoivo 1000 votos in
tho Panama Contest. Only ono coupon will bo credited
to a person.
Benj. Franklin Said-
"Wealth is not his that has
it but his that enjoys it."
Poor Itlcliard's Almanac.
You can protect the health of
your family and insure comfort in the
home by using an Electric Radiator.
In the bath room and nursery it pro
tects the little ones from chills and
draughts and aids in keeping them
well and strong.
The Electric Radiator
for Cool Mornings and Nights
Chill mornings and cool evenings at
this time of year demand some quick,
Convenient method of heating. It is an unneces
sary expense to operate the furnace for a Jew
hours each day. Tho Electric Radiator heats
quickly; can be moved readily from one room to
another and is safe and convenient.
Omaha Electric Light &
Power Company
Diamonds Watches Jewelry
ilverware Crystal Cut Glass
OVER 100 BRANCH STORES and More Added Every Week
Our Watch Repair Dept. Largest
in State; Experts Only Employed
v wmt, trtiuf
Tsikc 9 Look
at theso lamps and then notice the
price at which wo aro offoriug thcln
to you. It is hardly necessary for us
to say that you cannot find a lamp
of bettor quality for tho mouoy.
This lamp is adjustable to any angle,
can bo used on tho piano, on the
desk, on the library table, on tho
sewing machine, on tho work bench,
otc. It is finished in Brush Brass
with parabola shade, cord and at
tachment plug.
You Will Want One
but you must como soon our sup
ply is limited, so hurry or you will
bo too late.
The Electric Shop
Tyler 1414 1810 Parnam Street
Wire for Us and We Will Wire for You.
You Are Not Attired
Properly This Spring It's
NOT Dresher's Fault
Droshoro liavo given out tli word repeatedly; thoy can tako
your LAST year's suit or dross and put THIS year's stylo to
It! This makes about tho 48th advertlBemont to thlB effect; so
Its YOUR fault If you go SHABBY this Spring.
Phone Tyler 345 and get In touch with any ot the Droshor
Depts. Ono dopt cloans; another dyee; another rips clothes
apart; another remodels tho clothes; another presses and so
on. It remains with YOU. Won't It be choapor to fix up LAST
j'oar'B clothoB than to buy NEW onos?
Dresher Brothers
Dry Cleaners, Dyers, Hatters
and Tailors
$57,000 Plant at 2211-2213 Farnam Street
Grow Burbank Va-
? Garden
f And Have Something Differ
J! ' ent From the Others
With every dollar pur-
fllinsn nf Tiiltlinr Hnrhnnbr
TUa aal guarantee! an orig
inal Burbank production.
j seeds wo will present you
IjL ono of tho copyrighted
books, "Tho Culturo of Flowers, Fruits and Vege
fltables," written by Luther Burbank himself. Wo
i aro also selling agents for the famous Luther Bur
bank nursery stock.
Connects with
Htores by
West Arcade.
Remember With eaoh ono doLlar's worth of
j Burbank's seeds purchased here, you get 100 votes
in Tho Bee's Panama Contest.
0$$ (Jw&W (Jw" QwjKji QwfM.