Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1914, Image 4

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Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher
.And Jeff Could'nt Wait Till Monday for Wash Day
WHfT'& THG Xte ot
C... 1
inn-rut i wn
NAMfclNfc IN THe
Phony RoofA
nru ftiuow pop. HIS UYYLG
f DOLL . X
Guess I'M TOO
Pitchers Hand Out Straight Balls
oad Batters Find Them Easily.
l'n nook Thrrr More Kxhlhlllon
(irvitim, Making Eleven Helirilaled
KniK Arrive nml (irntinin
II II y M IlrlriiMr.
The entire sauad of Itourkes went
through two routino workout Monday,
an hour In the morning and two hours
In the afternoon. Kungo hitting, diamond
practlca nnd halting practice nd warm
ing up for the pitchers constituted, tho
efforts of the athletes.
Although tho pitchers did not cut loose
with any speed nor curves the hitters
slammed out many a long hit which
proved that thoy nt least know how lo
hand o a bat Joo Ward, Joo Bell,, Hunk
tongalton, Fred Thomas and Eddlo Wal
lace lined out long, olw ones while tno
others did almost as well. Tha practice
was confined to an Improvised diamond
In tho outfield, as the Infield Is under
PWobs of Improvement nnd It was u
bit difficult for the InfloMcra to sooop
up the oht ones. However, they did nobly
and Fred Thomas nnd Ilnl Chase demon
btratcd that It was n cinch to smothtfr oil
and every kind of t grounder that name
In their direction. ' 1
Johnnie (landing lined up Chase. Clancy,
Thomas and Ward' for a little IritteM
prac, with Shcstak doing the receiving
Although the ball bounded uncertainly
tho athletes mado but few errors. Chase
stretched hols long body all over t'rst
base and took all throws, low, high or
far to one side. Thomas ran from third to
second on the grounders nnd nailed them
ull whllo Ward and Clancy did nobly with
all that came tholr way.
Then Johnnie lined up the yanlgan In
field. Smith, the ca'teher, was put on
first, while Qeorgo Graham occupied sec
ond, Wallace short and Bthlpko thlid.
Graham and Wallace mado some sensa
tional stops and Skipper handled a few
hot ones.
PlieherN Take Exercise.
Following this Orover Alexander win
put In tho box and ho floated his slow
ball up to the batters. Alexander has a
fine slow ball and had them all biting at
it. His straight ball was easily hit, uut
ha didn't work hard nor attempt any
Ulcks, Stevenson and Art Closman also
huiled to tho batters and were poundeJ
consldnrably, Hicks laid them sciuaru In
the middle of the pan so as to be easily
hit and they were when Ward or Con
go I ton t on them.
Pa Hotirke took a look at his athletes
yesterday afternoon and discovered a few
things ho never knew before. Ho saw
Alexander's slow ball, the ball which
Johnlo Gondlng talks about, and pro
nounced It the beht over. Its also saw
Charllo Uogsrs, Alexander's battery mate,
work in the practice. Uogors has n whip
which Is as good as any. When Pa saw
him hcavo to second he almost yelled.
Look at that whip." ho chirped. Rogers
throws evenly and easily without appar
ent effort. The ball travels low and ar
rives at knee height, righ where the base
man can tag the runner.
A new athlete arrived Monday. Ills
name Is Meeker and ho halls from Leav
enworth, Kan. Jack Hascall saw him In
act' ,i ar.d asked Pa to give him a chanco
and Pa agreed.
Three fiames llooUeil
Pa hooked three more exhibition games
uuurvu wnvu Ilium u.(llimiuu Kiuuca
onday. The Rourke. will ;Uy at Lin-
la April 1 and 2 and the Storx will be
ayed April 1, This make, eleven ex-
hlbltlon cames. Two games will bo
played with Lincoln hero Saturday ,and
ounoay. iwo ni wncom. two wim nita -
burgh April 4 and 8. two with the White
fe'o Apr.l 10 nnd 11, two with Mlnne -
April 7 and S and ono with the!,
Storz April II.
Martin Krug Is here at last. He blew !
In late last night from Cleveland, where
he 1ms been spending the winter. He
v II be out for practice today,
Gecge Graham, who Is working out
with Cm&'.ta. has purchased his release
from Des Mollies. The Iowa club agreed
to sell Georgo his release, but demanded
that lie promise never to play with a
Western league club. Oeorge refused to
make such an agreement, so he was sold
his o.ttrlght release, lie has not decided
what ho will do this summer. ! may
or may not play professional ball.
According to Johnnie Qondlng. two
trams will be lined up today and a little
tegular playing Indulged lu. The game
will be played on tha Improvised dia
mond, but It Is hoped that the Infield
w'lt be In shape by Thursday at least.
Bill Schlpke will oaptaln the yanlgan
nine which will buck up against a gang
of almost regulars. Bill warned the reg
ulars ot their fate last evening by the
folio wlr.g verse:
Tomorrow's the day for you guys, tomor
row's the day for you,'
Thfs bunch of rookie players will clean
you through and through:
You will surely be soft pickings, and
when the game Is dona
You guys will get Uie cunning, white we
have alt the fun.
Drlre Sick Headacbrs Awar.
Agonizing sick headache cured tiy using
Dr. Klntf s New Life Pills regularly, keep
liver and bowels in healthy condition. Sc.
AH druggists. Advertisement
Bowlers' Standing
in Magic City League
Following Is the standing of bowlers
In the Magic City league:
, W. L. Pet.
Martin Tigers K 23 ,7Cf
Kouth Omaha Ice Co 64 24 .692
Jotter's Old Ago Ct 27 .651
lllnchey Lads 12 aii .MS
ThO Whltb Hox 41 87 . 526
Cullcln's Tailors 24 54 .30S
Uncle Ham's Vets i..., 23 Hi .293
Stock Yards National Bank 21 67 .27)
Individual averages:
Name. At. N'ame. Ar.
Fiserbtrx ............ lit How 18
Krltcher lUTomin US
Kenned? HICTrul XT
Hm ltonlayhourne 147
Klrritont 170 Crowe , M
Ural nsnrlu 19
Clmdii Mtllrrk KU
Cooler ITiOrlbble ICS
KltiRfMId m Winters J6
Keller ,. UTThomaa 1U
Koch moreen 1(2
Lefler lllKru.o .1(2
Minesorg I J. Tanner 1M
rttrmn mgn4 Itl
Hall 1798wlft 1M
Klter jjj leaner 16
Kpoween 173Dlake ,. 1M
'o , 1J2 EnnerJOn 1M
Dudley l?Towl 1S3
Iplmkl ITSVnnre Ill
llincock HO Helton 1(1
McDonnell l7lmeraon 140
xe 1M eike. lit
Koyle lMUIion 129
LOS ANQKMiS, March 3. Venice won
from' t)ie Chicago Americans No. 1 here
today, S to 3, after three successive de
feats. Score:
Chicago , 3 3 2
Venice C 7 1
UnttcrlPs: Chicago, Clcotte and Snhalk;
voniee, wnue, uneiettc ana i.iuoii.
HAN FUANCI80O7 March 23.-San
Francisco, in tho Cdast league, broke up
ft I to 1 tie In tho tenth inning of a game
today with the second team of tho Chi
cago Americans and camo out victorious
ou tho long end of a 2 to t score. In tho
morning across the bay Chicago loot to
Oakland by a 4 to 1 score. Score, morn
ing game: R.II.R
Oakland 4 10 0
Chicago X 6 1
Uattcrles: Oakland.' Darcnkamp and
Alexander; Chicago, Wolfgang and Sulli
van. , .
Score, afternoon game: ft.II.K.
San Krancl.ico. 2 7 j
Chlctigo 1 8 1
Uatterlcs: San Francisco, Hughes and
Schmidt; Chicago, Dens and Sullivan.
1 HUFFALO, N. V.. March 23,-Threo
teams clashed among tho leaders In tho
two-man event of the American Bowling
congress tournament hero today. Two
changes took place in lio individual
L. Schenkel and K. II. rlmlth of Pitts
burgh, Pa., took second p'uee In the
redoubles with a scoro of 1,242. E. Quston
and W. Miner of Chicago landed In eighth
place with n score of 1.20S,
J. C. Amellng of 8t. Louis rolled high
among the Individuals today, taking third
place with a score of 53. William C.
Knox of Philadelphia, who bowled : JOO
scoro In the American Howllnz congress
tournament at Toledo last year, nhot 017
with scores of 241, 195 and iZl.tuklng
fifth place. Ills performance In the
singles gives him third place In all even'.
with a score of 1,815.
CHICAGO, March 23. Charles A.
Comlskey returned today from camp
Jcromtf, Wis., In much Improved health
- . ,,, . ,.u
j J"omf lirn In the
fter ''Jf, v" " ed h,
J 'f "
woods, lie has
ho said, from tho
effects of tho Illness which ho suffered
on the White Sox-Olanls world tour.
President Thomas, now bead of tho
i - .. .1110H 4,av. thB, h would
..,ttdlel. day.. Bt the WMt 81do
!,,,' ., ,,.,,, ..... tho ame. at
.MV ,,v i,tend of at 2:30. as
was done last year.
BOSTON. March 23. -Jimmy Collins,
star third baseman for many years and
manager of the world's champions Boston
Americans of 1903, today said he would
go to Buffalo Sunday to confer wth the
owners ot tho Federal leaguo franchise
regarding hla acceptance of the manage'
ment of that team. Collins said he would
be a candidate for third baseman position.
It he became manager.
SAVANNAH. Ga.. March 23.-The
Philadelphia American league team to
day defeated the Savannah South At
lantic league club. 7 to ! Score: IH.E.
Philadelphia ' i"
Savannah 6 f
Uatter ea: Plank. BUsn. HnawKty anu
Lapp. Schang; Cheney. Woolf, Causey
and -Smith,
Tltxers Utanlc Southerners.
troit Americans today defeated tha New
Orleans team ot the Southern league, 1
to 0. Ty Cobb played with the second
team at Mobile. Ala., which won from
Mobile. 2 to 1. Score: R.1I.E.
Detroit 1 6 1
New Orleans 0 3 1
Batteries: Dubue, Dauss and Stanage,
Evans, Bagby and H If Kins.
4H biiff "IhIt
Outlaws Will Challenge Vinners in
Organized Ball.
I'lnylntr flelicrtnlc nf New l.ciiKnc Is
Adopted n( Meeting? of MokuU
nml Will He Glren Out
I.nter lu Week.
BALTIMORE. March 23.-Thc playing
scheduto of the Federal league was
adopted tonight at ameotlng hero of tho
officials of the league. It was announced
It probably would be given out the latter
part ofthls week.
Tho mdstlmportant business' nt tho
meeting other than drafting of the
schedule was the determination to apply
for an Injunction to restrain Pitcher
Standing from playing with the Cleveland
American leaguo club. Blandlng, who
played with tho Cleveland Americans last
yoar, signed with tho Kansas City Fed
erals, hut later rejoined Cleveland.
Vice President Mullen of tho Burfalo
club said that Pitcher Kahlcr 'of last
year's Cleveland team, who returned to
Cloveland after having signed a con
traet with the Buffalo Federals, either
would play In Buffalo or not at all.
President Gllmoro of the leaguo an
notmced that tho pennant winners of the
FedM-al leaguo will issue a challenge to
the winners In the National and American
leagues to play for the championship of
the world.
"If either of tho successful teams In
those two leagues refuses to meet our
leaders," ho added, "we will claim fte
championship by default."
Bright Sun Calls
Many to the Golf
Links Near Omaha
Tho rise In tho temperaturo and tho
appearance of the sun yesterday morn
ing served as an Incentive for a largo as'
sembly of Omaha golfers to hike to the
links about town and Indulge In a llttlo
of the exercise sport Although only a,
ecattored few drove tho ball over tho
greens In tho morning, every course in
town was pretty well occupied In tho
afternoon. At tho Field club, the Happy
Hollow and the Country club all of those
golfers who make It a practice to be on
hand every nlco day, whether that bo In
December or Junb, were on hand and In
addition a large number of enthustnsts,
who had a hunch that spring was really
here, made themselves known. It Is ex
pected that all tho links will be active
every. Sunday from now on.
Start Last Week of
Training for Race
LONDON, March 23. Tho Oxford and
Cambridge crows entered today the lust
week of training for their annual clght
oared race over tho famous four and one-half-mllo
course from Putney to Mort
lake on tho Thames.
Thus far everything had favored Cam
bridge for tho big event on March 2S,
tho crew being tho best developed at that
university for years. The rcverso has
been the case with the Oxford man, who
were for a long time unable to decide
cither upon tho composition of tho crew
or on the positions of tho oarsmen.
The only advantage the dark 'Jlucs havo
Is that they have more men of experi
ence in their boat.
BALTIBORE. March 21-Offclals of
the Federal league gathered hero tonight
to attend a meeting tomorrow at which
a playing schedule will be adopted.
Lloyd Rlckert, secretary oi the league,
has dratted an arrangement of dates, but
It Is thought many changes will be made
to avoid unnecessary conflict with the
American association's schedule.
BEAUMONT. Tex.. March 2S.-The New
York Americans mado fifteen hits for
twenty-two bases and stole eight bases
agilnst the Beaumont Texas league club,
winning, 14 to Score. R.H.E.
New York 14 IS 6
Beaumont 6 T 3
Batteries: Fisher, Caldwell and Goa-
sett; Brant, Talf and Hetts. Hobo.
Memphln Ontlilta Cubs, tint Loses,
MEMPHIS, Tenn.. March 23. Memphis
of tho Southern Jague outhlt the Chicago
Nationals today, but Chicago's hits were
timely and they won, 7 to 4. Score.
Chicago 7 8 3
Memphis , , 4 9 1
Batteries: Cheney, Vaughan and
Archer. Uresnahan: Smith. Harrell, Steel
and Schlel, Olbboney.
nianta Win from Dullm.
DOLLAS. Tex, March 23. Tha New
York Nationals won from Dallas of tho
Texas league today, S to 3. Score: R.H.E.
New York -.6 4 2
Dallas 3 7 2
Batteries: Tesreau. Shoaucr and Myers;
Johnson. liuenke, Smith and Menefee,
Forty - One Blooded
Morses Are Jburned!
FOUT HI LBV, Kan., March 23.-Forty-
ono blooded horses belonging to the
mounted service school on the United
States military reservation here were de
stroyed In a fire that burned the Btablea
today. Two mounts were being schooled
as Jumpers and a number of them were
being trained for tho coming Interna
tional military contests to be hold In
Madison Square garden.
Two high-priced horses, including the
stallion Vestibule, presented to the school
by August Belmont, were rescued.
New York Yankees
' Trim Mobile Team
MOBILE, Ala., March 23.-JW4th all reg
ulars In tho lineup, tho New York Amer
ican league team defeated tho local
Southern leaguers today, S to 2. Keating
for New York struck out elovon men In
flvo Innings. Walsh and Gllhooley hit
home runs. Score: R.H.E.
Mobile 2 6 3
Now York . 5 9 '1
Batteries: Fritz. Ketelev nnrt Urnwn.
llergcr; Keating, CIoo and Reynolds.
Cards Hold Mack's
Scrubs Scoreless
ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla., March 23.-The
St. Iouls National leaguo club held tho
(Philadelphia American league club's sec
ond team scoreless today, St Louis win
ning, 7 to 0: Score: n.H.E.
St. Louis 7 6 0
Philadelphia. 0 E 6
Batteries: Robinson, Doak, Snyder and
Wlngo; Bender, Bresler, Boardman and
Sturgls, MoAvoy.
DENVER, March 23,-Colorado E, the
2:'04?i trotter, owned by George II. Esta
brook of Denver, champion of 3-year-olds
dropped dead at Overland park this
afternoon of pneumonia.
oCIorado E was trained by Fred Egan
and was 7 years old. Ho had been at
stud I) Kentuck for several years and
waa training here for the Grand Circuit
Ynle Fullback III.
NEW HAVEN. Conn., March 23.-Har-lold
Pumpell of Owego, N. ".. n membtr
of the Junior class at Yale, and fullback
on last year's varsity cloven, wao re
ported today 111 of scarlet fovir. Ills
caso is not serious, iiccordlng to the
physician In charge.
Knlser fttnrts for Confu.
BERLIN. March 23.-Emporor William
left tonight for Corfu. On tho way he
will lmv conferences with EmDeror
Francis Joseph nnd King Victor Em
manuel.' It Is probable that the future
plans of the triple alliance will be fully
EL CENTRO, Cal.. March 23. At a
mass meeting of Imperial valley citizens
at El Centro today slxty-flvu men vofun
teerod their services as minute men to
net on the rhortost notice In case of h
recurrence of the raid several day ago
at Tecate, when one roan was killed, hla
body being partly cremated, and another
was wounded by men Identified as Mexi
cans. These mlnuto men will bo regularly
drilled and equipped by merchants of
Imperial Valley. An nsaombly will bo
held at Calextco, on tho border, next
BOSTON, March 23,-Hls appeal for '
executive clemency having failed, Will
iam A. Dorr of Stockton. Cal., tonight I
awaited at Charleston state, prison Jul. j
ftllment ot a eentenco of death. He may
h Mtctrocuted any night this ween, in
. . ..a. itifn . rritll"r
lb MAiMlrcaiEU IIM JHrMW
t I- A a a.'a .ninMnn Af
TOKIO. March KS.-A severe eruption of
u, .ioi;ii ...........
cano on Suwanex Island, south of
lucnn tndav. The flames rose
the volcano on Suwanex Island, south of
Ktushlu. begon today. The flames rose
5no feet above the mouth ot the orator.
An expedition has been sent to give re-
llet to the ISO Inhabitants ot the island.
Tho long extinct volcano Chokal. near
Sakata, al(. Is In eruption. This moun-
tain Is Inhabited by fishermen.
Jo. IllBh. U,f nscuac. .,d Rhea.
, . i . inn. ... , ,i,f,m-i.i..
Foley Kidney I'llu are so thoroughly
effective for backache, rheumatism,
swollen, aching Joints, kidney and bladder
nlltncnts that they are recommendej
everywhere. A. A. Jeffords, McGrew.
Neb., says: "For the last few months 1
was troubled with pains In my back an l
, i-A I.-... .....
tno ursiv v-v- w .v...c,
Till! tor my ailment 1 have not yet
taken all ot one bottle and my old trouble
has entirely disappeared." For sale by
all dealers everywhere Advertisement.
accordanre with tho law. proviaing rorj b uslnK S- s S- y0U BOt entirely rldj- pound (not cardamom), mix all to-
secrecy, tho date hus not been announced. ' ot tti - gether. shake well and take a tea-
Dorr's crime was the muidor on April a S. S. has the peculiar action of spoonful after each meal and ono -11.
1912. of George B. Marsh, a rich soap soaking through the Intestines dl- ? w a "cwtaln well-known medical "
,.i r i.inn m.iki. I rectlv Into the blood. In a few mln- ! ..; ..,. ,h, timiiannA. nt "
lliaiiuinv -
I I 1 N
President Holds Sunday Interviews
to Canvass Tollf Question.
Tito Strong Men of the Lorrer lloone
,Worklnjr Actively Atrnlnst Ile
pcnl Filibuster Is Ilelnpr
WASHINGTON, D. C, March 23. Be
lieving that tho foreign policy ot the ad
ministration depends upon the vote on
tho repeal of the Panama tolls exemp
tion, President Wilson and his advisers
were in consultation today, canvassing
the situation.
It Is unusual for the president to be
at his offico on Sunday, but ho spent
most of the afternoon there with Post
master General Burleson and Secretary
Tumulty. They talked with administra
tion leaders In congress nnd learned that
while there was llttlo reason to .doubt the
ultimate triumph of tho repeal, a stub
born opposition had arisen, particularly
In tho house.
Ono of the peculiar phases of the situa
tion Is that Speaker Clark, Majority
Leader Underwood. Representative Kit
chen. Representative Fitzgerald and oth
ers usually .with tho administrations In Its
policies, now aro opposing It With this
opposition are many republicans and pro
gressives and the probability of a close
voto Is daily increasing.
ForelKn Policy Involved.
It is generally admitted among the
president's friends that he is confronted
with the most serious opposition he has
yet encountered, and they point out that
the general effect on the nation's foreign
relations In the event of the falluro of
the repeal surely would lead to consid
erable embarrassment In other diplomatic
questions now pending.
Charges that some of the democratic
and republican opponents ot the repeal in
the house are filibustering on the rivers
and harbors appropriation bill to prevent
action on exemptions repeal as long as
possible continued to be heard today.
Falluro to complete the bill yesterday
mado it Impossible to take up, as origi
nally planned, tho Sims bill and it was
announced tonight that the repeal can
not bo taken up tomorrow, Monday being
reserved for District of Columbia legis
lation. Consideration of tho rivers and harbors
bill will be resumed Tuesday and It Is
possible that the proponents of the re
peal bill will not get an opportunity to
open their general debate during the week.
With this prospect of further delay In
the house, democratic senators who are
supporting President Wilson In the tolls
fight, expect to mako another effort to
havo the Owen repeal bill taken up for
consideration by the Interoceanio canals
committee. Senator O'Gorman, chairman
of the commltteo. who Is leading tho op
position to tho repeal, has said he would
not call the committee together until
Senator Crawford reTurns from South
Dakota, which will be late next week.
Tho foreign relations committee of the
senato will have before it Wednesday the
resolution Introduced by Senator Jones
of Washington, requesting the president
for Information as to what foreign na
tions are opposed to toll exemptions tor
American coastwise ships. There will be
opposition In tho committee to the reso
lution and It may bo reported adversely.
In that case Senator O'Gorman Is ex
pected to make a minority report. This
will precipitate discussion In the senate
and furnish the opportunity for another
preliminary' skirmish on the important
Rheumatism IN THE HIPS
and Down the Legs That's
Those sharp darting pains that
characterize sciatic rheumatism i
should be treated In the blood. And
utcs Its Influence Is' at work In every
artery, vein, and tiny capillary. Every
(membrane, every organ of tho body.
every emunctory becomes in cneci a
flter to 8lraln the bIood of impurities..
1 M . . . . . . . . r.
' The .tlmulatlnc nronertles of S. a S
( .lnc aiimuiatincr properties
i compel the skin, liver, bo
nevs and bUdder to all w
i compel the skin, liver, bowels, kid-
neys and bladder to all worK to tne
' ?ne cnd of casting jut v
0 -."by",
every irriim-
atom ot
pi.iratlAn nil
, accumulaUons In the Joints, causes
acid accretions to dissolve, renders
them neutral and scatters those pe- ,
ouilar formations In the nerve centers
that cause such mystifying and; often
,n ,.
' -"
' welcome to the wttot stomirb. If jou hue!
. untu ttM11)cll .
p,,,,. Jon ,m u astonished to flo.l tbst !
K. g g. grtt no wmsttw but son rlht to i
! work. TUU U brceuro it h pare yegetaMe ;
I Infusion, 1 naturally Into your blood
1 loet it pure air li inhaled nsturally Into your f
, lun- . . i
1 You can rt 8. 8. S. it any dra ttore.
, - , ...nd.rd rameJr. reeomlscJ ry.
, htn ,ne palest Wood mtldote erer dli- I
corrrrJ. If yocn U i peculiar caw ami jnu '
dwlrc ipeclil lutonnatlpn, write to The Swift
specific Co., sio awn.' uiag., auanii, us.
i '
FAIRBURY. Neb., March 23. (Special
Telegram.) Rafjifey Commissioner Clarko
today heard testimony as to the light
to 'install a crossing of the St. Joseph
& Grand Island here and to use the same
as a "switching lead." The Grand Island
road was guilt in 1S72 and the Rock Isl
and. In 18S6. Tho construction of the
crossing Is necessary for the use of the
new M0. 000 Rock Island depot Just com
pleted. The hearing occupied all forenoon and
Judge E. P. Holmes did most of the in
terrogating for the Rock Island. Ho said
that the old Rock Island crossing had
been In service since 18S6 and during all
that time no accidents had occurred and
It's Ready If s Here
That Light Lozier Four
That famous $2100.Lozier the car you've
been waiting weeks to see this real, true
Lozier that has set the' whole industry agog
it's here, today, ready for your inspection;
ready for you to see, to examine, to ride in.
Demonstrations begin at once. Future
demonstrations booked in order of request
2050 Farnam St.
Item Welcomed
By Many Men
home, so that no one need know
of another's troubles, as the In
gredients can be obtained sepa
rately at any well stocked drug
store. They are in regular usa
and many different prescription
are constantly being filled with
This will prove a welcome bit
of information for all those who
aro oyerworked, gloomy, despond
ent, nervous and have trembling
limbs, heart palpitation, dlzztneas,
cold extremities, insomnia, fear
without cause, timidity in ventur
ing and general inability to act
naturally and rationally as other
do, because tho treatment can be
prepared secretly nt home and
tuken without anyone's knowledge.
Overworked office men and the
many victims of society's late
hours and dissipation will, It Is
said, find the restorative they are
In need of.
If the reader decides to try it.
eet three ouncea of ordinary
X syrup earsaparilla compound ana
one ounce compound fluid balm
ft wort, mix ana let stand two
hours, then get one ounce com
pound essence caraioi ana one
tincture caraomene cum-
men ann many women are bui Hir
ers all because of dormnnt circu
lation cf the blood und a conse
quential Impairment or the nei
vous force, which begets the mom
dreadful symptoms and untold
misery. Advertisement,
4l...-...l...f"t.;.J: wt'''
1 .,)
Warit AS
no serious delays to Grand Island trains.
He asserted that the Rock Island had
expended $10,000 on a new passenger sta
tion at Falrbury on the main line of this
railroad from Chicago to Denver; that It
had been completed and ready for occu
pancy since February 10, 1914; that tho
peoplo ot Falrbury were compelled to use
a box car for a waiting room and sta
tion, thereby Imposing undue hardship on
the people of tills vicinity; that there
wcro no facilities at Falrbury vhatever.
Tho former depot was destroyed by flro
July 23, 1911. An . early decision is ex
pected ' from Railway Commissioner
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success.
"The Choice of
Men Who Know"
Compagnle Generate TraiUBtlanttque
The 5 Day Route
Direct, Route to Continent
Bwow, large, fast, turbtss, quaflru-
j pis ana twin screw man steamers
L Touratn Mar. K.
La Lorraine Apl. 15, Mir It, June S.
Frtnc Apr. I. Maj . Mar ?T, June 24.
La Provence Apl. 1. Apl. S9, Mix SO,
Jvre IT.
Lars one elan (II) cabtn, twin screw
ateamtri. Superior triice. Popular pflce:
rrom Hew York Saturdays
Rochambeiu Mar. 2. Apl. SS, Mir Zi.
Nligra Apl. 18, Mu 16. June 11.
Cblciror-Apl. 11, May 9. June 6.
Montr ol Qneb o Sarva
On Class (II) Cabin Steamers
Faittit ateatner In Ctn&dlan aenlce.
Xeave Montreol
I.a Tourane Mar I. Mar SO, June 77.
I Two ciptalna on each atcamer on thli line.
SZaartcs W. Xozmlnskl, Qen.Wist
ern Agt., 139 IT, Dearbom St.,
Chicago, or local agents.
Canadian "?aV
Northern wvaa
Royal Edward Royal George
.Cabins de luxe suites and rooms with
v private natns rcasonace rates.
Montreal Quebec to Bristol
(z iiouia io Lonaon)
tii dellshtful day down theSt.Iawrence
3i uays ai fca in paijituu
Apply to lay .Itipr hip aget. or
n. n. EKT.I. Oanl
1. 1 1 I... I. n . .nani, kv
Special Spring Sailing
Largest Steamer
Interesting itinerary. Including