Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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(Continued from rage One)
Aged Strike Leader Taken from
Train at Wahenburg.
Says Conditions in Butte District
Better Than in Michigan.
In the Garden of Fashion
We prese?it all the latest tendencies in Spring
Fashions in a variety which is exceedingly grati
fying when many women with many preferences
are to be indulged in matters of dress.
Apparel, Millinery, Fabrics,
Accessories to the Costume
We invite you to be present Tuesday from 2 to 5 o'clock
' Flowers Music
Des Koines Police Uncover. What
They Think Big System.
Maternity Institutions, tt la Alleged,
Foand Ruonlnsr Contra rr to
I.KTtr anil Bl- Hiwilncia Br- "
itc Bn,e br Them. -
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Maroi M.-(Bpeclal l'el
egram.) Police official! believe they have
uncovered a ayatem for the conduct of
private maternity hospital In Des Molnos
and the Brand jury is making- a thorough
Investigation. It Is alleged that business
has) been secured through advertisements
In country papers. They are conducted
contrary to law. Secretary Young of the
Iowa Humane society haa secured nome
Information on the subject. Indicating
that big business is bains done her.
BT. LOUIS, March 3. The coroner's
Jury that Investigated tha death of thirty
persona In the Missouri AtMetlo club (Ire
two wtks ago, could not tlx the blame
for tha disaster, It reported today. Tho
responsibility cannot be fixed, tho Jury
reported, because the city ordinances do
not provde for the regulation of build
ings used for club purposes.
Tho Jury recommended that satisfactory
building laws be poised.
'Whether the fire started from a cigar
ette thrown among .the draperies from the
dining rom. or from defective eleCrlo wir
ing the Jury could not determine. The Jury
reported that the following conditions
prevailed at the building;
The fire escapes were inadequate.
Wooden doors led to the enclosed tiro
escape from various floors.
Doors at Fno entrances of elevators tyad
been removed, reducing the efficiency ot
the elevators In case of fire.
Tha only stairway In the building was at
The building wss t Improper construc
tion for sleeping purposes.
Ptlsrer Rleets TrncUer.
PILOEIt, Neb., March .- Special.) At
a meeting of the Board ot Education re
cently hold all the teachers wero unani
mously re-elected for another year.
"While nine of them had made applies-
Nature has provided an ideal
purify your blood, keep your
and promptly relieve Constitution. Don't takn a A raxtlr Pm
V catlve water which drains you
iisucu. .ska a miia, centla and
tcntly. Btoulatca and effectively
Hmiyadi Janes
Is a NATURAL Remedy which
mu3 u i coipjy Bwinucn
l" . h.. las oowcia in a natural ana gentle
Hi.uun, iiu iciniuucro
kl I. I- CflDD I
auiu. ana
duuucu m accept b
nirmiui. nunyadt
ecnoca oy poysiciana
tlon It Is expected all will accept. Fol
lowing Is the corps of teachers: B. II.
Husman of Exeter, Neb., superintendent:
Nellie Jones, Lincoln, principal; Hazel
Cowelt, Council Bluffs, assistant princi
pal: Vera Baker, Grand Island, grammar;
Bessie lllmore, Stanton, Intermediate;
Alma Bamett, IJncoln, second primary;
Emma T, Neal, Lincoln, first primary.
TuWe FsmwrV IMoneeV" Ar Denih
TABLE BOCK. Neb., Mnrch 2J.-(8pe-,
clal.) Word has reached here- of the
death of K. F. Decker, who eettled hero
li ISOl on a homestead some four or five
miles southeast of here, where he lived
many years, moving to Table Hock a
quarter of a century or more ago, where
he lived until a couplo ot years ugo, when,
owing to advanced ago, he went to live
w(th relatives In Rooks county, Kansas,
where ho died. He was a bachelor and
was M years old. He came here from
Bcranton, Pa.
Another early Pawnee county pioneer
passed away recently at Loa Angeles,
Cal John C, fimlth, who homeafeaded
four miles south of Table Bock In 183.
moving later to this place. Ho went to
the Paclflo coast some twenty-flvo years
since, and was S3 years old at the time
of his death. He was a son-in-law of
Dr. J. W. Llndsly, at one time a promt
nont physician of Tablo Bock.
A third Pawnee county pioneer, John
rettlnger, who died recently at his homo
In Morris. OKI., Is said to have taken the
ninth homestead filed on In this county
near Btelnauer. He was 8 years of age
and was bom In Belgium, coming to
America when 14 years of age. He settled
In this county in ltt. The family moved
to Oklahoma In 190G. . ,
Otto Vlele.
TISCUMftliH, Neb., March a.-((5pclat.)
Otto Vlele, for mire than thirty years
a contractor and builder in this city, died
very suddenly at his home here at 8
o'clock Baturday evening. He had be-n
suffering with a cold, but his condition
was not serious. A heart ailment was
the caiis of death. Mr. Vlele was born
In New York state September 3, ISM. IW
came to Tecumseli In an early day, Mr.
Vlelo Is survived by Ills wife and an
adopted daughter, Mrs. Jesse. Helllg of
this city, His parents are buried here.
Mrs. 13 L. Cbaaaep.
Mrs. Eliza L. Chassee, who had lived
at Bellevue for sixty years and was ono
of the earliest settlers there, died today
at the age of S3 years.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns.
Laxative Xtater that will
atomach and intestines clear
and makes von feel weak a
nleasant natural laxative which
operate without bad effects,
acta within an hour or so after
n a giiss puts, your Liver
insi you nave taken anv.
a. . .
OATH. uo not DO per
a rustic water wnicn 18
janos Water Is ore.
an over the world.
MftlWfl COM KV
(Continued from Page One.)
may move from trench to trench without
exposing themselves.
Fresh earth, whose appearance seemed
to artificial, was understood to mark
lurking places of sthe enemy's big
guns. Borne of the barbed wire entangle,-
ments were visible through the clear.
rsrlfled air.
Troops continued to pour Into this city
from the north today. Practically all
of the supplies from Yermo aro now here.
llnlima Corpus C'asp Opened.
PECOS. Tex., March J3.-Judge Edward
W. Meek, of the United States district
coudt for Northern Texas, today opened
the habeas corpus hearing here for the re
lease of S.00O Mexican Federal prisoners
held at Fort Bliss, Tex., by the United
States military.
The Judge granted the writ last week
at Dallas and set this place for the
hearing today,
Tho contention of the prisoners la thst.
the United States has no right to hold
them undsr any international agreement
or law. Under The Haguo treaty, they
assert, a country has a right to hold
military men fleeing from another .coun
try If they aro engaged In an International
war. but they assert that where tho troops
aro only engaged in un Internecine strife
to put down a rebellion at home, there Is.
no warrant, for holding, them.
The prisoners constituted tho former
Huerta garrison at OJlnaga, Mexico, and
fled .to Texas,' after a week's battle
against Villa's rebels. They w'ere mailo
prisoners by United States troops and In
terned at Fort Bliss to await the close
of the war In Mexico. Provisional prel
dent Huerta of Mexico refused to pay
for their subsistence as the first step ot
his chargo that they are Illegally held. He
followed it by engaging American attor
neys In behalf of Huerta troops, who fled
from Naco, Sonora and are now Interned
at Fort llotecrans, Cel. The federal
Judge In California decided against the
prisoners and the case Is on appeal to tho
United States supreme court.
LOS ANGKLEB. Cat., March, Si-Mary
Harvas. a domestic, learned ,yesterdy
the man ahe expected to marry Sunday
had Jilted her. Bo she put on her wedding
Kown. slippers and veil, lay down on her
bed and turned on the gas. She was
found later dead. 8he came here recently
from Cleveland and Is sold to have a
sister In Pittsburgh.
Urpartment Orders.
WASHINGTON. March M.-(Speclal
Telegram ) George H. Kostboth was
nominated by the president today for
postmaster at Canoatoto, 8. D.
Postmasters appointed:
Nebraska Walton. Lancaster county,
Merlin It Seldomrldge, vice W. H. Cal
loway, resigned.
Wyoming, Baggs. Carbon county, Al
bert A. Blunders (Ralph Both): Cen
tennial. Albany county. Mrs. Phebe U
Holtum. viee Edward Nelson; Cumber
land, Uncoln county, Miss Anna Miller,
vice Davjd Miller; Daniel. Lincoln
rounty. Mrs. Alice 19. Barber, vice Scott
P Barber, Diets, Sheridan county. Sam
uel C. Uarrett. viee E. M. Bpanogle, re
signed, Ullldale, Laramie county, Carl
It, MarkeJy, vice A, B. ; Lost
Springs, Converse county. Miss Dora M.
Plsen, vice Peter Olsen; Otto, Big Horn
- rounty, Jacob r. Mayer, vice 1'eter A.
IlJtrsen. removed: Egbert. Laramie
county. Mra. Nellie B. Kehulti. Lake-
view, Platte county. Mrs. Elisabeth Tld-
pun, LA)at i ouin, r rrmoni vuumy, .Juiin
11. Okie; Mllo, Carbon county, Lena
Rural free delivery routes will be estab
lished In Nebraska on May 1 as follows:
Chambers, Holt county, route No. 1,
length, twenty-slx miles.. (SIS. families,
sixty-seven. Palmer. Merrick county,
length, twenty-six miles, salary, M.10O,
families. 107
Attorney (nr OrnnnUnt Ion Will Flic
Stilt for Writ of llnlirnn Cor
pns Trlth Uif Supreme
WALSENBUrta, Colo., March S3.-After
a week's freedom "Mother" Mary Jons
Is again a military prisoner in tho strike
xone. The aged strike leader was taken
from a southbound Colorado & Southern
train here at 6:30 this morning by Captain
II. C. Nlckerson. acting under orders ot
Adjutant General John Chase and lodged
in the county Jail under military guard.
Mother Jonoa left Denver last night for
Trinidad. She is being held incommuni
cado, i
Captain Nlckerson left Trinidad last
night under orders to arrest Mother Jone
at Walsenburg, when tha announcement
was made that he won leaving for
Trinidad. The militia officer boarded the
train at Pueblo and as It neared Walsen
burg ordered Mother Jones to alight with
him at that point.
1 protest against such treatment.' de
clared the strike leader, ''but I am not
"I am acting under orders," replied the
"Well, I'll get off." she retorted.
John Brown, an organiser of the United
Mine Workers ot Amorlca and known as
Mother Jones' bodygguard, who accom
panied the aged strike leader, also left tho
train but was not placed under arrest.
" 'Mother' Jones Is being detained In
the hospital ward of the county Jail,"
oald Colonel Edward Verderckberg. In
whose chargo the strike leader was left
by Captain Nlckerson. "She Is held In
clean, comfortablo quarters."
The county Jail Is In the basement of
the Huerfano county court house. The
announcement of the arrest of "Mother"
Jones was received quietly In union
circles in the strike zone.
"Plain Cnar of KldnaplnR."
TRINIDAD, Oolo., March O. "It's a
plain case ot kidnaping, nothing else."
declared John R. Lawson, International
board member of the United Mine Work
ers, when advised that "Mother" Jones
had been taken from a train at Walsen
burg by the military authorities while
on her way to Trinidad.
' 'Mother' Jones wns going through the
place and as far as I know there Is ab
solutely no chargo against her. I hope
tho supreme court will act in the matter
at once."
Mr. Lawson and John McLennan, presi
dent of. District 15. United Mine Workers
ot America, left this morning tor Wal
senburg. Will Appeal to Supreme Court.
DENVEIt, Colo., March "I shall
make application to the Colorado supreme
court for a writ of habeas corpus for
the releaseof Mother Jones," sold Horace
N. Hawkins, attorney for tho 82-year-old
strlko leader, when informed today that
she had been arrested by the military au
thorities at Walsenburg.
Mr. Hawkins added that tho supreme
court Would be asked to take original
kctloni A former" appllcatlonfor original
Jurisdiction In. tho' Jonc-s casewas denied.
, "In that case, howerer," explained Mr.
Hawkins, "the court ruled that the dis
trict Could should be. given an opportunity
0 'paVs 'Upon' the, question first. Since
thfcrt "we-httVK taken tho case to the dis
trict fee-art Sf. Las Animas county where
ine writ was aeruca. we were on me
point of taking an appeal to tho supreme
court , from that decision when Mother
Jones was brought to Denver and re
leased. As tho legal questions Involved
In this imprisonment ore Identical with
these Involved In her former confinement,
there Is no occasion for going through
the ' district court again, therefore we
will ask the supreme court to take orig
inal Jurisdiction."
Church of England
Clergyman Presides
at Suffrage Meeting
LONDON, March 23,-Sylvla Pankhurst
carried on a stretcher and surrounded by
about 1,000 members of her East End
People's army, attempted to attond this
evening's service In Westminster abbey.
She was unable to gain admission, how
ever, as every soat had been taken In
view of the fact that she hsd announced
her Intention last Sunday to be present
in the abbey tonight.
The militant suffragette and her fol
lowers, however, held an open nlr meet
ing In the street In tho rear ot the abbey.
The vanguard of the East End contingent
uas led by a Church of England clergy
man, Itov. Edmund Willis, rector of a
church In tho Shadwell district. Clothed
In full vestments, ho opened the street
meeting with prayer and preached a short
WELLESLET, Mass., March t3.-Some
traglo features ot the fire that consumed
College hall Tuesday became known only
today when tt was announced that the
fruits ot years of special research work
for the advancement of set Mice which
had attracted International attention had
been utterly destroyed. All notes and ap
paratus used In original investigations in
the field ot eugenics, zoology, histology
and embryology were lost, nnd college
officials say It Is probable that some ot
the experiments can never be repeated.
For six years ProC Marlon E. Hubtard
had devoted her energies to research In
variation and neredtty In beetlee. The
work meant the building up of a new
strain ot a certain spcooe ot beetle by
breeding through a long series nf genera
tions. In view ot the Increasing Interest
In eugenics, solentlstn awaited tho results
with keen anticipation, but all ot the
notes and apparatus were swept away In
a fe.w moments.
The fruits of three years' experiments
with the brains of ants by Prof. Carolyna
B. Thompson of the zoology department
and 4,000 slides in use In her course in
histology and embryology, which she had
been eight years collecting, were lost to
gether with a mass of notes soon to
haive been published In connection with
her work with certain deep sea forms by
the bureau officers and the University ot
8TDNKY, N. 8. W., March a.-Natlvea
In the north of Malekula Island, ot the
New Hebrides group, have murdered and
eaten six native teachers from the Walla
Island mission station, tt became known
which General Sir Arthur Paget had
statod to the commanding officers of
regiments that active operations were to
rbegln against Ulster, and that It was ex
pected the country would be In a blaze
by Saturday. The Irish commander-in-chief
wrote that he was in close com
munication with the War office and had
received Instructions from headquarters.
Mr. Law asserted:
"It will be difficult for the prime min
ister to convince the house that with or
without his knowlodge some of his col
leagues did not make these movements of
troops as part of a concerted plan to
provoke or Intimidate Ulster."
Unlonlafs Contlnnn Preparations.
BELFAST. Ireland, March . The cap
ital of Ulster, In which aro tho head
quarters of tho provisional government
of the province, is today perhnps the
least excited city outwardly In tho United
Kingdom. No more troops have arrived
here, and none are expected. The resi
dents look to London and tho Curragh
camp for their news. The statement
Issued by Premier Asqulth last night de
claring that tho movements of troops
were of a purely precautionary character
has not weakened the determination of
tho unionists to be prepared for all event
ualities. When Sir Edward Carson, the
leader of the Ulster men read It today
he remarked:
"Tho statement simply represents the
position tho prlmo minister has been
driven to take. The government has put
Itself In a ludicrous position, but its ac
tion makes no difference to us. We aro
proceeding steadily with our preparations
and organization. We are not In the lenst
affected by anything the government
may do or pretend to do. We shall keep
steadily In view our main object, which
Is to prevent ourselves being put by force
under a government we detest."
Woman Gets $12,000
for Injury to Her Son
by Northern Pacific
SEATTLE. Wash.. March 83. A Jury
In the United States district court re
turned today a verdict against tho South
ern Pacific Railroad company for J1I.0O0
damages In the case ot a youth thrown
off a passenger train whiles stealing a
ride. Tho plaintiff In the suit was Mrs.
Elizabeth Gobcl, who alleged that her
son, Harry C. Gobcl, had been perma
nently Incapacitated.
Young Gobel and a companion, George
Valller, were thrown from the roof of a
Southern Pacific train at Redding. Cal.,
in August, 1910. Valller died of his In
juries. Months afterward Valuer's
mother, who spent a, fortune In tho search
for evidence, caused the arrest of Daniel
Fleming, a railroad policeman, who, after
a bitterly contested trial, was convicted
of manslaughter. Recently the California
supreme court granted Fleming a mew
trial, and the prosecuting attorney then
moved the dismissal of all charges against
R. J. Root, Pioneer
of Auburn, Is Dead
AUBURN, Neb., March S3.-(Bpecial
Telegram.) R. J. Root, better known as
"Uncle Joe," aged 76 years, died at his
home here this morning ot stomach
troubles, having been 111 two weeks. He
Is survived by Mrs. Root, vino has been
an invalid for years.
R. J. Root was one ot tho pioneers not
only of Nemaha county, but of Ne
braska, coming hero ftfty-flve years ago
and remaining ever since. When he came
to Nebraska he filed on a homestead Just
outside the town limits and there built
a sod house, In which he lived for many
years and which Is still standing, having
been carefully preserved. At the time of
his death he was one ot the directors of
the First National bank of Auburn. He
never moved off the farm, having con
stantly resided there since, he made his
homestead filing.
nor Killed In Anto Accident.
LEMARS, la.. March 23.-(Spedal Tele
gram.) John, the 7-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Morcdlth Rosenbaum, residing
near Westfleld, waa killed whUe riding
In an automobile with two cousins and
two brothers. A wheel came ot,t the car
while going down a steep hill and the oc
cupants were thrown out. Four escaped
Injuries. The boy was thrown In the air
and fell on tho car. striking his head and
fracturing his skull.
I.awr Back nnd Weak Kltlueya
grnatly helped and often cured by Elec
tric Bitters. Keeps kidney and stomach
In healthy condition. Gives prompt re
lief. 60c and 11 Advertisement.
Order Your Spring
And get the fall benefit of a long season.
Dependable Tailoring,
" Outfitters to Women
1510 Douglas Street.
JtulKe O'Brien Ilefnncii to Uuasli
Conspiracy Charges Asrn'tist
Official of Western Fed
eration of itinera.
WASHINGTON, D. C. March .-John
Mitchell, tho labor leader, testified about
conditions In the Michigan copper mines
today before the house committee Inves
tigating the Calumet strike. In comparing
conditions in the Michigan field and at
Butte, Mont., Mr. Mitchell declared "life
nnd labor conditions In Butte are much
superior to life and labor conditions In
the Michigan copper field." He sold the
Butte miners were paid on tho basis of
the selling price ot copper, with a mini
wage of $3.60 a day, had an eight-hour day
and were not forceo to trade in company
stores or live In company houses.
Chairman Taylor pointed out the con
tention of the Michigan operators that
tho Western Federation of Minere was
founded on "red socialism." Mr. Mitchell
said that the socialist party was organ
ized and circulated a newspaper In the
copper, country before any attempt was
made to unionize tho laborers.
"It would seem," ho said, "that tho
opposition ot the mine operators is not
against the political socialists, but against
organized employes; the opposition Is to
paying a fair wage to workmen rather
than to any political party or propa
ganda." Ho added that any effort to or
ganize a union Independent of the prosent
International unions would be futile and
would leave the workmen "Just as help
less ns they are now."
James A. Emery appeared as counsel
tor the Michigan mine operators. The
miners wero unrepresented by counsel.
Mayor Indictment Stnnds.
HOUGHTON. Mich.. March 23.-A mo
tion to quash tho Indictment for con
spiracy against President Charles II.
Moyer and thlrty-soven other oflcers and
members ot tho Western Federation Qt
Miners was denied today by Circuit Judge
The motion to quash having, failed, at
torneys for tho Western Federation ot
Miners today filed picas In abatement
which will further delay the prosecution
ot tha conspiracy cases against. Presldont
Moyer and, others. No effort to bring
Moyor and the other defendants back to
Houghton will bo made until all tho. pre
liminaries have been disposed of, It waa
announced by Special Prosecutor Nichols.
Nichols said that he was confident the
cases would be- ready for trlai at the Sep
tember term.
Dissolution Policy
Raising Prices, Says
One University Head
ST. PAUL. JMlnn., March 23. The :gor
ernmcnt'a trust dissolution program Is
raising instead ot lowering the prices of
commodities affected, according to a
statement last night by Dr. Charles R.
Von Hlse. prosldentof the University ot
Wisconsin, in an address to tho St Paul
Association at. Commerce.
He said the operation of the Shariran
law was resulting In, a. policy ot enforced
competition -wholly oppoiid. to. conserva
tion and destructive ot notJral. resources
and was producing a profoundly Immoral
Three Railroads Fall
Short in Earnings
(From a Staff Corespondent)
LINCOLN, Neb., March 23. (Special
Telegram.) According to reports filed
with the State Board of Assessment,
three railroads failed to earn, as much
money In. 1913 aa they did in 1311, the
Burlington fa'lllntr short JS50,873, the Min
neapolis & Omaha, JU.687, and tho Mis
souri Pacific, $52,672. Following Is a
showing ot the roads so far reporting:
1912. 1913.
Omaha-Lincoln Railway
& Light 'McKlnlev In-
tenirban S 2,478
Burlington 7,141,970
Minneapolis & Omaha... 4C2.079
Chicago & Northwestern 1.220,36t
St Joseph & Grand Is
land TVUK
Missouri Paclttc 306,131
Omaha & Southern In-
terurbaa 334
I 1,678
UNIONTOWN. Ta.. March 2S.-Fire
which broke out tn the Scott Five and
Ten Cent storo hero today destroyed that
building and spread to the building occu
pied by the First National bank of Union
town and tho McClelland hotel. It ap
peared as though the entire square, which
Is In the center of the business -district,
would be destroyed. C. O. Laelalre, a fire
man, feU through a skylight Into the
burning Scott store and Is believed to
have been burned to death.
Yet Modest in Price
Exclusive Apparel J
at Sensible Prices
Became Red and Pimples Formed.
Could Not Keep from Scratching.
Clothing Jrritated It. Cutlcura
Soap and Ointment Cured.
Cassodar. Kansas. "Some two or three
years ago tho troublo began with Irritation
and itching on my arms and lower limbs.
Tho affected parts became rod and pimples
or eruption formed. Tho Itching was so
sevcro that I could not keep from scratching
and some sores formed on my face and limbs.
The clothing Irritated at times and made the
itching worse.
"I tried various remedies relieving to
some extent tho troublo but I continued to
suffer and finally tho malady spread over
my body but was very bad on my head and
face and around my waist. Tho skin be
came rough and thick and sores formed on
my face. Tho itching and burning often
kept mo awako at night. I began utlng
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment last winter.
I bathed with tho Cutlcura Soap and hot
water at least onco a day and used tho Cutl
cura Ointment two or three tlmon a day.
In five months I was cured." (Signed) E.
CamcrOn. Sept. 17, 1913.
Tho regular use of Cutlcura Soap for toilet
and bath not only tends to preservo. purify
and beautify the skin, scalp, hair and hands,
but assists In preventing inflammation, irri
tation and clogging of the pores, the common
cause of pimples, blackheads, redness and
roughness, yellow, oily, mothy and other
unwholesomo conditions of tho skin. Cutl
cura Soap (25c.) and Cutlcura Ointment
(60c.) aro sold by drug gists and dealers
throughout the world. Liberal sample ot
each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Ad
dress post-card "Cutlcura.'Dept. T, Boston."
BTMen who slxave and shampoo with Cu
tinm rn wlltflml for Uln and scalp.
for half-tone
All newspaper pHoto
grapns. are taken for
halftono reproduction.
A newspaper photogra
pher must know how to
take photographs, from
which good half-tones
can be made. The fail
ure of most engravings
is due to poor engrav
ing copy. If you want
to get a good cut, start
right by having the pho
tograph mado for this
Our expert photogra
pher is at your service
at very 'reasonable
Bee Photo Department
Phone Tyler 1000
Relieve Sore Throat
reduce inflammation
relievo irritation stop
coughs and hoarseness.
26c.60candSL00. Sample Free.,
John I. Brown & Son. Boston. Mass.
Then you wIH have a dean and healthy
scalp. No more hair loss. No more
rough, scraggty hair.' Does not color.
Ask Your Doctor.
J. a
John Says:
A Wanager Johnson ot
V the 'Ciayety is sore
X because I didn't mm-
-Itloo him in a car
tain ad lately.
a3' TUckatal TUIr . ...
please, Mr. Johnson.
Z might slip you aa
ad If yon slip me a
John's Cigar Store
16th ard Harney Stst
AMI K)li:TS.
Bally Mat., l5-35-50c
Evng 13-33-S0-T9O
. That Merry-Oo-Bonnd ot Song ft Qlittsr
It's Just the Show for
Merchants' Mariat Week.
Mat. Every Bay, 0:15. Every Night, BUS.
Thla week Horace Gomiu, Uert Levy.
McMahon, Diamond & Cleuienre, James
II lnlln 111. T'ivA ftnll v
J Turek, Kelll Duo. and Hearst-Sellg Pic-
tariai news neview.
Prices .Matinee Gallery, 10c5 beat
seats (except .Saturday and Sunday) 26c.
Nights 10c, 23c, LOc and 76c.
Uats., a5o to 81 Wights. 25o toSl.50
Comlntr next Bnnaay The Warning. B
Col. W. r. (Buffalo Bill) Cody's
Matin as Bally, 10-Bffo Hlgnts, lO-as-soa