12 THE BE 10; OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAJICII 24, 1914. STYLES DSEJGH COLORING Omaha Retail Stores Present Their Spring Offerings. ONE USES THE GYPSY IDEA Some of he Model Show nn In cltnntton to (hp Vie of (he Rustle Stores All Bentitl fnllr Decorated. An enchanting array of natural and artificial spring flowers In dainty color ing, shaded lights and beautiful hangings form the background for the most artis tic Fashion show ever held In this city. The Taj Mahal of India nnd Uio richest art galleries of Europe have supplied the motif for thin display. Richest silks In handsome brocaded designs are fashioned Into garments so picturesque that they tako you back several generations In his tory, or even back to tho tales of Arabian Nl-jhts, High nnd unusual coloring Is especially a feature of this season, nota bly so In the combinations which are nindc. V new note has been struck by tho ctae for colored wigs, but Omaha Ti nun who have been waiting eagerly for their introduction by living models will be disappointed, for while they are worn by many of the figures,, only one, a pale blue one, will bo worn by n Thomp-son-Belden model, to match a pale blue costume. Polret. Drccoll, Paquln, Agnes, Beryl, Francis nnd Zimmerman model are be ing shown In a profusion and combina tion of styles. Draped, tunlced and ruf fled modes In skirts aro combined Indis criminately, yet they produce a most graceful and beautiful effect. The Influ enco of the bustle Is also very marked In these styles. Models I.Ike Portraits. The Brandels "esplanade resembles a wonderful art gallery with an Immense painting In the rear, which Is really a platform on which several beautiful fig ures are posed. On each side of tho aisle pre figures set In white frames, with haded lights overhanging, producing the effect of portraits. Ono very striking "por trait' wort tango-colored gown with bodice of silk chnnllHy lace with gold embroidered figures at Intervals. A large white butterfly bow of lllustlon, with jeweled ornaments, completed the cor sage, ' A tango-colored wig set off the coMtume. Another attractlvo costume was an apple-green bodice and tunic, though over a white foundation. American beauty shade tips used for the girdle and .a touch cf the same color In a bow at the right shoulder There were no sleeves to this costume. A very pretty suit was ono of rose rink with collar of black satin and fin ished with Jet ornaments. showing: Ilve Models. The models at Thompson-Deldcn will 'promenade In a reproduction of tho Taj Mahal temple and will display a won derful assortment of the Parisian molro suits. An especially beautiful suit Is a Polret model In hunter's green Faille Francals with ,Copichln back and Man darin sleeves. It has a rolling collar, the jacket resembling a cape more than anything else. One of the models wears a white crepe Je chine, elaborately embroidered In flirt loce, -with several tiers of flounces ex tending from an extremely wide girdle. Although Burgcra-Nash company does not celebrate it spring opening until next Monday, an especially flno showing la being made, notably of wraps. One of the most beautiful ones on display la of sheerest black chiffon, hand-embrotdered In delicate colors and hanging almost to the hem of the gown. The collar Is of black velvet. With this la worn a hat of black shadow lace over white satin, with ft facing of spring green'. Use Gypsy Idea. Benson 4 Thome company acknowl edged 'themselves as dlsolplet of Paul 3'olret. Tho gypsy idea Is carried out hoth In the cotorltatlon and girdle of one of their models. A decidedly new Idea feeing shown hero Is the mermaid petti coat of . accordion-pleated chiffon. This Is the most clinging undergarment that has been designed, which at the samp time permits freedom of motion and la 'specially suitable for tango dancing. The new handkerchief linen bodices are ahown In white and colors. Many original models, as well as repro ductions, ara being shown at the Ne braska Clothing store. They are from IMalsons, Drecoll, Bernard, Beer, Cherult, Xlremet, Kaufman and Jenny, the repro ductions being from Tolret and Doeulllet models. An attractive Drccoll model is cf black charmeuse with pleated tunlo, trimmed in point de Venice lace with Jiedlei collar. A large flower in the tango shade completes the corsage. Two novelties are being shown In the millinery here. Ono Is a bandeau hat with a bird of paradise design appllqued on hand woven brocaded satin. The new shoe polish tailored hats and ribbons ara also being shown. Brrs; Has Mrluc Models. Living models wilt mingle with tho crowds at the Berg Clothing company od will be conspicuous only an their cos tumes will attract by their extreme mode. Exceedingly beautiful models for young slrls aro being shown here. They are in tho delicate pastel shades with tho pro nounced gypsy girdle, from which several tiers of flounces extend. There is also a very beautiful showing of imported bodices of French ahadow Jace. elaborately set off with gold cord. Show Tango flown. An original tango gown Is being shown at the Thomas Kllpatrirk store. It is of pale blue crepe with averdrape of gold lace and a huge rosette at the back. The "Med let collar is edged with velvet buds, the striking thing about the costume be ing that the ruffles aro turned upward Instead of down. A charming reproduc tion from Paquln I a hunter's green suit of crepe Faille, with double tunlo and ruffle and lace drops from the sleeves. A handsome bodice la of black chiffon and net, with a gold figure in conven tional design appllqued upon It. Hayden Brothers are showing an espe cially beautiful and unusual Zimmerman model with a double accordion-pleated skirt and a flehu which extends over the shoulders, below the hips and fastens in the back. It Is of black satin charmeuse The display of wraps Is exceedlnrlv rich. They are being shown In all the pastel shades for evenlnar wear as well M in tha oriental and always handsome black. Many are In the old-fashioned oounan effect, the materials being o Cbantong or brocaded satin, with Man darjn sleeves and qulta short. All are vnemai jn design and splendor. Woaderfal Coach Remedy. Mr. D, P. Lawson of Edison. Tenn.. writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery Is a most wonderful cough, cold and lung medicine. JAs and l All druggists - Advertisement Lawyers and Perjury Sioux City Tribune. Tho rwent frrnnri J"T ttt OmnliB Indicted clRht lawyers of thnt city nnd a long Hat of other offenders. In Its report (hero aro come, notnhlo suggestions. These nffect tho very fundamentals of JtiHtlco nnd hnr as sociations and courts should give heed to them. Respectable- lawyers have hesi tated to proceed against members of their own association whom they have reason to know iiso Illegitimate means In their practico lest people say they aro envious or covetous and" want to got the others' business for themselves. This is not n completes defense, as tho Omaha grand jury mildly states it. Tho plain people do not have the means of knowing what Is going on In tho courts as lawyers do, nnd hence the . abuses of court officers must nhvnys grow into scandalous proportions beoro they can bo checked, unless courts or bar asso ciations check them. Tho Omaha grand Jury dealt with the matter in a most uhirapasslonod way they handled it as a painful duty. Following is an extract from its report: "During our deliberations It has como to us through direct evidence, depositions and advlco of those thoroughly In touch with tho situation that tho question of perjury and subdrnatlan of perjury has becomcf a serious ono In tho different couits in this country. It has dovcloped upon us to bring Indictments In some In stances for this practice, and while we hardly feel competent to suggest what should be dono to dlscourago those guilty of such offense?, we bellovo somo action should be taken In this respect, we havo found this practice to obtain nmong wit nesses, but we regret to have also to state that certain members of the bar have been equally guilty, nnd since It has been made the subject of controversy between tho press and the bar associa tion, we believe It Is our duty to state, from our Information and Investigation, that tho bar association cannot hold It self entirely guiltless for tho conditions that have obtained by reason of their failure to net In tho mattors that have been brought to their attention, "We find In a recent case every evidence of black moll on the part of -certain people and at torneys, and havo brought Indictments accordingly! and while other cases of a somewhat similar nature were brought to our attention, tho evidence was not suf ficient to warrant our bringing In a trim bill. Few believe that no effort should bo spared to dlscourago attempts at blackmail, and to this end would recom mend that tho penalty covering tho of fense bo mado heavier." Landlady Holds On to Trunk When an Actress Quits Eoom Martha Btuan, actress and bright Ught In the front row, appeared In police court and with the aid of the eager city prosecutor, filed a complaint against Mrs. M. K. Clark, conductor of a board ing house at 614 South Twentieth stret. for appropriating her trunk. Martha was accompanied by her mother (curses from the prosecutor and between tho pair the story was unfolded. They had engaged a rom two weeks' In advance at the above address. Upon arriving at the place, accompanied by their trunk, they Were apparently dissatisfied and departed for the Rome. Mrs. CUrk firmly Insisted that the trunk should' remain until the rooms had been paid for. Prosecutor An- heuser agreed that thoy had been treated cruelly and Officer AVheler, armed with a search warrant, hastened to the house, confiscated tho trunk and departed beforo the Clarke- household could file the neres aary documents to keep It. A hearing on the matter has been set for Tuesday morning. Mr. Anheusor accompanied by Miss Stuart and her mother, loft tho courtroom together. lire Ready to Take Up Butler's Plan for More Interest City Treasurer W. O. TJre marched Into the city council chamber armed with arguments and facts about city flint's and ready to deal with tho uugrfcstlnn i f Commissioner Dan B. Butler Mint banks should give surety bonds for city moneys deposited In them and then Mr. Cir marched right out, for the council lefused to discuss the plan at this tlmx Commissioner Butler, who proposed the plan, waa out of tha city and Commis sioner J. J. Ityder. acting chairman of the committee of the whole, at tho oun ell's request. Indefinitely postpaid! the consideration of the measure. Along wlh his statment In which he de clared banks should give surety bonds In stead of the bonds of directors or other officials of the bank Butlor suggested that the Interest on city money be ralred from 3 to Si Pr cent, slnca Atate money draws 3 per cent. Tlte plan may be taken up and con sidered when Butler returns. PETER DONAHUE DIES AT CEDAR RAPIDS IOWA Peter Donahue, aged 65 years, brother of the late J. J. Donahue, former chief of police of this city, died Sunday morning at Cedar Rapids, I a., of pneumonia. Mr Donahue made Omaha his home for h number of years, while employed by the Union Paclflo as road foreman. lie Is survived by three sons. Tom. at present a student at Itome for the priest hood; IK) and Joseph of Iowa City, and two daughters, Alice and Josephine of Davenport Funeral services will he held from the old home at Holbrook, la Tuesday afternoon. Three sisters, Mrs, Rosa Uohn of Omaha, Mrs. Jamea Mc Donald of Valley and Mrs. Matt Benson of thin city will attend tho services. Special 'Health Warnlntt (or March March is a trying month for the very young and for elderly people. Croup, bronchial colds. lagrlppe and pneumonia ara to bt feared and avoided. Fbley'a Honey and Tar Is a great family medicine that will quickly stop a coogh, check the. progress of a cold, and relieve Inflamed and Congested air passages. E. C. Bhodes, Mlddleton, Oa., aayai "La grippe cave me .. hacking cough for which I got no relief until I took Foley's Honey and ,Tar Compound, and was noon well cf both .ough arid cold." Kor sals by u.l it -cti tivenWio e. -AdicrtUemnMH SPRING STYLES ARE SHOWN All the ig Retailers Unite in Pre senting Season's Offerings. CO-OPERATION THE KEYNOTE All Join HnniU In Mnklns; Mnunlfl ccnt Display of Xrwet Styles In Honor nf Merchant' MnrketltiK Week. Success of the 1SH spring stylo week Is assured, If - th5 Interest rind enthusi asm of tho hundreds of women biiyors who flocked Into Omaha's retail stores tho oponlng day Is any criterion. In Ad dition to the local people who made ex cursions to tho stores department man agers discerned an advance scattering of out-of-town visitors who had heard of tho co-oporatlve fashion week. The retailers are co-operntlng with one another to make this fashion week tho biggest over hold In Omaha, and from tha appearance of tho stores and the activity of customers thorc Is little doubt but what they will provo successful In their endeavor. For sovernl weeks the window dressers nnd department managers had been diligently preparing for this gala occasion, nnd this morning tho first re sults of their work mado nn appearance. All of tho windows In tho city wore brightly decorated, appropriate to tho spirit of- spring, whllo tho Interiors of the stores follow tho general decorating scheme. In previous years tho retailors held spring style weoks, but this Is tho first year of spontaneous opening. Before all openings wero on different dates nnd each stoic had nn Individual stylo show. - This year It Is different, Tho opening dato is the samo, and, although each storo holds Its own opening, the co-opcratlvo plan has been followed so that all will bono'flt. Bvcry rctnll window contains selected articles from new stocks Just purchased, while beautiful backgrounds havo been arranged to set off the protty garments and hats. Inside- tho stores models have been draped with gowns and suits and hatB, so that It will bo a very cynical woman who can resist tho temptation to buy. pnnce at Commercial Clnli. Kntcrtnlnment has been planned for tho out-of-town visitors. Tho Commercial club has provided for amusement at the club rooms Tuesday evening. Experts will demonstrate tho mnxlxo nnd tha tango and other dances for. tho edification nf tho unsophisticated, and after tho demonstrations those attending will bo permitted to exhibit their prowess along thoso lines. On tho samo evening short talks will bo mado by advertising special ists and window trimmers on tho prob lems of tho rotnll'or. Wednesday evening i u uinncr nnu incuicr pariy is pianncu. Tho Brandvls stores nro fitted most nagnlflCo'utly for the spring stylo week. Tho Hljttccnth street windows havo been elaborately decorated with out-door scenes bt spring time, and models,' draped Feel Headachy, Bilious, Constipated, Shaky, Dizzy and Sick A Dime a Box You're bilious! Tou have a throbbing sensation In your head, a bad taste in your mouth, your eyes hyrt, your skin Is yellow with dark rings under your eyes, your lips ara parched. No wonder you feel ugly, mean and Ill-tempered. Tour system Is full of bile and consti pated waste not properly passed off, and what you need In a cleaning up "Inside." Don't continue being a bilious, constipated nulsanoe to yourself aad those who love you, and don't resort to harsh physics CENT BOXES also ss fx so In the latest spring suits, have been set In the centur. Dainty lattice work sur rounds the windows, adding a touch of reality, while the backgrounds nro beau tiful oil paintings. Tha same scheme has been followed on the Douglas street, win duns, except-thnt the displays are of In dividual garments. ? Tho lower floor.pt the Brandels stores Is decorated wlthlred, green, nnd yellow! coloring. The green, representing shrub bery, while tho red and yellow represents flowers. The ricroratinir hnnas over each of tho electroliers nnd from one end yl" tho storo tho. criulsttc cffulgence js mos! beautiful to behold. MprliiKtlinc Scenes, The Btirgess'Nash company has deco rated Its storo appropriately In honor bf the ovent. The- windows are of 'outdoor' scenes, with the beat designs shown it) life-sized models Tho Burgs-Nash stock Is very complete and, has been ar range!! so'as'to mako a display 6f nil the designs. An assembly of: frames gives A good .view -of most all of the spring styles, while others -aro In open cases, whero th'oy .cnn be easily, examined. Thoso new, quaint nnd'Wlrisdme dresses with tholr-ruffles, puffs and shlrrlngs, as adopted, frdm tho fascinating period of our, grandmothers,' are shown In elaborate. designs; Whllo- the now silk suits aro given prdrnlMpiit dlspjay. All tho authen tic spring styles and' all the favored.cot orlng's are displayed at 'Burgcss-Nash. company; either In tho .original or modi fied form. A -comprehensive showing of pattern' hats Is in Included In the Burgess Nnsli sDrlng.stock., Thompson-Beiden havo followed the, outdoor 'scheme of decoration In the-win dows and Insldo tho More. Bright colors have been incorporated in all decorating and add just the touch to accentuate the artistic columcs. Latest styles In ready to wear- apparel for women ore shown In profusion. Tho House of Menngh has a corripleto line of new spring draperies, some of which nro shown In the'wlndow displays, but more completely In the storo. Benson & vThorno havo also made preparations' for tho exhibition of the new gowns and suits. Store Is Remodeled. Hayden Bros, have been given their first opportunity to decorate their remod eled windows and stores. The deep win dows which havo Just been completed wero very daintily decorated with spring styles. To add to tho beauty of the win dows natural flowers are given a promi nent position. Tho Interior has been deco rated with bright colors, while large vases of real carnations have been sta tioned at regular Intervals throughout tho store. Tho partition, which once occupied a prominent position In tho very center of the store, has been cut away and nffords a view of tho entire lower floor from the doorway. Orchard & Wllhclra, Beaton & Later, King-Peck company, Magee & Deeiner, Wilcox & Allen and Browning, .King & Co., while not handling femlplno articles of apparel, have entered into' the co operative fashion 'week, and have made special displays of their articles. The Nebraska Clothing company and the Borg Clothing company, both of which firms that Irltate and injure. Remember, that your sour, disordered stomach, lazy liver, and clogged bowels can be quickly cleaned and regulated by morning with gentle, thorough Cascarets; a 10-cent box will keep your head clear and make you feel cheerful and bully for months, det Cos carets now wake up refreshed feel like doing a good day'a work make youratf pleasant and usfuL Clean upt Cheer -ANY DRUG STORE cctrr BOXCS B3i7 . have women's departments, have special window displays and Interior arrange ment sti .table to the week, Kllpatflck has a window display nhldi Js creating considerable comment. On or& ofJahe figures an ankle bracelet re nfisesn full-view of all. who pass. Al- Ptnougri not a new Idea It was thmwit by a large .-number that the anklo braiMlet PhaT passed Ita zenith. But the Kll- pnJrlck decorator evidently believe It 11 nfltl be here as long as tho slit skirt evalls. Julius Orkln nnd Beddeo have alio re- R:l.ved their 'spring stocks. Takes Off Dandruff Hair StopB Falling Girls! Try thU! Mnkos hair thick, . glossy, fluffy, beautiful No more 'Itching scalp. Within ten minutes after an applica tion of Danderlno you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not Itch, but what will please you most will bo after a few weeks' use, when jrou, see new hair, fine and downy "at first yrs but really new hair growing all over the scalp. A little Danderlno Immediately doubles the beauty of ybur hair. No difference How dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, Just moisten a-cloth' with Danderlno and care fullydrawjt through ywir hair, taking one small strand at a time. The .effect Is 'amazing your hair will ba light, fluffy and wavy, . and have an appear ance of abundance: an Incomparable lustre, softness and luxuriance. Get a 25 cent bottje of Knowlton's Danderlne from any drug store or toilet counter, and prove that your hair la as pretty and soft as any that It has been neglected or Injured by careless treat mentthat's all you surely can havo beautiful hair and lots of It If you will Just try a little Danderlne. Advertise ment. Bi Hesitation Pump In the hesitation pump we are showing the very latest in distinctive style for wo men of taste. They are parti c u 1 a r 1 y adapted to the new dances. They have very flexible hand welt soles with the now Spanish Cuban heel. The material Is the finest patent colt with' dull kid straps, making a striking effect. "We havo them in all sizes and widths. $4.50 Mall orders prepaid. Drexel 1419 Farnam You Can'!' Afford Fashion Week Specials at Displays That are Unaur- pasted Anywhere Our Spring Opening Dis play of Apparel, Milli nery & Dress Accessories Emphasizes more strongly nhan ever this season tho superiority of Haydens assortment faid vulues. Although the importance of tK'e big special displays in appareW and millinery aro strongly em phasized, every department throughout the big storo will be found in its now spring dress, and each department will offer strong incentives to early pur fchasing by underpricingg that are truly exceptional. Our Opening Display represents the culminating results of months of qareful inspection, selection, rejections of lines offered by tho world's best makers. Although extremes are Bhown, great care has been exercised in selecting only the practical but no less beautiful. All are cordially invited whether you wish to buy or not. Come. Special Demonstration of Latest Hair Goods Novelises We have made arrangements with tho principal Importers of Hair Goods in New York to demonstrate their comploto line- here this week; showing a magnificent line of the best Swltchos from 08c to $15.00; Transformations, $150 to 98.00; Gray Switches from $4.50 up; Colored Wigs, $18.00 up. An experienced operator will demonstrate tho very newest Ideas in becoming hair dressing styles. The Largest, Most Complete and Best Selected Wash Goods Stock in Omaha New Ratines, new Voiles, new Silks and Cottons, now Printed Fab rics, new Madras, new Percales, etc. Everything up-to-date for this bprlng. EXTRA SPECIALS FOR TUESDAY 100 pieces of $1.00 Ratines : 74ti 86 pieces of 75c Ralino 5f) 125 pieces of 59c Ratines . l48d 250 pieces of Dupeuna Silk, all the new colors, new blues, Jaspers, etc.; regular price 25c, at , 15t NowM-inch Scotch Ginghams, regular 18c values; now on sal'o"l2ri Lorraine Tissues, regular 25c values, tho genuine Egyptian, Tuesday at, a yard ; Wash Goods Section Domestic Room Hwpe Muslin, SC-lnch wide, res- ular 10c values, at 7 Mo tfnbeached Muslin, 35 inches wide, 7c value, at So Soft Finish Lohir Cloth, 10c value, at 7Vo arable Oil Cloth, light and dark colore, at ISo Genuine Serpertlne Crepe, long remrnfints, 18c values, at yd.. 9a Glnghams for aprons, blues and brown. "He values, at 6o Voiles, double fold, good colors, 18c values at lavic Unbleached Turkish Towels, 12Ho values ...i 8Ho Tawn? and Batistes, good pat terns, values to 12Kc, at,... 5c 40-tnch White Lawn, 12Hc value, at 7Ho Prlnts, Simpson's, all colors, OHc valuJv at So Tuesday's Linen Specials Imported Satin Damask Pattern Table Cloths, pure flax, assorted sizes, values to $5.00; sale price, each S2.90 Imported Dinrter Napkins, pure flax, full size-, assorted rauge of' de signs, values-.up to $5.00 a dozen; sale price six for SI, 50 lead This Grocery Sale Ad at Hayden's for Tuesday OVJL AOS IS THIS PEOPU3 VT Ssfr All Trusts And Ooabi n aliens. 23 IV s. Best Granalated Sugar. . .91.00 48-lb. Sack. Best. High Grade Dia mond II Flouc. nothing finer lor bread, pie aor calces, sack. . . .91.10 10 Bars Beat-'Em-All, Diamond C or Launary Queen White Laundry Heap Su 1-lb. Can Diamond II Baking Powder, equal to aty at double the price, per can . .- 33o 10 lbs. Bent White or Yellow Com rrttsal 19o 5 lbs. Best. Kolled Breakfast Oat meal . .., 330 6 lb3.,Cholcu Japan, Rico ..aBo 6 lbs. Best Band lflcked Navy Beany for zCo 4 Cans Flaocy Swnet Sugar Corn.2So 6 Cans Oil or Mutct&rd Sardines. ,35o 6 lbs. BesK Bulk Laundfy Htarch.35c 1-lb. Can assorted soups 7Hc The Beat Domestic Maccaronl, Ver mecelll or Spaghetti, pkg. . ...7Hc Full Cans Alaaksi Salmon lOo Large Bottles Worcester Sauce, Pure Tomato Catsup or Pickles, assort ed kinds, bottle ..Olio Fan ay Quten Olives, quart 35o K. C. Corii Flakcei, pkg 5a Grape-Nuts. pkg. loo McLaren's, Peanut Butter. lb.,.iaHo TRY HAYDEN'S FBRST USE BEE "WANT ADS" FOR RESULTS. TYLER 1000. fo Miss the Great 'pecial Value (J"rAf in Departments erwear Section Domestic Room Misses' and boys' 'floeco lined Union Suits, 50c values, 35J. Ladies' medium weight ribbed Union Suits, regular and extra sizes, 50c values, at. . . .39J Men's fleece lined U.nderwear, shirts or drawers, 50c values at 20d Boys' medium weight Ribbed Union Suits, ulzes 24 to 31, SOc values, at 35c Ladles' Muslin Gowns, lace and Embroidery trimmed, 7Cc' val ues, at T 49c Men's and Boys' outing flannel gowns, 50c values, at 3So Ladles' medium ribbed under wear, vent or pants, 25c val,19o Ilcrsheya Breakfast Cocoa, lb... SOc (Joden Santos Coffee, lb aoo The Best Ted Sittings, lb loo The Best Strictly fresh Guaranteed Eggs, Par doxon soo The Best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, per lb , a$o The Best Country Creamery Butter. per pound a7o The Best Dairy Table Butter, lb. 33o Full Cream Young America or Wis- cousin Cream Cheeae. lb aa0 Neufchatel Cheese, each 3o Imported Swiss Cheese, lb 36o Imported llouuefort Cheese, lb...35o OBANOES, O RANGES, OBANOBS. The Highland Navels for quality. Monday special, per dot. 16c, 30c, 38o and aoo The Vegetable Market of Omaha for The People. Tho Best Red Rlv.er Ohio Potatoes, IS lbs. to the peck ag0 Fresh Beets, Carrots. Radishes, Shal lots or Turnips, bunch ...t So fancy livad Lettuce, per liead..7Hc a neaiis i-resn uear Lettuce 100 Fancy California Cauliflower, lb.7Ue Knncv Pnlf fnrnln Titit..i K ll. Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips or'Pars- ...7Hc 3U0 ' c'2!.,u,a.lf J.b- a Wo y bhelled Popcorn..,., loo 3 lh- linrv i V V v.svv ui'iuui,,,, , ALTO New Comb Honey, per rack l3Uo wmwm hu,, eu, buuw or wmie. per aurt quo IT PAYS -J THE OMAIIA BEE TILE HOME PAPER.