Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Two Charming Paris Styles
With a Description
by Olivette.
A Thrilling Story of a Modern Monte Cristo
"" " 1 s"''"---'
Yoa Can Begin This
Great Story To-day
by Reading This
Philip Anion, a boy of 15 when tho
stiry opens, Is of good family and nan
been well reared. Ills widowed mother
hns been disowned by her wealthy rel
atives and dies In extreme poverty. Fol
lowing her death tho boy Is desprruto.
On his return from tho funeral, In a
Molent rain, ho Is ablo to save the life of
a llttlo girl, who was caught In a street
accident lie goes back to tho houxc
where his mother had died, and Is ready
to hang himself, when a huge meteor
falls in tho courtyard. Uo takes this as
a sign jfroin heaven, and abandons
suicide. JnvcstlKatlon proves tho meteor
to have been an Immense diamond.
.Philip arranges with a broker named
Jsaacsteln to handlo his diamonds. In I
getting away from Johnson's Mews,
where the diamond fell, he caves a
policeman's life from attack by a criminal
named Jockey Mason. Ho has made
friends with Police Magistrate Ablngdorn,
and engages him to look after his affairs
as guardian. This ends the first part of
tho ttory.
Tho second part opens ten years later.
Philip has taken a course at the uni
versity, and is now a wealthy and ath
letic young man, much given to roaming.
tie 5,aJL,ealn'd nl mother was sister of
Kir Philip Morland. who Is married and
ha a stor.son. He la now looking for his
nephew. Johnson's Mews has been turned
into the Mary Anson Home for Indigent
Hoys, one of Ixuidon's most notnblo
private charities. Jockey Mason, out of
prison on tlckct-of-leavc, seeks for venge
ance, and falls In with Victor O renter, n
master crook, and James Langdon, step
son of Sir Philip Morland, a dissipated
rounder. Philip saves n girl from Insult
from this gang, and learns later she la
tho soma girl whoso life, ho had saved
on that rainy night. Grenler plots to get
possession of Philip's wealth. His plan
is to lmporsonato Philip after he has been
Kidnaped and turned over to Jockey
Mason. Just as this pair has como to an
understanding, Langdon returns from tho
girl's homo, whero ho has attended a re
ception. Tho three crooks lay their plans,
nnd In tho meantlmo Philip arranges an
Mrs. Atherly recovers soma of her money
from Lord Vnnstone, her cousin, and
secures a .promise from the daughter to
wed him. Anson Is lured by also mes
sages to visit a secluded spot. Anson Is
trapped by a gang at a ruined houao. He
la hit on the head by Jockey Mason, who
thinks he has slain tho man he hated,
and Victor Qronler helps strln the hod v.
They throw tho naked body over a cliff
Into tho soa, and Qrenler completer his
preparations to Impersonate Anson. A
nolo from Evelyn warning Philip of
danger Is opened and read, and Qrenler
tells Mason to call Anson's servant He
finds Anson's check book, and with
Jockey Mason sots out for the railroad,
moettng and chatting with a rural oollco-
mnn on tho way. Qrenler goes to York
nnd opens communications with Anson's
oanKers, witn Abingdon and Miss Atherly.
Grenler secures possession of Anson's be.
longings, and Mason gets an unexpected
kummons 10 visit ponce neuaquarter.
iCopyrtght, 15W, by Edward J. Clodo.l
There was none. Anson's body had not
been recovered yet
Before going to bed he wound Philip's
watch. He, oxatnlned It now with greater
Interest than ho had bestowed on It hith
erto. Although sliver, it appeared to be a
good one. Ho opened tho raso to examlno
tho works. Insldo there was an Inscrip
tion! "Presented to Philip Anson, aged IS
yours, by tho officers and men of the
Whltcchapcl division of tho metropolitan
police as a tokon of their admiration for
his bravery In assisting to arrest a no
torious burglar."
Beneath was tho date of Mason's cap
ture ""horo was I ton years agot" he
Ho looked back through the soiled
leaves of a sordid record nnd found that
lie was then acting In a melodrama en
titled 'The Wuges of Sin."
And the wages of sin la death! The
drama Insisted on tho full measure of
Biblical aecuraoy. Altogether, Grenler lay
down to roit under unenviable circum
stances. Ho dreamed that he was falling down
precipices, and striking sheets of blue
wuUr with appalling splashes. Kach tune
ho was awakened by the shock.
Tho box
is blue
Opol jar
Be sure to get
real Resinol
If yoa want to get rid of ctema,
pimples, or other distressing skin
eruption, yoa will accspt 1 3 "sab
BtitutoMforKe8lnoL Preparations
similar in nam or appearance ara
not "just tho same as Reslrvol."
Although new unscrupulous deal
ers may offer them as or for Res
inol, they' are often crudely made,
of little healing power, and tamo
may even be dangerous to use.
Buy in tho original blm package.
Reels! u never sold m bulk
Bwical bis Uui proscrftnd by deton
fornoratixaUrau. AlMruechtt Mil
Bmtasl Ointment In opal iaxa WCa. bad
tl.00). and RmIb Sean Otc). For trial
tita ct Mcb in. wriU to DtpU U-8,
BhIboI, BelUuors. Hi.
Now Read On
y ? r y f
52 lip
-?i W
Hut ho was a hardy roguo whero con
science was concerned, and ho mvoro him
self to sleep again. Rest ho must havo.
Ho must arise with steady head npd clear
brain. " -
He was early astir. His first net was
to tend for tho Yorkshire morning papers.
They contained no news of Philip An
son dead, but tho local sheet chronicled
his arrival at York.
This was excellent. Tho banker would
see1 It. A few printed linos enrry great
weight In such matters.
Then ho signed tho lease, dispatched
them In a type-written envelope otid tele
graphed: "Documents forwarded this morning.
Plenso meet wishos expressed In latter."
"Surely," he refleied, "Abingdon will
not give another thought to my proceed
ings. Philip Anson Is not a boy In lead
ing strings."
Ho wired to Kvelyn:
"Sorry for misunderstanding. Blue
Atom must wait until my return."
Here, was a way out. Whatever that
wretched speck of color meant, It could
be dealt with subsequently.
nut Evelyn's prompt reply only mads
confusion worso confounded:
Delay Is Impossible. Tho man has put
off tho duchess two days already."
Po a man and n duchess, and a period
of tlmo wcro mixed up with a bins atom
He must do something desperate; bogln
his plan of alienation sooner than ho ln
tended. Ho answered:
"Too busy to attend to matter further.
Going to Leeds today. Loiters here as
And to Leeds ho went. Residence In
York was a fovtr-a constant fret. In
I.ecdH ho was removed from tho arena.
Ho passed tho afternoon and evening
In roaming the streets, consumed with a
fiery deslro to be doing, daring, braving
Hut he must wait at least another day
before he could lay hands on any portion
of Philip Anson'n wealth savo tho money
stolen xrom his pockets.
At tho hotel there was only ono lottcr
and no telegrams.
Tho London hankers wrote:
"We beg to acknowledge yours of yes
terday. Your cash balance at dato la
twelve thousand four hundred and ten
pounds, nlno shilling one periny. Your
securities In our possession amount to a
net.valiio at today's prices of about nine
hundred and twenty thousand pounds, In
cluding two hundred and fifty thousand
pounds consols nt par,' Wo will forward
you a detailed list It desired, and will bo
pleased to realize any securities as. di
rected. "Kindly note that Instructions for sale
should be given In your handwriting, nnd
not typed."
Thoro was Joy, Intoxicating almost to
madness, In this communication, but It
was not unleavened by tho elements of
danger and delay, s
His slgnaturo hod been accepted with
out domur; he could control nn enor
mous sum without question; tlfese were
the entrancing certainties which dasilcd
his eyes for a time.
Hut It was horribly annoying that a
millionaire should keep his current ac
count so low, and tho concluding para
graph held a bogey, not wholly unfore
seen, hut looming largo when It Actually
presented Itself.
The memorandum In Philip's handwrit
ing on Evelyn's letter was now thrlco
precious. Ho hurriedly scrutinized It, und
at once commenced to practise tho words.
"Devonshire" nnd "8harpo'', gave him
the capitals for "Dear Sirs." Ho was at
a loss for a capital "C," hut he saw that
Philip used tho simplest and boldest out
lines In his callgraphy, nnd he must risk
a "C" without tho upper loop, In "Lady
M.," too, ho had tho foundation of the
".' to precede the requisite figures. Soon
he framed a letter In tho fewest words
"Yours of today's date received. Kindly
sell consols value one hundred and fifty
thousand pounds and place tho samo to
my credit."
Ho copied It again and again, until It
was written freely nnd carelessly and
every letter available compared favor
ubly with tho original In his possession.
Then ho posted It, thus savins a day,
according to his calculations.
With this mlsslvo committed Irrecov
erably to the case of his majoaty'a malls
Victor Qronlcr's spirits rose. Now, in
deed, ho was In the whirlpool. Would he
emerge high and dry In the El Dorado
ot glided vice which ho longed to ntor,
or would fortuno consign him to Portland
again porclmnco to the scaffold? He
could not say. Ho would not feel safe
until Philip Anson was a myth, nnd
Victor Qrenler a reality, with many thou,
sands In tho bank.
Already, he was planning plausible lie
to keep Mason out ot his fair share ot
the plunder. A fw more forged letters
would easily establish tho fact that he
was unable to obtain a bigger haul than,
say, 00,000.
And what did Mason want -with ,:
He was a gnarled man, with crude taites.
Twenty, fifteen, ten thousand would 1h
ample for hit wants. The sooner he
drank himself to death the better.
With each fresh cigar Mason's moiety
shrank in dimensions. The murder ws
a mere affair ot a vengeful blow, but
this steady sucking ot tho million Jrc ts
lehctrequlred finesse, a dashing adroit
ness, the superb Impudence of a Cue-
Hut If his confederate's Interests suf
fered, the total fixed In Qrenter's origin!
scheme In nowise became affectod.
He meant to have 000,000 pounds, and
ho firmly decided not to go beyond that
amount Ills letter to the bankers named
C1W.CKW, and he calculated that by stop
ping short at two-thirds of the available
sum he would not give any grounds for
suspicion or personal Inquiry.
Yet he would shirk nothing. Mr. Abing
don and Mlis Atherley must be avoids
at all events: others he would taos
blithely. He took care to have ever on
the table In his sitting room a goodly
supply of wines and spirits.
(To Be Continued Tomorrow.)
Here is a charming little suit on the loft that suggests tho coming
of summer. . Over a Simula frock of chalk gabardino, made with sepa
rate skirt and blouso and fastoneil In front, is a coat of Veronese green
brocaded crepe. It is cut on kimono lines, rounded at the bottom and
draped in front by a closing of passementerie. Square revere and a
round collar trim tho neck.
The nrmholo Is low nnd tho seml-looso alcove is cut three-quirter
length and finished by a cuff of the name material.
Mllo. Marlon. Parisian favorite, has adopted as. he&prlng suit this
model of mustard-colored volour do lalne, shown on the right.
Tho coat 1b in the Louis XV stylo, with a small shell collar and
The Peacock Man
"Will you please," writes Perplexed,
tell mo what to think of a man who. al
though lie says he loves me, and proves
that he does In a great many ways, yet
whonever he goes near a pretty salesgirl
to purchase anything he always tries to
catch her oyo und thop smites, laying
himself open to tho suspicion that he is
a male flirt Do you think a girl ought to
take offense when a man does this In her
company cr should sho treat tho matter
lightly and say nothing?
Of all the wise sayings thrown Into
the air since tho days of Solomon there Is
none qulto so effective In the handling of
affairs of tho heart as that which refers
to an equable division of tho sauce. That
which Is sauce for one sex is sauce for
the other. If It Is enjoyable or even per
missible, for a man to ogle every girl he
meets, then the girl to whom he Is en
gaged to be married should get out a
spoon and dip It In.
Of all detcs'table creatures, the male
flirt Is tho worst The desire to flirt In
dicates weakness, vanity, fickleness and
selfishness. It l tho mark of the brain
lets man. The innn across whose office
door the spiders will some day build a
web Is the man who flirts with hts clerks
and his stenographers. The man who
reaches a position ot honor and trust
never stopped to nudgo a pretty girl or
wink at a pretty woman on the way
A weakness In the man who Is not en
gaged, It becomes a disgusting offense
against good taste In the man who Is be
trothed, and a sin against good morals
In the man who has a wife. The male
flirt knows no boundary line.
. He Is not true to himself, and It fol
lows he cannot be true to others. He ts
worthless to hts family and to the com
munity In proportion to the extent with
which he Indulges himself In this most
Inane of follies. Like the peacock, he
struts around so proud ot the plumage
that attracts admiration that he Is blind
to the ugliness of his feeet. He becomes
concentrated on his powers to attract at
tention and degenerates little by little
Into the simpering, brainless male being
that occjplcs tho street corner and at
tempts to vulgarly "make a mash" on
every petticoat that goes by.
The man to whom "Perplexed" Is en
gaged has started down the path that
terminates In the street corner. The man
who "tries to catch the eye" of every
pretty salesgirl Is on his way to be
coming the human derelict that makes
vulgar remarks to every woman he meets
on the streets.
My dear, the cure Is extreme. KHrt with
the men you meet and he will be cured
of his folly, but the remedy la so severo
on a girl's reputation, and the man Is to
little worth tho sacrifice, that it would
be belter to give hlra up and forget him.
broad revere faced in whlto broadcloth. There are -large buttonholes,
self-bound, in these rovers.
The kimono sloovo is fitted moro than usual with a very small
armholo. . There arc deep cuffs of white cloth outlined by' bands of tete
de negre satin. A deep, loose girdle falls below the waist and over
the hips this is a band of the cloth stitched and fasteped in front by
a beaded olive. Tho fullness ot the bodice is confined here, and from
this belt falls the peplum without any fullness. This lengthens at the
back Into a small point.
The short,, round skirt gathers Into a narrow belt and disposes
most of Its fullness in the front. OLIVETTE.
The Mystery
Question How la the orbltral speed ot
the sun determined, and 'with what prob
able degreo of accuracy?
Answer Specific speeds of suns In space,
flying In every possible .direction, are
found by means ot telescopic observation
and measurement of their proper-motions.
First find their distances from the earth,
and then, with precision, measure how
many seconds ot arc they move per year.
Then their velocities can be computed In
But suppose that a flying sun is com
ing on an exact line toward the earth or
receding on a true straight line. Then tho
telescope alone cannot see any motion at
all. But .one ot the chief discoveries ot
all ages Is the telespectroscope. To even
think of the power of this delicate in
strument makes one wish to write the
oft-repeated wortis, The powers now so
nearly latent In the phase of mind called
human are Illimitable.
The telespectroscope actually measures
the velocities ot approach and recession
of giant suns In the line of sight. Thirty
years ago, one would have said, "This Is
beyond the power of man." But It Is
common now to measure these direct mo
tions. The principle is, that when a body emit
ting light Is coming In a straight line to
of Flying Suns
ward the eye, mora waves enter the eye
than If the body is going away on a
straight line.
Now the exceedingly refined measuring
Instrument, the spectroscope, when at
tached to a huge telescope, Is able to
measure this excess and diminution ot
waves of light. The good folks in Ara
bian times never Imagined, any fantastic
thing comparable with this sclentlfo real
ity. For waves measured range from
lengths In between 33,000 to 3,000 to the
inch that are visible; while tho (oto-tele-camera,
In conjunction with the spectro
scope, deals with waves still shorter, so
short that no eye cn see them, but still
visible to molecules of chemicals on very
sensitive and rapid films and plates.
The degree of accuracy Is far greater
than that of a carpenter measuring the
length of a board. And these suns are
all In motion ordinarily In between lim
its of four to eighty miles per second.
But a few suns, In a select class all by
themselves, move from 123 to 200 miles
during each second of time.
The paths of suns when flying singly
and alone In interminable space are not
called orbits, for the paths of bees in a
swarm would not be called orbits. But
where binaries and ternaries are in revo
lution around their common gravitation
center, by twos and threes, then the
paths are regular conlp sections and are
expressed by the word orbit
Bcxcuijr Lesson
Even an occasional pimple shoull not
be neglected, for, while pimples arc not
contagious In the sense of being carried
from one person to another, ono plmplo
may carry Infection to another part ot
the skin and continue tho trouble. If a
plmplo Is forming bring It to a head by
applications of hot water. When tho
white spot Is plainly indicated, open vlth
a needle that has been sterilized by pac
ing through a gas or candlo flame and
carefully press out all tho pus. Then
bathe the spot with peroxide of hydrogen.
Hard, sore spots that grow red but
show no sign of opening Bhould be painted
with whlto lodlno. Apply this with a
soft .brush and In most cases the Irrita
tion and swelling will disappear. Be
sure and get tho white or colorless lodlno:
the brown Is too strong for the skin of
the face and will also leave a stain.
Beauty habits and habits that mar
beauty are easily cultivated during theso
years. Among tho latter are frowning,
distorting tho face and biting the Una,
Thick or rough lips should bo kept well
lubricated with a good cream; never n't--or
moisten them with the tongue, fur
this will only increase the trouble. Re-
memuer mat lrowning win majie perma
nent lines in the face and that a happy
expression will render any face attractive.
Blonde hair, so common with the Anglo
Saxon race In childhood, is prono to
darken toward maturity. So often my
pupils ask for something to prevent this.
There Is little we can do to change pig
mentation; that Is decided while tho hair
Is in the bulb and Is ono of tlio mys
teries of nature's chemistry Nothing
can make tho hair grow light after It has
started dark; It can bo mado light by
bleaching or dyeing.
There are. however, some harmless
methods that will brighten the hair. Hair
that is kept dry, .free from perspiration
and an oily condition of the scalp, will
remain blonde longer than it would if
neglected. An fegg shampoo tend3 to
brighten blonde hair, or, If the ordinary
soap shampoo Is given, tho Julco of half
a lenion added to the last rinsing water
will have the same effect Soda and
peroxide of hydrogen will render the hair
light and fluffy for a time, hut tbe con
tinual use of either will eventually make
the hair brittle and lifeless and take a'l
color from It.
How much better to accept nature's
dictum In this mater and promote the
right color by treating tho hair jightlv.
This means a dally brushing; combing and
airing of the hair, an occasional seal
massage and a thorough shampoo once
a fortnight, or more often If dandruff Is
present. With proper care the hair will
bo glossy, soft and beautiful, no matter
what the tint and this Is sufficient M
make It beautiful.
In the next lesson Mme. Ise'bell will
tako up the subject of wrinkles and gl.i
directions for facial massage.
A J - - J. - -Li. T 1
jtiuviutj io cue jjoveiorn
Ortnlnlr Not.
Denr Mis. Vnlrfmr. T am 18 .
Fsrty at a friend's home I met a youn?
man about tho same age. When 1 was
goln? home he asked to accompany me.
On thn WAV hn aifr ma tn mnm. 1,1...
Should I consent, as this Is the first time
i mei mm? troubled.
A proposal on such short acquaintance
la not complimentary to you. Tell him
you are not to be married offhand like
that; that the love of every self-respecting
girl Is something to be worked for,
waited for and won.
As "air."
Dear Miss Fairfax: Which is proper?
To address a young man over 21 years of
age aa "master" or "Mr." in writing a
letter to htm? G. a. D.
The age of 21 entitles a man to all of
manhood's prlvilegos and. In these days,
when youth demands moro than Its dues,
It Is regarded as proper to call a boy
"mister" as soon as he dons knicker
bockers. rox saxs Asm xsooiocEirDzm by
nraucAx k iceoojnnEx.z, nxtxa go.
1 1 Have Grey Hair I Mt,
Yoa can potitirelr re- mriVm
store grey or faded I Yttt
J hair to its natural col- HllJrY
I or by the obo of W
' H It clcaaMstBS seals, caltrea
U kalr f thlclM, &d prodac- i fj
Ultk. UxmrUst ststtU. H fM
Haralt are ruruM. It W
rssarSBMsaUrtly sail. Q
vita Hay's Hair BmHIi 7r H M
dnciiit will rcfu4tkt pur M II
m SriM. w aad I at I
mt druftUti. Sni tfto (or Mm-
pU bottla to Sbermin Si PM
H McConntll Co., Omtha, Ntb. fM I