rntrtr rvr A tt a omm iv -nw. -t rmT on mu LENTEN QUIET CONTINUES Few large Social Affairs Arranged ONE OF THE BRIDES OF LENTEN SEASON. Announcement 2 B I ' ' ' 1 ' ' 1 MI1III1MII1I.I1 I " I 1 r Members of Brown-Dickey Wedding Party 1 i , : , I i for Coming Week. PLANS -FOR EASTER WEDDING RmcrniMoni Are Already Helnjr MsuSe br Omahans for Trip Abroad for the ComInK Summer Social Calendar. fUNDAy-Studlo musical. Mrs. IRtham Davit and Mrs. John Macfarland. MONDAY Mrs. Bruce Moffatt. luncheon at Commercial club, followed by Or pheum party, for Ml Lewis; Prof K !. Fling, lecture. Fall of the Mon archy." Central High school. TUESDAY Amateur Musical club, bene fit for Social Settlement, home of Mrs. F. A. Nash; Mr. C. A. Pratt, luncheon for MUs Lewis; Mrs. George Tray, 9 P. M. Club. WEDNESDAY Thimble club. Mrs. F. TL AlcConnell, hostess; Prairie Park Jun lors, dancing party at club house; Clover Lear club, Mrs. II. Hobson, hos tess, Flvo Hundred club, Mrs. Thomas Cahlll, hostess; Jolly Dozen club, Mrs. t C. Kehm, hostess. "Hl'RSDAY Pan club banquet. Hen shaw hotel; Tralrle Park bachelors' danclnc party at club house; Comus club, Mrs. P. O. Jennings, hostess; Ooldcn Glow club, Mrs. J. w. Gllmore, hostess. FII DA Y M rs. W. A. Yonson, luncheon for Miss Lewlo; chicken pie dinner. First Presbyterian church. SATUHDAY Mrs. Watson Townsend, bridge party for Miss Lewis, One of the first large social affairs following- Eastern will be the weddlnff of Miss Bertha Dickey and Mr. . Brom-fleld-Drown of Ilonululu, which takes' Mace April 16 at Trinity Cathfcdral. MUs Dickey has chosen as her brides maids Miss Katherlne Thummell, Miss Damjihne Peters and Miss Mary llurk ley and will have as her maid of honor her cousin, Mlts Helen Scoblo, who has spent several months abroad, but who will arrive here about April 8. Miss Peters, Miss Thummell nnd Miss Dickey i werir school friends at Urowneli Hall, nnd later all three attended boarding school at Greenwich, Conn., and tocethcr with Miss BUrkley all made their debuts a year ago. Mr. Ilromfleld-Drown will arrive her the first week in April. To Steam for Europe. Before the last flurries of snow havi mcltod many travelers have made rescr-J vmisn lur steamer trips to go 10 cooler climates next summer. 11 y the way, you no longer sail, you literally steam. An Omaha n who goco abroad each summer says ;that everyone abroad now says- "steam" Instead of "soil," unless thry are really going on a calling yacht, but nearly atl of the mom luxurious yachts aro steam. Mr. and Mrs. David Cole Will visit Mr Cote's relatives In Dublin and other points In Ireland, and wljl leave about the mid dle of May. They plan to spend two months on the continent and will he away, Ave months. Mr. and Mrs.. George Kelly, who spent last summer abroad with Mr. and Mrs W, J. Burgess, plan to go abroad again this summer. Mr. and Mrs. T, J. Fltsmorrls will stolen tor Europe some time In June. SUrti.Xew Fad. Mlscha Elman, the famous -Hussion vio linist, started, a new fad In Omaha, but many In tho audfence were nocniranced with the music that they 'did not,otlce it In the end "of-the noted fiddler bow was a diamond. This novel setting- for a Jewel caused quite a. flutter bf excitement amosg the feminine members of the.nudK ence and all otthe coming ."Maud rowt ells" present decided that their 'favorlto stone should straightway be set Into their violin bow. , , Friday evening a violin recital was given by Mr. Frank Mach for his pupil, MUs Margaret Johnston of Olldden, Ia a talented young roles of about IS year of age. On the program was also little Mis Sylvia Adler, an Infant prodigy of years, who played the Beethoven minuet. The little tot resembled a Ufe-sUe doll and in the end of the little fiddler's bow was a diamond. With the Travelers! Mrs. John N. Baldwin leaves tomorrow for San Diego, Cat. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith are at the BUtmore In New York and where they were Joined by Mr. and .Mrs, Asa Bhlv erick from Clevetand. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McKeen returned Wednesday from Houston, Galveston and other Texas points. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Baldrige leave today for New York and from thero will go to Atlantic Cty. v Miss Marjorle Smith left Tuesday for Toronto, Can., to spend the spring vaca tion with her grandmother. Mrs. Lorratt Smith. Her mother, Mrs. George C. Bmlth, accompanied her as far as Chicago-Mrs. T. J. Rogers expects to leavs to day or tomorrow for New York to visit htr sister Mrs. Later. Mr. asd Mrs. Louis Doup spent the week In Chicago and will be home Mon day. Wlshep Ecannell has returned from a month's trip to New Orleans, where ne visited a brother. Amy Notes. Major and Mrs. John Singleton BwtUcer and family of Lincoln expect to move to 'Lincoln next autumn, where Major Swltser will be commandant of cadets. Mr William T. Wilder, who, with her husband. Captain Wilder, have been at Fort Leavenworth for two years since leaving here, is expected Sunday for a Bhdrt visit with Mrs. F. J. Taggart at Hotel LoraL Phi Delta, Zheta Banquet. The thirty-ninth annual banquet of ' Ne braska Alpha Phi Delta' Theta was given at the University olubrooms laet nigh. Roger -Cory Craven was' toastmaster and. H. C. DeLcmatre, F. 0, Builta and John L. Kennedy were the speakers of the evening. Those present from Omaha, were. Messrs, J. L. Kennedy, It. C. Craven, C W. Martin. Amos Thomas. J, F. Mead, V. A'. Batsner, F. C, Bullta. H. A. Tukey, TV T. B. Martin C. R, McLaughlin. R, O. Webster, Q. V. Tunnlcllffi C. V. Bliss, Robert P. Neely, E. C. Page, It K. Owen.. D. R. Owen. IL C. DeLamatre, H. W. DeLamatre, n. 8. McCullough. P. M McCulIaugh, IL L. Carlson. B, C. Carl- son, Lyle Rushton, C. C. Rlngwalt, J, Mc Farlane, a L. Merer V. MaxwelL R, A. Oatatt, K. H. Benson W. J. Thomas, Rob. ert Updike. Those from oUt of town were Messrs. jr. A. Andrews. Fremont: C M Methewaoa. Walthllt: P. R, HalUgan. V. If. IlsUigan, North Platte; L. R. Ander. Son, A. E. Anderson, g. C. Anderson, C. L. Clark, Genoa; E. U UndquUt. Water- Joo; James Esdea, Sidney; L, P. Shaffer, Iw1 - i jg' jH - Kiaa Bertha Dickey. - M Bjspk HELEN" SCOEIKA KKSjM itHBBk PRESIDENT OMAHA SOCIETY OF J. B. Cain, D. D. Reavts and F. C, Ileavls, Falls City; A. C. Llndstrum, Columbus; K, C, Moenhardt. Madison; Warren Woodward, R. L. Doyle, George GUllgan and M.-V Voldlnsr, Xlncolnj J. II. P. Brnnlganw.EaUt-Oltyj II. II, -Goet.--t, Joseph, MOjj V. C. Blcklehaupt, Dos Molnear Harold Wood, Aurora; T. Vlday, Moines; Harold Wood, Aurora; T. VWil, S. D.j It, K. Pierce, Fremont. Afternoon Kensington. Mrs. W. H. Widney and Mrs. C. L. Vance, SSCS Hamilton street, entertained at a kenslngton Saturday afternoon. Those present were: Roger,' Deardorf. Jonaaie, VanKuiau, Stewart, , McOltfen, Leach, Patton. Fleming, Conklln, Hutchinson. Dooley, MUsca Mlsnee Hoffman, TldbalL Pleasures Past. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Vance, SS6S Hamil ton, entertained Saturday qvenlng at ft COO party. Ouests present were; Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Conklln. Mr. and Mrs. James It. Dowar. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Carmlchael. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Klsley. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McClaln. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Meredith. . Mr, and Mrs. J. B Smeaton Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bmlth. , Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wells. Mrs. W. H. Widney Miss Mary TldbalL Qood Times Club. Mrs. Frank Alvord entertained the Good Times club at her home Thursday afternoon. High five was played and prlser won by Mesdomes Ralph Richard son. Thomas Martin. Patrick O'Hearn, Badle Atkins and Charles Everson. A three-course luncheon was served. The club will meet In two weeks with Mrs. Mamie Kettcr. Those present were: Mesdomes Mesdamee Lee Bridges, Ralph Richardson, Charles Everson, Johi. Prendergast, Sadie Atkins. M. Morris. Mamie Ketter. Patrick O'Hearn, Thomas Martin, J. Cooh, J. L. Mulflnger Frank Alvord. , For Kansas City Quest. Mrs. Edward "Riley entertained Thurs day evening' at her home In 'Dundee In honor ot Miss Grace Welsh- of Kansas City and Mlse Lucll Dummler.of Cedar Rapids, guest ot Miss Christine' Ley decker. Those, present were: '' Misses Misses a Grace Welsh,- ChrlUlpe Ljydocker, .Gertruda Furnlss, t.W. ( U MW....M.V., . ...... VU . K.UIVI, Hiwtia Cerny, Aiano 111 icy, V:vJin RlUy. Messrs. William Ranae, Ednard Riley, Gale Furaees, aittltlo Farnetn, Messrs. Arthur Farmor. Raymond Leydecker, wiuiam Stewart.. Announce Engagement. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Armour announce the engagement ot Miss Myrtle V, Lar son and Mr. Robert J, Miles. The wed ding wlllbe celebrated June I. Pi Beta hl luncheon. The monhhly PI Beta Phi luncheon was held Saturday at the home of Mrs. Mor ris Dunham. The rooms-were attractively decorated In spring flowers. The hostesa was assisted by Misses Uarda Boott, Plor- ence' Rush and "Georgians, Davts. The out-of-town guests were Miss Ruth Qulgley and' Miss Florence Nason of Lincoln. Thirty guests were present. At Prairie Park Club. The .Prairie Park Juniors will give a dancing party Wednesday evening at the club house. The committee In chargo Includes Albert Wedemeyer, Jr., Walter Woodrough and Raymond Powell. Phi Gamma Delta Banquet- a numter or Omaha . members of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity will attend the annual roost pig dinner at Ltncoln next Saturday. Portland Linen Club. The Portland Linen club met Wednes day at the iio'me ot Mrs. Jesse Carpen der. High fivo was played and prizes awarded to Mesdames William Heald, C Roberts, Edward Foster and Bur cham. Mrs. B. F. Eyre will be the next hostesa In two weeks. Twelve were present ,at the last meeting. j Pan Club to Banquet The annual atag party of the Fan club will be held In tho Henshaw hotel rath ekeller Thursday, March 20, A novel en tertainment will be provided and all the members are expected to attend. Evening Musicale. Mrs. C. Leydecker entertained at ft musicale at her home Wednesday evening. In honor of her daughter Christine's guest. Miss Luclle Dummler ot Cedar Rapids, la., and MUs Grace Welch of Kansas City, guest ot Miss Marl RUey, Those present were: Misses Minnas Luclle Dummler, Grace Welsh. Marle Riley. Vivian Riley, Mottle Farmer, Christine Leydecker, Messrs. Edward Riley. William Stewart. Winifred Farmer, Emma Cerny, Messrs. William Ranee. Arthur Farmer, uaie rurness. Raymond Leydecker, Mr. and Mrs. C. Leydecker. In and Out of the Bee Hire. Miss Ruth Klein ot New York,, who has been visiting Miss Luclle Freldburr, re turned east Saturday, Miss Luclle Dummler. who has been the guest ot Miss Christine Leydecker, left for her home In Cedar Rapids. Miss Grace Welch of Kansas City, who has been the guest ot Miss Marie Riley of Dundee, leaves for her home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Edward E. Newman, who hove returned from a short sojourn In Des Moines, leave today tor VermUUon. S. p.,' to be gone aU summer. Miss EUsa Van Hosen- and daughter, Bessie, who have been visiting at the home of their cousin, Mrs. George A, Shelter tor the past wek, have returned to their home In Sioux City, la. Mrs. "A, N. Troyer of Fair Hope, Ala., who has- been at the home ot her father. Mr. John A. Dempster, for the last seven weeks, mill xUU. la Ge&ava, N.b and Zfas, C2emc2i Chase Sioux Falls, a D., hefore returning to her home. Mrs. II. Clarence Myers, and ..small daughters, Marion and Bernlce, spen.t las week In Lincoln, attending ' the Allen Needham wedding, at . which little Miss Marion was flower girl. They returned Saturday. i ' Mr. and Mrs. William McPherson and ohlldren who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. B. McPherson, left Friday even ing for .Masters, Colo., where they will live on a ranch. MUs Louise MoPher son accompanied them and win remain a week. Personal Mention. Mrs. John A Dempster of the Helen apartments is convalescing from a long Illness. Mr. and Mrs. David A, Baum and Miss Margaret a rear Baum sailed Tuesday on the "Coronla for Italy. Mrs. R, C. Howe left Saturday for New Tork and will remain east until after the Easter vaoation of her daughter, Marion, and eon, Robert. They will probably go to Virginia Hot Springs for the holidays. Miss Dorothy Weller arrived home Fri day from St. Mary's at Knonvllle, III, accompanied by a school friend. Miss -MRS. W. H. LYCKE Harriet Waters of New York, who will be her guest during the school vacation. Mrs. Joel Stewart, who has been east visiting her daughter since December, ar rives homo today and will be at the Col onial. A son, Nathan Gluck Silverman, was born to Inst week to Mr. and Mrs. Bu- gene Silverman of Detroit. Mrs. Silver man was formerly Miss Amanda Gluck of this city. Mrs. J. E. Baum arrived Saturday morning from Philadelphia to dismantle her homo preparatory to turning it over to Mrs. K. C. Barton, who has leased It for two years. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lyman expect her sister, Mrs. George Wallace, and Mr, Wallaco of Salt Lake, to arrye shortly for a visit en route to St Louts to visit their daughter, Mrs. Tuttle. Miss Elizabeth and Miss Erna Reed, who are at the Bishop's school in La Jollo, CaJ., have been Invited to spend the Easter vacation at Hollywood with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wattles. Mrs. Ernest ; Hart of Council Bluffs, who has been at home from the east for a week or ten days, will go to Atlantlo City for the Easter vacation with her children, who are cast at BQhool. Mr. and Mrs. Barton Curry and two children - of Grand Island, have moved to Omaha and have token a house at 327 North Forty-first street. Mr. Curry Is with the Bradford-Kennedy company. Mrs. M. A. Hall Is In the Presbyterian hospital where she has been dangerously 111 and underwent an operation for mas toids. Her son, Charles, was operated on for appendicitis last week in the Meth odist hospital. ALLEGED ABDUCTOR OF DES MOINES GIRL FOUND DES 'MOINES. March Ih William Heavllln, alleged abductor of Margaret JLuka, the 16-year-old Des Moines girl, whoso disappearance at the Iowa state fair last fall caused a nation-wide search, la under arrest at Richmond, Mo., ac cording to information wired" the local police today. Ho was indicted by the Polk county grand jury, charged with abduction. Omaha's Quality Cleaners Wore It not for our large volume of business we could not clean your clothes, for the price and devote as much time to tbem as wo do. Our overhead chargo on each Job is so email that we devote practically all we get for the work to the actual Cleaning and pressing of It and that's what you are interested In. That, coupled with modern equipment and competent workmen, Is why our work Is (he best to be had In Omaha. Right now is the time to have your Easter Cleaning or Dyeing done. Just phone Doug las 963 for one of our autoe. THE PANTORIUM "Good Cleaners & Dyers" 1515-17 Jones St Phone Doug. 003. GUY LIGGETT, Pres. $4So to $10 Excellent displays of Untrimmed Hats are also ready. We invite your inspection and a comparison of our prices with others. MISS BUTLER, 1512 DOUGLAS ST. Beaton & Laier company at all times, but more especially during1 Fashion Week; extends a cordial invi tation to come and visit Nebraska's greatest Furniture Store. The week commencing Monday, March 23, will mark the beginning of the most extensive "period f urni ture display ever instigated in Omaha. Adam, Eliza bethan, Charles II, Jacobean, Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI, William and Mary, Sheraton and Chip pendale suites wiil be shown bringing out all the now popular ideas in design and finish. Our Drapery Department will be arranged to dis play all the new spring season's popular designs. Lace Curtains, fancy Nets, Aurora Cloth, imported Madras, new Curtain Scrims, Domestic Cretonnes, exclusive Imported Cretonnes, Fortiercs,Couch Covers and Linens for slip covers, both plain and figured will be shown. In the Bug Department we will display floor cov erings from the famous Whittall lino, the Bigelow line and; many others. DO NOT FAIL TO ATTEND . . Beaton & taier Company 415-17 So. 16th St. PAYMENTS Millinery Opening We take pleasure in announcing the first display of Spring's newest and smartest styles in the most corrfiot and approved millinery fashions. You will be charmed with our. splendid exhibition of spring styles and wo ex tend a cordial invitation to have you inspect them at your leisure. , MARCH 21, S3, 24 Souvenirs as long as they ladt. AND LIVE 120 YEARS - - Mince its .introduction only a low" weeks ago it has. bad a phenom enal sale and la making now1 friends (to Stay all over the city each day. THE IRISH ENTIRES WHEAT BREAD will be the bread ot the Americans' in the near future.' God created wheat especially to be man's" food. The entire wheat kernel contains all ot tho fifteen or more ele ments found in tho human body OXYGEN, HYDROGEN, NITROGEN, PHOSrnOROUS, CARBON, POTASSIUM, SODnJM, OAIKHim, MAG NESIUM, SULPHUR, CHLORINE, FLUORINE, SILICON AND IRON, ETC., ETC. There are more people living in Ireland per capita (withsa record of their birth) over 120 yeans of age than any other country. The Irish owe their great longevity to the natural food of man, the IRISH ENTIRE WHEATn BREAD, which was their main food, to gether with vegetables. NUTRITIOUS PART IS TAKEN OUT The millers take tho most nutritious portion of the wheat out (which is fed to cattle) ; this is done to have a flour that yeast, baking powder, etc., can raise, such as white bread, so-called whole wheat and bran bread. Eat the IRISH ENTIRE WHEAT BREAD, as it has all the waste man requires to prevent stomach trouble and constipation. 90 of the Americans suffer from constipation. THE JRISH ENTIRE WHEAT BREAD will make better boys, bet tor girls, better men and better women physically, mentally and morally. Eat tho IRISH ENTIRE WHEAT BREAD at each meal and you will retain the vigor ot your youth to a ripe old age. WHAT GOULD AND ROOT SAY The Real "Staff of Life." (Jw3ftwJ Motto is: Not how cheap, but hov good. Made from the recipe of Prof. A. I Frost. Copyright. 114. by A. I Frost; iiri;i3:H;mi:i3say.3iJOjai3)rm SPRING MONDAY CUT PRICE MILLINERY All the new Spring ideas are accurately carried out, among them the saucy and demure pressed shapes, tho clover high side ideas, Watteau sailors, tango turbans, qunint bonnets and slashed brim models- all of irresistible charm and sure to please the most carc- ful buyer. Come in and look over our Spring showing at IF YOU WISH SC HAD ELL & CO. 1522 DOUGLAS ST. Irish Entire Wheat Bread C Z. Gould. Manager Penn Mutual Life Co. I shall con tinue to eat the "Steal Staff of Life" as Ions as I live.. I consider it will be tho bread' of the future in this country. h. J. Root w. o. w. Bide.: rThe real "Staff of Life" has no superior. It is easily a simulated and In a few days ends constipation. I shall eat no other bread. OPENING t