THE OMAHA SUNDAY BICE: MARCH 22, 1914. 13-A Jobbers Extend Welcome to Retailers Coming This Week . A Hu M M Ml I III Mill Hi HI! I Ull I -v. mm I i i 'VV. .-"CMM - B III I i HIK" - -j- - ""msuiaLL-list ?i . .SUAHw . 1 1 f IH" V- i . MBBHto "i I I i ill 4fc -V . ttTOffWM 111 i t -it. uttwi -ir--iittiiiii ,v -ntytriTr fiKMmw ir t- - TTSSTT . mi i Win Ml i Mli I'MB II r PF Til 1 1 m mm ana MERCHANTS YQU ARE I NVITED TO OMA MARCH Z3-28 SPRING MARKET WEEK If V 1 ' .,,,,11 MHI VF ' - ' r, VIEW 0F RETAIL DISTRICT VIEW OF WHOLESALE TROW FROM. 9ih AtidiJlCffSOW HE Omaha Jobbers' and Manu facturers' association has pur chaned a goodly portion of the Orpheum theater's best eoats for Wednesday eventne and a gigantic theater party will be given that evening to . visiting retail merchants, their wives, sweethearts and n!sters - who come to Omaha for Mer chants! Spring Market AVeek, March 13 to 28,'j Thejthcater party will follow, a dinner to be "given-at one of Omaha's big hotels, from which the guests will ptoceed direct to tho theater. This Is only ono efature of the many hum nlnnned for tho week by Omaha iobbers and manufacturers, who areflfcjpklnff for hundreds of retailers to cometo tho city to complete their spring stocks? next week. 1 Tuesday evening tho two 'top floors ot tho Woodmen of the World building, com prising ull of the Commercial club roonm, will 'be given over to the visitors. There wlll bS some fun here, too. Dancing will be ono. of the chief attractions, and Bomu of O'maha's bedt dancers will demonstrate the tango, the Castle walk and other late dances, after which the floor will be open to all. who caro to try either the. new or the .old steps. An exhibition of artistic window dressing by two or three of Omaha'H experts will be an eudcatlonal feature much appreciated and tho evening will' end with a buffet luncheon. So much for the social side. Tho main purpose of the meeting is to give- the PAXTON 8 GALLAGHER Co. S St L.G.POUP CO 1 Attract CA-RPB1MTER PAPER CO. ORPHEUM THEATRE CRANE CO. merchant the opportunity to make per sonal selections for his spring stocks from the largest assortments displayed to tho best advantage In the jobbing houses, 'where the sole. Idea for the week will be iulck and efficient service. In former seasoNis, the merchants' "spring meeting" has been, extended over a period ot three months, and no very large number of merchants was here on any particular day. This year all efforts have been concen trated on a single week, and the market will be shown at Its very best, when Btocks are complete. Merchants will be here la sufficient numbers-" to make possible such entertain- " ments as Uioso -.mentioned above, which Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. Is Impossible, of course, when only a few come each day. The Jobbers and manufacturers promise to mako the meeting ono that visitors will never forget and ono that will never be thought of by rival markets without pangs of Jealousy. DELTA THETA PHI TAKES NEW MEMBERS INTO FOLD Theta chapter ot Delta Theta Thl, logal fraternity, Initiated eight new mombors at the fraternity houBc, 2220 Howard street, last night. The work waa put on by tho local senate, with the assist ance of the members ot tho alumni sen ate residing in this city. Harold Pros sol of Watorville, Minn., and Udwafd Swoboda of Omaha, two of the initiates, tool; tlrst and second honors, respec tively, at the first semester examina tions for Crclghton law freshman this year. Tlioxo Initiated Included also Ferry M, Wheeler, city clerk of South Omaha, an4 member ot tho Junior class at Crelghton, The other initiates were: John J. Shan non, Jersey City, N. J freshman law; l.ea Madden. Wauscca, Minn., Junior law; Horry K. dantz, Alliance. Neb., fresh man law; Dextor li. Corson. Omaha, freshman law; Chester A. Morgan, Wag ner, S. D., freshman law; Harold Ores sel, Watervllle, Minn., lreshman law, and Kojtirnrd Swoboda, Omaha, freshman law, I.nst evening's work was concluded with a good fellowship session end a smoker. D1ETZ SECURES, OLD VOLUME FOR LIBRARY C, M. Diet has Just purchased trim Kleser's book storo a very rare copy of an early history of Nebraska, entitled, "Sketches of Nebraskans." The Illustra tions In this book nre all real pho;o graphs tipped In. One of the groups ot photographs contains the members of tho legislature ot 1S71. In which Mr. Edward Hotewnter appears as quite a young mn. nut what makes tho volumo still mora ot an antiquity Is the fact that It is in scribed bys George Francis Train to Will lam .Henry Dagley from George Francl Train, next president America, dates Ualttmoro, July 12, 1872. It Is the Inten tion of Mr. Dlctz to have this vohino bound lip In a substantial way and place' In the Omaha public library. A ' vfoWf WAY r .-iwVVifSHeSv JThis merchant is using an old-fashioned cash drawer. As a result, he does not know how much "money he should have at tho end of the day's bus iness; how many items his clerks forgot to charge; 'whether money is missing because of carlessness or temptation of employees. He runs his storo by guesswork, depending onf ...memory for a record of his business. Each day ho does unnecessary work, and worries about His business after working hours, which injures his .health and unfits him for the next day's liusinss. This( merchant is using a National Cash Register. He knows that all money received during tho day is in tho drawer at night, and that he has a print ed record of each transaction. Ho knows that nothing has been lost through temptation or care lessness. Ho can tell which clerk sells the most goods. When he locks his store at night, he loaves all bus iness cares behind. Forgotten charges, disputes with customers and loss of trade don't worry him. His mind is free to think about how to get more business. Call at our salesroom, 404 South 15th St. when in Omaha next week. Be WHETEHOUSE, Sales Agent NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPANY NEW HOME OF THE Beebe W Runyan Furniture Company The Most Modern Furniture Jobbing Plant in the Entire Country. SIX ACRES OF FURNITURE UNDER ONE ROOF "Wo urge all dealers in our line to join tho army of buyers who will visit Oinaha during Spring Buyers'1 Week, Commencing March 23d and to mako our office your headquarters. Wo are sho'wing some wonderful values and your stock will be materially strengthened v by placing our now goods on your floor. EEBE & RUNYAN CO., U. S. A. 5