Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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    HIE BEE: OMAHA, SATl KDAV. MAHCIl 21, 1911.
TidaUtr Storag-s ft Via Co. Doug-. 1518.
Hav. Hoot Print It Now Bsacon Prtss.
Hf Int.? Yts. Finn Mutual. Oould.
XLctrlc Snppllei rturt;pi.OriiruUn Co
Tusosophlcal Lecture liurd F. Miller
gvlll lecture nt the Tlicosophlcal society
jxnectlns;, room 20. ,IlaltlrlRe-Vead build
In?, Sunday rvenlns nt 8 o'clock. Ills sub
3et tolng taken from Christ's Permon
on the Mount.
8 Cleaning Up Union Station Workmen
Have becun on the fnlon station, not cn
Jarlng It, but denning thf walls nwl
filing. The waiting rooms have becoinJ
a forest of staginp and treftlc and tho
i'Jlrt that has ben nrcuniulatine; since the
. . 1 1 .3 : .. - , . ,
, uiiuiiiK vitviru is ucmK wipcu and
Iponscd off.
Socialist Speaks Here Sunday On
Sunday afternoon J. 13. Osborne of Call-
Rornln. will rpcnk nt foclalltt headiiOar
Etc. room JW, Labor temple. Nineteenth
Rnj Farnam streets, at 3 o'clock. Though
fffhysltally blind Sir. Osborno ha u
ceesfully edited the Oakland (Oal.) World
land has made speaking tours throughout
tthc raclfle slope. He Is now on his way
east to consult specialists In an effort to
.regain his eyesight.
tative prrsonagts of the cramped com
munity, a, lawyer, nn editor nnd the su
perintendent of the Sunday school.
glnla Terhune Van do Water. 312 Pp.
II K. a. V. Putnam sons.
Ten stories of married life arc collected
under the title of the first one. In each
one of these storlea Mrs. Van do Water
gives the picture of a failure. Husband
or wife somehow falls to make good,
usually with little realisation of the
fault of character, the lack of under
standing or the difficulty that has caused
the collapse of happtntss,
Ot'R MR WltRNN. By Sinclair Lewis.
l Vp. Harper Bros.
This story of a clerk, whose dream
of travel were at last realized, Is told
with that enthusiasm which comes only
'with an authors first book. His ro
mantic Klpsylnit through England Tilth
a wonderful woman his life with unusual
people In New York I tnjtl In chapters
filled with sympathetically humorous In
cidents. He was a gentle limn. And a
believer In the rainbow's promises.
.M Ucr llnnro ii,
EN'S CLUBS. By Caroline Trench
Bnton s? Pp. ji :s nmin Hstes .t r n
In this little hook, the autlioi not only
gives In a concise manner the lw.t means
of organising, and establishing n, rm
anantly women's clubs of all sorts, hut
she gives full years' programs suitable ,
lor use oy emu or all sixes anil in all
By Conway
The Neale
Whlttln .nm. m Pp
ininueiiiiig company
The subiect of suffrage is argued out
by a lawyer who has studied the con
structlon of twlcty. and utters this work
In order to help prevent society's de
struction, whlrh he feels Is threatened by
woman's hanged attitude toward man.
AiT. By Thomas Conway. Jr, and
F.rnest Minor Pettersor. 108 Pp. $2 J
B. Llpplncott compn .
This volume alms to be a statement of
fact and a careful analysts of conditions
upon the basis of the facts which were
made available In the senate and house
hearings on the bill, together with other
Information which Is available bearing;
upon the banking problem In this
country. v
New Books
fl HOME, Anonymous. $1.35. Tho Century
jjThe story concerns Itself with a group
,i Xcr Englandcrs. who live upon aitces-
fal lnnds among the fragrant hills, with
enty of tho material aids to a well
gulatcd life, and nil the traditions and
.habits of families long accustomed to easy
,jlrcumstances and tho world's respect,
ffhclr Ufa is ordered but human, conven
tional without ltksomcness, set to a cer
tain standard without being iron-bound.
f-'-irloua t Igu'resi are sketched In, forming
not too real background. There arc tho
3co, the captain, J, Y. and Mrs. J. Y.,
Tance and pthefs;; Ono gets little Impres
Ion of theso beyond, ldlosyncraclea of
fiiblt or speechi- Then there nre the act
ual persons of the. storjf. Tho women who
represent the human .'quality of home,
among whom Clem Is tho best conceived
and most delightful, and' he men who are
txr-wander far from home, to long for It,
return to It, or to die away from it.
ohlnd tho persons arc tho hills and
nes and 'fields, tho houses nestled In
heir trees; the white, heaven-Pointed
hurch the home Itself.
t'Jf?-.Plncnnrt 231 pP- $Li!S. Houghton,
Mifflin company.
An absorbing tale of murder and mys
tery, written with all Mrs. Jtlnehart'fl
' harm. She has written no better story
than this, and in her own language It Is
"a hodge-podge of characters, motive
passions, all working togqthcr toward that
terrible night of August 12, 1911, when hell
seemed loose'oh a painted sen."
SUNSHINE .TANK. By Anne Warner.
:? Pp. Jl. Little, Brown & Co. ;
Sunehlno Jane was a nurse and her mis
sion was not to enro for sick bodies, but
to heal sick soUls. So when she camo to
tako care or her invalid aunt, who
promptly discarded her Invalidism, in,
expounded her beliefs to friends and
neighbors, the village found Itself quite
upset, and the various characteis fol
lowed Jane's teachings- arf far as they
wero materially applicable ttf thcftiselVeS"
with most astonishing rcsujtst . ' I
MHS. "imAND. B.V.V, A. Mitchell
Ienys. 375 Pp. 11.25, Small, Maynarl
CO. .4
Taking asher 0'i'cmo church "polltiru." '
the author depicts ,a ijroblem that Is
alive because, sieehows how deeply it In
olves llvjng(bfeathlng men anft:Vromeli, '
Tho fasclnatioh of the pastor ofthe fash
lonnblo church, tho faith of his chief
Iiarlshlonerr the' strtngth of characUr ot '
the latter's? wife, tho viewpoint of , the
nltrulstlc you'ng physlclan-all these per
oiialltl3 live In Mrs. Keays' pages as
men andwomen whom the reader Icnovva
Intimately.' ,
' 7
THE PTJFXUPIC13. By Klla W. Pcavt e.
41S Pp.-, Houghton, Miff lltt com
pany. '.'
This Interesting story offers an cultonio
of tho'Bsplrations, doubts, dreads, furtlvo
fllllPr.htAnt mill franlf -linrM nf Ifnm.n nh .
' uhlef charactet- -In tho story Is a girl
who hesitates long between love and whnt
she conceives to (be the larger duty, but
eventually finds a way to reconcile iho
Mrs. Pcattlo formerly, lived In, Omaha
and the .book will bo doubly Intcrcsl'n.?
to her many friends here. ''
' - l
TUB BKST MAN. By orace Livingston
Hill LUtx. 301 Pp. 11.28, J. -B. Llpp'n
cott Company. ' T
The story of what happened to a youii3
man in tho government secret scrvxo
when hev was sent on a dcllcnte mlMilou
to Now York to get repossession of .i
stolen paper of immenso consequence. He
had to. meet at dinner, under an assume
personality, tho people who had stolin
the paper and who had Invited him tn
the belief that he could translate Its
cipher for them. He managed his escape,
was chased and fell Into a bridal party,
where .ho was welcomed as the expected
and delayed bridegroom. And before tie)
knew It io was marching to the altar
with a girl on his arm he had never seen
before.' And presently they were starting
oft on their wedding trip. Alt this takos
place In tho first few chapters and makes
the basis' for the tangles and adventures
and arhaxlng happenings of tho next few
Havens. . 2X Pp 11. Houghton Mifflin
f swen and whimsical love story con
cerning Plr of lovers who continued tu
have loVp adventures with each other
after thoy fler$ married. This whs ow
ing to the, fact that Jphn Landless, the
horo. was a poet, nnd partly too, to the
additional fact that Sir Peter Oglebay,
tho heroin'b uncle and guardian, was
Irascible. Some pleasantly surprising
things liappned, and some unusually
picturesque ones. - .
ItL'TH ANNE. By Rose Cullen Bryant
320 Pp. 11.25. J. B. Upplncott company.
A distinctly readablo story depicting
the heart of an emotional woman pant
her flrsj youth. The tale Is. dominated
by Buth Anne, and her struggles to fill
her life without love, and her complete
surrender when that lovos comes.
Mann Kennedy. UU Pp. tt.36.
& Bros.
The theme Is freedom, and the story deals
with tho modem struggle towards a real
democracy, Little Bonwo!l--u village of
prejudices, traditions asd ocenotnlc tla.--tiry
la the scene, and the principal actors
an) a blacksmith and a woman whono
gypsy l'fo 11 a trf " ,hB wln-t. Their
Btrlrlnss to understand and praetjen free
dom axe ta-aarted and mfeJndenslQSd by
Ibe ilacksmlti's tti'c axd Oirre rerrwet
IStore Hour, 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. M.!
Your HAT, Mr. Man
is here in the very style and shape that
will suit you best, prices range
$2.00, $3.00, $3.50 to $5.00
Fresh Cut ROSES
Long stems, full healthy blooms, assort
ed colors, specially priced for Qrt
Saturday, per dozen OVC
Frida.y March 20, 1914.
Sixteenth and Harney Street.
There Is Individuality in Every Tailored Suit You Buy
$1.50 to $2 Handbags. $1
THE bags are the newest designs and the
most popular for the season.
flft All are well
P g uu made In every
particular and are
in perfect condition.
Kvery one genuine leather
in seal grain and other
leathers with gilt, oxldbccd
and nickel frames, Bome
have pannier handles, others
ordinary strap handles, lined
and fitted with coin purse;
f 1.50 to 52 values for $1.00.
Burgess-Hash C. -Main Ftvr.
Featured Here Saturday
THREE very extreme values
in trimmed hats for Sat
urday. Beautiful trimmed hats, $4.98;
made of fine quality Mylan
hemp, trimmed with ostrich,
Imported ribbons and im- qq
ported (lowers. Saturday.. p4.yO
Trimmed Hats, $7.50
Smart, tailored Swiss Milan hemp
hats, trimmed with smart tailored
hows and ostrich Ay
Btickups; Saturday pf .Oil
Unburnned Hats
Yes, the best and cheapest In
town, quality considered.
Trimmed Hats, $15.00
The newest Belgian spilt Milan
" braid, very elegant ?1 C OA
shapes; special at fiD.UU
Imported hemp sailors, black
and all colors, 1 no
usually 2.98 $1,170
Imported hemps, us
ual 91.95 nj
quality, at 7JC
narareas-Xnah Co. Second Floor.
Here Regardless of the Price
IT'S that touch of individuality that differentness in style
and character, a feature so, much sought for by every
woman, that has placed our department for ready-to-wear in
such an enviable position the most popular section of its kind
in the city. Then, too, there is Mich a varied range of styles
and in every instance the prices are of the most modest sort.
We feature for Saturday:
at $25.00
For which we claim the biggest and best value you can
nnd anywhere.
ttt"E are specializing on this particular brand of suits and
yy feel certain that for real value, smartness of style,
chic, e.xclusiveness and individuality, they can not be dupli
cated anywhere in the city at this price.
The range of charming Btylcs Is extremely wide, every
now feature of the season has been deftly worked Into
these stilts.
THE MATERIALS include moire silks, wool crepes, pop
lins, minstrel black and white checks, whipcord, gabardines.
THE JACKETS are the new short effects with kimono
sleeves and the new collars.
THE SKIRTS are the new tunic, tier and minaret effects.
THE COLORS include navy, Copenhagen, king's blue,
wisteria, brown, green, tan and violet; also black; price $25.
A CHARMING selection of pretty styles in wool crinkled
crepe, whipcord, serges, gabardines, etc.; jackets with
beautiful lace collars, kimono sleeves and lined with self
colored silk linings; the skirts are tunic style; the colors, king's
blue, nav', brown, green, tan; also black, the price $19.50.
THEY are made of all wool granite and brocade materials
in the new shades of navy, Copenhagen, tango, green
and brown. The jackets are the new short effect with ki
mono sleeves, lined with a snlendid aualitv neau de sole silk.
nnl . 1 . ' 1 . 11 j ' i i ! rr i. ii ! .
I 11C SK.irU dTC inc nCW UCrCU tuniC CJICCi; UlC pnCC ?11.UU. BnrgesNati Co. Second
Women's $ l25 Gloves, 86c
Mauu ot ucrman lambskin r. K
one-clasp fastener, spear point
; white, black, gray, Q
brown and tan, Jt.2S value, XHrf
Saturday, the pair KJnJ,
French Kid Gloves, $1.50
Two-clasp fastonor, newest stltchings, white,
black, gray, tan and navy,, best rn
makes, fitted to hand, pair tpl.DU
Women's Chanioisctte Gloves
Long or short, washable, white and colors,
all slzos, splondld. values for Sat- C A
urday, pair DUC
narscas-Xaah Co, Main Floar,
. sewn,
Boys' SUITS With Two
Pairs of Pants for $2.98
JUST tho sort of suits
you want for that
robust boy. Mado of
splendid quality mate
rials In a good selection
of deslrablo colors and
patterns, Two pairs of
knlokorbockcr pants
with each
suit Sat
urday at
innrlnl. . . .
Boys' Suits in a variety
of desirable styles, Sat
urday at $1.98 and $3.98
Utvvi ) n. ii i
Boy' $10 to CO CA
$18 Suits for..OU
Norfolk sulfa with lnlcker
hbeker pants. mal of home
spun aersjts and Hootch
turned, new aprins- pat
terns in onn i or z
of a pattern. Ileal
tlU.VU l" 1S.W
values, choice....
Bura-eaa-Naat) Co-.Mwlu i iowi.
Men's $3,50 Shoes
RESS shoes in both but
' tori and lace styles,
medium, round toe.
lasts, Goodyear welt
sewed soles, patent,
gun metal and tan
leathers; all sizes. Shoes
from our regu
lar 3.50 lines,
Saturday, at
the pair, $2.45.
Ilnnrcaa-Nash Co.
Main Floor.
Here Are Hosiery and Underwear Values That
Will Bring Forth a Big Response for Saturday
HCAUSR it's Just the sort of merchahdlse that la la greatest demand right now and through a stroke
of good fortune we bought so we can offer you a avlng advantages quite out of tbo beaten path.
QPFfl AT f es '"deed it's "special." Women's black, pure thread
kJl AjVIrlJu. cj1U Vincn full fnchlnnorl roornlir ,n-iH MrrU mVtrnA
tflin "VJi (Mil lugiifwitwu) , O ItlHUWf 11(,1 llbU
5 heel, double sole and heavy lisle top; the usual J-1. 00 quality, sale
'- - - 01....J Jl. - !
Women's 35c Hose, 19c
Cotton and lisle hose, Import
,ed and domestic made, black
and colors, regular 25c to
36c values, the r
palp "C
Women's 35c Vest, 19c
Low nock and sloovelonH
style, lisle thread, cumfy out,
regular price 35c, sale 1 n
price, each X uC
Women s 50c Hose, 35c
Thread Ellk hose, seamless
and regular made, black,
whlto, pink and sky blue,
regular 50c values, the Q Im
pair jjC
75c-$l Union Suits, 39c
Women's low neck and aleevo
less cotton union suits, lace
trimmed, knee length, QQ
75c and $1.00 values.. ii7C
Infants' 25c Hose, 12Vc
Infants' enshmoro hose, mer
cerized heol and toe, pink,
sky blue and rod, regu- o
lar 25c value, tho pair luC
Women 25c Vests, 15c
Shaped, cotton vests, high
neck, short sleoves, low neck
and sleeveless, 25c val- I C
ues at, each XJC
nararraa-Naali Co-r-llaln Floor.
Women's $3.50 Shoes
THIS season's best styles
In dress shoes, button
pattern, all leathers, flexible
sewed, soles, perfect fitting
lasts: 'very com-
f ortable and
dressy and all
sizes from which
to select. Our reg
ular $3.50 lines,
Saturday, very
special, at; the
pair, $2.35. Ilorar
h Co Main Floor.
8TYLE 613 Made ot fine ba
tiste, very low bust, with draw"
tape, embroidery edging-, boneless
over hip line, long; hip conflner,
two strong: hooks at end of steel.
Six lioae supporters, price. . .SI. M
STYLE 625 For medium stout
people, made of light welrht
coutll. medlumlow in bust lino,
daintily finished with val. lace,
and tapa, well boned, price.. S1.00
Burareaa-Xaah Co Second Floor.
Sale of New WAISTS at $1.00
That'll Prove Interesting for Saturday
EVERY one a beauty, too; fresh, new and clean, made of
fine voile and lingerie materials; more than a dozen
styles from wnicn to make seiec
tion. Finished with frills, etc. Open
front, long and Short
sleeves. Your choice Sat
urday, on main floor,
for fl.oo.
Chic New Waists. $2.50
Several very pretty Btyles from which
to niako your selection. Made of voile,
trimmed with embroidery and lace and
featuring all the new collar d0 rn
ideas. Interestingly priced at. p.3U
Doraaa-Naah Co. Second Floor.
Men V'Lion Brand" Shirts
Regular $1.25. $1.50 and $2 Values. 79c
GAIN Saturday we offer you choice
from a creat assortment of men's
shirts at a price that averages about one
half the regular.
They're the broken assortment of our
All new desirable
patterns and col
ors and all sizes
are represented.
Made coat stylf, some ot them
with separate cuffs. An oppor
tunity to buy your season's supply
of shirts and save from 1-3 to 1-2
tho usual price, too; choice, 79c.
e a
79 c
narStaa-Naah Co. Main floor.
Men's 35c Silk
HERE'S the opportunity
to buy two pair of silk
hose for about what usual
price per pair would be. The
hosiery is good quality silk,
with cotton toe, heel and
top plain black, tan, blue
and gray, but size oy2
only (but most men wear
that size), strictly first qual
ity and a regular 35c value,
per pair.isc
nunreaa-Waah Co Mai
In Floor.
Closing Out of Furniture
Brings Saving of to Vz
TIME is short to close out all rockers and chairs. We
have taken our entire stock and divided it into five
groups, nothing excepted.
Included in this offering are golden oak, mahogany,
fumed oak, many of L. J. & G. Stickley Co. make.
T rn we will sell Saturday
rOr pwD7 all wood seat rockers,
formerly priced from 11.25 to J6.00.
17 QQ we wl" 80,1 Saturday
rOr tp0.7O all wood and uphol
stered seat rockers formerly priced from
16.00 to 5S.00.
17 AC? 'e 8e" Saturday
rOT JpO.yi) all leather upholstered
rockers formerly priced at $12.00.
T7 nr we will sell Saturday
for $y.yi all leather uphol
rockers formerly priced from $15.00 to
17 tffO OF wo will sell Saturday
Tor iSiO.UO H leather uphol-
fttered rockers formerly priced from $26
to Z42.Q0.
2.00 Famed Oak Book Shelves, $1.29.
Oak book saelves, 3 shelves, 20 Inches wide, formerly sold at 1 on
$2.00, to close out at , , pl.V
All Parlor Stands To Go.
Including maple, golden oak and mahogany, will be closed out in
two (2) lots
Parlor stands formerly A j Tr I Parlor stands, formerly tf jp
$8.00 to $13.00, at pt. I O j $3.E0 to $6.D0. at yi.iD
Parlor stands, formerly
Annual Spring Sale of
Garden Tools, Seeds, Etc.
IT'S none too early to begin putting the lawn and garden
in order. Early seeding enriched with fertilizer brings
best results. Saving prices here Saturday
25c Purity Blue Grass Seed, 17c
Nebraska Seed Company's Purity Blue Grass seed, i n
pound package, regular price 25c, Saturday 1 C
Garden and Flower Seeds. 4c
Nebraska Seed Company's garden and flower seeds, a
full line, usual 5c; package ttC
Garden Hoes, regular 2Cc, - Q Fountain Lawn Sprinklers, regu
Saturday luC larly 75c, Satur-
Garden Rakes, regular 2Cc, Q dtt
Saturday IiC Brass Hose Nozzle, good oh
Garden Spades, regular 75c, Cn q,,allty' 36c Va,Ue )C
Saturday OUC Corrugated Hose Couplings, " A
Garden Fork., regular Qn 19c value8' each 1UC
$1.25, Saturday DIC Brass Hose Menders, 10c O
Lawn Rakes, regular 25c, 1 Q "lues, each OC
Saturday Hose Clamps, good and C
. strong, each uC
Grass Seed Special Rubber Washers for garden O
Nebraska Seed Co.'s best qual- bo,e' doien 0l
ity grass seed, guaranteed Garden Trowls n O Cp
package, regular price A l llfC IU
15c, sale price, pkg UC Dandelion Diggers 25c
Durcraa-Naab Co- Bnariaimt
Women's $ 15 Suits, $9.50
In the Economy Basement
AbUKi'KiMNU assortment or new spring
suits, snlendidlv tailored, made of serere
tailored and fancy models. All theJj)JtU
season s new snaucb. urcat u mm
values, at "
$9.50 Spring Coats, $5.95
Swagger now spring stilts made of fancy fabrics.
Plain tailored, fancy trimmed. Navy, tan, tango.
brown, manogany, checKa and diagonals. fir nr II xl
Bnlcndld $9.50 values for 9J.3tJ t3 "Oi
New Spring SkirU, $2.48
New spring dress skirts, black, plain colors, plaids
and check pattorni. A splendid assort- sJJ jq
mcnt of tho prettiest new spring effects p.4"0
Women's Union Suits, 19c
Women's fine ribbed lisle finished union suits. Low
nefr iimfirnlln ntvln Innn rriminnrl' km1. m 0
onds of 35c grade, each "... 13C W I
Men'a $3.00 Shoes. .tl.QS I? U
Good serviceable shoes, button and lace, best shapet
vlci kid, gunmutal and patent leathers, Qf
made to retail at $3.00, all sizes, pair p l.lD
rVomen's $2.50 Shoes at $1.85
Women's patent leather and gunmetal pumps and
colonial low cut shoos, trimmed with pretty buckles,
Cuban and now Gaby heols, splendid $2.60 or
values, pair )X.OD
Borsra-Xaab C Beoaiourr Basement.
II V r I
1 ml
BBarstasv-Nash Co- Everybody's Store 16 tb and Harney ,