Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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State Board of Control Does Not
Solve Problems of Management.
Comraliiloiirra nml Warden XJnnble
to Ili-lns: Ontno Down to Point
Where It Wan Under Pre
Tlonn neulnip.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Jlatch 17.-(8poclal.)-The
proposition whether the creation of tho
new board of commissioners of state In
stitutions, better known as tho State
Hoard of Control, has solved the question
of more economical conduct of Btalo In
stitutions was discussed this morning In
tho office of one of the state officers by
a couple of officials who had formerly
been members of the Board of Public
Lands and Buildings, which ha1 charge
of state Insttlutlons before the Board of
Control camo Into being, tho opinion be
ing that It had not.
The discussion came up over the pres
ent condition of tho appropriation given
tho stato penitentiary for Its maintenance
fund. The appropriation for the blennluni
was given to the penitentiary at $74,000.
This Is about 11,000 more than was voted
for tho previous blennlum. Up V tho
present time something over S per cent
of this has been expended and less than
half of tho blennlum has expired. Tho
board la asking that tho convict fund,
which has always been turned Into tho
general state treasury, be now trans
ferred to tho cash fund of tho Institution
to mako up tho deficiency which Is bound
to exist, and the matter will be put up
to tho attorney general to decide.
Heretofore, according to a member of
the Btate Board .of Assessment, the con
vict fund, which represents tho money
coming" to tho .state for tho use of con
vict labor under contract, has been
turned into the state treasury, and In
making up the levy for the year this
fund has always been figured on as a
part of the money coming to the general
fund, thus cutting down the amount of
the levy for general fund purposes. Tho
Board of Control figures that tho law
which designates how funds shall be used
means that the words ''all other pur
poses" takes In the convict fund. How
ever, It has never been construed that
war. In past years and haa always gone
Into the general fund of the state.
Snlnrr Fund Iiow.
The condition of the fund tor officers
and employes also Is a Uttlo low, due In
part to j-alse In salaries. Tho salaries
wero first boosted Boon after tho prison
outbreak about two yenrs ago. At that
time tho sum paid for salaries at the ln
etltuttons, which Included board, etc., was
considerably lower than Is being paid
now, but after the outbreak were raised
In many Instances. When the following
legislature met other salaries were raised
so that the difference Is shown as fol
lows, the comparison being made with
January, 1513. and tho same month this
ear as 'shown by the records:
Warden t5
Deputy a
Chelf clerk ,
Physician i 5
Chaplain Je
Steward ..,
Usher ,
Deputy chief clerk.;....
Total for office force $580 SJ745
Knglneer , 73 S3
"Farm surierlntendent 40 Pa
Afnrhunfn 39
C'aDtain of guard 100
.Vlcrht nnorlneer 60
Yardmaster 70
HtoiekecDer .
Aildltlnunl Help.
In the additional help for the same
period In 1912 there were four guards at
$10 per month, fifteen at $S3, two at $32.K
and three at $30. Turnkeys and gatekeep
ers were Included in the list as guards.
In January, 1014, there was one guard
drawing $60 a month, three at $55, twenty-six
at $30 and five drawing pay a
part of the time.
A comparison of the two periods of 1012
and 1014 shows that the payroll of the
penitentiary In Janus ry, 1912, was $1,KI,
while In tho corresponding month this
year It was J2.GS9.
In Justice to tho Board of Control, a
portion of these salary boosts were voted
by the legislature, the warden, deputy
warden, chief clerk, steward, physician.
deputy chief clerk, chaplain and matron
being tho .ones favored.
Towever, there has been employed ut
the Institution In 1M4, as shown by the
January payroll, thirty-six men outstdo
of the office force and Hv others at
various times, while in January, 1011, but
twenty-seven were needed to run the j
place outside of the office force. This In
face of tho fact that tho number of con
victs at the penitentiary In 1914 Is about
one-third less than In 1912. i
The legislature of tho last seislon found
it necessary to appropriate $60,000 as a j
deficiency fund to cover unpaid bills of
the institution for tho previous blennlum, !
duo mostly to tho prison outbreak ex
penses and the afterward boost In sal
aries of the guards and others connected
with tho Institution. The samo leglsla-
turo voted an additional appropriation for
the present blennlum of $60,000 for a new
building which was supposed to mako life
moro pleasant for the convicts and make
It easier to take care of them.
Clinnire from the Past.
Warden Beemer, when he had charge of
the Institution beforo his death, made
tho institution practically aelf-sutalnlng,
so It Is claimed by those who had tho
Institution under control, and they claim
that with a reduced number of Inhabi
tants there should bo less employes and
a correspondingly leas expenso to lun tho
Beforo tho State Board of Control camo
Into being tho Institutions of the stato
wero looked after by a board of stato
officers consisting of tho land commis
sioner, secretary of state, treasurer and
attorney general, who performed tho
duties of looking after state Institutions
In additions to their usual duties and It
cost the stae nohlng for the work.
iThe last voucher from tho office of the
Board of Control shows that the threo
commissioners draw $250 per month, or
$750 In all; a secretary draws $150; a
boookkceper $100, two clerks $80 each and
two other clerks $C5 each, making a total
expenso In salaries alone to keep tho
Board of Control of $1,200 a month. In
addition to this Is office expenses which
will mako tno cost oi running mo new
board well up. In fact tho commissioners
themselves will draw for a full blennlum
$18,000, while the legislature voted an ad
ditional $40,000 for office expenses which
Includes salary of employes, making $58,000
whlcja It Is costing the state to have a new
board to look after Institutions.
AVhether the high cost of living at tho
penitentiary can be charged up to the
Board of Control, to the management of
the Institution or to tho general buoyancy
of the Salt creek climate, does not
materially count asithe people voted for
the creation of the board and to them
must be charged the result. However, at
the present rata of eating up tho appro
priation for the eleven months of tho
blonflium past, thero will bo a consider.
able deficiency when the legislature meets
next year.
Rev. Henry Keil jON TRIP TO VISIT CITIES .Notes from Beatrice
and Gage Uounty
is Ordained Priest
KEARNBY, Neb., March 17-(SpccIal.)
Tuesday morning In St. James Catholic
cathedral In this city, tho Illght ltev.
Bishop James A. Duffy conferred tho
order of priesthood upon Ttev. Henry
Kell of West Point The Rev. Mr. Kell,
who has proved eminently successful In
his studies, will have the distinction of
blng tho first priest ordained for the
diocese of Kearney, which was formed a
year ago. U is not yet known what
charge will bo given the new priest, there
being a number of places whero the
bishop would like to placo his new priest.
The ordinance took place during pontl
flclal mass at which a large number of
outside clergy assisted tho bishop. The
clergy present from outsldo tho city were
ltev. Bueslng, West Point. Rev. A. Link,
Sidney; Rev. A. J. Kampmann, Tralrlo
Center, and Rev. I. Qrobell, St. Charles.
Boy Kills His Sister
While Playing Chin
TECL'MSEH. Neb., March 17.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Paul Schraback, 14-year-old
son of Chris Schraback, living six miles
south of Sterling, was fooling with n
gtm this morning. The weapon was ac
cidentally discharged and little Anna
Schraback, E-year-old sister, was shot In
the head and Instantly killed.
Tf vnn hnvft a fin-Part nenrt
be sure to see Orchard A;
Wlthelm's co-carts first
our assortment is most com-
pleto In price, style und
quality, nore you can uuy
a go-cart for $4.75, $5.00,
j.ou, iSl.dU, i.uu, ,iu.uu,
$12.00 $11.00, $15.00
or $17.50.
CLARKS, Nob., .March 17. (Speclal.)-
Tho eighth annual Merrick county fair
will-be held here September 16. 17 and IS,
these dates having been decided upon )y
tho directors of the fair association at a
meeting held hero last Saturday after
noon. The date for holding the fair this
year had originally been sot for Septein
ber 2. 3 and 4. but as these dates con
flicted with-the dates set for tho Polk
county fair at Osceola It was decided to
change to the above dates.
Tho business men's party, representing
tho no-llcense element, held their caucus
and nominated W. J. Henderson, E. 13.
Davis and O. A. Blttlngcr aa candidates
for the offices of village trustees. The
license or no-llcenso question has always
been the chief Issue hero and the election
has always been close and .this year
promises to be no exception.
W. Chamberltn and W. R. Morse, who
have been members of the Board of Edu
cation here for the last several years,
handed In their resignations last week,
which wcr accepted and W. J. Fosbury
and "W. M. Allerton wire appointed to
fill the vacancies.
The famous Oriole Go
Baskets can only be secured
at Orchard & Wllbelm's all
the new patterns are shown
the prices aire $8.50, $10.50,
$11.50, $13.50 and $15.50.
Window Shades
19c, 29c and '39c
An assortment . of odd
shades, all opaque and du
plex shade cloth, up to 36
Inches wld and to 7 ft. long
. Drlced In three lots as to
size, 10c, 20c and, 30c.
Commissioners Leave with Idea of
Selecting Reformatory Site.
nnnnnet to c Held nt Grand lliml
xt TtiMtlnr Will 11 Adilresurd
! lloili Committee Chnlrmrn
In Interest of llnrmnny.
(From a Staff Correspondent.
BEATRICE. Neb.. March 17. -Special.)
Edward Jrlce, who was found guilty
last week In the district court on tho
charge of petit larceny In connection with
tho theft of some sugar belonging to E.
S. Stevens from a Rock Island car, wan
third IHtt and costs Monday by Judgn
I Pembcrton. Aa ho was unable to pay his
; lino no was lodged in tno couniy jhh. j
' Tho home of Herman Brandt In Glen- i
i ovor was destroyed by lira Sunday with i
LINCOLN, March 1".-Conimlssloncr i nli i, contents. Tho loss Is placed at
denies, and Kennedy, of the board of ,$2,500 with JI.Wx) Insurance. Tho fire or-
iginaicu irom a detective uuc.
control, left this morning to begin their
work of Investigating a proposition for
tho location of the new Mute reformatory.
Thoy went from here to Genova ond from
there to Deshler. On Wednesday evening
thoy expect to be In Superior, and on
Thursdny morning nt Holdrogo. Thurs
day afternoon they will spend In Alma,
roturnlng to Lincoln from that town.1
(irnlul lutniul llnniiurt.
Invitation to attend tho get-together
banquet and meeting to be held by tho
republicans of Hall county In Grand
island on next Tuesday, are beginning to
Robert D. Rlckard has sold .out his In
terest In tho Sola Royal Hluo shoe store
hero to E. D. ihro of Omaha, who took
charge Monday,
Miss Ruth Schroeder will represent the j
iieairice ltign scnooi nt mo state ucciam
atory contest at Lincoln April 1. Second
place was awarded to Miss Rae Chlppcr
flttld. rt T Tlinma nttil hm fahr-ln.lftW.
Ucn Cooper, had a narrow escape from j
death Monday morning by. being Btruck i
by tho northbound Union Pacific motor
reach the stato house, Auditor Howard i near Blue Springs, as they attempted to i
exhibiting one sent him this morning. drlvo over a crossing near the water
As nn Indication that tho affair will bo i tank. The wagon In which they were rld
a live one, tho toast list shows tho names lug was partially wrecked and both the
of Senator P. M. Currlc. chairman of tho ' occupants more or less bruised. Tho team
Tnft stato committee; Judgo A. C, Eppcr- they Were driving ran away, going to
KEARNEY, Nell., March 17.-(Speclal.)
While driving his car at the rato of
thlrty-flvo miles an hour, Mr. M, Durt
and a woman narrowly escaped sorlouj
accident and probablo death on Sunday
evening, when tho driver sent the ca:'
over the bank of the canal west of this
city, Tho speed of the car took the
machine well over the edge of tho bank
beforo It commenced to fall, thus allow
ing It to strike tho water twenty feet
below right side tip. Neither occupant of
the car was Injured) but the car was
badly wrecked. Two teams and ten men
with block and tackle worked four hours
In getting the car out of the canal.
AUBURN, Neb., March 17.-(Speclal.)-A
special session of the district lodge
of Odd Fellows began at Auburn today.
Some of the grand lodge officers nro
present. Including Grand Master Frank
John of Grand Island and Grand Secre
tary I. P. Gage of Fremont.
A session of tho grand lodge was held
at the lodge hall at 7 o'clock In the
evening and a session of the subordinate
at 8. Tho degree staff of Falls City con.
ferred the second, degreo upon a number
of candidates that evening and the To
sumach degree staff conferred the third
son, chairman of tho Roosevelt repub
lican stato committee and Jehu L. Ken
nedy of Omaha.
I.nnkn Good In Xriunhn.
There Is one poor lono third party bull
mooser down In Nemaha county, accord
ing to Colonel Tom Majors, who Is In
Lincoln) today to confer with other mem
born of tho Stato Normal board.
"Nothing doing In tho bull-moose line
down our way," said tho colonol. "There
Is one man down there, I believe, who
calls himself a third-party man, but all
tho rest of 'cm are republicans."
J5TELLA, Neb., March 17. (Special.)
In Richardson county In 1913 there were
45,1 births. Only three other counties In
Nebraska exceeded this birth rate. They
were Douglas, which has the city of
Omaha; Lancaster, which has the city of
Lincoln, and Adams county, which has
the city of Hastings, but Adams county
beat Richardson county by only two
Farmer Institute nt ICImuall.
KIMBALL, Neb., March 17.-(Speclal.)-A
very successful two days' farmers' In
stitute, under tho auspices of tho exten
sion department of tho University of Ne
braska, was held at Kimball on Friday
and Saturday. Afternoon and evening
meetings were held both days, with good
attendance at each meeting. Tho a vera go
number of people present at each meet
ing was about 275. Tho speakers from the
extension .department wero Miss Aural
Scott, A. H. Smith, W. C. Andreas, Fritz
Knorr, superintendent of the Mitchell sta
tion, and W. M. Osborne of the North
Platte substation.
Orchard &
Wilhelm Co.
Notes from York County.
YORK, Neb., March 17.-(SpecIal.) The
democrats selected Charles Keck ley and
William Bradley as candidates for the
school board at a caucus held Saturday
Tho Burke will case, Which was ap
pealed to the district court, has been
taken to the supreme court.
Stockholders of the Country club ex
pect to commence work on tho grounds
early In April. Necessary buildings will
be erected and tho grounds laid out. Of
tho $10,000 stock 39,000 already has been
subscribed and the last $1,000 will be dis
posed of In a short time,
A report Just Issued by the Nebraska
State Board of Health says: From De
cember 1, 1912, to December 1, 1913, there
wero 317 births, 149 deaths, eleven divorces
and 165 marriages In York county.
Far or Ilnylne; Fnlr Groands,
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., March 17.-
(Speclal.) The Central Nebraska Agricul
tural association's commltteo on sites
unanimously reported In favor of the
lease, with option to purchase, a tract of
eighty-two acres offered by- John Rei
mers Immediately west of tho city adja
cent to tho Union Pacific trscki, for fair
grounds, and the report of th committee
was adopted, the committee being author
ized to close tho contract formally, Tho
option purchase price Is $150 per acre.
The society Is now looking for a proper
name for tho park, for there is tho hopa
that It may be made more than a fair
Vinktnn Wlm from (irlniicll.
YANKTON, S. D., March 17.-(Speclal.)
Yankton college won In Its debate with
Grlnnell (la.) college over Panama tolls.
The victorious debaters were Messrs.
Tobln, Warren and Steadman, all clever
Tho Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.
Blue Springs and returning to tho scene
of tho accident, whero It was caught.
Lester Cadman and Miss Ruth K. Han
son wero married at Wymoro Monday
morning by Rev. Mr. Wlnslow. After u
brief redding trip to Chicago Ihey will
take up their resldenco In Wymoro.
The sheds of tho Farmers' Elevator
company at Cortland wero destroyed by
fire Monday at So'clock, and It Is esti
mated that nearly 100 tons of coal tiero
consumed. The flro Is thought to have
been caused from spontaneous combus
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 17.-(Speclal.)-Addl-tlonal
delegates to the Irrigation con
gress to bo held In Denver April 9 have
been appointed by Governor Morehead as
C. II.. Harnolo. Bayard: M. B. Smith.
XI.'t."1.' jy."U"' ,nrlaf0Pl'',t.' proximately $15,000. A committee, com-
A. H. Heldt. W. H. Gable.' Scotfa Rluff Prising C, W. Smith and H. Jl. Todt,
Henry W. Halg. Haltf: W. A. Springer,
Mitchell: W. M. Barber. F. F. Everett,
K. C. Simmons. W. A. Holden. William
Otte, Scott's Bluff, D. II. Henderson,
Ijayard: F. N. Sands, at. J. nuffman.
Frank Noeley. Gerlno; F. A. Wright. I
FAIRBURY, Nod., March 17.-(Spcclal.)
The Presbyterians of this city held a
meeting In their church last night and
discussed tho matter of building a new
church. By a unanimous vote, it was
decided to erect a new church, cotlng ap-
Colds, Sore
Stopped Neuralgia and
Mr. Rudolph NIi-hWr, Ocon
to, Wis., writes! 1 1iip uvd
Sloan's Llnlmrn t for toothache
nd neiiralila In the head
whfre notlilneclwwouldhflp,
snd I wmildnntbexvllhoutthe
Liniment In the houac."
Cured Neuralgia
Mrs. C. M. Dowkcr of Johan
nesburg. Mich., write: "I with
to any your Liniment 1 the
bett medicine In the world. It
has currd me of neuralgia;
tlione pains harp all goim and
I can truly ' your Llulnicnt
did cure me."
not elowly nflcr a while but at
once! The effect of Stonn's Lini
ment 'a magical. Yon have but to
lay it Rcntly on thc "Mctcrl spot
and prestol It rocs right through tho
flesh straight to the Bource of the ache,
and soothes, soothes, soothes till alt the
pain is quickly gone.
Don't wait till pain yIsUs yon buy
n bottlo of Sloan's Liniment fwfay
kcop It in tho houso-lt'a tho best
known Insurauco against aches and
Curod Quinsy Soro Throat
Mr. Henry I.. Caulk, of lilt YVIUon Street,
Wilmington, lxl., writes: I bouslit a bottle
of Sloan's Liniment for the quinsy sore throat
and It cured roc. 1 ahall always keep a bottle
In the house, '
is nlso unequalled for asthma, bronchitis,
ami the 'Vippc." Try It 1
At all dealers. Prices, 25c, 50c and $1.00
DR. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc. Boston, Mass.
tBOO Feirnain Street. 2 Years Satuo Olc. Tbone Ilou. 17B0
Extracting ..... .23c t'p
Fillings noc Up
Orlo'ccwork . V
Crowns $2.r0 Up
t'lates $2.00 t'p
Missing Tectb supplied
tvltlmtit Plnics orj Bridge
tvork. Net vet rrraoretl
.rlUioul pain. Work uuar.
nt ceil ten years.
Scott's Bluff: Samuel Q. Porter. Ilalsler:
W. 8. Morlan. McCook; F. R. Williams, J.
Is. Trlnnlor. Bridgeport: William Sweet,
William Quthrle, a. II. Pnyno, Omaha.
f ' 1 1 "
Xe-iva Note of Stromalinrtr.
STBOMSBUnO, Neb.; March lWSpe-
clal.) The city caucus was held last night
with the largest attendance In tho history
of tho town, 192 voters bolng present.
A. B. Ilcdbtoom was mado chairman of
the meeting. This city has abandoned
the saloon Issue years ago so tho last
few years only one set of candidates havo.
been put P.
Ilonry Hubbard was nomtnatod for
mayor; Ernest Krlcson, clerk; E)mer
Norlund, treasurer! Olof NetsehV city en
gineer. The Board of Education at a second
meeting re-elected the entire teaching
forco for tho lusulng year. Superintend
ent A. J. Dunlap wns raised $39 per
month In salary, and It was tho wish
of tho entire board that ho hold the posi
tion of .superintendent for' another year,
Nciti Notrk of I'oncn.
PONCA, Neb., March 17.-(SpecIul.)-Dlstrlct
court opens for tho spring term
next Monday noon. Judge W. II. West
over of rtuohvtllo will presldo In plac
of our District Judge Quy T. Graves, who
Is indisposed. The docket Is light and
no criminal trials will bo had.
Superintendent T, V. Truman was re
elected superintendent of city schools for
tho next school year at an Increased
salary at a meeting of the board held
last night. The hlg school and gardo
teachers havo not been elected.
Mrs. Ed. Watson, who wns at first
thought to be fatally burned, la now
rapidly Improving and Is pronounced out
of danger.
Miles Nelson of this city has been ap
pointed deputy sheriff and jailer In place
of Frank Engcl, resigned.
were appointed to raise funds and start
a movement at once toward tearing down
tho old structure and erecting a new
church. Tho now structure will bo mod
ern. A large gymnasium will occupy Uic
basomcnt. Tho present structure was
built In 1SSI. It la tho Intention to erect
the now church this spring,
KEAnNET, Neb., March l7,-(Rpeclal
Telegram.) Adjustant General Phil Hall
Is on a tour of Inspection of tho two ltes
for a state rlflo range In this city. Ho
regarded ona of the locations with favor,
It being considered Ideal In most every';
respect. Tho old Fort Kearney site at
tracted a great deal of comment from
Other towns will be visited and the
final decision mado after looktng Into
their offerings.
SEWAItD, Nob., March lT.-(Speclal.)-fteward
Commercial club's annual ban
quet was held tonight with an address
by Governor Morehead and ono by Sec
retary W. 8. Whltten of the Commercial
club of Lincoln. J. M. Calder, president
of the club, was toastmastcr.
A Winter CouRb,
To neglect It may mean consumption.
Dr. King's Now Discovery elves suro re
lief. Buy a bottle today. 50c and 1. All
dealers. Advertisement.
Among the many manifestations of
scrofula are eruptions on tho faco
and body. These are both annoying
and disturbing. How ofton the com
plexion would be perfect If thoy wore
not present!
Other manifestations are bunches,
inflammed eyelids, sore ears, wasting
of the muaclen and general debility.
Ask your druggist for Hood's Sar
saparllla. This great medicine com
pletely eradicates scrofula and builds
up tho whole system. Get it today.
'Tioiel Qlfajc
Metal 3Iarkc(.
NEW YOUK, March 17-MBTALS-Lead.
quiet. J3.36fl4.05: London. M.
Copper, steady; standard spot and Mar.
S13.6O01t.25; electrolytic. IM.3fJMH4.e0; lake
nominal; casting, IH.lSii. Tin, firm: spot.
t3S.lftfiC8.60: June. 3S.E0isas. Ann.
7.75. Iron, quiet, un-
! dull; Cookson's,
London prices. Copper, quiet: spot, C63
ls 3d: futures. 64 Es. Tin, quiet; spot.
173 17s W; futures. 175 17s Cd. Iron
Cleveland warrants, 50c Cd.
Stomach Trouble C'nrrd.
Mrs. II. Q. Cleveland, Arnold, pa
writes: - or some time J suffered from i
Btontacli trouble. I would have sour
itomaeh and feel bloated after ' eatlne- I
I Nothlnx benefited me aintll I got Cham-!
! berlaln'a Tablet. After taking two bot
t ties of them I was curod.' All dealers. -
, A1' erUs?ment
0 n.
on th
II 11 I
s , At . .
"aiea i
be .
-a a J t
r a
red at 6,
This telegram expleins itself. Nothing but the highest grade o garments, the regular
HOUSE OP MENAGII qualities, will bo offered. No assistants need apply without they cau fur-
man inc uem- vi ruiuruncm as to cuaracicr ana aouiiy.
Tbe Store for Gentlewomen if 13 FARNAM STREET
The Most Popular Priced,
Strictly First Class Mineral
Water Resort in America
Special t9M Winter and Spring Rates
Cf C.OO Per Weec for Rooms
1 and Meals
Tho famous Colfax Mineral Water lias a reputation for relict and
cure of Rhoumatlsm, Ltvcr and- Stomncli troubles.
In the LaTMcs' and Mon's Mineral Baths you will Arid the very
best equipment and skilled attendants.
Colfax ly located on main Una of the hoclt Island Hallway. ' All trains
stop. Hotel Colfax, located one mile east of the city, operates Its own
electric car line from depot direct ip hotel.
For further information ask any Rock Island
agent or write Hotel Colfax arid Mineral Springs,
Colfax, Iowa.
This is India-Ceylon
tea more refreshing
than green tea
and goes much
The making of BEER bears a striking simi
larity to the making of bread, the chief differ
ence being in tho amount of grain employed and
the amount of water added. Bread is baked,
but BEER is boiled one is a solid food; the
other a liquid refreshment. N
a splendid example of the high degree of per
fection reached by the modern Brewery.
Brewed and Bottled by The
Willow Springs Brewing Co.
HENRY POLLOCK, Consumers' Distributor
Telophone Douglas 1306.
Douglas 2108 for a trial case.