Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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A Special Event for Wednesday
100 HATS
VaJuo $3.95
Sale price
$1.75 and $2.25
100 HATS
Value -$6,75-Sale
$3.25 and $3.95
Wora,en Jlot Alio'wed to March in
Parade in New York.
Procession aindo Vr ot Hundred and
Blxty , Iraantsattbns. it ml '.Forty
BoniU KscroUen In
NEW TOftK, March . 17.-Appllcatlona
of women'' organizations to take part In
today's parade 'In honor of St. Patrick
were refused' by the celebration commit
tee. Whllo no explanation was given for
barring wdmen marchers the committee
mas It plain' that the rule sppllod to suf
tr.$tB, man' of whom had arranged to
The parade was made up of forty banda
and '168 "patriotic, benevolent and aortal
organisations, besides sixty division of
the Ancient Order of-Hibernians, in alt
K,W$ passed tli.e reviewing atand.
Exercises In Chicago.
OHIOAdO. March 17.-8t. Patrick's day
was observed by Irish-Americans here
Boulevard. rs
that that exclusive ele
gn; and perfection of
detail which characterizes
high grade custom-tailored
apparel cannot be ex
pected under $25 even a
ready-made suit is prefer
able. Also they will tell
you that fine foreign fab
rics are will worth $35 to
$50 the Duiting.
You can secure tho
-superlative Mac
Carthy - Wilson tailor
lnff, tailored to your
nicnsur, as follows:
Domestic Wool ens
21), 927.50 and $110.
K.l egant Foreign
fabrics $86' to 850.
MacCaMy-Wilson Tailoring Go.
304-300 South 16th St.
Free Tuning, Insurance,
Stool, Scarf. Free Drayage
if rented for six months.
$ent allowed on purchase
price if you desire to buy.
ttkmllir & Mueller
Pint Cinpany,
1311-13 Farnam Street.
Douglas 1613.
The New and Much Wanted
100 HATS
Value $5.00
Sale price .
$2.75 and $2.95
200 HATS
Value $10.00
Sale price
$4.50 and $4.95
This Matchless Sale of
Several lundred now uprto-dnto styles in bluck, now blue, Inugo,
purple, etc., for Wednesday
95c and $1.35
Ou Trimming Service la Free in the Basement Millinery Department.
with appropriate ceremony today despite
a cold rain. A set of Joy bells from Dub
lin announced the opening of the principal
celebration at the Coliseum, where bits
of shamrock had been provided for 13,600
persons. A piece of sod cut from a hill
near St. Patrick's rock in County Ar
magh, Ireland, was placed on the speak
er's stand. Roger C. 8ulllvna was tho
principal speaker. After the addresses
there were Irish folk dances and singing.
At the celebration under, the auspices of
the Irish Fellowship club Mayor Harrl'
son and wife were guests of honor and
United States Senator dllhorl if. rrlffh.
cock of Nebraska spoke on "Con trail ra
tion of Power, the American Danger."
At tho celebration held by the Ancient
Order of Hibernians the speakers were
Dudley P. Malone, collector of the aort
of New York: Rev. Francis Kelley, presi
dent of the Cathollo Extension
and ArchbUhop Qulgley of Chicago,
Case Against Harlan
laken from Jury by
Judge Applegate
OLE.VWOOD. la.. March 17.fRru.Mnl
Telegram.) The trial of C b. Hut-inn
receiver of the Atlantic .Northern &
southern railroad, who was charged with
embeMioment, ended abruptly this morn
ing when Judge Applegate sustained a
motion roado by the attorney for the de
fense to take the caao from the Jury.
The court In an opinion which occupied
an hour and a half In Its delivery held
that under the laws of Iowa-a receiver
cannot be Indicted for embesslement, and
that even If the Indictment had been
vano the evidence submitted -was not
sufficient to convict. Mr. Harlan mi.
warmly congratulated by his friends.
rue caao was brought from Cass county
to Mills county on chansre of venut mt
Judge Applegate of Guthrie Center waa
assignea oy tna supreme court to preside.
Asquith Sees Home
Rule Plan Defeated
I3NDON, March IT. "I don't fl much
encouraged over tho reception of my pro-
poraia in regard to Ulster." said Premier
Asquith today In the Housa of Prim.
mons. Ho was replying to a number,, of
requosia ror aeiaus or the scheme of Iq
eal option under whose provisions the
nine counties of Ulster will be Dermittod
to vote separately on the question
"","'" miejt .nan to leu ouj or tne
control of the new Irljh government at
DELTA, la., March IT.-Cari Dewees,
SS. oldeat son of John Dewees. was killed
In a fight with his younger brother, Ike
Dewees. on the Dewees farm last night
It 1 charged Iko Dewees struck his
brotherCarl for the nead with a club
when he interfered as a peacemaker in
a quarrel "between Ike and Harry .Dewees,
another brother. Ike Dewees was today
takerf tb Slgourney and placed 1n Jail,
charged with murder.
LONDON, March 17- Elisabeth Ruth,
countess of Devon, wlodw of the tenth
earl of Devon, died today at Cheltenham.
The countesa celebrated the centenary of
her birth on March IX
rt.n nast
! Mr. Tony Otte'n and Ml Margaret
'Rnser, both of Fort Crook, Neb., were
martied by Rev. Charles W. Savldge at
his office'. 333 Brandela. Theater building.
Tuesday, March 17, at t . m. They were
accompanied by Helmut A. J. Paul of
Millard, Nob., and Miss Atvlna Ruser,
sister of the bride.
( . .
Piles Cared In O to 14 . Days,
I Druggists refund money If Paso Oint
ment fags to cure Itching, blind, bleed
ling or 'protruding piles. First applica
tion gtvee relief. Mo.-A4vrtlsomnt.
Iowa Krtrs Nates.
IOWA CITT-Mlss Bdna Castro, an em
ploye of the, Jefferson hotel here, broke
her arm by Jumping from a second-story
window during a fire at a rooming house
Monday night Mlas Ilaxel Ryan, another
roomer, was overcame by smoke and was
dragged out by a university student
Untrimmed Hats
Attorney for Eighteen Iron Workers
.Asks Executive Clemency.
Application Is Ilased I.nrjrnlr on Al
leged Mlscondnot nnd Biased
Rutins of tho Presid
ing Jurist.
( .
WASHINGTON. March IT. Annllnnf I at.
for pardon by eighteen of the labor lead-
. ..umiciea in ine "dynamite conspiracy
cases" at Indlariapolls. was filed today
with tho Department of Justtco by the
men's attomev. kntah v rnUn t nui
c'ago. The petition alleged that the men
were Innocent and that Judge Albert B.
Anderson, who creufdefi
court at Indianapolis, where they wero
lonvicieu, aia not' give them a rulr trial.
Mr. Zoline announced that
twenty members of the house' and several
srnatntB kmiiM ....... 1 . .. .
.... 4 nfinr uviorn ine oe-
iKrunem or 'tne president In' behalf of
the convicted racri. , ,
Thosd arnlvlnc for -th .r,1.
- f"r sfe wwuv. nmv
Frank M. C. Ryan, Michael J.. Young,
Edward Smythe. Paul .T. Mnrrin tv..i,
J. Illgglns, T. K. Munsey. Frank Mooney,
-unn o. warry, reter 4, Smith, George
Anderson. William rc nHin wmi, n
Painter, Henry Wv Legleltner, Ernest W.
"""ft Eugene a. Clancy, Michael J.
Hannan, William Shupe and Michael J.
Cunnan. The supremo court on March 9
refused to review the conviction of these
ana six oiner mombers of the structural
Iron workers' union.
ATUNTIC. tn.. March 17.-(Speclat.)
A rumor In this citv in th'n tr,rt thn
the Chicago & Northwestern railroad has
purcnaacu me Atlanllo southern from
this city to Vllllsca and Is dealing for
the Atlantlo .Northern so as to give them
a connection from Manning to Vllllsca.
to bo made by their building t0 Manning
from Klmballton to connect with the At
lantto Northern, has during the day
gAlned credence here. a. N. Coffin,
general manager, when Interviewed said
that ho had. been Instructed not, to talk
yet. Vice President Do Roo Webber said
that "anything Is JJablo to happen, but at
this time I have nothing to say,"
It Is Bald that Acent Tlrnhmar
stated that the deal had been completed.
Ana umieiin Doaru at tne Atlantlo South
ern depot was marked yesterday to read,
"Atlantic Southern, a hmnrh r it,.
Chicago & Northwestern,
I .
ATUVNTIC, la., March J7.-(Speclal.)-Joo
Jones, who several days ago was
fined lift) and cota for disturbing the
peace, and was laylnlr but tho fine In thd
county Jail," left last evening for Wash,
lngton. IX C., he W1U endeavor to
he reinstated In J.he.novyln whlon he
has .aervedour yr ars under tho' namo of
Joseph . Morris. 1 Mayor Burnca. agreed,
to surpend the balance of his fine ander
the condltlona that, he would onllst for a
four-year term. Jones has wanted to go
back Into the navy for some time, but
owing to the fact that he has not served
under his real name he would have to
begin In the training- station at JH pr
month. he succeeds In being rein,
stated he will ' be allowed to start In
whero he left off at the end of the four
years strvlco and will draw tsiM .
AMES, la., March 17.-(fipeelal Tele
gramsApparently every able-bodied ono
of the S.ttO Ames students participated In
the annual St Patrick's day celebration
today. With a fierce March gale raring
students 1,000 strong, headed by the col
lege military band, paraded from the
college campus to down-town, two miles.
The parade came to an end In front of
Mayor Parley Sheldon's private bank,
where (ho naraders Jammed the streets
while Mayor Bn'eldon, bareheaded with
his gray hair blowing In the gale, ad
dressed them. President Pearson, of the
college was compelled to 'address the
r Me brants before they left the campus,
ThV parade! was featured by float bur
lesques of St Patrick's native land.
Ministry Will Not Eetire Because of
Murder of Editor.
Threat to PnblUh Letters of Minis
ter of Finance to Mme. Call
laux neforc niarlafce Mo
tive for Crimp.
PARIS, March 17.-The French cabinet
today decided to retain office in spite of
tho resignation of Joseph Calllaux, min
ister of finance. M. Catllaux'a rlrna.
tlon was made necessary by his wife's
nssssslnatlon of Gaston Calmette, editor
of Figaro.
Although Calllaux was considered the
strongest nnd most Influential member
of the cabinet his colleagues determined
to accept hli resignation and to reorgan
ise tho various portfolios.
Reno Rcnoult. hitherto minister of tha
Interior, will become minister of finance.
Louis J. Malvy, mlnlsicr of commorce,
will succeed Renoult as minister of the
Interior, Raoul Perot, deputy from
Vlcnne and under secretary of tho In
terior, will becomo minister of commerce.
Madame Calllaux. who caused this uo.
heaval m French political life, is now In
fit Lazaro prison. Her husband today
took an affectionate leave of the officials
of tho ministry of finance.
MotlTe for Mnrdcr.
Acting on Information riven hv Mnlnm
Calllaux, the police today took posses
sion ot various papers In the office of
the editor of Figaro. It )
that among these papers .were various
privaio letters written by M. Calllaux to
his present wife before they were married
and while she was still tho wife of Leo
It Is generally suDoosed tht MH,mi
Calllaux had received nn Inttmatl
Calmette was about to publish these let
ters ana 11 was mis that led her to attack
him. CalmettO Was a bitter nnllflr.l
of Calllaux,
M. Joseph Calllaur
ministry of finance for a few minutes
this morning In order to dispose of sev
eral urgent affairs of department busl-
" cauea into his private office
several of Uie hleher official r.r .....
ministry and Informed them of his resig
nation. The minister was extremely de
pressed. He broke flown dnrini. hi. in
terview with the officials and wept llko
a cnnu, ills COUCasruea nnlet v .lih
and left, him alone. When he had become
somewhat more composed, he proceeded
to his private residence.
Because of the hostile rfmnn..Mi
- v.,,vun(.ii.,ui4ii
ur aireei crowas. a number nf hi.h,,
were assigned toaay t6 protect the mln
Woman A 4 InrtliL A
A VOUnc woman tin... -,..
- . wAUHuii vicior
Augagneur, vice president of the Cham-
m ui deputies as ne was about to open
parliament today. Much excitement was
caused by tho attack, owing to Its hap
pening so soon after tho assassination of
utuiuii lunieuo, eaiior or Figaro.
M. Augagneur, who Is a deputy from
tho Rhone ... . ..
Parliament hall for the session, which
was Just ready to open, when the attack
occurred. His assailant was arrested, but
was later set at liberty. The motive for
..r iwiion aia not become known. M.
Augagneur later presided calmly over tho, u. Lao cnamoer.
Great Britain Will
Build Ten Wfiw Ttixr
Gun Battleships
LONDON, March 17.-"areat Britain
will have ten of the new big gun battle
ships In tho water by the time any other
nation In the world has two," declared
Winston Spencer Churchill, "first lord of
the admiralty In the House of Commons
"All of these shins." he ,m
carry fifteen-Inch gunB-tho best weapons
ever possessed by tho British navy, and
capable of hurling a projectile weighing-
a iun a instance or twelve miles."
Tour at these ships, which are presum
ably to burn oil. are provided In tho oud
got for next year. Three of them are of
the Royal Sovereign type and one f the
Queen Elizabeth type.
Tho Queen Elizabeth, launched last Oc
tober, was the first ship to mount ftf-tcen-inch
guns, of which It Is to have
ten. Its cost Is estimated at about Jli,
000.000. It uses olr fueL exclualveti-
The Royal sovereign, the first ssip (.f
n oven more powerrui type, has not yet
been launched and no details as io its
sire or equipment have been made oubllc
The latest type of American dsead
nought Is provided with twelve fourteen
Inch, guns.
German Aeronaut
is in Russian Jail
... T9 I
uanwfi, siarcn u.iians Berliner, a
Uerman. aeronaut, has been imprisoned
at Ktrgtschansk, Russia, since February
10, on suspicion of espionage, Berliner
and two companions landed In the tTrat
mountains after a voyage of forty-seven
hours from Bltterfeld, Germany, setting
a new distance record of 1,853 miles for
spherical baildons. He and ttls coirii
rades were Immediately arrested and,-in
splto qf official Intercession, have been
. Berliner was anxious to enter the race
for the Gordon Bennett International
aeronautical trophy, to bo held In the
United States In October. He feared,
however, that he might not be released
In time to enter tho elimination contests
to select the German representatives, and
a letter received today by tho director ot
the Berlin Aeronautical society asked
him to make tho entry In Berliner's ab
The letter stated there was no Indica
tion of the aeronaut's release.
Chart. FT. linker.
BJBATRICK, Neb., March 17. (Special.)
Charles K. Baker died unexpectedly at
his home In this city Bunday afternoon
of hemorrhage of the brain. Mr. Baker
came to Beatrice thirty-five years ago
from Champaign, III., and at the time
ot his death was the Junior member ot
the firm of Trevett, Mattls & Baker, fi
nancial correspondents and farm loans.
He was 78 years of age and Is survived
by a family of four children C O. Baker
and Mrs. Vesta Prophet ot this city, Mrs.
Leona Baker ot Long Branch. CaI.. and
George D. Baker ot New Tork City,
Mrs. Baker died In this city about twenty
years ago.
Fiusrrr Crashed and Urnlaed.
Rucklen's Arnica Halves gives sure re
lief, quickly heals sores, brulsss. burns.
25c All druggists. Advertisement-
G, W, Perkins Issues
Orders to Moosers to
Oppose Coalition
NEW TORK, March 17. The position
of the New York state progressives In
opposition to any coalition v;ilh the re
publicans Is expressed In a letter signed
by George W. Perkins and made public
today by tho progressive state committee.
Mr. Perkins addressed Ihe letter to Prof.
Frederick M. Davenport of Hamilton col
lege. Accompanying the letter Js another
signed by O. B. Phillips, who Is acting
state chairman during the absence of
Theodore Douglas Robinson. Mr. Phil
lips says;
"This puts at rest all uncertainty as to
our stand as to giving up the fight as a
progressive party.''
Speaking of what he terms "the efforts
of tho republicans to work up some sort
of a scheme by which there would be
harmony between the republicans and the
progressives this fall," Mr. Perkins says:
"Every day. It seems to me, makes It
more and moro plain that we are in for
a knock-downand-drag-out fight all
along the lino. Republican leaders fall
entirely to recognise the tremendous
changes that havo come about in tho
thoughts of the people as'a result of the
mighty evolution that has been under
way in recent years, and there is no more
cnapco of their old leaders or o)d prin-
uines over again being acceptable to
our people than there Is for a snowball
to survive in hades.
"Whenever you see any Inclination to
iraae or deal or sympathize with the
republicans I hope you will swat It, and
ici us Know aown here, so that wo can
mi it again whero you hit before."
Militants Shower
King and Queen With
Suffragist Paper
LONDON, March 17.-Mllltant suffrag.
ettes contributed an -rtr. ..
- uii.c
hearaed "Him" .. .
,iugiuni given do-
fore King George and Queen Man,-, at a
music hall performance In aid of a
During tho slmrlmr nf
them a shower of militant suffragette
o..,j7iiicVB iiunereo rrom the gallery
above tho royal box. Sum nf h.
floated Into the box and found & lodging
v.. mo onouiacrs ot tne king and queen.
place In tho stalls of Ihe theater stood up
and pointing a finger at tho royal party
shouted: "Tour majesty I Mrs. Pankhurst
" vwouu. x inoroiore - The Woman
was unable to nroeeed rmth ,ik t...
...... G&
speech as a detective clapped his hand
over ner moutn and she was escorted out
of the theater.
A sentence of six weeVa ...
. . ... u .u,.vr. ,.M3
pronounced today on Catherine wiLrt
'.militant suffragette, who was arrested
ii. H.Bni in ine loooy of the House of
Commons while dressed In men'a rlnlt..
Ing and carrying a dog whip secreted In
her sleeve. She was charred n
pected person.
She told the masMstratn; r .nt i. .h.
T - ..., .v
'House of Commons to. rive Prmi au.
qulth or Home Secretary MoKenna a good
(From a Staff Correspondents
LINCOLN. March 17 fSneelal TVI!
gram.) According to figures given out
by a committee selected to naaa on tha
report of the York telephone plant as
made by Bemls-Slone engineers, the re
production value of the plant Is given as
J1S6.S48 and the present value ?,21i.
Valuations made by tho commission's
engineers were sisi.iis ror reproduction
and J119,K9 for present value. The state
has gone to an expense of S2.&00 to saturv
the demands ot those who wanted to
make good on criticism of tho depart
ment's engineers and the only difference
found in the-vvaluatton is 19.300 in
ductlon value and K,34 for present
value. The hearing on1 tho new valuation,
it Is said, will develop from explanations
as to why the valuation In each ran. w
lower than that of the commission's engi
Nejirs Notes of Waboo.
WAHOO. Neb.. March 17. Snee!t
Ernest Gracey, 8 years old, who was ac
cidentally killed last Saturday hv a i.i.-
Pt.OnO OOle fOlllnS On him. Wheep tin wa.
at play, was buried today in the Qreen-
wooa cemetery, lie was tho only son of
Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Gracey of this city.
The University of Nebraska cadet band
opened Its spring tour hero last night In,
the Wahnn tin. V. ri i c ri. 1 j i
composed of forty university students awS
unarr mo oirectorsmp or C. Brown
Cornell, assisted by Helga Larssen-
Judge Georara P. Corenran nf Vn,v ... ...
an Illustrative lecture on "a trip through
ireiano. last Bunooy oerore tho Men's
club of this city.
Fen Candidates In Hall County.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. March 17.-
(Special.) B. B. Sinks, 'at Present ,.r.
tary of the board, ajvj b. A". Abbott, Jr.,
coiir reporter for Judge Hanna, and J.
E. Lyle, a deputy county clerk. Is tha
school ticket placed Jn tho field and en
dorsed by the Wtemen'a "civic league. It
is not believed there will be any other
candidates. There is ono candM.te tnr
councilman In each ward In the field by
petition, and no opposition Is known as
to any ot them or has thus far devel.
The Persistent and Judlelona tt.. r
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.
Hive you got hoarseness that
continues? Or do you get hoarse
once In a while, whenever, you get
the slightest cold?
Hoarseness means a catarrhal
condition of tha vocal cords. The
vocal cords are way down in the
larynx and when affected by
hoarseness should cause serious
Peruna has been found to be an
excellent remedv rVir atmh
If We have received testimonials
crora responsible people who have
been relieved of hoarseness by
Peruna. Should you want to read
a lot of excellent testimonials on
all subjects write for tho
Ills of Life"
nt free by the Peruna Cou Co
lumbus, Ohio.
Pemna csn also be obtained In
tablet forjn. Ask your drpoalst,
or ssnd to ua direct
1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET
Outfitters to Women
1510 Douglas Street.
Exclusive Apparel
at Sensible Prices
New Feature Added
Parcel Post Service
WASHINGTON, March 17. To further
add to the popularity of the parcel post,
Postmaster Burleson today signed an
order which will permit the attaching of
letter to. a package when both bear
their respective rates of postage and are
addressed to. the same individual. Tho
sending of a communication with a parcel
post package heretofore has not been
Postal officials pointed out today that
It Is often of the utmost Importance that
the sender of an article of merchandise
write a letter concerning It and that In
order to avoid delay and facilitate, the
transaction of business, It is highly de
slrah'e that the parcels and communica
tions oe aeuverea at tne same time, it
was with this in mind that today's order
was Issued, The letter or communication.
however. 1 not to be Inclosed in tile pack
age, but Is to be tied or 'otherwise se
curely fastened to tho outside In such
Clogged Nostrils Open at Once,
Head Colds
In One Minute Your Stuffy
Nose and Head Clears, Sneez
ing and-Nose Running Cease,
Dull Headache Goes.
Try "Ely's Cream Balm."
Get a small bottle anyway, Just to try
It Apply a little In the nostrils and In
stantly your elogged nose and stopped-
up air passages, of the head wlU open;
you will breatne freely; dullness ana
hsadaohe disappear. By morning! tho
catarrh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal sore
throat will be gone.
Bnd such misery now. Get the small
bottle of Ely's Cream Balm" at any
MAX LAND0W, Pianist
On 4th Floor
WEDNESDAY, 11 A. M. TO 12:30 P. M.
For Special Benefit of the
All Royal Neighbors Cordially Invited. Admission Free.
Axr. Tins wssx
and Bunnaxi
tniWALO HIM' And t
Beprodnotlons of Actual Ectns Tic
torts endorsed by V, 0. OoTersmsnt.
Mat. Svery Day, ssc-iuut, svsoc.
oasAiiA'E run crsrrsia."
2PeSra5Sy i"
Max Spiegel Proudly Offers the
b&EE&qui. College Girls
With a Hah, 'B,aSj Cast Embracing
Abe Reynolds
Beatrice, tas Xagtfcne Violinist, ana a
Be. uty Csoras of ralr dradaatss.
The Styles of
Dolly Madison's time
are in vogue today
Beautiful, accomplished
Dolly Madison tho first
lady of tho land ono hun
dred years ago popular
ized the fashions of nor
day. Fashion's wheel has -mado
a complete revolu
tion and the styles worn
by her have formod the
motive for tho designers
of 1914.
Draperies, panlors, puffs,
ruffles, fichus have all
been rejuvenated and ar
tistically translated Into
the refined fashions for
Milady of today.
Beautiful Dresses $6.75 to $49.50
Suits $15.00 to $55.00
Coats $12.50 to $55.00
manner as to prevent Its separation from
the package. Tho new order Is expected
to enlarge considerably the parcel post
Harlan is Elected 1
Head of Commission
"WASHINGTON, March I7.-Tho Inter
state Commerce commission today elected
Commissioner James 8. Harlan as chair
man in succession to Commissioner Ed
ward 3. Clark. Mr. Harlan assumed tho
duties at onoe.
Commissioner Harlan's election was In
pursuance of a policy adopted In 1911 that
the term ot the office ot cnalrmon should
be for one year and that It should bo
filled by each commissioner In the order
of seniority. '
Mr.. Harlan, was appointed from' Illinois
In 190$, was reappointed in 1911,. and his
present term will expire December 31,
1913. During his Incumbency he has han
dled some of the most Important cases
brought to the commission.
and Catarrh Vanish!
drug store. This sweet, fragrant balm
dissolves by the heat of the nostrils;
penetrates and heals the Inflamed, swol
len membrane, which lines the nose,
head and throat; clears the air passages;
stops nasty discharges and a feeling of
cleansing, soothing relief comes imme
Don't lay awake to-night struggling
for breath, with bead stuffed; nostrils
clotted, hawking tand blowing. Catarrh
or a cold with Its running nose, foul
mucous dropping ..Into the throat, and
raw dryness Is distressing but truly need-!
Put your faith Just ones In Ely'
Cream Balm" aijcf your cold or catarrh,
will surely disappear, -Agents, Sherman;
As McConnell Drug Co. Advertisement.
350 to SI
" wiinu th tw,
Eddie roy
Oth.r A.i. if -
Flail a4
ror joy
and the
7 Uttle
Prtett Mt ,
Bt nd Sun..
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