Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1914, Page 9, Image 9
9 5 "THE KING OF DIAMONDS" A Thrilling Story of a Modern Monte Cristo By Stella Flores Bashful Bob The Amusing Adventures of a Shy Young Man No. 2 There Are More Ways Than One of Breaking the Ice Copyright, 1914. International News Service. J BY LOUIS TRACY. J THE BKKt OMAHA, Tl'ESDAY, MARCH 17, 1914. 4 II You Can Begin This Great Story To-day by Reading This First Philip Anton, a boy of 15 when the story opens, Is of Rood family and has been well reared. Ilia widowed mother has been disowned by her wealthy rel atives and dies In extreme poverty. Fol lowing her death tho boy Is, desperate. On lila return from tho funeral, In a violent rain, he Is ablo to save the life of a little girl, who was caught In a street accident. He goes back to the house where his mother had died, and is ready to hang himself, when a hugs meteor falls In the courtyard. lie takes thin as a tlgn from heaven, and abandons suicide. Investigation proves the meteor to have been an Immense diamond. Philip arranges with a broker named Jsaacstcln to handle his diamonds. In getting away from Johnson's Mews, where tho diamond fell, he saves a policeman's life from attack by a criminal named Jockey Mason. Ho has made friends with Police Magistrate Ablngdoro, and engages him to look after his affairs as guardian. This ends the first part of the story. he second part opens ten years later. .Philip has taken a course at the uni versity, and Is now a wealthy and ath- ivuc jounit man, mucn given to roaming, ii h.,!..,c,linf1 h,s mother was sister of hlr Philip Morland. who Is married and has a, stepson. Ho Is now looking for his Tifphew, Johnson's Mews haa been turned into the Mary Anson Home for Indigent -Hoys, one of london s most notable private cnarwes. Jockey piason. out of jirlson on tlckct-of-leave, seeks for venge- hiivc. ana mus in wun victor ureruer, a master crook, and James Iangdon. sten- eon of Sir Philip Morland, a dissipated jounder. Philip saves a girl from Insult from this gang, and learns later she is the same girl whose life he had saved on that rainy night. Grenler plots to get possession of Philip's wealth. His plan is to Impersonate Philip after he has been fciunapea ana turned over to Jockey Mason. Just as this oalr has corns to an understanding, tAngdon returns from tho plrl's home, where he has attended a re ception. The thre crooks lay their plans, nd In th meantlmo Philip arranges so Sirs. Atherly recovers some, of her money from Iord Vanstone, her cousin, and secures a promise from the daughter to wed him, Anson Is lured by false mes sages to visit a secluded spot. Anson Is trapped by a ynnu' at a ruined house. Copyright. 1001, by Edward J. Clodc. Tho -attoitfsh-ca- "aerrarrt; tfltpktrttf not? Before 'fie to'uld reply his master turned", crpxsed a room fcbly. lighted by. a dull lamp -and" passed through a curtained' doorway. . . ,, Green was. staring perplexedly at tlie house, the kitchen, his-. Ulrfayored com panion, carrying Philip's' portmanteau within, when he heard his master's voice nguln, and saw him standing between the partly drawn 'curtains, with his face quite visible In the dim rays of the lamp, "Green?" "Yes sir." "Her are my keys. Unlock the bag and take the keys with you. You remem ber the small portmanteau in my safe at Park Lane?" "Yes, sir." "Open the 3afc. get that bog and send it to mo tpmorrow night, by train to the Station Hotel, York." "Tomorrow night, slrT" "Yes." The keys were thrown with a rattle onto the broad kitchen table. Evidently Mr. Anson would not brook questions as to his movements, though his few words sounded contradictory. Green got down, unfastened fUn portmanteau and went back to the dog cart. "They're queer folic J' V grange," said the stable boy, as they drove away. "There's a barrow-night and a lady as nobody over sees, an a dochtor, an' a man him as hem for ye." "Surely they are well known hero?" "Not a bit of it. On'y bin Here about a week. T' doctor chap's very chirpy, but Von uther Is a rum 'un." Green was certainly PUKled very greatly by the unexpected devetopmtnta of tho last few minutes, but he was discreet and well trained. He liked his young master and would do anything to serve bis Interests. More over, tho ways of millionaires were not the ys of other men. All he could do was to hear and obey. Ho slept none the less soundly because his master chose voluntarily to bury him self, even for a llttlb while, in such a "ciruij- iuniDiiown. ow mansion as the Grange House. .' 'IleTense Is Mine, I Will Rfpjy," "Can't I have a Ilght7" said Philip, with head screwed round to ascertain If the doctor were following him. Eoma sense, whether of si6ht or hear ing he knew not, warned him of move ment near at hand, an impalpable effort, a Physical tension as of a man laboring under extreme but repressed excitement. He raid little heed to It. All tho sur roundings In this weird dwelling were so New Buttermilk Product Beautifies Skin Quickly re&te fflS ?crv best beautifier In the world. But to VLni,ui,!?,en.t '"""Uty f fresh but- unmitigated nuisance. It will be wet' come information, therefore, ihaupiaiu Ken? tiufi?&Fl.STJ'?Z which toilet cream with even bettLr r.m.lit man me uquiu. ana iriiii for greater lonvenlence. Owlnt.- to its consistency ind Its condensed form, a small Jar of it goes as far as Blxty pints of fresh bu'liiinllk for complexion purposes. Also, it renders the use of soap unnec cksaiy as It cleans the skin wonderfully and Is. of course, perfectly harmless. Any druggist can supply prerolated buttermilk emullon. It Is highly re commended by Hherman & MrCoune l I)rig Co., ICti and Dodge tH Owl Irug 'o. ICtli and Haniev Sts Harvard I'harirti" y J4t!i aid KarnaM Ma., losnl Pharmacy. :0I-9 N I6tli at. Now Read On f 9 f i i greatly at variance with his anticipations ; mni nc paruy cxpccicu 10 nnu runner surprises. Dr. Williams did not answer. Philip advanced a halting foot, a hesitating hand groping for a door. Instantly a stout ropo felt over his t.houlders, a noose was tightly drawn, and ho was Jerked violently to tho stono floor of the passage. He fell prone on his face, hurting his noso and mouth. Tho shock Jarred him greatly, but his hands, if not his arms, were free, and, with the Instinct of sclf-prcscrvatlon that replaces all other sensations In moments of extreme peril, he btrove valiantly to rise. But he was grasped by the neck with brutal force, and some one. knelt on his back. "Philip Anson," hissed a man's voice, "do you remember Jockey Mason?" So he had fallen Into a trap cunningly prepared by what fiendish combination of fact and artifice he had yet to learn. Jockey Mason, the skulking criminal of Johnson's Mows. Was ho In that man's power? Under such conditions a man thinks quickly. Philip's first ordered thought was one of relief. He had fallen Into the clutches of an English brigand. Money would sottle this difficulty, If all other means foiled. "Yes. yes," ho gurgled, half-stranglcd by tho fierce pressure on his throat. "You hit mo once from behind. You can't complain If I do the same. You sent mo to a living hell for ten years not your fault that It wasn't forever. JAe still! Not all your money can savo you now. I am Judge and Jury, nnd hell Itkclf. Ton are dying dylngUadl" And with the final words drawled Into hjs earn with bitter Intensity. Philip felt a terrible blow descend on his head. Thoro waa no pain, no fear, no poignant emotion at leaving all the world held so dear to him. There was an awful shock. A thundercloud scmed to burst In his brain and he sank Into the void without a groan. Now, In falling, the hard fell hat ho wore dropped In front pf his face. Tho first wild movement, of his head tilted it forward, but the savage jerk given by his 'assailant ' brought the rim slightly over his skull again. In tho almost completo darkness of the passage. Mason could not see tho slight protection thlB afforded to his victim, and the sledge-hammer blow he delivered with a., life-preserver that murderous Imple ment named so utterly at variance .with. Its plirposcrrdM .taotrovtal --the. prccn& of an obstacle. Ho struck with a force that would have stunned an ox; It must have killed any man, bo ho the hardest-skulled aborlglno that ever breathed. Bui the stout rim of tho .hat, though crushed like an egg. shell, took off some of the Instru mcnt's tremendous Impact. Philip, though quite Insensible,, was not dead. His sentient difficulties were, annihilated for the time, hut his heart continued its life giving functions, and ho breathed with Imperceptible fluttcrlngs. Mason rose, panting with excitement, glutted with satisfied hate. Ho lifted Ills victim's Inert form with tho cave of hit. great strength. "Come ,on!" he shouted, and strode toward a door which he kicked open. A step sounded haltingly In the pa, sage. Grenler, tho sol-dlsant doctor, livid now and shaking with the ague of Irre trievable crime, stumbled after his more callous associate. Unconsciously he kicked Phlllp'a hat to one side. He entered tho room, an apartment with a boundlebs view of tho sea. I Herts there was more light than in th kitchen. The windows faced toward tho northwest, and tho last radiance of a sct- ting sun Illumined a wall on the rjght. "Not there!" he gasped. "In this chair; his face I must see his face!" Mason, still clasping his Inanimate bur den, laughed with a snarl. "Stop that." he roared. "Pull yourself together. Get some brandy. I've done my work. If you can't do yours, let me fin ish It." "Oh, Just a moment! Glv me time! hate the sight of blood. Get a towel. Bind It round his neck. His clothes! They will be saturated. And wipe his face. I must sec his face." Grenler was hysterical; he had the highly strung nervous system of a girl where deeds of bloodshed were concerned. While Mason obeyed his Instruction ho pressed his hands over his eye. "Bring some brandy, white-liver. Do you want mo to do everything?" This gruff order awoke Grenler- to trembllnir action. He went to a cupboard nnd procured a bottle. Mason, havlnn Placed Anson in a chair and steadied htl head against the wall, seised half a tum blerful of the neat spirit and drank it with gusto. Tho other, gradually recover ing his self-control, was satisfied with a less potential draught. "It will lie dark toon," growled Mason. "We must undress him first, you said." "Yes. If his clothes are not blood stained." "P.ot. He must go Into the water naked In any case. The Idea Is your own." "Ah! I forgot. It will soon be all right. BcsldeH, I knew I should be upset, so I have overythlng written down here all fully thought out. There can be- no mis take then." ! -ed H TincelnTngerl To 3lancttl a a closely written page. Tho words danced b.efore his vision, but he Hl" C08t Jlrlt' Then his boots, Clothes or linen stained with blood to be 'burned, after cutting off . buttons. 1 ow' 1 m rfttJ'' 1 wl not funk any more." , His temperament linked the artistic and criminal faculties In sinister com bination, and he soon recovered his domi nation In a guilty partnership. It must have been Instinct of the plekpooket that led him to appropriate Philip's watch with Its quaint shoelace attach ment, before he tou hed any other article j tTv U? I ontinucd T'norowj Ho was skimming along on bis sic a ten one afternoon when u bend lu tho river revealed a group ol glrla on tho narrow strip of lco ho must posu. Without a moment's hesitation ho dashed HUe an arrow towards tho danger point. Tho lco might not break, bo passed those 'girls some of them woro bound to speak to tiimllbwbver, 'the lco did break, and after clnw'.ig" wildly at crumbling pieces, Bob realized that his' strength wna gone. He gave one loud cry for help, and then every thing went black. "Old Women Who By DOROXHY DIX. A i-rnnt.litarted woman who lias re cently died has willed all of her fortune to build u home for poor women whose existence Is made wretched by having to live with relatives who do not want them, and who find them "in tho way.' It Is a beautiful charity, for there. are no tradedlea In tho world moro poignant than the fate of those old wemen who arc forced to cat the bitter bread of de pendence, and to live In the homes of others where they are one too many. Sometimes It Is an old mother who has given her best years to slaving and tolling for her children, but who flndR hernrlf un unwelcome euest In her son's all. daugh ter's homes. Jvjnietlmrs It Is an old maid sister who has sacrificed her youth, ami her romunce, and her own chances In life m order to give younger brothers and sisters bettor opportunities than she could have, who Is farmed out among those for whom she has done so much, and who regard themselves as martyrs for having to "take" Jane for so many months a year. Sometimes It Is a forlorn old cousin, or a widowed aunt, childless, penniless, to whom, for very sHame sake, an unwilling door has been grudlncly opened. Always these women who must llvo In other people's homes know thoy are not wanted. They see themselves flighted, patronized, put upon. In many cases they reallre that they are a perpetual source of discord In the family, and that their presence Is fiercely resented by seme rclatlve-ln-law. There Is no an guish of hurt love and reused pride that they do not suffer, these poor, forlorn old women who are In the way of thn y ciing, and happy, and seiruii. rinH rt ih kouI of the woman who haa remembered their sorrow, and whoe money will build a home to which some nt thrm may flv as to & temple of refuge until they creep Intp that last home that holds out Its welcoming arms to us all. The building of this home where speci fir purpoe I" to b a "heller for the women who arq "in the way." should be more than a mere sanctuary for de pendent old women. It should bring home to all women who arc approach ing middle life a warning of th fata that may He In store for them unless thoy bgln at once to take steps to protect themselves against It. It is a harsh and oruel thing to say, but It Is a truth that we do well to face, and that Is that every woman who lives In another wpman's house Is a woman 'in the way ' This will seem Incred ihU to mothers. Tlity wi nv "My Miuy ano t- Tredd'c will always want their r.ot'. e- The will never find me in Are in the Way" tho way. I will always have n warm seat by the fire In my children's homes." This may bo true- enough of one's own children, but there Is Mary's husband, and Freddie's wife to take Into consid eration, and the son-!n-law and tho daughtcr-ln-law have yet to le born who receive a mother-in-law Into their house's without feeling that they are giving n living understudy of martyrdom, nobly borne. ' If Mary's husband and Freddie's wife arc- pin-fentherrd saints, they try to do tl.tlr duty by their mother-in-law, but It Is duty and not pleasure, and In her heart the mother-in-law knows that she's di trop. And If Mary's husband nnd Freddie's wife are Just common, ordinary human beings, the mothcr-ln-law Is not pnly the woman In the way, but the woman who leads the way only too often for her son or daughter to the divorce colirt. Of course. If a woman Is old, and sick. and poor, there Is frequently no way in which she can prevent herself from be coming dependent, ond being forced to live with those who do not wnnt her. tut there are many other cases In which a woman onngs inin crun laic umioMi; down upon her own head. If I could say one word moro earnest than any other to a middle-aged woman, whi? has a little home and a little prop erty of her own, It would be to hang on to her pockrtbonk to the last grasp of life, and not' to be foolish cuough, as so many mothers do, to give every thing she has got to her children on tho supposition that she ll be perfectly happy and need nothlnp. living about with them. Children are human and In-laws are dtubly human, and the minute they have done mother out of her property, they fcrgct the obligation, and consider hur a burden. Between mother wth her own money and able to make presents, and mother who has to be taken carp or, is the different between a welcome guest and the woman In the way. There Is no way to keep your children dutiful and attentive equal to having thorn have a wary eye on your will. And 1 would equally urge the woman win. Is In business not to give up her Job because her prospective son-ln-Uw Invites her to come and live with him. Ante-nuptial and post-nuptial sentiment"! in a man are seldom tho same, and ex perience shows that the only possible way to keep the peace with In-laws lu not to live under the same roof with them. Every mother who goes to live In her son's or daughter's house Joopardliea th peace and happiness of that home. Therefore, every woman who Is ap proaching the age at which her children are likely' to marry and leave her. should begin preparing herlf to make her own living In some way If she is poor, and, In any ease, she should resolve that Kme what will. -he will live her Inde pendent life, apart from her children. vUitlng them, and having them with her, but having her separate Interest, and separate life, for In that way and that way alone, can she keep herself frcm the ad lot of being u woman wh Is 'in the way ' Those New Sandals I ' a ! J I'uttJnt; On Ho opened his eyes for the hundreth part of a second. Then ho- closed thent again very tight. In that Instant Iboro had flashed In IiIb sight more girls than he could count And thoy woro ull hovering over him with bottles, and steaming cups "He's fainted again," -uno soft volco moaned. Only ono of them noticed ho -blushed ovory tlmo a girl's hnnd touched him. Uut It wasn't until hlo mother arrived that ho opened itho corner of ono eye. "I'm all right now," ho said. 5 Here 1b n picture of another new crate that goes arm In ami with colored wigs and 'animal" beauty potN. It In tho fad of going stocking Ic.nm and wearing, not the san dais of ancient Urocco or Rome, but uhoey of tho type shown In the picture, which nro Hpccially made to go w in. bnro feet. In this photograph tho shoe nro being worn by n famouii Frenrh actress. Tho fad has 'caught on" considerably In 1'urls and has already been intro duced over here. ' the SanUuls. Advice to the Lovelorn By BEATRICE FAJBFAX. Wnlt Klw Years. Hear Miss Fairfax; I am 19, and in love with n girl about six years my nenlor I)o yml think It would bo proper to pro poso to her, or should I wait? CHAltLTK. Walt five years. When that Urns Is up I am sure you will decide to wait longer before proposing to a girl six years your senior. You nr still a boy, while she, at 53, Is a woman grown. Crrlalnlr. Dear Miss Fairfax: I have ben In love wit It, h girl two yearn my Junior, and she says she likes me I proposed to her some two or threo times and she refused without giving any reation. Shall I ask her again? J. D. A. It Is the only way to win her, but It I were you I would not make proposing a habit. Give her a chance to think you don't Intend to ever ask her again before you do. Vou Wcr Very Silly. Oear Tdlss Fairfax; I met a younir man two ywars my senior at a party not long ago, and wa Instantly took a liking f)r each other. He asked me If he could wear my ring, and I said yea. but to surely give It buck, because It belonged to a boy friend. It Is three weeks sine then and I have not heard from him and vmi bit iiiu itiifi uncn. BOTHERED. Th girl who lots every stray friend borrow her Jewelry is always punished, and deserves to be. You must buy your boy friend another ring, and always re member the lesson. Hooray! Baby To Rule the House No Longer Do Women Fear Tie Great est of All Human Blesdogs. It Is s Joy and comfort to know that those mnch-tslkrdof pains and other dis tresses that are said to preced child-bearing may easily be avoided. No woman ated fear the slightest discomfort if sis will fortify herself with the well-known juad tlme boiiored remedy, "Mother's Friend," This Is a most grateful, penetrating, ex. terns! application that at once softens and makes pliant the abdominal muscles sad ligaments. They naturally etpand without the sllcbtest strain, and thus net only banish all tendency to -nervous, twitching spells, but there is an entire freedom froo nausea, discomfort, sleeplessness and drttd that so often leave tbelx Impress upon the babe, Ths ocesslon Is therefore ene ef on bounded. Joyful anticipation, and too much) stress can not be laid upon th remarktbls Influence which a mother's happy, pre-natal disposition bos upon the health and for tunes of the generation to come. Mother's Friend Is recommended only for the relief snd comfort of expectant mothers, thousands of whom have used and receet. mend II. You will find It on sale at all drug stores at Jt.00 a bottle. Write to-div tt h 1 nradneld Regulator Co., JSO Lamar Bldx.. Atlanta, us., tor a most Instruct! book oq this greatest of ail subjects, motherhood.