Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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ac5,-S?pgSv 5c and larger packages. Mm
Monday, Mofrch 16, 1914.
HE coming oC the opera "Thais" baa caused quite a little amusement
ment In tho pronunciation of the name or title role of th
Shakespeare's Immortal ''Anthony and Cleopatra," made fa
mous, conturics ago, tho beauty and power of Cleopatra, but it remained
for tho present ago to immortalize tho beautiful Thala, first in Massenet's
opera ntyl .now;, n painting. In tho tea room. of Marshall Flold's In Chi
cago there is avdndorf ul- painting of Aleandor the Groat carrying Thais
wnuo sDo B,otB ure.wiin a torcn to tne palaco or the Persian Kings at Per
Bopolis during a festival. ' ' . -
Tho Athenian cdurtesan, famous for hor wit and beauty, who accom
panlcd Alexander tho Great on his expedition into Asia, is tho horoine of
Massenet's French grand opera. "Thais," and I notico tho musicians pro
nounce it Tle-ccs, or, pronouncod quickly,. It sounds moro like "tice," or
almost like "tights." A prominent. woman of this city said, "Oh, I'm so
delighted that I am going to soo Mary Oardon in 'Thais. That is not
nice, my dear daughter," said her domuro mother, "to want to so any one
in tights."
University Affairs.
Tho coIIcro fraternities and . sororities
aro celebrating; tho Easter vacation with
banquets, dancing parties and various
hinds of social gaieties. AIaVtfo number1
of Omaha younit peoplo aro spending tho
week-end In Lincoln to attend .these af
fairs. A conlpany of about ficventy-flve peo
plo cUtemJod.thfl annual banquet of Kappa.
Alpha Thfeta sorority last night at the
Lincoln ' hotel,' The toastmlstress, Mrs.
Herbert Avery, served as "Tho Builder"
for tho following program!
"The Threshold," lioulsb Coe.
"The Pillars." Mrs. Hubert Owen of
Tho Wnaow," Marfan rreeco.
"The Cornerstone," Mrs. Iluttbn "Web
iter. "The Workmen," Helen Matllson.
"Tho Postern Gate." Hclono I'ock.
All tho decorations were In black and
sold. Large baskets filled with sold
nnd white daisies and tlod with black
and gold ribbons woro on the table.
Tho following out-of-town members
were present: Augusta Houston, Te
Jtamah; Lucy Dill, Grand Islands Ma
rie 1 lodge. Anna McCague and Helen
BlUh, Omaha; Helen Weston, Beatrice;
UUcn Ktngsloy. Mlnden; Mamie Ander
son, Shelby; Wllla Spier, St. Joseph, Mo.;
Clalro Pavey and Katherlne Windham,
X'lnttsmouth; Mrs. Tess McCold Itoblnson.
Waterloo, la.; Mrs. Mwsnret Lloyd
Hughes, Ircmont; Mrs. Margaret Green
Newman, Aurora; Mrs. Martha Cllno
Huffman, Merna; Mrs. Kola Dcllccker
Gantt, Omaha; Sirs. Grace Cooley Col
lins, Hebron; Mrs. Eva L. Miller, Fre
mont; Mrs. Irma Staples Mills and Mrs.
Allco McCullough Owen, Omaha,
Miss Blanche Garten entertained nt
a buffet tea from 4 to 0 Saturday after
noon In honor of Mrs. Paul Hoagland
of Omaha and Miss Anne Miner of Paris.
France., both of Delta Gamma soro
rty. The rooms were decorated with
spring flowers, Jonquils being used in the
dining room. Miss Garten was assisted
by Mrs. W. G. Langworthy Taylor, Mrs.
Fred Saunders, Mrs. W, T. Irons, Mrs.
Arthur Raymond, Mrs. Alex Lau, Mrs.
Harry Hurley, Mrs. Ernest, C. Ames,
Mrs. Earl McCreery of Aurora, Miss
Holen Gregory, Miss Brota Bills. Miss
Helen Mitchell and Miss Ruth Jakway.
About eighty guests were present.
Tho Delta Gamma banquet will bo the
first week In April.
The Nebraska chapter of Delta Upsllon
entertained about J50 guests at a dancing
party Friday night at tho Llndell hotel.
Tho decora ilons wero In fraternity colors,
with two electrlo ombloms at either end
of tho long hall. The grand march was
led by James Grlmtson and Miss Sybil
Nelson of Omaha and Clarence Spelr and
Miss Helen Matteson of Lincoln. The
chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. T. C.
Munger, Miss Alice Howell, Searl Davis
and Mr. and Mrs. Ellery W. Davis.
The Phi Kappa Psl fraternity gave Its
nineteenth annual dancing party at tho
Lincoln Friday evening and a banquet at
the Llndell on Saturday evening. The
out-of-town guests attending wero Mor
ton Stclnbart and Frank Schwako of Ne
braska City, P. T. Lchmer of Omaha,
Earl Hayes of Stella and Homer South-
wick of Friend. Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Lodd
and Miss Helen Mitchell were chaperones
for the dancing party. 15. At. Cllno of
Gnera acted am to&stmastrr at the ban
quet, at which seventy-five were present.
Others who gave toasts were: W. C.
Ransay of Omaha, J. C. DrUcoll of Lin.
coin, A nan Raymond of Omaha and John
Led with of Lincoln.
Phi Delta Thetn will have Its banquet
next Saturday evening at tho University
club In Omaha. The following Saturday
the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity will have
a banquet In Lincoln.
Surprise Party.
A surprise party was given In honor nt
Miss Selma Reld last evening. Games,
cards and dancing furnished the amuse
ment. Thoso present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Corbett.
Mr. and Mrs. William Holm.
Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Ohlsnn. '
Mr. and Mrs. H. Simpson.
Mr and Mrs. E Engitand.
airs. C. Berg.
Kirs. T. Rood.
Blanche Reld.
Haicl Mitchell,
Elleh Berg.
Cecilia Simpson,
Liucne Hiorm,
Elmer Berg,
Frank Ekdahl,
Rudolph Johnson,
of Lincoln,
John McCarthy,
uoitrnea uergen,
La Icos Club.
The La Icos club gave a dancing party
Friday evening at Jacobs hall. Punch was
served and Mrs. H. C. Elllnghusen chap
eroned the party: Those present were:
Grace Ruld,
Amy Ruld,
Marie Richardson,
Selma Reld.
Elmer Holm,
William Ruld.
Clarence Holm,
Elmer Ruld,
Clarence Ruld.
Edith Anderson,
Edna AVIlllams.
Minnie Romancck,
Lillian Llhd,
Lola Jenkins,
Eileen Edwards,
liieima tariyic,
Rachel Metcalf,
Katherlne Robinson,
Clara Llndley,
Lorlno Davis,
Alice Carr,
Ella Vest,
Anna Mathlostn,
Mary Fordyce,
T Milan hlMnn
Mario Hlxenbnuffh. Luelln VIII.
Mary Rich, Charlotte Marquardt,
..uuiio urown, rrceaa iifliman.
Lather O'Connell, Olayds Shamp,
Ruth Elllnghusen. Gertrude Klauck.
Either Elllnghusen, Quito Eddy,
Edna Koch, Olive1 Frarcr,
Anna Purdy, Mildred Nordene.
Margaret Barnhart, Mildred Barber,
Helen Kealng. Esther Kroner,
Messrs Messrs
Raymond Klouch, Ralph Dunn.
Jack Austin,
Charles Weymullcr,
Eriipat Hnltni-r
Clay Beisal,
Phil Romancck,
Ben Franger,
Mark. Sen werln,
Carl Schmldtman,
Clyde Rice.
Byron Snyder,
Roy Cromwell,
William Trythall,
Roy Hlbbon,
Glen Paxton,
Porter .Allen,
Glen Musgrave,
George Bergo,
Sam WIddon,
Girls! Draw Moist
Try this! rialr gets thick, glossy,
wavy and beautiful at once
Stops falling out,
ImmedlateT-Yes! Certain f-thafs the
Joy of It. Tour hair becomes light,
wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears -
soft, lustrous and beauUfut as a young
girl's after a Danderlne hair cleanse.
Just try thls-molsten a cloth with a
little Danderlne and carefully draw It
through your hair, taking one email
strand at a time. This -wrtll cleanse the
hair of dust, dirt or excessive ollj and In
Just a few moment you have doubled
the beauty of your hair. A dollghtlul
urprieo awaits thote whose hair ha
been neglected or Is scraggy, faded, dry.
brittle or thin. Besides beautifying the
hair. Danderlne dissolves every particle
of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and In
vigorates the soalp, forever stopping
itching and falling hair, but what will
please you most -will be after a fow
week's use, when you see new hair
line and downy at flrst-ye-but reallv
new hair growing oil over the scalp. If
you care for pretty, soft hair, and lots
of It, surely get a S6 cent bottle of
Knowlton's Danderlne from any drug
store or toilet counter and Just try It
For Sunday School Classes.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker entertained
the young men's and young ladles' classes
of the Parkdalo church on Thursday
evening. Prizes were won by Miss Freda
Strr.ner and Mr. Raymond Sage. Those
present were:
Arthur Loomls,
v;. ciemen,
Leonard Welrlch,
Mark Vehle,
John Krage,
Elbert Parks,
LeRoy Cromwell,
J. Tyson,
A. Boyd Amcrson,
8. Brown,
G. Wallas.
Bruce B. Schworln,
Earl Starboard,
Harry Rusmussen.
Harold Bed,
Pleasures Pas't.
A crowd of young people
"wlonnle". roast last
Those present were:
enjoyed a
Tuesday evening.
Margaret Morrill,
Maude Crew,
Freda Stehner,
Ruth Anderson,
Allco Powers,
Julia Favorty.
Robert Vllburr
Jack Barry,
Harold Riley,
Henry Potgcter,
Joseph Potgeter,
AltTmA TiKiViiMinH
I Glenn Webber, '
uaymona wage,
Hertha Jorgenson,
Verna Sage,
Hope Hutton.
Dorothea Holllday,
Mlllia Nelson,
Marie Ruzlcko,
Ltroy Wilbur,
Walter Qulnn,
Ray Merrill.
Dewey Webber,
Lawrence Peacock,
Ward Campbell.
Hawthorne Society.
Tho Hawthorne socloty of the Omaha
High school held a social meeting at the
homo of Hope Hutton Friday. Those
present were:
Hope Hutton,
MftifftllnA fnVin
Jeanette Harsh,
Densel Deams.
Mildred Tonipaett,
Dorothea Holllday,
Margaret Merrill,
Freda Stenner.
Ruth Anderson,
Ruth Hutton,
Marie Mucson, none
Olive Chrlstenson,
Ebba Borenaon,
Margaret Tonge,
Marguerite Hansen, iiusp, Marguerite Mansi
Margaret BarnhardtMargaret Chllds,
juuiwi j on neon, iieien wiseier.
Doroas Club to Sew. '
The Dorcas club will meet Friday at
tho home of Mrs. N, L. Trimble. One
o'clock luncheon will bo served and the
afternoon spent In sewing for a neely
Vetna Sage,
Dorothea Holllday,
.Vkudo Crew,
Freda Johnson.
Fay Emery.
Alice Powers,
Mary Bovllcr,
rna Baker,
Rarr.cnd Sage,
Al Jorgenson,
Jack Barry,
Ward Campbell,
Joo Potgeter,
Eurle Tloknor,
C'eorge Drake.
Air. ana Airs. Korea,
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Babcr,
Hope Hutton,
Ruth Anderson,
Frion Stenner,
Myrtle Itelnhanit,
Kntlerine HoJses
IVtJl Boulter,
Margaret Campbell,
Dorothy Baker,
Messrs.- .
Leroy Wilbur,
Harold Riley,
Luwrcnce Peacock,
Dewey Webber,
Koliert Wilbur,
Waiter Qulnn.
Henry Potucter,
Club Entertained.
Miss Cleta Mlntcr entertained the J.
U, G. club at her home Thursday, evening.
Those present were:
Ann Hansen,
Alice Dohlberg,
Villa Ollkerson,
Mary Glllotte,
Marie Cox,
James Lowry,
Charles wood,
Mr. and Mrs. Mlnter.
Mrs. Lula Temple.
Marie Jensen,
Mario Smith,
Cleta Mlnter,
Arts Adams,
Auglo Adams.
St. Patrick's Party.
Tho N. N. O. club will entertain at a
St. Patrick's dancing party, Tuesday
evening, at the Rome hotel.
Personal Mention
Misses Florence Long will undergo an
operation for appendicitis Tuesday morn
ing at St. Joseph's hospital.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Baehr leave Friday
evening for a trip to Florida, visiting tho
larger cities enxouto and going as far
as Havana, Cuba, before returning home
May 1.
Mr. and Mrs. William B, Harris of St.
Paul, Mnn., are In the city, tho guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cohn and Rev. and
Mrs. E. Fleishman. Mr. end Mrs. Harris
am enroute home from an extended trip
thiough Canada and tho Pacific coast.
Just nigh tar Backache and Rhea
matlsm. Foley Kidney Pills are so thoroughly
effective for backache, rheumatism,
swollen, aching Joints, kidney and bladder
aliments that they are recommendej
everywhere. A. A. Jeffords. McQrew,
Neb., says: "For the last few months I
was troubled with pains in my back and
Vie druggist recommended Foley Kidney
Pills for my aliment. I have not yet
taken all of one bottle and my old trouble
has entirely disappeared." For sale by
all dealers everywhere. Advertisement
, , , , -"w va nets issuca a
timely warning against the food faddists who are offering to
cure all sorts of ailments with- strangely concocted food prepar
ations that are supposed to supply the needed elements for restor
ing wasted tissue and energy.
Shredded Wheat
is not a food fad". It is the one universal, staple breakfast cereal
that has survived all the ups and downs of public fancy. It will
not cure disease, but its continued use will keep the stomach
sweet and clean and the bowels healthy and active. It will cor
rect many digestive disorders and thus restore health and strength
through proper nutrition a food for invalids and athletes, for out
door men and indoor men. Ask your grocer.
' fc B-luUwin -T,Cn f re,lore Two Shred Jed
Wheat BucuiU vvith hot milk or cream will lupp y all the energy
Len tdy VMk, Deliciously nomAl when J
combinatwn with baked apple, .tewed prunes, sliced bananas or v
canned or preserved fruit. Try toasted Tmcuit, the Shredded Wheat
wafer, for luncheon with butter, chee.etjr marmalade.
Made ony hy Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. y.
Bishop Oldham Says Philippines Not
Ready for Sclf-Govemment.
Vonnirrr Men Are Instilled frith the
Proper Iilrna, lint There Arc
Hot Yet F.nongh uf Them
to Ilnle.
"While I greatly admire President Wil
son and Secretary Bryan, I do not be
lieve they started out with alt that could
have been known about the Pnlllpplne
situation," said Bishop William P. Old
ham, formerly ot the Philippine! Islands,
In hla address before the Commercial cluu
at tho public affairs luncheon at noon,
lie sold that, however commendablo the
movement for Philippine Independence
might be, ho believed in waiting a little
longer, until the youngc men educated
In the American schools there shall be
come the leaders In the affairs of the
"While I heartily approve holding before
the Filipinos what has 'been held before
them for some years now, that they are
being progressively trained for Inde
pendence, I hold that they are not yet
quite ready for It. The leaders In affairs
there are as yet the old Spanish speaking
class, who hold tho old oligarchic Ideas
Implanted there by Spain. They hojd to
tho "follow the boss" Idea, Is It were.
That 's tho kind ot Idea planted there by
ollf,.. Spain and the kind of Idea to .'
which the Malays adapted themselves
readily. That Idea, as a dominant force
has not yet disappeared- among the lead
era over there.
"On tho other hand, I believe we should
wait until the younger men, trained In
the American schools over there and
brought up with more democratic Ideas
shall come Into, leadership before we
grant them Independence. As much as we
have dono In the way of establishing
schools in tho Islands, we have not yet
provided two-fifth of the peoplo there
with schools, and the Filipinos, If they
are granted Indepcndance, are not ready
to go ahead with tho school system. Tho
peoplo there, as a whole, are not read
to .spend money for the mantcnance of
schools. And the result would be that
Instead of the school system being pushed
and completed, the little we havo estab
lished in tho Islands will crumple up."
' Jfarner's
PH y
Throat nnd Luna Trouble
Will cease to trouble you by the timely
usa o'f Dr. King's Ne"w EHscovery, sure
relief, 00c and )L00. AU druggists Advertisement.
Four live grasshoppcri were captured
south of Waterloo by Louis Adams,
county engineer, on a trip which he mado
for the purpose of Inspecting a bridge. At
the court house the insects were hailed as
a harbinger of early spring. Mr. Adams
declared that he saw scores of grasshop
pers and still rotalns the four specimens,
securely caged, as a token of Veracity.
This is what everyone says of Warner's Corsets.
They are authoritative in style aud guaranteed in qual
ity. The one make of corset that could conscientiously
he sold to you the first day of March as an authorita
tive style.
"VVc stand back of this statement, . and your mer
chant is therefore fully justified in guaranteeing it to
Warner's Opening Day lias become a mer
chant's calendar day, a day he counts on
giving to you your correct corset model for
that season.
Ask for
fSust-Ptroof Corsets
SOLD EVEYWHERE $1.00 to $5.00
Every Pair Guaranteed
ROOMS The Best Variety. Tho Bee classified pages
carry advertisements of the best rooms and apartments for
rent in the city. Phone your ad to Tyler 1000.
These Stores Endorse
Mme. Ise'bell's Toilet
THESE STORES sell only the highest class merchandise. That is
why they were selected to handle Mme. Ise'bell's Toilet Preparations. These mer
chants know every Item in their stocks. They value their commercial reputation. You know thoy would
not recommend Mme. Ise'beU's Toilet Preparations if there was a single doubtful article in the entire
line. They know each and every Mme. Ise'beU's Prceparation is guaranteed to contain only tho high
est, grade Ingredients and to be chemically pure.
DER Softens and Improves the skin while beau
tifying It. Blends perfectly with the natural
tone of the complexion. Comes In three shades.
Naturelle. Brunette and White. Price, BOc.
(Jives a natural tint to pale cheeks and Hps.
Price. EOc.
nOUQE A splendid rouge in a convenient
form. Is healthful and soothing. Price. 26c
A few drops applied after washing make
hands soft and white and prevent chapping.
Price, 25c
KLE PASTE Ideal for massage, feeding antt
nourishing the skin, filling out and obliterating
wrinkles. Two sizes, SOo and J1.00.
CATOR Cleanses the pores of blackheads,
pimples and other blemishes. ' Has a bleaching
aud healing effect. Price, $1.
Keeps the skin smooth, clear and healthy. The
right thing to use after automoblllng. golfing
or tny other outdoor sport as a substitute for
soap. Two sizes, EOc and $1.00.
DER Removes superfluous hair without pain
or Injury. Price. J1.00.
For nearly half a century leading actresses of Europe and Aemerlca, the stars of grand opera and
the world's most beautiful women have dopended upon Mme. Ise'beU's Preparations to preserve and re
store tho charm and attractiveness that go with a clear complexion.
The Brandeis Stores
Burgess-Nash Co.
Hayden Bros.
Thos. Kilpatrick Co.
Thompson, Belden & Co.
Beaton Drug Co.,
10th and For nam Sts.
Bell Drug Co.,
1310 Fdrnam St.
E. W. Bexten,
IStb and Oodgo Sts.
Haines Drug Co.,
18th aud Douglas Sts.
Merritt's Pharmacy,
13th nnd Douglas Sts,
10th and Farnam Sts.
The Owl Drug Co.,
10th and Harney Sts.
Paxton Hotel Pharmacy,
14th and Harney Sts.
Pope Drug Co.,
13th and Farnam Sts.
Sherman & McConnell Drug
10th and Dodge Sts.
Sherman & McConnell Drug
S07 North 16th St.
Unitt-Docekal Drug Co.,
17th and Far nam Sts.
Harvard Pharmacy,
24 tli and Farnam Sts.
H. S. King,
24th and Farnam Sts.
C. E. Lathrop,
40th and Farnam Sts.
Emil Cermak,
ISih and William Sts.
Ehler'a Pharmacy,
2802 Leavenworth St.
Goldman's Pharmacy,
24th and Leavenworth 8 to.
J. H. Green,
Park Ave. and Pacific
Greenough & Co.,
Tenth and Pacific Sts.
Greenough & Co.,
Tenth and Hickory Sts.
Hanscom Park Pharmacy,
Park Ave. and Woolworth.
A. L. Huff,
Park Ave. and Leavenworth.
D. D. Clark,
Melcher Drug Co.
0. P. Talbin
Adams-Haight Drug Co.,
24th and Lake Sts.
Adama-Haight Drug Co,,
24th and Fort Sts.
Danielson Bros.,
17th and Cuming Sts.
Wm. 0. Hayden,
24th and Binney Sts. '
Patrick Pharmacy,
24th and Seward Sts.
Saratoga Drug Co., '
24th and Ames Ave.
Schaeffer Drug Co.,
10th and Chicago Sts. '
J. H, Schmidt,
24th and Cuming Sts.
Seiler Drug Co.,
21S North 25th St.
Clark Drug Co.,
Broadway and Slain.
Geo. S. Davis, A
200 West Broadway.
Pricke Drug Co.,
Broadway and Sixth,
Dell G. Morgan,
142 West Broadway.
Wesner & Cowles,
Willow Ave. and Slain.
White Pharmacy,
Seventh and Broadway.
Made by Mme. Ise'bell
The World's Most Famous Beauty Expert
352 No. Michigan Ave., Chicago, U. S. A.