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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1914)
THK BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1014. Receipts From Merchants on This Page Are Valuable 00 J 1 DAYS How many years, months and woeks does this equal? Uso your pencil. Then think of this: For 14.000 days I have been handling KIMBALL PIANOS. Hundreds on hundreds ot these pianos havo passed out ot our store to satisfied users somo ot them satisfied for nearly "14,600 days." We now have threo carloads of these beautiful KIM BALL Flayers and Pianos; all bright, new qtock, in Burl Walnut, Mahogany and Mission (finishes, at tho old, standard Kimball prices, plus easy terms. I havo eold KIMBALL Pianos to three generations ot Nebraska and Iowa people. If this Instrument had a weakness, It would bo apparent today. An earful ot KIMBALL TONE will convince you. Come while the selection Is broad. President. A. HOSPE CO. NOTICF TO CONTESTANTS tText Tuesday w will publish th standing of U contestants who have turnsd Jn their nomination coupons or cash cheeki for rat in thia con tott, at jour receipt in 07 Satur day vaninff, o that your standing will appear in the Hit, thus letting your friends know that 7011 are com peting for a trip to the Panama ex-poiltlon. HHIBiHHIl Contestants' Standing ITame. Ho, of Vote. Ruth A. Pinner .E,3?3,l Fay M. Watts 3,197,833 Charles Ball. 1,000,308 lorn, jtiiiima Perry.. 943,030 Sylvia Hahns 313,09 VUks Vara 147,034 Bobert Lewis Lomnu 109,037 Mary J. Aberly 32,833 O. A, irystrom 13,U07 Bam Steinberg 7,311 Mrs. K. W. arblnua 8,887 Mrs. B. s. Smith a,03a loawell tfotts 0,150 Clyde J, Luther 1,833 8oe Sohalek 1,330 Herbert O. Wella 1,000 W. J. uettlen 1,000 Chris Blmonson. mica, neb 1,000 Julian Karris 1,000 Harry J. severson 1,000 Minor 0. Kennedy .1.000 usroert u, bunaon, . . Marie E. Kivers Jennie X. Washburn. varies u. SJiomti, MANAGER BUREAU OF AERO NAUTICS AT PANAMA EXPO. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.000 Myrtle a. Harrison 1,000 QpiN&w (w Qp$M Qwhs IRISH ENTIRE WHEAT BREAD "Wheat contains all of tho fifteen elements tliat bo to build up man's marvelous system; it lias produced a strong race of men. All other so-called foods combined do not contain tlio necessaiy nutritious properties to keep man In good health. Without tho IRISH ENTIRE WHEAT BREAD a large portion of tho human system would not bo nourished, oven If ono partook of all tho foods to "bo had In this city, together with the so-called wholo wheat and bran bread. Eat plenty of the IRIH ENTIRE WHEAT BREAD at every meal and mastlcato It thoroughly. In this way pure blood will bo made every 24 hours, together with all the other fluids that are made by the system, to take the place of tho waste. By eating the only food, tho IRISH ENTIRE WHEAT BREAD, which nourishes the entire human system, you will add from 25 to 50 years to your life, tn continuous good health. Man's greatest asset Is perfect health. To keep In continuous good health, he should cat plenty of the "Staff of Life" at each meal, Courtney's IRISH' ENTIRE WHEAT BREAD. Lose no time t 1 securing u loaf. fVI Tho ItenI "Staff of Life" (gwjj. (ww, Qovjfj Qwfmfa Every Dollar Deposited to Open a New Account in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of TIE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Counts 100 Votes in The Bee's Panama Contest Capital, $500,000 Surplus, $500,000 Undivided profits,$240,000 Total deposits, $7,000,000 THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 13th and Farnam Streets LUTHER DRAKE, President FRANK T. HAMILTON, Vice President FRED P. HAMILTON, Cashier B. H. MEILE, Assistant Cashier C. B. DUGDALE, Assistant Cashier ' NOTE: Votes will not be allowed for other than bona fide new savtnc accounts. Pull number of votes will be allowed up to sixty days before close of contest when a limit of 10,000 will be placed on each new account. Mrs. James Kortimore. .Henrietta Swansea Mrs. Robert T. Jones James X.. Snlakofsky. . . . mjrvu Jjeiorrest. ., T. a. Thomnson Mrs. Oeorjre jj. Kvarts Jjouls running-berg iorcon..,. Kenrr &. sinr. Hr. KUian x.owden. Samuel X. Bock John Plloker Jule Wachsteln 1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,009 1,000 1,000 1.000 1,000 Harry Srney 1,000 Mrs. B. Bererlflge William Wlnqnest 1,000 1,000 Oretohen Ednr. .. . !!!!!!!! l'.ooo James O. Wisely 1,000 Sara &ea 1,000 Wayne Riley ,.i 1,000 K. W. Beoker 1,000 Mrs. Jennie Martin 1,000 Lillian S. Srlokson, Kearney, Neb. 1,000 John Cenleoha. Harwell. XTab . l.OOO Stanley Walker 1,000 Marble Imitations for Decorative Tone at the Panama Fair Imitations of three of the most famous and beautiful Italian marbles used for generations in attaining decoratlvo effects! and representlnR the nemo of human In genuity in perfecting artificial stono wll bo seen at tho Panama-Paclflo Interna tional exposition In 1915. Tho marblos which now are being Imi tated to add to tho distinctiveness and beauty of the exposition decorative scheme are Travcrtlno which will form the oxtcrlor finishing of exposition build Ings Sienna and what Is known as Verde antique. Travcrtlno marble Is found in the boo and, along, the shores of tho river Tibet and Is believed to be of a volcanic origin Its Imitation has been perfected by Taut E. Denlvelle, an expert In tho Imitation of various stones. The shado ot tho marble, an old Ivory, Is tho key color of the exposition. Imitations ot tho other marbles, Sienna and Verde antique, also havo havo been perfected by Denlvcllo and ro being pro pared for the exposition under his direc tion. Tho Sienna, of a reddish color streaked with yellow and black, has been used In columns along tho main entrance f the Palace of Machinery, Verde antique will be used for urns and other ornamen tation In several of the Interior courts. WE CAN SELL RIGHT Diamonds Watches Jewelry Silverware Crystal Cut Glass - BECAUSE WE BUY RIGHT OVER 100 BRANCH STORES and More Added Every Week Our Watch Repair Dept. Largest in State; Experts Only Employed AT THE SIGN OF ! tuf CPOWN vSOfM VP We GOLDZIl STAlRSSmm i) bW . ffj "Toyland Grown-Up" at the Panama Fair to Tour Around World Frederick Thompson, creator of tho $1,000,000 concession, "Toyland Grown Up," at the Panama-Pacltlo International exposition has announced that tho gi gantic figures and buildings' ot his con cession, which will represent characters of the Mother Goose rhymes and tlwir abodes, will be constructed In section and placed together with hinges and other devices so that they can bo taken apart and folded up when the exposition closes. From San Francisco "Toyland Grown Up" will bo shipped to Japan, where It will bo set up and tho spirit ot oriental toyland will be added by new fcatuice. After the concession has been shown 'n Japan It will be packed up and moved to India, then to Berlin, where the necessary additions will be made, so that when Toyland Grown Up" returns . to New York five years hence It will represent. according to tho plans ot Its originator, the toyland of the world. Corf I&fo Douglas Sts. iSjsMMwtfvbr i fBSSSSHBSBSBBssk SBBBBBBBS cZ&BBi9eVevQ52cti9S& Tjxold Kruchtnajx. of tho globo will bo Installed In the spacious palaces. Many of tho displays will bo worth fortunes. Tho Central Association of Dutch Flower Growers ot Holland has decided to takn part In a collective exhibit nt the Panama-Pacific International exposition In San Francisco next year. An claborato display ot almost priceless tulips, tho re sult ot ccnturlos of skilled effort, will be a fcaturo of the exhibit. A model of the PanamA canal, 100 fret In length, will bo among tho exhibits by tho United States government nt tho Pnnama-Pnclflo International exposition. Ot tho toOO.000 appropriated by congress for federal oxhlglts, $0.0,000 has been turned over to the Isthmian Canal com mission for tho construction of the model. Tho model, complete In all working de tails, will allow the passage of toy boats. It will be built to scale. How to Win a Free Trip to the Pana ma Exposition nnles of Content. 1 The Bee offers and will award three round-trip tickets and expenses to tho Panama Exposition, tho total cost ot each trip to bo JWO, as prizes to tho three con testants having the greatest number of points nt tho close ot tho contest. 2 This contest open to everybody ex cept employes ot advertisers on this pace and ot The Bee. --The contest page will be published ono day each week and will run for a period of ono year. 4 Points will be figured on the basis ot oi)o point for each 1 cent shown on cash checks or receipts for purchases made from advertisers on thls'pago. S Cash checks must bo deposited &t or mailed to "Panama Contest Editor" The lice not later than thirty days from date ot payment of same and receipts will bo Issued for tlicnl. Contest to closo November 7, 1914. All rash, tickets and receipts must be turned Into Tho Uco office not later than 0 p, m. on closing day of contest, or It mailed, must be postmarked not later than thai hour. NEARLY ALL NATIONS WILL EXHIBIT AT PANAMA FAIR Tho following nations will participate officially In tho Panama-Pacific Inter national exposition at San Francisco In 1915: Argentina leading with nn appro priation of l.n00.000 (gold); Bolivia. Bui p.arla, Cuba, China, Costa lllca. Canada, Dominican Republic, Kcttador, France, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras. Holland Japan, Liberia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Portugal, Peru, Salvador. Sweden. Spain, Turkey. Uruguay, Ar dentine Ilepubltc, Denmark, Chile, Brazil, New Zcalnnd, Persia, Italy, Venezuela and Norway. One thousandvflvo hundred manufacturers In Germany plan n limited display. FREE NOMINATION COUPON GOOD FOR 1000 VOTES Send or bring this coupon to tho "Panama Contest Editor" of tho Bee and you will recelvo 1000 votos in tho Panama Contest. Only ono coupon will bo credited to a person. Namo Address t n y With theV I Approach of 1 V Spring J Come Thoughts of Outdoors Mud and slush will inhabit your back yard, and clothes hanging will be difficult and unpleasant. Why not do it the modern way? At a trifling cost we will caro for your entire laun dry problem. Ask your neighbor about tho KIMBALL SERVICE 'Yoa are delighted when you open the package' m WAnrwoBS'1 or the xoisa BLUE WAGONS. PHONE DOUG. 919. 1 THE ONLY WAY To remove all the dust and dirt otc ii f the lSxnoslHou. Canada has .appropriated 1600.000 to be cxpenuixi upon me uunaanin exhibit. A flock ot crcy linnets hau Invaded the huso palace, and built nests anionir the ratters, and Incidentally smashed iieacney s record tor indoor aviation to smithereens. The National Potato Association of America at tin annual meeting at Cornet university votea to meet in wan Fran cUco during tho Panama-Pacific exposi tion. The results or an International potato growing contest will ba made the subject of scientific and practical study. President Charles C. Moore of tho Pan ama-Pacific International exposition, has announced mat an main exnlblt palaces will be ready for Installation of exhibits by July 1 of this vcur. When the exno. sltlon opens on February 20. 1915, more man www exnimiors irom all parts or tho globe will be Installed In tho huge palaces. Edmund Clifton, conuolHsioner general of New Zealand tn th Panama-Pacific exposition. Is In fan Franrlsi-o preparing Plans lor i lie construction or mat conn try's pavilion. Ho announced recently mai ine coiony a ixnirm wouia ic ex rentlonally comprehensive and would en able visitors to see just what progress Now Zealand has made during the last ten years. President Charles (?. Moore of the Panama-Pacific International exposition In an announcement Issued February X, guaranteed the opening ot tho exposition one year from that date. He added that tils original promise that every detail of thn exposition would be complete on that date would be fulfilled. All exhibit palaces win ue roajy tor mo installation or ex limns ry .iuiy t, iwh. President Charles f Moore of the Panama-Pacific International exposition has announced that al) main exhibit pahires will be ready for Installation ot exhibits by July 1 of this year When tho exposition opens on February 30. 1915, more than 0,000 exhibits from all parts Benj. Franklin Said "Employ thy time well if thou meanest to gain leisure" Poor Rlclinrd Almanac. The Electric Vacuum Cleaner will save time, labor and money for you. With it, you can avoid the back breaking labor of sweeping and do your cleaning more quickly and more effectively. The Electric Vacuum Cleaner Will Protect Your Health Tho homo having the Electric Vacuum Cleaner is really clean. To protect your family's health and your own, to save time, money and labor, to have- a really clean home, investigate tho Electric Vacuum Cleaner. Omaha Electric Light & Power Company from your carpets, rugs, upholster ies, draperies, curtains; mattresses, shelves, books, walls, hardwood floors, etc., in a quick, easy and sanitary wayis to use the "Eclipse Electric Cleaner"-can be operated from an ordinary electric light socket. Requires No Oiling for sole by THE ELECTRIC SHOP WOLFE ELECTRIC CO. Tyler 1414 1810 Farnam Street Wo Havo Cleaners for Rent. Drugs and Toilet Goods AT CUT PRICES THK "10 H1SST SELTjEKS" IN PHOPIt 1 KTAHY MEDICINES 1.00 Lambort's Llstorino. 5f)d Jloxall Rhoumatlo Roniody, 45c and 80d 50c Genuine Syrup Figs for 29 Hyomcl, Liquid and Inhalers for 45c and 89 Rexall Orderlies, 10c, 25c, 50 ?1.00 Vln0 Cardul ifor .... 54d $1.00 Rexall Kidney Remedy for SQtS $1.00 rinkharo'B Compound 59 35c Fletcher's Qonulno Castorla for 21d COc Samuel's 3 P'8 for .... 29d TOILET GOODS Your cholco Jap Roso, I'almollvo or Vcgotaulo Oil Soap, at . . 6d 2Cc Rlcksccker's Skin Soap 14d 25c Trailing Arbutus Talcum for 15d 2Cc pltg. Roger & Gallot Per fumed Rico Powder, In flesh or whlto 14i 50c Malvlna Cream for .... 296 50c LaJouno Pink Roller jMassago Cream for 296 $2.00 Haublgant's Ideal Extract, per oz S1.39 25o Massatta Talcum for. . 12J COc Moloroso Cream, for.... 296 2Dc Iloublgaut's Rico Powder for 146 1 lb. MUlo Team Borax, this week, for 76 50c Madam Lucillo's Complexion Powder, per box .: 146 $1.50 Gotiraud'a Oriental Cream for ' , 08c 25c Crcmo do Mcridor for 146 Harmony Perfunios, Toilet Wa ters, Cold Creams and Powderson special demonstratiqn. SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO. 4 REXALL DRUG STORES All in Prominent Locations Dreshers Dreshers Dresners Dreshers Dresners Dreshers Dreshers Dreshers Dreshers Dreshers Dreshers Dreshers Dreshers Dreshers Dreshers Dreshers Dreshers Tyler 345 Who Is Going to Clean Your Spring Clothes'? Dreshers Dreshers Dreshers Dreshers. Dreshers Dreshers Dreshers Dreshers . Dreshers-Dreshers Dreshers Dreshers ' Dreshers Dreshers Dresher Brothers Dry Cleaners and Dyers $57,000 Plant at 2211-2213 Farnam St Dresh Dre D Dr