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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1914)
. THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAliCll 17, 11)14. 11 RFAIj estate, citv ritornnTV von, salk. Here Are some v Fine Homes listed with our Bcal Estate De partment for sale on the ensy payment plaii. Cnll at-Qur office "today or toU jjphono and wo Avill jje pleased io show you,auy of tho follow i,n,g..ho"uses. i f KOKTH 'A beautlDll G-room hoiiso on Omaha's Prettiest iMIle uil modern, principal foomK finished in oak,' with nice large Jlvlns roori, Including brick" Tiro place. The price Is reasonable and terms easy. jAovc Moom bungalow, H block from ar alt , modern; . principal "rooms fin ished ill 'oak. New &-room I'A iitory cottage, I block Jrom car, AH modern, principal rooms - .finished In oak.. New 6-room -story and a half bunga Jaw, 1 block from ir and 3 blocks from jchool; all modern, 4 rooms and bath on first floor and two rooms un stairs. Now G-room story and rii half cottage, 2" diockr mmt car ana 3 blocks from school, all modern. Soven-room house at 5512 Lafayette f a virtue. 2t blocks from car line, all mod rn ahd in Rood condition. A bargain. FlVe-vroom bungalow, built 8 months, all jitydevn, paved street; 1H blocks from car, urs.all. payment down, balancp Ilka ronL SOUTH ' , j , K,cw O-Toom story und a half bungalow) j Jon uross-Town car line, all modern, with . Jirlnfcrpal. too ma finished In oak. :.Nw story and a half bunga Jow. 3 Works from Cross-Town car line, all modern and with principal rooms tin Wted In .iak. Tolephone Doug; 29.M tor appointment. : Bankers' Ileal ty luvcstmont ' Company. ' nPC?Tri FLOOR li lb ti DLDU. ' .BUNGALOW " . .Locr.tej In choice part of city, close to Field,' cjub, ready' for occupancy, has ree, Jiallv living rooru. dining - room' with arned 'coiling, two "bod room.' bath, Kitchen, pantry,' linen closet, stlrway to' floored attic. In fact strictly modern and ?tr-to-Uate. In every particular, price only fLOOx will grant terms. . BEMIS-CAIiLBERGr CO. 310-312 Brandcls Theater Bldg. For Sale by Owner (room alt modern house with sleeping porch, beautiful yard, with fruit, shade and.- shrubbery 1 .blork from car, prac ticality new. 1741 8. 28th. St. Tel. Har. 334. Will Sacrifice : MUST LfiAVH ON ACCOUNT OP , ; HEALTH. too reasonable: oifhr refused. Strictly modern home, hot water heat, splendid location, pood condition, sultablo lor larSo family. , or Income property;' . jnustfgeo to uppieelatcj nice lawn, shade, era pear strawberries-, garden, W rose -blishes." 1. . 162ft nnrdetto at Phone Web. 814. 'FIELD CLUB DISTRICT Seven robins, strictly all modern, fine lot., south front, aplcndld nelchborhod, J WoclfB' ft fcchool and hear car line, excels ie"; buy, $3,500, . . BEMIS,CAKLBERG CO. ! 310-312 Brandcls Theater Bids. ,' v 200 Down " Balnnc, jbs than -rent. $3,009 fdt 1441 and 1141V4 North 2Vth Jit.: ValKlnff distance.. Front house 6 rooma modern, except neat,, newly decorated; Ctear house 4 rooms; tollutfc newly uecoV rated. ? tL.;E. Scott v& Son, ,'llit City. National Uahlt llldg. ., - ., Douglas Mtfl., ' - YrM CASH. m $ rooms,. new,. modern bungalow, J714) N; .25th St., balanco monthly. 413 Karh-ach 11 Block. P. S6P7. - Biay of Owner Six- rooms JuV . completed, ' modern throustiput; located at fctt S. 37th St, Call Harney 2182. Two new modern bungalows clU 1714-16 N. IStli St., nlust be bold. Boe tlxfn Sun day, open foe Inspection. Small cash payment. or terms phono D. 3601;. i rKOR. SALE Two modern '6-r, houstes; 'lino-, Interior; tine oak. finish. lJ3d and Bancroft; tils. Douglas 4337- TO BUY. SULX. UK KBNUV tT blid iJOIfN. W. BOBBINS. 1SC2 FA1WAJI 61? -M09 PIANO as first payment, on house, Roberts, D. 8117. MERCHANDISE stocks wanOft. Krtnd man, .TiO Om. Nat. Bkv Bldg.. qimaha. ' ' 841Q6M MODERN cottage. Doiig. mis". The Persistent And Judicious Use of Newspaper AdvcrtJsIng Is tio hoad to Jjugfnesa . ScceaS. REAL ESTATM. farm a rtANcn: la.vds, for salk starTda. , - ON'U thousand acres lanl In best, ojin: ot Florida, in Da Soto county, northeast.' of Arcadia, One of 'tho- best) p'leceu ot w.o l iu thosutte, Will exchacf ju. all or any f . ynrt for flrst-clasn Oplatuk property. Ad dress J 17L Bea. , ,, i . i i i , i i Minnesota.. , 2S0-ACRE farnv 35 mftes from Minimi paolls, 1H miles from .a good railrobJ I town; part under cultivation, balanr meadow and pasture 'land; good soil good elghtropm house, worth U,w); barn, granary, corncrlbs,' cattle sheds, machine sheds, etc; 14 cows, 20 (lead of steers an. I heifers, three horses, hugs, chickens, complete set farm machinery, buggix-n, Wcsona. sleds. CO tons dC laiy, uua Ucta corn. IV) Dusnerr mixeu grain, iu . bushel Potatoes, in Jact. everything on' tho farm seen except furniture. ITtcu, $12,000, one-halt cash. Schwab llros.. Wit Vlymouth Bldg., Mlnseapolls. Minn. WE ARE offering 'thousamla ot ucrts . of chotcu and wel In) proved lands In tha Red River valley, r.ois.heastern and uuutli. eastern Mfunesota; also cut over lands, at retail und wholesah) prices, frlcett ana t terms rtuson&ble. Write us for Usttu Active agents wantlscT In Iowa. Illmoi. t and Nebraska. Stlwart Land Co.. 40S I New York Life Bld., Minneapolis. Minn, j FOR idALfc A tiumtver uf unproved and unimproved :rixms in the famous Red Hivar valley. For further intoriDa-1 tloo vrlte today 'to Baer-Larnb Lund 4Jf.' Rariiesvllle, I linn. . QUARTEK-sect in excellent prairie land, partly lmpiiived; well located, 104 Hi) ls west or Minneapolis; JJo per acre, easy terms. Deatrer, I'lymouth Building. jSUnneapqlla. , Xfiasonri'." . PARMS. for 8-Ie. IS down. S5 monthlv. buys' 40 acres goi al timber land, near town. -Shannon count) I. Mo.; price 300: perfevt title, .1. B. Jarriell. Mount Vernon, 111. oaUaBau POR S,KLB-J50-aore ranch within five relies or giad. town. A few 320-acre furms for sale, also. Write J. O. Berglln. Chester. Mon' Aebraaka. KOI'ND rVacro homestead In settlol neghborhooi; fine farm land; not sand hills; cost yiu rJdO tiling tees and all. J. A. Tracy. limhall. Neb i.-V-AC HI . 5H miles east of Rosalie, Neb., Improved, all fenced; 40 acres hog tight, price U2S in aire, terms, possession thla spring. Kd Thompson, Lyons, Neb. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Bean Continue to Predominate the Wheat Market, CROP CONDITIONS FAVORABLE Cnnh WJicnt Market .SIiovtm Decline, AVlillo Cash Corn nnd tint Arc Firm nnd Show Sllcht vniu'CPi lit t'rlce. Al- OMAHA, March 16, 1311. Under present conditions there Is only ono side to the wheat market and that Is tho bear side. It Is not inferred by the above sentence that wheat will con tinue to decline Indefinitely, as tho scalp ers of the wheat pit. it no others In tho trade, would absoru tho offerings on tho weak spots and stand a good show to so euro -a profit sooner or later. Thero will como a time when tho crop reports will bo less favorable, It Is said, and the offerings of wheat will dry up. Thofo who make purchases of May wheat In the hope that they .would bo ablo to draw down a handsome profit by cover ing at n much lower price than that when the sales were made havo- been greatly disappointed because of turn of tide against them. It may be said that the larger holders of May wheat in tho Chi cago market have disposed of a good part of tho lino held thero a month ago, yet It Is also believed thero Is still enough of May In the liund.1 of at least ono big house to cause trouble among tho shorts In that particular future. Tho best cron experts traveling out oi Chicago, Nt Iouls and Kansas City have up to tho present failed to find any crop rtptrrlnrntinn In thn KMithwAt. Thn con ditions, unless there Is a chango for the nUAIj ESTATE. FAIIM A KAfrClI I.AMDS 1'OR SALK OrcROn. COMK west; Oregon Is Ihe land of op portunity for you; congenial climate, no extremes: soil Is fcrttla and productive!; adapted to diversified forming, ralsea splendid grain and fruit of all kinds. Land Is cheap. Wo have Improved and unim proved land from I8 to MS per" acre. Tell us what you want and amount you. desire to Invest. Guyer Bros.. Dutur. Ore. Oklahoma. WHLIi Improved SO-acrc farm; one mil from good railroad town, 50 acres In qultlvatlon, good new building, young or chard, city school. 2 wells; old age and alone the reason for selling. Address P. J, Davis, Grove. Okl. Texas. State Lands, $2 Per Aero Over 1,000.000 acre for sale by the sraw of Texas; you can buy 640 acres at ti an acre: pay J2 cash and balanco aftar 0 yoaral, fine, farming and .fruit lanl. and healthy climate. For further la formation Aend 6 Cents postage. INVESTOR, PUBLISHING CO., Dept. 74, San Antonio, Tex. Wisconsin. Upper Wisconsin Bert dairy .and general crop state la lb union. Settlors wanted. Lands fol sal at', low. prlocs. on vasy terms. Ask lor booklet, S4 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. State, acres wanted. Wrlw coout our grazing landu If Interested In fruit lands ask fnr booklet on apple orchards in Wisconsin; Address Lana Dept., Soi Line lty.. Minneapolis. Minn. vOKyiUlAL pu Duration culiceMiuts! soil, climate aud oron of Wisconsin mailed -free to those addressing tsconsln jsoara or immitrai.oii. i.niJiiwi iAv, muui Wbu. Vl ItUAXi KSTA110 IA)ANU OMAHA ,-iomej. kEaat .Nebraska, farma O'lCEEPli REAL E6TATE CO, 101C OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas ITU Jloo iu VWw magu prumplly. , r. U. WS'l. Wead Bide. Isih anu Farnam. CITY LOAHH, tleiniii-CurioerU 310-312 lirandels Theater IJuudlng. WANTED City loaiiH. t'elera Trmc Co BROS. M MONUl on liand ul iuami tales fol loans un- NtcraKKa fuims miu Ol.niou eiij pioijity ii any amounts. . , . ii. W. BINDER, City National riaiiK Bids. CITY property. LMtuv louim a specialty. W. H. riioma. t ' Nut- Hnk Bldg; WANTED City luaim and warrants; W. Farnam rimltn & Co. 13M Farnam bt CITY and ikriL Icun. i, h. - Dumoilt & Co., IWa Karnam. Omaha. HARItiSUN t !UiTU jl ym. .Nub x. WANTED TO UVX. AND RONES. U1011E8T PRICES iAID FOR RUBBER AND METAL. CASH pala promptly upon- receipt. WRITE lor pilccs and shipping tags SONIvDN UALAMIiA IRON METAL COMPANY. (Largest dealers wvt uf the- Mississippi ) Kansas City, Kan. Highest prices paid for furnltur. D.397L WANTED TO KENT. YOUNO married coople, Ueslrabla ten ants, will rent strictly modern b or room detached house, preferably (luns com l'ark district. Telephono llarnoy llbb. L!V1? STOCK MARK erl' Ob WEST alllf ivv uuik isi Auuiii uiiiuna, aav rr.ueage ana snnnKage. Your consign- inriiva. receive jfon)i una cuiiiui atlcii tlon. Llv nioaU Cu'iiiiliiMtuit Sltiruhuuts. MARGIN BROS, it CO., Exohangs Bldg. Ut KAN StTKAMEItS. FRENCH L.g imE .otnpBjnle Generate Trania'.lnctlqae Tlie r,ii Day Home MiW rURK.IIARVKlAniS Direct I toil to to Continent jlfew, lrgr, fast, tnrWns, quadra te ana twin screw man steamers I FROM NEW YORK WEDNESDAY ia Toanalna Mar. 20. La Tyirratoe API. 1 Mar 13. June 3. rranra Apr S. May 6. Mar 17, June 24. La Provence-Apl. 1, Apl. 3), May VS. June I, Larga one rUaa (III calln, twin acrow ( ettamera. Superior aervlte. l'opular prlea. Trora Saw Tort Saturdays Rochumbeau Har. 37, Apl. 3, May 1. Magara- Apt. It. May H. Juno 11. ihlcaio- ApL 11. May . Juna I. OA.NACUH snnvzos Montroal Qnebao Harvs One Class CII) Oabln Steamers faatett al earner In Canadian aerrlce. I,eavre aiontreal La Tourane .May 1 May SO, Juna 17. Tno captalna on each atearoer on thla Una. I JCaurlea Vf. KoinUnslcl, fJen.Wsst- ern Agtv, 139 w. searoorn Clil;ro, or local agsnts. hpecial Spring Sailing Largest Steamer TO THE Miediterranean CELTIC, APRIL 18 Interesting Itlncrnrr. IncludlnK MADFIItA, IBKAFTAH, AIjGIKRS, NAPLES, GENOA, WHITE STAR LINE, 8. Jl. Corner Madison and. X Ball stsH Chicago, or Ziocal Agsnts. worse, Indicatea a Tiutnpcr crop, and it Is believed that tho government April re port will show a promlso never exceeded In the I'nttcd States. The question as to the disposal of wheat surplus In the winter wheat belt is causing considerable talk anions the Iwndlera of grain. Millers, however, are making no complaints, as they are anx ious to see values at a level where they would be enabled to dispose of their out put either In tho United States r abroad. Tho hulls In wheat continue to keen mo Arcentlne situation In tho llmellBht. as was shown by cables roceiveii uy ure fus lato Saturday. Their special Infor mation told of wet weather in tho south ern hemisphere, of tile probability of a let-up In thn loading, and of hlRhor prices In that country, with higher ask ing prices when tho wheat was on pas sage or off the KnsllBh coast It la out of the ordinary td drac u country with as little wheat for sale as Arcentlno has Into tho markets ot tho world as a price farlor. Cash wheat was U" to Ho hlaher. Corn will continue to pivot on tho cash situation. It was hinted late Saturday that a. round olt of corn had been sold to go abroad, but this waa not confirmed. Tho cast Is now carrying vers' little of this grain and any flurry In the matter ot buying of cash and an advance In prices would be felt In. tho entire coun try. Cash corn wns '.itfle higher. Oals are likely to follow corn, which la likely to be a drawback to tho corn unless there Is an Improved demand for tho oats. Cash oatR were Uo higher. The strong hog market has caused many to not only cover their short con tracts, but to take on good, amounts of pork, lard and ribs. The packers, as well as the bulls In hog product, feel that with tho breaking up ot tho country toad the deliveries of hogs to th country stations will show a big falling off. Clearances: Wheat an.l flour equal to 492.000 bushels, corn, 2,000 bushels, and oats, 12,000 bushels. Liverpool closed with -wheat UOUd higher and corn d higher. t ITlmary wheat receipts were 76.000 bu. and shipments of .W.000 bu. against re ceipts of 1,239,000 bu. and shipments of 462.000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 1,127,000 bu. and shipments ot 669,000 bu. against re ceipts of 912,000 bu, and shipments ot 677,000 bu. laHt year. Primary oats receipts wero 1,000,000 bu. and shlnmcnts of 7S7.O00 bu. against re ceipts of 197,000 bu. and shipments of 5SS.O0O bu. last year. These sales wcro reportnd- Wheat No. 2 hard winter: I car, SCHc: .1 cars. 85?c; 4 cars. S&vic. No. 3 hard winter: l car, Wie; 1 car, 86c: 1 car, Kie; 1 cor. SJc. No. 3 spring; '4 car. corn mixed. 85o, No. 3 mixed: 1 car, Ste. No. 2 durum: 1 car, ISVic. Barley No. 3 1 car, Mo. Oats No.' S white: cars, 3SUc, 7 cars, 3Sc; 5 car. 37?le. No. 4 white; 1 car. 37ic; 4 cars. S7l4o: 1 ear. 37'le. Corn No, white: 1 car. C4We: 4 car. 04c. No. S white: 1 oar. Clc; 1 car, 6.v4r: I car. KiWc; 1 car, 63c. rid. 2 yellow: u cars. bio. .no, s veilow: l car. C4c: 19 cars. G3Uc: 1 car, n'.ci 6 cars. Clc: i ear, tic: S cars. 62Uc. No. 4 yeiiow: : cars, tec; i car, ko: u cars, 6iMc No. 1 mixed; 1 car. 63V4c; 1 car. filUc; 3 cars. (Sic; 7 cars. 62Hc No. 4 mixed! 2 cars. 61tie; 6 cars, 61c: 34 cars, 60Wc: 1 car. 60c. No grade! 1 car, oats mivn. tikv cars. fiuc. Omaha Prion Vhat: No. 2 hard. S51W740; No, 3 hard, 848S6Hc: No. 4 hard. scry 84c; No. spring, hwsw; mo. i spring, KSitfffjBc: mo., z uurum, iojew. No. 3 durum, simhwc. corn: no. z wnne. 64JW4UC: No, 3 white. 6atfC4n; No. 4 white. f06?c: No. 2 yelldw, 63?iWfl4Uc; No. 3 yellow, 63U64C; no. 4 yeiiow, 6iwac; No. 2. 63fltmic: SO. X 2.fl3Wc: No. 4. 60O 61,4c; no grade, 67ftc. Oats; No, 2 white. Z9Gt33W. standard. IMttwaSJic: no. 3 white, 373SV4C: No. 4 white, 870-37ic. Barley; Majtlrur. Bimasc; No. 1 fend, 4049C Ryo: No. 2, 57V'jMo: No. 3. 67067HC CARt3T RECEIPTS. Wheat.Cotn.Oats. Omaha 2S 224 St. Louis .... . 62 . 31 . 6? .129 .341 . 55 10J 13 Chicago ...... Kansas City Winnipeg .... Minneapolis . Duluth CHICAGO GRAIN AND t'HOYISIONfl Kcntnrca ot the Trndlnir and Closing: I'plcca on Bonrd of Trade. uiiiuwu, .ii arc ii ik enough com Plaints of dry. weather and of winter wncai Kiiunx cumc lit today to give wheat Un upward Jorh. cloning prices wero nervous, varying from a shade off io 'iwvsc net aavancu. corn, oats, nnd provisions wound up substantially tho samfl ns on Saturday nlaht. lirop now made the market In wncat. J'rospcct of n week more without rain In tho south west brought about uneasiness in tho part of shorts. It was pointed out that the western half of Kansas had not re ceived much more than -U third of rn Inch of molsturo since January 1, and tnat tho reserve supply, was noumli.ely about gone. A considerable portion of the crop was said to hava ben already blown out from seml-arld mictlonx there, and a number of sandy places In Okla homa. Advices of winter hilling wero mostly from tho flat lands In Nebrarlta near Ellis and Plymouth. Buyers of wheat futures paid atten tion to the July delivery. May was com paratively active, owing to deficiency In tho merchandising demand. Corn lost an early advance, which hod been caused by tno active purvhuslug on the part of leading hoii33. nnd good feeding demand In the west and HOUtli west. The slowness of Inquiry from tho cast, however, and the foot that thu vis ible supply was vlitually now bb large as a, year ago led to a reaction. Chances In the oais" market hinged almost en tirely on corn. Seeding was leported as having begun in Central Illinois. Improving demand Tor provisions f.cnl fested Itself whenever the mavknt showed ti oearlsh effect from thn more plenti ful supply of hogs. Buyer, hovover, were not Inclined td follow up any ad vance. ' Artlclel Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close. Hafy. Wheatl May. July.) Corn. May. July. Oats. May. Jul'. Pork. May. July. Lard. May. July. Ribs. May. July. 93U SSVi ' 67a II JO :i S3 93, 93 93U C7a 33V WSJ 67T. BSt 67H 67, 39a 3a a ji zi 21 .7) 21 6R Jl 62H r! 0,Vs :i us 10 77V 10 971,! 10 171, 10 75 10 11 00 10 rM 10 WHI 11 60 11 65 111 47 31 11 k:u 11 12 1 11 em 11 A3 U 57V 11 S2' Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No, 2 red, UW&y-c No, 3 red, 9394c; No. 3 hard, 93V5'9J?c. No. 3 hard, OJVic; No. 3 north ern, 9f8K&e; No. i northern, 394c; No. 3 spring, 9i43!c; No. 3 spring, 2fl94c. Corn: No. 2, MWQffSic; No. 2 yellow, 67c; No. 3, 6lfiRic; No. 3 white, 6Ty56c; No. 3 yellow, 636XV4c. Oatsr No, 2 white, 40i',o; No. 3 white, 3S-89c; standard, 394 fttOc. Rye: No. 2, 60861c Barley: 8i864c. Timothy: J3.75fl5.2S. Clover- $10.00rSri3.6O. Pork: 121.62U. Lard; 110.60. Ribs: J10.C2V4 Jll.7ii. Later the market reacted owing to an increase of the visible supply and to reports that crop Injury would be confined to the main for a fow districts ot Ne braska. Kansas and Oalahoma. The cioso waa nervous, at a ranso of a shado off to Sfj'.ic up, compared with Satur day night. BUTTBR-Steady; creameries, 22(82tHc. EOOH Lower; iftCeMpta. 13.60 c&sra: at mark, cases Included, IMrDOHc; ordinary iirsis. i.i'i'0-TJ--; iirnie, .',4C. CHEESE Hteady: daisies. iswaiii(.: twins. I"i01!c; Americas, 1814iilSc; long HUi IIO, 1 S-4lt 40V, POTATOKrf Lower! receipts. 90 cant: Michigan. Minnesota -and Wisconsin red, GOftGSc; Michigan, Minnesota and Wiscon sin white. 62f(uc. POULTRY -A live, lower; springs, 16W0; fowls, IDc, Liverpool (irnln MnrUet, LIVERPOOL, March UU- WfIEAT. RnOl dull' Vrt f wmii , A rn Ta UlA. 1 and No. 2 Manitoba. 7s '.Id. Fu'tilrei itcady; March, 7 3V4d; May, 7s Jftd; July, 7s 2Wd. :orn spot rjuiet: American mlxr-a. Cs SHd. La Plata, futures Irrogular; March, 4s Uttd: July. 4s 7,d. KLOUR-vvinter patents. 2Ss 5d. HOPS In London (Paolfio coast), 10s Kanaia City (.rnln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Maroh J8.-VIIBAT-No. 2 hard. WH&90o; No. 3 red. MOSOlc May. 4644C. July, ',,e CORN-No. 2 mixed. Cc: No. 3. MiflGJc; No. J white, CH&C9c; No. 3, C4'4tjK5e; May, CSUc July CSBlOTie t)ATS-No. 2 white, 404c; No, 2 mixed, 4ct HEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Attitude of Foreign Holders Reipon- sihle for Sap;. SENTIMENT UNCERTAIN AT HOME. A Rise of Closing Days of Last Week Apprnr.i. to Haivc U-htttrl the Resources) of nulllah Trnders. NEW YORK. March lC-Europe void stocks here today and the market saggi'd slowly. It wan the attitude ot forcgn holders of stocks which waa primarily ie sponsible for tho movemcnL London wai depressed by uncertainty over the home riilo question. American speculative Is sues wero unloaded by Lomlun and there was also selling on direct orders from the continent, particularly among tho low- priced railroad stocks. Much ot this sell ing was said to originate In Amsterdam. it waa estimated that 9MM) shares wcru disponed of here on Cabled orders. At homo sentiment was uncertain. Out Mdo interests was still nt low ebb. The rise ot the closing days ot last wek ap peared to have exhausted the resources of the bullish traders. iCarly movements were irergular, but gradually the market mover downward, under the Influence of, huropean selling. The close showed a1 majority of fractional losses. Kansan and Texas Issues wero again under pressure and their pronounced weakness gave rise to rumors concerning a posslblo chango In dlvldent policy. The ircirrreu ai w and tne common at 10. reii to tho low prices of tho last ten years. New Haven waa again heavy, but lato in the day it made up its loss. Reports from tho steel trade wero less favorable. The domestic copper market showed no signs of returning activity, bllt foreign CODDCr atntlxtlra. rnnnrtl.,,. another decrease In supplies. Indicated l?i . ,cn",n'1 road w'n keeping up. The increase In bank reserves shown in Saturday a statement was responsible t?." a':,ton lif time money today. firmly ""s, uowevcr, wero held Bonds were v ) erals wero "again under pressure. Total JSJSft.'49' V.n,tetl Sllttl binds wero -i..mhiiHi;u Ul CRII. 7'i ; Slk Amerlrau Asrlcullural .. ,"o Anifrlcan Dett Br... American Cin , tno America Can pW 1.60J AracrlcaS C. A F , r04 Amtrloan Cotton Oil Son Am. Ic Bcrnrltlra too American Lliiteed JtH zvfa J1 W',. 43 S1U 10i S S4 102 XI H M'i 100H 121U SI Mj 41V sin 30S 3: 't ti 1IH H 11 !i 133 lli ii u 'a U lU 147 irf u ;o'4 iv U 104 H14 MM SI Vi 14 American locomotive . American S t n American B. A It. pld. Am. sucar Heflnlnc... American T, & T American Tobacco .... Anaconda Mining Co.,, Atclilaon Atchlaon pfd Atlantic Coaat Line.... lltlttmord A Ohio too un e'.k m im ti too :si 1,0 97 " soo isli 1.100 ttu JiB'h IKS H iiili mtnieneni gtl j.wo 41 nnohlrn ItaaM Tr enn . lanaainn l-acine ,,, 4 ao rnlrl Leather , ,, 400 Ctieaapeah A Ohio- B.ioo- Chicago O. W 400 Chicago, M. A St. P.... 300 Chicago A N. W Colorado rnel A Iron Conralldated daa ........ , Mt4 11 rt la corn rrodurts DeUare A Hudaon.,. Pnr A nio nrande,. Denror ii It, O. pld... Ultlllra Secnrltlm ,. Krle Krl IK pfd Erie M pfd 400 11 'i :w iiih US HI lis 4.100 General Eltrlo , ., (00 MM, Oreat Northern pfd, ,j0r jjtu Oraat Northern Or ctfa, 3o Ja, 117 i:? 3CU I09U Wi Ul 101K iiunoia irairai AOO 110 Intarborough Met. ...... , tot) 1 niernomugn Aici. pra... 704 International llarveater.. WD Inter-Marlnc pfd joi International Mpr .'. ou 100.4 4 0 'i Stfe M lISMi 144 iniernauonai rump Kanaas City Southern Qaa Ililsh Valley l.JM 14S iMuiaTiiia im jNarnvuia;. 100 13TU 1S7U M.. 81. P. A B. Hte. M, 1 Mlatourl, If. ft T., 3,000 IJ4 51 117U It I 114 1H Aliaaourl raclllC National niacult Notional Lead k. n. n. of m. sd ufd.. ano 01 I3H 4Hi 104 Naw Vork Central....,.., N. V., p. t w. Norfolk as Waiters Nortn American Northern Pacific raclftc Mall ,, 1.100 DOli 9) 11V IM IS III :! in ltttt ; VVi 43U 1S1 lftir, 31 Mt 4'1 7!i 1!4 nt 31 ti . V WI4 Ui 13 117 U, IJ4J 11 U M'i 10aj 15 J 7; 4 ii iaj 404 10.1 Vi 1011a 71 1UU iioii (09 2.100 1134 pennaylvanla People'a Oaa "too iiiii r c c. & st. IMttaburch Coal L :ei m it 41 21 41U m:, M'i 4U "ii-"; si rreaaea eieei car., rullmin palace Car.... Heading 11.7C0 HOI Rapubllo Iron fc Steel... iwpubiio i, ft a, pii.... Rock laltnd Co tl m coo , ... M0 :i ,jno 400 4U Jl M'i is-t Ttock laland Co. pfd.... Rt. U b St. V 24 pfd., Mea board Air Llnt Beaboarrt A. U pfd mnM-Rheffleld S. aV Southern Pacific ... I.. Poulr-ern Hallwny .... So, Ratlwar pld TrnneMeo Conner Teiaa Pacific Union Pacific t'nlon Pacific Pfd t'nltcd 8taten Ttealty, United Rtatea Rubber, t'nllad Htalaa Flcel.., I', fl. Rleal pfd Clah Conaer v.. Carolina chemical "abaaH Watiaali ptd wtern Maryland ... WeateVn Union Weatlnalioi'V El'trle Wheellnn t I Y. Chl"i CVioper N. T.. K H It II... i.SAO. 15U 117 i.WV) lt(, 3,M SI'.i ZM 110 ?.ie, Silt a? Mil, II" it j 400 !.M0 .oo 7'i "vi rtST Con. Copper Total ealea for tha day T.S l4.fOi ahdci. 2Vcit York Money Alurket, NEW YORK, Mrch 16.-MONBY-Call tlrm at V,itoi per cent; ruling rale, 3 per cent; closing, lTiflS per cent. Time loans caBler; sixty days, 2ffi per cent; ninety nays, 343 per cent; six months, VAliA per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPEU-lfltli oer cent. oTbHUNO EyCCHANOE-Steady; sixty days, 34.S423: cominercUl 1)11 1 t.83Vi. MlLVKR liar, fcS'sc; Mexican dollars, 45140. BONDS Govcrnniont. steady; railroad, easy. Closlnif quotations on bonds today were as follows; U. S. ret. ta, reg... 3H K. C. bo, rel. la... 17H do coupon HiU K. deb.. 4a, 1311. IU, V. B. la. rar 1V3 K N. uot. 4a.... 141a do coupon IM'.aM. K. b T. lat 4a., V. tl.vla. re( HI ' do sen. 4Ha l do coupon HJVillo. pacific 4a 1IV Panama 3a coupan. 103V4 do runv. t a3a Aroer. As. S- loo'.v. n il. ot 31. 4H M eA. T. 4 T. cr. 4a.. S4 K. Y. C. . 3VJa,... (34 Am. T0U000 (a.. 1W.4 do deb. 41 KI Armour 10. n. x., 11. ; It. Atchlaon ceu. 4a.. cr, J4a ,0 do or. 4a, 1X0. do T, 6a A. C- L. lat 4.. Hal. b Oslo la.... do 3 ... Ilrook. Tr. cv. 4a. Ten. of Oa. la.... MVN. t W. lat c. 4a.. (4 .101' do ev. 4a tOMi . No. I'aciric 4a IU, MV Mo 3a 67 . l 0. H. U rfdg. 4a. . 31 . ftlla peno. ct. 34 1911 ftfta; .101 Mo ran. 4a WlU Can. Leather aa... 'H Reading aeu l ... IJU Ctiea. A Ohio 4H 4W B. U A H. P. fa 4, 711 do conv. iwa. 'an, ten. M. , 41 Ctikaio It A. IHa. 7 fit. U H. W i-. 4a., 73 C. H. Q- 1. Is.... Wtlft A. U adi. St.... n do (en. 4 SJHo. Par. rol. 4a.... l( r M S P o 4V4a..l60K do ct. 4a 7W C. II. I. aV P. c. 4 39 do lat ret. 4a (11, do rfc 44 714 f.o. IUIIaar 3a 10114 f . 8. r 4U 1U do ffB. 4i 74 n. 11 cr. 4a... mvi'nlon rarlfle 4a.... 7W D. It. (1. ref. (a. ti'i do cr. 4a ..... Mli Dlallllcra (a i do let I, ra(. 4a... UU Krla p, I. 4a 1414 p. s. Uutber Be. ..101 do es. 4a 74i V. H. Rteel 3d ta..)01 do rt. 4a, eer. B. 74V..r. nliani. 6a.... (4 111. Can. lat rat. U Ml, 'Wlv j.t A aa. 4a. U Inter. Met. 4a 774 Wnlern ifd. 4... 77V later. M. 31. 4V4a. 44 Waet. Klec. ev. la.. 44 Si Japan 4laa IS TVIa. Central 4a... Mli Uld. "Offered. Local Srcarllle. Quotationa furolihed or Burns, Prtnkar A Co., 411 Oman jsauonai DanK cuuaiog: 111(3. AeVad. Aurclla. la.. U, IMS Caaa Tbraahiiut Maahlne Co Commonwealth Ufa Int., Omaha.... Dera at Co. pfd On Molnca, la., f4ehool 4 Via, 1H1.. 1'alrraont fraamerr 7 per cent ff- 101 10t.ii ii 1(1 11 K lOOti IW1, UM V 101'i 101H m.u 101 v 104 MVa 103 loou to 10IH "a 31 llouaton. Tax. HS a... 1S Kanaaa Oa and Blac 7 per cent pfd Ola lalada O. U t: 11 . M llouot Ayr, la.. Ilia. 12 Mountain Htatea T. & T. aloak. Macon Co Mo., lief. 3a. 1MI Montreal T ft I, (a, 1115. . .. Omaaa fiaa f,a, )I7 (Ill of Omaha 4aa. IM4 Omaha i Bt. Itr. (a. 1M. Omaha t (.' B. St Hr pfd- .. IM .. .. (i .. lOMa 14 omiha ft t- n, rt n. pfd t Portland. Ore.. I Ml 1044 ! Itocky Xtonntaln Fuel, bonus 1H wlft Co , atoek 1M4. 1MH Stout Cttr Woek Tarda It, IMn 1 H Stmt City Stock Tarda pld 17 St !ettl rVhfl la, t 10! I cVuth Omalia City Ilt 1M lW Han ruern. Cal.. ft. U. la, ISM Mtta Jftl.H 5alt'lJko City Pehool 4 1M0 K M fnton flock Tarda. Omaha M 10ft Vlh P. A U Co. la. 1114. l ttnatdli Mlnlntr stocks. BOSTON, March l.-Closlnrt nottlon on stocks were: Nerad Con MS Alleuea 4U Nlplaalas Mlnre ... a Arant. Copper T1H North nuiia a. t u b is. North lrfac ........ l'l Allien Com li Old lomlnlon 4IU Cal. A Art mill ' OaCMla t. 71 Cal. 1lela.. 411 gulney 41 Centennial 1IV Mliannon , Coppar ttanta C. C. Bupertcr f 11 Kaat nulla C M1.-.. 1IH Fuperlor tc. B. XI... 1 rranklln i Tsmarark ........... 31 Oranhy tin M V. S. . It. t,.. W Oreena Cnane ... Si do pld 47H lln Rnyala VTPer. 31 flan On tOH Kerr Lake 4S tttah Copper Co Ike Copper t Winona a 4 I Salle. Copper. ., 4 Wolverine Miami Copper Ma nunc t superior... sox .-vionana ............ 41 London Stock Market I3NDON. March R American securi ties opened irrecularly, with narrow llmlls diirlne thn early tmdlne today. At noon prices run ceil from '.i above to H below parity. . Consols for money, 7iVl accounts, 7M; Union Pacific, 1R1V 81LVKR-ltar, steady, !6 13-ICd. MONHY-IfiiVa. short bills, 2',; thtoo months, 2 ft24. Itnnk rirnrlnus. OMAHA. March 16. Hank clearlnKs for Umaha today were 3,3s,4St.i and for the) l-ui rvoi'uiiuniK uny iik jrnr, a,tBO,Dav.3l. NICW YORK (1 EN URAL MARKET Uuotntlnim of tho l)n' on Varloos Cnnimndltle. NEW YORK. March lil-PLOUR-Qulet; uprlnc patents, 3t.7fKfN.90; winter strnlghls, $1.35ft4.K)f winter patents, S4.50M 490; sprlne clears, S4.20fM.3.v oxtrn. No. 1 winter, 3.65?f3.85; extra, No. 3 winter. J3.4Mf.3.M. WHEAT -Spot, steady: No. 2 hard winter. 31.00. c. I. f.. to arrive; No. I red, 3I.01H, elevator, domestic; No, 1 northern Duluth, Jl.ff-'H, f. o. b., nflont. opening navlRatlon; No. 1 northorn Manitoba. I1.03U, f. o. b., nflont. Euturea Inactive with small prices changes. May, 31.01 "-IS; July. 97Hc. HOPS Stindy; stale, common to choice, 1913, 374:.r; 1912, 17I21c; Pacific coast. 1913. KKhKc: 1912, lOtTlOo. HIDBS-Stcady; Rottota, SlHtffEHc; Centrnl America, SlHo. PETROLEir.M Steadv: refined. New Vork bulk. 33.25: barrels. 3S.75; cases. $11.25. 1 t rt. . . . j . ., , -t Ohio, 27o. CQRN-Spot. firm; No. 2 yellow. 72c, c, 1. f to nrrlce. OATS ripd. quletl stnlidard, t.ffllCc; No. 3. i:.f45!ic: fancy clipped white, 45H W4So. HAY-Stendy; standurd. tl.WtiMM: Noj 1. fl.Ocei.OTH; No. 2, 9.H07lict No. 3, 85 4J90C. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 30c; toconds, 2S029C. PROVISIONS Porl:. steady; mes. $23.(XWl3.rKi: family, i34.00WM: short clears, 3.25ti 22.00. Reef, steady! mess, $IS.0osilS.B0! family, J19.W30.09. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies', 10" to- H noiinds, 13Vn4Hc; pickled hams. 3H.OOJM4.5n. Lanl, easy; middle west, $l0.60U10.70r refined, barely Btendy: continent. $ll..'tt; ftouth America. $11,93; compound, 34.12Hli3.37H. TALLOW-Stoady; city, fic; cotlnfy, Cfl6c; special, 7c. HUTTER Haroly steady; receipts. C.900 tubs: crenmcry extras, 27Ufl2Sc; firsts, S3Vji27o; extras, held, 2HVit27c. CHEESE Vlrirti receipts, 1.1CO boxes; state whole milk, fall and summer spe cials, lR1iW19c: avcrsKe fancy, lSQlBlioS winter made- specials, 17-Iei8c. EOQS Weak; receipts, 13,800 rases; fresh gathered extras. 26o; extra firsts, 2Se; firsts, 2Uj25c; nearby hennory, white, 27c. POUI.TRY-Dresaed. easy; fresh killed western chickens, 15925a; fowls, 11818U0; turkeys, l6T23c. Mftnl MMrkrt. NE YORK. Maroh 10.-METALS-lycnd. iiulct. 3.p:4.03; London, 16 7s Cd. Bpellcr, quirt; electrolytic, 314.1SUW14.X; lake, nominal: castlnu, 14.0Q.H.12H. Tin, firm; sp'ou 7.0(X8.11M; June. 33338.60. Antimony, dull; tTookion's, 37.23. Iron, quiet; No. 1 northern, $IR.0(Zrlo.60; No. 2 northern, 314.75ft 123: No. 1 sir) them. 3l4.7SK15.23i No. 2 southern, 3H.Wlfl5.0O. London prices: Copper, steadlS spot, CC.1 10s. futures, 164. Tine, slendy; spot, 1173 5; futures, 174 5s. Iron, Cleveland war rants, oOB&d. MT. IXJUIS( Mnrclt 16.-M1ETAL8-Lciid, qulcl, 3J.00, Hpoltcr, dull, 35.15. 4)11 nnd noaln. NEW YORK. March l.-COTTONaEED OIL Steady; prim summer yellow, $7.23; March S7.3U Slay, J7.33; July, 37.62. ROaiN-Oulet; strained, common to good, 34.3034.40; TURPENTINE Steady; machine bar rels, 4C. SAVANNAH. Qa.. March 16. TUR- PENTTNB Firm at 46-'51e: sales. 81 hbls.; recolpts, 103 bbls.; shipments; 86 bbls.; slocks. 14,022 bbls. ROHIN-PIrm; soles. 1 1.460 hb Is.: re ceipts. 246 bbls.! shipments. 981 bbls.'. stocks, IIS.OOO' bbls. Quotations: A and n. 33.93: C and D. ll.97r E. XtOO: V. $4.0214; O, $4.05: II, $4.10; I. $4.15; K, $4.23V4i M, $1.S0J N. $3.70: WO, $J.W); WW, $8.34 Wool flnla In London, LONDON, March 16. There were 0,113 bales offered at the wool salts todny. All grades were readily sold at steady prices. Secured Merinos wore ln,Uern re quest for tho continent. American pur rliiiscH to data are estimated at 17,000 IjmIcb. Tho sales will be concluded to- IIIOI'IOW, Nr. I.onla flenrfrll Mrtrket. ST. L01T1B. March l.-WHEAT-No. 3 red. MifrW.c; No. S hard. 01Hf34c: May, tcfj92l4c: July. 8614o. CORN Nr. 2. 8c; No. 3 white, 84Vlc; May, mtl4c; July, tauc. OAT8-N0. 2. 40c; No. 2 white, 40H 41cf MM', SDKc; July, 33aC. RYE 64c. t ot Ion Market, NEW TORI, Mareh l.COTTON Futurca closed steady. March. 12.70o; May. 12.10c; July, 11 02c: Auaust, 11.77c; October, 11.40d; December. ll,46e; Bpot, quiet; mlddllnfr, US3c; gulfr UMc, Ttry floods jrnrket. NHW YORK. March 1.-Drtr OOODH Cotto.i tfoods markets were steady today with moderate trade rportlnr. Raw silk waal quiet. Dress Roods were In fair de mand. Yarns were steady. RAILROAD MAN GETS ONE DOLLAR FROM SICK FUND Requesting his share of the old hos pital and slok fund left in the hands of the ITplfed Htates district court when the Union Pacific railroad went Into hands of rerelvers years ago, 3. I. Krauss of Bhreveport La., has learned that although he paid AO cents a year Into the fund for almost twenty years, his share, of the fund Is only $1. It wns the money paid in by thn old-tlmo employes of the road that went for tho building of hospitals, so very little per capita remained In the fund when tho road went through bankruptcy. About $3,t00 was in the fund at the time of the receivership, and that- sum was placed In thn hand of the clerk of the federal district court, to he distributed pro-rata to the employes. Only abdut $1,000 has ever been asked for. Krauss was a locomotlvo engineer and retired and went south in 184. KIRNASS IS FINED $25 FOR ANNOYING POLICE Sot Klrnass. 2601 Rlondo street, was fined $36 and costs In police court on charge ot disorderly conduct. Klrnass, who was angry at his former landlady, Mrs. M. Mltx, 2432 Franklin street, had sent the police on sis different occasions to the house with tho Informa tion that ii gambling hell was blng con ducted there. Tho police on the sixth journey found four 10-year-old girls play ing "pit." and failed to raid tho place. Klrnass was arrested on a warrant OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Slow to Lower and Feeder Fully Steady. HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN LOWER Receipts ot l.nnibs Lrer "Than Canal of I.nte on si JHonday -Sheep Strndy nnd Lnnibs Btendy to Hosier. SOUTH OMAHA, March IS, 1914. Receipts were: Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Estimate Monday 3.900 8,000 I8.0JO Maine day last week... ,3M 4.311 13,3 IS Same 2 weeks ano 5.700 6.015 14.11 Same S weeks ago , 2.310 4.216 12,179 Same I weeks ao 7,31 S 4.218 13,473 Same day last year.... 1.8S5 2,313 3,061 Tho following table- shows the receipts ot cattle, nogs and sheep at th South' Omaha llvo stock market for tho year to date as compared with last yean . lili. wis. me Deo. Cattle ........... 19I.8M 200.SSO 9.042 Moks 1R,W0 4,67 31,07 6Tieep , R7I.S10 rl,(Bl 08,619 The followlnc table snows the ranee ot prices mr hog at tne rMiuth umaiia live stock market tor tha last few days, with comparisons; Date. 1 mi. H)13.m3.1911.UlU.l9U9.l03. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. e 201 U IS 921 91 47 6 08 S2SU 6 S3 a 9 631 6 14 i 33 8 30 6 73 6 83 9 601 6 36 4 8 24 8 30 8 37 8 47 8 52 9 i 6 20 4 23 4 23 4 S3 838 6 37 8 311 6 34 9 63 161 6 30 6 831 6 831 a Mar. Mar. 8X9 8 76 9 78 44 4ti 4 38 4 31 74 6 43 Mar. SSeli 6.3 6 40 6 trj U K 6 M, Mar. 8 33 0 7&10 22 6 631 Mar. 8 84V 8S9 6 801 10 27 6 40 Mar. 12. a 40' 8 BOH 8 4SI 0 45 10 371 6 43 4 33 Mar. IX 8 69 6 6 0 43 6 63 6 pS 6 HO 6 47 4 37 Mar. 14. 8 87 10 34 4 4) Mar. 16. 67 9 10 421 6 40l Mar. 16. 1 6 7310 SR 6 M 4 'Sunday. Receipt and disposition of llvo stocti at the' Union stock yards. South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours t-ndlnc at 3 o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS L-atU0.1log8.Bheep;ll'l;i. C, M. & 8L T - 3 Missouri 1'aclflo ... 1 1 6 3 to 6 t 29 1 Uniun Pacific 21 C. & N. W., cast.. 14 U. & N. , west.. 3 C. S. P.. M. & o... 23 25 . 4 21 C, 11. &. Q., east.. 1 C, R. Si Q., west,,.. 40 C, R. I. & P., east. 7 C. R. I. ft p.. vet. 1 uunou central 7 Chicago O. V 2 Total receipts. ..168 10S 77 22 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hoes. Bheop. Morris A Co.... Bwlft A: Co , 2M' 1.114 243 266 781 319 963 J 7 , IM 200 44 67 00 Ot 87 207 43 324 4 76 83 1W 4 5 S 14 44 286 3S& 1,327 3,3trt: 2,673 8.08A 3,37 3,477 Cttdahy Packing Armour fc Co.... J. W. Murphy.., Co ...4.... Lincoln Packing Co. Ho. Omaha Packlne Co Jtentou, Vaiisant-Luslu miu Hon V. B. Lewis Huston A Co J. 11. Root & Co J. H. Rulla L. Ii. Huss Rosenstock Bros McCreary & KcIIobr.. Worthelmer & DeKen,. II. P. Hamilton Rothschild Mo, & Kan. Calf Co.. Christie HlRRlnS' Huffman Roth Raker. Jones & B... Tanner llros, John Harvey Othor buyers 1,054 Totals 4.005 8,440 12,11: CATTLE Receipts wero light this morn tag. only 187 cars- being- reported In. They were In fact tha lightest tor a Monday ainco threa weak ago' and yet dotioia the receipts for the corresponding day a year ago, Beef steers were extremely slow and dull 111 spito or tno light run., uuyers seemeu to bo Waiting for later reports from the cast and wero also apparent y looking for s lower market tomorrow. Thus they re t that what they did not buy today they could secure cheaper tomorrow, and thay accordingly took their time In filling orders. It was In fact midday or after before a clearance had been cirectoa Prices were weak to 10c lower. Heifers were In very good demand this morning and desirable killers sold very frdely at good steady or oven strong' prices'. Tho best tat cows" opened, about steady, but the general market on kllllng- cowfl waa slow, closing 100 lowor. biock cows and heifers were In good demand and everything sold early at steady to strong prices. Blockers and feeders were steady to stronger" and active, the receipt for tho most part changing hands early. Quotations on Cattle; Good to choice beef steers. $8.3019.00; fair to good bcot steers, $8,004)8.30; common to fair beet stecra. $7.2S4j8.00; good- to cholco corn-fed heifers; S7.2607.7J; good to choice rom-fed cows, 36.0097,23; fair' to good grades, 35.75 Q1.60; common to fair grades, $4.2Tj6.73; gnod to chnrce mockers and feeders, $7.75 4jS.25; fair to good atockera and feeders, I7.25tt7.73; common to fair stocKers fee 1 rrs, 1S.WV37.2S; stock cows nnd heifers. $K.00tf7.60; stock calve, 3lMMiS.O0t VoaJ calves, $S.0O?.60; bulls, stoCS, etc;, 35.75 Representative sales: DEBIT flTEERS. No. 24.. Av. ....10(7 ...,1373 ....lOW Vt. 7 44 7 411 7 M 7 (3 7 71 7 10 7 (1 No. 3.... IS..,. 13.... ft. St.... SO.... 1 Ar. ..1275 v.iin ..1371 ..1174 ..1211 ..KM ..13W ..1113 Vr. i 14 Sil CS I w 3 30 i ' S (4 I (3 133 7 M 7 M ( tl ( 31 al ( 44 i 40 I 40 ( (0 C4 ( U 7 13 u 11 i(.,... ( lli (24 a..... 1014 23.. IKrt 1.... 11.... (91 1019 aft 14. ..1U1 bTElSRS AND UKinsttd. 440 1 w (.. (13 331 31 12.'.'.'.'.' ... 1(7 ... IU ... KO ...IM ... 7W ...1110 ... 44 ...1104 l.i i... 4 (. ..1101 .. H5 ..ICC) ..1(73 ..11(0 .. M( ..mi 4 31 4(0 4 W I W t 3 (0 3 li ( (0 u'.'.'. 3, ......... .11(7 ,14M 6... ... ,.1111 1 COWS AND illJlirERB. ...10W 7 00 10l ( 01 1... IK3 17 I 21 4 1 I 1 1 1...,. 1..... 1 1 1 3 17 1 I 1 1 31 ( t 40 M H 4 14..... 30 14 Jl ( 1( 11 11 ENTERS. ... 701 ... Mi ... M ... CO ...1130 ... (10 ...11(0 ...1IM ...1(10 ... (70 ( 10 (.. ... 7(1 ... US ...101S ...1JW ...1719 ...1111 ...11(0 ...1U0 ... 170 ... 710 7 40 T 43 7 M 3 0 ( M T 00 7 0 7 II 7 It T (0 7 00 11.... 7 3( 10.... . ( 11 I.... (o ( u ( 11 (3 ( 73 It.... 1( STAGS. ...... 130 7 70 CALVES. 314 7 (0 4 IM S M (13 7 71 4 133 t (0 !4n 00 STOCK ER8 AND FEEDERS, 734 i t"0 ( M 117... '43.... 1M4 7 (3 7 70 7 70 7 70 7 70 7 7t 7 So 7 14 7 SO 7 11 7 (3 7 (S 7 tO 7 10 7 (4 7 OA 7 00 7 II 3 30 7 33 7 3& 1 (0 7 SO 7 55 7 0 7 M 7 M 7 H 7 (3 .... 151 .... (07 ...,10M ....1039 .... !4t ....1031 ..,.1031 .... (93 .... ad .... 140 ,.,.I04( ,...1073 .... (4( .... (17 (64 Ml 11M ..... (04 (44 774 713 100S (13 7t Itl nu 600 ... M. ,. 34... 41... 11., . 34.,. 13... ((... t... 44... 21... 13.,. It... .IM: 7 a WE8TKKNS WYOMING. 13 feeders.. 835 7 75 Wyoming William Irvine, Jr. 36 feeders.. fOl 8 10 llOOS Supplies were large for a lion day, estimates calling for 114 cars, cv 3,000 head. This Is nearly twice as large, as a week ago, and Is over 6,500 heavier than for the same day last year. An oversupply at Chicago this morning started a sharp, stump at all market points, nnd the local market was no ex ception to the general rule, lor with a j ceptlon i liberal run In sight, buyers started out Diauwg ll&uira limb hcic iun jww. si,d, In some Instances, a flat 15c lower There was no shipping or speculative de mand to bolster up the early market, and while salesmen objected strongly to mak ing so large a concession and refused to cut loose at the prices offered, the buyers stood pat on their early bids, so that when the first sales were finally made. values were very little different from the bid nuoted early In the mornlnr. and looked to be all ot I0ffl3e lower than at. uroay h average. Trade was slow nil the way thrJURh, and towards th elosfr weakened off h little, eo that tho last sales made were a shade lower than the- early market, and very nearly lSc lower than Baturday Bulk ot sales wan made at IS.SitiS.W. with quite a sprlnkllnit nt J8.6C, top for the day. Representative sales: reo. 10. !.. 17.. ii" 77,, .. At. Sh. Tr. Ko. Ar. 8b. Pt SO ft 30 311 ... Hi HO g 10 M 341 160 I 4) 10 40 73 t4 ... 41 ... 40 Mi 3t2 ... 1 41 19 t 44 71 St! 1(0 I 45 ... S 44 40. 314 ... 1 41 ... 144 ;t at ... ri$ ... ft 40 7 .137 1S1 I 43 ... t 40 SI 311 U ft 41 ... ( 40 7 lt ... ft 4 10 8 40 M 114 ICO ft 4-11 ... !M0 (S 34 ... IV) 160 I 40' 40 3M 10 I 30 ... ft 40 31 150 ... tUt ... 40 (1 371 10 ft-M 10 1 40 41 1(3 . . I M 344 ft 4211 77 170 ... SO ... ft 4il 71 37 14 I SO (0 ft 41H 7 M4 SO ft 4. 340 ft 43a 71 141 .. (14 ... ft 41H H Sl ... ft 1 40 I 41i 21 341 ... ft 10 ... 8 41 M 17 ... Ml, 40 ft 41 U : ... ft U ... ft 41 ... ft M M ft 4t 11 37 ... 1 (K ... I 4$ 43 311 Ml ft IK ... ft 41 4 313 120 IH 40 ft 41 14 301 . . es rias. .. 7 75 110 148 . .. ft 31 ....1(6 ....214 ....111 ....M4 -....110 ... a.'.'. 4... 41... 71. .. at... ti... f.9... ;o... M... 34. . ... 70... 247 3 IM 1M Ill :ot tn 333 ! tlT Ill 217 117 : toi va i u 144 71. 7. 11. 4. 70. M. 41 til n t II 122 RHERP. -Tho packer's had a liberal sup- nlv of both sheep and lambs to select from as the run was made up of sonv seventy-seven cars, or 18,000 head, blng about 4,764 head In excesa ot last Monday, 6.821 more than two weeks ago and nr many as 14,108 more than orr the corres ponding day a year afO. While thera wero somrj pretty nood lambs on, sale, the average quality ot tho lamb orferlhss did not quite come up to that at and near tha clor of last week, everythlhR being prac tically on tho fed western order, inciun Inn some shipments from the Scottsbluft territory, Wyoming and Idaho. Aged sheep formed a larger percentage- of thu receipts than on any day last week and aa usual ewes were most numerous, though quite a sprinkling of wethers and yearlings was on hand. The better graded of Iambs and mnaft all kinds of mutton offerings were fairly active) sellers a ptrlces fully steady with last Friday, notwithstanding tho fact thaft rocims wero noerai, x.amos, neavy or on th-f inbetween order, however, wero Slow to move as a rule and valussuhnd n. Weak, and In mm. Inalilnra b Inm. tn tlency. Trado on these kinds could best ue described aj generally easier. The earlv limh .nlnv . a p.25T.6o, with some from "Wyoming go !n5i.ft feder hVer at 3.76o.S3. the lat ter being also steady with last week; Fed Sf Scrn ?p" mved anywhere from 33.00 W5., weight and quality fixing tits' price. Some yearling-.owes were gnod onough to VCII fit StMP. lrnVhl,l55nera., .maIket 0H- th l 5e- ii tn. 1 -'.n ? .f ,ftraba 'M'rathon slow, clear7nc5lewnB V 0n a COraP,t ,SHot.aUoUa,011 sh'n an nb: llambs, Sold ffl&'a f60?7: "nbs. fol? to frST01- 'nbs. common to fair, 37,007.40; iambs, culls, 33.604M.60l ycarl aeti,,;rl, soo1 t0 choice; ts.75 i.'S!,W.ethet'.f"lr ,0 00' 3.6036.76t ewes! l0UfL' ot lambs 74 2 gouth Dakota lambs 74 ? South Dakota lambs ........ 73 o.2 corn'5 lambs em 2lcornfed ewes ! ' ii Pr 7 30 7 80 7 30 6 95 6 85 5 Ml 6 SO 723 7 6J 765 7 65 7 25 7 ta 7 40 7 10 6 65 6 75 6 76 6 73 5 80 a Si 4 76 5 U 5;85 6 5 8! 751 TP 83 cornfed ewes ...its "12 pnrnf.,, 81 1S4 Hotltll DflKnla t.v,k. 77 77 7T 68" 81 !U S0U Dawota lamhs ! lijgoutli Dakota, lambs- vi cuuin uaicoia iambs lift COmfed Inmha 267 cornfed lambs .... 70 .... 70 .... 65 .... 6T 65 .... ttf' ....10S4 ....104 a... 81 ..,.103 ....102 ....101 ....104 .... 76 .... 74' IU. Wyooi'tW feeder lambs JVyom ng feeder lambs . I?? Wyoming feeder lambs . X yomlig recders lambs 200 cornfed owes , 210' Colorado owes-.,., , 66 Wyoming ewes cornrcd ewes 203 cornfed ewes . 16 cornfed ewes 191 cornfed ewes 23$. cornfed Iambs 227 cornfed lambs Chlcaaro tire' ataclt Market. ?i.IIC.A29'. March 16. CATTLE Re celpts 17,000 head; market, steady td 10c vSJsbeove8' V-ZKW' Texas ateers. ?7 208.30; western steers. $6.80(88.101 stock- crtn!?5l,,M; calves. $7.0010.00. .iiwa.?,ptif M,00 ndi market. Siu MocVTreeaya average; A.l,7I?8,S0! ",sht' -60S.SS; mixed. 8WS: XAtt- " he8ad- marD ..--AWB-neeelpt 2S.00Q vfftiruSLJX1 "aUves, $4.80tJ6.30; western, 34.9036.33; yearlings, e ja5?!7 ri' lambs, native?; wVs'terni ! W 80 ICainana City lVe Slock Market. KANSAS OTTV nr a,.t Jr. dressed beef stceVs. n.;k?A. steers. 27.25y8.70: s6uthern . teW Ifffflfi frJTi"'6'' heifers. $8,759.oi1 Brfl and rsaia va to rjvae r. iicki-iiun, s,mu neaa: market loo uWSr! bulkJ 8-W-85i heavy. $S.75? packers nnd hninh.r. to rT,,.,0. $8.3538.601 pigs. $r0. ""' hf.J. 7I:U LAMBS-Recelptt. 8.E00 head: market steady to I0o higher lamb-. mamMi yearlings. $8.3j"oo; wethers. $3.50,25; owes, $5.25tjG.65. V Slrmx Cltr LtVe Stock Market. Sioux city. t fw,i. , Rocolpu. 3,000 'head: raVrtet Ifc MhrhS." natIVS steers. $7.488.75: hntrher. m ui $5.tXMiT.: tious-Recelpts. 3,000 head; market ror heavy. 34.42lt4t8.jx: miv. HtTBISP AND LAMUSwRecelpts. f00 heiUt Jod muttons. 6aff.75; vtsthers. $25A00; owes. J4.C035.33; larabu, $6.Wd ta noicucnaV """""; canners. $4.0ft8.23j atockera and feeders, $6.754u 7.05s calves. rr.MfMt M. k..ii. , ... mOMm. CIL , St. Louis Live Steak Market. ST. LOUIS. March 16. CATTLE Rfr celpts; 2,k h4;ad: market alow knt Steady; beef steers, 37.504W.25: caws and i?lSr?V V-:'-' stocked andCOf'edSrn.. $5.op7JOi southern steers, $o,764?.36; cows 1,i?rtX'ilfft1r?s H006-00.! caWes7$.oa8;10.00. JJG?7?,c,nl,' 1000 head; market fWOd higher; plaa and light. $7.0068.85 mixed ami I butchers, $; good heavy. $8.858.l. HIIKISP AND LAMBS-Receltfts. 2,000,.m.omut,on8 v-- St, Joseph Live Stack Market. 8T. JOSIOIMI, March 1J. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6S0 head: market strong to 10c higher; steers. $75009.00; cows and heif ers. 4.90.W: calves, $5.0019.50. HOC1S Receipts, 4,800 head market 5ff lOo lower; top, X.C5; bulk of sales, $3,o Q8.60. SI1K12P AND I-.MU8-Recelpts. 5,500 head; market strong; lambs, 17.0037,85 Live StocU In .Slffht. Ricelpts of live stock at the clx principal western markets; Cattle. Hoars. Sheen Sioux City 3.V00 3,000 SO) Kansoa City ...13.000 ,Utr 8.500 fit. Louis 2.W0 12.000 2.50) St. Joseph 130 4.S0O Kouth Omaha ,,. 3,vO) 8.(0o 18,000 Chicago 1S.0CO ' 33,(430 25,000 Total .....44,453 t8,40O 6S.3CO Omaha llay Starker OMAHA. March 12 PRAIRIB IIAY No. 1 to chotce upland. $iacosnj; io, 2 to choice upland. $9.0010.ti0: No. 3 to choice upland. 37.0O2O.00; No. i to chotce midland. $0.003'ia00; No. 3 to cholco mid land, 3S.O0W.0O; No. 3 to choice midland. $7.O0tj.O0; No. I to choice lowland. $7.0ofii 8.00; No. 3 to choice) lowland. JOOOJfTOO, No. 3 to choice lowland, 34.OOfie.0u. STRAW .Nona on the market Choice oat or rye la quotable at 35.0Ogtd.W, Choice whrat, $5.0065.50. AlaAIaFA Nona on the market It Is quotable as follows: Chotce. 313.tO4rll.ri0. No. 1. $U.(Xari3.0; No. 2. 33.0Ck2ni.00; No, 3. $7.00039,00. Klfln Hatter Slarket, KLGIN, March J8.U UTTER- Weak at iHc,