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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1914)
10 SILK HAT ( Gi TV THE TAmG-O WANT ADS Want ads received nt any tHuc, but fr Insure proper classification be presented before 12 o'clock noou for the evening edition nnd 7:30 p. to. for the morning and Sunday eal tUvu. Want d received after ttuch feoura will bnvo their first Insertion under the heading, "Too La te to Classify." CASH 1LATE FOR WANT ADS REGULAR CLASSIFICATION t One Insertion, 1SS ccntu per line. Two or unoie .consecutive Inscr lions, 0 cents ptir lino. One lino per month, $1.80. Twenty coals n minimum charge. Adtrertiee-eatai charged to patron having accouiiUi are measured by tho Ub, not fey the word. CTHAXaE RATES. bix words to tto Uue. Om iusciKlow, 12 cuts per line Two or store consecutive wiser Hons, to cents per line. OtM) line per month, 9 1.80. Treaty casta minimum chrgo. NOTE. The Uee iU not bb ttr vpoRsiblo tor wore than one wrong laser U on due to typographical error. Claims toe error cannot bo allowed Bfter the tofcth of the followlnu mouth. Aa advertisement Inserted to be run until forbidden must be Htopped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellation icnnnot bo c cepted. P13AT118 AMD rifWISKAli NOTICES Tho funeral will bo held from Bennlnjj. Knetery'on Tuesday, March 17. Chlcaao a NnrihWMtern train lcavca Ontatia ttnloa depot at 8;30 a. m. for Ucnnlnifton 301 ends Invited. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. JBlrlhs-il L. nd Daphlne Burke, 30!S ttnd rNonrell 'Kry. SS..: -r5a knrt HedwlK llotfman. Ita south Nineteenth, boy; 11. and rrancca Moftnelster. 1417 South fourteenth, boy, ind Bessie Paul, -611 Brown, jrtrls K. ami Sow Parker, 1018 South Twentyhlrd. Kirl; 33. ind Elsie PennlriKton. S8lt North Twenty-fourth, boy; Quv and Ray Rey lds MW Martha, Rlrl; Tlarcnoo and ShSeieaffr ft. W.bit Cathfrlne Buckley. 13 years, am Clark; ChristUn P. Hansen. W years. aitigpltal. MARniAOB MCHN8ES. TheJollowlnK permUs to wed have been Issued; . Wajne. and Residence. rwitllam Cannady, Omaha ? Blanche Ovaltrce. Omaha John Btowell. Omaha... J J5lma J. Brandt, Omaha " Scott D. Lemmon, omana...t . - OSUsabeth M. Zelske, Omaha V BUIWJINQ PERMITS. J J O'Nelt. tS27 Karnam. fraine. l-.MSp; irilieit Hlad k. lft South Thirteenth, cleaning plant 1.; 8a ! WooU. 1237- North Seventeenth, brick . tenement, S.Q80.. " MKLV WAJJXEP -KKMALK AKCKts ss Saleswomen, UALESWOMEN.ver ,. K"njJ;J,?.h class proposition for city travel. Call c. Oardnor Tninn, Hotel Banford, 8:W to B a. nt-; to o. Factory and Trades, WANTED Experienced chocolate dip. per. Apply 1H7 Burt St. Mittisitkwitera miu Uutiieatlna. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM BOLVEDThe Bee will run a bervant GUT Wanted Ad FREE until you get the HBlred results. This applies to resident . Mnniii Dmalia and Council Jbluffa. Rrlnf ad to The Ueu office or letepnune xyter uw. ' UJRL for sfnerai housewora. tSd St- Phone- D. 4148. 21J N. GIRL tor general housework; small family" jsood wage. 1339 S. Sth Ave. 11. W04. OiRL wonted for general housework. So. Ninth St W. HIS. , -WANTRDComtetent clrl for senernl housework, small family. Harney 3258. 129 B. wd et. EXPERIENCED Ctrl , for general housework In family of t; best wages; references. 'Phone Harney 4760. WANTED-At once good girl for gen eral houseworki plain cooking. Red 5Sil. A OOOD girl for general second work; 1C8 8. 36d St Harney 1196. WANTED Good girl for general be competent; no 7 per week. Ill N. housework; must Washing or Ironing. mil Ave., c WANTED Competent girl for llaht housework. Apply Mitchell Apt., 2S Famam. Apt No. 4. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework, no coking and no washing. Apply 149 No. 81st Ave. GOOD girl for general housework, 1312 Park Ave. TcL Harney 4501 WANTED a plain cook. 3120 Davenport COMPETENT woman to keep housi goid help carv for invalid lady. Reference required. Phone Iiarney 3114. GIRL for general housework and to help with children. ls B. Mb. ToL Poufc )L L WANTED A German or Polish girl for aeneral housework; good home and good ! ufl to right party. TeL B. IKS. 2219 ! N St, South Omaha. GIRL for general housework. Apply N. ' A Titgl, S617 Farnam Kt. Phone Harney WANTJtJP A good girt tu assist with general housework and help rare for child. 38JS Farnam St. Harney 5314. EXPERIENCED maid for general housework;' small family, pleasant sur- rcundinc. Mrs E. II Ward, 2119 Loth. top Hi Phone Webster Sis: HARRY'S DIVORCE l HHliP WANTfiD VUMAIJIS HouscUeepcra nnd Domritloi. WANTED 13 v man with nlc country home, houeekftoper and noman, to shitre 1'roflts in cood poultry bUilnM; refer encea requlrtd, Inuulie 1920 IJodge. Mlauellmifoas. COVEUNMENT lobs for -womfn. Bin pay. Omaha ezamlnstlons , April t Hojntila nuextiona free. Franklin InitU tutc, Dept. 7 U noehtster, N. V. OIK Returns. YflllNa wnmfin rnmlnir to Omaha aa etrancers aro Invited to visit the Young Women1!! Christian nsxociatlon bulldlne at St. Marv'-, Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to sultabla boardlnc places or otnerwme arsisiea. ioou tor our travelers' sulde at the Union station. WANTF3D ExDerlenced Instructor of art needlework; permanent position; cood salary. Appiy 10 superintendent, uran dels stores. DEMONSTRATOR for corsets: city and surrounding towns. Miss Campbell, Hotel Home. HELP WANTED MALE. Agents, Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Traveling man each state: machlno sold four months' time, guaran teed to earn price mommy; commission, tu: commissions advanced; stato expe rience to set attention. Damon Mf& Co.. Indianapolis, ma. BAXiEBMAN In implement line, well ac quainted over Iowa, Nebraska and Da kota territory. Write II. I Ludlum. Jackson hotel, Bloux City. Iowa. SALESMEN Kemper, inn tirand. Bids. LIVE WIRES eitn earn BIO MONEY selllnir ACCIDENT and SICKNESS NHUitANCE. Call at HOME CASUALTY CO., Suite &0O Brandels Bldg. Diono Douglas 64(1. U. H. Rovcrnment uses Richmond Cham. leal Klro lCxtlmrulshers that kill caso- line ures. iuio ana ractory sizes. Dis trict manager niako COO per cent profit. Auto free. Richmond Chemical Co.. Dlv. !4!( Wheeling, W. Va, HAL.ES.MAN for. Omaha with staple line. I'. May Co.. Newar! ark, N. J. ADVERTJHINO solicitor wanted for tho classified department of a large dally newspaper; a splendid chance for a young man who knows how to use his head as well as his feet., Moderato sal. ury to start and an excellent future. Ad dress N 1ST Bee. Bora. BOr wanted. American Press Assocla- Factory and Trades, (3ET Into the most nrnfllnhU ct today, the automobile business, and become Independent. Our large, well equipped shops offer tho opportunities of learning the business by actual cxpeil- nvo on uiurreni inanes Ol cars. Our terms are moderate. Write or call. Na tional Auto Training association. 114 N, 88th St. Omaha. Neb. Tel. Webster WIS. WANTED Men to learn thn hnrhoi. trade. Fewv weeks completes. Come now. Finish at busiest season. We control many excellent positions, Train barbers, wtcan imcm, ctuos anu oillce building. Wages while learning. Cull or write, Moler Barber college, 110 8. Hth cit. -CALVARY MISSION FREE EMPLOvl S.NT bureau is prepared to supply skilled or unsklllod labor of all kinds. Oftico. Jacobs Hall, 171ti Dodgo utreet Telephone Tyler 1971; after p. m., Web WANTED-Experlenced shade man an3 linoleum layer: state experience ivl reference. Contnental Fuxalture Co.. Council Bluffs. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. Miscellaneous. YOUNG MEN, you should learn the automobile business and learn It RIGHT. Itern. more money than you ever did be fore. We have both a day and a ulcht class, so you have no reason tor delay. Come in NOW. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL MEN with patentable ideas writs Man dolph St Co.. Washington. D. C. WANTED Ambitious men to open cleaning, dyeing and pressing shop In ovory neighborhood; Particulars, lOc. Jen kins Co., Chippewa Falls. Wis. UIRL wanted for general "house work. Bmall family, good wage. 219 N. 30th. WANTED-Competeiit girt tor general housu work. Bmall family. 112 N. SSth Ave, H 3032. Good wages. AUTOMOBILE chauffeurs get 125 wevk and over. Many spring openings. Sample Instructions free. Franklin Institute. Dept SOS L, Rochester. N. Y. YOUNG men become government rail way mall clerks. 111 rnontn. Pull" un necessary. Sample examination uuestlona free. Address Y 4g, Rce. MEN 20 to 40 years eta wanted at one for elect rlo railway motonnen and con ductors; J to 1100 a month; no experi ence necessary; fine opportunity: no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Address Y S. Bee. HELP WANTED. MALU AMU FEMALE. GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men and women- Thousands of appointments coming. List ct positions frc Frankltu Institute. Dept rjQL. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS. TOU.S'li man attending ioyies cotit' wacta work for board. IX 1563. OOOD pianist wuhvs tu oucre iKmitiun: good dance orchestra. Address 8 401, Omaha Bee. BUNDLE washing. Ironing, liar.' W4. ANY kind of day work. Webstrr 7160. A WIDOW With one child would like a position as housekeeper or would take cnarge or a rooming or boarding houje. a no, iee. iSAt'isiUKNUJSU colored clrl vtn't place as chambermaid. Call AVebater wn. ask tor Bill. IN small office by. first class steno., aiary 112, Aoaress f si, uee. WANTED IMsltlon as housekeeper by capable, refined person Address C-177, care Bee. GOOD, all-around -carpenter will do work tn exchange for board and room. 412 N. 16th St 'Phone D. (181. STENOGRAPHIC position, young lady, 3 years' experience, reasonable wages to start referents. Address F 171, Bee. I a -?-, M 'HE BEE: A. B. C. of Omaha BHLli DHUa CO, New location. 1 l-'arnam. ISverythlnc new. Old . phone Douglas ICJ3, Come, call cr write. Kubber goods. K ICIUt Abstract Qo.. 803 S. 17th BL Better be safe than sotry. Have Kerr do your title work. OMAHA Pillow Co.. 1721 Cumln Dour. H57. Renovates feathers dnd mattresses of all kinds. maVej feather mattresses. Call or write for prices. YT7T3 rent, repair, sell needles and parts Vv for H senrlns machines. NeDrssVa ' Cycle Co. "Mlckela." Utb and Harnoy sta Douslas 1K2. w HEN jou know gas llghtJOK yoa prefer it. OAf AHA HAH CO.. Douglas m. 1WU Howard St. WANTEIV SITUATIONS. COMPANION or attendant to elderly lady; experience In care of Invalids; In city or out; will travel; best of references. iws a. 32a Ave. I'nono iiarney &Zf. FIVE years' experience, as city sales man and collector. Also bookkeeper. Webster 2573. POSITION as housekceDer bv widow lady In a respectable widower's home, prefer western states; references ex changed. P 1S1, Bee. BXPllItlllNC'IIIJ farmhutirt nt wrnnA habits wants a steady job. Address P 180, Bee. YOUNO lady with several wrm.' offlpn experience, desires position, clerical or general onice worK aesired. Douglas 44S9. SITUATION wanted bv rood rnlnro.t girl for Koncral housework or chamhitr. maid: can furnish references. Call Doug las W. YOUNO ladv desires tVDowrtinir tt-nrk to do in small town; can furnish own niacin no. uougias iiiu. ANNOUNCEMENTS AFTER April 16th. Mrs. E. S. Hughes will open her dressmaking parlor at her new location, 1611 Chicago, with Mrs. Mushkln: ready for Easter fittings now. PAMPHLET explaining how the Hindus develop such marvelous nsychlo tuners. mall ISc Dr. Thomas. 1614 Cass St.. Omaha Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. $3,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS. Your magaxlno order and renewals con tribute (0 cents towards a fund of 13.000 for Tho Invalid's Pension. Assn, Must have 1S4 subscriptions In March. Phono Douglas 71K3. Omaha. Always address, GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. LUCKY wedding rings. Brodelraard's. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. D. 8. Griffith, wig rafr.. 13-Frenser Blk. ATTRACriONS Omaha film cxclw Hth and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. BUSINESS CHANCES CATTLE prices high nnd getting higher, jtanses scarce ana getting scarcer. To those controlling tho range the Profits are largo and getting larger. We have a limited amount bf stock for salo In a cattle raising company owning largo amount of rich land,-very valuable w titer rights and controlling vast range in Anions adjoining Halt nivcr valley, tho ideal cattle raising country. Backed and managed bv caDable. honest mm: highest bank rotorences. Kor short time only each share- of 7 per cent preferred stock wo give Vi share cpmrrton stook free Now Is the right time to get In and this Is the right company to get Into. Will stand utrlctoi Investigation. Write at once for detailed information. McCracken & Pottevln, 201 Union Oil Bldg'., Los Angeles, Cal. TO GET In or out of business, call on GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. S47T. FOR SALE - Blacksmith shop and doing good business. Write- to W. Bart- cner, uannam. rjeo. l'OR SALE Grocery and dry goods stock, store building: good location; business first-class: will sell separately ;f preferred, or will trado for good Min nesota land. Address Y 404, Bee. WILL lease to reliable party on favor able terms our cafe with cowpleU equip ment Hotel Sanford. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate write Kr-.r.ehock Co.. Omaha. WANTED-An Idea. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions' und "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph A Co., Patent Attorneys, Washington. It. C. W. E. Purvlanoe, D.C., 409 Pax, Blk. D.4SI2. FOR HA LIS Picture show; located in Wyomlnir town. "TfiO tlonnU- hnur mvj well; for salo cheap. Fgr further par ticulars address Y 462. Bee. KOtt HA 1. 1! Twn v. , S? Uy lB- Address O. 8. Bweartngen, Sao City, la. BUY A CASH STORE. ' H.MAin .n II,.. . I. n wvi, vuiuiv iikd mis. uro eery and market In well built UP neigh- v"' uviui, uu can ousiness. For Bale Up to date cafe: cood tauii." P5.i..ower Jlc?.vln? ,?n account of poor health. No. II Peart BU Co, Bluff b. la FOR SALE Picture nhnu-, im.i. iM Wyoming town. 2.500 people; show pays well; for sale cheap. For further par- iieuiurs auurcas K, lite. Itoemlng Houses for Sale. It rooms, occupy three. tiO.OJ ever a. penses, 1918 Farnam. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Architects. HORNBY CO.. BLUE PRINT1NQ. D. 8117 Chiropractors. J- C. Lawrence. D. C, 2S2J Howard. D.846L llraas Foaadrlea. ( Paxton-Mltchell Co. 27th and Martha Eta. China I'alntlnv. Grace Morris, instructor china, water color painting. 805 Brandels The. Firing done. F. C. llaynes. decorating, firing. D. 4300. Coatntuer. FUll ureas suit, fl.w pr night, party nrcssca or io or rent upen evenings John Feldman, m N 17th Doug 312$. OMAHA, TUESDAY, MARCH DUSINIWS PH1ISONALS. C'rcamcrlPN, Ilnlrlva nnd Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Dancine Academies. Children's clase. S to 10 vrars. SftL at 4 p. m. Machlo's. ISIS Harney St. D. E448. Special rates for March. Alackie's. 1SI8 Iiarney. COLE & PRAIRIE Park school. W. MM Dressmaking. Terry Dressnak'R college. 10th fe Fat nam. Miss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 7314. S3! S. 34th. BAUOHMAN'S school. Florence 123. Experienced; prices reasonable. Red 602S. J. WICE, ladles' tailor. Kaster ordors taken now. fOU Callfocnla. Tyler 1220. Colored seamstress, sewing or alteration work by day or piece. Tel. Web. 1635. Detective. JAMES ALLAN," 812 Neville B1W. Evl dnc secured in all cases, Tyler 1136. Omaha Secret service Detective Agency, bondod. D. 1319. 427-33 Paxton block. ErerjtfaluB for Women, Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled Bertha Krugcr, 42) Paxton Blk. D. 82)4. DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all sixes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO.. 30 Douglas Bile. Douglas 1936. FlorUU. A. DOKAOHUE, 1K2 Harney. Doug. 1001. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Famam 8t U HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. BATH'S florists, Boyd Theater Bldg. Fnrnttnro Repairing. UPHOLSTERING, piano, furniture re pair work. 2804 Farnam. Tel. liar. 4183. STANDARD Fur. Rep. 2421 Cum. R.S691. Hair Dressing;, MME. 8TEVENSON, 210 Balrd Bldg. HARPER method of shampooing and scalp treatment. R. 6, Balrd Bldg. D. 3S11. liar. FOR good hay write F. M. Key, Bur well. Neb. Laaaaries. CURTAINB laundered, guar. Doug. S1S2. Milliners. PARLOR millinery and dressmaking. Mrs. H. M. Eck. 30U6 Marcy. Harney 65I& Ladles hats made over reasonable. Miss ircnirer. to. ii. iaviqge UK. IS ft Fur. T. 19J9, Tfnrsea. PRACTICAL nurse; competent D. 6201. Home for sick. 2804 Ames Ave. W. 28. ALL kinds; obstetric, specialty; hospital exp. Mrs. Johnson. 1915 Webster. R. 602S. Nurseries and Seeds, OUR shade and fruit trees tmn' hnat,. they nro fresh dug. Also our hardy shrubs ana iieago plants. Tel. uenson Kit. BENSON-OMAHA NURSERIES. Fleur de Lis, Iris, 10 varieties. 75o doa. up. h. a. Know, uenson; Neb. Benson 2,s. For Sale Fiuo Shade Trees also treo trimming, grading and seeding, Tyler 1631. specialty sodding, H. Burk, Phone Ostrich I'lnmo Mannfaotarers. California Ostrich Plunio Co. Everything In feathers rebuilt and dyed 206 Nevllln Blk. D. 5010. Painting; snd Decorating. Hummell. ptg tc paperhnng. H. 4451. AVOID spring rush; paper hanging, painting, decorating, rpr. work & general housi cleaning. Prices reasonable. R. &S40. Patents. H. A. Sturges. 630 Brandels The, Bldg." D. O. Barnetl. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red. 7117 Printing;. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. WATERB-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quol Ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2199. 624 S. ISth. Sanltarinma, MODERN sanlturlum. Special attention to Invalids and old people. 1617 Capitol AVtV Stores and Office Fixtures. Desks, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-13 a ISth. D. 2721. Sheet Metal Works. CARTER Sheet Metal works. 110 S. 30th. Trunk and Hnltcases. FRELINO & 8TEINLE.'d03 Farnam St Slg;n Palntlna. W. H. Rosenbaum. 202 Boston Store Bldg. "Wlnra anit I.lqnnra. WILLOW Springs beers, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 201.8 B. Hth Bt AUTOMOULLES. 1912 CARTERCART oompletely equipped with top, .windshield, speedometer, eiec trie hom and extra tire, a snap at 1700. TRAYNOR AUTO CO., Douglas Ki3. Murphy g Repalrlns, Trimming, Palatini. J100 forfeit tor any magneto we can't re pair- Coll repairing. Baysdorfer. 210 N. IS. WE make a specialty of auto forrdonr body building and tialutlnr. Hlcheat quality work. Wm, Pfelffer Carrluga Wit, n. ea sth Ave. and Leavenworth. RADIATORS repaired. 2020 Farnam Bt Motoreycles. BARGAINS In all makes of used motor cycles. Victor H. Roos, "The Motorcycle haw," :U3 Leavenworth st WRITE FOR LIST OP SECOND-HAND M OTO RC YCLE8. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.,. 15TH AND HARNEY EDUCATIONAL, MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGER Unsurpassed classes In all business and English branches, shorthand, stenotypy and typewriting. Students admitted at any time. Graduates guaranteed .goad positions. Places provided for young peo pe to work for board. For a new trea catalogue address Mosher-Lampman col lege, UU Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. 17, 1914. v ' fix JPRif EDUCATIONAL. THE MIDWINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN In both the day and night schools In Omaha and Council Bluffs, yet It In not too lato to enter. Begin now and receive that mental train ing that will double your earning ca pacity. "I will absolutely guarantee a good position for every gr&duate of tho Business snd Shorthand or Telegraphy departments of either of my bit; schoolo. More than that, I will seouro n place for any young man or woman to work for his or her board while attending If such posi tion Is desired. "H. B. BOYLES., Complete courses In Business, Rook keeping. Stenography, Stenotypy, Teleg raphy. Ctvll Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready. Call, write or phone for It. Boyles College. 18th anu Harnev Sts.. Omaha, Neb. llmltod scholarship In Boyles Business coucge, umana; good ror eitner snort hand or business courses. Apply at tho ortice oc umana vce. LIVE STOCIC KOH BALE. Horses and Vehicles. GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO FARMERS On account of death of hnv husband causes me to sell handsome pair 2,600-lb., well matched bays, maro and gcldlmr: one 2,400-lb. team, gray mare -and sorrel gelding; wagon and harness. No reason able offer refused. Mrs. O'Neal, 1710 Web ster. GOOD opportunity to farmers to buy a pair of bay mares, 1176, weighing l.COO eacn; pair or. dibck mares, i years old. 1,250 pounds; pair of bay geldings, 2,80.) pounds. 8 years old: pair of block bay mares. In foal. 1173: these .teams have been working In the city; ten days' trial auowea. zios Leavenwortn. IIORSE&. AT AUCTION On Monday. March IS. commencing at 10 o clock a. m.. wo will offer over 1,000 horses and mules at auction, consisting of all ltlnda from a. cheaD worker to the very best big drafters that grow. Our consignor has forty head of Iowa mares: all can bo delivered back to Iowa' free of inspection, we also nave a big contrac tor's entire band of horses and mules to be closed out regardless of cost. Remem ber we will havo not less man 1,009 head to select from and you can get JUst tho kind you want. Don't forget the date. Monday ana ruesaay, ana De nerc. SOUTH OMAHA HORSE AND MULE CO. NEW HORSE BARN U. S. YARDS SOUTH OMAHA, NEB. Notice to Farmers and Breeders I bavo sold .my Canada land and havo my nine good mares ranging In age and weight from 6 to S years old and 1,200 to 1,500 Iba, and 7-year-old stallion that I Intend to use for farming and breeding purposrs. Would trade stallion for good Ford car. No reasonable offer refused. Mr. Harry Brunei-, at coal office, 2512 Lavcnwortn st. THE STARR EXPRESS CO. will sell 8 head, horses and mares; one 2,t00-lb. team of bay horses, one 2,600-lb. team of bay horses, ono 2,000-1 b. team of young mares; harness and wagon, cheap. No reasonable -offer refused. One' 1.150. lb. coal-black saddle horse, ,(iaa all gaits undor saddle; good slnglo driver. Call at 1710 North 2.4th St. OALAHA HAY AND COAL MARKET have 2 cood nalra of eeldlnta and 2 good pair of mares. We have no more use for these horses, must sell them. Call and see tneae before you buy. 1613 Davenport. FOR SALE Death of my husband causes me to sell 4 head horses, consist ing of one fine 2,C0Q-lb. team, maro and horse, 7 and-8 years old. work anywhere: one 2,O0-lb. team marcs. Two single or double harness wugons; no reasonable of fer refused, Mrs. O'Neal, Call 1710 Web ster street 25 heavy and light marcs and geldings. Several 3&-lflcli running gears. Ten pairs double harness. 1223 Nlcholox St. ROSENBLATT'S CUT PRIB COAL CO. MIAY, $7.60 per ton. Wagner. 801 N 16th. Lost and found. OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well tu rail up tho oftlce of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and tho company is anxious to restotb them o the rightful owner. Call Doug, las 48. LOST Black and tan Alrdale terrier dog: months' old. J. Forehead, care W. H. McCord, 2201 Cas. D. 277. Reward. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr, E. R. Tarry curea piles, fistula and other rectal diseased without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no inonjy paid until cured. Write for book cn rectal -Uscusta with testimonials, DR. K. R. TARRY. 244 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN. J. WHITE, licensed, bonded pawnbroker; money on personal valuables. 518 N. 16th. MONEY FURNIBHED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own name; rates cheap, easy payments. Nor ten & Co.. 333 Board of Trade Building. OFFERED FOR RENT. Apartments and Flata. "THE DOUGLAS." Located on 2tith Ave., between -Farnam and Douglas; new. six rooms, sleeping porch, the best closc-ln apartments In the city, bee these today, JMJ to October I. Call D. 1606. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. lU Iiarney Bt BEST 6-ROOM HOT-WATER HEATED House In Kountx place for the money Finished in tho finest of oak downstairs all rubbed to an egg-shell gloss. Full lot with fruit, shrubs and grape arbor. Paving paid. One half block to car. Price 117M.OJ. The cheapest anl prettiest place in the district ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY Tyler 15M 210-12-H State Bank Bldg. MODERN DOWNTOWN APARTMENTB One 6-room modern apartment In the California; aave car fare; close to your uusineis. ae ucicncnoerg tiros, uoug. 1M. Drawn for The OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments nnd Flnts. B-noOM anartmertt: all modern. Tel. Doug. 8780 Or call 221B Leavenworth St. Gordon VanCo. sgg. Btoruee. 21 N. Hth St. Phone Douglas SH. ismPiRIUM-S rooinu. comDletelV mod. cm; sattable location tor offices, studio. Cental or aressmamnK moras, tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall Dlst. Co.. 33 uamxo. poueias hi APARTMENT for rent In ther Virginia apartments, Park Ave. and Poppieion; with or witnoui gnragc. i-none Blagcn, Harney &31U. or Douglas 2427. LARGE brick: makes two 6-r. Apts.; cod location for rooms. Harney 1660. MriKT mnrtrn. nest located. 6-room heated apartment In Omaha; mahogany and birch finish, beautiful fixtures, ga stove, Icebox, laundry, locker, maids room; large yard, Janitor service. Imme diate possession: March- rent free. Apt. 2, the Browne, ira n. mn pt. vwrtv Mini E-room steam beaded apartment on West Farnam St. ,1602 Farnam St SEVEN-ROOM Rat; all modern; first class In every respect. 3123 Cass. 'nona Benson S53-W l.Mvrc.imriM steam-heated apartment. the Chula Vista, 30th and Poppleton. ?45. Comad Young, 322 Brandels. Theater. Phone D6uglaa 157L 1i5lOOM modern, except heat Web. 32R. for. RENT A five-room apartment. furnished or partly furnished, at the Colonial. Address O 182. Omaha Bee. Varnished Apartments. 24H SHERMAN Avo.-Cholce. well fur nished modern 6-room. first floor apart ment; exoellent location; walking dis tance. Tel. Webster 4026. Board and, Room. TI1K IflNQSLET. Larce. well heated rooms. Excllent board, prices reas. 18 No. 17th. Tyler 7(n nir.rmmA- AVENUE Beautiful fur nished rooms: private: excellent meals. fruraisneal ouvr, CALLFORNIAHOTEL c1 Steam heat, hot ti cold 'water, bath, free. AfPlT.R By day. 60c and up. I). 708J. tLaX-RiO jjj wok, tiou und up. TWO aeml-basemcnt rooms, well heated and lighted; no children; gentlemen pre ferred. 209 8. 25th 'St TWO nicely furnished rooms for rent 1666 N. 23rd St, fcioulf Omaha. South 1031. 17Cit DAVENPORT Furnished sleeping rooms. Uotela auiil - AysriaituUt DODGE HOTEIj Moderns raonabla Fnrntahca llouacneepinif Rooms. DODGE 2119 Borne nleo warm house keeping: rooms. lluaaea ana Cottasvs. T n TinnA Exp. Co., furniture moving. J . L. xteCQ xWo men. n hour. P. 6H6. POR RENT Modern, 8-room house, 22d nnrt 11. Sn. Omaha: hot -water heat toilet on both floors, full cement cellar, cement porches, splendid barn, suitable for gar age, separate laundry, cistern, fine shade. Just the home for live stock dealer. $35 month It lcaaea tor year or more iu re sponsible person. Tel. H. 2878. 1 six rooms ana Dam, an inuumii, '"; lhg distance, vacant April 1. Inquire 823 N. 37th Bt . i7t v riiit n.iAt VtMta fin Irion art t iiiiikuvit jiiwuoiH ii"-i "w tion, paVcd street, good repair, corner lot, largo yard. Rent 123. Phono Web eter 2502. IIS Four-room cottage, modern, 20th and Oak. Another, 6 rooms. $22.50, fine repair. Turklngton, C02 Bee Bldg. FOR REN1V We have a complete list of all house, apartments and flats that are for rent. This list can be seen free ,of chargo at Omaha Van & Stbrago Co.. SM 8. 16th St, 8-ROOM house, hot water heat good location, on car line. 810 N. 32d, 830. Douglas 1C&6. . ' MAGGARD VAN AND STORAG E CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household eoods and pianos. Douslas 1196. . 8-R. modern, 216 S. SSth Ave. Tyler 1122. S3U California St.. 4 rms.. mod., heat FIDELITY'S shipped. 16th and Jackson Bta, Doug. 1511 Globe Van&Storage titorflKt I- uer nio.; 3-hureo van iwi i TOeir. $tJJ per hour Tel, P. 3TS3. , FIVE room cotta'go 815. S717 Js'orth 20th. Call Harney 4877. ia xr iifli' t rnAin mfMlrn. lkLrce. light rooms; hardwood floors: idee yard: 834. A. L. Patrick. 401 Bee. Tel. H.SM. TTrtticoa In all part of the city. tlOUSeS crelgh Bon Co.. Bee Bldg. van RENT Two-story frame dwelling, on Cass, near 26th;. modern- Crelghton univeruty. uougias sku. WEST FARNAM. new stucco, 7 rooms. S19 N. 28th Ave, Mi iris iTAi.T. AVE. 7 room.' modern 823. THOS. F. HALL. 433 ltamge Bldg. D. 7406-. Stores mI (ifflue. rvinVAM ST.. S.C00 aauare feat: :803ft Furnam St, 1.S00 square feet; 1S07 um.iiii TTnmam 9t (basement). 8.009 square feet, both Farnam street and alley entrances; abundant light; tam heat. THOS. F. HALL, itainiie mug, u. m- FOR RENT The office on ground floor 1 Of The Jdee OUliame occupies, ujr iui Havens-White Coal company. Frontage on Farnam St, and occupying about 1,500 square reet witn extra eimu o iu court of the building. Large vault Fin office fixtures far sale. Apply N. P. Fell. Bee office. nvm mcNT Store room. 25x50. In brick building, at Howella. Wrlto H. R. Schae- fers. Howeiia. weo. Persistent Advertising Is, the Road to Big Returns. OFFERED FOR SALE, Furniture. FOR SALE 4-rootn household' goods, also water heater. Garland 4 oven range, good as new; ran be seen any time Sun day ait62SAve. For Sale Mahogany dining room table and four chairs, used only four months. Phone Harney 870 ' ' Typewriter. Typewriters sold, rented, repaired. On traf Typewriter Exchange. 107 S 17th Bt Bee bv Tad OFFERED FOR SALE. Typewriters. RENT Remingtons, Mon'archs and Smith Premiers of their makers. ThetRemlngton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 14.4. Rental credited It you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade machines sent out. Rates, three months for S for understroke machines or W per month ror latest model visible writers. MlsocHoneoas. SAFES Overstocked, second -hand, all makes. J. J. Derlght Bafe Co.. 1212 Farnam. STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They ar 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof, tia a hundred at me iiee office. . rrort SAM at ft discount a full. Un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college. Omaha: go6d for cither1 short hand or business course. Apply at the office of Omaha Bee. $k On Buy Best Coal for tho money: try J,uult Web. 648. Harmon & Weeth. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds: easy payments. The Brunswlck-Bulke-Collender Co.. 407-433 S. 10th St FOR SALE Small refrigerator and eas etove, 4-burncr, oven and broiler. Tel. II. IS78. A FEW barrels engine, cylinder and valve oil at sacrifice. Moreell. 1919 Burt St. t PERSONAL. YOUNG womcb coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Hth and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable' boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. Home for sick. 2501 Ames Ave. W. 2008. MASSAOE Swedish movement 418 jJlilOOAUiJ Be a Bide. Douelaji K572 mLECTRlO MASSAGE BATH. Ut Ul-iLOXIUU Bafd B,ajr MM Burns Rlttenhouse Co., 211 Balrd Bldg.. 17 St -D. Mrs. Snyder. D.C. apt 3, Dunssny. D.4SS0 MASSAGE. 109 B. 17th. Mral Steele. Bcxton Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Turkish bath, mass. Davidge Blk.. D. 5895. MASSAGE Miss. Walton, room 221. Ne ville Blk.. 16th and Harney. TeL D. 4297. Practical nurse! 18 yrs. exp.: rof. D. G'- THE Salvation Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. NVe collect We distribute. Phonn Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect' the new horou, ,1110-1112-1111 Dodge St , Miss Jean Shohier, 8)1 Withnoll' Bldg., Har, and IStlu Mass., magnetic treatment. MISS FISHER, mass., clec. treat D. 43S0. PRIOR'S MUD BATH; salt and mus tard, steamed; positive cure for rheu matism; 0 years' experience In Hot Springs, Ark. Lady attendant for ladles. HO B. d Bt. Phone Tyler 1907. Turkish bath, mass. Davidge Blk. D. 5S93. MAGNETIC Trt. 1829 Vjnton. D.6026 Cash fpr Diamonds. B. F 350 Om. Nat'l. POULTRV AND SUPPLIES EGGS For Hatching From thoroughbred R. C. Rhode' Island Reds; vigorous, -hardy stock;' great -layers; country range; 81 for 15; 85 per 100. A. 11. BAn.c,i uenson, nee. R. F. D. No. 2; Tel. Benson 747 -W. BARRED S701. Rock hatching eggs,' Weo. B. C. W. Leghorns, hens, cockerels and eggs for hatching. Phono Flor. 2LS. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. FOR EXCHANGE. ISO-acre farm, McLean county. North Dakota: 100 acres under cultivation; -all clay subsoil; fully 88,009 Improvements, one mile to school; in tho alfalfa belt and In a well-developed locality; value. 850 per aero; incumbered for 81,000 at 6 per cent. Will trado equity of 820,000 for Income in some good town or city. E. W. RUN y ON, Hotel Rome. Omaha. HEAL ESTATE, WANTED. LIST your bouse with Osborne Realty Co. Over 100 sales In 1813. Call D. li. QUICK SALE assured if you list with us. We have buyers tor 4, 5 and 6-room houses. VOG EL REALTY AGENCY. 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg. THitXj ESTATE, A11KTRACTS -OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 208 Brandelg Theater. ACREAGE FOR .SALE. 13 Acres Bargain Bargain Wo are offering for a quick sale 18 acres, in Barpy cpunty. abut of a mile south of the city limits of South Omaha. There aro no Improvements on this tract, hut It lays practlcally'level and in a very good neighborhood. Wo know nothing aa good In this locality that can be bought for less than 8100 per acre, but we can sell you this for almost one-half the price only 8225 per acre. O 'NEIL'S R.E.& INS. AGOY. 1503 Farnam 8t TcL Tyler 1021 A J ) A ESS