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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1914)
WANT ADS Want a (In received nt nui time, but to insnro proper classification mnat be presented boforo 1 o'clock noon for tbo evening edition and 7:30 p. m. for tho morning and Sunday edi tion. Want ada received after ncli hours will have their first Insertion under the heading, "Too Lato to Classify." CASH HATE FoH" WANT M)9 REGULAR CLASSIFICATION t Ono insertion, 12 cent per luie. Two or inoro consecutlvo lnei tlorj, 0 centa per lino. One line per month, $1.80. Twenty cent a minimum charge Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts aro measured by tho Uno, not by tho word. CHARGE RATES. Blr wprds to tho line. Ono Insertion, 12 c.nta per line Two or more consecutlvo Inser tion, 0 conta per lino. Ono lino per month, $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. NOTE Tho Be will not bo re sponsible tor more than pno wrong Insertion duo to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed after tho tenth of tho following mouth. An advertisement Inserted to be run until forbidden must be Htopped by tvrlttcn order. Verbal or telephone cancellation cannot bo ac HUM' WAN'l'EtV FEMALE Factory and Trade. WANTED Experienced chocolato dip pern. Apply 1517 Burt St Housekeeper nnu Uomeatlcs. Titin RinttVANT QUEL PROBLEM SOLVED Ths Bee will run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FREE until you set tho d sired results. This applies to resident of Omaha, Houth Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee oKIco or telephono Tyler iuu. GIRL for general housowork. 212 N. Sid St. Phono D. 4145. GIRL for general housework; small family; good wages. 1339 8. 33th Ave. H. Q0 -----s-ss GIRL wanted for genera nouiiowot.. ICS So. Ninth St W. 6763. , wamtrh cromnetent ulrl for general housework, smalt family. Harney 8258. 123 8. ad St , BZPER1BNCED girl for general housework In family of 2; best wages; references. Thone Harney 4760. WANTED At once good girl for gen era I housework; plain cooking. Red 6351. A GOOD girl for general second work; 108 B. 33d St Harney 1199. WANTED Good housework; must washing or Ironing. S8th Ave. girl for general ho competent; no 17 per week. Ill N. WANTED Competent girl for light housowork. Apply Mitchell Apts., 2328 Farnam, Apt No. 4. v A MT13I Vnuntr clrl to assist with housework; no coking and no washing. Apply 149 No. 3tot St GOOD girl for general housework, 1312 Park Avo. Tel. Ilarney 4J0i WANTED a plain cook, 3120 Davenport COMPETENT woman to keep house and held care tor Invalid lady. Rtferenco required. Phono Harney 3198. GIRL for general housework and to help with children. Doug. 01. 1323 S, Sth. Tel. WANTED A German or Polish girl for housework: aood home and trood wanes to right party. Tel. 8. 1255. 2210 St. South Omaha. , Mlsoellaacous. , GOVERNMENT Jobs for women. Big Say. Omaha examinations April L ample questions free. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 557 L, Rochester, N- x. Uig Returns. YOUNG women coining to Omaha as tranitera are Invited to visit the YoUng Women's Christian association building at 8t Mary's Ave. and 17th St, whoro thev will ba directed to suitable boarding clacts or otherwise assisted. Look for ur travelers' guide at tho Union station. WANTED Experienced instructor of art needlework; permanent posltlun; good salary. Apply to superintendent, urnn dels Stores. HELP 'WANTED MALE. Affeuts, Salesmen nnu Solicitor-. SALES-EN Traveling man each atato: machine sold four months' time, guaran teed to earn price mommy; commission, llfti cimmlKfltrin- advanced: state SXDS- rlcncs to get attention. Damon Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, ma. SALESMAN In Implement lino, well ac quainted over jowa, iMeorasxa ana ua Uota territory. Writs H. U Ludlum Jackson hotel, Bloux City, Iowa. AN aggressive, alert young man wanted to sell classified' advertising on a large dally newspaper. Should b acquainted with city. of. cood personal appearance. clean out and a hard worker. An unusual opportunity Is offered to a young man who possesses grit and the determination to ma-Q gooa, Aaarcss u in, uo. SALESMEN. Kemper, xro Brand. Bldg. LIVE WIRES can earn BIG MONEY selling ACCIDENT and TJICKNE8H INSURANCE Call at HOME CASUALTY CO., Suite too Brandsla Bldg. 1'liono Douglas 6444. U. B. government uses Richmond Chem teat Fire Extinguishers that kill gaso line fires. Auto and factory sizes. Dla trjet managers make 500 per cent profit auio tree, juenmona unemical uo., uiv. 2Bi, tvneeung, v. va. SALESMAN for Omaha with line, I'. May CoM Newark. N.. J. staple Fuctory and Trades. GET Into ths most profitable business ct today, the automobile business, and become independent Our In nr. wu. equipped shops offer th opportunities of learning ins ousiness oy actual expert enca on different makes of cars. Our terms are inouornie. write or call. I4a. Ilonal Auto Training atsodatlon. 2S14 N Kth SC. Onialia. Neb, Tel. Webster 6913. WANTED Men to learn the barber trad, jfew wccks completes, coma now Finish at busiest season. We control many excellent positions. Train barbers, lake and ocean liners, clubs and office buildings. Wages while learning. Call or wilte, Moler Barber college, no s. CALVARY MISSION Kxii Av MEN'T bureau Is preirod to supply killed or unskilled labor of all kinds Office. Jacobs Hall, 1T16 Dodgu utreet Tclephono Tyler 1971; after i p. m Web. sttr .47V7. ' WANTED Experienced shade man o"i linoleum layer; state xperleneo nivl teference. .Contnental Furnltura Co Council Bluffs. Drug store snaps; jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg." Miscellaneous. YOUNG MEN, you should learn the automobile business and learn it RIGHT, Earn more money than you ever did be fore. W have both a day and a night class, so you have no reason for delay. Come tn NOW. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 1U5 Dodge St MEN with patentabls ideas writs Ran olpn & Co.. Washington, D. C. MEN 20 to 40 years ola wanted at once for electric railway motormec and con ductors; t& to tl0 a month; no expert enc necessary; fins opportunity; uo strike; writs Immediately tor application Vtank. Address Y 439, l!ce- YOUNG men beromo government rail way mall clerks, 1,6 month. ulP tm nrowasary. Sample, examination questions lit. A3SICS3 X U. JJOC HELP WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. AUTOMOBILE chauffeurs iret t week B nnd over. Many spring openings. Sample Instruct one free. Franklin Institute. Dept S08 L. Rochester, N. Y. twi vipwti AitUiAi ...... , n nn.n cleaning dyeing and pressing shop In every neiRHDornooa; pamcuinrs, ivc -en- Kins i;o., umppewa kbim, wis, HEM WANTED. MALES AND FEMALE. GOVERNMENT lobs open to men and women. Thousands of appointments coming. L! oi positions ireo. rranKiiu Institute. Dept. 2MU Rochester. N. T. WANTED SITUATIONS. TO U.N' C. man intending Movies colles wants worl: for board, D. 1563. anon nlanlit wishes to uosltlon: good danco orchestra. Address 8 497, Omaha Bee. BUNDLE washing, ironing. liar. 6846. ANY kind of day work. Webster 74CO. A WIDOW with one child would llko a position as housekeeper or would take. cnarge or a rooming or uoaruing nouse. E 175, Bcc. EXPERIENCED colored alrl wanrs place as rhambormald. Call Webster! CC9. Ask for Kilo. COMPANION or attendant to elderly lady; experience In care of Invalids; In City or out; will travel; best of references, 1003 8. 32d Avo. Phono Harney 5233. WANTED Position as housekeeper by capable, refined person. Address C-177, enro lice. GOOD, all-around carpenter will do work in exchange for board and room. 412 N. lCth St 'Phono D. 6181. sthxoorapiiic nosltlon. vnuntr lady. I 3 years experience; reasonable wages to I start, references. Aacircss ir jm, uee. IN small office by first class steno., salary uz. Address p bh. -tee. FIVE years' experience as city sales man and collector. Also bookkeeper. Webster 1673. POSITION as housekeeper by widow lady In a respectable widower's, home, prefer western states; references ex changed. P 181. Bee. EXPERIENCED farmhand of good habits wants a steady job. Address v im, Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS AFTER April 16th. Sirs. 13. B. lluehcs wilt open her dressmaking parlor at her new location ion Chicago, with Airs. Mushkln! ready for Easter fittings now, PAMPHLET explaining how tho Hindus devclon such marvelous nsvchla nowers. mall 25c. Dr. Thomas, 1614 Cass St.. Omaha Eves examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. HOOO TO PENSION INVALIDS. Your magazine order and renewals con tribute 50 cents towards a fund of 13.000 for The Invalid's Pension Assn. Must have 219 subscriptions in March. Phone uougias vjna, omaha. Always auriross, UUHUUK. Yltl'l JIAIIAXINK MAN. LUCKY wedding rings. Brodegaard's. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr.. 12 Freniicr Blk. ATTRAOTIONS Omaha film rich.. 14th and Doue. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. nUSlNESS CHANCES CATTLE prices high and getting higher, Jtangcs scarce and getting scarcer. To thoso controlling the ranges -tho Profits are larsa nnd eettlna larger, nr- t..., mtnr.1, tnrl salo In a cattlo raising company owning lurgo amount of rich land, very valuable water rights and controlling vast range in Tt?iv?A i.Ue.J-fhffunhi.?a only each share of 7 per cent preferred stock we give share common stock f rrt now la uio riant time to set in ana this la tho rlnht company to get into. Will stand atrlctfft investigation. Write at once for detailed Information. 'McCraoken Pottovln. zoi union uu uiog., ixi Angeles, Cat TO GET In or out of business, call oa QANGESTAD, tot use mag. Tel v. mil FOR SALE Blacksmith shop and dwelling house. In a good settlement. doing good business. Write to W. Bart chcr, Lantiam. xseD. FOR SALE Grocery and dry goods tock. store building; sood location: business first-class: will sell separately 'J. preferred, or win traao tor goou Min nosota land. Aaarcss x v, uoe. WILL laose to reliable nartv oa favor able terms our cafe with corapleU mulp- racnt npiei Baniora. TO QUICKLY sell your business ervreal I estato wrlto Kennebec k Co.. Omaha.1 WANTED An Idea. Who can think of initio almDla thin- to natentT Protect your Ideas; they may bring yoti wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions'' and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys, Washington, u. c. FOR SALE Picture show: located In Wyoming town, & people; snow pays well: for sale cheap. For further par ticulars address x ttu. uee. FOR SALE Two good feed baniB In Sao City, la. Address O, B. Swearlngen, ao city, J a. BUY A CASH STORK. Seldom an opportunity like this. Gro cery and market in well built up neigh borhood, doing a flna cash business. Phone Harney wxs. For Sale Up to date cafe: aood bust. ness; owner leaving on account of poor noaun. no. s i-eau nu, vo. iiiutis, la. noomlng Houses for -ale. 11 rooms, occupy three, 350.00 oyer ex penses, ms f at-nam. BUSINF9S PERSONALS. Architects. HORNBY CO., BLUB PRINTING. D. Sin Brass Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co. 27th and Martha Sts. Chiropractors. J. C. Lawrence. D. C. 2322 Howard. D.S16L W. E. Purvlance. D.C.. 409 Pax. Blk. D.491J. Chlnn PnlntlnK. Grace Morris, instructor chins, water color painting, cos uranaels The. mring dons. F. C. Haynes. decorating, firing. D. 4390. Creameries, Dairies and Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Coilauicrc. Full dress suits. 11.50 per night; party diesses for sale or rent Open evenings. joun 1' emmnn. j u, mil uoug. tia. UaucinK Acndojnles. Children's class, 3 to 10 years. Sat at 4 p. in. Macule's, me Harney St. D. 6148. Special rates for March. Mackle'a, lSlt Harney. COLE & PRAIRIE Park school. W. 5630. Dreastuaktnif. Terry Dressmak'g college. 20th & Farnam. Miss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 7314. m S. 24th. BAUGHMAN'S school. Florence 623. Experienced; prices reasonable. Red 0)3. J. W1CE, ladles' tailor. Easter orders taaen now. wis uauiorma. Tyler i.u rt . i . .1.. .i 1.U4UIDM ocaiii-ii cn,na u llr nun work by day or piece. Tel. Web. 1635. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 812 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases, Tyler U36. Omaha Secret Servlco Detective Agency, bonded. D. 1119. 427-28 Paxton block. Everything for Womea, Plumes made ov-r. clwunrd, dyed, curled lift I'm l.iuger. iS i 'ax ton HIK l MM ""pitESH Picsit.Ing biittoniTTovr-d. au -ml -l.l'j Till' II I V' i:ai'. ING CO., t liouglas Blk Douslas ?. THE BEE: A. B. C. of Omaha KM, DUUa CO. New location. 121 TTarnam. Everything new. Old Dhono Doualas 2622. Come, call or write. Rubber goods. K Enn Abstract Qo.. 805 & 17th St Better bo safe than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. r MA HA Pillow Co.. 1721 Cumin Doug;. 24S7. Renovates feathers and,.,,,, if nit tHtwi. makes leathor mattressos. Coll or write for prlcei. WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all so wins? macmnes. Neoraska Cv.-lo nn f lith and Harney Sts. Douglas 1662. HEN you know gas lighting you prcrcr it. OMAHA flAH CO.. Douglas COS. 1505 Howard St .BUSINESS PERSONALS. Florist. A. DONA G HUB, 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. HESS Jic 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St U HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. BATH'S florists. Boyd Theater Bldg. Furniture Ilcpnlrliin. UPHOLSTERING, tilano. furniture re- pair work. 2604 Farnam, Tel. 'Har. 4185. BTANDARD Fur. Rep. 2121 Cum. lUtwai. Itnlr Dressing. MMB. BTEVENBON. 210 Balrd Bldg. HARPER method of shampooing and scalp treatment. R. 6. Balrd Bldg. D. 3611. Jiar. FOR Rood hav write F, SI. Key, Bur- wen, ,eo. Laundries. CURTAINS laundeted, guar. Doug. 8132. Milliners. PARLOR millinery and dressmaking. Mrs. H. M. Eck, 3009 Marcy. Harney 5615. Ladles hats made over reasonable. Miss Pepper. 2d ft Davldge Hk. 18 & Far. T. 1929. Nurses. PRACTICAL nurse: competent D. G204. Homo for sick. 2504 Ames Ave. W. 2908. ALL kinds: obstetric, specialty: hospital exp. Mrs. Johnson, 1915 Webster. R. C02S. Nurseries ana Seeds, OUR shade and fruit trees grow because they are fresh dug. Also our hardy shrubs nmf lirriirn nlnnts. Tel. B'enson 534. niSNBON-UMAUA. HUUHiaillUiO. Flmir ln Lis. Iris. 10 varieties. 75a doz. np, 11. A. Snow, Benson. Nob. Benson 2IS. Ostrich Plains Slannfactnrers. California Ostricli Plumo Co. EverythlnK In feathers rebuilt and dyed 206 Neville Blk. D. 5010. Fnlntlnir nml IJecorntlnff. HummoU. Ptg & paperhang. II. 4451. avoid snrlnir rush: Daper hanging. painting, decorating, rpr. work & general house cleaning, j-nces rranonamo. i. mh, Patents. II. A. Sturges, 630 Brandels The. Bldg. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red. 7117 Printing. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. VT. LTERS-BARNHART Ptff. Co.. nual- lty printing. Tel. uoug, aiw. bza h.i Htn. Sanltnrlams. MODERN sanitarium. Special attention 'hvallds and old peophi 2617 Capitol Stores nnd Office Fixtures. Desks, safes, scales.-showcases. shelv Ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and supply CO., 414-16-lS B. lzth. V. 272. Sheet Metal Works. CARTER Sheet Metal works. 110 S. 10th. Trunks nnd Sultcnsca. FRELINO & STEINLB. 1803 Farnam Bt - 8 Ian Palnttnif. W. It. Rosenbaum, 203 Boston Store Bldg. Wines nnd Llnuors. WILLOW Serines beers. Honors, clxars. sanawicnes. aicx uetes, -ui-3 . um ai, AUTOMODILES. idis cxnTICHCAHT completely eaulODed with ton. windshield, sneedometer. olec- trio horn and extra tire, a snap at 3700. TRAY NOR AUTO CO., Douglas 6268. T T.- .1 lVlllTDliV txa JJX j Did It WHAT? Repairing, Trimming, Painting. 1100 forfeit for any macneto wo can't re pair. Coll repairing. Baysdorfer. 210 N. 18. WE mako a specialty of auto foredonr body building and painting. Richest quality work. Wm. Pfelffor Carriage Wka, D. C922. 26th Ave. and Leavenworth. RADIATOKS repaired. 2030 Farnam St. Motorcycles. BARGAINB In all makes of used motor cycles. Victor H. Roos, "The Motorcycle man," ZTW -.eavtnwortn nt WRITE FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. UICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15TH AND HARNEY EDUCATIONAL. MOSHUR-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unsurpassed classes In all business and English branches, shorthand, stenotypy and typewriting. Students admitted at auy time. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places provided for young po po to work for board. For a new free catalogue address Moaher-Lampman Col lege, 1815 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. TUB MIDWINTER TERM. OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN In both the day and night schools In Omaha and Council Bluffs, vet It Is not too lata to enter. Begin now and receive that mental train ing that will double ypur earning ca pacity, "I will absolutely guarantee a good position for every graduate of the Business and Shorthand or Telegraphy departments of either of my big schools. More than that, I will secure a place for any young man or woman to work for hla or her board while attending It such posi tion Is desired. "JL B. BOYLES. Complete courses In Business, Rook' keenlnr. Steno-ranhv. Stenotypy. Telee raphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready. Call, write or phone for It Boyles College, 18th ana ilarney Bts.. Omaha, Nen. FOR SALE at a discount a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business collese. Omaha: cood for either short hand or business courses. Apply at tho office of omana uee- LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. Horses and Vehicles. HOUSES AT AUCTION On Monday, March 16, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m.. we Will offer over 1.000 horses and mules at auction, consisting of all kinds from a cheap worker to the very best big drafters that grow. Our consignor has forty head of Iowa mares: all can be delivered back to Iowa free of Inspection. Wa also hav a big contrac tors entlra band of horsea and mules to be closed out regardless of cost Remem ber w will have not less than 1,0) head to select from and you can get lust tho kind vou want. Don't forKet the data. I Monday and Tuesday, and be here. ! SOUTH OMAHA HORSE AND MULE CO. NEW HOUSE HAUN V S. YARDS fJOl TH OMAHA, NED. J HA. 17.60 ir ton. Wagner, 801 N. ltth. OMAHA, MONDAY, MARCH LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. Home nnd Vehicles. good opportunity to farm Kits On account of death of my hunband caueos mo to sell Imnilaomo pair 2,G00-lb., well matched bays, mare and gelding; one 2,400-)b. team, gray maro and sorrel gelding; wagon and harness. No reason nolo offer refused. Mrs. O'Neal, 1710 Web ster. GOOD opportunity to farmer to buy a pair of bay mares, $176, weighing l.ieu each; pair of black marcs, 7 years old, 1.260 pounds; pair of bay geldings, 2.S0.) pounds, 8 years old; pair of block bay mares, In foal, JITS; these teams have been working In the city; ten days' trial allowed. 2102 Leavenworth. Notice to Farmers and Breeders I liavo sold my Canada land and linvo my nine good mares ranging In ago and weight from 5 to 8 years old and 1,200 to 1,000 lbs., and 7-year-old stallion that I Intend td use for farming and breeding purposes. Would trade stallion for good Ford car. No reasonable offer refused. Mr. Harry Bruncr, at coal otricc, 2512 Leavenworth St. 23 heavy and light marcs nnd geldings. Several 2-lnch running gears. Ten pairs doublo harness. 1223 Nicholas St. ROSENBLATT'S CUT PRICE COAL CO. LOST AND FOUND. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost soma article would do well to call up tho oftlec of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Hallway company to ascertain wnether they left it in the street cars. Many articles each day aro turned in nnd the company In anxious to restore them to the rightful owner, can uoug las 48. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. 11. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal dlseasen 'without surgical oteratlon. euro Guaranteed and no inonay paid until cured. Write for book cn rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee HIdg.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN. WHITE, licensed, bonded pawnbroker: money on personal valuables, 618 N. 16th. MONEY FURNISHED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names; rates cheap, easy payments. Nor ten & Co., 335 Board of Trade Building. OFFERED FOR RENT. ApnrtmentB nnd Flats. Apartment for rent, six rooms, includ ing large porch, modern building, good location with or without garage. Phono D. 2427, or Harney 5310. "THE DOUGLAS." Located on 26th Ave., between Farnam and Douglas; now, six rooms, sleeping porch, tbo best close-in apartments In tho city. See these today. $50 to October 1. Call D. 1606. HASTINGS & IIEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. BEST 6-ROOM HOT-WATER HEATED House In Kountz place for the money. Finlshpfl in thn flnpnt nf nk- iliiwimtnlrft all rubbed to an egg-shell gloss. Full lot with fruit, shrubs and grape arbor. Paving nnld. One half block tn car. Prlco S4750.0U. Tho cheapest anl prettiest placo In tho district. AKMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY Tyler 1536 210-12-14 State Bank Bldg. 5-ROOM apartment; alt modern. Tel, Doug.. 3760 or call 2215 Leavenworth St Gordon VanCo.fS- Stora-a. 219 N. Uth Bt Phone Douglas 391 1609 FARNAM 5 rooms, completely mod ern: sellable location xor otiices. stuuio. dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall Dlst Co., 433 Ramge. Douglas 7408. MOST modern, nest located, 6-room heated apartment In Omaha: mahogany and birch finish, beautiful fixtures, gas stove, icebox, laundry, lockor, maid's room; large yard. Janitor service. Imme diate possession. March rent free. Apt 2, the Drowne, 122 N. 40th St. VJSRY choice 5-room stoam apartment on West Farnam St JOHN V. BOBBINS, 1602 Farnam St heated SEVEN-ROOM flat; all modern; first class In every respect 3122 Cass. Phono Benson 353-W FIVE-ROOM steam-heated apartment, the Chula Vista, SOth and Foppleton, 345. Conrad Young, 323 Brandels Theater. Phone Douglas 1571. 4-ROOM modern, except heat Web. 323 U FOR RENT A five-room apartment, furnished or partly furnished, at the Colonial. Address O 182, Omaha Bee. Furnished Apartments. 2414 SHE RJ IAN Ave.-Cholce. well fur nished modern 6-room, first floor apart ment; excellent location; walking dis tance. Tel. Webster 4026. Board and noom. THE ICINGSLEY. Laree. well heated rooms. Excellent board, prices reas. 13 No. lTtu. Tyler I4SJL 709 GEORGIA AVENUE Beautiful fur nished rooms: private: excellent meals. Cu-Aislied -urn. CALIFORNIA HOTEL Steam heat hot & cold water, baths, free, 1? AnriTlS By day. 60o and up. D. 70S3. It-XXJliO Hv w-olc. 12 00 and un. TWO semi-basement rooms, well heated and lighted; no children; gentlemen pre ferred. 209 & 25th St TWO nicely furnished rooms for rent 1606 N. 23rd St. South Omaha. South 1031. 1701 DAVENPORT Furnished sleeping rooms. Hotels sail Aricn, DODGE HOTEL Modern: raionabl. Furnished -lowaet-evuiuic JIuuuib. DODGE 2419 Soma nice warm house keeping rooms. Houses and CottaKca, JP T?norl EP. Co., furniture moving. 3633 HAHORNE Ave.. Bemls Park modern. 6-room. south front, shade ant fruit tropn: extra flno location. 330. New, strictly modern 6-room ana oatn, entiro house finished Mn oak, with til. floor In bam room. South front, sstu and Grand Ave., permontlt. ' O. W.aARLOCH. D. 1818. 230-232 State Bank Bldg. MODERN DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS one t-room modern apartment in tne California; save car fare; closo to your business, see JieicneuDerg uros. uuu. 1944. win ltRKXModern. 8-room house. 22d nnrl lr. Ho. Omaha: hot water heat, toilet on both floors, full cement cellar, cement porches, splendid barn, suitable for gar age, separate laundry, cistern, fine shade. Just the home lor live stocK aeaier. n month K leased for year or inoro to re sponsible person. Tel. H. mix- mama and bath, all modern, walk ing distance, vacant April 1. Inquire 323 N. 37th "St SEVEN-ROOM modern house, tlno loca tlon, paved street, good repair, corner lot, largo yard. Rent 825. Phone web ster 2602. 816 Four-room cottage, modern, 20th and Oak. Another, 6 rooms, 8-150, fine repair. Turxington. cu nee mag. FOR RENT We have u complete list of all house, nn-rtmenta nnd flats that are for rent This list can be seen free of charge nt Omaha van & storage t:o., sw o. inn at. 8-ROOM house, hot water heat good location, on car line. su a, wa, . Doualas 1006. 1515 HALL AVE 7 rooms, modern, t- THOS. F. HALL. 4S itamge mag, u. iw ""vTAnr.Aim van and utORAGE CO, packs, moves, stores and ships household . . na-..- lAH1n. Ji'lA UUUJ, V , J , U . 1 V W. WW M it In all tiarts of the city. llUUMb I'r.ieli sunm &. Ca. llae Bide FOR RENT Two-story frame dwelling, on Cass, near 26tl; modern. Crelghton university. Douglas 2330. 8-R. modern. U6 8. 33th Ava. Tyler 1121 "WEST FARNAM, neVetucco. T rooms. $1 N. ath Ave, $U 1G, 1914. OFFERED FOR RENT Hansen nnd Cottages. 716 No. d Bt., 5-r. modern brick flat, $56. 202 So. 27th 8t, 8-r. modern house, $67.60. Apt 4, 1708 Burt St, 3-r. modern, heated apartment $16. 717 So. 17th St., 5-r, cottage, modern ex cept heat $15. m No. 27th St. (colored), $-r. cottage, modern except heat $14. 318 Cass St, 7-r. modern house. $33. Largo home In West Farnam district, $136. A. P. TUKBY & SON, 441-142 Board of Trade Bldg. Doug. E02. 3311 California St, 4'rms.. mod., heat ! FIDELITY StoraKe and Van ! uo. uooas storea, moved, nacked. shipped. ICth and Jackron Sts. Doug. 1516. Globe Van&Storage Htorugtt. (2 per mo., 3-horeo van wna J men, 11.25 per hour Tel. D. 37STi. THE STARR EXPRESS CO. will sell 8 head horses and mares; one 2,800-tb. team of bay horses, ono 2,500-lb. team of bay horses, one 2,OD0-lb. team of young marcs; harness and wagon, cheap. No reasonable offer refused. Ono 1,150 lb, coal-black saddle horse, has all gaits under saddle; good slnglo driver. Call at 1710 North 24th St FIVE room cottago SIS. 20th. Call Ilarney 4877. 3717 North 104 N. 41ST. 8 room modern, large, light rooms; hardwood floors; nice yard; $36. A. U Patrick, 401 Bee. Tel. H. 3554. HOUSE FOR RENT. Eight rooms and sleeping porch, In West Farnam district, t66. iient-room. modern nouse, turnace heat, In West Farnam district, H0. J. H. DUMONT & CO. 1003 FARNAM ST. Douglas 690. Sturr- ua Mtflcc. nil FARNAM ST.. 3.000 sauare feet. 1BCOV, Farnam St. 1.S00 sauare feet: 1807- 1MD-18U Darnam at iDasemenu, b.wj square feet, both Farnam street and alley entrances; auunuant ngnt; steam neat. THOS. F. HALL, 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 740. FOR RENT The office on ground floor of Tho Bee building occupied by the IIn.vena.Whlte Coal comDany. 1'ToniUKe on Farnam St.. and occupying about 1,500 square feet with extra entrance on the court or tho ouuuing. i-argo vauiu rino office fixtures for sale. Apply N. P. Fell. Bee office. FOR RENT Store room. 25x50. tn brick building, at Howells. Write ll. it scnae fers, Howells, Neb. OFFERED FOR SALE. Furniture. FOR SALE 4-room household goods. also water heater, Garland 4 oven range. good as new; can De seen any time oun day at ts. -Bin Ave. For Sale Mahoaany dlnlns? room table ana four chairs, used only four momns. Phone Harney 670. Typewriter. Typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Can tral Typewriter Exchange. 807 8 17th St RENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Remington Tvnewrlter Co. TeleDhone Douglas 1834. Rental credited It you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade machines sent out Rates, three months for S5 for understroke machines or S3 per month for latest model visible writers. Miscellaneous. SAFES Overstocked, second-hand, all makes. J. J. Deright Bafe Co.. 1212 Farnam. STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora uuraDie man tarrea lojt ana pracucaiiy fireproof. 76c a hundred at The Bee office. FOR SALE at a discount a full, un limited scholarship in Boyles Business college. Omaha; good for either short- nana or ousiness course. Appiy at toe offlco of omana nee. ftriBuys Best .Coal for the money; U 5pWU,t Web ga. Harmon & Weeth. try FOR SALE New. and second-hand carom ana DocKot Dliuara tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Tho DrunswlcK-isaiKo-tJoiienuor uo.. w-tua ts. loth Bt FOR SALE Small refrigerator and iras atovo, 4-burner, oven ana broiler. Tel, II. 3S78. A FEW barrels engine, cylinder and valve oil at sacrifice. Moreell, 1919 Burt St PERSONAL. YOUNG women comluc to Omaha as strancera aro Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at nth and Bt Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boar dins' places or otherwlss assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. Home for sick, 2504 Ames Ave, W, 2908. MASSAGE Swedish movement 418 Beo Bldg. Douglas 6372. H I IJlfYPrfMI MASSAGE BATH. 21 iifljX-VyXiVXV Tlalrrl nldir. Mian Iturna. Rlttenhouse Co.. 214 Balrd Bldg., 17 & D. Mrs. Snyder. D.C.. apt 8, Dunsany. D.4S80 MASSAGE. 109 & 17th. Mrs. Steele, Bcxton Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. 03-DAY 1I1.UUU KliMISUI, Turkish bath. mass. Davldge Blk. D. 5S9S. MAR8AGE Miss Walton, room 224. Ne villa Blk.. 16th and Harney. TeL D. 4297. Practical nurse: 18 yrs. exp.: ret. D. 6i'H Tift". Salvation Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect Wo distribute. Phone Douglas 1135 and our wagon win can. 1 ininn,l ihA nw hnma. 111Q-1112- v.,i nnu ...ui'wv. " . . - . 1111 Dodge St Mlii Jean Shonler. 301 Wlthnell Bldg.. Har. and 15th. Muss., magnetic treatment MISS FIB HER, mass., eletf. treat D. 4330. PRIOR'S MUD BATH; salt and mus t-rri. -tMmed: nosltiva cure lor rhen matlsm: 20 years' experience In Hot Springs, Ark. Lady attendant for ladlea 610 H. Kd Bt. rnone lyier twi, Turkish bath. mass. Davldgo Blk. D. 5S95, MAGNETIC Trt- 1829 Vinton. P. 6026 POULTRY AND SUPPLIES EGGS For Hatching Vmm ihnrnil chbred R. C. Rhode Island v enroua. narav siock: ureal lay ers; country range; 31 for 15; 15 per 1W. A. It UAK.t5, uenson, neu. R. F. D. No. 2;-Tet. Benson 747-W. BARRED 2701. Rock hatching eggs, Web. S. C. W. J.eghorns. hens, cockerels and eggs for hatching. Phone ior. sis.. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. FOR EXCHANGE. 4S0-acre farm. McLean county, North Dakota; 400 acres under cultivation; all clay subsoil; fully $3,000 Improvements; one mile to school; In the alfalfa belt and In a woll-devetoped locality; value, $50 per acre; Incumbered for $4,000 at i per cent Will trade equity of $20,000 for Income in somo good town or city. E. W. RUNYON. Hotel Rome, Omaha. REAL K8TATH. WANTED. ' LIST yofrr house With Osborne Realty Co. Over 100 sal's tn 1813. Call D 1474. QUICK SALE assured It you list with us. Wa have buyers tor 4, 6 and 6-room houses. VOGEL REALTY AGENCY, 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg. HIEAL ESTATK. ABSTRACTS OK TITLE. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 20ts Brandels Theater. CITY PROl'UUTY FUU MALE. FOR SALE Two modern 6-r. houses: fins Interior; fine oak finish. 23d and Bancroft Sts. Douglas 4337 TO BUY. SELL OR RENT. FIRST SKI! JOHN W ROBB1N& tS FARNAM ST. $Wo PIANO as first payment on houss. Roberts, D, 8117. REAL ESTATE. oitv property for sale. 13 Acres Bargain Bargain Wit nrn nffvflnfr fnr a. nlllck sale 13 acres In Sarpy county, about A of a mile soutn or. me city limits or. bouiu uran There aro no Improvements on this tract, but It lays practically level and In a very good neighborhood. Wo know nothing as good in this locality that can De oougni for less than $100 per acre, but we can sell you this for almost one-half the price only $225 per acre. 0 'NE1 L 'S R. E. & INS. AGCY. 1503 Farnam St TcU Tyler 1021. HanscomPark Bargain Strictly modern. 7 rooms, having vesti bule, laren llvlnar room across entire ficnt; press brick fireplace: built-in book cases; dandy window seat; large clothes closet with mirror door. Nice dining room with burlapped walls, panel strips and plate rail, all these rooms finished in oak. Large kitchen with handy pantry and entryway; upstairs has three nice large bedrooms (one finished In whlto enamel); large sleeping porch with closet and heat; elegant bath room with tiled walls and floors; best grade of plumbing guaranteed; press brick foundation; ce mented basement with floor drain; guar anteed furnace, laundry room, coal bin and fruit cellar; cement walks, elegant lighting fixtures, good shade, handy to school, stores and car line. Owner wculd consider good vacant lot or small houso as part payment; balance like rent See us at onco aDout mis property. SCOTT & HILL COMPANY Phone Douglas 1000. 307 McCague Bldg. West Farnam Bungalow Just eornnlcted. a one and a half stotv bungalow; finished in beautiful oak, with every up-to-date convenience; beamed ceilings; bookcases; fireplace; sunroom; entry and nantry: window shades and screens; full basement with toilet, floor drain and laundry tubs. The Interior of this bungalow must be seen to be fuuy appreciated. Lot 50x150; paved street Lo cated at 4S11 Farnam St Price 31,050 Terms. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Pouglas 4270. For Sale by Owner 6-room all modern house with sleeping porch, beautiful yard, with fruit, shade and shrubbery 1 block from car, prac tically now. 1741 S. 2$th St. Tel. Har. 554. 3621 AVE A. COUNCIL BLUFFS. 5 rooms, modern except heat: 5 mtn. from center Omaha, 6c car .fare; $1,900. On terms like rent A. F. SMITH CO. (Fay Smith), 23 Pearl St, Council Bluffs. DUNDEE New first-class Dundee house on south front lot. Oak finish first floor, birch finish second floor. Oak floor through out Living room has beamed ceilings and fine flrenlace. DInlnr room has paneled walls with heavy plate rail, also a wen iinisnea built-in buffet. uath room has white enamel finish, tile floor ana Jteane cement walls. Houro decor ated throughout. First-class plumbing and largo Milton Rogers' furnace. Con veniently located at 4942 Canitnl Ave . being between the car lines. W. H. Tboinas & Son, 228 State Bank Bldg. Douglas 1G1S. Will Sacrifice MUST LEAVE ON ACCOUNT OF HEALTH. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED, Strictly modern hom. hot water heat. splendid location, good condition, suitable for largo family, or income property; must see to appreciate; nice lawn, shade. grapes, strawberries, garden, 50 rose bushes. 1626 Burdette St Phone Web. 614. FLORIDA, 200 FARMS WILL BE GIVEN AWAY. by the Chamber of Commerce, Lake worth. Florida ti'aim ueach county), be fore April 30. The land Is excellent for graperrult, oranges and winter vegetables. Write or call on me for full particulars. McKee & Dearing, 694 Brandels Bldg:; umana. iNerj. $200 Down Balance lean than rent $3,000 for 1441 and 1441U North 20th St: walking distance Front house 6 rooms modern except heat; newly decorated; rear house 4 rooms; toilet; newly deco rated. L. B. Scott & Son, 1125 City National nank Bldg. Douglas 3161. $300 CASH. S rooms, new. modern buncalow. 1714 N. 28th St. balance monthly. 413 Karbach iilOCK. U. 30JI. Buy of Owner Six rooms, just completed, modern throughout; located at 920 S. 37th St Call Harney 2182. Two new modern bungalows at 1711-16 N. 28th St, must bo sold. Soe them Sun day, open tor Inspection. Small cash payment For terms phone D. 3G07. LOTS OF LOTS In AVest Council Bluffs. Prices. $50 to $300 each. Easy terms. Get our list. A. F. SMITH CO. (Fay Smith), 23 Pearl St. Council Bluffs. Phone 3C9. HEAL ESTATE. FARM t RANCH LANDS FOR HA 1, 13 Florida. ONE thousand acres land In best part or Florida. In De Soto county, northeast of Arcadia, one of the best pieces of land in the state, will exenange an or any part for first-class Omaha property. Ad dress J 171, Bee. Iowa. ISO ACRES-$125 PER ACRE. All can be cultivated; 70 acres tn corn last year, 6 acres alfalfa, balance in pas ture; 7-room house, good barns, 2 wells, running .water; 1 miles from Council Bluffs; $6,000 cash, balance ten years. Look this over. A. F. FMITH CO. (Fay Smith). 28 Pearl St. Council Bluffs. Ia. Phone S3. illunekuu. WE ARE offering thousands of acres of choice and well improved lands In the Red River valley, northeastern and south eastern Minnesota; also cut over lands, at retail and wholesale prices- Prices and terms reasonable. Write us for Hits. Acttvs agents wanted In Iowa. Illinois and Nebraska Stewart Land Co.. 406 New York Life Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. REAL ESTATE. FAnST A RANCH l.ANUS FOR SALE atlnnesotn. 280-ACRE farm. 36 miles from Mlnns paolls. Hi miles from a good railroad trwn; part under cultivation, balanc meadow and pasture land; good soil, good eight-room house, worth 33,000; barn, granary, corncrlbs, cattlo sheds, machine) sheds, otc; 11 cows, 20 head of steers and heifers, threa horses, hogs, chickens, complete set farm machinery, uuagie.' wagons, sleds, 60 tons of hay, 1,200 baa; kets corn, 150 bushels mixed grain, 1U bushels potatoes; in fact, ovep1"1",?? the farm goes except the furniture. Price. ii!onn nno.iirilr rn-h. flchwab Bros., via I Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. FOR HALrs A number of unprovea and unimproved farms In tlie famous Red River valley. For further informa tion write today to Baker-Lamb Land Co.. Barnesvlllo, Minn. QUARTER-sectlon excellent Prairja land, partly Improved; well located. 100 miles west of Minneapolis; $30 per acre; easy terms. Dcaver, Plymouth Building, Minneapolis'. Mlaaonrl. FARJIS, for sale, 55 down, 35 monthly, buys 40 acres good timber land, near town. Shannon county, Mo.; price 8200; perfect title. J. B. Jarrell. Mount Vernon. III. Montana. FOR SALE 1,280-acre ranch within fir miles of a good town. A. few 320-acre farms for sale also. Wrlto J. O. Berglln, Chester, Mont. . . i Nebraska. FOUND-320-acro homestead in settled neighborhood; fine farm land; not sand hills; cost you 32u0 filing fees and an. J. iV. Tracy, Kimball, Neb. eastern nebraska farm: for sale. ICO-acre ' farm In Washington county. three miles southwest of Herman on main traveled road; possession March 1, 1915- $20,000.00. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 209 First National Bank Building. Telephone Douglas 722. 120-ACRE. 64 miles cunt of Rosalie. Neb.. Improved; all fenced; 40 acres hog tight; prlco 3125 an acre; terms; possession this spring. Ed Thompson, Lyons, Neb. Oregon, COME west: Oregon Is the land of op portunity for you; congenial climate, no extremes; soil Is fertile and productive; adapted to diversified farming, raises splendid grain and fruit of all kinds. Land is cheap. Wo have Improved and unim proved land from $18 to $45 per acre. Tell us what you want and amount you desire to Invest. Guyer Bros., Dufur. Ore. Oklahoma. WELL Improved SO-acre farm, one mile from' good railroad town, 50 acres In cultivation, good new building, young or chard, city school, 2 wells; old age and alone the reason for selling. Address P. J. Davis, Grove. Okl. Texas'. State Lands, $2 Per Acre Over 1.000.000 acres for sale by the staw of Texas; you can buy 640 acres' at an acre; pay $32 cash and balance nftii 40 years; fine farming and fruit Un 1. and healthy climate. For further ln- lormation sena 6 cents postage. IIMViSS.UK PUBLISHING CO., Dept. 74, San Antonio, Tex. Wisconsin. Upper Wisconsin Beet duirv and eeneral cron state la the union. Settlers wanted. Lan4bi to sale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant fitaU acres wanted. Wrlu about our grazing lands, if interested In fruit Isnda osk for booklet on apple orchards In Wisconsin. Address Land Dept. Sea Line Ry.. Minneapolis. Minn. i.tyinn uuuk ,iui'd witvviuiAS lull, climate and crops of Wisconsin mailed free to those addressing Wisconsin GU.ta Board of Immigration, Cnpltol 1000, Madi son. Wis. nvvini a r... i : .... . ... REAL ESTATE! LOANS OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO- 1018 OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas 2715, $100 to 10.M made promntly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. CITY LOANS, Bemls-Carlberg Co.. 310-312 Brandels Theater Building. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. GARVIN BROS Loans. $500 and up. vjvxw v x mtw. onialia Nat. Bank. MONEY on hand at lowest rates tor loans on Nebraska farms and Omaha city property In any amounts. II. W. BINDER, City National Bank Bldg. . CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas, ti" State Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith tc Co.. 1320 Farnam feu CITY and tarm lcoru. 5, 6ft. t!. J. U. Dumont St Co.. 160 Farnam, Omaha. HARRISON & MORTON, 91S Om. Nat- WANTED TO IrtJY. WANTED 600 CARS SCRAP IRON AND BONES. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR RUBBER AND METAL. CASH paid promptly upon receipt, WRITE for prices and shipping tags. SON KEN GALAMBA IRON & METAL COMPANY, (.Largest dealers west of the Mississippi.) Kansas City, Ksn. Highest prices paid for furniture. D.2S71. WANTED TO KENT. YOUNG married couple, desirable ten ants, will rent strictly modern 6 or 6 room detached house, preferably Hans corn Paik district Telephone Harney 67i8. LIVE STOCK -MARKET Olr WEST SHIP live Siock to Bourn umaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive pro rapt and careful atten tion. Live btock Commission Merchants, itARTIN BROS. & CO., Exchange Bldg. EM Looking s A 1 1 MIL J.SX. i THE OMAHA BEE FnOTOENGRAVlNGDEP,T OMAHA Pries of Drawing like this $1.80. Cost of " Etching 60 Centa m 1 t i