Jack "Williams Killed on
Omaha Bridge.
Vlrllm Came from Stocltton,
with Lnrare Iloll lo liny
With Ills throat cut almost from car to
ear, the body of Jack Williams, a. livery
jnan of Stockton. 111., who was About 35
years old, was found at 1 o'clock Sun
day morning on the O street viaduct In
South Omaha. The pockets of the trousers
were turneM tnslda out. and his hands
-were cut as If ho died In a struggle to
defend himself. Tho South Omaha police
believe that It was a case of murder and
robbery. They have absolutely no oluo
to the murderer.
A street car conductor making his last
run saw the body lying almost In the cen
ter of tho bridge and he called Officer
Chariot Morton, who notified headquar
ters. The body was taken to tho Lorkln
i... . j iimiii.... U-A a.iM.i
been "dead over an hour. Ho had abso
lutely nothing In his clothing of any
Scrcral hours after tho finding of the
body, a street car motorman reported that
a man apparently injured or wounded In
ono leg was walking rapidly north on
Twenty-fourth street near T, but a. hur
ried Investigation by tho South Omaha
ana unmim iuuto i"iu """
Williams was registered at tho Miller
hotel. He came here with a largo sum of
ST. LOUIS, Mo., March 15. Twenty-
five bodtos have been recovered
from tho ruins of tho Missouri athletic
club building, which burned hero Mon-
day morning. Of these twenty-ono havo
hen identified. Five bodies are believed
to bo In tho ruins.
Tho body of A. T. nanus of Chicago
and that of Marx Hammer, president
of the Neustctcr cloak and suit com-1
pany of Bt Louis, were Identified late
today, vi ino twenty-one jaemmcauons
all aro not positive.
I,oi;it County Notes.
clal.)-At a special election held hero last
bond to build a now 'School house In
Btapleton. twenty-nine out of a total of I
thirty-seven votes were for the bonds and
tho proposition waa carried. This Is the
second time that a voto has been had
on tho matter of bonds for the same pur
pose and tho samo result was had in the
foriuor Instance, but It developed later
that the amount of bonds voted was too
largo for the property valuation In the
district and tho bonds were therefore
never' of fered on tho market. The action
of tho voters at the election rast night
clears the matter Up so that work may
be begun at once, and tho new building
wilt be ready for occupancy by the time
school opens next fall. It Is proposed to
erect a 1,000 or J10.WO building.
Word was recdlved ioro today that
Jlarry a O'Neill, secretary-treasurer of
tho Loup Vallfty Land company, who has
beeit-'abroad- for Several months, ; would
nail iir stiiim ivn Bvun.
Weather, conditions here are such that
mo larmera win very soon do getting I
things in ahapo to begin the early spring
Ilolth will Not Bum.
TUCUM8EH, Nu., March 15. (Special.)
1 asnmgton uonu, one of the candidates I
nominated for mayor at a city convention
litre, nas refused to make tho race. Two I
eouncllmen also refused, but the city cen-
tral committee was able to till the eoun-
cllmanlo vacancies, ttot so with the of-
flee of mayor, Jiowever, and the commit
tee has called a second city convention
tor it Monday night to name ., eandl.
.t. 1..... 1 (- ....
uoiu. ma isaua m rewmvo
i- Uk
Sunday base ball will also get pn the
Icke for disposition by the voters. The
Utkct as it now stands is as follows: For
mnjpr, ii.. o, viimrs; ior cwrx, i, u,
Moore and 8. R. Greer; for treasurer, I
M, Davis; for engineer. R. C. Gore; for
member of the council from the First
ward. W, C. Redtleld and Frank Nail;
Second ward, L. 13. Sappenfleld and
George Millers Third ward, K. W. Cook
and S
I. , Parker M.mbm of the school
Georgo tenist 'J. M. Weber and Dr. O. J,
' " -
TABLE ROCK, Neb., March lt.-Spe-
clal.)-H. K. Madden, one of tho leading
merchant of this place, has sold his gen-
oral stock of merchandise to C. J. Nowfeld
of Lincoln.
Thn funorAt nf M!o Tvo IVnnli v
was formerly a resident of Table Ilock
and vjio died at a hospital In Omaha on ""nf " heard from the missing
Thnrilav nf nlllmnnnrv liihorrnln.l. u,..Py nl mailed to the Penltsntlarv tn.t
held at tho Presbyterian church yesterday.
James T. Calhoun, who lived some yearn
four miles southwest of here, but later
moved tp Pawnee City, died at his rest
dence. Wednpsday njght
Marcus 11. Turner, a pioneer resident of
Pawnee county, who homesteaded In 1861
and lWUir became a resident of Table Rock,
died at his residence in Fatrbury, and his !
remains wtre taken to Mankato, Kan.,
for bufial.
Comb Sage Tea In
Lifeless, Gray Hair
Look yoHBg! Oomizum gwcTea B
twa ampawe aarKona so nat
urally nobody can tell.
Grandmother ktt her hair baantlfullv
darkened, glossy an4 abundant with a
brew of Cage Tea. and Pulphur. When-
ever her hair ftU out or taak n iht
null, faded or streaked appearance, this
simple suture waa applied with woadir.
fu effect By asking at any drug store
for "Wyetb's Bags and Sulphur Hair
Remedy," you will get a large bottle
of this old-tiros recipe, ready to uee, for
about H cents. Thla simple mixture can
be dspended npon to restore natural
color ana beauty to the bair and Is
splendid for dandruff, dry. itchy scalp
and falling bur.
A well known downtown arugglst says
varybeer tuts wyeth a Hag and Sul
phur, because It darkens so naturally and
evenly that nobody can tsl! K has been
applied-It' so easy to use, too. Ton
clmply dampen a comb or soft brush
and draw it through your bair, taking
erne strand at a Urn. By morning the
gray hair dlsapyearvl after another appli
cation or two, tt la restored to Its nat
ural color and leeks glossy, sett cad
aittfiaAnt Ajfertlmtnt.
Notes from Beotrice
and Gage County
BEATRICE, Neb., March 15.-(Bpeclal.)
A .number of the young business men
of Wymore 'have entered the political
arena and have selected a ticket with
whloh they propose to defeat the old
guards. They claim that they are for a
new and square- deal. Tho lineup for the
new ticket Is as follows: Mayor,' Tom
Cutshall; clerk, Mark Itargrave; treas
urer, Antone flchiedler; eouncllmen, First
ward, Dr. Keesei Second ward. I3dward
Schwentker; school board, T. E. Jones
and 1.. O. -M u r dock; city engineer, Mch
ard McKlnney.
John J. Claassen, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Aaron Claassen of this city, was mar
ried Saturday at Newton, Kan., to Miss
Christine Tenner. The young couple will
make their homo on a farm southwest
of this city.
At a meeting of tho "director of tho
Commercial club Friday evening a com
munication was received from tho Omaha
Commercial club In regard to the raising
of a fund Uf provide Nebraska represent
ation at the Ban Francisco exposition.
Tk Tl.4... f .l-l will -
. ..j wimuciun ,viuu nm rani
l... - fc,Jh .,,k. . ' , ,
iiiw,ii.itvfj .Tim uiiicr cpminercjai ciudb in
this county for tho purpose of -securing
their co-operation In raising l.2C0, which
Is Oago county's quota of the M,000 fund
to .erect a Nebraska building at the ex-
posltlnn. Tho financial statement sub
mitted by Secretary Allen showed that of
tho 7,EO0 subscribed for the 1913 budget
fund there Is 407.25 yet to be collected.
Kator-f Mn in mi mr-r
ANSELMO, Neb., March 15,(BpecIal.)
-Ansetmo's oldest citizen, Patrick Kelley,
was loo years old March B. Mr. Keller is
staying in Grand Island, but until re
uu nu ior many years uvea nero.
inonins ago ine nouse in wnicn
"va caugnt nro In tho night and
burned lo tho ground, together with
nearly all of the contents. Mr. Kelley. who
uvea oy himself, was awakened bv iha
nolso a cat made In an adjoining room
and when he arose found tho house In
names. Notwithstanding his advanced
age, ho tried to save his property, and
when he found this bevonri hi ,
pave tho a arm and neighbor. i,.tn
to hs old, but as the house was bavond
mo city limits water pressure was not
avniiahlo and It burned. Mr. Koliev
iJ" ' "f 8n'1 h,,e "ere
Anselmn Nnit.
AN8KLMO, Neb., March 15. (Bocclal.)
W, K. Warren, senior member nf th
nrm or warren & Bass, general mr,
chandlse, has disposed of his Interests In
tho firm to W. C. Moulton. for tho last
six years agent of the Burlington nt this
Active work In construction of the elec
trio light and power riant beitan last
week. Nearly all of tho noles have been
set and are now being anchored. The
foundation for the engine and dynamo
nas been set In tho water works build
Ing and the machinery will be Installed
as soon as it arrives. Tho linemen will
begin stringing the wires this week and
wiremen will wlro thebuslness houses
and residences as fast fls material can be
Bam Trout, for years tho caterer of
Ansclmo, but more- recently the landlord
of a hotel in Hyannls, has yinposcd of
his hotel at the latter place and returned
to Anselmo, whoro ho acaln entrants In
mo restaurant business,
Weira Note of Ohtoiva
oihowa, Neb., March 15.-(Steclal.)-
Prof, O, O, Fuchs, who was recently re-
elected superintendent of the . Ohlowa
schools, has resigned tne position. The
school board has elected Miss Mabel Met-
calf, now principal, to fill his place.
Pursuant to the state-wide movement
for a "go-to-church Sunday" on March
29, Rev. P, C. MoVey. pastor of the
Ohlowa Methodiat Mh!.rrw.t u,u. v..
set th date foe Mrrh m i. J..i.
out bills and enU.tinr th .,.,. ,tl
I. m-rm
i local newspaper.
Xno hoard or ri Mninm t n-i.n
town(hlp decJe(, Vchase
machlnery with which to build roads thU
fcomin .umn,
Henry Crorrell.
L.YONB, Neb., March 15.-fSDeelal.1
uenry crowen died at his home In Lyons
Saturday, aged 68 years and months,
leaving a wife and five children, besides
four brothers. Georre of nniifnni
Chari and Teller Tf Rosalie. N b arS
Allen ,f Tekamah, Neb. HeUmetofh?.
county when It was a wild and almost
uninhabited land. In the early 'CO. He
M, ,. a 1. , . . . . ...
I hid carucai Dionscr amr
i , ... ... . - . .....
, uiacaoira. east of this place. The
""'" win oe neia Monday and inter-
" ,n ln ecatur cemetery,
I "
Pay Roll Still Mlaalnir.
I IrTom & Staff Correinnnrtnf 1
' . . ' Mrch (Spedal.)-
Tuedalr by Secrellr' 0 Mathews, who
, ' v envclP into downtown
1 p . , The nVe,P contained the
warrants due each officer and employe.
A (lis Vlrnter.
MADISON, Neb.. March lS-Br-i.i
P'f ' Bu.1,,v' ' Meadow Orove lias
rouifiii acuon ror divorce against his
anes fiumvan. They were mar
nru ai uaKqaie November U, ISIO. SulH.
iium in nis peution that his wife
ms aoanoonea nim, They have one child
Dr. King's New Life PIIU.
ror consmpat on. toro d llvr.
complexion. Their frequent Use will
inniimn ana eaa tone to your system.
... utuiiiiii. oc. Advertisement.
firings Replevin Aetfoii.
MADISON. Neb., March lS.-(SDeeii
Virginia Markradcr brousht
KtloB against O. T. Olson to recover
upn which Olson claimed to have a
mortgage. Tlie action waa tried before
vouniy judge iXCUUffee. The court
olded that l cow was the property of
NotbloB So Qoe4 for m Cough or Cold
When you havo a cold you want the
best medicine obtainable so as to vet rid
of it with the least possible delay. There
are many who consider Chamberlain's
Cough lemedy unsurpassed. "Mn. J,
Uoroff. Ellda. Ohio, sayss "Ever alnce
my daughter Ruth was cured of a se
vere cold and cough by Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy two years ago I have
felt kindly disposed toward the manufac
turers of that preparation. I know of
nothing so quick to relieve a cough or
cure a cold." All dtalera-Advertlse-
The Persistent and Judicious I re of
Newspaper Advertising is ho Road to
Business Success.
One Man is Killed and Another
Seriously Wonnded at Tecate.
Dam!, llclleved o He from South of
Line, Sets Fire to Place nnil
noilr of Victim Is
FOUT QL18S, Tex., March H.-Oencral
Hugh L. Scott tonight begin an Investi
gation of a report given him that Moxl
can prisoners were attempting to tunnel
way out of captivity. Tho work was
slow becauso every tent In a canvas city
of 6,000 persons had to bo examined for
tho entrance to tho tunnel.
One Man Killed.
SAN DIEGO, Cel., March H. One man
was killed and another soiiously wounded
when a band of raiders bellevod to be
Mexicans attacked a general store at
Tecate, forty-five miles from this city,
tonight and escaped.
Fecate Is Just over the border on tho
American side. A woman who saw the
attack reported to the commander at
Fort Ilosecrans that troops wero needed
and tho populace waa terror strlckon.
Posse In. Pnrnolt.
A possa was organized and Is now pursu
ing the desperadoes.
Tho body of tho dead man was Identi
fied as that of Frank Johnson of Han
Diego. A fellow clerk, Warren Wider
back, also of this city, was shot In the
head, but struggled through tho brush for
a mile to tho nearest house and spread
tho alarm.
According to tho most reliable Infor
matlon, foUr men, described as Mexicans,
entered the storo after dark and held up
the two clerks. Johnson resisted and was
shot. WIderback was marched out of tho
store and shot, but not fatally wounded.
ueforo leaving tho scene tho band set tire
to the storo and tho body of Johnson was
Tccato Is In an Isolated seotlon and
telophone communication could not be
established directly with the town.
Saves Boy from
Fumes, Risking Life
BIOUX FALLS, 8. D., March 15,-(Bpo
clal.) John King of Tabor, la., rescued
fro mccrtaln death Ernie Matuska, aged
12, at the risk of his own life. Tho boy
with several others was playing on an
empty gasoline tank, tho contents of
which had ben emptied Into permanent
tanks beside the railroad track, when he
lost his balance and fell to tho bottom
of tho tank. Being overcome by tho gas
fumes is believed to have causod him to
fall Into the tank. His boy compalons
summoned King to tho scene. King
promptly entered tho tank, but tho pas
affected him to such an cxtont that he
did not have tho strength to carry the
unconscious boy up tho shot ladder which
reaches from the bottom to tho exit of
such tanks. Emorglng, King recovered,
and when anothor man tied a rape around
his body ho again entered the tank, this
time succeeding In bringing the boy out
(From a Btaff correspondent)
LINCOLN, Neb., March 16.-(Speclal.)-
Tho ability of Governor Morehcad to keep
the political prognostlcators guessing Is
agefn shown tn his acceptance of an invi
tation to speak at tho Bryan banquet
Thursday ovenlng.
It Is a rule of tho organization, which
has for years had In charge the banquet
not to Invite any speaker who Is a candl
dato for a state office. Thla does not In
clude congressional candidates, and now
It Is taken for granted that in accepting
the offer Governor Morehead practically
admits that a second term an governor is
not In his program, but that a congres
sional scrap with Johnny Macgutre is tho
thing he Is looking for.
Bis? Fire nt Hnleit.
BELLK FOURCHK, S. D.. March 15.-
(Special.) Rut for tho absence of wind,
Hulett, Wyo., a small town northwest of
here, would have been wiped out by an
early morning tiro that commenced In
tho hotel. A few guests and' the pro
prietor were obliged to flee In their night
clothes and lost all their personal effects.
The building as well as tho Roberts build
ing, tho Pearson restaurant and the
Wooldrldge pool hall were completely de
stroyed by the flames, causing a total
loss of about 112,000, which Is partly
covered by Insurance. The cause of the
fire Is unknown and a town bucket brl
gade Is responsible for keeping the loss
Appral to Hi Kb Co art.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb.. March 15-(Speclal.)-
An appeal has been mado to the supreme
court In tho Stato Journal case, wherein
the latter company secured mandamus
tn the Lancaster county district court
against state officers denying them the
right to pay to a Missouri printing com
pany money for publishing the supremo
court opinions.
Key to tho Situation Bee Advertising.
A Happy Child in
Just a Few Hours
When cross, constipated or If forer
un bito " California Brrvp of ig"
then don't worry.
Mothers can rest easy after giving
"California Syrup of Figs," because In a
few hours all tbe clogged-up waste, sour
bile and fermenting food gently move
out of the bowels, and you have a well.
playful child again. Children simply
will not take the time from play to
empty their bowels, and they become
tightly packed, liver e,ets sluggish and
stomach disordered.
When cross, feverish. reftlMM, tee If
tongue Is coated, then give this delicious
"fruit laxative," Children love tt, and
tt cannot cause Injury. No difference
what alls your little one-tt full of eoM,
er a sore throat diarrhoea, stomach
aahe, bad breath, remember, a gentle
'Inside cleansing" should always be the
first treatment given. Until directions
for bablea, children of all ages ana
grown-upa are printed on each bottle.
Beware of counterfeit tig syrups. Ask
your druggist for a to-cent bottle of
"California Hmjp of Figs." then look
carefully and see that It is made by ths
California Fig Byrup Company." We
make no smaller else. Hand back with
contempt any other fig syrup. -Adver-
(Continued from Page One.)
private hospitals, and no complete lint
of the number of tho Injured was avail
The Head.
MRS. JL'LIA HiaHDUIUL 22 years old.
The Injured,
Following were among tho Injured;
Sidney Moler. Omaha. Internally In
u. t. Mauler. Des Moines, leg Ilrokcn.
8. J. Johnson. Bluo Karth. Mlrln.. skull
Mrs. E. It. Schlel, Fcnton, la., back In
jured. E. D. Schlel, Fcnton, la., seriously cut
about head.
Clarence LIndbursr. Mlnnrnnnll honrf
badly cut,
E. A. i'routv. Mlnneaool Is. back In
U. U. ilnrrman. on route to JVrknndaii
head lacerated.
Mrs. Jnmas Morris. Minneapolis. Inter.
rally Injured.
Dr. O. Kdward Larson, St Peter, Minn.,
skull fractured
F. O. Nelson. Mlnneanolla. Internnllv
Miss Ruth Castle, St Peter Mlnti.,
badly cut.
J. R. Armstrong, St. Paul, several
bones broken.
D. M. Bernstein. St Paul, head ser
iously cut.
F. S. Bcrgcr, St Paul, internal In
juries. Mrs. Amy Christlanson and daughter,
Invcr Grove, Minn., condition of both
E. C. Crec. Aberdeen. S. D.. lne
Miss Marion Drake. Bluo Earth. Minn..
may die.
uotoara iaicnorn, Lo Bauer, Minn.,
head cut.
13. S. Gregory. Chlcac). severely cut
aDout neaa.
Mrs. Oeorsc Wright. H nhmor. S. 13..
condition serious.
Laura Wright, seriously injured.
Ida Wright, back Injured.
Mrs. Mlnnlo Bclland. West Duluth.
Minn., head cut. .
Charles Scott, Hastings, la., condition
Kels Christlanson, Kaglo Grave la., con
dltlon serious.
Mrs. Nets Chtistlanso.i, may die.
Fair, Early Spring
Weather is Promise
WASHINGTON, March 15.-Palrf early
spring weather over nearly all parts of
the country during tho coming week waa
promised tonight by the weather bureau.
Tho weekly bulletin says:
The weather will be unsettled Monday,
however, along the northern border from
the Great Lakes eastward and there will
bo ratns the first part of the week in the
north Paelflo states. '
The next disturbance of Importance will
appear on tho north Pacific coast Mon
day night or Tuesday, cross the great
central valleys Wednesday or Thursday
and the eastern states about Friday. This
disturbance will be attended by local
rains and snows and It will be followed
by colder -weather over the northern
states east of the Rocky mountains.
Drink Schlitz
in Brown Bottles
That Made M ilwaukee famous
(Continued from Page One.)
t'Xpcnso Is used Is shown by tho follow
Postage $ 260.00
Printing and bookbinding...,.
Typewrllers. calculating ma-
omnex, ana uicmjinune bujjimi-h..
Telepphone and telegraph
Traveling expenses i. ......
Itelcrence boons ana suDscnpuons
to periodicals
tegal services, expert examlnn-.
tlon.o, court costs and transcript
Miscellaneous services and sup
plies Equipping storeroom
Engineering department...
Bluo svy department
421. t
Tolat 16.164.M
Thcreport shows somo Interesting
figures In connection with the celebrated
Lincoln telephone hearing which occupied
so much of the time of tho commission
In connection with rates to be charged
after the consolidation of tho Bell sys
tem with tho automatic system In Lin
coln. Iteports Challenged.
Reports of tho physical valuation en
gineers of the commission wero chal
lenged and open charges made that the
reports wero favorable to the company
which took over tho Becl system. So
persistent wero tho charges that the hear
ing was delayed to enable tho city to
secure an 'engineer to make an Inde
pendent Inspection and reporo to the tho
commission., The report of the Inde
pendent engineer showed practically the
same valuation as that of the commission
engineers when the hearing was resumed.
While charges havo been mado and aro
being made at tho present time that the
rates allowed by the commission and
charged by tho company are excessive, a
comparison of chargeo made by other
Read what two eminent scien
tists have to say about, light
and its effect on beer; in light
glass bottles.
"In recent years the observation has been made
that the rays of sunlight effect & chemical
change in beer. For this reason the use of
beer bottles blown from colorless glass is
diminishing, bottles blown from colored glass
being chosen ; the amber colored bottles, which,
when held towards the light, show the color of
light beer, are particularly to be recommended."
Extract from Dtt Praxis tttr Bitrbravhtndt, Published by C. E.
Habich. 1883 page 78(5.
"It appears that chemical changes are produced
in tne beer, which attains an exceedingly
unpleasant taste and a disagreeable odor."
Extract from Utiert in Brewing (Vol. 5) published by Hantltc's
Brewers' School and Laboratories. Dr. G. Tbevenot
Schlitz, when poured into your
glass, is wholespme and pure
as a crystal spring.
See that crown or cork is branded "Seiitz."
cities over the country Is published In
the report which shows that of the thirty
three cities mentioned only ten have a
lower rate on individual business phonos
and not one of them havo a lower rate
of residence phones, while the lowest
rates on two-story residence phones by
any of tho thirty-three cities Is $2. the
highest S4, while the Lincoln rnto Is
but tt.78.
Comparison of gross, rental revenues
made where figures were obtainable show
the following average in four Of the west
ern cities:
Telephones A v. Rental
Clt In Service. Revenue P. A.
Ilcnver 23,254 Jtl.O)
Omaha 30.2SO 30.60
Des Molne lC,5tt 32.09
Lincoln is.lM 26.50
Physical valuation of steam railways In
Nebraska with their reproduction coit
new and present value Is given as follows'
Reproduction Present
Cost New. Value.
Northwestern ..
....J 9.995,291 t 32,M,06
1S8, 730.3333 103,243,133
Rock Island 10.744.3S9
Missouri Pacific 12,762.258
Union Pacific 97.454,795
Santa Fee 6,749
Ch. Great Western.. 1,113,175
Mllwaukeo 100.957
Omaha 10,577,701
Illinois Central 73.505
Om. B. & Terminal. l.flfi.KS
St. Joe A Or. Island.. 2.S5R.R70
Fremont Stock Yards, 42.04S
81oux City Bridge Co. 785.B12
1,051 .OT
3,312, 400
Union Stock Yds.. Co. 1.9S3.2C5
Wabash 11.466
Totals l308,tC3,673 2200,812,103
Other nronertles:
W&itern Union S 1.337.604 $ 6W.932
Postal 15J,4G9 109.771
All Tel. companies 18.833.422 11.39V.397
Eleotric Interurbans.:.. 795.220 717,030
Declamatory Contest at Anrora.
AURORA, Neb., March 15. (Speclal.)
The declamatory contest of the Aurora
High school was held Friday night In
the opera house. Miss Grace Otto, daugh
ter of S. B. Otto, won first place. She
will represent Aurora In the dis
trict declamatory contest at Kearney
March 25.
All of the cheering
refreshment that tea
ever brought
to womankind
Phees: Doug. X597; Ind. A 262J
SchliU Bottled Beer Depot
713 S, 9th Street, Omaha, Nebr.
Phone 424
Hy. Gerber, 101 S. Main SL
Council Bluffs
Felt Now on the
Way to Nebraska
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., March 1G. (Special.)
According to Information received by
Deputy United States Attorney Lane, A.
C. Felt the "absconding Superior bank
cashier, under tho escort of a federal of
ficer, on his war to Nebraska and will
probably reach hero either Monday or
is dangerous if neglected.
Lessen tho risk of heart affec
tions, caso tho frightful pain, and
limber up the swollen muscles and
stiff, lamo joints, with penetrat
ing, never-falling
flnofortambagonnd sciatica.
Mr.Cha. J. Budlonr, Anthony, K.I.,
writes: "Kor years I suffered from
rheumatism. My hips would swell to
enormous proportions and knee joints
pain me awfully. I used six or eight
bottles of your celebrated Liniment
and wns cured' .
At ali dsilert. Pries 2S&.E0C. A $1.00
Br. Earl S. Sloan, f no, Doston, Mas.
The best
every purpose
Fino work
Prompt service
Beasonablo prices
Bee Engraving Dept.,
Bee Bldg.
Ayers Sarsaparilla
Oldest, Safest Strongest, Best
Standard family medicine.
No alcohol. Sold for 60 years.
A. I. v. n frOvArerOs,
raw 1 vu, wjvw. .
Berotsd to atrtoUy Clean, OUtsy
n nine rim show
W With Irre-
Most PrdUflo of Yiddish Comics,
ana an Exceptional cast
BEATRICE. Baa Time Violinist.
QfkMH ralr Collejre r CT
tar Souvenirs to Everybody at the
St. Patrlok'a Say Matinee, tomor-
row, xuesaay, Marcn 17th. "
litre' how I anhnltallniElr endorw
from curtain to curUIn ! I har jet
to tell you a ihow i p4 when I be
litre othrrwjsa. I want your contiijenca
lirfct, then jour dollar. With I had -n
Ab nejnolda here rjerr week of the
eeaton, K 1 JOHNSON. Mar. daTttr.
BTSBlnrs, Sunday ft Kollday Mats,
ISo, 3 So. BOo and 7flo
MATS. 15c and 25cAt'-
Cm (am It tn like, hat M tmokla.
MiiaaaesrtM isgimr n lr
Bonjrlas 494,
Eddie Poy
Por Joy
and the
7 Xdttle
Other A-ta Ilarrr raull ani
Haie) Borne, lidna Muntay,
Iloberto, Nick Verttr, The Ileia
enter, Nelson a Helton and
Ilearat-Sellr. a pictorial Nw
Iterlew ot the world's erenla.
lrlc Mat,
Oallerj. lc; beat aeata (x-fm
Sat and Sun., Sc.
Mgnta-toc Tie. Mo sal 75c.
Wai-it AS