Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1914, PART ONE, Page 7-A, Image 7

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    7 A
Orators Who Will Speak on St, Patrick Night j
Will Festively Observe St. Patrick's
Birthday Next Tuesday.
Prominent Speaker Will Adilren-.
Gathering-, mid There Will lie
Mtiftlu nnil Ulhrr Unter
tnlnltiK Venture.
Specially Priced
s 5
OX 12
Ebony Cnso
OX 12
Onk Case
Onk Case
Mahogany Cnso
"Walnut Case
En Special Terms I
M 1513 Douglas
Every day next week a fac
tory demonstrator will explain
tho economy and advantages
of using "Wear-Ever",, alumi
num kitchen utensils. Many
interesting tests will bo made.
You are invited to attend.
West Arcade.
Extra special, during the
demonstration, a Hot of
three different slzo alumi
num saucepans, like the il
lustration, regularly worth
?2.05, for only H8c.
St. Patrick's, birthday wilt be festively
celebrated next Tuesday evening t
CrclRhton auditorium. Twenty-fifth ami
California streets. The green and gold of
tho flag of Erin s lit mingle with tho
folds of tho Stars und Stripe of tho
United States on what is pre-eminently
the Irishman's day in this und every
other land to which Irish have drifted.
Previous to tho year A. D. 46 the Irish
people, although having attained to a
civilization unsurpassed, was yet wholly
pagan, und addicted to a peculiar form
of DruldlFin. Including sun worship. To
this form of worship is attributed by
some historians the presence of the fa
mous round towers for which Ireland 1
noted, and they maintain that hern the.
Druid priest ascended before the dawn
and called to his followers to eotne forth
and do homoRO to the iIhIhb god. Whether
or not human sacrifices were offered up
to appcaFo the wrath of Druldlcal gods
nt certain seasons of the year, or upon
the occurrence of events of evil portent
Is a question of much debato and con
jecture, although It Is not Improbable
thnt such was the case
However this may have been, it Is well
known that with the advent of St. Pat
rick paganism and all things pertaining
thereto becamo at once a thing of the
past, and no nation In the world was
more prompt In the acceptance or more
firm and enduring In their adherence to
the doctrines and precepts of Christianity
than the Irish people.
OernxliMi for Grntllnde,
The Irish peoplo now feel that the occa'
slon is at hand for gratitude and self'
congratulation, for the future appears
more bright than at any time slnc tbn
fall of thq Irish Parliament ond tho re
cHtabllshment of the union In the year I
1S0O, when the cnuse for which Henry
aratton had given the best of his life
socmed forever lost. The first step In
the deliverance of tho people was accom
plished, and then largely through the In
strumentality of Grattan, In the year 1829,
when the Catholic emancipation bill was
passed In London, and the sword fell
from the hand of the stone statue of
Ulshop Walker which had been erected
In effigy upon tho ramparts of Vinegar
hill. In County WicUlow. where the Irish
pntrlota had made their last stand at the
closo of tho rebellion of 1798, and where
tho venerable bishop had fought and died
beside his peoplo In that struggle.
Home Tlulc Is nt Ilnnil.
Homo rule, a separate legislative body
for Ireland, Is again nt hand, and with
this occompllshed It will but requlro tho
passage of time, the evolution of natrons
and the slow but Inevitable righting of
long established wrongs to achieve that
purpose for which Robert Emmet gave
up his life In Dublin, when his epitaph
In accordance with his wishes may be
written in shining oharactcrs, for his
country shall have taken its place among
tho nations of tho world.
Centuries ago when In Ireland tho
practice of the Irishman's faith was made"
ka felony by his oppressor, nnd when the
ministry of' that faith became the spe
cial object of the wrath of the Invader
and persecutor, and the clergyman could
proceed from place to place only under
cover of darkness, there sprung Into bo
ing a society which has continued to
exist throughout tho years and now num
bers ip its ranks the first and foremost
Irish citizens everywhere.
Ancient Order of Hibernians.
That society Is Uio Ancient Order of
Hibernians, which maintains a flourish
ing division In Omaha, another in South
Omaha, as well as divisions in Lincoln
and Columbus. This Is an exclusively
Catholic society and may bo said to be
exclusively Irish, admitting to member
ship only those who aro Irish either by
birth or descent. It is represented In
every city of any note from the Atlantic
to tho I'aelfle, nnd Its numbers In tho
United States and Canada aro In tho
millions. Its membership Is constantly
Increasing In tho United States, particu
larly during the last five years. Its ob
ject is tho material welfare, uplift and
betterment of the Irish race In America
as well as the preservation of Irish his
tory. Not many years ago the order appro
priated $50,000 for the establishment of a
chair of Irish language and history at tho
Catholic university at Washington, D. C.
James J. Iteagan of St. Paul, Minn., la
the present national president of tho
order. Mayor Thomas Malonoy of Council
Bluffs Is national treasurer and Arch
bishop Carroll of Helena, Mont., Is na
tional chaplain of tho order. National
conventions are held every two years.
In Nebraska Kortr Venn.
Forty years ago the order was first
established in Nebraska enumerating
among its local charter members Richard
O'Koefe, Michael Hogan, P. J. Murphy,
William McQuade and a host of others
who aro still active members and an
honor to the organization. Dr. T. R.
Mullen of this city served two terms as
state president. The present state presi
dent Is Rev. Michael A. Shine of Plaits
mouth, who Is also a member of the Ne-
Thos. J3.FCu.rra.y
two or moro Irishmen aro gathered to
gether. A commltteo composed of Dr.
W. J. Lcnry, L. J. TePoel and James P.
Savago have been at wotk upon tho local
program ulnco tho first of tho your and
now have arrangements completed for an
evening's entertainment that well do
scrves tho patroiuigo of every Irishman
und Irishwoman In Omaha.
(ittuil Urn tor to Spenk.
Edward Whclan of O'Neill, Neb., will
bo tho principal speaker, of tho evening.
Mr. Whclan la well known to many Irish
men of Omaha.
The Crclghton university orchestra will
ploy npproprlntn mulcnl selections dur
ing tho evening. The program will bo
supplemented by tho University Glee club,
a quartet and several solos and musical
numbers, Including, tho Irish harp, with
out which no program on St. Patrick's
day would bo complete. No effort is be
ing spared by thono In charge to make
this event conform to thoso of other
Go-to-Church Campaign is Bringing
Good Results Here.
Chnrchen I'rrpnre for 111k Move
ment "Which 1 to lie lnnimn
rntrd Here Mnreh SO by
Most of the Tnslors.
Benson to Have Its
Spring, Primaries
Monday Afternoon
Benson will hold its spring primaries to
place In nomination candidates for mayor,
city clerk, city engineer, city treasurer,
councilmcn from the First and Second
wards, and three members of the Board
of Education Monday, March 16, between
tho hours of 12 noon nnd 0 o'clock In tho
Two candidates seek nomination at
the hands of tho republicans for mayor,
Fred Al Bailey is opposing Edward
Sorcnscn, .and the contest Is proving in
teresting, as both candlatcs have strong
following, On the democratic ticket
Georgo A. II1U, present mayor, will be
nominated without .opposition.
W. E. Yarton seeks tho nomination for
councilman from the First ward on tho
republican ticket, and is opposed by
Andrew McCormlck at tho primaries.
F. 8. .King, president of the board, Is
seeking re-election, and a battle royal be
tween him and A. J. Sterrctt Is looked
Tho voting placo for the First ward
will bo at tho city hall und for the Second
ward at 6S31 Main street.
Five delegates will bo elected from each
ward, who will meet In convention Tues
day evening at 8 o'clock at Uie jelty hall
o canvuss tho returns.
Tho election will bo held April 7.
A common Cold may lead to Grip
vlth uleepleBS nights. Influenza,
catarrh, pains and soreness In tho
head and chest, cough, soro throat,
general prostration, fever and ach
ing bones.
If you will take Humphreys'
"Soventy-sevon" at onco it will
break up your Cold In a hurry.
If you wait till you're sick a bed ,)raik ni-torlcal society and Is known
It may take longer to break up. Two j throughout the United States as a scholar
sizes, 25c and 1.00. at all druggists ' and historian. Michael Crow of South
nmnhn In ntfttA treniurrr.
i , r 1 1 1 ;i 1 1 ,' 1 1 ----- - - -
Humphreys' Homeo, Medicine Co., 158
William Street, Now YorK. Advertise
The ORRINE treatment for tho Drink
Habit can be used with absolute confi
dence. It destroys all desire for whiskey,
beer or other alcoholic stimulants. Thous
ands have successfully used It and have
ban restored to lives of sobriety and use
fulness. Can be given secretly. Cosia 11.00 per box. If you fail to get re
tulta from ORRINE uftor a trial, your)
money will 1 refunded.
iooklet telling all about Uiciw
Ono of the regular duties and obliga
tions of the Ancient Order of Hibernians
is the observance In a benefiting manner
of the feast of St. Patrick which occurs
on March IT, and under the auspices of
the order that day Is celebrated wherever
Quickest Relief Known
For all Sore Feet
The following Is absolutely the surest
and quickest cure Known to science ror
all foot ailments! "Dissolve two table-
snoonfuls of Caloctde compound In
basin of warm water. Soak tho feet lu
this lor run fifteen minutes,
gently rubbing the worn
parts.. The effect is really
wonderful. All soreness
roes instantly: the feet feei
so good you could sing for
joy. uorns ana caucused
can be Desled rlcht off. It
gives immediate relief for
wore bunions, sweaty,
smelly and aching feet, a
twenty-five cent box of
Caloclde la said to be suf
ficient to cure the worst
feet It works through the
Ak fur frroi pores ana removed me
,., ' cause of the trouble Don't waste time
itiu.. on uncertain remedies. Any druggist
Sherman & McConnclL ltb ana lxhjk-, has aiociue compouna in siock or ue
onernia.i Harnev the Har- can get It In a few hours from his
Owl Dru Co. lSh and Harney. tne Jiar oI(waje ,ouge. u lg not a patent
inr.1. "tth and Farnam, Loyal Hotel, - I medicine but is an ethical preparation.
9 North 16th SU, Geo. H. uavw. uoun-n
-Medical Formula Laboratories of C1U
Audiences at tho Frist Congregational
church have been greatly Increased dur
ing the six weeks tho "go to church"
campaign has been conducted. Rev. Mr.
Rouso will speak to tho entire church
family, giving council on how to keep
tho fumlly together happily. Murch
will bo "Outsiders' Sunday," with a mes
sage to tho outsldo saints. Frederick
Wright, tho famous scientist nnd lec
turer. Is a son of Prof. Wright of Obctiln
college. His lecture hero will bo Illus
trated, showing every sort of temple and
place of worship which he has visited
In his extensive travels.
John Dale will occupy the pulpit of
Lowe Avenuo Presbyterian church, For
tieth and Nicholas streets, Sunday morn
ing, services, beginning at 10:50. Tho pas
tor. Dr. Nathaniel McGlffla, Is in Now
York attending a national conference of
home mission leaders. The other regular
services of tho day will bo observed ua
usual, except In tho evening the otflcora
of the church will hold a private Joint
meeting in place of tho ordinary evening
preaching service.
Two big events ore scheduled for tho
First Baptist church Baraca class. March league of Christian Endeavor at :ao,
IS will bo "big "class" Sunday, and tho First United Exungellcal churrh, St
lilt- ( .. III l. t,l.l .. I I TTl-n nlflln .It'l'Ct. llOV. J. M, 1111110.
r-....i..i i- .. . pastor. Teachers meeting at !).30. Hun-
v.u.......,lutr .UKei win BuruK. bi uiu -. v BCll00i t 10. Preaching nt 11. Junior
uunuuei. on i.w unu uracr. w i no it. I Kn.Vnvnr ut 3. umaua n ounces associ-
Beechcr Howell will discuss municipal ntlon at a:so. iveystonu j.viibuo jnnsunn
ownerablD. Endeavor at 6:30. Preaching at 7-jW. Tucs-
Hnv n ehi KevMnne i.civKuo oi i urisii in
Kmlavor society at Christian Endeavor
The Ilitnurnni I'nrlc hml Virrhr,n,l tvIII I m.1,.1 mnp.t nir nt First Presbyter an
meet In Uio lecturo room of the church church. Wednesday night midweek prayor
st. Paul's. Temporarily nt Twenty-
fourth and Sownrd. Rev. 10. T. Otto, Pas-
We extend a sincere wel
come to every woman to
come and inspect the
at Popular
Smartest Suits,
1 $19.50, $25,
Nobbiest Coats,
$15, $19.50,
Prettiest Dresses, $12.75, $19.50, $25.00
JULIUS ORKIN, 1510 Douglas St.
Morning nt 11. "A Blessing In DImu.v."
Evening ut 7:30, "No Other Name." tun-
day school at 10. Junior Keystone longua
or unrisuan r.nuciivui- ui o. jx.-yniuiiu
Monday evening, March 1G. Thonins W.
Blackburn will speak on "Wit and Humor
of Uio Bible."
at 7.45. Junior intermediate chorus re
hcarsnl on Wedtiosduy at 4. Church
prayer mooting followed by adult chorus
rehearsal Wednesday nt 7;I5.
Fliflt. Seventeenth and Dodge. Edwin
Hart Jenks, D. I)., .Pastor- Morning wor
ship at 10:30. lCvanlng scrvlco ut 7:30,
topic, "Peace as a Possession." Sunday
school ut noon. Christian Endeavor at
0.1') p. m.
First United, Twenty-first nnd Emmet,
ut 12. Gospel meeting at S. Thursday,
prayer (meeting and Bible study at -it.
Scats free. No collection.
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints, Twenty-fourth .and
Ohio streets, prayer meeting at 11 o'clock,
also at 3:30 o'clock In afternoon. Preach
ing at 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednes
day cvoiilng ut 8 o'clock.
First Progressive Spiritual. 1M6 Harney
streets, i: a. i nonius, u. s, h., pastor.
Alonr.o 0. Houglnss. PaMtor-Publla wor- VcVl,lc..l.,y ,K' ,!?m".n Bl J1, 8UU"
ship and preaching ut 10:30 and 7:30. Top- Joct, "Modern Hplrltualism from a
les: Morning, "Watchman, What of the Hclcntlf o Standpoint." followed by mes-
Calvary. Twenty-fifth and Hamilton.
J. A. Maxwell. Pastor "Tho Do-
nominuuuit at "ttcoilcrs" at T.w.
Young pucple's meeting, led by Mrs.
James E Almy, at C:30. Subject, '
Stored Memories.'1
First, Twenty-ninth and Harney, Rev.
tor Services at 10. Hunday school at
11:80. Evening sermon In English by Rev.
M. Halvorsou, at S, ut Twenty-sixth and
St. Mark's English, Twentieth and IUr-
dotte, Rev. Dr. u Oroh, Pastor Nervloca
ut 11 und 7.30. Morning topic, "Tho Up
lifted Serpent ill mo wiiuernass in a
Tvno." Evening topic, "Humlilo Confos
W. Jasper Howoli, Pastor Morning wor- slon Appeals to Grace. Hunday school
:rmon ut iu:3. ttumiay school ut sua. xoung xcojuuo i.m"ii
Hibernians Will
Hold Celebration
of St, Patrick
A cclebrutlon of St. Patrick's day will
bo held at tho auditorium at Crclghton
university, Twenty-fifth and California
sticcts, on the evening of March 19, undo'
tho auspices of tho Ancient Order ot
Tho program for the entertainment,
which is in churgc of L. J. To Poel, Dr.
William J. Leary and J. P. Savage, follows:
Crclghton University orchestra.
Chairman's address
Thomas H. Murray.
Violin solo-Bclievo Me. O All Those
Endearing Young Charms
Miss Olga Eltner.
Vocal solo Sugey Hhue
Miss Mario urany.
Crelghton University orchestra.
Address of evening Edward Whalcn
Hum selection Threo Irish Airs; a
Miss Marie Swanson.
Vocal solo O Como to Me Mavour-
Paul Harrington.
Recitation Dawn on the Irish Coast
Gerald La Vlolette.
Song Irish Lullaby
areignton uouegc uieo ciuo.
Chorus God Save Ireland
Crclghton l-OUOge uieq uiuu h-iiu
audience, asMsted by Crelghton
University orchestra.
Twoifty-slxth Street,
shin and sermon
nt noon. Baraca class of fifty young deavor at C;5.
men. Evening worship nt 7:30. A mis- n.nA l-nulUli.
slonary t ten out Icon lecture. "In Pic- nm,i.inn mw Wnnin-nrih Avn
turesquo Burma." imos nov. Clurence N. fewlhart, Pastor-
Grace. Tenth and Arbor. E. 11. Tnft. Kinmlmr -ubleot. "Imitators of God,"
Pastor Sunday school at 10. Mornlnir i.-vninir mibloct. "The Human Family
worship at 11. Subject, "Tho Missionary Under Probation," tho first of u series of
,'Vak. i uuil A trvJVIi; I, WUIUil IIV AemiOnS OH UU iVBlUIHVIII. IMOtyW.
nip at 7MS. ut)jtct, Hunday school at 9:00. Luther league at
at 7. Evening wors
"Indlffercnco at tho Cross." Mission
ounuuy scnooi, auu ttouui Fourth, at 3.
Immanutd. Twentv-fourth and Plnknov.
Arthm J. Morris, Pastor Morning serv
ice at 10:30. Tonic. "Tho Gospel ot the
oecona iiue. r.vening service at 7:30.
Topic. "Tho Mastership of Jesus." Sun-
duy school at noon. Baptist Young Poo
plu's union at 6:30. Men's fellowship
meeting and Bible study ut tho church
weiinesaay evening at o. Prayer and
"raise servico at 9,
Christian Science.
TTIral fttur..!, .f r-l,.la Cnl.n4l., a.
Services. 11 nnd S: subject. "Hubstanee." "From Dnrkness to Lignt. .
Hunday school, two sessions, 9:5 and 11
weanesuay evening meeting, s.
rn,irtri,uitinn classes Wodnesduy even
ing ut 7:15 nnd Friday afternoon ut .
German Evangelical. Eighteenth una
-,.. i,. v nHtnrtutr. pastor ounuuy
oi,nnl nt 10 o'clock a. m. Preaching ser
vices at 11 a m. und 8 p, ni. oung
Peoplo'a society at S o'elocK Tnursoay
Kountze Memorial, Farnam Street ana
Twenty-sixth Avenue. Rev. Oliver u.
Tiu.i., Di, ii n n.. Pastori Servico
for tho' third Sunday in Lent. Morning
,.-,r.i,i, ,i in mihinrt. "Thu Dismay ot
Mary'a Avenuo and Twenty-fourth Street Neglect." Evening worsh lj at s. ""J""'
school at uttendanco last Sunduy.
M0. Luther league at 7. Confirmation
Thnraiinv nnd Friday evenings
Cllrlallnn. I...i i...i.i.. .. l 4 If., subject.
First Christian. Corner Twenty-slxth "th i.or.i a nmnwr. Why Wo Receive It.
and Harnev Streets. Chart. '. Cnlihov I ii. ,,. n.i..V. 11 ,,,.,1 What It Means
Mlnlstcr-Mornlng worship, 11, topic, "A I to You," Special Lenten servico Wednes-
iiitiS service
at 8. Hunday school at 10. Tno i-u nor
loaguo will hold Its regular meeting Tues-
rtnv nvnlnir. March 17. at the home of Mr.
ice of worship ut 10:30 In the University and Mrs. John A. Bwanson, 403 Izard
chapel, Twenty-fourth and Pratt streets: street on invltutlon of Chrlstlno and Ki-
Hunday school, la in. i young people's meet- mer Hwanson. A musical progruin w in
Ing, 6:30 p. m. be rendered and refreshments served. All
Hillside. Thirtieth and Ohio Streets, W. members and friends mviwu. i
?A. Jla"Mon' .I:ttter-a0'n" whipjevenlne .orvlca at 7.45. cw.
Family as Unit in
New Organization
The Yomarco guild, that is now organ
izing a carnation day to help In restoring
Plymouth Congregational church, Is a
very interesting organization and perhaps
unique in this city.
The young married couples associated
with Plymouth church aro described by
tho name "Yo-mar-co." At their monthly
social meetings all the entertainment and
nartielDation must bo by couples. Each
L. L. Qulnby of UK PInkney street
president: Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Porter,
vice president; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Malum,
secretary; Mr. and Mrs. II. R. KInsey,
In voting- the family Is a unit and must
first harmonize Its differences before
casting a ballot The complications are
many and amusing when tho president
calls tho president to order, the secre
tary disputes the secretary nnd the treas
urer canvasses the treasurer for dues.
The society fills a distinct need of the
young couples who are constantly mov
ing Into the city, or at marriage are mak
ing new social connections. The members
are technically no longer "young mar
rled couples" on their fifteenth wedding
anniversary, and at that time their Yo
marco membership automatically termi
Persistent Advertising Is the Read
Big Returns.
S"iuf. "L, --"iieiiioH. Jivenins worsnip. iay evening at 8.
S"Yr',i 'iv? L Jfffl .''"V or ng .Vrvl'c.-at 11. EVe
Night." Evening, "The Fruitless Fig
Trie." Ulblo nchool at 12. Young Peo
ple's meeting at 6:30
The Church of tho Covenant. Twenty-
seventh und Pratt, Charles II. Fleming,
pnoior Morning worship hi iu;au, tueine,
ami's Word." Tim Rev. H. ll. Kirk-
l,i..tA T1 71 ,P .nr.a.nllni.
American lilblo society, will preach. Ulblo
scnooi nt noon, loung people s nociety
of Christian Eudcuvor ut 0:45. Evening
worship by the pnstor nt 7:30, thrmo,
"What Will HatlHfv Jesus." Midweek
service Wednesday ut S o'clock.
Benson. A. J. McClunir. Pastor Sunday
ftchoul nt 10 o'clock. Morning wbrship nt
ll, sermon subject," "Tho Parable ot the
Wedding Garment." Tho choir will sing
"The Heavens Declnro the Glory of God,"
Men's blblo class ut noon. Junior Chris
tlnn Endeavor at 3:30. Christian En
deavor ut 6:20. Sermon subject, "Ellshu. '
Tho choir will sing "Father of Heuvon,"
by Uundol, Miss Jorgonson will nlng
"Tarry With Me," by Hhackley. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening ut 8,
Westminster, Corner Mason Street and
Georgia Avenuo. James Franklin Younu.
1). D., Puator Junior department ot
Bible school. Morning worship at 10:30,
theme, "Tho Suffering Huvlor." The
first of a series of Mormons leading up to
thu Eastertide, Bible "school at 13 lu.
Young Peoples's Society of Christian En
deavor meeting nt 0:30. Evening worship,
at 7:30, theme, "A Common Thing In the
World." Tho second In tho course on the
uuruble of u certain rich man uh found in
Ltiko 16. Midweek service Wednesday
evening at inn,
First Church of Spiritual Science, 1829
Vinton. E. Urol . Pnstor Sunday nt ,t
topic, "Where Is This God of Whom yo
Speak." Thursday ut 8, topic, "God's
L.ovo to ins Children."
Christians gathered to tho name ot tho
Lord Jesus Christ. Fortieth and Cuming,
Breaking ot bread. 10:30. Sunday school
snsns Tuesday. Message service at 8.
People's Church, M5 North Eighteenth,
Rov. Charles W. Savldge, Pastor Morn
ing subject. "Walking by Faith. Not by
Sight;" evening subject. "If I Oet Into
Debt to the Devil. Should I Pay Him?"
Sunday nchool. j; m,j prayer meeting
Thursday ovcnlng.
The Intermit onat Bible Students Asso
ciation, Baright hall, Nineteenth and
Farnam A meeting wll be held Sunday
ut 3. Subject, "Job's Experiences Typi
cal of Human History." All these
thngs happened unto them for examples
and they are written for our admonition.
Upon whom the end of Uio ages have,
come. 1 Corinthians x:)l. speaker, Dr.
C. W. Farwell.
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
The Nebraska State Students' confer
ence will meet nt xork Krinay and Sat
urday of next week, continuing over Into
Sunday. Twvuty-iivo delegates from
nineteen student centers and a number
of prominent speakers will bo In attend
ance. Mr. Bailey, state secretary, ad
dresses tho conference Friday and tVttur
day. Mr. Denlson, Hunday, will upeak
concerning the secretaryship as u "Life
Frederic B. Wright, who is to lecture
at the regular i o'clock meeting Sunday
afternoon at tho Young Men's Christian
association. Is a son of u. Fredcrlo
Wright, the Oberlln professor. Mr.
Wright, jr., has traveled extcnslvoly and
has engaged In considerable excavation
work In connection with recent Biblical
discoveries. He Is tho author of "Records
end Letters ot the Past." a well known
work on archaeology. His lecture in
Omaha Sunday afternoon will be illus
trated by the stereoptlcon and open to
both men and women. In the evening he
will deliver a lecturo et the First Congre
gational church on "Going to Church
Around tho World."
Sunduy afternoon Mr. Ballay will speak
nt tho Men's meeting ot the Beatrice
Young Men's Christian association.
Conirrrirat Iniinl.
Plymouth, F. W. Lcavltt, Pastor Scrv-
.A.A . , . .. .... . i. . . - I ln.,ni.llut.lir .1 f r '111
jv.av, cciuiuii ujr me evening I ""v' " 'r nflnrnoun
worship. 7:30. evangelistic sermon. Bun- class will meet cm Wednesday afternoon
day school, noon. Junior Endeavor, 3. at 4:30 and Saturday morning uv iv.
pernor iMiueavor, I
St. Mary s Avenue. St. Marv'n Avmin 1 ... . ,. mi. ...!. irt
and. Twe, ty-scventh- Street." Ilqv a. aT , , K, ,0 ' v? 11. E. HesV
uinueri, I'usiur-Morning worship, 13:30, iironrhintr ut 11. subject, "Tho
sermon ot special Interest to vounJ J astor-1 roachlnt t - "fl'V -ub.
people. Anthqms. "IJo shall come down ".""..nJ 1 n, M.nhood" Euworth
uy ijuuijr nucn, isveryoouy welcome. ' " . ., , i,i.,n r i,i ii.f "': I m.i M.mnrin . Tenili and Pierce, c
Iro WHnu1nv nliflit C l Ik. nl.,i..t, W lli.vvann. Mlllliter SlindUY l llCOl,
. , , ... ,..u I ...;..(.,l,wlnrit .
First. Corner ot Nineteenth and D.vni. a. m., it. j. 1. '"1 r:,V"
port, Rev. Frederick T. Rouso. Pastor- preaching. a. m. "'""" '"
"Hr.a",i'-..'"'.."e""o y : n m.. -pity u.
sage to the entire family. Kvenlni wor. Blind;" prayer meeting Wednesday. 7.J0
Mhhi. 7:4h. brilllnntlv llluatrntrl a,....nn. I n. ni.
tlcon lecture by the noted traveler, Kml- Benson, Sixtieth and Main. Rev. Arthur
erlck Bennett Wright. Subject. "Going Ateck, Pastor Morning worship at II.
to unurcn Arouna the world." Young ermon tiv tho pastor on a .wmk
People's Society of Christian Endeavor. . Mini's Call.'' Music by the
G:4j. 1 i.i. n..,,l'a .vnlnir aervlce at'7:J0;
office Is held by a pair. Mr. and Mrs. I Thirtv s .nrt rur,a choir. Hermon by the pastor, "A Mossago
being Bv. jolin' winiam Jones. A. M Vicar- About tho Abundant Uio." welcome vo
Third tsunaay in .ont. Hunauy schoul,
Ilnlv rnmmunlnn und jinrmnri II I Xfraalu. Knrtlnth and Farnam. IleV. W.
No evening service. Literary and Bible I H. Underwood, Pastor Morning service
Instruction Friday night, 8. Ut 11. theme. "Life lu Christ." Evening
r.,... 1. . t)i.iiii uMira nt 7:so. tneme. ma rooin
V.11...W.I ... I'll ...... L. ..W I'UBUIU I . . .A
Tiv.rnv.flrHt nor Paul. Tlw .Inhn Al. 1 Rreel." MUnaay SCIlOOl ai iw,
bert Williams, Vlear-Holy communion, Cllne, superintendent.
7:30; matlnB, 10:30; holy eucnarist (choral) Ut 10, Ja",!a.71r!l''101k'
with sermon, u; sunuay scnooi, iz:u;
evening prayor wnn sermon,,
All Saints, Corner Twtnty-slxtli Street
and Dewoy Avenue, Rev. T. J. Mackay,
Hector aunaay nermon. topic
llnnli, V ' . i . ti .1 ti un.l WnmnnU '
Holy communion, 7:30; Sunday school,
10:00; vesper service, 4:00, reading, "The
Oiigin ot Indian Corn."
St. Matthias, Tenth and Worthlngton
Rev. George S. Southworh, Pastor Third
Sunday in lAint. Holy communion, 8;
Sunday school and Bible class, 10; morn
ing prayer anil sermon, 11. Special nerv
Ice Friday ovcnlng with colored pictures
Illustrating a sermon on tha lifo of
Christ, 7:80.
Gra' e United Evangelical, corner
Camden Avenue and North Twe.nty
stventu Street, Thomas M, Evans, Pastor
W. W,
Adult Bible cluss
:. tuaehur. Junior
league at 3, Miss Shimmer, teucher. Ep-
worm iruMuo ni . v.-..-.-, f-.--
ldent; topic, "A Social Survey und ItB
Gllfton Illll. Forty-fifth and Grant.
if ii iti.mi.nv. PuHtor Rev. Charles Jlfr-
son. 1- D.. wll prwacn nunuuy ,nurwn f.
at 11 and 7.90. !
Falniew, Fortieth Avenue and Pratt
Street. Charles 11. Fleming, Pastor-Aft-erncon
worship at 3. theme. ' What ill
Satisfy Jesus A Blblo schuol at - Serv
lee of song at 7 30. Midweek service
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. .
Tnrkvul. Tlilrtv.flr.t and Gold. Rev. '
A. E. Lehinann. Minister Morning wor
ship and bible school at 10:30. Junior
Christian Endeavor mxiety at 3, HcnUr
Christian Endeavor society at ft Evening
worship und service ot song with tcrmon
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