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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1914)
Tiro OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 15, 1914. PKT STOCK. 1?EAL ESTATI3 i-Ait?t a hajtcu lands Fort salbfaiim iianch lands Von salis Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. Back to the Land Canada 3,320 acres whoro tho eun always shines. Near Moose Jaw, Sask. land under tho highest cultivation; four good houses, stono barns and granaries, equipment for farming whole ranch, including engines and auto mo 1 ' w 1 Bo11 -vvho,c' ,n fioctions or half sections, with or without equip ment. Easy payments or will consider exchange for good income property. 3,000 acres unimproved, 75 miles northwest of Iteglna, $17 to $20 per acre, best of terms. Idaho 880 acres northwest of Glen's Ferry. Fenced and cross fenced, all under Irrigation, bwn tho water right. Range leaso to caro for 2,000 cattle. Bost of farm equipment. 40 head registered white-faced Hero fords, 100 hogs, 40 horses. Will sell or trade, with or without equip ment. Price set way under actual value. Utah 173 acres located op Lako Utah, across from Provo, all front land, 20 to 40 acre tracts; an ideal place for summer homes. Land soiling all around for $100 per aero; will price ours at $60 fon quick sale. Illinois 240 acres, gentleman's homo, 30 miles from Chicago, at Downer's) Grove. No trado, but will soil-for what improvements cost. Nebraska Acrcago bargains in and near Omaha. Flinn Real Estate Co. For Results Tel. Web. 7368. 658 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Nebraska. 120-Acre Farm, Saunders County Nebraska $70 per Acre Three miles from good railroad town ot a thousand- population. Good seven-room house, large barn and other outbulldl.ngs, well and windmill; sood orchard. About 100 acres of this farm Is splendid black loam eoll and now under cultivation. Twenty acres or rough pasture. We don't bcllevo this placo can bo' beat for tho money In eastern Nebraska, Armstrong-Walsh Co, Tyler 1626. 210-12-14 Stato Bank Bids. 800-Acre Ranch This ranch lies one mllo from Grant, the county scat of Perkins Co., Neb.; a fine set ot Improvements; US acres cultivated, atl could be; practically all lovel and good noil; no mortgage. Owner wants hard ware or Implement stock. Taklnc tho location, tho lay ot tho land, and the quality of tho grass, the railroad advantages, this stock proposition cannot bo boat, and you men' that want a ranch don't want to pass this up. It is priced right. A. W. TOLAND & CO. 448 Boo Bldg. Omaha, Neb, Farms FarmsFarms -' Drlvlnrr distance of Omaha: barcalna. Let us show you the goods; all sizes, all prices, all terms. Possession given'. OltIN S. MERRILL. COMPANY. Northinst Corner 23d und, M SU-i South Omaha, Ncb. Washlnirton. 40,000 acres R. R. land (N. P. Govt, grant year 1880) just opened to purchase) rich bunch grass land, ready to plow, located on R. R.s., only 40 .miles from famous districts ot Wenatcheo and Yakima. Washington, where values are $300 to $f,000 per ncro. Govt, reports (Bulletin No. 14) claims soil and climate Is best In tha state, and that values will be as high as $1,000 when canal Is in operation to Irrigate the land Many orchrds, wheat fields, etc, on adjoining lands- to provo what lands will produce. Sold In 40-acro tracts or more, $22.60 per acre on 10-year terms. Wa guarantee cost of examination as to our representation. Wrlto for literature. D. J. M'GILLJVItAY INV. CO., Cor. 1st and Howard, Spokane, Wash. o Wlscoasisu Upper Wisconsin Bert dairy and general crop stau la lb union. Settlers wanted. Lands tot sale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask for booklet. 24 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant State acres wanted. Writ about our grazing lands If interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchards In Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., (too Line Ry.. Minneapolis. Minn. OFFICIAL publication concerning soil, climate and crops ot Wisconsin mailed free to those addressing' Wisconsin BU.t Board ot Immigration. Capitol 1900, Modi son. Wis. LAND SAICES If you aro looking for tho test and cheapest land In Wisconsin, you should worry, but write for particu lars to 8. W. Gregory, Btone Lake, Wis. o EASTERN NEBRASKA FARM FOR SALE. 160-acro farm In Washington county, three miles southwest of Herman on main traveled road: possession- March 1, 1915. , 420,0!0.00. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 203 First National Bank Butldlnff. Telephono Douglas 722. . 17 ACRES fine land near Fort Crook. Small payment and easy terms. JOHN A. OLSON, OMAHA.. City National Bank Bldg. FOR BALE Halt section, or 320 acres, 4 miles from Chappcll, Co. scat of Deifel Co., and UVF. depot. A good piece of level land in pasture and hay. Fine wheat country. Price, $30 per acre. Might arrange terms on part of purchasing price. Address M. Lalble. Darr. Dawson Co.. Neb. 120-ACRE, fitt miles east of Rosalie, Neb., improved; an icncca; i acres nog tight; prce $125 an acre," terms; possession this BPrlng. Ed Thompson, Lyons. Neb. Wyoming. 23.000 acres fertile, well located farm lands; low prices; easy terms: local rep resentatlves wanted everywhere. Federal Land Co,, Cheyenne, Wyo. tfARMS WANTED. FARM OWNERS DO YOU WANT TO SELL? Wo havo Inquiries for Improved farms in central and eastern Nebraska from buyers who can make a substantial cash payment If you want to sell at a fair price, wrlto us today and describe your your lowest net. price ana uedi icrmn. jomeB i. vvateroury Co., "a iMt.i junneapous, .Minn.' H 13 Aii ESTATE LOANS MONEY to loan on farms. or city prop ertv anvwhpr-A in thn ir a i - ... w w, UUiJ V per cent simple Interest; buy, build or vuy HiuriBaseB, long time, easy pay ments. Empire Realty & Mortgage Co.. v.u.3 o6 wemao mug., jjenver. voio. o OMAHA homes. East Nebraska forms. O'KEEFS REAL ESTATE CO.T 1016 OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas 2716. KAT1XT nnrl ..It.. Inon. .1 . ...... Wm. McCormlck. 1201 Farnam. Red, 20U5.o Orcjton, COME west; Oregon Is the land ot op portunity for you; congenial climate, no extremes; sou is tortile ana productive; adapted to diversified farming, raises splendid grain and fruit ot all kinds. Land is cheap. We have improved and unim proved land from $18 to $45 per acre. Tell us what you want and amount you deslro to invest, uuyer .tiros., uurur, uro. OREGON stato publications free: Ore gon Almanac, Oregon Farmer and other official nooks published by state immi gration Commission, telling of resource.!, climate and agricultural opportunities for tho man of moderate means. Ask ques tions, they will have painstaking answers. Wo havo nothing to sell. Address Room 82, Portland Commercial Club, I'ortlaud. Ore. o PARTY now forming for March 17 to inspect our land at Ontario, Ore.; If you uro In market tor high class alfalfa, corn and fruit land It will pay you to go with us. Wrlto us for all particulars. Oregon & Western Colonization Co., E3S Paxton Bldg., Omaha. Texas, Stale Lands, $2 Per Aero Over 1,000,001 acres for sale by the stat. of Texas; you can buy 640 acres at S3 an nke; pay 132 cash and balance aftar 40 years; fine farming and fruit lanl, and healthy climate. For further in formation send 6 cents postage. INVliSTO-R PUBLISHING CO., Dept. 74, Sau Antonio, Tex, FOR SALE Townslte, 550 acres, 19 cot tagea. It. it division station; a money maker. J. W. Smith, Vanderbllt, Texas. o TEXAS school land opening; million acres coming on market, $1.60 to $5 per acre; 6c er acre cash, balance 40 years. Advance Information and map 4c postage. Journal Publishing Co., Houston. Texas. FOR EXCHANGE. Three Omaha residence properties, Want general merchandiser will deal separately or together and give good deal on stock from $5,000 to $20,000. Lock Box 241, Wood blne. Iowa-' FINK farm adjoining town east Texas. $4,o fine fruit and vegetables; plenty of rain;, will consider trade. G. P. Stebblns. Omaha. Oklahoma. cultivation, good new building, young or chard, city scnooi, z wens; oia age una alone the reason for selllnS. Address P. J. Davis. Grove, Okl. ' ' Ohio. ' FARM 43 acres on C, M. & L. traction; land nicely rolling; 6-room house; 2 small barns; fine for poultry and dairy; $2,703. John Fox. Edenton. Ohio. Washlm-lem, WASHINGTON WANTS YOU. Ask Bureau Statistics and Immlgrstion of Stato ot Washington for tree official liomcseeker' Guide. Contains detailed information by counties showing farming i pportunltics. general resource, land utatlsti'S This bureau sells no land. 'Write 1 M Howell commissioner, Dept. 14. Olympia, "Wash. o. iiw to . lu,(M) made promptly. b i. Wcsd. Wead Bldg.. I8th and Farnam. Ortt r'l TV i riANTu u.n.i..,,..ik.. v 110-312 Brandela Theater. HniiHini. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. GARVIN BROS. faTaSfe AiuxMjx on :in.nrt t iiiihi mt. loons on Nebraska farms and Omaha city H. W. BINDER, , City National Bank Bldg, CITY proporty. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Tlioma. V state Bank Bldg. wAHitiuviiy loans and warrants. W. Farnam .Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St. tJlTx ana torni leans, t, 6V4. 6. J, IL uuhipih cc o jwu farnam, umana. HARJUSON & MORTON, HIS Om. Nat WANTED TO JUUY. WANTED 600 CARS SCRAP IRON Awn nnNcii IJ1QHE8T PRICES PAID FOR RUBBER ' . ... AXUU OliSTAL. LtA,5& p.a,a PnPUy upon receipt. rXCfttS1 toT Prlce and shipping tags. 60NKKH GALAMBA IRON & METAL COMPANY. (Largest dealers west of tho Mississippi.) Kansas City. Kan. Highest prices paid for furniture. D.J37U WANTED TO KENT. YOUNG married rnnnl. . ants, will rent strictly modern 6 or 6 , uh.uju i uu prcieraoiy nana 6m Parlt dlBtr,ct- Telephone Harney 1VANTED TO IJOHHOW. WANTED To borrow for one year at 7 per cent. $10,000 on nrorrtv..VeaI-af thanJSWOO. Address B 178. Bee. UVB STOCK aiAKKEl1 Oh WEST SHIP live atocit ti mh, l... mlleago and shrinkage. Your consign, menu receive prompt and careful atten- Live sitock CunuuUaiun Merchants.' MARTIN BROS & CO.. Exchangs Bldg. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. HELP WANTED FKMLiT Factorr unit Trades. WANTEWjlIiluTery trimmors. makprn nnH pnnvfotn . .... WELL Improved 60-acre farm, one mllo L, . tnnxir vy aua oul" from good railroad town. 60 acres in foi-tonw positions. Apply, Splerberg- era, 1016 Farnam. REAL ES1'AT1 TltANHFEHS. lot 1 D4l filed for nnnl If . ,(, ..... T. II. Col(lnt to Chlc9 Lnmtxr Co. t Brker Co. to WIlbelmlM niimoo. lou l sad 24, MontcUlr Loiril Utic. Co. to Onirics lUXfk, and fc block i. Walnut inn C. Hataa to Kllra Oartn, lota i and' i! Mock . Walnut HUt , Ell.n Oan to K. A. Coaawtr, lou 1 and X.' block . Walnut 11111..,,.,..' l E. A. Conwar to Nebraika Telephone co lots 1 a4 U block , Walnut 1UU a Emllr Nordlo to W Ji. KorHr, lot 11. block 1, l Urk ItodlLk'a add y F V Wead to J Kandu, nH ot tA Iota 1 ' and t, block 1 7 D, o. IloMnov ts J. Mellck, lots 41, ' GRAIN AND PRQDUCE MARKET Bears on Chicago Market Are Very Active. IX0UR SITUATION FLAT NOW Corn Italia Anticipate Arrlrnl of the Lonir Kxpected Cash Ilcmand nnU Ilemnln Confident of Their Position. r . OMAHA. March 14, 1914. L.onsiderablo stubbornes.i was shown by tno wheat market at Chicago yesterday, as the now was decidedly bearish, but the prices closed a fraction higher. Tho market was In an oversold condition and tno bears became too persistent In the m, r 0, putting out short linos and . y iWwfc forced to cover at losses. Thoro lltue n tho circumstances and con ditions surrounUtng tho wheat market to cause i uneasiness. Tho flour situation, was reported as flat. It was rumored that Duluth grain men wero heavy sellers of cash wheat to como to Chicago In the absence of any do n,n at a fair price from exporters. Cash wheat was unchunged. .Lorn bulls were extrernoly confident ot their position yesterday and said they saw strong Indications that the long awaited eastern cash demand was about to materialise. It was notlcablo that an eastern handler who has been bearish heretofore and has claimed an excep tionally poor demand, was on the other side ot tho market yesterday. Reports of export sales were In circulation and while there is said to have been a small quantity sold abroad, bears claim they were .unable to find the slightest Indi cation of business. At a meeting of tho members of the Chicago Board of Trade yesterday, which was called to consider a proposed change in the rules necessitated by the adoption ot tho government corn grades It was decided to mako No. 1 and No. 2 grades tho standard for delivery on future con tracts, mixed corn being deliverable at the same price and yellow and white at He premium. No. 3 mixed is to be de liverable at SHo discount and yellow and white at 2c discount, while No. 4 mixed can bo delivered at Ca penalty and the yellow and white at V&c under. Tho pro posed amendment Is expected to bo posted for ballot soon. Cash corn was Qlo higher. Oats opened steady and had a slight ad vance, sympathizing with tha firmness existing in othor grades. The outsldo In terest was light and fluctuations corre spondingly narrow. Cash oats were unchanged. Clearances: Wheat and flour, equal to 232,000 bushels: corn, 67,000 bushels; oats, 13,01)0 bushels. Liverpool close: Wheat unchanged to W higher; corn, &d hlghor. Primary wheat receipts were 623,000 bushels and shipments 369,000 bushels, against receipts of 710,000 bushels last year. ' Primary corn receipts were 761,000 bushels and shipments 600,000 bushels, against receipts of 69,000 bushels and shipments of 600,000 bushels last year. Primary oaU receipts were 803,000 bushels and shipments 83,000 bushels, against receipts of 766,000 bushels and shipments of 653.000 bushels last year. The following cosh sales wcro reported: Wheat: No. 3 hard winter, 2 cars, 84V4c. No. 4 durum, 1 car. 84c Oats: standard. 3 carB, SStto; i car. 38J4.C No. 3 white. I car, S8c; 13 cars, 37&c; i cars, S7J4c. No. 4 wnlte, 2 cars, 37hc; 2 cars, Sifcc. No graae, i car, aoc corn: No. 3 white, cars. 635ic: 1 car. 63o: 3 cars. tOc: cars, 62Hc; 1 car, Glic. No. 4 white, 3 cars, bzc. no. a yellow, 4 cars, khc no. 3 yellow, 6 cars, 63c; 1 car, C2&c; IS cars, wc; 3 cars, uiiio; a cars, tzc ino. yellow. 3 cars. VMo: 1 car. file. No. mixed, 1 car, tunc, x car, Cjc, No. 3 mixed. j. car, Wftc; t cars, bza; u cars, tufto; . cars, bic. no. mixea. i cars, bUfec; car. 69 Wc: 1 car. 68c. Omaha Cash prices Wheat. No. 2 hard, basic; no. a nam, mq6c; no. 4 nara, TD'tWV&c; No. 3 spring, KQSSHc; No. 4 spring, HZViimo; No. 2 durum, 84H&S5c; no. s aurum, 83'i$S4c. corn. no. z wnite, 6364Vto; No. 3 white, 62tt63Kc: No. 4 white. COWCc: No. 2 yellow. C31CG3UC: No. 3 yellow. G1'45ik!o: No. 4 yellow. COViO OlHc; No. 2, 63C3Vjc; No. corn, G0ftU ezftc; mo. 4, 6?HaOtt:c. uats: no. z wiute, 39&39Kc; standard, 2SH2i4c; No. 3 white, 87V(&s3c; No. 4 white, 37437lAc. Barley: Malting, U5j5c: No, 1 feed, 40(3490. Ryo No. 2, 67H4J6SO; No. 3. 67867Hc CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn. OaU. Omaha ; 8 12a 49 St. Louis 40 20 62 Chicago - 33 175 138 Kansas City 33 87 17 Winnipeg lti Minneapolis 207 ... ... iDuluth op CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Michigan. Minnesota and Wisconsin red, 60906c; Mlohlgan. Minnesota and Wis consin white, 930630. .,SL"SirrJ?u,ar: MI. lW8Ho; twins, I7ji JSc; Americas. lSKtfloVio; long noma, l7vlSo. fow?sUi&oUVAUVe'' ,0Wer! BpTlng3 17o: ni?yiiV? CJS Prices-Whent: No. S rd. SJhSSlb0' 3 Ca- 34JVio; No. 2 Imrtl 92402o; No. 3 hard. Hc; No. 2 north ern, 9tP93Vic; No. 3 northern, Sae94bie: No 2 spring. 844fmwc: No. 3 spring, m vU?'J?hCi .9Lyollow- e60. Oats: No. 3 white, 3SiM0Hc; standard. 39Hf40c. SSr Barter mZc. Timothy. jTimtf"35; J:,0.Y. 0-W.75. rork, $2L67i4. Lard. $10.62. lUbs. $10.7JC1LJ7h! SmV -VOlllC nKNISrtAI. MARICnT Qnotntlona ot the Unr on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. March 14.-PLOtIR-.'.""rtaF patents.. $4.604.75: .winter straights. $4.20534.33; winter patents $l.40JJ Wi.fKring clears, Jl.iot4.26. WlltiVT Spot, -easy; No. 2 red. $1.04"j. a,tor' domestic; No. 2 hard winter, c,..,,Jt,V to o-rrive; No. 1 northern Duluth $1.02)i. f. o. b afloat, opening no-vlgatlon; No. 1 northern Manitoba, $i03, f. o. b., afloat: futures closed HOtto net lower; May, $1.0G5-16c; July, JKHci t-CHtf Illbol. !itUn. ii?i013ule.t;.J,latc' common to choice. J2 l' A9'2. l'acltlo coasU JlHtfS3i4c; 113, 20f(23c; 1912, 16Sl!c. ni.u.uVs.-stcatlyi Bogota. Central America. Sic. OATS-Spot. quiet; standard white, 4514 gtbo; No. J, 4J846Ho; fancy clipped. white, CORN Snot, firms No. a v.iinw mtr c I. L, toarrtvo. ' ' HAY Steady. LEATHER Firm. WlOVISlONs - rork, market firm; mess, .W5f2S.60; family, $2l.0Olf2,00: short clear. $20,25122.00: beef, quiet; mess, $18 0Offl8.60; family. $19.0020.0o; cut liaats lT? steady; mlddlo west, $10.70 lo.M); refined, quiot; continent, $11.35; :0!,iTAm.0.rlca.8SS' compound, dull. JAnUW?uloti clty- 6e' nominal; country, &ff6ic; special, 7c Rl'TTBR-Steady; receipts, 6,300 tubs; creamery, held, extras, 27c; process, ox- Cl'lEKSB Steady: receipts, 600 boxes; state, wholo milk, fall and summer, aver ago, fancy. lS18V4c. EQQS Unsettled; receipts, 9.800 cases: fresh gathered, extras, 31G3lHci extra, firsts. 30Vic. POULTRY-Llve, steady; western chickens, 16c; fowls, 16o; turkeys, lftftlSc. Dressed, weak; fresh killed western chickens, 15Q25cj fowls, Wil&Kc; turkeys. 1Su25o. Features of the Trading; and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade, CHICAGO, March 14. Corn was tho speculative leader today on tho exchange, 'the Argentine harvest had been hit by wet weather, firm offerings were scarco and there was sharp bidding by feeding centers. As a result the market, despite heavy profit-taking by holders, closed firm at HS-Hc net advance. Wheat fin ished the same aa last night to Ho higher and oats varying from a shade oft to He up. In provisions tho outcomo was 607HQ to 12Hc decline. ' Nearly -c uavance for the wceK xormea the record In tho corn market, with final prices at tho tip-top lovel reached. Ac companying today's rlso thcro was gi eater activity than In any ot the other chief staples. Delay and Injury to the Argentine crop, It was sold, would tend to glvo impetus to the already Improved eastern demand. In addition, tho mild weather here pointed to rapid progress ot spring work In the fields and to con sequential virtual stoppage of deliveries from first hands. Missouri river points meanwhile reported feeding Inquiry ot the most satisfactory sort. Too free selling on the upturn resulted at ono time In the corn market making a sudden dip. The setback, , however, proved brief and a subsequent doclJcd broadening of outsldo trade was appar ent. Wheat, after bclnc depressed the greater part ot the day, rallied In sym pathy with tho bulge In corn. Besides, thero wero some Kansas complaints of dry soil and high winds in tho western third of tho state. Minneapolis flour dealers were quoted also as predicting stur was tnere tor wneat aunng tne rest of the season. The brilliant outlook for tho winter cron as a whole was the prin cipal influence against tno nuns. uats swayed with corn, cut Kept within a narrow range. May and July options wero togetner at tne close. Realizing by longs In the provision mar ket mora than offset the effect ot hog prices, lumping up to $9.w. Thoro wero predictions that the receipts ot hogs next weeK wouia ne eniargoa. Llrerpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, March 14. WHEAT Spot ?.ullJ. ?.0, 2 roa" western winter, 7s 4Hd; No. 1 Manitoba, 7s 3Hd: No. 2. 7s 3d. Fu tures casyMarch. 7s 2Hd! May, 7s 2Hd; , Ce?n.J"7Sl). wlet' American, mlxod. Cs SHd. La Plata futures strong; March, 4s lid; July, 4s Sd. St. Louis General Market. 8.T,JiPUIS' March 14. WHEAT No. 2 red. OogSbc; No. 3 hard. 9294Hc; May, ic, July, 6c. k.cor7No; 67HOSc: No. 2 white, COc; May, 69Ho; July, C91c. iiSTNo,f 3J0: No- 3 white 41 41Hc; May, 39Hc; July, 39Hc CIrnrlnjr House Bank Statement. NEW YORK. March 14.-Tho statement of tho nctual condition ot clearing house banks and trust companies for tho week shows that they hold $23,016,300 reserve In 'excess of legal requirements. This Is on lucreoso of $5,339,800 from last week. Actual condition: Amount. Decrease. $2,079,925,000 $7,317,000 ffpcclo 398.694.000 8,103.000 Legal tenders 73,055,000 1,459,000 Net deposits 1,966,868,000 5,942.000 Circulation 42,470.000 36,000 Excess lawful reeorvo 23,016,300 5,!39.S0O Banks' cash reserve in vaults. ..$104,741,000 Trust companies' cash reserve in vaults , 67,008,000 OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Fifteen to Twenty lower for tho Week. FEEDERS ARE STRONG AIL WEEK IIorb Thirty Cents Higher Than n Week Aro nnil Sheen and Lnmlis Ten to Fifteen Cents lliulirr, SOUTH OMAHA, March 14. 1914. HfMlPts Werc! cattle, Hoss. Sheep. Official Monday 6, 4.SU 13.JW ViV.c,.al. Tuesday 6.7CS SHI0 "J Vlnviy.... 3.012 Official Thursday 2.KT4 pfflclnl Friday f. 703 Lstlmato Saturday 135 12.215 13.100 1S.104 9.CO0 11.063 est that they havo been at any tlmo since last July, when on tho last day ot the menth tho average stood nt $8.66. 8IIKEP-The fresh recclbts this morn ing amounted to sdmo fifteen cars, or 3,400 head, eleven of which only stopped here for feed enroute to an eastern point. Tho remaining four cars consisted Of Colorado owes, weighing about 104 pounds, that went to tho packers at $5.75. trade belrtg nominally steady with yesterday. The features during the wcok havo been Tory moder.ito receipts accompanlod with a Uttlo advanca In pncea on tho good to choice grades of sheep and lambs. The Improvement in values over a wcelt ago amounts to about lOtflSc. Tho receipts total up some 63,223 head, being J.157 less than last week. 6,189 less than two weeks ago and 6,806 short of a year ago. While tho better grades ot practically all kinds of killers have been fairly active sellers most of tho week, thero havo boon about enough showing up from day to day to satlsty the current demand. On tho other NEW YORK jiTOCK MARKET Rise Resumed and Most Important Shares Make Fair Gains: REACTION TOWARD THE CLOSE Nctr llnvcit Depressed liy Reports of n Nenr nitch In the Plans for Dissolution. NKW YORK. March 14.-The rise !n fm,.w?8. reume today. Most ot the reaction in tho final dealings cut Into the advances. tmb late reaction was influenced by the 64,910 69.U91 Six days this weck..lR,H 68,476 Same daj'B last week...lS,815 61,405 Same days 2 weeks ago 17.842 66,194 Samo days 3 weeks ago 21.214 67,048 Same days 4 weegs ago 15.477 C7.ttJi fcamo duys last ycar,..lS,570 60,611 Tho following table shows tho receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at tho South Omaha llvo stock market for the year to dato as compared with last year: 1914. wist inc. Dec. Cattle 1S7.930 200.W8 12.903 610.4T9 648.760 58,267 Sluep 666,232 604.093 61,233 ...... The following table snows tns range ot prices tor huus ul the south Uiuatiu live stock market for tho last tew days, with comparisons: loSl hfja offering. onThVheYvy and medium jdec l.lon of thS federal court Ordering dl,- raM ," ' AV"-UA " ..DV " i"aPc.n.K" .Phlo. which was strong in .S5!l.W ThemaVT Cannes' , gVndual.' Ttlsr'SillarV W-XvlK .-cm 101 10 cnoice lamnn we gning nnthraMtn itmi n V... i .fEom E',ly .to IShty-throo pounds, dusUiols werlfitlKf?. though the undortono to tfca trade Is rc- Ne". ii.u'on wii riini 63.22.', i .,.' fv, le? .Kradually the other coalers, nrfudinir i W.ltt ; yarded bv n. not iM "B?v..ful.v?n was depressed by reports Tho supply of aged sheen still shows iASln V ftnInglon r tt near hitch in tho UP In vcry'ymcTdewt0a i"ropoPrtroni. wl Sh i WnlJi fS!TIvttl,2l'?'Iii,on- The plnn. of .t,ho owes nnflfsminnlnir riir w i""ted. States Express company to retire Date. I 11)14. m3.U8l2.19H.U910.U9u9.19tf8. Feb. Ji. Feb. 26. Fob. 27. Feb. 23. Mar. 1. Mar. 2.. Mar. 3.. Mar. 4.. Mar. 6.. Mar. 6.. Mar. 7.. Mur. 8.. Mar. 9.. Mar. 10.1 Mar. 11 Mar. 12. Mar. 13. Mar. 14. 8 35541 8I8 8 34H 83 8 19 8 2S 829 8 36U 8 3SHI o 40H 8 60V 8 201 8 04 8 18 8 20; 8 30 8 24 8 301 8 37 8 47 8 62 8 321 8 $) 8 46 8 69 8 67 6 02 6 OS! 6 11 6 16 6 26 6 32 0 38 6S7 6 31 6 34 6 34 6 40 6 66 6 45 0 931 231 9 W 6 82 6 861 6 82 6 93 e 78 6 S3 I 6 88 0 83 6 74 9 S3! U 47 0 63 9 60 9 66 9 63 9 76; 0 78 6 It) I 0 V 0 75 10 22 6 8O1IO 27 ' 10 6 63 6 6S 10 34 6 24 6 13 6 14 6 0S 6 14 6 36 6 20 6 16 8 30 6 48 6 68 6 63 6 40 6 48 6 47 4 11 4 12 4 10 4 23 428 4 20 4 25 4 23 433 4 44 4 44 Ifl 4 33 4 37 4 Sunday. Receipts and disposition ot live stooit at the Union stock yards, South Omjiha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS Cftttle.HoffS.ShccD.irsa. -., m. & at. i' 1 Wabash Mo. Pacific Union Pacific C. & N. W., cast .. ., C. & N. W., west.. .. C., St. P., M. & O.. .. C, II, & Q., cast.. 4 C., I). & Q west.. .. C R. I. & P., cast. .. C. It. I. & P., wost .. Illinois Central ., Chicago a. W. .... 1 Total rccelnts .. 6 DISPOSITION-HEAD. wamo. nogs, onecp 6 3 ., .. 3 .. 1 22 17 6 .. 3 62 .. S 7 .. .. 3 .. 1 '18 2 1 3 .. 1 3 1 4 m isi "0 Morris & Co. Swift and Company, k L.uuany i'Kg. Co. Armour & Co. ... Bchwarts & Co. J. w. Murphy r. I, j-iowia Huston & Co. ,. .... ..... 3 23 1,371 1,611 3,301 1.487 119 707 431 Aggregate cash rosorvc $471,749,000 xiujsi turn funics rcservo wun clcarimr house members rarrv. ing 2C por cent cash reserve.,.. 84,187.000 Bummary of stato bankB and trust com panies in ureater now vork not lncludod in clearing nousa siaioment: Amount. DccrcAsa. Loans $520,639,400 $3,411,400 Specie ,.. 67,923,100 3D6,C0O Legal tenders 8,161,200 634,200 xoiai aeposns ......... bii,l.i,liM 't,i01,sx -xncrcaso. Rank Cltnrinai, OMAHA. March 14. Rank clt-arlnim for Omaha today were $2,900,092.06. and for the corresponding day last year $3,988,730.67. Tho summary of bank clearings for tho i'u ura ween is aa zoiiows: Monday 3,687,69.70 3 3,423.747.73 Tuesday 2.074. SIKT. Rfl 1 un rvrr it rSi e"ay s.685.2.93 3,359,135.21 iiiumuu o,fii, 3.S57.7S7.40 3,086,078.78 8,239,871.20 2,0SS,730.67 2,950,092.06 Friday Saturday Totals .$18,875,076.54, $19,562,698.8$ London Stock Slnrkot. LONDON. Minti,... , ties opened aulct and imnhnn,, closed steady and from unchanged to half above naritv. fnnnni. 7614! for account, 76H: Union Pacific' 162J4; bar silver, Hteady, 2613-16: money, i months, 2;iQ0 6-16 per cent. Artlclel Open. I Ulnh. Low. I Close.l Yes y. Wheat) May. S3V4 . 93H MTi 93H S3K July.l SSU S8H 87T 88H bSJi Corn. 1 Msy.l 67H 6754 67li 67T4 67J4 July.l 67V4 67H 66 67H 67H Oats. 1 I May.f 39H 39 39J, 39H 39H July. S)A 39i S3 35H Pork, May. 21 eiVt H 70 21 63 , 21 67M 21 67H July. 21 72V4 21 72 21 60 21 CO Lard. May. 10 87H 10 87 10 80 19 80 10 87 July. 11 05 11 07 11 00 11 00 10 W Ribs. 1 May.f 11 60 11 60 11 62 11 62 11 60 July. 11 70 1170 11 62 1162 1170 BUTTER Lower: creameries. 22&26UC KQGS Lower; receipts. 10.883 cases: at mark, cases Included, 20Otlo: ordinary finds. 2O0lc; firsts, 21c. ruxA-iuist .Miwr: receipts 60 cars; HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 47 and 41. lltrltm Lana i W. U Frederick to 1. J. llallck. lota it. 47 and 41. Itarlcm Lant i W. R. Zlnk to J. J. W.IUk, lou 4. 47 and 41. Harlem Lane T. Kllp&trltk to Hilda EllUon, e50 fact of wiw mi ot sti 01 101 7, block I, Or chard 11111 1 J. Llnttad ts J. U Parker, lots U and Id. block 1. I'ulmn Place lm Bootala Croae lo 1. X. Weaunin, lot 1, block . eub ot 1. I. Redlck'e add 1 Tilly O. Putnam to C. W. Bunco, lU ttet lot IS. Archer Tlace , ud Ura. Anna. Pitch to M. Lereer, n7t4 feat. of HH feet lot 4, tlock IS, ortglnal aur t of Omaha f.OOd AUba Ball, administrator, to (' r Ball, lota 15 and IT, bio. k 'SI CUT of Benton 1.200 C. 1- Ball to AUba Ball, lote It and IT. block 17 rtrr of Beavm 1 Marr Irdla ltce to Itebocca Brown, lot 1, block , Ctntru Park add , 445 I Metal Market. NEW YORK. Marnli 1i rnyrAT u Market was dull and nnvptl Lake copper, nominal: electrolytic. I14.12W 014.25; coating, $14.0014.12. Iroj, un-changed- ST. LOUIS, March 14. METALS Lead, steady, at $3.90. Spelter, dull, at $5.15. Cotton .Market. NEW YORK. March 14 crvrrnww..- tures closed yery steady; March, 12.62c; May. I2.07cj July. H.91o; August, ll.72c October, H.43c December, 11.61c. Spot steady; mlddllngk J3.25c; gulf, 13,60c. nils nnd Iloaln. NEW YORK. Murrh 14 PnTTrivmritn 9IL Steady; prime summer yellow, $7.23 e$c.,M,arh'. I7-20'- May 7'82 TURPENTINE Steady, St. Joseph Ilvo Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. March 14.rfATTr.TrL celpts. 100 head: mnrknf atnriv. $7.00S9.15; cows and heifers, $4.00fl.76! calves. $5.00419.50. wo.o, .HOas Receipts, 1.000 head; market 6o uiKiiur. top, a.o; OUIK. JS.WHS.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS No receipts: STATE COLLEGE CONFERENCE BRINGS EDUCATORS TO YORK YORK, Neb., March 14.-Bpeclal Tele- grom.j-The State college conference opened In York today with about 160 del egatea present. The conference will con tinue until Sunday evening. A large num ber lot well knlow educators are on tho program for addresses. Tho first session today was hold in the Young Men's Christian association build ing. Dean Charles Fordyco presided. Pres ident McLaughlin of York college deliv ered an address ot welcome and also spoke on "The Place of a Christian Pro- gram in the College Man's Life." Special muslo was rendered by tho Wesleyan quartet. R. L. Ewlng, socrctary of the Lnlver. slty of Nebraska Young Men's Christian association, spoke on the subject of ' The N-sw Plan for Students' Association Organization." At 6 o'clock luncheon was served, with J. P. Ilalley as toastmaster. W. J. Hill of Lincoln and Prof. P. W. Perisho of Central City responded to toasts. in the evening H. L. Helnsman spoke on tho subject, "Why Such Gatherings," and W. A. Solleek of Lincoln gave an oddrees on "My Ideas of a College Man s Job." Saturday's sessions will be held In Yni-l college. Tho Persistent and Judicious 1'se of Newspaper Advertising is tho Road to lluainess Success Totals "6 SWI 43I CATTLE Receipts of cattio today wero of no consoquence. Tho total for tha ween snows comparatively little change as comparod with last week, but was nuBJiuy smaner man tor tho correspond Ing week of last year. The reoelnta. how. over, nt all points havo been plenty largo enough to supply tho consuming demand, In fact too largo, as evidenced by the snarp DrcaK in prices at practically all market points. Beef steers and fat mki mi,i t,,irV , havo worked lower during tho wook, being at the nlose J&UZOo lower than ono week ago,. On Urn other hand, stocker and feeder steers, as well as stock cows nnd heifers, have bean strong all tho week and aro aa high as they havo boon any tlmo this soason. Veal calves havo siurnpeu severely, ueing lower in the cast as well as here, whore prices aro quoted cvwisa lower man tne close ot last weeK. Quotations on cattio: Good to choice beef steers, $8.30(89.00; fair to good beef steers, $8.00fi8.30; common to fair beet steers, $7.258.oo; good to cholco cornfed heifers, $7.2.V37.75: good to choice cornfed cows, w.wwi.zz: tair to cood nrouas. so.t. &4.60; common to fair grades, $4.255.73 good to cholco stockers and feeders. $7.7! 16.25; fair to good stockers and feeders $7.264?7.75; common to fair stockers and foeuers. $9.60iP7.25i stock cows nnd holt ers, $8.0037.60; stock calves, $C.6O$8.00 veal calves, $8.0Ckj9.D0; buns, stags, etc. ao.iofi.bu. NO. AT. HO. Pf. II ..Ill ... I U it n ... t u (4 ill ... t IS N 201 40 I tt (i nt ... its tt 261 129 I IS 7) at its i tt i 171 SO It.. ill tt Ml- tO til 4 163 M.... c..,....:io u Mt 4 tl 7) m u Hi it tu u :w 71 U4 No. At. 19 171 it 114 tO 115 74 229 71 lit 79...,. ..Ill tl ..too ,.. Sfl 1(0 ... M 218 1(0 71 105 ..aa ...216 ..204 ,.:io ,.31 ..III ..37 ..ill ..Ul 2M Tl, St.... II.... (1.... tl.... tt..., TO.... 13.... 71.... 67..... SO 258 67.. 22) Tl ra SI too 79.. 77.. 49 Ill 11 t!4 71 117 199 79 til 7t 117 M 4 7t lit tt 211 tl 7J 71 Bh. IT. ... I 30 t 40 I 40 S J1 f 45 8 4t 4S I 4t t 45 I 45 I 45 t 47H t 60 S to t &0 I U S to I to t to t to J to 8 to s u s to 8 tO 124 20 ... to ieo 139 40 to to to to "to ... 'to u.. 12... tl.. 7i.,, 74.. 71... ei... ... ii... 77... 7... e... cs... 72... 7... It. tl. to 40 i:i uo tto .117 170 110 I to t to I to t to i co It s to i to ICO .ill 1M I to lti to I to .226 ,.. I t) 74 e...,...23T 31 lit It 212 11 St CI Ill 49..,,. ..Ill 61 Ul 14 SU ....20 .,..211 ....214 ....til ....210 ....2)0 ....244 ... ....234 40 ....241 IM ....230 to 10 10 40 I to I to I 40 Itltf I ts 8 tt I KS I ts I ts 44... 70..., tl.... It... tt.... J..., IS.... 17..., 71..., 47... 70.,., 71.... II..., M.'... .,.. 71..., ....? ....217 ...244 ...2T,I ,...227 ,.U1 M Ill 70.. M.. 41.. tl.. ii.. TO.. 110 I tt H I tt I CS I II IK I IS I M I tt 1 M .271 .2t4 ...210 ...211 ...270 t..20 ...271 ...270 ...241 ...tST ...! ...271 ...271 ...2M ...211 11 loS 7 241 71 rtt li-t 171 It 2iS C7.......2M 60 217 l 271 7 25 M...,...2to II..... ..210 1 277 ...Ul ...214 ...211 ...Ml .. 234 ...WS I hi its I M 1 IS I H I tt I tl I tT I 1714, II7H t;vi i to I 10 I CO I 10 1 14 8 M I 10 I 40 I 0 I CO I CO I la l o s to i to 3 14 .'fo I M 8 10 I CO to I Co I CO I CO I CO I CO I CO I CO I M I Clii ih i is ,.. I tl ... I cs ... I IS ... Ill ... I u ... I M ... M ... I M ... 170 ... ITi no i7o 10 I 70 ... 170 10 10 10 0 to 10 110 10 10 M 40 to 10 . .219 10 I H 10 ..241 ... It! f. ..241 20 III tl. ..241 M IU M. ..Ill 111 IK u. ..20 to IK M. ..211 ... IK KJ. PIQft, 7 tl ... Til HOQS-Thero was a fairly liberal Sat urday run In sight this morning and buyers wero rather alnw in iTi " . things, early bids not being much better w..... nun yemcruay-s average, Other points wore all renorllnir atmnnk. ened values and sellers wero not inclined to cut loose at the early figures, so that while a few loads sold at t.rir.. .i... wero no bettor than yeatorrlnv'a oin.. most ot tbo salesmen priced their holdings tiv-i4 nib 14 anu (iviu qii lor Detter iiiviivj, iwuj sum l luunn Tniir thau would be unablo to fill their nrdr. n .i.i hi vu.ii j, ana in tne end they wiww saisv iiicir oias. so that when the bulk of tha nffoHnva values were generally ta hlirhnr. ment was rather slow all the way through and tho close was very draggy, but prices were pretty well sustained throughout, and the general market can be quoted as a nickel higher than Friday's average. Bulk of , the soles was made at $8.60 8.60. with a few loads am hlirh on ts in siittlng a new high mark for tha year. For the we ok prices look to be right at 30o higher. During the first half ot tha week tho advance was not so noticeable, but starting with Thursday values wont up by Jumps, and the week shows tho largest and most consistent advance that has Hsu made for some time. One of the most noticeablo features ot this week's market has been tho strength shown toward the) lest end of tho trade, and with the exception of one or two days prices reached the high time on the extremo close. Prices aro now the high- owes prcdOmlnatlne. Ther comparatively fow wethers or yearlings jj. iuiuiuuiiin on nam mnsi 01 me WOCK. rrade in the feeding grades ot lambs has been much tho same an last week, wltb the supply nnd demand showing prae tlcully no change. Prices nro steady with tho closo of last week. Quotations on Sheep and Lambs Good to cholco lambs, $7.4wrr7.0; fair to good lambs, $7.0007.40: lambs, culls, $1.60f(.6C, yearlings, light. $6.6007.00! yearlings l?aX?!'..w,ttf,-50S wethers, good to choice, ti.7MrG.SJ: wethers, fair to good, $3.60ff 6.75; ewes, good to choice, $J.60y,00! ewes, fair to good. $J.00CCta No- Av. Pr. 421 Colorado ewes 104 6 75 219 Colorado owes 105 6 75 210 Colorado ewes ICG 6 75 10 Colorado awes ., 10S 6 75 CHICAGO LtVlt 8T0CIC 3IAHICI3T Cntllc Slow nnd .Nomlnnlly Strndy IIobh Mostly IllaCier. CHICAOp. March 1 4. C ATTLB R e celpts. 200 headi market slow and nomin ally te;dy; besves, $7.16fO,70; Texas steers, $7.1088.15: westorn steers, $8,7H 8.00; stackers and feednrs.; cows and heifers, $3.701160; calves, $7.00tf HOOS-Recelpts. 10.000 head market mostly 10o hlgheri built of soles, $8.85 8.90: light, $S.05ri.93i mixed, $8.6Str9.00; n.eavyi. W-WC.2V: rough, $8.6038.00! pigs, $7.S68e.70. , SHBmP AND LAMIIS-Recelpts. 1.000 iicaas marKet sieaayj native, $4.8036.30; ncaiorii, i.wj'u.iwi yearlings, ia.sun7.U9; lambs, native, $0.803'7.80; western. $6,803 .wt Knnsns City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, March 14. CATTLE iieceipiR, wai nena: market nteaay; prime .cu jicmn, v.wifj.M; areasea peer steers, $7.608.60; Western steers. $7.25S.75: southern steers, $6.6008.26; cows, 14330 Liu; ncueni, u.iwr.w; stooKers nnd K?ir". 8.W.10; bulls, $8.COSr.60! catves. M Wii IV. OV. HOas-Recelpts. 600 head; market 610i higher: bulk, fe6&S8.75; heavy. $8.C6ffl.SO; packers and butchers. $8.6038.751 light. $8.409.6Si Digs. $7.5Offl.00. ' 8IIEBP AND IAitnS ncrlnt mh., market steady: lambs. $7.207.80; yeur- '"K"; 'win.w; ivoinors, so.uua.w; owes, SIomk City Lire 6xwlt Marknt. SIOUX CITY, Ia March 14. CATTLE Rpolpts, 100 htad: no quotations. . HOGS Receipts. 4.000 heail: market, Iks higher: heavy, $8.60S.65j mixed, M.45Jl o.uv, imiii,, ouik ot sales, is,i54j OiOO. HHEHI' AND IVMBS-Rocelpts,, 309 npoaj marKet strong! tea muttons, $0.0081 iamb.: nmti.Wi cwc' ,,-Wff8-:3i Live Stock lit Bight. Receipts of live stock .at tho six pnnctpur wosicrn maraets: cattio. Hofs. Sheep. 6,000' 1,000 4,QU0 t,00 Kansas City koo St. Louis 400 St. Joseph , , 100 Sioux City ............ 100 South Omaha ........ 123 Chicago 200 Totals 7 1,723 10.000 "2600 4,700 Local Securities. Quotations furoUhtl by Haras Brisker A Ra 4l OmU National Oask 8Bll41ac7 OmaoTi Beitrtce cream try p., uexar lexaa ae. Did. Aiked. 99U ft. -commoowentn urt iaa. Co... it nu Detroit EdiMn ta, tin , joiu loi tu.m r. x. ...... Des MclOM. la.. Bckool 4H. 1112.... loou loi3 Ft Baillh. Lt. A Tr. te. HH tl "i ralhnont Croamenr Ts pM.... 1MU in in HoOker Co., NeU 6a, 11 m tout Iloueton, Tex., 4Ha, 1M1 103 MJJ Illll Co. Texas lload aa te im Iowa Hr. Lt la, 1831. . tj H LeckJe Oaa a IA, It. ltu It ML States Tel. 4k Tel eUk IU Maeon Co. Uo. Ret. t, 1K4 loifc Mount Ayr. (la.) ml. in Omana Uas te, HIT II air ot Omaha 4Ha. 1114 1MU Omaha tC.ll.lil Rr te. 1121.,,, M Omaha, C, 11 St It, old im Omaha AO 11. nr. nrldn ifd,. ts rortlind. Or.. 4M. 1151.. , 104 106.07 Seattle School la. ml 101 101 BIouk Cltr Btrtlce a. 11)7 IM 101U Bloux Cltr B:k. Yds. old it h South Oratnx City IWi, till ,. lolH 10JH Ben Illeio, Cat., B li la. 1130 lOlt, Ut.U m n K 105V, 10 M INK , , , , . ........... nH4,, nuiiuiv. ! .,.,i',..,uo;R on n8 ineory tnat tno l'quldatlnff value of tho shares was In CJrccBs ot tho market quotation u.wn5.tho opinion of traders that tho outstanding short Interest was unusually l&rge, and lt was assumed that covering as tho principal factor In forcing up quotations yesterday and today. The bank statement made a bettor showing than on any recent week. Dull ness In tho securities market and tho lessened volume of now financing wero reflected In a contraction In loans and tho cash coin of nearly ,$7,000,000 was twlco tho amount predicted. Tradlnit In bonds was nulst with nmnll.r variations among speculative Issues which hkvo pccn wphk recently. Total sales, par value, $1,430,000. United States 2s registered declined 4 on. call on the week. jxumocr or sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: Bsles. Hlsh. Low. (Hoe. niu.iHiuftica Clipper 0,1119 144 741j 74 American Agricultural American Ueet Sugar.. American can (00 am iH American Oin pM. ...... toD nu MH Amerlcen C. K.t 200 I1U tou American cotton oil..,.. ...... , Am. loe BeeurltlM , t00 i I1H American Untetl American locomotive ... 700 lly StW American 8, A tl ,,, l.lcm (IU UH. Ametlcen 8. & Tt ptd , ..... Amen Bu-ar Helloing;,,.. 1,100 100 & American T. & T 2,700 11$-. m American Tobacco 400 S4IU. 241 Awwonda, Mintni Co.... 200 S3H SSH Atchlaon too 97 87 Atchleon rfd Atiantlo Coast Una...,,, soo 1114 lilfi uKiviiuur ob unio. ...,, tlethleheni Hteel kDrooklrn llapld Tr...... vantdlan raclllo ........ Central leather Cheaapeake Ohio 100 HH im i.aiceso u. w Chlcaco, U. 8t, T Colorado luol A Iron.... Contolldated das Com Product Delewara A Hudeon Denver & Itlo Grande... . rienref 4k It. 0. ptd...,. meiiiiein' Hecurltlet .... ...... ..... Hrlo 1,700 Z Erlo 1st pfd 1 304 4lti Erli 2d pfd aenerat ElectrlO 600 111 CI refit Northern pfd ..... Oreat Northern Ore ctf , ..... llllnola Central , ' Interborouth Met 200 u 144 Interboroush Wet. ptd ..... International- Hat-venter.. laier-aiarino pj(a .,... . 1'aper, ts 211, 2i M 60 llli XVi 10(4 34k H 101 UTi 111H 141 S 103H um tm 41H i.wo im im 2.100 4IU 41K 1.200 1U 12 4,000 row 20m aocti 1.100 H UM 3IU, i:h IIS ..... 111. H StVi nu im in 3,700 flli 203 Slli 700 111 SOO lift 340 Ul 'too 'ii' 11 'iiH 4tH ..... inemaiionai iaprr.i,,,, lntarnatlohal runn .'f.... Kane'i CI tx 'Southern... 200 lM'.ei Oas , Lettish Veller 4.600 147',t 14:H 2SH :tu 200 137 111 21 IIH 21U 44 (, 36tt 147H l7'fc 127 I4U 1MH UK m 101', 10 8H 14 2J "I 141 lllVk 11 III IjOuIctIII A NsahTltle.. M Ot. P. A 8. Ste. M. . MIIMUfl. K. A T.......J.. MlMOutl PecltlO ,, National lllioult ...,... National Iad N. R. It. ot K. 2d prd. New York Centre!.. 600 n, 1., u, as Norfolk & Weitem H 101'i 11K North American ........ 2.CO0 71U 7IV4 Northern Paclflo too 112K 113 v racitio-uiil .; f.. .ifi. ..... 24 Pennsrlranls 1,100 UisL 110K 110K reople's OM ............ 209 111 121 in 700 244i 2I'4 400 USK'UtK Hit 24 H m 41 (OH S'4 101 71 111 200 200 P.. C C A St. I,..., Plttebunili Coal Preeaed Steel Car rullman Polace Car,., Itetdlns 13.400 ncpubllo Iron A Hteel... Republla I. A 8. ptd..,. Hoclc Island Co Rock laltnd Co, pfd 8t U A 8. P. 2d pfd.. Heaboard Air Line -SeibNird A. L. pfd Bloes-Sltifliel' H, a i... Southern Paclflo Southern Itallwar ...... Ho, TUIIwny pfd Tenneaeeo Cropper ....... Tetaa A Pacltle Union Pielflo lVt 41K 4V ...I HW 1UH 204 tl too 2,404 SOO 204 204 14H 94 2S Hit 14 34H- ttfl Union Pacific pfd. t,300 1IIU 7i in; IIH so 43H 151 lU-i H lit i'i. h MH H Hit 344, 14 ,... 7 Halt Lake City School 4e. 1110 Union 8U(. Tde. Bin. omana vten fowtr a u. co. ta, 1111., tl I H II Quotation! furnlthed br Durns. Drinker A Co.. 44t Omtha National bank bulldlnc nid. AtVed. Aurelle. la.. U. 1911 let 101. tl Caio Threehlng Machine Co 101 uommonweutn ia int., umaaa 17 11 H Deera A Co. pfd It MSi Dee Moines, la., fichool 4Ue. 1111... 100U 101U Fairmont Creamery 7 per cent pfd.. 100M 101H iiouaton. Tex., exe, iu,... ....... juj loi.ti Kaniaa Oaa and Elee. 7 per cent ptd 1954 101 Laclede O. U , 1911 II II Mount Ayr. la., (Vie. 1121 lot 10 Mountain States T. A T. etock 7U IIU Macon CO.. Mo., Itet. U, 1121 1024 lOlVk Montreal T. A P. Ce. lilt MU 1001 Omaha Oaa Cs, 1117 II M aty ot Omaha H. Ill 1001, lOIVi Oiutha A O. II. St. Itr. Ce. IKS. Omaha ACQ. Ht. Ily. pfd...., Omens A C. D. lt A O. pfd Portland. Ore.. IVte. I'll Itocky Mountain Fuel, bonus.,, Bwlft A Co.. stock Slonx City Block Yarde Ce. 1130, Bloux Cltr stock Yards pfd Seattle School te, 1121 Routti Omaha city SHe, 1111..., Ben Diego, Cel., B. p. Ce, 1010 Halt Lake City School 4e, 1110.. Union titork Yarde, Omaha , Utah r. 41 U Co. te, 194! I7H . ..... tl , II It . loitt 101.07 tilt . jwti lostf . nu m . 17 11 . 102 101 . 101U 101U . 101 ',4 101.1s . nt o , II 100 . 81 93 mi m tin 4U C4U 10IT4 IM-i C4V4 14 , so 20H ti 41 17 H SOU 4l4 7 .. ...... ..... United fltatea Ttralty.,,. 404 64 United Rtates 'lubber.... 1.004 United Blntes Cteel. 17.400 UK U. 8. Bteal ptd 100 111 Utah Corner 104 MU Va, -Carolina Chemical Wabax-t Wabaih Bfd m.A.Irn Marvland ...... ...... Veetern Union l.KO WeetlnthouM Kleetrlo .. 4,100 Wheeling & Lake Erie . Chlno Cnpper 600 41U 4l4 K. V.. N. It. A II .M4 M ! IUr Con. Cofiper 1.400 21 U 2t . . . . l m m ekn SAa -A. Total sales lor tno oayi euane. Ken Vorlc Money Mnrket. NEW YOIUC March H.-MONBY-CsJT. nominal: no loans. Tlmo loans, weaker; sixty days, 2W3 per cent! ninety, days, siWi ner cent: nix months, SV4 Pr cent. PltlMB COMMEIICIAIi PAPEIt-404"; T5XCIIANOR Firms sixty days, I4.M2S; demand) $4.8C30; commercial bills, ra. RILVEIV-Har, 68ci Mexican dollars. UC. BONDS UOVCrnmcni anu rauroaa. teR'"y. . . CIOSinK quotations 011 uuiius unjr huo as follows: . ., ., B7l "rv. n". rt.. . II K U 8. deb. 4, 1051. tlM .102 I A N. Ainl. 4e.... US', .1!WM. K. A T. 1st 4t.. M Ul "Aa gen. 4V4..... n4 HtViJlo. PActflo 4e,.,. I7tt U. 8. ref. te, res no coupon ..... U. 8. :, rf do coupon U. B. 4i. rec do coupon Coffee Market. nv.W YOrtK. March 14. COFFEE There was very sharp advance In coffee today, utierinns were ugnc atier tne llnuldatlon of the earlier week, and In nddltlon to covorlnff. there seomed to bo torn fresh buying; on smaller Brazilian receipts and talk of a steaaier cost ana freight situation, mo opening was steady, 14 to 17 higher in sympathy with KuroDtan raoies ana ciosea suuy. 91 to 37 net higher. Sales, 4,000 bv March, i&zc: May. .wc; juiy, aioc; -N uemner, 8.80c; Octobor, 8,1mc; December, fctsc) Jan uary, 0.07c. Spot, steady; lllo 7s, 8H0; Santos, 4s, utc. wna, quiet; uoruova, jzywt-iottc. Cvnporntcil Apples and Dried Fruits NEW YOItK, March 14.-BVAPOn- ATED APPLEB rjnn, Dlllt-u tituiiT runee, iruntr; apn- lots, firm; peacnes, steaay, raisins, firm. Omaha liar Market. OMA1IA. March 12,-pnAiniE HAY No, 1 to cholco upland. $lO.0Ogil.00; No, 2 to cholCA upland, $9.0010.00; No. 3 to choice upland, $7.0069.00; No, 1 to choice midland. n.mtlOM: No. 2 to choice mid. land, ts.oom.09; No. 3 to choice midland, t7.OOfiS.00; No. 1 to choice lowland, $7.0Of 8.00; No. 2 to choloa lowland. $4.10097.00; No. 3 to choice lowland, tl.0OQ9.00. STRAW None on the market. Choice oat or rye Is quotable at $6.CO$;,50. Choice wheat, $8.0OSS.5O. A LA LF A Nona on the market. It la quotable as follows: Choice. $18 60Qa4.00: No. 1. $11.00013.00; No. ?, $3.C03m.OO; No! S. $7.00C9.O0. Dry Goods Market. NEW YOIUC March 14.-Cotton -roods markets were quiet and steady. Borne lines of dress goods, such as crepes and broadcloths were in good demand and linens generally wro In moderate de miiid. Forward sale ot xmdercnmi. mil hJeh-Joslery wero Uxht, Panama 8" couponvlol. do eonv. ta., 70' Araer. Ag. ft 1"0H"N. lt.Il. M M. H A T. A T. e. 41.. 4 N. Y. C g. IMs... IIH Am. Tobacco (S....120U do deb. 4 V. ..., m. rn. 4Ue.. lt4N. T.. N. II. A H. CT, ,,.,,. 414, N. ft W. lot t. 4s.. 4t, 101 M do tr. 4a ...-10SK tl No. Paclflo le 4X I1U do 3s l , It a 8. U rfdg. 4e... 93 mPonn. cr. IHe. 1116. NK 104W do con. 4e 101 1 Tteadlne; Ken. .... H47C 4-4 8. I A S. F. fg 4s 74 'i MU do gen. Is 41 61 est, U 8. W. e, 4l. 71 Atchleon Ken, do C. . 1W... do c, a. a 1 it Bel. A Ohio 4i.... do IHe Tlrook. Tr. cr. 4s.. Cen. of Oa. U Ceu. Leather te.... rjhes. A Ohio 4K- do eonr. 4 He Cftleaga A A. C. D. A Q- 1- 41. .. do sen. e, 41s. A. U adj. Is.... 77tt lli Bo. rao. eol. 4s IIU a M (lir 4HS..101H do er. 4e I7i C It. L A P. e. 4I40U. do let ref. le...., IIH do rf 4s 7H4 Bo. ItallwaT Is 1657, i(i 4 1 r. A 4tts t do gen. 4s 7IK rj A 11. ot. 4i.... KHUnlon Paclflo 4.... 7H n 'a R. 0. ret te. 4ft t er, 4e toK Tii.tlller.' 6e d let A f. 4s.. MW Vrl n 1. 41 MKV. 8. Jtubher t... .IftlU, do sen 4a. 144 U. 8. Bleel 2d Ce...l054i So . 4". ser. D. 74U.V .P. chem. te..... 87VI ill On. let r. 41.. wweneen lit ex. s wsh tl w.t Elco. tr. le,', riu MVi'Wls. Central ts.... ItH l.t.r Vf.t 4U Inter. M. IL 4Us, Jenan 4" Did. Offered. Tlnern Mint""" BOSTON. March ll.-Closlner quotations on stocks were: Alloues 40ViNrada cen 15K Atnsl. Copoer 74 Nlpltetng Mines .. ( 7-lt A. JS. U A S UK North ButU 21 Arlrona Com. IV4 North Laka 1W Cal. V AHtona 17 Old Dominion , lift Cel. A Heoia necroia it Cantenntal Conner Rang C C Reat Butt C. It.- Franklin nranbr Can , Oreone canane .... IiU Rorale Copper. Kerr Lake Lnk Copoer ...... La Rejle Copper. Miami copper Mohawk llHOulncy a 37U8htnnon , c HH Buperlor t ViNuMrtor ft B. II... SK I'HTemararjt 40U II U. p. 8. IL A M... -oC 21 do prj 414; 444 Utah Con. 10 lti Utah Copper Co.... WU ... ..r, . .... t "'" ..,....... H jjv woiranna es .. 4ttTlutt A Superior.... tii Key to the Situation Bee Advertising-. MONEY IN GRAIN MM buys pate ot ealal en UfM bnenels a(vkai or cora. No further rUlu Antoeemeattittotronprlea gUeeTouaBeppurtutnlyto Ute SSOOi lo.llMi te.l-Ce ate. Write Cor unieuUre. Flnauc Urokwua Cotnvoart ttlsiB-ace Ualldlsg, city, Mo,