Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1914, PART THREE, Page 5-C, Image 29

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citv pitornnTY von sale.
CITY P)Ufrfc.Ut' K t'Olt MAM!.
ritOIMSllTY FOIl S A 1,13,
city rnopERTY kor rali:.
Non-Resident Authorizes
Clean-Up Sale
Ot the following properties, alt new ami
lc&s than cost.
No. 1-5-room cottage, oak finish, full lot.
Sloek 1, Glenn Park Add'n. to Benson. JJ.4W.00.
No. 2-5-room cottage, modern except htat
Add'n. to Benson. South front on Lucas, 100
No. 3 8-room house modern. Full lot.
eon", Hoots St., Just cast ot Military Ave,
No. 4-Lot 6, Block 14, Hose 11111 Add'n.
airwm. s-roc
W No. 5-W
Ift, Just wes
. No. G-La
JJrwfu. 5-room cottage, modern except heat.
5-Wcst 03 feet of Lota 1 and 2,
est of oMrton. 6-room house.
ots 8 and 9, Block 10, Bows
ot Orphanage. 5-room cottage, modern
No. 7-Lots 0 and IL Block 10, Itoso
above. B-room houso, modern except heat.
No. S Lot 11, Block 21, Benpon. S. K.
modern except heat. Full corner lot, with
No. 9 Lot 15. droves Add'n. to Omaha,
room bungalow, nil modern. Oak finish, full
No. 10-Lot 17. Block IB. Itoso Hilt Add'n.
150 feet east of Orphanage. E rooms, m
No. 11-Southwost corner 2Sth and Fort
corner lot: naved street. Price, f2.700.00.
Small payment down; balanco like rcrent
on any of, these properties. They will bo
210-12-14 Slato Book Bldg.-
West Farnam
Just Completed
Easy Terms
Tn the new West Farnam district at
S4the and Davenport, where property
la advancing and more substantial homes
will be built this year than any part of
Umahn, Haw eight rooms; oak finish,
lmlld-ln bookcases, window seat; dining
room Is burlapcd and paneled and has
beautiful eight-foot buffet; each bedroom
has closet; linen closet in upper hall;
nttlc; high basement; room for music or
uttlco separated from hall; French doors
downstairs glvo good light and air and
striking effects! ensemble effect is Just
jib pretty as can be without sacrificing
1 House Is on corner, facing east and
I Fouth on paved Btrect. Thero are several
big elm trees and a flowering hawthoma
J on rear of lot. Price la right and terms
aro almost anything you wish. The
ivouso can oo seen uunuay atternoon or
wiy other time.
T. R. Porter ' Owner
&V1. H. 3952. 33H Davenport
Shade Trees
Model Home
At the southwest comer of 24th and
llrowno streets, la Hollywood addition,
wo have a bargain In a beautiful house.
3t is solid and good in every way, with
largo rooms and plenty ot ngnt, ana is
ontlrely surrounded with magnificent
uli a do trees, being a part ot the old Cav
unugh home. Paving and all street im
provements paid for.
Living room 14.6x24.
Large dining room.
Good kitchen and pantry.
Three splendid bedrooms.
Completo bathroom.
All large closets.
Sun room. , t-
Beautiful oak finish.
Beamed celling.
AH oak floors.
Full light basement
Beautiful fixtures.
flood decorations.
Nice' ncishborhood. and In faei every
thing desirable. Witt) with any
$3,000 property. Come out today and look
It -over.
CN'ew Address, 742 Omaha Nat. Bank Bids.
Tyler 1S7.
Kountze Place
1617 Evans St., a new, modern home,
hnvlntr larcra llvlnir room. Vestibule en
trance and coat closet. dining room, with
paneled walls ana winaow seat, pieasaut.
Kltcncn, lino pantry ana vesuomo, an uu
first floor. Thrco bedrooms, eunroom or
summer Bleeping room and bath on sec
ond floor. This is a well arranged and
heautlfullv finished houso. Plumbing and
heating guaranteed. Owner la transferred
to anotner city unu must sen. tie win
tin homo until C o'clock today to show
you through. Do not hesitate to come out
nna lOOK over tins rem numu. rnw i,m
Easy terms.
Payne & Slater Co.
CIS Omaha National Bank Bids.
20-Year Lease
Downtown Building
$18,000 per Year
Very attractive proportion In central
location near 16th and Farnam, suitable
tnr nn f irnt.iMnMs retail mercantile bust-
nesd or for hotel. No ono without ample
financial resources to make lease secure
need apply, but mere is a ioriuup hi .
tor tho right man.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 1536. 210-12-14 State Bank Bldg.
Special Bargain
2S61 Miami St. 6-r. houso; practically
nu- In flriA rnnillllon tbroUChOUt. with
CO-ft. lot. Price reduced to J2.900 for quick
sale. Will Bell lo colored people. .Don't
full to see tnia Jtouse rigni away.
Solo A cent.
Tvler 150C. 21S So. 17tli St
in thn north Dart of city, near car line,
Bastern owner closing out cheap to
gether or separately; S273 por lot. Adjoin'
lng lots are held at $350 to $150.
Solo Acent.
Tyler 1506. 818 So. 17th St.
Full 66-foot lot, 14 blocks from the
postofftce, close to now Fontenelle hotel
site, substantial improvements, mostly
now: Income, $-'.040. Price. $20,000. A
good buy for ue, speculation or invest
j. H. Dumont & Co.
1603 Farnam St pnone uougias uw.-
lfnnr.Htnrv and basement brick ware
house in the wholesale district Posses
sion August 1. Seo us for full informa'
,Jon J. II. DUMONT & CO.
16QS Fanam St. Phono DoujjUs .
South 16th St.
vnnniUiini nniicr wants offer for
ctory business block near Jones St. Make
ray ierms. .
Glover & bpam
919-20 City National. Doug. 396J.
in first-class locations, at prices far
Harold St., north ot Main. Lot .
Full lot. Lot IP, Block 2, Groves'
feet west of Dunham. J2.5W.0O.
Lot 12. Block 1, Oroes' Add'n. to Ben-
to Benson, lleed St., 200 feet west ot
Block 11, Halcyon Helhgts, Benson. Kccd
Hill, Benson, Hopkins St., 200 feet cast
except heat. 2 good lots. $!,w.00.
Hill, Bcnsdn. Hopkins 8t., Just east of
2 good lets. Price, $1,600.00.
corner of Halcyon and Evans. B-room,
fine fruit. Price, 12,500.00.
on Brown St.. Just west of 2Sth. 6-
lot Price, $2,400.00.
to Benson. South front on Iteed,
odcrn execept heat. Full lot. Price, j
St. 5-room, modern except hunt Full
sold at once.
41 (fWV.? vrim. nn ("nmlnir Ht.. modem.
llvlnir room arrangement, four
bedrooms. EASY TERMS.
J4.S00-W02 Burt St., now house. 6 rooms,
.-. wi Lin nniifrtni St.. s-room. bungalow
styio, not waior ncai, urcvawu m
living room, oak finish: very good.
$5,S00-4312 Underwood Ave., very attract
ive 7-room, strictly modern;, drive
way and largo garage.
JfiiOOO 5043 Davenport St, stucco house, S
gOOU rooms, not water ncni, nvma
room arrangement fireplace, etc,
sleeping porch and 3 bedrooms 2d
floor and two in nttlc. Terms rea
sonable. $6,5004921 Chicago St Want offer. New
nouso. owner compeuea to leave
city. Living room, dining room,
kitchen, den and breakfast room
on first floor; four good bedrooms
on second.
$0,&CO 4S19 Dodge. This Is reduced prico
ror tnis rine noma; one sum
istucco; 9 well arranged rooms, up-to-date
in every way. well con
structed, attractive- Inside and out.
Makn nulek offer.
W are exclusive agents for these
hmiflpg. MnkA vour nnoolntment with us.
$1.500 Paving all paid, flno south front
lot on vummg c oeiwccn via. iwu
62d. Can sell separately.
V want an offer for 3315 Walnut St,
Houad .ono year old, 7 room's, strictly
mmlnrn with 4 bedrooms. Owner has
boen transferred to Chicago and will sac
rifice on actual cost.
t3.000-23i8 South 32d St.. on tho boulevard,
i -room nouso, wiiu ueuruwnio, ui
water neat, run east irom 101,
You can make your own terms,
Glover & Spain
919 City Nauonal.
Doug. KW2.
West Farnam District.
Six-room house at $263 DaTcnport First
m, finiahrd in nnic: aaconn nor
Ished In yellow pine. See the owner.
-rr . n 1 .
Mere aro some line uomes
listed -with, our Real Kstato Depart
raont for salo oa tho easy payment
Call at our office Monday morning
or telephone and we will be pleased
to show you any of tho following
A beautiful C-room house on Omaha's
Prettiest Mile all modern, principal
rooms finished in oak, wun mco large
llvlnir doom, includlne brick tiro Place,
limine nrtcK xi
isnablo and tei
The prico Is reasonable and terms easy,
Now C-room bungalow, block from ear
all modern; principal rooms finished in
oak ....
Now 6-room 1V4 story cottage. .1 oiocic
from car. All modern, principal rooms
finished in oak.
New 6-room. story ana a naic cottage, z
blocks from Florence car lino; M block
from Rood school. Finished throughout
In hard Pino . t ,
Kw n-rnnm. story and a half bunsa
law. 1 block from car and 3 blocks from
school: all modern. 4 rooms and bath
on first floor and two rooms up stairs.
Nrnv ft-rom. BtorTutid a half cottage,
blocks from car and 3 blocks from school,
all modern. . .. . . house at S5t2 Lefayette
avenue, 214 blocks from car line, all mod'
pm Mid in uoaa conauion. Darxnin.
Five-room bungalow, built 8 months, all
modorn, paved street; 1V4 blocks from car,
small payment down, balance- like rent
New 6-room story and u half bungalow.
on Cross-Town car line, all modern, with
principal rooms nnisneu in oaK.
Now 6-room story and a halt bunga
low. 3 blocks from Cross-Town car line.
all modern and with principal rooms
finished in obk.
Telephone Doug, 2926 Monday for ap
pointment Bankers' Realty Investment
Ground Flor Dee BIdg.
$1,500.00 $350.00 CASH
Rnlancn less than rent room each
all modern except heaLJot 33x110 each
house, tine shade trees. 2621-2323 S, 15th
$1,650.00 $350.00 CASH
Will buy the corner house, 2617 8. 13th
j. n. nonwsoN
Phone D 8097 412 Ike Bldff.
West Leavenworth
3S1S and 3S22, two beautiful new 6-room
bungalows, taclnS south; $3,600; easy
terms, paving ull paid. Houses up-to-date,
with oak floors, beamed ceilings, built-in
buffets, artistic lighting fixtures and
beautiful decorations. Everything the
very best This price of 13,600 Is cheaper
than you can nuy tne ground ana nuua
tho houses for. These two bungalowB will
not last long. See them today. Open for
Payne & Slater Co.
616 Omaha National Bank Bldg-
New house with 7 rooms and sleeplns
porch: oak finished; build-in bookcase;
strictly modern. Owner will take build
ing lot or small cottage as part payment
This property can be picked up at a snap,
ami Is A-No. V
Sole Agept.
Tyler 1505. 21S Bo. 17th St.
Two Lots and
New bungalow, all modern; hot water
heat; one block to car; has five rooms, 2
mora can be had upstairs. Price 13,33).
Birkett & Company
423 Bee Bldg.
Doug. IM.
New Home.
In Dundee
4802 Underwood Avenue.
$4,750 1
New 7-room house; south and east
front; big corner lot, room to build an
other houso on the rear, good location;
two blocks from car lino, on paved street,
where all new homes hava recently been
built Has reception hall, living room
dining room and kitchen on first floor;
4 sleeping roms and bath on second floor
combination stairway. First story is all
finished In oak, Including floors, except
lng tho kitchen. Second floor has oak
floors, stairway to attic; Futl foundation,
All the rooms aro nicely papered. Has
first-class heating1 and plumbing
throughout. This house Is built of tho
very best material and workmanship and
will bear tho Closest inspection. Will
make someone a nlco home. Will soil at
a reasonable price and on a small pay.
tnent down. House ready to move into,
Hastings & Heyden
y us April CO. 1914. The farms aro from
n ifi irM nmi nrn excellent for citrus
fruit and vegetables. We havo guaranteed
to give theao rarma oosoiuteiy ireo w mi
vertlso tko Worth. No restrictions as to
rIMInir nn nr Imnrovlmt the land. Write
for full partlsulars to Secretary, Chamber
of Commerce, Lakn Worth, Florida.
on Houses
Money advanced for building
Large Loans on centrally located bus
iness property at competitive rates.
Loans desired on Eastern
Nebraska farms.
List your real estate with us for sale
W. H. Thomas & Son
228 State
Dundee Home
For Sale By Owner
c.v....nm. mniWn. well built and well
arrunued house; fine location with splen
did view.
Note som ot the attractive and con
venient features: Massive fireplace, plato
glass French door, paneled dining room.
tinted walls, oak floors throughout, solid
bronxe hardware, clothes shute, lavatory
on first floor, complete bath room fix
tures, built-in cupboards, extra large
closets, heated sleeping room, painted
basement with laundry, fruit cupboard
and dust-proof coal bins, first class fur
nace aand many other special features.
This place can not bo duplicated for the
price. or particulars can uniimv
HARNISY 029, qvenlncs or Bundtys. o.
Your Choice
On Easy Terms
5i8 No. Sth, new modern B-rooni bun
galow, 12,600. t
SCI3 Qrahd Avo., new E-room cottage,
3633 Hawthorne Ave., 6-room and bath,
'iwa Wncoln. Blvd., choice, 8 rooms,
G. W. Garloch
230-233 State Bank Building.
Tela. Douglas 1818; Harney 3079.
Brand new. all modern, oak floors and
finish, combination lighting fixtures, full
basement, furnace, laundry connections,
lot WxlSO, east front. Price, 13,150. Koay
terms, or vacant lot considered.
106 McCague Bldg. Phone Douglas 1CS3.
Investigate Our Now
Building Proposition.
If you own a desirable vacant lot we
will take tileaaure in showing you how
you can place It on an Income bearing
basis. It will be to your advantage to
call at our office and Investigate our
new method fit relieving you of tho ex
pense of carrying vacant property and
maKing u earn you a saiary.
Write or call us iid for an appointment
HASTINGS & HUyDBX. 1614 Harney Ht.
Ideal Flat Site
Walklnz distance; S3 foot on Harney
street and Ui foot on 23th, on southweut
corner. Price, vs.wh. Time ir aesireo.
310 Beo Building. 'Phono Douglas UiOt
Eastern owner wants an of
for on the 9-room modorn stone
and frame residence and barn.
Lot 08x141.
823 City Nat. Bank Building.
Douglas 12G4.
Real Bargains
East front, Wxl27, J.17K.
South front, GOxlSO,
East front. 40xl3f. $350,
North front, 44x112, J100,
Kant fr.iiit. 40xiai. I3G0.
Kast front, 40x135, 37&.
North front, 44x112. tlM,
Houth front 40x130, JW0.
East front. 63x123, $4W.
South front, paved street, $5u.
East front, boulevard, iU).
If -ou tro looking for lots, r;id the
above carefully. Most or theso are wltliln
on block ot car with water, sewer and
gas. Most of them have sidewalks. AH
are within a few feet ot all improve
ment. You can't beat them.
AUPiiifiN nisr.iTn.lTY iJOAIPANY.
17th and Douglas 8ts. Douglas W13.
New Bungalow
VI..- MAmu .trlotlo mrwlrn flnlhl
in oak and oak floors throughout built
in bookcase; nil rooms nicely decorated;
full basement with floor drain. Located In
Miller park district itico "
Norris & N orris
400 Boo Building. Phone Douglas 4270.
to Loan
Bank Bldg.
Why Pay Rent?
When you can buy o. home on easy pay.
3(20 Burt Ht, a 6-room modern except
Heat nouso, on iiuveu sirccv, wiuh w
car lines, one block to Bemls Park. Bea-
sonabla price.
2530 N. 19th St.. a 5-room modem ex-
.n l.n,. friHucra nn tllO llOUlOVOrU.
Well worth tho prico asked. What havo
you to offer for this place?
modern house on tho car line, in gooa
repair, cioso to scnooi anu eioren.
can buy on very reasonablo terms
4533 Franklin til., n. o-room iiarwauy
mnAam hnii.n in fnlr rnnalr. Owner
wants to sell this spring. No reasonablo
offer refused. Ben today. w .
Douglas 200. r8 Bee Bldg.
This addition of attractive homes: no
frumo houses allowed; construction must
be of stone, stucco or brick; this fcaturo
gives it an individuality not found in
and other section of the city; it will
have a tendenoy to increase tho valuer ;
ten to fifteen new homes will be started
within sixty days; contracts for paving,
sewer, water and gas have all been let
and to be paid for by tho owner and not
tho purchaser: closo to school and
nhnnihM! utrvfA hv three car lines,
Prices $LC00 to 12.000. Very attractive
1320 Farnam Ht. Tel. Doug 10.
To get u 7-roomed modern house at a sac
rifice price. Owner removing from oity.
Largo lot on paved Hfeet- Close to cur
line. Price only I3JW. can mako terms.
Located 2Sth and Pratt Sts.
1320 Farnam Ht TeL Doug 10O4.
Thoroughly modern up-to-date bunga
low; oak In hall, living room and dining
room, decorated throughout, storm .doors
And windows throughout: south front,
good neighborhood. Now occupied by
- Buy of Owner
7 rooms and bath: oak downstairs,
birch up; built by day labor. Will paint
und stain to suit buyer. Lot 40x100. Call
at 3310 California.
PftOPEltTV on easy payments. Phone
after 10 a. m . Webster 1003.'
Golden Opportunity
E. Cor. 24th and Farnam Sts.
To be Sold at
Sheriffs Sale
Tuesday, March 24th, lot 66x132, largo brick building, containing 3 stores?
and 6 npftrtniouts, facing Farnam. Small shoe shop and frame dwelling, in. rear,
facing 24Uv, St. All well rented. Stores on good leases. This corner increasing.
In value aW'yi day and future years will see it ono of the most valuable .'pieces
of real estate in Omaha. , . t . r
Bids Invited ,
For full particulars see
fc Payne &' Slater Company'''
" ' 6th Floor, Omaha National Bank Bldg."
For Sale
Four cottnirpfl. brick hnuiin. bnrn. two
lots, paved streets, corner, one blook from
Car line. Good Incomo producing prop
erty. Southwest corner Mth and Frank
lin streets.
Two-story framo house, hot water heat,
four cottagvs. paved street, corner lot.
ono block from car line. Good Investment
Nos. 'MS, 2913, 2017 arid 201U Oraco street
and No. 1313 North Twenty-first strcot.
Good modern seven-room house, elec
tric light, south front, stable, chicken
house, fruit and ehado trees, two large
No. 3S30 Franklin street
Eight-room modern house, gas, electric
light, hot air furnace, storm sheds, barn,
grnpo arbor, fruit trees, rose bushes, full
stzod lot GOX133.
No. 2121 Temploton street.
Alfred C. Kennedy
200 First National Bank Building.
Telophone Douglas 722.
Hanscom Park
Make Your Own
1307 Georgia Ave.
Seven rooms, modern, ono block from
Hanscom Park car ltne. This houso has
Just been newly decorated, new floors
tnrou.fiioat, now -ur'i.i x n" numm
fixtures and la In excellent shape. Situ
ated on 60x100 ft lot; paved (itreet ana
paving till paid. Beautiful ehado nnd
excellent location This property can ho
had at a real bargain. Don't hesitate,
as somebody la going to buy tills.
Hiatt-Fairfield Co.
23s) Omulm National Bank ri.'u".
Fhono Douglas 23d.
All modern BUNGALOW, framo and
stucco. 1 looms ull large and well ar
ranged. Fireplace, beamed ceilings, piaie
rall and panel. Window seat and book
cases. Fumed oak In tho three front
rooms, full onn-panel doors. Best grude
whlto oak flooring. Walls all nicely
decorated. Large oak finished sun room,
with six. windows. Bath room enamel
and tllci Large kitchen, with butler's
pantry, Large basement, furnace heat
nnd. laundry connection. Corner lot.
t,ocaioa at n. 20th St. Terms ar
ranged or will consider vacant lot.
Brand new, modern BUNCJALOW, beam
celling, platerall. panel, window scut
flno cast front lot. C0X140: raved street.
Price, J3.7W. Easy terms or vacant lot
conRiucrcd. Located at 2410 N. 45th St.
Both of these houses will bo open for In
spection from 2 to 5 p. in.
108 McCague Bldg. Phono Douglas IOTA
West Farnam
Just completed, a one and a. half atotv
bungalow; finished In beautiful oak, with
ovcry up-io-naia convenience; beamed
ceillngu; bookcases; fireplace: aunroom:
entry and nan try: window shades and
screens; full basement with toilet, floor
drain ana inunary iuos. tho interior of
tlila bungalow must bo seen to bo fully
appreciates i.oi wxuu; pavca street Lo
cated at 4SU Farnam St Price 4,030
Norris & Norris
400 Beo Bldg.
Douglas 4270.
A, P. Tukey & Son
We have somo choice
homes In
Kountze Place
Wo can plcaso you If you want a good
home. On lllnney street between 13th
and 20th. Our signs aro on the houses,
A, P. Tukey & Son
411-442 Board of Trade Bldg.
Phone Douglas KK.
Make Offer
1721 South 2Sth street, C-room, story-und-a-half
bungalow, modern, hot water heat,
built i years, close to car and Hanscom
Park. Must sell quick. No trades. Owner
leaving olty.
Corner fronting Florence Blvd., block
to car, block to Park; new, modern, up-to-date
house with oak up and down, four
sleeping roome,
Roome tit Omaha National Bank Bids.
Tols. Douglas 12M. Webster M'
Vacant Bargains
Half aore Just west of Fort Omaha;
good lactlon. lies right Will sell for two
thirds ot cost 3 years ago, or will build
to suit purchaser.
G. W. Garloch
1) 1SK,
230-Sfi! State Bank Bldg.
For Sale by Owner
C-room all modern house with steeping
porch, beautiful yard, with fruit, shade
and shrubbery 1 block from car, prac
tically new. 1741 S. 28th St Tel, Har. K4.
1100 PIANO as first payment on houso.
Boberts, V. ttlT,
Sure Bargains
900 Old frame house nt 3111 Cass and
south front lot S4xlN.
11,200 7-room house with city water,
newer nnd gas, besides cistern and
good well wator. 3115 Burdette.
H.tOO 6-room cottace, with buth und gas
at ISIS Miami.
11,400 Now 6-room cottago with well
water! good barn ami coal house;
i Kround 0x13!; alt foncad; at 3321 N.
41st St.
J2,f60 7-room modern houso at 1S17 locust
St., on paved street, with paving
paid for.
$3,200 New modern up-to-date bungalow,
with hot water heat, large full
tmstmcnt, with floor drain and sta
tionary laundry tubs; south' front
lot; near 24th and Fort.
3,00i-9-room modern houso, with electric
light, hardwood floors, .fireplace,
all In good order, pn a south front
lot fiOxlJti, with paving paid for;
shada trees. Vlrivowav to a garage:
elotuyto two car lines; bargain for
sumo one; lormeny usicu bi wnw
Roome $47 Omahu National Bank Rldg.
Tcls. Douglas l0t. Webster 2tS.
Bungalows In
Strictly New Plans
A Little More Than
By far the prettiest bungalows an the
murket aro In Laurelton addition, ono
block south of Miller park and west et
24th St. Theso bungalows are built along
tho tines of tho California bungalow, ot
frame and stucco. Hava C an 0 rooms
and arc very warm and well built, l'ho
outside studdlngs covered with
mutched Hhlnlap heavy tnr felt nnd aiding
or stucco, T-hoy hayo bullt-lnbookcnsea
nnd butrctu, uplendld hasements and fin
ished ntllcs. Modern and complete And
UD-to-datft In nvrrv Npnsn nf tlin wnrrl.
win do iiniBiifii m ohk wun ouit floors,
walls, shades on tho windows, end, in
fuct. whon comnleted will bo ready for
liousckccplng without any nddttlonat ex
pense. The lots uro large and all of tho
street improvements aro paid for and tlio
buyer Is protected by building restrictions.
uneso nouses aro ocing mint just as goou
ns tney can possioiy ne nunc -rnoy Aro
in tho newest and boet addition and the
surroundings could not bo hotter. Very
ciobo to car uno; cioso to ocnooi. t'necs
are from
$3,200 to $3,950
Reasonable terms can be arranged with
good parties. By buying now you can
have your selection of color and Interior
Come Out Today
and look thom over. They will be quickly
New Address 743 Omahu Nat'l Bunk Bldg.
Tel. Tyler 187.
A fine 8 room thoroughly modern homo
on ono ot tho best stroets In Dundee.
IjirHo living room with beam ceiling,
fire place, window scut, etc., tine din
ing room, bath's pantry and kitchen.
Four good bed rooms and bath. Fin
ished attic. Owner unxlous to sell and
will take good lot part payment. 019
Chicago, J7.5W.
SCO Poppleton avenue a good S room
all modern home. Largo living room
wtli single work, book rases, etc.,
bed rooms and sleeping porch, fr foot
lot. 17,600.
E. W. Stoltenberg
Douglas 1510 434 Bee Bldg.
New Half Bungalow
Cathedral District
$500 Cash
Balance same as rent, buys tho new
C-room. thoroughly modern, halt bunga
low located at suuu California, bt nri
floor hus reception hull, with mirror
door, living room, dining roonv und
kitchen, all finished In oak xcept
kitchen: second floor has -3 nice bedrooms
and bath. Full basement, lot 43x150. For
tho convenience of busy people wu will
Ueep It open from 2 to 4j. m. today.
20$ Boston Store Bldg.
Douglas 6107.
Big Investment
4 Cottages
ln$.20-22-24 Clark St (northeast corner
17th and Clark), four cottages, annual
rental $720, can be sold tor $3,760, part
cash and assume mortgage. Paved street
on two sides, paving all paid, buslneiH
block on corner next to this property.
When you aro through with these lioiuus
you cun build small. stores. Shermun Ave.
car passes door. This corner Is gettlntr
closer in every duy and bound to be
worth moro money. Investments like this
are scurcc.
Payne & Slater Co?
etc Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Den, living room, dining room, kltohrn,
light up to tho minute In every detail;
oak finish, threa largo bedrooms und
bath;' full cement basement, with fruit
cellar, coal bins, laundry, etc.: Wa block
to Harney our; paving paid. Price io
duced to $,0CO. fall
701-2 Omaha Nat. Bunk Bldg. D. 1I71.-0
FOIt SALE Two modern C-r, houses;
fine Interior; fine oak finish. t3d ana
Bancroft Sts. Douglas 4337-
1520 So. 25th Ave,
Easy Terms '
Has 0 extra large rooms, living room
14x23 ft, dining room 11x12 ft largo
kitchen, pantry nnd rear entry on first
floor: three beautiful bedroomn, bath and
sleeping porch on second floor. Llvlm:
room and dining room flnhihed in th
best of oak, with beamed celling, pan
eled walls, built-in bookcasos, mirror
doom, etc. Upstairs finished la birch
and pine with heavy oak floors. Strictly
modern, nearly hew, decorated i:i excel
lent taste, absolutely complete, Including
full set or storm windows, screens, vnter
meter, window shades, permanent steps
and walks, beautiful yard, ctt front
Possession cr.n bo given at any time.
Can is ono or tw.i good budding: lots
and make reasonable terms on tba bal
ance. Hiatt-Fairfield Co.
2M Omaha National Bank BtJi;.
1'IIOnn LHlUglBS 328.'
Well Built
Well Located
Dundee Houses
$1,200 for B-room, story and half bunga
low. In first clam condition, strictly mod
orn. Oak finish first floor, full cemented
basement, furnace Moat; lot Mxl35 feet;
closoto:tho Farnam car line.
J4.S0O f,or n very attractive, practically
now, modern .home, all finished In whits
enamel, with largo llvjng room and built
in bookcases, dlnlnK room with built-in
buffet. Walls decorated in oil, Oak floors
1st and 2d floors; 3 bedrooms on second
floor. Just tho place for small family,
Location between 51st nnd 62d an high,
sightly lot.
HJ.OOO-Thls Is a C-room. all rnddern
home, finished In oak, with oak flooring
on first floor, birch on second: largo, liv
ing room ttxtendlng tho entire, length of
houso on the east side wtlh fireplace nnd
built-in bookcases. Hall In center of the
ooconu iioor. nouso is
decorated throughout and in excellent rc-
1 ..vur.l.n ,ronl l " spienaia location.
13.600 Want offer for a brand new. up-to-date,
wall built residence, located on
UUrt St.. near thA Ifnnnv irnllnnr m.,l
Tlj's house has 7 rooms. Including a lariw
", nvjnir room on tne nrsi floor;
oak finish, full cemented basement, first
heating plant; lot WxlS3 foot
i.ow ior a. wen ouiu s-roomi nouse, nt
excellent rnrtillflnn Vint- rinn i,nu
living, room, dining room and den flnlshc-d
I1? 9ofti ,jnty an1 kitchen finished in
hlrcb with maplo f oors. Four bedrooms
and bath on second floor. Stairway to
floored, attic; full cemented basement
Hot water neat; largo lot 75x135 feat con
ventent to car lines. Well worth th
money. Investigate ut once,
George & Company
Tel. D. 760. 002 City Nat. Bank 'Bldg
.Beautiful Dundee
house. Tbn fine two-atnrv ilnlllmr ,t
C109 Burt -St. This hetm rvnm 4n re
cently finished and built hopastly through-
uui, is now oureu tor sate. nas large
living room, with press brick flrcplaco
and built-in bookcases; fine dining room,
burtappod panel strips and plate rail;
butler's pantry, nice sited and arranged
kitchen; thrco fine, large bedrooms up
stairs; also splendid sleeping porch, suit
able for sun room In wintor: dandy bath
room, completely equipped wlUi best
grade, plumbing; foundation In. press
brick: full cemented basement, with coal
and fruit hlns; laundry facilities and one
ot the best furnaces on the market: win
dow and door screens for all outside
openings. Purchaser to havo privilege
ot selecting lighting fixtures. Lot to bo
sodded and shaped up In first-class con
dition. Suitable terms can be given If
Hero Is a chance to get a home built
right and at u very reasonable price,
considering location, size and construe-
Douglas 100t.
Best Lots West
East front on ssth St., Jutt north ot
Dodge St., JOxlJS ft. each, all street im
provement completed and lots pn per
fest grade You will like thin block be
causo the houses are all now und well
Kept up. Tills lit only two blocks from
tlio i' arnam car linn anu oniy a minutes'
walk from down town. Since the salo
there last week wo havo only 2 of thse
lots loft at $2.00 each. We think they
are the best lots In the West Farnam
district for the money,
Harrison & Morton
Douglus 314. BIG Omaha Nat'l Bank.
Something Fine
In Kountze Place I have Just listed for
a quick sale prico one ot the bejt new,
up-to-date, 8-room houses, strictly mod
ern, hot writer heat, quarter sawed oak
finish, built-in book cases and other at
tractive features: five large lots, shade
trees, paved street, near car line. This
heme vill please you and the price and
terms are right
P. J. Tebbens Co.
750 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Phone D. 21s2.
7 rooms,
strictly all modern, flno lot.
south front
blocks to school and near car line, excel
lont buy, $3,600.
310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg.
Choice Dundee Lots
At $1,100
60x135 feet, 2 blook to either car tins;
street puved, water, sewer nnd gas in.
Lot has 3-foot terrace. Will mulld to
HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Haruty St,