Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1914, PART THREE, Image 25
The Omaha Sunday Bee PART THIIEE. WANT AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT. VOL. XLHINO. 39. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAKCll 15, 1914. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. WANT-ADS MAIL ORDER BUSINESS. Using a. Truss BTUARY'Q III M - . S!i?irt tZm Utri, being B'-Iclne epplicetore nude e.lE PjrtiMenr rln pUCT. Neetreps r uekleettUcheit-oo obnoxious rln. Cunot aUp. to eemtet enefe or prejs nlrut the bone. Tno"nil hays ructeufully VPi w ,rom work noit """""i curra. sell ao vel-et eey to aeely leee. pentl-e. Airarded Oold MedL - ' " "WIEIJWIUIIIinU, io Ilenrtrd no further mo for truieee. We areve It by sbsolmely free. Writ ledey. rUMJ U Dk 12U tL Ujh. Ik. QUIT job QfflnffimraiHmnrainHiinnmf acco For vottr wfft't jatrfaf your trtmd's tail H tor your hMliH'j lata QUIT I Quit for rood 0 - ,0EiLta 2P ry. Reed our tree boolc "TJi Tbfwco rrobltm" then tua your own Judgement. Address, T1IE DEWEY CO.. n.-. i . c. t i. ninwininnn!iii!B leor4 ( .ti. WHe lor l-reof ef DVC-ASI 'S BLOOB AM) HMVS TABLETS Cole It! BK.CgAJI.Hi Kertt Test at. MUeiw" r GALLSTONES i'rss. Ad u Co. Dept. 745. 319 B. : Try OaU-Tone. CJood lor All Btomaob ajiil f.lir.i- T w. hi I ,. . w..,v 1 r A. Adflr.,-. rial!. . .... ... Dspt. 745, 219 B. Dearborn St. CMcag DEATHS AND KUSBIUL NOTICE.- -,.Tn0n '.UIJ?ral. of Lawrence Klnnehnn, J hp tiled March 13, will be held nt family residence, 123 Grace street. Council Bluffs, Jo., Sunday, 3 p. m. Friends Invited. FiTZGERALD-Mrs. John, 7:30 p. m. Friday, March 13, at her residence, 1207 N. Twenty-elghth street. South Omaha. Funeral Monday, March 1C. from resi dence a 8:30 a. m., to St. Bridget's church. Interment at St. Mary's ceme tery. Picaso omit flowers. PETERSON Mrs. Efflo V., beloved wife of Oscarc Peterson, aged 47 years 3 months 8 days at fnmlly residence, 337 North Thirty-seventh street, March 14, 3914. Funeral Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from Swedish Mission church. Twenty third and Davenport street. Interment g'orest Lawn cemetery. Frends Invited. niHTlIS AND DEATHS. Births Fred and Emma Langhord, 807 South Thirty-fourth street, girl; Otis and Florence Metcalf, 3016 Miami street, boy; Hugh and Augusta Speer, hospital, boy; Joseph and Betty Wade, 2011 Nerth Twenty-fifth street, girl. Deaths Anna E. Muncle, 60 years, 2201 North Nineteenth street; D. L. Horn, 37 years, hospital; It. J. Ackerman, 78 years, 2578 Harney street; E. W. Bodwin, 23 years, 102 North Twenty-sixth Btreet; Fred Uhellng, 60 years, 913 South Thirty eighth avenue: Iva Dennis, 29 years, 1023 North Thirty-third street; P. J. Lutchuff, 64 years, 3323 Seward street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to wed havo Been granted the following couples: Namo and Address. Age. Edward E. Meredith, Gretna, Neb 27 Esther V. Johnson, Gretna, Neb 22 Harry S. DIsbrow, Omaha 23 Marie M. Hampton, Omaha 19 Jlenry Siert. Millard, Neb 22 Lenora Lump, Millard, Neb 20 James Mitchell, .South Omalia 21 Ida Harper, Brownvlllc, Neb IS Itoy Bartlett, Des Moines, la 23 Lela Delp, Des Moines, la 17 Everett V. Longer, Chicago, 111 28 Nellie Poster, Utc, la...... 31 .Hugo John Marcus Carlson, Omaha.... 29 Esther E. M. Hallberg, Omaha 23 BUILDING PEUMITS, Edwards company, 1616 and 1610 Evans street, frame dwellings, $2,600 each; C. M. Husted, 1611 Manderson street, frame, r-ooo. HE Ll WANTED FEMALE Agents nnd Saleswomen. TUB NEBRASKA CLOTHING CO., la desirous of obtaining the services of several thoroughly experienced sales ladles for the MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Excellent positions for those who can qualify. No others need npply. Apply to manager millinery department. NEBRASKA CLUT1UXNU uuflir-Afs i.- t a nv AfiPVTH Wn ImvA nprrnanfinL umy. -"-" ' ' w - " I nood paying positions for a few earnest ladies to demonstrate several patented nrtlcles of genuine merit.:, all or spare time: our agents are actually earning $12 to $33 each week: experience and monoy not necessary. Full particulars free if you mean business A. M. Young, Q C, Young's Bldg., Kalamazoo, Mich. LADY, experienced In selling dry goods trade, to handle our line; big commission, either as a side line on road or city trade; can make $35 weekly; give references. Climax Specialty Co., Tuylor and Olive fte., St. Louis. t-'lerlcnl mid Office. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, with ex perience In drug house; salary $40; state experience and give references first let ter. Address M 217. Bee. STENO. LAW. $G5; STENO. AND BOOKKKEEPEH, 0; STENO.. $10; RE TAIL CLERK, $40; STENO. AND CLERK. GOOD CHANCE FOR AP VANCEMENT. $33. WEST. REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. 752 OMAHA NAT' I BANK BLDG. BOOKKEEPER and cashier; good pen man; $73. Stenographer, drug experience, $(0. Office clerk, pleasing personality, $3S. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City National Bank Bldg. Factory mil Trades, WANTED Experienced girls. 1416 8. 14th St. Housekeeper nnu Domestics. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the dt-slred results. This applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. GIRL for general housowork. 212 N. 22d Bt Phone D. 4145. GIRL for general housework; small famiiy; good wages. 13 S. 35th Ave. H. SS04. GOOD girl for general housework. Mrs. A. S. Mullen. 715 N. 36th. H. 6310. WANTED Good girl for general house work; German or Bohemian preferred. Harney 703. GOOD bright girl that can go home nights, for general housework and help care for baby. Call at 3014 Mason St. GIRL wanted for general housework. 708 So. Ninth St. W. 57S3. WANTED-Competent girl for general housework, small family, Harney 3256. 123 8. 22d Bt. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply Mrs. Nagl, 3617 Farnam St. Harney 4046. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework In family of 3; best wages; references. 'Phone Harney 4760. WANTED At once good girl for gen era! housework; plain cooking. Red 6X1. LADIES Sewing at home, material fur- nlshed, no canvassing, steady worK, stamped envelope for particulars. Calu met Supply Co, Dept. H-174, Mllwaukic, Wis. Stop lWrE3 fl RUPTURE B I WANT ADS Want nils received nt any time, but fn Itiaitr, nrnnni rln.mdflrntlnn must bo presented before 12 o'clock noon rot tno evening edition ami v:ju , in. for the morning nntl Snntlny edi tions. Want ads received nfter such liotirs will have their first Insertion under the heading, "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATE FOR WANT ADS REGULAR CLASSIFICATION: Ono Insertion, 12 cent- ior line. Two or uioro consccutivo inser tions, 0 cents per Hue. Ono lino per month, $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons havuig accounts aro measured by the lino, not by tho woru. CHARGE- RATES. Six words to tlio line. Ono Insertion, 12 c.nts per lino. Two or more consccutivo Inser tions, 0 cont3 per line. Ono lino per moiitu, :i.riu. Twenty cents a inlnlmum charge notic Tim lleo will not be ro- ........ t-li.t.. . nmrii fhlLn mm wroni! I pjiuuaiiiiv iwr mw-w - " insertion tine to typographical error. Claims for error cannot uo nuuuuu alter the tentli of Uio following mouth. An uuvcrtucinon. uiscncu to bo run until forbidden must bo stopped by written order. Verbal or tulepbouo cancellation cannot bo ac copied. HELP WANTED FEMALE llouieUeeverii and Domestics. GOOD girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 219 N. 30th St. WANTED A girl for general house work; small famiiy; no cooking. 612 South .Tfh A GOOD girl for general second work; ICS B. 33d St. Harney lWtij WANTKuiiooil clrl for general housework; must bo, competent; no washing or honing. $7 per Week. Ill N. 38th Ave. WANTED-Competent girl ror light housework. Appiy Mitchell Apts., 3M Farnam, Apt. No. J. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework; no coKlng und no washing. Apply 143 No. 31at Ht. nnnn i.iri fnr irinrnl housework. 1312 ParK Ave, tci. jiarney wu. WANTED a plain cook. 3120 Davonport. V.r.llTll.'.mL.Vfll ... . . . . in lfiiTl hnllBA mid help caro for Invalid lady. Jtefejenco GIRL for general housowork and to help with children. 1323 S, Sth. Tel. Doug. out. uri.imfn i-l-l frw itDn.r.1 linn BPvnrlr . three In family; good wages.- Apply at once, i'nono weuetor w- WANTED A German, or Polish girl for general housework; good home and good wages to right party. Tel. 8. 1265. 2210 N St., South Omaha. ailsccllaneous. GOVERNMENT Jobs for women. Big pay. Omaha examinations April L Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. W7 L, Rochester, N. Y. Ulg Returns. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers aro Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. whero they will bo directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers guiue ai ine uiuuu nmumi. . croon. rT .-a qq inhwnnti.r. Sn.OO tier week; dining room girl, $5.00, ono that Is not afraid of work; lady preferred. Commercial note), jainax. p. xj.- T.Amwa Q..v. foanlnaMni. Vlnmn litml- uniiu t. luu.ii.wi.i'n . . w . . . w ness; tinting post cards, pictures, etc., spare time; make $12 weekly; samples, 10c; particulars free. Artlnt, 483, 130 Man- nauan tsi., new ion. LADIES can make $10 to $15 weekly, copying, addressing and mailing samples. Particulars for stamp. Rex Co., 28 Celtic Place, Buffalo, N. Y. DHKfn fnnim. wanlarl I'll flfVnlliVi mitflif liJUtB iieMiv -- - and publish If accepted; have paid thou sands In royalties; est. 16 years; booklet and particulars free. John Hall., Pres., Columbus Circle, N. Y. C. o HONEST woman wanted In each town to demonstrate well known article; $15 a week to start or 30 cents an hour for sparo time; experience unnecessary. Mc Lean, Black & Co., "215 N. Beverly St., lioston. Mass iim vpsin Pvn.rlAnnwl Instructor of art needlework; permanent position; good salary. Apply to superintendent, Bran dels Stores. HELP WANTED MALE. Aicents, Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Traveling man eacli Btote; machine sold four moutns' time, guaran teed to earn price monthly; commission, $8; commissions advanced; state expe rience to get attention. Damon Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. MAN OR WOMAN For Omaha and vicinity to secure appli cations for tho bli: 76.000-acle land open ing and the big 3,000-acre orchard devel opment project. Total application expense to place one In position to take part In the opening is only $15 no more, no less, within me reach of all. Can be paid all cash or $3 monthly. Remember that the "land opening" In cludes $3,000 10, 20, 40, 0 and 160-acre tracts of land. This proposition is in a. class by itself, thereby differing from all others; hence, sells Itself to the "land-hungry" people. Easy sales and Quick money for you, even it you only put in a portion oc your spare time. Experience not necessary. Send for freo printed matter and gen erous commission terms to agents, uoom 1607 Great Northern Bldg.. Chicago. WE want first-class salesmen to be gin work Immediately in exclusive ter ritory of western Iowa. Established business; exclusive copyrighted hand painted de luxe domestic and Imported calendars; complete line of novelties, cloth und leather goods. We are man ufacturers. Commissions most liberal. Address Sales Mgr., Kemper-Thomas Co., Cincinnati. WANTED Two good salesmen, acquainted with city, pay every night. Mr. Thompson, Henshaw Hotel. ACREAGE 2M A..' Florence, el.260. 6 A., Florence, $4,000. 6 A., H. W., $2,500. 1 A.. 8. W $4,000. 30 A., S. W., Imp., $10,000. 10 A.. Dundee ridge, $10,000. D. C. PATTERSON. IBM Farnam. o AGENTS wanted. Double your money selling Perfection Specialties. New line useful to every housekeeper, hotel, res taurant, garage and auto owner. Each sals brings others. Samples free. Per fection Mfg. Co., 75-G, Genesee St., Au burn, N. Y o. AGENTS The best Drooosltlon in years. beginners making from $4 to $10 per day. Don't loose time. Send 25c today for sample and wholesale prices, iuo per cent prom, jjox tc, lowa city, la o MAKE $5 a day Belling Economic Stove Lids; wonderful new Invention; every woman buys; send 15o for sample or simpiv name xor aeiaus, economy Co., vxs Main, morion, nan. o WE PAY $36 a week and expenses to men wiin rigs o imroouce poultry com pound Year s contract. Imperial Mfg Co., Dept. 78, Parsons. Kau. o HELP WANTED MALE.- AKentu, Salesmen mul Solicitor. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. To sell direct to the consumer on sal ary or commission proposition. Write particulars. Harper Bros. & Co., "Whole salo Grocers, Chicago, 111. o. HONEST MAN wanted In each town for special advertising work; $15 a week, tj start; experience unnecessary; refer ences required. Address at onco McLean, Black & Co., JK N. Beverly St., Boston, Muss. o AGENTS Drop dead ones! Awake! Grab this new invention. Low priced, water-power, homo mnssago machine Magical, marvelous, mysterious. New field; big profits! sold on money-back guarantee. "Margwnrth, sold 5 In ton mtiiutes, 31 In 2 days." "Parker sells 8 first day." Vaughnn: "Your machlno has merit. Express 0 dozen. Certainly won derful." Big surprlso awaits you. Ad dress Blackstono Co., 891 Meredith Bldg., Toledo, O. . CHEWING GUM Sell to dealers In your town. Make extra, money. Profit able business built tip quickly with our new brands; four flavors; novel pack ages. Wrlto today. Helmet Co., Cincin nati, O. ATTENTION AGENTS! Absolutely brst opportunity to make big money; sells at sight. 100 per cent profit. Wrlto for free particulars. Lake Davison, wnsuia, ia.- wrtl ..... f i, f haII rtllt -lllriltll Basin lands. Excellent proposition. Wrlto us for particulars. Glvo references. Win. 1 1. Brown Co., Hobson. Mont. AGENTS Sell tho latest Invention for producing a brilliant and cneap ngni. 'I'hnuKnndH beinn sold. Exclusive terri tory given hustlers. Wrlto now. Tho Best Light Co.. canton. u. . f-.i.-.Krna .Til rr iHnit.v baIIIiip limit pjirrin. fountain pens, pennants, catuloguo frco. Ornum Co., 21 Vondewator St., New York. rarjj SM to $100 weekly selling new specialty to merchants; retail $7.60; your profit, $3; no competition; exclusive terrl tnrv. Writ a fnr froo samnles and de scriptive matter. Sayers Company, 062 Laciene uiag., at. iouis. mo gists and manufacturers of- proprietary goods to carry profitable eldo line on coin mission for manufacturers well known to entire trade. State strictly confldcntally whom you reprcsont and In what terri tory. Glvo references. Manufacturers, care' Nelson Chesman & Co., 6th Ave. Ttlclir.. Nnw York City. O Tir. MITLTi T.l rfl.lnD. .al.iniiii tn Hl.ll the best line of ciders and soft drinks In the United States to all class of mer chants in small country towns. Salary $100 per month and expenses. Crown Cider Co., Department A 207, 8. Commercial Bt, St. Louis. Mo. o o . r LaurnMT?.V nv.i. 9) illmilf Inrl. tilfrli AUClO I, VMiV,i mv, . r. - - class proposition for city travel. Call C. nnrriitnr Dunn. Hotel Santord. 8:30 to a. m.; 10 v.o . ......... I, . 1 1 AnM. in VAlilll I ,11 (1 ft 1 have premium with goods so attractive i , 1 1 1. a .... 1 tiHATln.U nn ,1 till paies easily muuu, mroiui j..u,,wo..... samples free. AJax Cigar Co.. York, Pa. cnnivri H.nirHna rfw1v! fnurtepn colors. or.uiiu , , 1 -j. ' xancy iiowera iiu biiiidi o""i ,V nma coin set irm iu i wuimrou . .... .... rl,A vnnrgl Kmllilr uarat gum. tuaiom ........... mado $87.75 first week. Sample folder ready. Wilson Mfg. Co., Desk A, Lan caster, Ohio. $50.00 per week selling our now spe cialty; every iiuubcwhd cral agents wanted for exclusive teni tory. 1039 Gas Bldg.. Chicago. THIS Is no gei-ncn-quiun. unci. '.vant experienced canvassers or crow of men who aro hard workers. Will submit you rock bottom prices on the best vacuum cleaners In tho world. Pump cr sweeper type, with and without brush, Two new models. Lannlng-Stono Sales taste TX.ln- PklnniTn ) company iwi mm jhuk.. '"' r.n.I.t.tATIV .rn,A oil nlltn tTllln. llltirl- cntlng oils, greases, pure llnscednl ralnts, varnisnes, wimu wnu, um exclusive specialties; beautiful samples, lnBiructivo mciumiu, . . slon. Warren Refining Co.. Cleveland. Q. . t v Unit. Well TIC' qualnted over Iowa, Nebraska and Da unta torrltorv. Wt to H. L. Ludlum, Jackson hotel. Sioux City. Iowa Te"- e3Txr itt A It Tl 11 rl I rilT in Or m'ak ng small towns; take orders on our rpeciai piun, iuiu.iib goods; makes quick, easy sa esi U com- mission on eacn oracr, 'fuZli outfit today. Canfleld Mfg. Co., .08 Slgel St., cnicaBQ. . . ..... ..A..HWH.on an acrcrcssive, uien juiuit to sell classified advertising on a large dally newspaper. Should be acquainted with city, of good personal appearance, clean cut and a hard worker. An ; unusual opportunity is o ereu o to make good. Address D 176, Bee. BALESMEN. ICemper. Uraad. Bldg. can earn BIQJIONEY selling ACCID itrn AtrilL'lO and siraiNMa Suite 800 Brandels Bldg. Phone Douglas 6444. goods salesmen. Permanent position and gooa salary ui , , c. ..i Apply superinteuuciit. nmuuo. . . ...... n.7 . w .t A uiflulr rt n innk me mPeVchallts;TomeVhlnli"-ifferent Call Room 314 raxton '. . Hnna fn- tl d itav nrnlinflltlon: call uSnday, U a. m.J suite 27, Hotel Sanfora.- .. 1 Ttlrhmnnd Chem- . Ti.i, thut wn jraso- lino fires. Auto and factory sizes. DIs .noV, rjYi nr cent uroflt. iritl lliailUBCia 7,.- Auto free. Richmond Chemical Co., Dlv. 281, Wheeling, w. va , xt , i. xi tJAn.Alrtrlr.-flsshing- . " " .V i .lin HillTnir on sight at $10. Exclusive territory. Amaz tntr urofits. Frco sample. Flashtrlo Sign Worits. Chicago.- ifii7Vitc ir.flua nnrllnr-k. Works llko a afe. Clovcrest Invention even seen. in,. ...Ilfltj... tnn-tM nf VlL ROld 114 In ton days. Profit $64.80. Thomas Key less Lock C0 iw-w wayno jiiui,-, O. . Ariu-iM-r$ fll rtrh looklnr lnDortcd 26x68 rugs. $1 each. Carter, Tenn., sold 115 In 4 days, from !(. xou can uo same. Write for sample offer selling plan, exclusive territory. Sample rug by nun-Pi itnat nrpnalit 9Sc. Rondan. Im porter, Btonington. aic. imj-WTH Vv.rv furmnf nnd linuer- l.,.lA liniro .iit nnnililnnllnn tnnl. 1.rA wntlio T.-.vr.liial.. t-rrltnrv. vr4t wrtrnlmnnt Mfc. Co.. 112 N. LaSalle Bt.. nhli'l I'n 111 rv AflKKTR Ynit ran in-kn Sj to tSQ a week selling guaranteed ulumnlum ware. nnmnl.tA aiUi rmlren f rf-A. Answer quick to sccuro choice of territory. Dlv, 314, American Alumnlum Mfg. Co., Ias mont. Ill," SOAP Agents Here Is your opportunity; 11-plece toilet article set and $1 carving set all costs you 50c. Sells for $1.25. $15 dally easily made. Be first In field. Pierce, Factory. Sta. C, Chicago. LIVE agents mako $25 to $75 weekly selling our men's $13 made to measure suits. Fit guaranteed. Wrlto now for free style and sample booklet. Con sumers Custom Tailoring Co., Dept. 11, 1443 N. Wood St.. Chicago. WE start you In business, furnishing everything; men and women: $30 to $200 weekly operating our "New System Spe cialty Candy Factories" home anywhere; no canvassing. Opportunity lifetime; booklet free. Rogsdale Co., Drawer D. East Orange. N J. PLAY Ball Salesman wanted In Omaha territory to sell tho Tom Barker base ball card game. Greatest of all home card games, Immense seller Big profit. Address, National Base Ball Playing Card Co, Dept. BF, Boston, Mass A. B. C. of Omaha BELL DRUG CO. New location. 1311 Farnam. Everything now. Old phono Douglas 2tSJ. Come, call ur ritc. Rubber goods. K ERR Abstract Qo., S0J a lUh St Better be safe than sorry. Hao Kerr do your title work. 0 MAHA Pillow" Co., 17U Cumtim ll.ilip- 117 l,,,...nn. L.tlmri nlit . mattresses of all kinds, make leather mattresses, call or wrlto for pricoj. WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing mncinnca. Neoraska r.Ml. ...It I . .1 ,, .T..V. .tn.l v.v,, .MiuHvia .win w uougias IMS. WHEN you know gas lighting you prefer It. OMAHA GAB CO.. Dduglas COii. 1M0 Howard St. HELP WA NT El) MA LU. Amenta, SntcNtiiPit nil it Solicitors. DO you want $10 a day, sldo or muln lino, retail, premium and punchboard deals? Flvo propositions. American ruciorics vo., at. iaiuis, Mo AVIIIHItTV Dnlnstnun tm.llliTr- l..l.l.. i . . . ....... . ... 1 1 1 . uii ;uuuuia and largo saloon trndo to carry ns u NIHa lln.. .trt.M , 1 .. m n.lA.. I , .. . i. ........ -...w Itwi'llllll I'l.i.v liur III. LHUUl'll In bond whiskies direct from distilleries, strictly commission bnsls. l;o Levy & Co.. Whisky Brokers, 222 Market St., St. av u I rit Ati J, 8ALE8MKN VANTED Two oxpcrl- tTinnOll HIlAtT-lll ltt .nl..t,tfli. .t,.tn. I. . . .. Duitjaiuvil HUllll t'l'IMlU- nent position paying $3,000 or better per . vm , uuu wen Known nna oilers lug chances for rapid advances. Write, with record. Lyon-Tnylor Co., lowa City, la. SAI.ltSMAV nnrn tin ,'r.n..i....'..l - '. t yjv uiuii .ill jf Itiivfc UA-t ponsos, or commission; experience un- iiuvvaaut-y. t esicrii vunuy uo., lvnnsas city, Mo. ItTPMlI.M(.riiniTAt! ir .-.I- TTT want traveling ;nen for advertising funs .... !'"?' " lo wecKiy; copy rlBhtod designs; selling season now on. Apply Fan Dept. HALlJSMAN WANTED New York imiiiuiaciurer or popular-priced coats and ults Is opon for a resident man that can show good results; state oxpnrl and references. Stein & Knobel, ci'iius oi mew i one. VA,. Kit ..Zt ,uu i. nuiuoiiiuii or man with retail experlenco to begin work nt w ,ii. . ,K, iour, an. credit System, which Is taking both tho wholesale ami oiiui uierciiunis uy storm. One sales man earned $533.60 during sixteen days ?nfi' ork: Joln 8I"'" organization nml Mm rntttt tl rw .f mutl m . . The Ingle Systemjgonipaiiy. Dayton, O. -iv-iAit tsoiesmen Wunted-Earn $23 Per week or moro salary or commission Sn..-5-fIcnsJ?a: othe have, why can't you? Experlenco unnecessary. Conti- iuiilui v,n;ur jo wicnito, Kan. HAT.TCSM-AM f. r.Vt.r.i..! 'L'. ' . ."T " Willi siapio lino. P. May Co., NewarkJN. J. SALESMAN WANTED-SriesTciT dron dress houso In Philadelphia requires MiiP,86"1111.1'.0 ror thH wrl- Write to tlld Waseca Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Tn. SPISCIAITY salesmen. A tiewpaTl cnted specialty now successful In hands nL?iV.Ui"eK?llar Ba,es'nen can bo handled profitably in your snaro time. Best clnBs of trade. Reputablo houso. Wrlto for ffin'n0..1- ?!1,cdd & WrB"t Mfg. Co.. Minneapolis, Minn. o ' tMO.lJol?M.Ar?i t0 on physicians. Es tabllshed trade. Exponses and commls- ; " ...... muhjiiiu.' WANTi.--.rf i.7" .i..T.;., . i:iiiBiiiK solicitor in monthly. Proposition would bring fair compensaUon each month. Can bo AttiniiLc.d tts,B,l,G '.I1G bv advertising man. Chenne. X(g'"S Stockman-Armer, inf.n.Tl nc,cljet insurnnco Is good business; liberal, new features In policies; experience unnecessary. .Wrlto Great Western Accident. Pes Moines. In. liftra, cession .S'aTCi f -. leVUWi 0lJt PlIloDsBsM,?ltN Ponnants. 9x247 21 1 dozoT.l11!' PS"8?." ."teMx rn jfli oi . "nager -eit -" m Chestnut St.. Milwaukee. Wis. --. "v. , T IB. A n wra ... - . m in- . VV"""H money se ng our Van Burm, H t ni,i. ,,ui .i"" v--- A fl I.'.VTC Hf'L'i., ' ' . . vui'-ahu, in, Jackson and Campbell Ave. Chicago ' m- ,V1?W pf? ccnl Profit; free sam- .iCW BOIU anu 8 1Ver letters for , ... .,,lit.;KII.- Clericnl nnd Office? wlhUr5 I'rORTUNITY of securing a whiV B."df n08ltl0"v depends largely on what methods you tako in getting in IS"111 th,eso opportunities. We have Placed help with tho best flrmi In Omaha qualnted. unu Bel ao' EJJXBmR CO.. KXP" $12GrT AVE .ING ' H VI HWwTn MERC. $100: CASHIER AND BOOK KEEPER, $75; STENO. OUT-OF-TOWN I'tlKI-IT MAMAlt.Mi . - WEST. REFERENCE & BOND AKS'N. 762 OMAILV NATL BANK I1LDO fPP'-ACINO COMPETENT MEN IN ft"?.A9H COMMERCIAL POSN MvniSi 7i r.,J", 'iSPERI- THE INDIVIDUAL. 1' .rv. .V'S AVOID PLACINO MEN IN pnsiTtnwu imr. ii,,n ... IJL.At?P MMV TV IM-.iJirii-kKri vtutt.. DO NOT ECT T inH;i"l,!8 EVERY PARTICULAR. n A CLOSE STUDY OTt HO HP IT IPIIC TMMIirinTiiTn lENAnijESUS ICE Til AT V E DO. RV VEST. REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. ,rLR,J)ora r t,,e Inference Business. 762 OM.UIA NAT L BANK BLDO " Factory and Trades. GET into the most profitable business ct today, the automobile business, and become independent Our large, well equipped shops offer the opportunities of learning the business by uctual cxnrl. ence on different makes of cars. Our irruia are ninneraio. write or call. Na tional Auto Training association, 2814 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. Tel. Webster 6943. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Few weeks completes. Come now. Finish at busiest season. We control many excellent positions. Train barbers, lake and ocean liners, clubs and office buildings. Wages while learning, Call or write, Moler Barber college, 110 S. MAN to do odd lob Inn. nml !.... like cleaning out houses, yards, cut weeds, dig cellars, cess pools, etc, Want iu rem, or ouy a piaco or us on easy pay menu. Address C 220. Beo. WANTED Fifteen men to learn the harw.t- triiil at nnM. 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,. ir tj. t - given, wages paid; learn now, tho best .!.. t ,1.. ........ 1 1 1 . . . . .... mul? ui tno ycur. uii or write hji uoug las St. CALVARY MISSION FltKK KKfPfiv. MENT bureau Is prepared to supply wmw ui uii.nmcu lauur or. an Kinds, Office, Jacobs Hall, 1716 Dodge utreet. Telephone Tyler 1971; after 4 p. in, Web ster 47OT. WANTED Experienced shade man -n'J linoleum layer; stats experience sni reference contnental Furniture Co, Council Bluffs. WANTED-Prlnter to take charge of ad department of evening paper, Must be oinpttent fast nnd absolutely sober Ad. ( dress Tribune, Cheyenne, Wo. HELP WANTED LVLE. Factory nml Trades. Drug store snaps; John. Knclst. Bee Bldg. Sllscrllnnt-ont, YOITNO MEN, you should learn the automobile business nnd learn it RIGHT. Earn more money than you ever did be fore. Wo havo both a tiny and n night class, so you hnvo no reason for delay. Come In NOW. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOI, 1415 Dodgo St. MEN with patentable Ideas write Ran dolph Co., Washington. D. C. MEN 20 to 40 years oia wanted at once for electrto railway motormen and con ductors; $60 to $100 a month; no experi ence necessary; tine opportunity: no strike: write Iminodlatcly for application blank. Address Y 4S9. Bee. AUTOMOBILE chauffeurs get $15 week nnd over. Many spring openings. Sample Instructions free. Frnnklln Institute. Dept, 808 L, Rochester, N. Y. Wanted-1000 Men to cat big meals for 10c. Coffoo John, 14th mid Cnpltol Ave. . ITOUNG men becomo government rail- wnv in n II ilf.rk 175 lilnntti. 'Pull" 1111- nrccssary. Sample examination questions iroo. Address Y 448. uce. WANTED Younir man to represent manufacturing company In Omaha nnd surrounding towns, calling on barlier and barbers' supply houses, Bnlesman ship experlenco not necessary. Send 23o for valuable, sample. Klyslnn Manufac turing Company, Brlsuana Building, Buffalo. N. V. $5 PER DAY to llvo hustlers wiUt abil ity to list city nnd farm property In ovory county. Write for freo informa tion. United Realty Information Bu reau, 619 Nicholas Bldg., Toledo, O. WANTED Men In every state to col lect nainos nnd correct addresses for United States directory; $3 per hundred. Address United States Directory, To ledo. O. WANTED I will teach several young men tho automobile business In ten weeks by moll and nsslst them to good posi tions. No churgo for tuition until po sition Is secured. Write today. R. 8. Price. Automobile Expert, Box 463, Los Angeles, Cal. $100 monthly may bo madu mailing cir culars. Particulars free. A. H. Kraus, S09 Kraus Bldg., Milwaukee. Wis. GOVERNMENT positions In post of fice, rnllwnv mail and other branches aro good. Prepare for "exams" under former u. h. civil service secretary-examiner. Booklet. Write today. Patterson Civil Scrvlco school, Rochester, N. Y. DO silver plating at home, now dis covery, big profits, samples frco. Jones, H4 Bouth Wabash Ave. Chicago. WANTED Ambitious men to open cleaning, dyeing nnd pressing shop In every neighborhood; particulars, 10c Jon kins Co., Chippewa Falls. Wis. RAILWAY mall clerks, postoftico clerks, carriers needed evarywhero. Young men and women. Easy to psbs examina tions. Good pay. Write American Insti tute of Civil Service, Dept. 109, Kansas wity, jmo, o HONEST man wanted In each town 10 dlBtrtbuto free advertising premiums; $15 a wceK to start; experience unnecessary; references required. Address McLean, liiacic & co zu ri, ucveny Bt., uosion. o $3 DAILY onslly earned nt home, snare time silvering mirrors. No capital. Frco Instructive booklet tells you how to mako $5 dally, Pnttcrson & Co, Dept S, Brooks- vine, J4y.-o AMBITIOUS person may earn $15 to $25 weekly during sparo time at home, writ ing for newspapers. Send for particulars. Kits Press Bureau, Washington, D. C o LOCOMOTIVE firemen. brakemen: wnses about $100; experlenco unnecessary. Send age, postage Railway, Y 447, Bee. o HELP WANTED. MALE AND FEMALE. GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men and women. Thousands of appointments coming. List of positions freo. Franklin Institute. Dopt. 220L. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS. YOUNG man attending Hoylcs collect wsnta work for board, t). 1668. GOOD pianist wishes to securo position: good danco orchestra. Address S 407, Oiunha Beo. BUNDLE washing. Ironing. Har. $346. ANY kind of day work. WebHter 7400. EXPKHIRNf-reil Chflllffollr. Innllni- n- Porter in city or out of town, 619 H. 23d. Harney 1818. YOUNG lady with several years' office experience, desires position, clerical or general office work deslrod. Douglas 4489. A WIDOW with one child would llko a position as housekeeper or would tako chargo of a rooming or boarding house. 15 176, Bee. WANT A JOB FOR A RELIABLE YOUNG COLORED MAN. This young man lias worked for mo over ono year and during this time has never come to work late, has done nil his work well and ha been very faith ful. During this time he has learned to care for and drivo my auto ho is a care ful driver, not a mechanic, but can tako good care of a machlnn. Educated, court ooua and reliable. I will hnve no further work for him after Cth of this month and want to help him get a place. Tel. D. 8054. EXPERIENCED colored girl warns place as chambermaid. Call Webster C6C9. Ask for Ella. COMPANION or attendant to elderly lady: experience in care of Invalids: In city or out; will travel; best of references. 1603 S. 32d Avo. Phono Harney 6233. WANTED Pocitlon as housekeeper by capable, refined person. Address C-177, care Bee. lnT!TTt A IT ,HI.I . .t.n.l -n-.-n.ln ' tlon advanced, Wrlto K. H,' Roberts, 1420 McOeo street. Knnsos City. Mo. GOOD, ull-around oarpentor will do work In exchange for board and room. 412 N, 16th Bt. 'Phono D. 6191. STENOGRAPHIC nosltion. vounir ladv. 3 years' experience; reasonable wages to start; references. Address F 174. Bee. IN small office by first class steno, salary $12. Address I' 214. Bee. FIVE years' experience as city sales man and collector. Also bookkeeper, Webster 2673. POSITION ns liousokecper by widow lady In a respectable widower's home, prefer western ststes; references x changed. P 181, Beo. . EXPERIENCED farmhand of good habits wants a steady Job. Address P 180, Boe. ANNO UNCEMENTS AFTER April 16th. Mrs. E. K. IIu.Iiah will open her dressmaking parlor at her new locution, ibii unicago, Wltn Mrs, MUbhkln; ready for Easter fittings now. PAMPHLET exnlalnlnar hnw tli Ifln.i.i. develop such marvelous psychic powers. 1 nomas, inn -ass hi . umaha Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay"" ae yoii can, ur. oit.ariny. nil w. u. w. Uldg. $3,000 TO PENSION INVAl.ins Your magazine order and renewals con tribute 60 cents towards a fund of $3,000 for The invalid's I'cnslon Assn. Must nave ,m suuHcripuons in Aiarcn. l'none Douglas 7163, Cmaha. Always address, GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. Lessons In china painting and firing. Ruth Letchford, studio 817 8. 27th. Red CSfl2. o. LUCKY wedding rings. Brodegaard'i Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr. 13 Frenzer BlkV ATTRACTIONS Omaha film exch,, Hth and Doug, Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. BUSINESS CHANCES IF YOU ARB LOOKING for a safe and sound Investment, seo me. I havo organ ized the "BRODEGAARD JEWELRY STORES, Inc on a plan more square and beneflclnl to tho stockholder than any other stock offered openly. Tho pre ferred stock, selling at iw per snare, is cuarnntppd . twr iwnl dividend, but be sides this, PREFERRED AND COMMON STUCK AL.IKH I'AIlTlCirAlW liX THE HURPLl'S EARNlNOy after tho tn ns1 bio value of tho company equals tho amount of shares Issued. My proposition has ben presented to tho Stnto Railway Commission of Nebraska nnd has been heartily approved. The success of tho Drodpgnard Branch Store plan Is a foregone conclusion, Inas much as It has been tried nnd proven during ono year, nnd tho heavier nltloj cost of organizing Is past. For nil details call during business hours at tho retail store, win and nougiss pi. FRKD imODKGAARD. CATTLE prices high and getting higher. Ranges scarce nnd getting scarcer. To thoso controlling tho ranges tho Profits nro large and getting larger. We havo a limited amount of stock for snlo In a cattlo raising company owning largo amount of rich land, very valuable v,nter rights and controlling vnst rango In Arizona adjoining Salt River valley, tho Ideal cattle raising country. Backed and managed by capable, honest men; highest bank references. For short time only each sharo Of 7 per cent preferred stock wo glvo ? sharo common utock free Now Is tho right time to get In and this is the right company to got Into. Will stand strictest Investigation. Wrlto at onco for detailed Information. McCrackcn A Pottevln, 201 Union Oil Bldg., Loa Angeles, Cal. THE Mall Order Journal, a l-y car-old monthly, has by valuablo information and timely suggestions in each Issue, helped thousands of business men to suc cess. It an Indispensable publication for business men In every Into, who are nfter more trade, and especially valuablo for beginners: trade conditions, prospeots and advertising methods pointed out In every Issue. Onco a subscriber you will always want It. Regular subscription price $1. Six months' trial subscription, 25c. No samplo copies. Address Tho Mall Order Journal, 110 Schiller Bldg., Chicago, III. o EXCLUSIVE sales agensy opon in Omaha for nn automobile accessory which Is tho success and sensation of tho season. An unusual, seldom offered opportunity to share In. tho profits of a devlco which Is being adopted by leading mnniifnetiiMrs nnd being bought by thousands of car owners. Representative must command moderate capital needed to establish agency In manner common surato with tho Importance of tho terri tory. Wo aro spending thousands of dol lars In national magazines and dally press, whicn means an insureu, Bienuny increasing Income. Write. Sulto 903, V. 8. Rubber Bldg.. Now yorn.- LOCAL manager wanted at Omaha whit can cmnA wen recommonueu. o represent high-class Illinois concern whoso product has a great demand. Ex perionoo In our lino not essential, as a man win uo iiirmsneu to instruct mm nsslst In opening up tho buslnc.s. Tho right man can matco a perinnnoni con nection whereby the compensation should amount to $3,000 to $5,000 per nnntim. An Investment of $2,000 required, which Is socurcd at all times by stock of merchandise. Address Becrotnry, 403-401 Firs National Bank Bldu, Chi cago, 111. GROCERY nnd meat market for salo. No competition. Town of 700. Cash sales $13,000 a year. A. Stotts, Churdan, la. nrnwtIT?a nlnnnlni n till rllfllt ulllin UllVllliilM' VIVUIIIIIH "'- .for sale, Railways pay roll $200,000 month. ah casn customers, iu icn, nomcm, j UN a nviotiTiinp.riHVniii- St. word adv. In n-i aiinrini. nrtft w,iklr nAWMUancrs for $4.56. Hinsdale Advertising Co., Hlnsdalo, in." Tn flKT In or nut nf business, call on GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. FOR SALE Blacksmith- shop and dwelling house, In a good settlement, doing good business. Write to W. Bart cher. Ianham, Neb, FOR SALE Grocery nnd dry goods stock, store building; good location; business flrst-clasB: will sell separately If preferred, or will trndo for good Min nesota land. Address Y 464, Bee. WILL lease to reliable party on favor able terms our cafe with complcU equip ment Hotel Ssnford. mn nTtTnTr r.-v -tt f,Hin-.- s,r t-f.o.1 estate) write Ke-.nebeck Co, Omaha, Patents That Protect and Pay Books, advlco and searches free. Bend sketch or model for search; highest ref erences, best results, promptness as sured. Watson E. Coleman, Patent Law yer. 622 F Bt. N. W, Washington D. C.-0 . We have tor sale choice r "ry mortgages on Improved I Nebraska farms bearing 7 i r Per cent ranging in 8 S J amounts from $350 to $5,000. m None of these mortgages xceeds 30 per cent of tho market value of the farms. Call on us for further par ticulars, KLOKR INVESTMENT CO, o 01 Omaha Nat Bank Bids, Omaha, Neb. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK. Consisting of dry goods, furnishing goods, notions, shoes and groceries, about $12,000 stck. Clean, first class stock; lo cated In Washligton county. Kansas, We are tho owners; established this business In 1901, Best locations In town of 600 popu lation. Only one other general stock In sama town. Come and see this bargain. P. O. BOX O. HADDAM, KANSAS. SPLENDID paying business ready for man to step Into us district ngent for largo corporation provided lie can prove ability; satisfactory references required; Investment of not over $500, fully secured; position of $5,000 per annum. B. R. Hall, Schiller Bldg, Chicago, 111. FOR SALE Stock of furniture and un dertaking, doing a good business; town of about 2,000, In southwestern Iowa: poor health cause for selling. Address Y 431, Be. o WANTED To hear from owner of good business for sale. Send full description and price. Western Bales Agency, Minne apolis, Minn. o WANTED-An Idea. Who can think of soma simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co, Patent Attorneys, Washington. D. C. FOR SALE Picture show; located In Wyoming town, 2,600 people; show pays well; for sale cheap. For further par ticulars address Y 462, Bee. FOR SALE Two good feed barns In Kao City, la. Address O, 8. Bwcarlngen, Sac City. la. ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants state manager. High class article. Should pay $10,10) annually. $500 to $1,000 capital. Will puy expenses to Chicago it you aro man w want. References. Richardson. Old Colony Bldg, Chicago. DRUG STORE wanted for good farms orientals. Lenhart. lola, Kan. O. PARTNHIlUnencumbered"iady having winter homo In Lousvlllc, Ky, wishes partner In selection and purchase of sub urban or small country place. Elderly gentleman or lady preferred. Box 600, Louisville, Ky. WANTED Party with $5,000 or $10,000 as partner In Florida land proposition. 630 State Bank. BUSINESS CHANCES. A MOUTH $M upwards to yield 10 per cent and over is offered investors In American Board company's, extraordi nary opportunity. Suite 19 A. 220 Broad way. New York. BUY A CASH STORE. Seldom an opportunity llko this. Gro cery nnd market In woll built up neigh, borhood, doing a flno cosh business, I'honu Hnrncy 6962. DANDY llttlo restaurant nnd lunch business, right downtown: only $275, OanKstead, 404 Beo Bldg. D. 3477. OllOCERY store. In good Nebraska town, for snlo at a bargain; owner sick. $1,400. Gangstend. 401 Beo Bldg. D. 3477." For SaleUp to dato cafo; good busi ness; owner leaving on account of poor health. No, 8 Pearl St, Co. Bluffs, la. Uiininlnir Houses for Sale. 11 rooms, occupy three. $50.00 over ex 1IUSINESS PERSONALS. Architects. HORNBY CO, BLUE PRINTING. D. 31 1 Brass Foundries. Faxton-MltchcU Co. 27th and Martha Sta. Chiropractors. J. C. Lawrence. D. C, 2323 Howard. D.8461. W. E. Purvlanco. D.C, 400 Pax. Blk. D.4912. China ralntlnir. Grace Morris, Instructor china, water colot painting. Wi uranaeis ine. i-iring nunc- F. C. llnynea. decorating, firing, D. 4990. Creameries, Dairies and Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY Costnmcra. Full dross suits, $1.60 per night: party dresses for sole or rent Open evenings. John Feldman. 206 N. 17th Doug. 3128. Dancing; Academies. Children's class, 3 to 10 years. Sat at 4 p. in. Muchle's. 1816 Harney St D. 6440. Special rates for March. Macklo's, 1816 Harney. COLE & PRAIRIE Park school. W. 6630. Dressmaking. Terry Dressmak'g college, 20th & Farnam. Miss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 7314. 836 fl. 3tth. BAUGHMAN'S school. Florenoa 623. Experienced; prices reasonable. Red 6023. J. WICE, ladles' tailor. Easter orders taken now. 2012 California. Tyler 1220. Colored seamstress, sowing or alteration work by day or piece. Tel. Web. 1635. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 812 Novllle Blk. Evl dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1130. Omaha Secret Servlco Detccttva Agency, .bonded. D. 1319. 427-28 Paxton block. ISTorytlitnar for Women, Plumes mado over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Krugcr, 429 Paxton Blk. D. S394. DRESS plontlng, buttons covered, all sixes nnd styles. THE IDEAL PLBAT 1NO CO.. 230 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1936. Florists. A. DONAQHUE, 1623 Uarnoy. Dong. 1M1. HESS & 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St L. HENDBRSONi 1619 Farnam. D. 1268. BATH'B florists. Boyd Theater Bldg. Furniture Repairing. UPHOLSTERING, piano, furnlturo re palr work. 2804 Farnam. Tel. liar. 4155, STANDARD Fur. Hop. 2421 Cum. R.&681. Itnlr Dressing. MMI3. STEVENSON, 210 Balrd Bldg. HARPER method of shampooing and Bcnlp treatment. R. C, Balrd Bldg. D. 3611. rn7: FOR rood hay. write F. M. Key, Bur wcll. Neb. Laundries. CURTAINB laundered, guar. Doug, 8132. Milliners. PARLOR millinery and dressmaking, Mrs, H. M. Eck, 3009 Marcy. Harney 6645. Ladlca hats made over reasonable. Miss Pepper, 2d f 1. Davldge Bk. 18 k Far. T. 1929. Nurses. PRACTICAL nurse; competent D, 6204. Homo for sick. 2504 Ames Avo. W. 2K. ALL klnds obstetric, specialty; hospital nxp. Mrs. Johnson, 1915 Webster. R. 6028. Nurseries nnd Seeds. fttltl .l.- m nil ..ill ru ft-no, they are fresh dug. Also our hardy shrubs ana neaga pi.inin. iei. uououn iwi. BENSON-OMAHA NURSERIES. Fleur de Lis, Iris, 10 varieties, 76c dor. up. H. A. Snow, Benson. Neb. Benson 218. Ostrich riume Slanafaetarers. California Ostrich Plumo Co. Everything in feathers rebuilt and dyed 306 Nevlllo Blk. D. 501O Painting and Decorating. Hummoll. Ptg fc paperhang. H. 4151. AVOID spring rush: paper hanging, painting, decorating, rpr. work As general houso cleaning. Prices reasonable. R. 6840. Patents. 11. A. Sturges. 630 Brandels The. Bldg. D. O. Darnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red. 7117 Printing. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644, WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., qtlal Ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 634 S. 13th. Santtarlnms. MODERN sanitarium. Special attention to Invalids and old people. .17 Capitol Ave. Stores and Office Fixtures. Desks, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co, 414-16-18 B. ltth. D. 2724. Sheet Metal Works. CARTER Sheet Metal works. 110 S. 10th, Trunks and Suitcases. FRELINO & STEINLE, 1S03 Farnam St Sign Painting. W. II. Rosenbaum, 202 Boston Store Bldg, Wines and Liquors. WILLOW Springs beers, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 201-3 B. 13th St MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. It Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical I operation, cure guaranteed and no inon:y paid until cured. Write for boolc cn rectal .nseases witn testimonials. Pit. E. R. TARRY. 240 Beo Bldg, Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN. J. WHITE, licensed, bonded pawnbroker; monoy on personal valuables. 613 N. 16th. MONEY FURNISHED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names; rates cheap, easy payments. Nor ten & Co, 333 Board of Trade Building. Tho Persistent and Judicious Use oC Newspaper Advertising Is tho Road to Business Success. i